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* Copyright 2015 University of Basel, Graphics and Vision Research Group
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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package scalismo.statisticalmodel
import breeze.linalg.svd.SVD
import breeze.linalg.{diag, DenseMatrix, DenseVector}
import breeze.stats.distributions.Gaussian
import scalismo.common.DiscreteField.vectorize
import scalismo.common._
import scalismo.common.interpolation.{FieldInterpolator, NearestNeighborInterpolator}
import scalismo.geometry._
import scalismo.image.StructuredPoints
import scalismo.kernels.{DiscreteMatrixValuedPDKernel, MatrixValuedPDKernel}
import scalismo.numerics.{PivotedCholesky, Sampler}
import scalismo.statisticalmodel.DiscreteLowRankGaussianProcess.{Eigenpair => DiscreteEigenpair, _}
import scalismo.statisticalmodel.LowRankGaussianProcess.Eigenpair
import scalismo.statisticalmodel.NaNStrategy.NanIsNumericValue
import scalismo.statisticalmodel.dataset.DataCollection
import scalismo.utils.{Memoize, Random}
import scala.language.higherKinds
import scala.collection.parallel.immutable.ParVector
* Represents a low-rank gaussian process, that is only defined at a finite, discrete set of points.
* It supports the same operations as the LowRankGaussianProcess class, but always returns instead a
* discrete representation. Furthermore, most operations are much more efficient, as they are implemented
* using fast matrix/vector operations.
* Where the modeled functions in a LowRankGaussianProcess are of type Point[D]=>Vector[D], this discretized version is of type VectorPointData.
* It is possible to convert a DiscreteLowRankGaussianProcess to a LowRankGaussianProcess by calling the interpolation method.
* @see [[scalismo.common.DiscreteField]]
* @see [[DiscreteLowRankGaussianProcess]]
case class DiscreteLowRankGaussianProcess[D: NDSpace, DDomain[DD] <: DiscreteDomain[DD], Value] private[scalismo] (
_domain: DDomain[D],
meanVector: DenseVector[Double],
variance: DenseVector[Double],
basisMatrix: DenseMatrix[Double]
)(implicit override val vectorizer: Vectorizer[Value])
extends DiscreteGaussianProcess[D, DDomain, Value](
DiscreteField.createFromDenseVector[D, DDomain, Value](_domain, meanVector),
basisMatrixToCov(_domain, variance, basisMatrix)
) {
self =>
/** See [[DiscreteLowRankGaussianProcess.rank]] */
val rank: Int = basisMatrix.cols
* Discrete version of [[DiscreteLowRankGaussianProcess.instance]]
def instance(c: DenseVector[Double]): DiscreteField[D, DDomain, Value] = {
require(rank == c.size)
val instVal = instanceVector(c)
DiscreteField.createFromDenseVector[D, DDomain, Value](domain, instVal)
* Get instance at a specific point
def instanceAtPoint(c: DenseVector[Double], pid: PointId): Value = {
require(rank == c.size)
vectorizer.unvectorize(instanceVectorAtPoint(c, pid))
* Returns the probability density of the instance produced by the x coefficients
def pdf(coefficients: DenseVector[Double]) = {
if (coefficients.size != rank)
throw new Exception(s"invalid vector dimensionality (provided ${coefficients.size} should be $rank)")
val mvnormal = MultivariateNormalDistribution(DenseVector.zeros[Double](rank), diag(DenseVector.ones[Double](rank)))
* Returns the log of the probability density of the instance produced by the x coefficients.
* If you are interested in ordinal comparisons of PDFs, use this as it is numerically more stable
def logpdf(coefficients: DenseVector[Double]) = {
if (coefficients.size != rank)
throw new Exception(s"invalid vector dimensionality (provided ${coefficients.size} should be $rank)")
val mvnormal = MultivariateNormalDistribution(DenseVector.zeros[Double](rank), diag(DenseVector.ones[Double](rank)))
* Returns the probability density of the given instance
override def pdf(instance: DiscreteField[D, DDomain, Value]): Double = pdf(coefficients(instance))
* Returns the log of the probability density of the instance
* If you are interested in ordinal comparisons of PDFs, use this as it is numerically more stable
override def logpdf(instance: DiscreteField[D, DDomain, Value]): Double = logpdf(coefficients(instance))
* Discrete version of [[DiscreteLowRankGaussianProcess.sample]]
override def sample()(implicit random: Random): DiscreteField[D, DDomain, Value] = {
val standardNormal = Gaussian(0, 1)(random.breezeRandBasis)
val coeffs = standardNormal.sample(rank)
* Returns the variance and associated basis function that defines the process.
* The basis is the (discretized) Karhunen Loeve basis (e.g. it is obtained from a Mercer's decomposition of the covariance function
def klBasis: KLBasis[D, DDomain, Value] = {
for (i <- 0 until rank) yield {
val eigenValue = variance(i)
val eigenFunction = DiscreteField.createFromDenseVector[D, DDomain, Value](domain, basisMatrix(::, i))
DiscreteEigenpair(eigenValue, eigenFunction)
* Returns a reduced rank model, using only the leading basis function of the Karhunen-loeve expansion.
* @param newRank: The rank of the new Gaussian process.
def truncate(rank: Int) = {
DiscreteLowRankGaussianProcess[D, DDomain, Value](mean, klBasis.take(rank))
* Discrete version of [[LowRankGaussianProcess.project(IndexedSeq[(Point[D], Vector[DO])], Double)]]
override def project(s: DiscreteField[D, DDomain, Value]): DiscreteField[D, DDomain, Value] = {
* Discrete version of [[DiscreteLowRankGaussianProcess.coefficients(IndexedSeq[(Point[D], Vector[DO], Double)])]]
def coefficients(s: DiscreteField[D, DDomain, Value]): DenseVector[Double] = {
val sigma2 = 1e-5 // regularization weight to avoid numerical problems
val noiseDist =
MultivariateNormalDistribution(DenseVector.zeros[Double](outputDim), DenseMatrix.eye[Double](outputDim) * sigma2)
val td = { case (v, id) => (id, v, noiseDist) }.toIndexedSeq
val LowRankRegressionComputation(minv, yVec, mVec, qtL) =
LowRankRegressionComputation.fromDiscreteLowRankGP(this, td, NaNStrategy.NanIsNumericValue)
val mean_coeffs = (minv * qtL) * (yVec - mVec)
* Discrete version of [[DiscreteLowRankGaussianProcess.posterior(IndexedSeq[(Point[D], Vector[DO])], sigma2: Double]]. In contrast to this method, the points for the training
* data are defined by the pointId. The returned posterior process is defined at the same points.
def posterior(trainingData: IndexedSeq[(PointId, Value)],
sigma2: Double): DiscreteLowRankGaussianProcess[D, DDomain, Value] = {
val cov =
MultivariateNormalDistribution(DenseVector.zeros[Double](outputDim), DenseMatrix.eye[Double](outputDim) * sigma2)
val newtd = { case (ptId, df) => (ptId, df, cov) }
* Discrete version of [[DiscreteLowRankGaussianProcess.posterior(IndexedSeq[(Point[D], Vector[DO], Double)])]]. In contrast to this method, the points for the training
* data are defined by the pointId. The returned posterior process is defined at the same points.
def posterior(
trainingData: IndexedSeq[(PointId, Value, MultivariateNormalDistribution)]
): DiscreteLowRankGaussianProcess[D, DDomain, Value] = {
DiscreteLowRankGaussianProcess.regression(this, trainingData)
override def marginal(pointIds: Seq[PointId])(
domainCreator: UnstructuredPoints.Create[D]
): DiscreteLowRankGaussianProcess[D, UnstructuredPointsDomain, Value] = {
val domainPts = domain.pointSet.points.toIndexedSeq
val newPts = => domainPts(
val newDomain = UnstructuredPointsDomain(domainCreator.create(newPts))
val newMean =
DiscreteField[D, UnstructuredPointsDomain, Value](newDomain, => mean(id)))
val newKLBasis = for (DiscreteEigenpair(lambda, phi) <- klBasis) yield {
val newValues = => phi(i)).toIndexedSeq
DiscreteEigenpair[D, UnstructuredPointsDomain, Value](lambda, DiscreteField(newDomain, newValues))
DiscreteLowRankGaussianProcess[D, UnstructuredPointsDomain, Value](newMean, newKLBasis)
* calculates the log marginal likelihood given trainingData.
* @param trainingData Point/value pairs where that the sample should approximate, together with an error model (the uncertainty) at each point.
override def marginalLikelihood(td: IndexedSeq[(PointId, Value, MultivariateNormalDistribution)]): Double = {
require(td.nonEmpty, "provide observations to calculate the marginal likelihood")
val matIds = td.flatMap(t => * outputDim until * outputDim + outputDim)
val effectiveRank = > 1e-10)
val S = if (effectiveRank == rank) variance else variance(0 until effectiveRank)
val U = DenseMatrix.tabulate[Double](matIds.length, effectiveRank)((x, y) => basisMatrix(matIds(x), y))
val y = DenseVector(td.flatMap(t => (vectorizer.vectorize(t._2) - vectorizer.vectorize(mean(t._1))).toArray): _*)
LowRankGaussianProcess.marginalLikelihoodComputation(U, S, y,
* Interpolates the gaussian process using the given interpolator. Interpolation is achieved
* by interoplating the mean and eigenfunctions using the given interpolator.
* @param interpolator the interpolator used to interpolate the mean and eigenfunctions
* @return a (continuous) low-rank Gaussian process
override def interpolate(interpolator: FieldInterpolator[D, DDomain, Value]): LowRankGaussianProcess[D, Value] = {
val newKLBasis = for (DiscreteEigenpair(eigenVal, eigenFun) <- klBasis) yield {
Eigenpair(eigenVal, eigenFun.interpolate(interpolator))
val newMean = this.mean.interpolate(interpolator)
new InterpolatedLowRankGaussianProcess(Field(EuclideanSpace[D], newMean), newKLBasis, this, interpolator)
* Interpolates discrete Gaussian process to have a new, continuous representation as a [[DiscreteLowRankGaussianProcess]].
* This is achieved by using a Nystrom method for computing the kl basis.
* The mean function is currently interpolated using a nearest neighbor approach.
* @param nNystromPoints determines how many points of the domain are used to estimate the full
* kl basis.
def interpolateNystrom(nNystromPoints: Int = 2 * rank)(implicit rand: Random): LowRankGaussianProcess[D, Value] = {
val pointSet = domain.pointSet
val sampler = new Sampler[D] {
override def volumeOfSampleRegion = numberOfPoints.toDouble
override val numberOfPoints = nNystromPoints
val p = volumeOfSampleRegion / numberOfPoints
val domainPoints = pointSet.points.toIndexedSeq
override def sample() = {
val sampledPtIds = for (_ <- 0 until nNystromPoints) yield rand.scalaRandom.nextInt(pointSet.numberOfPoints) => (domainPoints(ptId), p))
// TODO, here we could do something smarter, such as e.g. b-spline interpolation
val meanPD = this.mean
def meanFun(pt: Point[D]): Value = {
val closestPtId = pointSet.findClosestPoint(pt).id
val covFun: MatrixValuedPDKernel[D] = new MatrixValuedPDKernel[D] {
override val domain = EuclideanSpace[D]
override def k(x: Point[D], y: Point[D]): DenseMatrix[Double] = {
val xId = pointSet.findClosestPoint(x).id
val yId = pointSet.findClosestPoint(y).id
cov(xId, yId)
override val outputDim = self.outputDim
val gp = GaussianProcess(Field(EuclideanSpace[D], meanFun _), covFun)
LowRankGaussianProcess.approximateGPNystrom[D, Value](gp, sampler, rank)
* Interpolates discrete Gaussian process to have a new, continuous representation as a [[DiscreteLowRankGaussianProcess]],
* using nearest neigbor interpolation (for both mean and covariance function)
@deprecated("please use the [[interpolate]] method with a [[NearestNeighborInterpolator]] instead", "0.16")
override def interpolateNearestNeighbor: LowRankGaussianProcess[D, Value] = {
val meanPD = this.mean
// we cache the closest point computation, as it might be heavy for general domains, and we know that
// we will have the same oints for all the eigenfunctions
val findClosestPointMemo =
Memoize((pt: Point[D]) => domain.pointSet.findClosestPoint(pt).id, cacheSizeHint = 1000000)
def meanFun(closestPointFun: Point[D] => PointId)(pt: Point[D]): Value = {
val closestPtId = closestPointFun(pt)
def phi(i: Int, closetPointFun: Point[D] => PointId)(pt: Point[D]): Value = {
val closestPtId = closetPointFun(pt)
val slice = basisMatrix( * outputDim until ( + 1) * outputDim, i).toDenseVector
val interpolatedKLBasis = {
(0 until rank) map (i => Eigenpair(variance(i), Field(EuclideanSpace[D], phi(i, findClosestPointMemo))))
new InterpolatedLowRankGaussianProcess(Field(EuclideanSpace[D], meanFun(findClosestPointMemo)),
protected[statisticalmodel] def instanceVector(alpha: DenseVector[Double]): DenseVector[Double] = {
require(rank == alpha.size)
basisMatrix * (stddev *:* alpha) + meanVector
protected[statisticalmodel] def instanceVectorAtPoint(alpha: DenseVector[Double],
pid: PointId): DenseVector[Double] = {
require(rank == alpha.size)
val range = * vectorizer.dim until ( + 1) * vectorizer.dim
// copy seems to be necessary in breeze 2.0, as othewise slice does not work
val rowsForPoint = basisMatrix(range, ::).copy
rowsForPoint * (stddev *:* alpha) + meanVector(range)
private[this] val stddev = => math.sqrt(x))
* Convenience class to speedup sampling from a LowRankGaussianProcess obtained by an interpolation of a DiscreteLowRankGaussianProcess
private[scalismo] class InterpolatedLowRankGaussianProcess[D: NDSpace, DDomain[D] <: DiscreteDomain[D], Value](
mean: Field[D, Value],
klBasis: LowRankGaussianProcess.KLBasis[D, Value],
discreteGP: DiscreteLowRankGaussianProcess[D, DDomain, Value],
interpolator: FieldInterpolator[D, DDomain, Value]
)(implicit vectorizer: Vectorizer[Value])
extends LowRankGaussianProcess[D, Value](mean, klBasis) {
require(klBasis.size == discreteGP.rank)
override def instance(c: DenseVector[Double]): Field[D, Value] = discreteGP.instance(c).interpolate(interpolator)
// if all training data points belong to the interpolated discrete domain, then we compute a discrete posterior GP and interpolate it
// this way the posterior will also remain very efficient when sampling.
override def posterior(
trainingData: IndexedSeq[(Point[D], Value, MultivariateNormalDistribution)]
): LowRankGaussianProcess[D, Value] = {
val pointSet = discreteGP.domain.pointSet
val allInDiscrete = trainingData.forall { case (pt, vc, nz) => pointSet.isDefinedAt(pt) }
if (allInDiscrete) {
val discreteTD = { case (pt, vc, nz) => (pointSet.findClosestPoint(pt).id, vc, nz) }
} else {
LowRankGaussianProcess.regression(this, trainingData)
object DiscreteLowRankGaussianProcess {
case class Eigenpair[D, DDomain[DD] <: DiscreteDomain[DD], Value](eigenvalue: Double,
eigenfunction: DiscreteField[D, DDomain, Value])
type KLBasis[D, DDomain[D] <: DiscreteDomain[D], Value] = Seq[Eigenpair[D, DDomain, Value]]
* Creates a new DiscreteLowRankGaussianProcess by discretizing the given gaussian process at the domain points.
def apply[D: NDSpace, DDomain[D] <: DiscreteDomain[D], Value](
domain: DDomain[D],
gp: LowRankGaussianProcess[D, Value]
)(implicit vectorizer: Vectorizer[Value]): DiscreteLowRankGaussianProcess[D, DDomain, Value] = {
val points = domain.pointSet.points.toSeq
val outputDim = gp.outputDim
// precompute all the at the given points
val m = DenseVector.zeros[Double](points.size * outputDim)
for (xWithIndex <- new ParVector(points.toVector.zipWithIndex)) {
val (x, i) = xWithIndex
m((i * outputDim) until ((i + 1) * outputDim)) := vectorizer.vectorize(gp.mean(x))
val U = DenseMatrix.zeros[Double](points.size * outputDim, gp.rank)
val lambdas = DenseVector.zeros[Double](gp.rank)
for (xWithIndex <- new ParVector(points.zipWithIndex.toVector); (eigenPair_j, j) <- gp.klBasis.zipWithIndex) {
val LowRankGaussianProcess.Eigenpair(lambda_j, phi_j) = eigenPair_j
val (x, i) = xWithIndex
val v = phi_j(x)
U(i * outputDim until (i + 1) * outputDim, j) := vectorizer.vectorize(v)
lambdas(j) = lambda_j
new DiscreteLowRankGaussianProcess[D, DDomain, Value](domain, m, lambdas, U)
def apply[D: NDSpace, DDomain[D] <: DiscreteDomain[D], Value](
mean: DiscreteField[D, DDomain, Value],
klBasis: KLBasis[D, DDomain, Value]
)(implicit vectorizer: Vectorizer[Value]): DiscreteLowRankGaussianProcess[D, DDomain, Value] = {
for (Eigenpair(_, phi) <- klBasis) {
require(phi.domain == mean.domain)
val domain = mean.domain
val meanVec: DenseVector[Double] = DiscreteField.vectorize(mean)
val varianceVec = DenseVector.zeros[Double](klBasis.size)
val basisMat = DenseMatrix.zeros[Double](meanVec.length, klBasis.size)
for ((eigenPair, i) <- klBasis.zipWithIndex) yield {
val Eigenpair(lambda, phi) = eigenPair
basisMat(::, i) := DiscreteField.vectorize[D, DDomain, Value](phi: DiscreteField[D, DDomain, Value])(vectorizer)
varianceVec(i) = lambda
new DiscreteLowRankGaussianProcess[D, DDomain, Value](domain, meanVec, varianceVec, basisMat)
* Discrete implementation of [[LowRankGaussianProcess.regression]]
def regression[D: NDSpace, DDomain[D] <: DiscreteDomain[D], Value](
gp: DiscreteLowRankGaussianProcess[D, DDomain, Value],
trainingData: IndexedSeq[(PointId, Value, MultivariateNormalDistribution)],
naNStrategy: NaNStrategy = NanIsNumericValue
)(implicit vectorizer: Vectorizer[Value]): DiscreteLowRankGaussianProcess[D, DDomain, Value] = {
val LowRankRegressionComputation(_Minv, yVec, mVec, _QtL) =
LowRankRegressionComputation.fromDiscreteLowRankGP(gp, trainingData, naNStrategy)
val mean_coeffs = (_Minv * _QtL) * (yVec - mVec)
//val mean_p = gp.instance(mean_coeffs)
val mean_pVector = gp.instanceVector(mean_coeffs)
val D = breeze.linalg.diag(DenseVector(
val Sigma = D * _Minv * D
val SVD(innerU, innerD2, _) = breeze.linalg.svd(Sigma)
val lambdas_p = DenseVector[Double](innerD2.toArray)
// we do the following computation
// val eigenMatrix_p = gp.eigenMatrix * innerU // IS this correct?
// but in parallel
val eigenMatrix_p = DenseMatrix.zeros[Double](gp.basisMatrix.rows, innerU.cols)
for (rowInd <- ParVector.range(0, gp.basisMatrix.rows)) {
// TODO maybe this strange transposing can be alleviated? It seems breeze does not support
// row-vector matrix multiplication
eigenMatrix_p(rowInd, ::) := (innerU.t * gp.basisMatrix(rowInd, ::).t).t
new DiscreteLowRankGaussianProcess(gp.domain, mean_pVector, lambdas_p, eigenMatrix_p)
def createUsingPCA[D: NDSpace, DDomain[D] <: DiscreteDomain[D], Value](
dc: DataCollection[D, DDomain, Value],
stoppingCriterion: PivotedCholesky.StoppingCriterion = PivotedCholesky.RelativeTolerance(0)
)(implicit vectorizer: Vectorizer[Value]): DiscreteLowRankGaussianProcess[D, DDomain, Value] = {
if (dc.size < 3) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"The datacollection contains only ${dc.size} items. At least 3 are needed")
val fields = dc.fields(NearestNeighborInterpolator())
createUsingPCA(dc.reference, fields, stoppingCriterion)
* Creates a new DiscreteLowRankGaussianProcess, where the mean and covariance matrix are estimated
* from the given sample of continuous vector fields using Principal Component Analysis.
def createUsingPCA[D: NDSpace, DDomain[D] <: DiscreteDomain[D], Value](
domain: DDomain[D],
fields: Seq[Field[D, Value]],
stoppingCriterion: PivotedCholesky.StoppingCriterion
)(implicit vectorizer: Vectorizer[Value]): DiscreteLowRankGaussianProcess[D, DDomain, Value] = {
val dim = vectorizer.dim
val n = fields.size
val p = domain.pointSet.numberOfPoints
// create the data matrix - note, it will be manipulated inplace
val X = DenseMatrix.zeros[Double](n, p * dim)
for (p1 <- new ParVector(fields.zipWithIndex.toVector); p2 <- domain.pointSet.pointsWithId) {
val (f, i) = p1
val (x, ptId) = p2
val ux = vectorizer.vectorize(f(x))
X(i, * dim until ( + 1) * dim) := ux.t
// demean the data matrix
val m: DenseVector[Double] = breeze.stats.mean(X(::, breeze.linalg.*)).inner
for (i <- 0 until X.rows) {
X(i, ::) := X(i, ::) - m.t
// Whether it is more efficient to compute the PCA using the gram matrix or the covariance matrix, depends on
// whether we have more examples than variables.
val (basisMat, varianceVector) = if (X.rows > X.cols) {
val (u, d2) = PivotedCholesky.computeApproximateEig(X.t * X * (1.0 / (n - 1)), stoppingCriterion)
(u, d2)
} else {
val (v, d2) = PivotedCholesky.computeApproximateEig(X * X.t * (1.0 / (n - 1)), stoppingCriterion)
val D = => Math.sqrt(v))
val Dinv = => if (d > 1e-6) 1.0 / d else 0.0)
// The following is an efficient version to compute vt.t * diag(DInv) / Math.sqrt(n - 1)
for (i <- 0 until Dinv.length) {
v(::, i) := v(::, i) * Dinv(i) / Math.sqrt(n - 1)
// The final basis matrix is commputed based on the data matrix and v
val U: DenseMatrix[Double] = X.t * v
(U, d2)
new DiscreteLowRankGaussianProcess(domain, m, varianceVector, basisMat)
private def basisMatrixToCov[D: NDSpace, Value](domain: DiscreteDomain[D],
variance: DenseVector[Double],
basisMatrix: DenseMatrix[Double]) = {
val outputDim = basisMatrix.rows / domain.pointSet.numberOfPoints
def cov(ptId1: PointId, ptId2: PointId): DenseMatrix[Double] = {
// same as commented line above, but just much more efficient (as breeze does not have diag matrix,
// the upper command does a lot of unnecessary computations
val covValue = DenseMatrix.zeros[Double](outputDim, outputDim)
for (i <- ParVector.range(0, outputDim)) {
val ind1 = * outputDim + i
var j = 0
while (j < outputDim) {
val ind2 = * outputDim + j
var k = 0
var valueIJ = 0.0
while (k < basisMatrix.cols) {
valueIJ += basisMatrix(ind1, k) * basisMatrix(ind2, k) * variance(k)
k += 1
covValue(i, j) = valueIJ
j += 1
DiscreteMatrixValuedPDKernel(domain, cov, outputDim)