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com.yqjr.framework.datatype.Amount Maven / Gradle / Ivy

package com.yqjr.framework.datatype;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.RoundingMode;

import org.springframework.util.Assert;

import com.yqjr.framework.utils.CommonUtils;

public class Amount implements Serializable {

	private static final long serialVersionUID = 5437365515967117292L;

	private BigDecimal amount;

	private Currency currency;

	public static enum Currency {

		CNY(1), USD(2), EUR(3), JPY(25);

		private int code;

		private Currency(int code) {
			this.code = code;

		public int getCode() {
			return code;

		 * Description: 设置币种 
* Create By: admin
* Create Data: 2017年2月27日 下午4:07:41 * * @param code int * @return Currency */ public static Currency setCode(int code) { switch (code) { case 1: return CNY; case 2: return USD; case 3: return EUR; case 25: return JPY; default: throw new BizzException("不支持的币种"); } } /** * 金额信息 */ public String toString() { switch (this.code) { case 1: return "CNY"; case 2: return "USD"; case 3: return "EUR"; case 25: return "JPY"; default: throw new BizzException("不支持的币种"); } } } public Amount(BigDecimal amount, Integer currencyCode) { this(amount, Currency.setCode(currencyCode)); } public Amount() { this(BigDecimal.ZERO, Currency.CNY); } public Amount(Currency currency) { this(BigDecimal.ZERO, currency); } public Amount(BigDecimal amount) { this(amount, Currency.CNY); } public Amount(String amount) { this(new BigDecimal(amount.replaceAll(",",""))); } public Amount(BigDecimal amount, Currency currency) { this.amount = (amount == null ? BigDecimal.ZERO : amount).setScale(10, RoundingMode.HALF_UP); this.currency = currency; } public Amount(Double amount) { this(amount, Currency.CNY); } public Amount(Double amount, Currency currency) { this(new BigDecimal(String.valueOf(amount)).setScale(10, RoundingMode.HALF_UP), currency); } public Currency getCurrency() { return currency; } public BigDecimal getAmount() { return amount; } /** * 输出金额 */ public String toString() { return CommonUtils.formatMoney(amount); } /** * Description: 加法运算
* Create By: admin
* Create Data: 2017年2月27日 下午2:30:22 * * @param amounts Amount * @return Amount */ public Amount add(Amount... amounts) { BigDecimal tmpAmount = this.amount; for (Amount amount : amounts) { // 如果是同币种才可以进行运算 if (isSameCurrency(amount)) { tmpAmount = tmpAmount.add(amount.getAmount()); } else { throw new BizzException("只有相同币种方可支持运算"); } } return new Amount(tmpAmount, this.currency); } /** * Description: 减法运算
* Create By: admin
* Create Data: 2017年2月27日 下午2:37:23 * * @param amounts Amount * @return Amount */ public Amount subtract(Amount... amounts) { BigDecimal tmpAmount = this.amount; for (Amount amount : amounts) { // 如果是同币种才可以进行运算 if (isSameCurrency(amount)) { tmpAmount = tmpAmount.subtract(amount.getAmount()); } else { throw new BizzException("只有相同币种方可支持运算"); } } return new Amount(tmpAmount, this.currency); } /** * Description: 乘法运算
* Create By: admin
* Create Data: 2017年2月27日 下午2:42:57 * * @param multiplicand BigDecimal * @return Amount */ public Amount multiply(BigDecimal multiplicand) { return new Amount(this.amount.multiply(multiplicand), this.currency); } /** * Description: 除法运算
* Create By: admin
* Create Data: 2017年2月27日 下午2:45:01 * * @param dividend BigDecimal * @return Amount */ public Amount divide(BigDecimal dividend) { return new Amount(this.amount.doubleValue() / dividend.doubleValue(), this.currency); } /** * Description: 金额比较大小
* Create By: admin
* Create Data: 2017年2月27日 下午2:49:49 * * @param amount Amount * @return int */ public int compareTo(Amount amount) { if (isSameCurrency(amount)) { return this.amount.compareTo(amount.getAmount()); } else { throw new BizzException("不同币种无法比较"); } } /** * Description: 大于
* Create By: admin
* Create Data: 2017年2月27日 下午2:51:35 * * @param amount Amount * @return boolean */ public boolean greaterThan(Amount amount) { if (compareTo(amount) == 1) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Description: 小于
* Create By: admin
* Create Data: 2017年2月27日 下午2:53:16 * * @param amount Amount * @return boolean */ public boolean lessThan(Amount amount) { if (compareTo(amount) == -1) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Description: 大于等于
* Create By: admin
* Create Data: 2017年2月27日 下午2:54:22 * * @param amount Amount * @return boolean */ public boolean greaterThanOrEqual(Amount amount) { return !lessThan(amount); } /** * Description: 小于等于
* Create By: admin
* Create Data: 2017年2月27日 下午2:55:18 * * @param amount Amount * @return boolean */ public boolean lessThanOrEqual(Amount amount) { return !greaterThan(amount); } /** * Description: 判断是否为相同币种
* Create By: admin
* Create Data: 2017年2月27日 下午2:27:41 * * @param amount Amount * @return boolean */ private boolean isSameCurrency(Amount amount) { Assert.notNull(amount); return this.currency == amount.getCurrency(); } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + ((amount == null) ? 0 : amount.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((currency == null) ? 0 : currency.hashCode()); return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (!(obj instanceof Amount)) return false; final Amount other = (Amount) obj; return (this.currency == other.getCurrency() && (this.amount.compareTo(other.getAmount()) == 0)); } }

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