org.csource.fastdfs.ClientGlobal Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2008 Happy Fish / YuQing
* FastDFS Java Client may be copied only under the terms of the GNU Lesser
* General Public License (LGPL).
* Please visit the FastDFS Home Page for more detail.
package org.csource.fastdfs;
import org.csource.common.IniFileReader;
import org.csource.common.MyException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;
* Global variables
* @author Happy Fish / YuQing
* @version Version 1.11
public class ClientGlobal {
public static final String CONF_KEY_CONNECT_TIMEOUT = "connect_timeout";
public static final String CONF_KEY_NETWORK_TIMEOUT = "network_timeout";
public static final String CONF_KEY_CHARSET = "charset";
public static final String CONF_KEY_HTTP_ANTI_STEAL_TOKEN = "http.anti_steal_token";
public static final String CONF_KEY_HTTP_SECRET_KEY = "http.secret_key";
public static final String CONF_KEY_HTTP_TRACKER_HTTP_PORT = "http.tracker_http_port";
public static final String CONF_KEY_TRACKER_SERVER = "tracker_server";
public static final String PROP_KEY_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS = "fastdfs.connect_timeout_in_seconds";
public static final String PROP_KEY_NETWORK_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS = "fastdfs.network_timeout_in_seconds";
public static final String PROP_KEY_CHARSET = "fastdfs.charset";
public static final String PROP_KEY_HTTP_ANTI_STEAL_TOKEN = "fastdfs.http_anti_steal_token";
public static final String PROP_KEY_HTTP_SECRET_KEY = "fastdfs.http_secret_key";
public static final String PROP_KEY_HTTP_TRACKER_HTTP_PORT = "fastdfs.http_tracker_http_port";
public static final String PROP_KEY_TRACKER_SERVERS = "fastdfs.tracker_servers";
public static final int DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT = 5; //second
public static final int DEFAULT_NETWORK_TIMEOUT = 30; //second
public static final String DEFAULT_CHARSET = "UTF-8";
public static final boolean DEFAULT_HTTP_ANTI_STEAL_TOKEN = false;
public static final String DEFAULT_HTTP_SECRET_KEY = "FastDFS1234567890";
public static final int DEFAULT_HTTP_TRACKER_HTTP_PORT = 80;
public static int g_connect_timeout = DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT * 1000; //millisecond
public static int g_network_timeout = DEFAULT_NETWORK_TIMEOUT * 1000; //millisecond
public static String g_charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET;
public static boolean g_anti_steal_token = DEFAULT_HTTP_ANTI_STEAL_TOKEN; //if anti-steal token
public static String g_secret_key = DEFAULT_HTTP_SECRET_KEY; //generage token secret key
public static int g_tracker_http_port = DEFAULT_HTTP_TRACKER_HTTP_PORT;
public static TrackerGroup g_tracker_group;
private ClientGlobal() {
* load global variables
* @param conf_filename config filename
public static void init(String conf_filename) throws IOException, MyException {
IniFileReader iniReader;
String[] szTrackerServers;
String[] parts;
iniReader = new IniFileReader(conf_filename);
g_connect_timeout = iniReader.getIntValue("connect_timeout", DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT);
if (g_connect_timeout < 0) {
g_connect_timeout = DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT;
g_connect_timeout *= 1000; //millisecond
g_network_timeout = iniReader.getIntValue("network_timeout", DEFAULT_NETWORK_TIMEOUT);
if (g_network_timeout < 0) {
g_network_timeout = DEFAULT_NETWORK_TIMEOUT;
g_network_timeout *= 1000; //millisecond
g_charset = iniReader.getStrValue("charset");
if (g_charset == null || g_charset.length() == 0) {
g_charset = "ISO8859-1";
szTrackerServers = iniReader.getValues("tracker_server");
if (szTrackerServers == null) {
throw new MyException("item \"tracker_server\" in " + conf_filename + " not found");
InetSocketAddress[] tracker_servers = new InetSocketAddress[szTrackerServers.length];
for (int i = 0; i < szTrackerServers.length; i++) {
parts = szTrackerServers[i].split("\\:", 2);
if (parts.length != 2) {
throw new MyException("the value of item \"tracker_server\" is invalid, the correct format is host:port");
tracker_servers[i] = new InetSocketAddress(parts[0].trim(), Integer.parseInt(parts[1].trim()));
g_tracker_group = new TrackerGroup(tracker_servers);
g_tracker_http_port = iniReader.getIntValue("http.tracker_http_port", 80);
g_anti_steal_token = iniReader.getBoolValue("http.anti_steal_token", false);
if (g_anti_steal_token) {
g_secret_key = iniReader.getStrValue("http.secret_key");
* load from properties file
* @param propsFilePath properties file path, eg:
* ""
* "config/"
* "/opt/"
* "C:\\Users\\James\\config\\"
* properties文件至少包含一个配置项 fastdfs.tracker_servers 例如:
* fastdfs.tracker_servers =,
* server的IP和端口用冒号':'分隔
* server之间用逗号','分隔
public static void initByProperties(String propsFilePath) throws IOException, MyException {
Properties props = new Properties();
InputStream in = IniFileReader.loadFromOsFileSystemOrClasspathAsStream(propsFilePath);
if (in != null) {
public static void initByProperties(Properties props) throws IOException, MyException {
String trackerServersConf = props.getProperty(PROP_KEY_TRACKER_SERVERS);
if (trackerServersConf == null || trackerServersConf.trim().length() == 0) {
throw new MyException(String.format("configure item %s is required", PROP_KEY_TRACKER_SERVERS));
String connectTimeoutInSecondsConf = props.getProperty(PROP_KEY_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS);
String networkTimeoutInSecondsConf = props.getProperty(PROP_KEY_NETWORK_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS);
String charsetConf = props.getProperty(PROP_KEY_CHARSET);
String httpAntiStealTokenConf = props.getProperty(PROP_KEY_HTTP_ANTI_STEAL_TOKEN);
String httpSecretKeyConf = props.getProperty(PROP_KEY_HTTP_SECRET_KEY);
String httpTrackerHttpPortConf = props.getProperty(PROP_KEY_HTTP_TRACKER_HTTP_PORT);
if (connectTimeoutInSecondsConf != null && connectTimeoutInSecondsConf.trim().length() != 0) {
g_connect_timeout = Integer.parseInt(connectTimeoutInSecondsConf.trim()) * 1000;
if (networkTimeoutInSecondsConf != null && networkTimeoutInSecondsConf.trim().length() != 0) {
g_network_timeout = Integer.parseInt(networkTimeoutInSecondsConf.trim()) * 1000;
if (charsetConf != null && charsetConf.trim().length() != 0) {
g_charset = charsetConf.trim();
if (httpAntiStealTokenConf != null && httpAntiStealTokenConf.trim().length() != 0) {
g_anti_steal_token = Boolean.parseBoolean(httpAntiStealTokenConf);
if (httpSecretKeyConf != null && httpSecretKeyConf.trim().length() != 0) {
g_secret_key = httpSecretKeyConf.trim();
if (httpTrackerHttpPortConf != null && httpTrackerHttpPortConf.trim().length() != 0) {
g_tracker_http_port = Integer.parseInt(httpTrackerHttpPortConf);
* load from properties file
* @param trackerServers 例如:","
* server的IP和端口用冒号':'分隔
* server之间用逗号','分隔
public static void initByTrackers(String trackerServers) throws IOException, MyException {
List list = new ArrayList();
String spr1 = ",";
String spr2 = ":";
String[] arr1 = trackerServers.trim().split(spr1);
for (String addrStr : arr1) {
String[] arr2 = addrStr.trim().split(spr2);
String host = arr2[0].trim();
int port = Integer.parseInt(arr2[1].trim());
list.add(new InetSocketAddress(host, port));
InetSocketAddress[] trackerAddresses = list.toArray(new InetSocketAddress[list.size()]);
public static void initByTrackers(InetSocketAddress[] trackerAddresses) throws IOException, MyException {
g_tracker_group = new TrackerGroup(trackerAddresses);
* construct Socket object
* @param ip_addr ip address or hostname
* @param port port number
* @return connected Socket object
public static Socket getSocket(String ip_addr, int port) throws IOException {
Socket sock = new Socket();
sock.connect(new InetSocketAddress(ip_addr, port), ClientGlobal.g_connect_timeout);
return sock;
* construct Socket object
* @param addr InetSocketAddress object, including ip address and port
* @return connected Socket object
public static Socket getSocket(InetSocketAddress addr) throws IOException {
Socket sock = new Socket();
sock.connect(addr, ClientGlobal.g_connect_timeout);
return sock;
public static int getG_connect_timeout() {
return g_connect_timeout;
public static void setG_connect_timeout(int connect_timeout) {
ClientGlobal.g_connect_timeout = connect_timeout;
public static int getG_network_timeout() {
return g_network_timeout;
public static void setG_network_timeout(int network_timeout) {
ClientGlobal.g_network_timeout = network_timeout;
public static String getG_charset() {
return g_charset;
public static void setG_charset(String charset) {
ClientGlobal.g_charset = charset;
public static int getG_tracker_http_port() {
return g_tracker_http_port;
public static void setG_tracker_http_port(int tracker_http_port) {
ClientGlobal.g_tracker_http_port = tracker_http_port;
public static boolean getG_anti_steal_token() {
return g_anti_steal_token;
public static boolean isG_anti_steal_token() {
return g_anti_steal_token;
public static void setG_anti_steal_token(boolean anti_steal_token) {
ClientGlobal.g_anti_steal_token = anti_steal_token;
public static String getG_secret_key() {
return g_secret_key;
public static void setG_secret_key(String secret_key) {
ClientGlobal.g_secret_key = secret_key;
public static TrackerGroup getG_tracker_group() {
return g_tracker_group;
public static void setG_tracker_group(TrackerGroup tracker_group) {
ClientGlobal.g_tracker_group = tracker_group;
public static String configInfo() {
String trackerServers = "";
if (g_tracker_group != null) {
InetSocketAddress[] trackerAddresses = g_tracker_group.tracker_servers;
for (InetSocketAddress inetSocketAddress : trackerAddresses) {
if(trackerServers.length() > 0) trackerServers += ",";
trackerServers += inetSocketAddress.toString().substring(1);
return "{"
+ "\n g_connect_timeout(ms) = " + g_connect_timeout
+ "\n g_network_timeout(ms) = " + g_network_timeout
+ "\n g_charset = " + g_charset
+ "\n g_anti_steal_token = " + g_anti_steal_token
+ "\n g_secret_key = " + g_secret_key
+ "\n g_tracker_http_port = " + g_tracker_http_port
+ "\n trackerServers = " + trackerServers
+ "\n}";