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* Copyright 2015 University of Basel, Graphics and Vision Research Group
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package scalismo.statisticalmodel.asm
import breeze.linalg.DenseVector
import ncsa.hdf.`object`.Group
import scalismo.common.PointId
import scalismo.geometry.{_3D, EuclideanVector, Point}
import scalismo.mesh.TriangleMesh
import scalismo.statisticalmodel.asm.PreprocessedImage.{Gradient, Intensity}
import scala.collection.immutable
import scala.util.{Failure, Try}
trait FeatureExtractor
extends Function4[PreprocessedImage, Point[_3D], TriangleMesh[_3D], PointId, Option[DenseVector[Double]]]
with HasIOMetadata {
* Actually extracts features from an image.
* The image and featurePoint arguments are arguably necessary for all feature extractor implementations. The additional two parameters (mesh and point id)
* are passed in because the feature extractor might need that information. For instance, the NormalDirectionFeatureExtractor needs that information to
* determine the "spatial orientation" of the line on which the image points to be examined have to lie.
* @param image the image to extract features in
* @param featurePoint the point in space to extract features at
* @param mesh a mesh instance in correspondence with the image
* @param profilePointId a point id on the mesh, corresponding to a profiled point id.
* @return
def apply(image: PreprocessedImage,
featurePoint: Point[_3D],
mesh: TriangleMesh[_3D],
profilePointId: PointId): Option[DenseVector[Double]]
* Return the points at which feature components are extracted for a given mesh and point.
* This is mainly intended for visualization, and only really makes sense if there exists a one-to-one correspondence
* between such points and the actual feature components returned by the apply().
* In other words: if a particular implementation uses a method for determining features where there is no correspondence
* between the feature components and particular points, the method should return [[None]]. Otherwise, it should return
* Some(IndexedSeq(...)), where the length of the sequence matches the length of the feature vector.
* For the difference between profilePointId and featurePoint, see the documentation of the apply method.
* @param mesh the mesh to determine the feature points for
* @param profilePointId the profile point id to determine the feature points for
* @param featurePoint the actual point in space where the features are to be extracted
* @return a sequence of points, or [[None]] if there is no sensible correspondence between feature and points, as outlined above.
def featurePoints(mesh: TriangleMesh[_3D],
profilePointId: PointId,
featurePoint: Point[_3D]): Option[immutable.IndexedSeq[Point[_3D]]]
trait FeatureExtractorIOHandler extends IOHandler[FeatureExtractor]
object FeatureExtractorIOHandlers extends IOHandlers[FeatureExtractor, FeatureExtractorIOHandler] {
object NormalDirectionFeatureExtractor {
val IOIdentifier = "builtin::NormalDirection"
val IOMetadata_1_0 = IOMetadata(IOIdentifier, 1, 0)
val IOMetadata_Default = IOMetadata_1_0
case class NormalDirectionFeatureExtractor(numberOfPoints: Int,
spacing: Double,
override val ioMetadata: IOMetadata =
extends FeatureExtractor {
override def apply(image: PreprocessedImage,
point: Point[_3D],
mesh: TriangleMesh[_3D],
profilePointId: PointId): Option[DenseVector[Double]] = {
val normal: EuclideanVector[_3D] = mesh.vertexNormals(profilePointId) // TODO: this was adapted when switched to new mesh... Check if this is correct.
val unitNormal = normal * (1.0 / normal.norm)
val sampledPoints = featurePoints(mesh, profilePointId, point).get //.get is safe: we know that the method always returns Some(...)
val samples = for (samplePt <- sampledPoints) yield {
if (image.isDefinedAt(samplePt)) {
image.valueType match {
case Intensity => image(samplePt)(0).toDouble
case Gradient =>
val gradient = EuclideanVector.fromBreezeVector[_3D](image(samplePt).map(_.toDouble))
gradient dot unitNormal
} else {
// fail-fast: immediately return, since the entire feature is "useless"
return None
val sum =
val features = if (sum == 0 || image.valueType == Intensity) samples else => d / sum)
override def featurePoints(mesh: TriangleMesh[_3D],
profilePointId: PointId,
centerPoint: Point[_3D]): Option[immutable.IndexedSeq[Point[_3D]]] = {
val normal: EuclideanVector[_3D] = mesh.vertexNormals(profilePointId)
val unitNormal = normal * (1.0 / normal.norm)
require(math.abs(unitNormal.norm - 1.0) < 1e-5)
val range = ((-1 * numberOfPoints / 2) to (numberOfPoints / 2)).toIndexedSeq
Some(range map { i =>
centerPoint + unitNormal * i * spacing
object NormalDirectionFeatureExtractorIOHandler extends FeatureExtractorIOHandler {
override def identifier: String = NormalDirectionFeatureExtractor.IOIdentifier
private val NumberOfPoints = "numberOfPoints"
private val Spacing = "spacing"
override def load(meta: IOMetadata, h5File: HDF5Reader, h5Group: io.jhdf.api.Group): Try[FeatureExtractor] = {
val groupName = h5Group.getPath
for {
numberOfPoints <- h5File.readInt(s"$groupName/$NumberOfPoints")
spacing <- h5File.readFloat(s"$groupName/$Spacing")
} yield NormalDirectionFeatureExtractor(numberOfPoints, spacing.toDouble, meta)
override def save(t: FeatureExtractor, h5File: HDF5Writer, h5Group: Group): Try[Unit] = {
t match {
case fe: NormalDirectionFeatureExtractor =>
val groupName = h5Group.getFullName
for {
_ <- h5File.writeInt(s"$groupName/$NumberOfPoints", fe.numberOfPoints)
_ <- h5File.writeFloat(s"$groupName/$Spacing", fe.spacing.toFloat)
} yield ()
case _ => Failure(new IllegalArgumentException("unsupported feature extractor class: " + t.getClass.getName))