com.eviware.soapui.LicenseHandling Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package com.eviware.soapui;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Map;
import com.eviware.soapui.lic.LicenseType;
import com.eviware.x.form.XFormDialog;
import com.smardec.license4j.License;
public class LicenseHandling {
static boolean a = false;
private static boolean b = false;
private static boolean c = false;
private static LicenseUserInteractionHandler d = new DefaultLicenseUserInteractionHandler();
private static LicenseData e = new LicenseData(xxxxx());
private static LicenseType f;
private static boolean g;
static void a() {
static void a(boolean paramBoolean) {
public static LicenseData getExistingLicenseData() {
return e;
public static License xxxxx(){
License l = new License();
l.addFeature("organization", "yisufuyou-org");
l.addFeature("name", "yisufyou-name");
Date d = new Date();
l.addFeature("expiration", d);
l.addFeature("id", "yisufuyou-id");
return l;
public static LicenseData loadLicense(InputStream paramInputStream) {
return e;
public static OpenUrlAction createBuyLicenseAction() {
return new OpenUrlAction("Buy License",
"http:// /buypro");
public static String getLicensePath() {
String str = System.getProperty("user.home") + File.separatorChar
+ ".soapui";
return str + File.separatorChar + "soapui.lic";
public static String getProtectionLicensePath() {
String str = System.getProperty("user.home") + File.separatorChar
+ ".soapui";
return str + File.separatorChar + "soapui.key";
public static String getProtectionSecretStoragePath() {
String str = System.getProperty("user.home") + File.separatorChar
+ ".soapui";
return str + File.separatorChar + "soapui.dat";
public static LicenseInstallationStatus installTestRunnerLicense(
File paramFile) {
return ProtectionLicense.installTestRunnerLicense(paramFile, e);
static boolean a(File paramFile) {
return true;
public static boolean isRenewable() {
return true;
private static boolean g() {
return (f == null)
&& (new UserPreferences().getInstallationType() == -1);
private static void h() {
if (UISupport
"Trials cannot be activated when you have previously installed a SoapUI Pro license.\nDo you want to get more information about purchasing a SoapUI license?",
"Trial could not be activated ")) {
private static boolean i() {
return UISupport.confirmExtendedInfo("Confirm SoapUI License",
"Please read and confirm license below", b(), new Dimension(
600, 500));
static String b() {
try {
InputStream localInputStream = SoapUIPro.class.getResource(
BufferedReader localBufferedReader = new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader(localInputStream, "UTF-8"));
StringBuilder localStringBuilder;
(localStringBuilder = new StringBuilder())
String str = localBufferedReader.readLine();
while (str != null) {
if (str.trim().length() > 0) {
str = localBufferedReader.readLine();
return localStringBuilder.toString();
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
return "";
static void a(String paramString) {
// if (ProtectionLicense.isLicenseChecked()) {
// d.showAboutLicenseDialog();
// return;
// }
// if (e == null) {
// UISupport.showInfoMessage("SoapUI Pro is running under the Courtesy license;\nall Pro-features will be disabled until a valid license is entered",
// paramString); return;
// }
// d.showNewLicenseInfo(paramString);
static void a(LicenseData paramLicenseData) {
//e = paramLicenseData;
public static void setLicense(License paramLicense) {
//e = new LicenseData(paramLicense);
private static boolean c(LicenseData paramLicenseData) {
// Object localObject1 = new DefaultActionList();
// Object localObject2 = new SoapUIPro.NoProLicenseAction();
// ((ActionList)localObject1).addAction((Action)localObject2);
// localObject1 =
// ADialogBuilder.buildDialog(LastNonTrialLicenseForm.class,
// (ActionList)localObject1);
// ((SoapUIPro.NoProLicenseAction)localObject2).setDialog((XFormDialog)localObject1);
// while ((e == null) && (((XFormDialog)localObject1).show())) {
// try {
// localObject2 = new
// File(((XFormDialog)localObject1).getValue("License File"));
// if ((
// localObject2 = loadLicense(new FileInputStream((File)localObject2)))
// .toString().equals(paramLicenseData.toString()))
// {
// UISupport.showInfoMessage("Please specify path to your existing ( non trial) Pro License to install the Renewal.");
// }
// else if (((LicenseData)localObject2).getType() == LicenseType.TRIAL)
// {
// UISupport.showInfoMessage("Please specify path to your existing ( non trial) Pro License to install the Renewal.");
// }
// else
// return true;
// }
// catch (InvalidLicenseRenewalException
// localInvalidLicenseRenewalException)
// {
// throw
// (localObject2
// = localInvalidLicenseRenewalException);
// }
// catch (LicenseException localLicenseException)
// {
// UISupport.showErrorMessage((
// localObject2 = localLicenseException)
// .getMessage());
// } catch (FileNotFoundException localFileNotFoundException) {
// UISupport.showErrorMessage("Please select a license");
// } catch (Exception localException) {
// UISupport.showErrorMessage(localObject2 =
// localException);
// }
// }
// return false;
return true;
public static void clearLicenseData() {
e = null;
static String c() {
StringBuilder localStringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
String str1 = e.getName();
String str2 = e.getOrganization();
if ((((str1 == null) || (str1.length() == 0) ? 1 : 0) & ((str2 == null)
|| (str2.length() == 0) ? 1 : 0)) != 0) {
return "";
if ((str1 == null) || (str1.length() == 0))
localStringBuilder.append(str2).append(") ");
else if ((str2 == null) || (str2.length() == 0))
localStringBuilder.append(e.getName()).append(") ");
else if (str1.equals(str2))
localStringBuilder.append(e.getName()).append(") ");
else if (str1.contains(str2))
localStringBuilder.append(str1.replaceAll(str2, "")).append(", ")
.append(str2).append(") ");
else if (str2.contains(str1))
localStringBuilder.append(str2).append(") ");
else {
localStringBuilder.append(str1).append(", ").append(str2)
.append(") ");
return localStringBuilder.toString();
public static void expirationInfo() {
// if (!a) {
// Date localDate1 = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + 86400000L);
// Date localDate2 = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + 2592000000L);
// if ((e.getType() == LicenseType.TRIAL) &&
// (e.getExpirationDate().before(localDate1)))
// {
// a = true;
// if
// (UISupport.confirm("Your SoapUI Pro Trial License will expire within 24 hours... Go Pro?",
// "Trial License Expiring.."))
// {
// d.showUrlInExternalBrowser(" ");
// }
// } else if ((e.getType() != LicenseType.TRIAL) &&
// (e.getExpirationDate().before(localDate2)))
// {
// a = true;
// localDate1 = getExistingLicenseData().getExpirationDate(); localDate2
// = new Date();
// long l;
// int i;
// int j = (i = (int)((l = localDate1.getTime() - localDate2.getTime())
// / 86400000L)) > 1 ? 1 : 0; if
// (UISupport.confirm("Your SoapUI License will expire " + (i > 0 ?
// "in " + i + " day" + (j != 0 ? "s" : "") : "within 24 hours") +
// " ... Renew Now?", "Professional License Expiring.."))
// {
// d.showUrlInExternalBrowser("http://");
// Analytics.trackAction(SoapUIActions.SHOW_RENEWAL_PAGE.getActionName());
// }
// }
// }
public static LicenseValidationStatus validateLicense() {
return validateLicense(false);
public static LicenseValidationStatus validateLicense(boolean paramBoolean) {
// Object localObject1;
// if (ProtectionLicense.isLicenseChecked()) {
// if (e != null)
// {
// if (((
// localObject1 = e.getType()) ==
// LicenseType.TRIAL) && (!g())) {
// if (!paramBoolean) {
// h();
// }
// return LicenseValidationStatus.TRIAL_CANT_BE_APPLIED;
// }
// a(((LicenseType)localObject1).ordinal());
// }
// return LicenseValidationStatus.VALID;
// }
// if (!(
// localObject1 = new File(getLicensePath()))
// .exists()) {
// Object localObject3 = localObject1; boolean bool = paramBoolean; if
// (d.checkLicenseExpired()) {
// a(SoapUIActions.LICENSE_EXPIRED.getActionName(),
// getExistingLicenseData()); j();
// UISupport.showErrorMessage("License expired on " +
// (ProtectionLicense.getExpireDate() != null ?
// ProtectionLicense.getExpireDate() : " n/a "));
// UISupport.showErrorMessage("Missing valid license..."); } g = true;
// Object localObject2;
// if (!bool) if (((localObject2 = ProtectionLicense.getSoapUILicense())
// != null) && ((localObject2 = new
// LicenseData((License)localObject2)).getType() == LicenseType.TRIAL))
// {
// d.showUrlInExternalBrowser("");
// Analytics.trackAction(SoapUIActions.SHOW_TRIAL_LICENSE_INSTALLED_PAGE.getActionName());
// } else {
// d.showUrlInExternalBrowser("");
// Analytics.trackAction(SoapUIActions.SHOW_PRO_LICENSE_INSTALLED_PAGE.getActionName());
// }
// if ((
// localObject2 = ProtectionLicense.isLicenseChecked() ?
// LicenseValidationStatus.VALID : !a(localObject3) ?
// LicenseValidationStatus.EXPIRED : bool ?
// LicenseValidationStatus.EXPIRED : (!new
// File(getProtectionLicensePath()).exists()) && ((bool) ||
// (!a(localObject3))) ? LicenseValidationStatus.NOT_FOUND :
// LicenseValidationStatus.UNDETERMINED) !=
// LicenseValidationStatus.UNDETERMINED) {
// return localObject2;
// }
// }
// return a(paramBoolean, (File)localObject1);
return LicenseValidationStatus.VALID;
public static void promptUserForLicenseAgreement() {
// ProtectionLicense.promptUserForLicenseAgreement();
public static boolean licenseAgreementIsAccepted() {
return true;// ProtectionLicense.licenseAgreementIsAccepted();
public static void runtimeExpiration(boolean paramBoolean) {
// if ((paramBoolean) && (!b)) {
// b = true;
// a(SoapUIActions.LICENSE_EXPIRED.getActionName(),
// getExistingLicenseData());
// if
// (UISupport.confirm("Your license has expired.\nDo you want to select new license? \nClick NO if you want to switch to courtesy mode where all Pro features are disabled?",
// "License Expired"))
// {
// if (!a(new File(getLicensePath()))) {
// if (getExistingLicenseData().getType() == LicenseType.TRIAL) {
// System.exit(9);
// }
// ProtectionLicense.invalidateLicense();
// } else {
// a("License updated successfully!");
// }
// SoapUIPro.updateFrameTitle(); return;
// }
// if (((
// paramBoolean = getExistingLicenseData()) == null) ||
// (paramBoolean.getType() == LicenseType.TRIAL)) {
// System.exit(-1);
// }
// ProtectionLicense.invalidateLicense();
// try { i();
// return; } catch (IOException localIOException) {
// SoapUI.logError(paramBoolean =
// localIOException);
// }
// }
public static void initLicenseReader() {
// Object localObject =
// SoapUIPro.class.getResourceAsStream("/com/eviware/soapui/resources/conf/public.keys");
// Properties localProperties;
// (
// localProperties = new Properties())
// .load((InputStream)localObject);
// LicenseManager.setPublicKey(localObject =
// localProperties.getProperty("public"));
static boolean d() {
// if ((validateLicense(false) != LicenseValidationStatus.VALID) || (e
// == null)) {
// if (ProtectionLicense.isLicenseChecked()) {
// return true;
// }
// if (((e != null) || (f == LicenseType.PROFESSIONAL) ? 1 : 0) != 0) {
// SoapUIPro.courtesyModePopupInfo();
// return i();
// }
// return false;
// }
// expirationInfo();
return true;
static void e() {
// if (!d())
// System.exit(9);
public static void setExpiredLicenseType(LicenseType paramLicenseType) {
f = LicenseType.PROFESSIONAL;// paramLicenseType;
private static class DefaultLicenseUserInteractionHandler implements
LicenseUserInteractionHandler {
public XFormDialog createDialog() {
// XFormDialog d = new JWizardDialogBuilder("")
// (localObject = new DefaultActionList()).addAction(LicenseHandling
// .createBuyLicenseAction());
// ((ActionList) localObject).addAction(new OpenUrlAction(
// "Apply for Trial", "http:// /trial"));
// (localObject = ADialogBuilder.buildDialog(LicenseForm.class,
// (ActionList) localObject)).getFormField(
// "###Choose license type").setValue(
// "Browse for license file");
// ((XFormDialog) localObject).getFormField("###Choose license type")
// .addFormFieldListener(new XFormFieldListener() {
// public void valueChanged(
// XFormField paramAnonymousXFormField,
// String paramAnonymousString1,
// String paramAnonymousString2) {
// this.a.getFormField("License File")
// .setEnabled(
// !paramAnonymousString1
// .equals("Acquire floating license from server"));
// }
// });
// return localObject;
return null;
public void showUrlInExternalBrowser(String paramString) {
public boolean checkLicenseFile(File paramFile) {
return ProtectionLicense.checkLicense(paramFile);
public boolean checkLicenseExpired() {
return ProtectionLicense.checkLicenseExpired();
public void showAboutLicenseDialog() {
public void showNewLicenseInfo(String paramString) {
String org= LicenseHandling.e.getOrganization();
if (org == null) {
org = "<not specified>";
String str = "Name: "
+ LicenseHandling.e.getName() + "
Organization: "
+ org + "
E-Mail: " + LicenseHandling.e.getEmail()
+ "
License Type: " + LicenseHandling.e.getType()
+ "
Expires: " + LicenseHandling.e.getExpirationDate()
+ "";
"SoapUI Pro License Details", str, new Dimension(300, 250));
public LicenseType getInstalledLicenseType() {
License localLicense = ProtectionLicense.getSoapUILicense();
return new LicenseHandling.LicenseData(localLicense).getType();
public static final class LicenseData {
private License a;
LicenseData(License paramLicense) {
this.a = paramLicense;
public final License getLicense() {
return this.a;
public final String getEmail() {
return this.a.getFeatureAsString("EMail");
public final String getName() {
return this.a.getFeatureAsString("name");
public final String getOrganization() {
return this.a.getFeatureAsString("organization");
public final Date getExpirationDate() {
return (Date) this.a.getFeature("expiration");
public final String getSalesForceId() {
return (String) this.a.getFeature("SalesForceID");
public final boolean isExpired() {
Date localDate1 = getExpirationDate();
Date localDate2 = Calendar.getInstance().getTime();
return localDate1.before(localDate2);
public final boolean isTooOld() {
Date localDate = getExpirationDate();
Calendar localCalendar;
(localCalendar = Calendar.getInstance()).setTime(localDate);
localCalendar.roll(2, 6);
return localCalendar.before(Calendar.getInstance());
public final LicenseType getType() {
String str;
return LicenseType.valueOf(str = this.a.getFeatureAsString("type"));
public final boolean isRenewal() {
String str;
return ((str = this.a.getFeatureAsString("renewal")) != null)
&& (Boolean.parseBoolean(str));
public final String getLicenseId() {
return this.a.getFeatureAsString("id");
public final String toString() {
return "License " + getLicenseId() + ": type=" + getType()
+ (isRenewal() ? " renewal" : "") + ", name=" + getName()
+ ", email=" + getEmail() + ", organization="
+ getOrganization() + ", expirationDate="
+ getExpirationDate();
static class ProxyBackup {
private static ImmutableList a = ImmutableList
.copyOf(new String[] { "http.proxyHost", "http.proxyPassword",
"http.proxyPort", "http.proxyUser",
"http.nonProxyHosts", "http.proxySet" });
private final Map b = Maps.newHashMap();
public void backup() {
// Properties localProperties = System.getProperties();
// for (Object localObject1 = a.iterator(); ((Iterator) localObject1)
// .hasNext();) {
// localObject2 = (String) ((Iterator) localObject1).next();
// localObject3 = localProperties
// .getProperty((String) localObject2);
// this.b.put(localObject2, localObject3);
// localProperties.remove(localObject2);
// }
// Object localObject2;
// Object localObject3;
// localObject1 = null;
// try {
// localObject1 = new ProxyVoleUtil().createAutoProxySearch()
// .getProxySelector();
// } catch (Exception localException1) {
// SoapUI.logError(localObject2 = localException1);
// }
// if (localObject1 == null)
// try {
// (localObject2 = new ProxySearch())
// .addStrategy(ProxySearch.Strategy.JAVA);
// localObject1 = ((ProxySearch) localObject2)
// .getProxySelector();
// } catch (Exception localException2) {
// SoapUI.logError(localObject2 = localException2);
// }
// if (localObject1 == null)
// try {
// (localObject2 = new ProxySearch())
// .addStrategy(ProxySearch.Strategy.ENV_VAR);
// localObject1 = ((ProxySearch) localObject2)
// .getProxySelector();
// } catch (Exception localException3) {
// SoapUI.logError(localObject2 = localException3);
// }
// if ((PlatformUtil.getCurrentPlattform() != PlatformUtil.Platform.WIN)
// && (localObject1 == null)) {
// try {
// (localObject2 = new ProxySearch())
// .addStrategy(ProxySearch.Strategy.BROWSER);
// localObject1 = ((ProxySearch) localObject2)
// .getProxySelector();
// } catch (Exception localException4) {
// SoapUI.logError(localObject2 = localException4);
// }
// }
// if (localObject1 == null) {
// try {
// (localObject2 = new ProxySearch())
// .addStrategy(ProxySearch.Strategy.OS_DEFAULT);
// localObject1 = ((ProxySearch) localObject2)
// .getProxySelector();
// } catch (Exception localException5) {
// SoapUI.logError(localObject2 = localException5);
// }
// }
// if (localObject1 != null) {
// localObject2 = null;
// try {
// localObject2 = ((ProxySelector) localObject1)
// .select(new URI(""));
// } catch (URISyntaxException localURISyntaxException) {
// (localObject3 = localURISyntaxException).printStackTrace();
// }
// if ((localObject2 != null)
// && (((List) localObject2).size() > 0)) {
// if (((localObject3 = ((Proxy) ((List) localObject2).get(0))
// .address()) instanceof InetSocketAddress)) {
// System.setProperty("https.proxySet", "true");
// System.setProperty("http.proxySet", "true");
// System.setProperty("http.proxyPort", Integer
// .toString(((InetSocketAddress) localObject3)
// .getPort()));
// System.setProperty("http.proxyHost",
// ((InetSocketAddress) localObject3)
// .getHostName());
// System.setProperty("http.proxyUser",
// System.getProperty(""));
// }
// }
// }
public void restore() {
// Properties localProperties = System.getProperties();
// for (Iterator localIterator = this.b.entrySet().iterator(); localIterator
// .hasNext();) {
// Map.Entry localEntry;
// if ((localEntry = (Map.Entry) != null)
// localProperties.setProperty((String) localEntry.getKey(),
// (String) localEntry.getValue());
// else
// localProperties.remove(localEntry.getKey());
// }
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