Maven / Gradle / Ivy
import cn.crane4j.core.container.Container;
import cn.crane4j.core.container.ContainerProvider;
import cn.crane4j.core.container.MethodInvokerContainer;
import cn.crane4j.core.exception.Crane4jException;
import cn.crane4j.core.util.CollectionUtils;
import cn.crane4j.core.util.ReflectUtils;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.conditions.query.QueryWrapper;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.injector.AbstractSqlInjector;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.mapper.BaseMapper;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.metadata.TableFieldInfo;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.metadata.TableInfo;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.metadata.TableInfoHelper;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.toolkit.Wrappers;
import lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor;
import lombok.Setter;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.NonNull;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable;
import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType;
import java.lang.reflect.Proxy;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.Function;
* A {@link ContainerProvider} implementation based on mybatis-plus's {@link BaseMapper},
* it's provides the ability that generate query container by the specified query information.
* It is need register {@link BaseMapper} from mybatis-plus to this instance before use it.
* @author huangchengxing
public class MybatisPlusQueryContainerProvider extends NamespaceResolvableQueryContainerProvider> {
* Factory for creating {@link BaseMapper} instance if it is not registered.
private Function> mapperFactory;
* Global configuration.
protected final Crane4jGlobalConfiguration crane4jGlobalConfiguration;
* Create a {@link MybatisPlusQueryContainerProvider} instance
* @param methodInvokerContainerCreator method invoker container creator
* @param globalConfiguration global configuration
public MybatisPlusQueryContainerProvider(
MethodInvokerContainerCreator methodInvokerContainerCreator, Crane4jGlobalConfiguration globalConfiguration) {
this(methodInvokerContainerCreator, globalConfiguration, null);
* Create a {@link MybatisPlusQueryContainerProvider} instance
* @param methodInvokerContainerCreator method invoker container creator
* @param globalConfiguration global configuration
* @param mapperFactory mapper factory
public MybatisPlusQueryContainerProvider(
MethodInvokerContainerCreator methodInvokerContainerCreator, Crane4jGlobalConfiguration globalConfiguration, @Nullable Function> mapperFactory) {
this.crane4jGlobalConfiguration = globalConfiguration;
this.mapperFactory = mapperFactory;
* Get a container based on repository object repository.
* When querying, the attribute name of the input parameter will be converted to
* the table columns specified in the corresponding property.
* @param name mapper name
* @param keyProperty key field name for query, if it is empty, it defaults to the specified key field
* @param properties fields to query, if it is empty, all table columns will be queried by default.
* @return container
public Container getQueryContainer(String name, @Nullable String keyProperty, @Nullable List properties) {
if (!registeredRepositories.containsKey(name) && Objects.nonNull(mapperFactory)) {
synchronized (registeredRepositories) {
if (!registeredRepositories.containsKey(name)) {
registerRepository(name, mapperFactory.apply(name));
return super.getQueryContainer(name, keyProperty, properties);
* Create repository.
* @param name name
* @param target target
* @return {@link Repository} instance
protected Repository> createRepository(String name, BaseMapper> target) {
TableInfo tableInfo = TableInfoHelper.getTableInfo(name);
if (Objects.isNull(tableInfo)) {
tableInfo = Optional.ofNullable(Proxy.getInvocationHandler(target))
.map(h -> (Class>)ReflectUtils.getFieldValue(h, "mapperInterface"))
.orElseThrow(() -> new Crane4jException("cannot resolve bean type of mapper [{}]", name));
return new MapperInfo(tableInfo, target);
* Create a {@link MethodInvoker} of {@link MethodInvokerContainer}.
* @param namespace namespace
* @param repository mapper
* @param queryColumns query columns
* @param keyColumn key column
* @param keyProperty key property
* @return {@link Container}
protected MethodInvoker createMethodInvoker(
String namespace, Repository> repository,
Set queryColumns, String keyColumn, String keyProperty) {
return new Query<>(repository.getTarget(), queryColumns.toArray(new String[0]), keyColumn);
* Copy and optimize from {@link AbstractSqlInjector#extractModelClass}
* @param mapperClass mapper class
* @return model class
protected Class> extractModelClass(Class> mapperClass) {
.flatMap(type ->
.filter(modelClass -> !Object.class.equals(modelClass))
* An implementation of the Repository interface that provides access to data storage
* through MybatisPlus's {@link TableInfo} and {@link BaseMapper}.
* @author huangchengxing
protected static class MapperInfo implements Repository> {
private final TableInfo tableInfo;
private final BaseMapper> baseMapper;
private final Map columnMap;
private final Map queryColumnMap;
* Constructs a new instance of MapperInfo with the provided TableInfo and BaseMapper.
* @param tableInfo the TableInfo object for the repository.
* @param baseMapper the BaseMapper object for the repository.
public MapperInfo(TableInfo tableInfo, BaseMapper> baseMapper) {
this.tableInfo = tableInfo;
this.baseMapper = baseMapper;
this.columnMap = tableInfo.getFieldList().stream()
.collect(Collectors.toMap(TableFieldInfo::getProperty, TableFieldInfo::getColumn));
this.columnMap.put(tableInfo.getKeyProperty(), tableInfo.getKeyColumn());
this.queryColumnMap = tableInfo.getFieldList().stream()
.collect(Collectors.toMap(TableFieldInfo::getProperty, TableFieldInfo::getSqlSelect));
this.queryColumnMap.put(tableInfo.getKeyProperty(), tableInfo.getKeySqlSelect());
* Returns the BaseMapper object stored in the repository.
* @return the BaseMapper object.
public BaseMapper> getTarget() {
return baseMapper;
* Returns the name of the table where the data is stored.
* @return the table name.
public String getTableName() {
return tableInfo.getTableName();
* Returns the entity type of the stored data.
* @return the entity type.
public Class> getEntityType() {
return tableInfo.getEntityType();
* Returns the key property for the data stored in the repository.
* @return the key property.
public String getKeyProperty() {
return tableInfo.getKeyProperty();
* Converts a property name to its corresponding column name.
* @param property the property to convert.
* @param defaultValue the default value to return if no matching column is found.
* @return the column name.
public String propertyToColumn(String property, String defaultValue) {
return columnMap.getOrDefault(property, defaultValue);
* Converts a property name to its corresponding query column name.
* @param property the property to convert.
* @param defaultValue the default value to return if no matching query column is found.
* @return the query column name.
public String propertyToQueryColumn(String property, String defaultValue) {
return queryColumnMap.getOrDefault(property, defaultValue);
protected static class Query implements MethodInvoker {
private final BaseMapper baseMapper;
private final String[] queryColumns;
private final String key;
* Invoke method.
* @param target target
* @param args args
* @return result of invoke
public Object invoke(Object target, Object... args) {
Collection> keys = CollectionUtils.adaptObjectToCollection(args[0]);
return baseMapper.selectList(getQueryWrapper(keys));
private QueryWrapper getQueryWrapper(Collection> keys) {
QueryWrapper wrapper = Wrappers.query().in(key, keys);
if (queryColumns.length > 0) {;
return wrapper;