ch.viseon.threejs.declarations.extras.curves.CatmullRomCurve3.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package ch.viseon.threejs.declarations.extras.curves
* Create a smooth 3d spline curve from a series of points using the [link: Catmull-Rom] algorithm.
open external class CatmullRomCurve3(points: Array = definedExternally, closed: Boolean = definedExternally, curveType: String = definedExternally, tension: Double = definedExternally): ch.viseon.threejs.declarations.extras.core.Curve{
* The array of [page:Vector3] points that define the curve. It needs at least two entries.
open var points: Array = definedExternally
* The curve will loop back onto itself when this is true.
open var closed: Boolean = definedExternally
* Possible values are **centripetal**, **chordal** and **catmullrom**.
open var curveType: String = definedExternally
* When [page:.type] is **catmullrom**, defines catmullrom's tension.
open var tension: Double = definedExternally