com.avos.avoscloud.im.v2.AVIMConversation Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package com.avos.avoscloud.im.v2;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.IntentFilter;
import android.support.v4.content.LocalBroadcastManager;
import com.alibaba.fastjson.JSON;
import com.alibaba.fastjson.JSONArray;
import com.alibaba.fastjson.JSONObject;
import com.avos.avoscloud.AVCallback;
import com.avos.avoscloud.AVException;
import com.avos.avoscloud.AVOSCloud;
import com.avos.avoscloud.AVObject;
import com.avos.avoscloud.AVUtils;
import com.avos.avoscloud.IntentUtil;
import com.avos.avoscloud.LogUtil;
import com.avos.avoscloud.PushService;
import com.avos.avoscloud.PushServiceParcel;
import com.avos.avoscloud.QueryOperation;
import com.avos.avoscloud.SaveCallback;
import com.avos.avoscloud.QueryConditions;
import com.avos.avoscloud.im.v2.Conversation.AVIMOperation;
import com.avos.avoscloud.im.v2.callback.AVIMConversationCallback;
import com.avos.avoscloud.im.v2.callback.AVIMOperationFailure;
import com.avos.avoscloud.im.v2.callback.AVIMConversationMemberCountCallback;
import com.avos.avoscloud.im.v2.callback.AVIMConversationMemberQueryCallback;
import com.avos.avoscloud.im.v2.callback.AVIMOperationPartiallySucceededCallback;
import com.avos.avoscloud.im.v2.callback.AVIMConversationSimpleResultCallback;
import com.avos.avoscloud.im.v2.callback.AVIMMessageRecalledCallback;
import com.avos.avoscloud.im.v2.callback.AVIMMessageUpdatedCallback;
import com.avos.avoscloud.im.v2.callback.AVIMMessagesQueryCallback;
import com.avos.avoscloud.im.v2.callback.AVIMSingleMessageQueryCallback;
import com.avos.avoscloud.im.v2.conversation.AVIMConversationMemberInfo;
import com.avos.avoscloud.im.v2.conversation.ConversationMemberRole;
import com.avos.avoscloud.im.v2.messages.AVIMFileMessage;
import com.avos.avoscloud.im.v2.messages.AVIMFileMessageAccessor;
import com.avos.avoscloud.im.v2.messages.AVIMRecalledMessage;
import com.avos.avoscloud.utils.StringUtils;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
public class AVIMConversation {
* 暂存消息
* 只有在消息发送时,对方也是在线的才能收到这条消息
public static final int TRANSIENT_MESSAGE_FLAG = 0x10;
* 回执消息
* 当消息送到到对方以后,发送方会收到消息回执说明消息已经成功达到接收方
public static final int RECEIPT_MESSAGE_FLAG = 0x100;
private static final String ATTR_PERFIX = Conversation.ATTRIBUTE + ".";
String conversationId;
Set members;
Map attributes;
Map pendingAttributes;
AVIMClient client;
String creator;
boolean isTransient;
AVIMMessageStorage storage;
// 注意,sqlite conversation 表中的 lastMessageAt、lastMessage 的来源是 AVIMConversationQuery
// 所以并不一定是最新的,返回时要与 message 表中的数据比较,然后返回最新的,
Date lastMessageAt;
AVIMMessage lastMessage;
String createdAt;
String updatedAt;
Map instanceData = new HashMap<>();
Map pendingInstanceData = new HashMap<>();
// 是否与数据库中同步了 lastMessage,避免多次走 sqlite 查询
private boolean isSyncLastMessage = false;
* 未读消息数量
int unreadMessagesCount = 0;
boolean unreadMessagesMentioned = false;
* 对方最后收到消息的时间,此处仅针对双人会话有效
long lastDeliveredAt;
* 对方最后读消息的时间,此处仅针对双人会话有效
long lastReadAt;
* 是否是服务号
boolean isSystem = false;
* 是否是服务号
public boolean isSystem() {
return isSystem;
* 是否是临时对话
boolean isTemporary = false;
* 是否是临时对话
public boolean isTemporary() {
return isTemporary;
void setTemporary(boolean temporary) {
isTemporary = temporary;
* 临时对话过期时间
long temporaryExpiredat = 0l;
* 获取临时对话过期时间(以秒为单位)
public long getTemporaryExpiredat() {
return temporaryExpiredat;
* 设置临时对话过期时间(以秒为单位)
* 仅对 临时对话 有效
public void setTemporaryExpiredat(long temporaryExpiredat) {
if (this.isTemporary()) {
this.temporaryExpiredat = temporaryExpiredat;
protected int getType() {
if (isSystem()) {
return Conversation.CONV_TYPE_SYSTEM;
} else if (isTransient()) {
return Conversation.CONV_TYPE_TRANSIENT;
} else if (isTemporary()) {
return Conversation.CONV_TYPE_TEMPORARY;
} else {
return Conversation.CONV_TYPE_NORMAL;
protected AVIMConversation(AVIMClient client, List members,
Map attributes, boolean isTransient) {
this.members = new HashSet();
if (members != null) {
this.attributes = new HashMap();
if (attributes != null) {
this.client = client;
pendingAttributes = new HashMap();
this.isTransient = isTransient;
this.storage = AVIMMessageStorage.getInstance(client.clientId);
protected AVIMConversation(AVIMClient client, String conversationId) {
this(client, null, null, false);
this.conversationId = conversationId;
public String getConversationId() {
return this.conversationId;
protected void setConversationId(String id) {
this.conversationId = id;
protected void setCreator(String creator) {
this.creator = creator;
* 获取聊天对话的创建者
* @return
* @since 3.0
public String getCreator() {
return this.creator;
* 发送一条非暂存消息
* @param message
* @param callback
* @since 3.0
public void sendMessage(AVIMMessage message, final AVIMConversationCallback callback) {
sendMessage(message, null, callback);
* 发送消息
* @param message
* @param messageOption
* @param callback
public void sendMessage(final AVIMMessage message, final AVIMMessageOption messageOption, final AVIMConversationCallback callback) {
if (!AVUtils.isConnected(AVOSCloud.applicationContext)) {
if (callback != null) {
callback.internalDone(new AVException(AVException.CONNECTION_FAILED, "Connection lost"));
if (AVIMFileMessage.class.isAssignableFrom(message.getClass())) {
AVIMFileMessageAccessor.upload((AVIMFileMessage) message, new SaveCallback() {
public void done(AVException e) {
if (e != null) {
if (callback != null) {
} else {
boolean ret = sendCMDToPushService(null, message, messageOption, AVIMOperation.CONVERSATION_SEND_MESSAGE,
callback, null);
if (!ret && null != callback) {
callback.internalDone(new AVException(AVException.OPERATION_FORBIDDEN, "couldn't start service in background."));
} else {
boolean ret = sendCMDToPushService(null, message, messageOption, AVIMOperation.CONVERSATION_SEND_MESSAGE,
callback, null);
if (!ret && null != callback) {
callback.internalDone(new AVException(AVException.OPERATION_FORBIDDEN, "couldn't start service in background."));
* 发送一条消息。
* @param message
* @param messageFlag 消息发送选项。
* @param callback
* @since 3.0
* @deprecated Please use {@link #sendMessage(AVIMMessage, AVIMMessageOption, AVIMConversationCallback)}
public void sendMessage(AVIMMessage message, int messageFlag, AVIMConversationCallback callback) {
AVIMMessageOption option = new AVIMMessageOption();
option.setReceipt((messageFlag & AVIMConversation.RECEIPT_MESSAGE_FLAG) == AVIMConversation.RECEIPT_MESSAGE_FLAG);
option.setTransient((messageFlag & AVIMConversation.TRANSIENT_MESSAGE_FLAG) == AVIMConversation.TRANSIENT_MESSAGE_FLAG);
sendMessage(message, option, callback);
* update message content
* @param oldMessage the message need to be modified
* @param newMessage the content of the old message will be covered by the new message's
* @param callback
public void updateMessage(AVIMMessage oldMessage, AVIMMessage newMessage, AVIMMessageUpdatedCallback callback) {
PushServiceParcel parcel = new PushServiceParcel();
boolean ret = sendParcelToPushService(parcel, AVIMOperation.CONVERSATION_UPDATE_MESSAGE, callback);
if (!ret && null != callback) {
callback.internalDone(new AVException(AVException.OPERATION_FORBIDDEN, "couldn't start service in background."));
* racall message
* @param message the message need to be recalled
* @param callback
public void recallMessage(AVIMMessage message, AVIMMessageRecalledCallback callback) {
PushServiceParcel parcel = new PushServiceParcel();
boolean ret = sendParcelToPushService(parcel, AVIMOperation.CONVERSATION_RECALL_MESSAGE, callback);
if (!ret && null != callback) {
callback.internalDone(new AVException(AVException.OPERATION_FORBIDDEN, "couldn't start service in background."));
* save local message which failed to send to LeanCloud server.
* Notice: this operation perhaps to block the main thread because that database operation is executing.
* @param message the message need to be saved to local.
public void addToLocalCache(AVIMMessage message) {
* remove local message from cache.
* Notice: this operation perhaps to block the main thread because that database operation is executing.
* @param message
public void removeFromLocalCache(AVIMMessage message) {
* 查询最近的20条消息记录
* @param callback
public void queryMessages(final AVIMMessagesQueryCallback callback) {
this.queryMessages(20, callback);
* 从服务器端拉取最新消息
* @param limit
* @param callback
public void queryMessagesFromServer(int limit, final AVIMMessagesQueryCallback callback) {
queryMessagesFromServer(null, 0, limit, null, 0, new AVIMMessagesQueryCallback() {
public void done(List messages, AVIMException e) {
if (null == e) {
if (AVIMClient.messageQueryCacheEnabled) {
callback.internalDone(messages, null);
} else {
callback.internalDone(null, e);
* 从本地缓存中拉取消息
* @param limit
* @param callback
public void queryMessagesFromCache(int limit, AVIMMessagesQueryCallback callback) {
queryMessagesFromCache(null, 0, limit, callback);
private void queryMessagesFromServer(String msgId, long timestamp, int limit,
String toMsgId, long toTimestamp, AVIMMessagesQueryCallback callback) {
queryMessagesFromServer(msgId, timestamp, false, toMsgId, toTimestamp, false,
AVIMMessageQueryDirection.AVIMMessageQueryDirectionFromNewToOld, limit, callback);
* 获取特停类型的历史消息。
* 注意:这个操作总是会从云端获取记录。
* 另,该函数和 queryMessagesByType(type, msgId, timestamp, limit, callback) 配合使用可以实现翻页效果。
* @param msgType 消息类型,可以参看 `AVIMMessageType` 里的定义。
* @param limit 本批次希望获取的消息数量。
* @param callback 结果回调函数
public void queryMessagesByType(int msgType, int limit, final AVIMMessagesQueryCallback callback) {
queryMessagesByType(msgType, null, 0, limit, callback);
* 获取特定类型的历史消息。
* 注意:这个操作总是会从云端获取记录。
* 另,如果不指定 msgId 和 timestamp,则该函数效果等同于 queryMessageByType(type, limit, callback)
* @param msgType 消息类型,可以参看 `AVIMMessageType` 里的定义。
* @param msgId 消息id,从特定消息 id 开始向前查询(结果不会包含该记录)
* @param timestamp 查询起始的时间戳,返回小于这个时间的记录,必须配合 msgId 一起使用。
* 要从最新消息开始获取时,请用 0 代替客户端的本地当前时间(System.currentTimeMillis())
* @param limit 返回条数限制
* @param callback 结果回调函数
public void queryMessagesByType(int msgType, final String msgId, final long timestamp, final int limit,
final AVIMMessagesQueryCallback callback) {
if (null == callback) {
Map params = new HashMap();
params.put(Conversation.PARAM_MESSAGE_QUERY_MSGID, msgId);
params.put(Conversation.PARAM_MESSAGE_QUERY_TIMESTAMP, timestamp);
params.put(Conversation.PARAM_MESSAGE_QUERY_STARTCLOSED, false);
params.put(Conversation.PARAM_MESSAGE_QUERY_TO_MSGID, "");
params.put(Conversation.PARAM_MESSAGE_QUERY_TO_TIMESTAMP, 0);
params.put(Conversation.PARAM_MESSAGE_QUERY_TOCLOSED, false);
params.put(Conversation.PARAM_MESSAGE_QUERY_DIRECT, AVIMMessageQueryDirection.AVIMMessageQueryDirectionFromNewToOld.getCode());
params.put(Conversation.PARAM_MESSAGE_QUERY_LIMIT, limit);
params.put(Conversation.PARAM_MESSAGE_QUERY_TYPE, msgType);
boolean ret = sendNonSideEffectCommand(JSON.toJSONString(params),
if (!ret) {
callback.internalDone(new AVException(AVException.OPERATION_FORBIDDEN, "couldn't start service in background."));
private void queryMessagesFromServer(String msgId, long timestamp, boolean startClosed,
String toMsgId, long toTimestamp, boolean toClosed,
AVIMMessageQueryDirection direction, int limit,
AVIMMessagesQueryCallback cb) {
Map params = new HashMap();
params.put(Conversation.PARAM_MESSAGE_QUERY_MSGID, msgId);
params.put(Conversation.PARAM_MESSAGE_QUERY_TIMESTAMP, timestamp);
params.put(Conversation.PARAM_MESSAGE_QUERY_STARTCLOSED, startClosed);
params.put(Conversation.PARAM_MESSAGE_QUERY_TO_MSGID, toMsgId);
params.put(Conversation.PARAM_MESSAGE_QUERY_TO_TIMESTAMP, toTimestamp);
params.put(Conversation.PARAM_MESSAGE_QUERY_TOCLOSED, toClosed);
params.put(Conversation.PARAM_MESSAGE_QUERY_DIRECT, direction.getCode());
params.put(Conversation.PARAM_MESSAGE_QUERY_LIMIT, limit);
params.put(Conversation.PARAM_MESSAGE_QUERY_TYPE, 0);
boolean ret = sendCMDToPushService(JSON.toJSONString(params),
if (!ret && null != cb) {
new AVException(AVException.OPERATION_FORBIDDEN, "couldn't start service in background."));
private void queryMessagesFromCache(final String msgId, final long timestamp, final int limit,
final AVIMMessagesQueryCallback callback) {
if (null != callback) {
storage.getMessages(msgId, timestamp, limit, conversationId,
new AVIMMessageStorage.StorageQueryCallback() {
public void done(List messages, List breakpoints) {
callback.internalDone(messages, null);
* 获取最新的消息记录
* @param limit
* @param callback
public void queryMessages(final int limit, final AVIMMessagesQueryCallback callback) {
if (limit <= 0 || limit > 1000) {
if (callback != null) {
callback.internalDone(null, new AVException(new IllegalArgumentException(
"limit should be in [1, 1000]")));
// 如果屏蔽了本地缓存则全部走网络
if (!AVIMClient.messageQueryCacheEnabled) {
queryMessagesFromServer(null, 0, limit, null, 0, new AVIMMessagesQueryCallback() {
public void done(List messages, AVIMException e) {
if (callback != null) {
if (e != null) {
} else {
callback.internalDone(messages, null);
if (!AVUtils.isConnected(AVOSCloud.applicationContext)) {
queryMessagesFromCache(null, 0, limit, callback);
} else {
// 选择最后一条有 breakpoint 为 false 的消息做截断,因为是 true 的话,会造成两次查询。
// 在 queryMessages 还是遇到 breakpoint,再次查询了
long cacheMessageCount = storage.getMessageCount(conversationId);
long toTimestamp = 0;
String toMsgId = null;
// 如果本地的缓存的量都不够的情况下,应该要去服务器查询,以免第一次查询的时候出现limit跟返回值不一致让用户认为聊天记录已经到头的问题
if (cacheMessageCount >= limit) {
final AVIMMessage latestMessage =
storage.getLatestMessageWithBreakpoint(conversationId, false);
if (latestMessage != null) {
toMsgId = latestMessage.getMessageId();
toTimestamp = latestMessage.getTimestamp();
// 去服务器查询最新消息,看是否在其它终端产生过消息。为省流量,服务器会截断至 toMsgId 、toTimestamp
queryMessagesFromServer(null, 0, limit, toMsgId, toTimestamp,
new AVIMMessagesQueryCallback() {
public void done(List messages, AVIMException e) {
if (e != null) {
// 如果遇到本地错误或者网络错误,直接返回缓存数据
if (e.getCode() == AVIMException.TIMEOUT || e.getCode() == 0 || e.getCode() == 3000) {
queryMessagesFromCache(null, 0, limit, callback);
} else {
if (callback != null) {
} else {
if (AVUtils.isEmptyList(messages)) {
// 这种情况就说明我们的本地消息缓存是最新的
} else {
* 1.messages.size()<=limit && messages.contains(latestMessage)
* 这种情况就说明在本地客户端退出后,该用户在其他客户端也产生了聊天记录而没有缓存到本地来,且产生了小于一页的聊天记录
* 2.messages==limit && !messages.contains(latestMessage)
* 这种情况就说明在本地客户端退出后,该用户在其他客户端也产生了聊天记录而没有缓存到本地来,且产生了大于一页的聊天记录
queryMessagesFromCache(null, 0, limit, callback);
* 查询消息记录,上拉时使用。
* @param msgId 消息id,从消息id开始向前查询
* @param timestamp 查询起始的时间戳,返回小于这个时间的记录。
* 客户端时间不可靠,请用 0 代替 System.currentTimeMillis()
* @param limit 返回条数限制
* @param callback
public void queryMessages(final String msgId, final long timestamp, final int limit,
final AVIMMessagesQueryCallback callback) {
if (AVUtils.isBlankString(msgId) && timestamp == 0) {
this.queryMessages(limit, callback);
// 如果屏蔽了本地缓存则全部走网络
if (!AVIMClient.messageQueryCacheEnabled) {
queryMessagesFromServer(msgId, timestamp, limit, null, 0, new AVIMMessagesQueryCallback() {
public void done(List messages, AVIMException e) {
if (callback != null) {
if (e != null) {
} else {
callback.internalDone(messages, null);
// 先去本地缓存查询消息
storage.getMessage(msgId, timestamp, conversationId,
new AVIMMessageStorage.StorageMessageCallback() {
public void done(final AVIMMessage indicatorMessage,
final boolean isIndicateMessageBreakPoint) {
if (indicatorMessage == null || isIndicateMessageBreakPoint) {
String startMsgId = msgId;
long startTS = timestamp;
int requestLimit = limit;
queryMessagesFromServer(startMsgId, startTS, requestLimit, null, 0,
new AVIMMessagesQueryCallback() {
public void done(List messages, AVIMException e) {
if (e != null) {
} else {
List cachedMsgs = new LinkedList();
if (indicatorMessage != null) {
// add indicatorMessage to remove breakpoint.
if (messages != null) {
queryMessagesFromCache(msgId, timestamp, limit, callback);
} else {
// 本地缓存过而且不是breakPoint
storage.getMessages(msgId, timestamp, limit, conversationId,
new AVIMMessageStorage.StorageQueryCallback() {
public void done(List messages, List breakpoints) {
processStorageQueryResult(messages, breakpoints, msgId, timestamp, limit,
* 根据指定的区间来查询历史消息,可以指定区间开闭、查询方向以及最大条目限制
* @param interval - 区间,由起止 AVIMMessageIntervalBound 组成
* @param direction - 查询方向,支持向前(AVIMMessageQueryDirection.AVIMMessageQueryDirectionFromNewToOld)
* 或向后(AVIMMessageQueryDirection.AVIMMessageQueryDirectionFromOldToNew)查询
* @param limit - 结果最大条目限制
* @param callback - 结果回调函数
public void queryMessages(final AVIMMessageInterval interval, AVIMMessageQueryDirection direction, final int limit,
final AVIMMessagesQueryCallback callback) {
if (null == interval || limit < 0) {
if (null != callback) {
new AVException(new IllegalArgumentException("interval must not null, or limit must great than 0.")));
String mid = null;
long ts = 0;
boolean startClosed = false;
String tmid = null;
long tts = 0;
boolean endClosed = false;
if (null != interval.startIntervalBound) {
mid = interval.startIntervalBound.messageId;
ts = interval.startIntervalBound.timestamp;
startClosed = interval.startIntervalBound.closed;
if (null != interval.endIntervalBound) {
tmid = interval.endIntervalBound.messageId;
tts = interval.endIntervalBound.timestamp;
endClosed = interval.endIntervalBound.closed;
queryMessagesFromServer(mid, ts, startClosed, tmid, tts, endClosed, direction, limit, callback);
* 获取本聊天室的最后一条消息
* 如果AVIMClient.setMessageQueryCacheEnable(false)则强制走网络
* 否则只会取本地的缓存而不走网络,所以在一定程度上缺乏实时性
* @param callback
public void getLastMessage(final AVIMSingleMessageQueryCallback callback) {
if (AVIMClient.messageQueryCacheEnabled) {
queryMessagesFromCache(null, 0, 1, new AVIMMessagesQueryCallback() {
public void done(List messages, AVIMException e) {
processLastMessageResult(messages, e, callback);
} else {
queryMessagesFromServer(null, 0, 1, null, 0, new AVIMMessagesQueryCallback() {
public void done(List messages, AVIMException e) {
processLastMessageResult(messages, e, callback);
private void processLastMessageResult(List resultMessages, AVIMException e,
AVIMSingleMessageQueryCallback callback) {
if (e == null) {
if (resultMessages != null && resultMessages.size() > 0) {
callback.internalDone(resultMessages.get(0), null);
} else {
callback.done(null, null);
} else {
callback.internalDone(null, e);
* 若发现有足够的连续消息,则直接返回。否则去服务器查询消息,同时消除断点。
* */
private void processStorageQueryResult(List cachedMessages,
List breakpoints, String originMsgId, long originMsgTS, int limit,
final AVIMMessagesQueryCallback callback) {
final List continuousMessages = new ArrayList();
int firstBreakPointIndex = -1;
for (int index = 0; index < cachedMessages.size(); index++) {
if (breakpoints.get(index)) {
firstBreakPointIndex = index;
} else {
final boolean connected = AVUtils.isConnected(AVOSCloud.applicationContext);
// 如果只是最后一个消息是breakPoint,那还走啥网络
if (!connected || continuousMessages.size() >= limit/* - 1*/) {
// in case of wifi is invalid, and thre query list contain breakpoint, the result is error.
Collections.sort(continuousMessages, messageComparator);
callback.internalDone(continuousMessages, null);
} else {
final int restCount;
final AVIMMessage startMessage;
if (!continuousMessages.isEmpty()) {
// 这里是缓存里面没有breakPoint,但是limit不够的情况下
restCount = limit - continuousMessages.size();
startMessage = continuousMessages.get(continuousMessages.size() - 1);
} else {
startMessage = null;
restCount = limit;
queryMessagesFromServer(startMessage == null ? originMsgId : startMessage.messageId,
startMessage == null ? originMsgTS : startMessage.timestamp, restCount, null, 0,
new AVIMMessagesQueryCallback() {
public void done(List serverMessages, AVIMException e) {
if (e != null) {
// 不管如何,先返回缓存里面已有的有效数据
if (continuousMessages.size() > 0) {
callback.internalDone(continuousMessages, null);
} else {
} else {
if (serverMessages == null) {
serverMessages = new ArrayList();
callback.internalDone(continuousMessages, null);
* 获取当前对话的所有角色信息
* @param offset 查询结果的起始点
* @param limit 查询结果集上限
* @param callback 结果回调函数
public void getAllMemberInfo(int offset, int limit, final AVIMConversationMemberQueryCallback callback) {
QueryConditions conditions = new QueryConditions();
conditions.addWhereItem("cid", QueryOperation.EQUAL_OP, this.conversationId);
queryMemberInfo(conditions, callback);
* 获取对话内指定成员的角色信息
* @param memberId 成员的 clientid
* @param callback 结果回调函数
public void getMemberInfo(final String memberId, final AVIMConversationMemberQueryCallback callback) {
QueryConditions conditions = new QueryConditions();
conditions.addWhereItem("cid", QueryOperation.EQUAL_OP, this.conversationId);
conditions.addWhereItem("peerId", QueryOperation.EQUAL_OP, memberId);
queryMemberInfo(conditions, callback);
* 更新成员的角色信息
* @param memberId 成员的 client id
* @param role 角色
* @param callback 结果回调函数
public void updateMemberRole(final String memberId, final ConversationMemberRole role, final AVIMConversationCallback callback) {
AVIMConversationMemberInfo info = new AVIMConversationMemberInfo(this.conversationId, memberId, role);
Map params = new HashMap();
params.put(Conversation.PARAM_CONVERSATION_MEMBER_DETAILS, info.getUpdateAttrs());
boolean ret = sendCMDToPushService(JSON.toJSONString(params), AVIMOperation.CONVERSATION_PROMOTE_MEMBER,
callback, null);
if (!ret && null != callback) {
callback.internalDone(new AVException(AVException.OPERATION_FORBIDDEN, "couldn't start service in background."));
private void updateNickName(final String nickname, final AVIMConversationCallback callback) {
private void updateMemberComment(final String memberComment, final AVIMConversationCallback callback) {
private void queryMemberInfo(final QueryConditions queryConditions, final AVIMConversationMemberQueryCallback callback) {
if (null == queryConditions || null == callback) {
client.queryConversationMemberInfo(queryConditions, callback);
* 将部分成员禁言
* @param memberIds 成员列表
* @param callback 结果回调函数
public void muteMembers(final List memberIds, final AVIMOperationPartiallySucceededCallback callback) {
if (null == memberIds || memberIds.size() < 1) {
if (null != callback) {
callback.done(new AVIMException(new IllegalArgumentException("memberIds is null")), null, null);
Map params = new HashMap();
params.put(Conversation.PARAM_CONVERSATION_MEMBER, memberIds);
boolean ret = sendCMDToPushService(JSON.toJSONString(params), AVIMOperation.CONVERSATION_MUTE_MEMBER,
callback, null);
if (!ret && null != callback) {
new AVException(AVException.OPERATION_FORBIDDEN, "couldn't start service in background."));
* 将部分成员解除禁言
* @param memberIds 成员列表
* @param callback 结果回调函数
public void unmuteMembers(final List memberIds, final AVIMOperationPartiallySucceededCallback callback) {
if (null == memberIds || memberIds.size() < 1) {
if (null != callback) {
callback.done(new AVIMException(new IllegalArgumentException("memberIds is null")), null, null);
Map params = new HashMap();
params.put(Conversation.PARAM_CONVERSATION_MEMBER, memberIds);
boolean ret = sendCMDToPushService(JSON.toJSONString(params), AVIMOperation.CONVERSATION_UNMUTE_MEMBER,
callback, null);
if (!ret && null != callback) {
new AVException(AVException.OPERATION_FORBIDDEN, "couldn't start service in background."));
* 查询被禁言的成员列表
* @param offset 查询结果的起始点
* @param limit 查询结果集上限
* @param callback 结果回调函数
public void queryMutedMembers(int offset, int limit, final AVIMConversationSimpleResultCallback callback) {
if (null == callback) {
} else if (offset < 0 || limit > 100) {
callback.internalDone(null, new AVIMException(new IllegalArgumentException("offset/limit is illegal.")));
Map params = new HashMap();
params.put(Conversation.QUERY_PARAM_LIMIT, limit);
params.put(Conversation.QUERY_PARAM_OFFSET, offset);
boolean ret = sendCMDToPushService(JSON.toJSONString(params), AVIMOperation.CONVERSATION_MUTED_MEMBER_QUERY,
callback, null);
if (!ret) {
new AVException(AVException.OPERATION_FORBIDDEN, "couldn't start service in background."));
* 将部分成员加入黑名单
* @param memberIds 成员列表
* @param callback 结果回调函数
public void blockMembers(final List memberIds, final AVIMOperationPartiallySucceededCallback callback) {
if (null == memberIds || memberIds.size() < 1) {
if (null != callback) {
callback.done(new AVIMException(new IllegalArgumentException("memberIds is null")), null, null);
Map params = new HashMap();
params.put(Conversation.PARAM_CONVERSATION_MEMBER, memberIds);
boolean ret = sendCMDToPushService(JSON.toJSONString(params), AVIMOperation.CONVERSATION_BLOCK_MEMBER,
callback, null);
if (!ret && null != callback) {
callback.internalDone(new AVException(AVException.OPERATION_FORBIDDEN, "couldn't start service in background."));
* 将部分成员从黑名单移出来
* @param memberIds 成员列表
* @param callback 结果回调函数
public void unblockMembers(final List memberIds, final AVIMOperationPartiallySucceededCallback callback) {
if (null == memberIds || memberIds.size() < 1) {
if (null != callback) {
callback.done(new AVIMException(new IllegalArgumentException("memberIds is null")), null, null);
Map params = new HashMap();
params.put(Conversation.PARAM_CONVERSATION_MEMBER, memberIds);
boolean ret = sendCMDToPushService(JSON.toJSONString(params), AVIMOperation.CONVERSATION_UNBLOCK_MEMBER,
callback, null);
if (!ret && null != callback) {
callback.internalDone(new AVException(AVException.OPERATION_FORBIDDEN, "couldn't start service in background."));
* 查询黑名单的成员列表
* @param offset 查询结果的起始点
* @param limit 查询结果集上限
* @param callback 结果回调函数
public void queryBlockedMembers(int offset, int limit, final AVIMConversationSimpleResultCallback callback) {
if (null == callback) {
} else if (offset < 0 || limit > 100) {
callback.internalDone(null, new AVIMException(new IllegalArgumentException("offset/limit is illegal.")));
Map params = new HashMap();
params.put(Conversation.QUERY_PARAM_LIMIT, limit);
params.put(Conversation.QUERY_PARAM_OFFSET, offset);
boolean ret = sendCMDToPushService(JSON.toJSONString(params), AVIMOperation.CONVERSATION_BLOCKED_MEMBER_QUERY,
callback, null);
if (!ret) {
new AVException(AVException.OPERATION_FORBIDDEN, "couldn't start service in background."));
* 查询成员数量
* @param callback
public void getMemberCount(AVIMConversationMemberCountCallback callback) {
if (null == callback) {
boolean ret = sendCMDToPushService(null, AVIMOperation.CONVERSATION_MEMBER_COUNT_QUERY, callback);
if (!ret) {
callback.internalDone(new AVException(AVException.OPERATION_FORBIDDEN, "couldn't start service in background."));
* 在聊天对话中间增加新的参与者
* @param friendsList
* @param callback
* @since 3.0
public void addMembers(final List friendsList, final AVIMConversationCallback callback) {
AVException membersCheckException = AVIMClient.validateNonEmptyConversationMembers(friendsList);
if (membersCheckException != null) {
if (callback != null) {
callback.internalDone(null, membersCheckException);
Map params = new HashMap();
params.put(Conversation.PARAM_CONVERSATION_MEMBER, friendsList);
boolean ret = this.sendCMDToPushService(JSON.toJSONString(params),
AVIMOperation.CONVERSATION_ADD_MEMBER, callback, new OperationCompleteCallback() {
public void onComplete() {
public void onFailure() {}
if (!ret && null != callback) {
new AVException(AVException.OPERATION_FORBIDDEN, "couldn't start service in background."));
* 在聊天记录中间剔除参与者
* @param friendsList
* @param callback
* @since 3.0
public void kickMembers(final List friendsList, final AVIMConversationCallback callback) {
AVException membersCheckException = AVIMClient.validateNonEmptyConversationMembers(friendsList);
if (membersCheckException != null) {
if (callback != null) {
callback.internalDone(null, membersCheckException);
Map params = new HashMap();
params.put(Conversation.PARAM_CONVERSATION_MEMBER, friendsList);
boolean ret = this.sendCMDToPushService(JSON.toJSONString(params),
AVIMOperation.CONVERSATION_RM_MEMBER, callback, new OperationCompleteCallback() {
public void onComplete() {
public void onFailure() {}
if (!ret && null != callback) {
new AVException(AVException.OPERATION_FORBIDDEN, "couldn't start service in background."));
* 获取conversation当前的参与者
* @return
* @since 3.0
public List getMembers() {
List allList = new ArrayList();
return Collections.unmodifiableList(allList);
* 静音,客户端拒绝收到服务器端的离线推送通知
* @param callback
public void mute(final AVIMConversationCallback callback) {
boolean ret = this.sendCMDToPushService(null,
AVIMOperation.CONVERSATION_MUTE, callback, null);
if (!ret && null != callback) {
callback.internalDone(new AVException(AVException.OPERATION_FORBIDDEN, "couldn't start service in background."));
* 取消静音,客户端取消静音设置
* @param callback
public void unmute(final AVIMConversationCallback callback) {
boolean ret = this.sendCMDToPushService(null,
AVIMOperation.CONVERSATION_UNMUTE, callback, null);
if (!ret && null != callback) {
callback.internalDone(new AVException(AVException.OPERATION_FORBIDDEN, "couldn't start service in background."));
protected void setMembers(List m) {
if (m != null) {
* get the latest readAt timestamp
* @return
public long getLastReadAt() {
return lastReadAt;
* get the latest deliveredAt timestamp
* @return
public long getLastDeliveredAt() {
if (lastReadAt > lastDeliveredAt) {
// 既然已读,肯定已经送到了
return lastReadAt;
return lastDeliveredAt;
void setLastReadAt(long timeStamp, boolean saveToLocal) {
if (timeStamp > lastReadAt) {
lastReadAt = timeStamp;
if (saveToLocal) {
void setLastDeliveredAt(long timeStamp, boolean saveToLocal) {
if (timeStamp > lastDeliveredAt) {
lastDeliveredAt = timeStamp;
if (saveToLocal) {
* 退出当前的聊天对话
* @param callback
* @since 3.0
public void quit(final AVIMConversationCallback callback) {
boolean ret = this.sendCMDToPushService(null, AVIMOperation.CONVERSATION_QUIT,
callback, new OperationCompleteCallback() {
public void onComplete() {
public void onFailure() {
if (!ret && null != callback) {
callback.internalDone(new AVException(AVException.OPERATION_FORBIDDEN, "couldn't start service in background."));
* Add a key-value pair to this conversation
* @param key Keys must be alphanumerical plus underscore, and start with a letter.
* @param value Values may be numerical, String, JSONObject, JSONArray, JSONObject.NULL, or other
* AVObjects. value may not be null.
public void set(String key, Object value) {
if (!AVUtils.isBlankString(key) && null != value) {
pendingInstanceData.put(key, value);
* Access a value
* @param key
* @return
public Object get(String key) {
if (!AVUtils.isBlankString(key)) {
if (pendingInstanceData.containsKey(key)) {
return pendingInstanceData.get(key);
if (instanceData.containsKey(key)) {
return instanceData.get(key);
return null;
* 获取当前聊天对话的属性
* @return
* @since 3.0
public Object getAttribute(String key) {
Object value;
if (pendingAttributes.containsKey(key)) {
value = pendingAttributes.get(key);
} else {
value = attributes.get(key);
return value;
public void setAttribute(String key, Object value) {
if (!AVUtils.isBlankContent(key)) {
// 以往的 sdk 支持 setAttribute("attr.key", "attrValue") 这种格式,这里兼容一下
if (key.startsWith(ATTR_PERFIX)) {
this.pendingAttributes.put(key.substring(ATTR_PERFIX.length()), value);
} else {
this.pendingAttributes.put(key, value);
* 设置当前聊天对话的属性
* @param attr
* @since 3.0
public void setAttributes(Map attr) {
* 设置当前聊天对话的属性,仅用于初始化时
* 因为 attr 涉及到本地缓存,所以初始化时与主动调用 setAttributes 行为不同
* @param attr
void setAttributesForInit(Map attr) {
if (attr != null) {
* 获取conversation的名字
* @return
public String getName() {
return (String) getAttribute(Conversation.NAME);
public void setName(String name) {
pendingAttributes.put(Conversation.NAME, name);
* 获取最新一条消息的时间
* @return
public Date getLastMessageAt() {
AVIMMessage lastMessage = getLastMessage();
if (null != lastMessage) {
setLastMessageAt(new Date(lastMessage.getReceiptTimestamp()));
return lastMessageAt;
void setLastMessageAt(Date messageTime) {
if (null != messageTime && (null == lastMessageAt || messageTime.after(this.lastMessageAt))) {
this.lastMessageAt = messageTime;
* 获取最新一条消息
* @return
public AVIMMessage getLastMessage() {
if (AVIMClient.messageQueryCacheEnabled && !isSyncLastMessage) {
return lastMessage;
private AVIMMessage getLastMessageFromLocal() {
if (AVIMClient.messageQueryCacheEnabled) {
AVIMMessage lastMessageInLocal = storage.getLatestMessage(getConversationId());
isSyncLastMessage = true;
return lastMessageInLocal;
return null;
* lastMessage 的来源:
* 1. sqlite conversation 表中的 lastMessage,conversation query 后存储下来的
* 2. sqlite message 表中存储的最新的消息
* 3. 实时通讯推送过来的消息也要及时更新 lastMessage
* @param lastMessage
void setLastMessage(AVIMMessage lastMessage) {
if (null != lastMessage) {
if (null == this.lastMessage) {
this.lastMessage = lastMessage;
} else {
if(this.lastMessage.getTimestamp() <= lastMessage.getTimestamp()) {
this.lastMessage = lastMessage;
} else {
LogUtil.log.d("lastMessage timestamp is invalid. existed=" + this.lastMessage.getTimestamp() + ", newValue=" + lastMessage.getTimestamp());
void increaseUnreadCount(int num, boolean mentioned) {
unreadMessagesCount = getUnreadMessagesCount() + num;
if (mentioned) {
unreadMessagesMentioned = mentioned;
void updateUnreadCountAndMessage(AVIMMessage lastMessage, int unreadCount, boolean mentioned) {
if (null != lastMessage) {
storage.insertMessage(lastMessage, true);
if (unreadMessagesCount != unreadCount) {
unreadMessagesCount = unreadCount;
unreadMessagesMentioned = mentioned;
storage.updateConversationUreadCount(conversationId, unreadMessagesCount, mentioned);
* 获取当前未读消息数量
* @return
public int getUnreadMessagesCount() {
return unreadMessagesCount;
* 判断当前未读消息中是否有提及当前用户的消息存在。
* @return
public boolean unreadMessagesMentioned() {
return unreadMessagesMentioned;
* 清除未读消息
public void read() {
if (!isTransient) {
AVIMMessage lastMessage = getLastMessage();
Map params = new HashMap();
if (null != lastMessage) {
params.put(Conversation.PARAM_MESSAGE_QUERY_MSGID, lastMessage.getMessageId());
params.put(Conversation.PARAM_MESSAGE_QUERY_TIMESTAMP, lastMessage.getTimestamp());
this.sendCMDToPushService(JSON.toJSONString(params), AVIMOperation.CONVERSATION_READ, null, null);
* 获取Conversation的创建时间
* @return
public Date getCreatedAt() {
return AVUtils.dateFromString(createdAt);
void setCreatedAt(String createdAt) {
this.createdAt = createdAt;
* 获取Conversation的更新时间
* @return
public Date getUpdatedAt() {
return AVUtils.dateFromString(updatedAt);
void setUpdatedAt(String updatedAt) {
this.updatedAt = updatedAt;
public void fetchReceiptTimestamps(AVIMConversationCallback callback) {
boolean ret = sendCMDToPushService(null, AVIMOperation.CONVERSATION_FETCH_RECEIPT_TIME,
callback, null);
if (!ret && null != callback) {
callback.internalDone(new AVException(AVException.OPERATION_FORBIDDEN, "couldn't start service in background."));
* 更新当前对话的属性至服务器端
* @param callback
* @since 3.0
public void updateInfoInBackground(AVIMConversationCallback callback) {
if (!pendingAttributes.isEmpty() || !pendingInstanceData.isEmpty()) {
Map attributesMap = new HashMap<>();
if (!pendingAttributes.isEmpty()) {
final Map pendingAttrMap = processAttributes(pendingAttributes, false);
if (null != pendingAttrMap) {
if (!pendingInstanceData.isEmpty()) {
Map params = new HashMap();
if (!attributesMap.isEmpty()) {
params.put(Conversation.PARAM_CONVERSATION_ATTRIBUTE, attributesMap);
boolean ret = this.sendCMDToPushService(JSON.toJSONString(params),
AVIMOperation.CONVERSATION_UPDATE, callback, new OperationCompleteCallback() {
public void onComplete() {
public void onFailure() {
if (!ret && null != callback) {
callback.internalDone(new AVException(AVException.OPERATION_FORBIDDEN, "couldn't start service in background."));
} else {
* 从服务器同步对话的属性
* @param callback
public void fetchInfoInBackground(final AVIMConversationCallback callback) {
if (AVUtils.isBlankString(conversationId)) {
if (callback != null) {
callback.internalDone(null, new AVException(AVException.INVALID_QUERY, "ConversationId is empty"));
} else {
LogUtil.avlog.e("ConversationId is empty");
Map params = getFetchRequestParams();
boolean ret = sendCMDToPushService(JSON.toJSONString(params), AVIMOperation.CONVERSATION_QUERY, callback);
if (!ret && null != callback) {
callback.internalDone(new AVException(AVException.OPERATION_FORBIDDEN, "couldn't start service in background."));
public Map getFetchRequestParams() {
Map params = new HashMap();
if (conversationId.startsWith(Conversation.TEMPCONV_ID_PREFIX)) {
params.put(Conversation.QUERY_PARAM_TEMPCONV, conversationId);
} else {
Map whereMap = new HashMap();
whereMap.put("objectId", conversationId);
params.put(Conversation.QUERY_PARAM_WHERE, whereMap);
return params;
* 加入当前聊天对话
* @param callback
public void join(AVIMConversationCallback callback) {
boolean ret = this.sendCMDToPushService(null, AVIMOperation.CONVERSATION_JOIN,
callback, new OperationCompleteCallback() {
public void onComplete() {
public void onFailure() {
if (!ret && null != callback) {
callback.internalDone(new AVException(AVException.OPERATION_FORBIDDEN, "couldn't start service in background."));
public boolean isTransient() {
return isTransient;
void setTransientForInit(boolean isTransient) {
this.isTransient = isTransient;
* 超时的时间间隔设置为一个小时,即 fetch 操作并且返回了错误,则一个小时内 sdk 不再进行调用 fetch
int FETCH_TIME_INTERVEL = 3600 * 1000;
* 最近的 sdk 调用的 fetch 操作的时间
long latestConversationFetch = 0;
* 判断当前 Conversation 是否有效,因为 AVIMConversation 为客户端创建,有可能因为没有同步造成数据丢失
* 可以根据此函数来判断,如果无效,则需要调用 fetchInfoInBackground 同步数据
* 如果 fetchInfoInBackground 出错(比如因为 acl 问题造成 Forbidden to find by class permissions ),
* 客户端就会在收到消息后一直做 fetch 操作,所以这里加了一个判断,如果在 FETCH_TIME_INTERVEL 内有业务类型的
* error code 返回,则不在请求
public boolean isShouldFetch() {
return null == getCreatedAt() || (System.currentTimeMillis() - latestConversationFetch > FETCH_TIME_INTERVEL);
public void setMustFetch() {
latestConversationFetch = 0;
private void processContinuousMessages(List messages) {
if (null != messages && !messages.isEmpty()) {
Collections.sort(messages, messageComparator);
setLastMessage(messages.get(messages.size() - 1));
storage.insertContinuousMessages(messages, conversationId);
void updateLocalMessage(AVIMMessage message) {
private boolean sendParcelToPushService(final PushServiceParcel pushServiceParcel, final AVIMOperation operation, AVCallback callback) {
final int requestId = AVUtils.getNextIMRequestId();
Intent i = new Intent(AVOSCloud.applicationContext, PushService.class);
i.putExtra(Conversation.INTENT_KEY_DATA, pushServiceParcel);
i.putExtra(Conversation.INTENT_KEY_CLIENT, client.clientId);
i.putExtra(Conversation.INTENT_KEY_CONVERSATION, this.conversationId);
i.putExtra(Conversation.INTENT_KEY_CONV_TYPE, this.getType());
i.putExtra(Conversation.INTENT_KEY_REQUESTID, requestId);
i.putExtra(Conversation.INTENT_KEY_OPERATION, operation.getCode());
try {
if (callback != null) {
new AVIMBaseBroadcastReceiver(callback) {
public void execute(Intent intent, Throwable error) {
if (null == error) {
long patchTime = intent.getLongExtra(Conversation.PARAM_MESSAGE_PATCH_TIME, 0);
if (operation.equals(AVIMOperation.CONVERSATION_RECALL_MESSAGE)) {
onMessageRecalled(pushServiceParcel, patchTime, callback);
} else {
onMessageUpdated(pushServiceParcel, patchTime, callback);
} else {
callback.internalDone(new AVException(error));
}, new IntentFilter(operation.getOperation() + requestId));
return true;
} catch (Exception ex) {
LogUtil.avlog.e("failed to startService. cause: " + ex.getMessage());
return false;
private void onMessageRecalled(PushServiceParcel pushServiceParcel, long patchTime, AVCallback callback) {
AVIMMessage oldMessage = pushServiceParcel.getRecallMessage();
AVIMMessage recalledMessage = new AVIMRecalledMessage();
copyMessageWithoutContent(oldMessage, recalledMessage);
callback.internalDone(recalledMessage, null);
private void onMessageUpdated(PushServiceParcel pushServiceParcel, long patchTime, AVCallback callback) {
AVIMMessage oldMessage = pushServiceParcel.getOldMessage();
AVIMMessage newMessage = pushServiceParcel.getNewMessage();
copyMessageWithoutContent(oldMessage, newMessage);
callback.internalDone(newMessage, null);
private void copyMessageWithoutContent(AVIMMessage oldMessage, AVIMMessage newMessage) {
private boolean sendCMDToPushService(String dataInString,
final AVIMOperation operation,
final AVCallback callback, final OperationCompleteCallback occ) {
return sendCMDToPushService(dataInString, null, null, operation, callback, occ);
protected boolean sendCMDToPushService(String dataInString, final AVIMOperation operation,
AVCallback callback) {
return sendCMDToPushService(dataInString, null, null, operation, callback, null);
private boolean sendNonSideEffectCommand(String dataInString, final AVIMOperation operation, AVCallback callback) {
if (null == callback) {
return true;
final int requestId = AVUtils.getNextIMRequestId();
Intent i = new Intent(AVOSCloud.applicationContext, PushService.class);
if (!AVUtils.isBlankString(dataInString)) {
i.putExtra(Conversation.INTENT_KEY_DATA, dataInString);
i.putExtra(Conversation.INTENT_KEY_CLIENT, client.clientId);
i.putExtra(Conversation.INTENT_KEY_CONVERSATION, this.conversationId);
i.putExtra(Conversation.INTENT_KEY_CONV_TYPE, this.getType());
i.putExtra(Conversation.INTENT_KEY_OPERATION, operation.getCode());
i.putExtra(Conversation.INTENT_KEY_REQUESTID, requestId);
try {
new AVIMBaseBroadcastReceiver(callback) {
public void execute(Intent intent, Throwable ex) {
// 处理历史消息查询
if (operation.getCode() == AVIMOperation.CONVERSATION_MESSAGE_QUERY.getCode()) {
List historyMessages =
if (ex != null) {
callback.internalDone(null, new AVIMException(ex));
} else {
if (historyMessages == null) {
historyMessages = Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
callback.internalDone(historyMessages, null);
}, new IntentFilter(operation.getOperation() + requestId));
return true;
} catch (Exception ex) {
LogUtil.avlog.e("failed to startService. cause: " + ex.getMessage());
return false;
private boolean sendCMDToPushService(String dataInString, final AVIMMessage message,
final AVIMMessageOption messageOption, final AVIMOperation operation,
final AVCallback callback, final OperationCompleteCallback occ) {
final int requestId = AVUtils.getNextIMRequestId();
Intent i = new Intent(AVOSCloud.applicationContext, PushService.class);
if (!AVUtils.isBlankString(dataInString)) {
i.putExtra(Conversation.INTENT_KEY_DATA, dataInString);
if (message != null) {
i.putExtra(Conversation.INTENT_KEY_DATA, message);
if (null != messageOption) {
i.putExtra(Conversation.INTENT_KEY_MESSAGE_OPTION, messageOption);
// 消息等级仅针对聊天室有效,如非聊天室,此处打印 log 提示
if (!isTransient && null != messageOption.getPriority() && AVOSCloud.isDebugLogEnabled()) {
LogUtil.avlog.d("Message priority is invalid in transient conversation");
i.putExtra(Conversation.INTENT_KEY_CLIENT, client.clientId);
i.putExtra(Conversation.INTENT_KEY_CONVERSATION, this.conversationId);
i.putExtra(Conversation.INTENT_KEY_CONV_TYPE, this.getType());
i.putExtra(Conversation.INTENT_KEY_OPERATION, operation.getCode());
i.putExtra(Conversation.INTENT_KEY_REQUESTID, requestId);
try {
if (callback != null) {
new AVIMBaseBroadcastReceiver(callback) {
public void execute(Intent intent, Throwable error) {
// 处理退出命令时
if (operation.getCode() == AVIMOperation.CONVERSATION_QUIT.getCode()) {
// 处理side effect调用
if (error == null && occ != null) {
} else if (error != null && occ != null) {
// 消息命令
if (message != null) {
if (error == null) {
// 处理发送成功的消息
long timestamp =
intent.getExtras().getLong(Conversation.callbackMessageTimeStamp, -1);
String messageId = intent.getStringExtra(Conversation.callbackMessageId);
if (timestamp != -1) {
if ((null == messageOption || !messageOption.isTransient()) && AVIMClient.messageQueryCacheEnabled) {
storage.insertMessage(message, false);
} else {
LogUtil.avlog.d("skip inserting into local storage.");
AVIMConversation.this.lastMessageAt = new Date(timestamp);
} else {
// 处理历史消息查询
if (operation.getCode() == AVIMOperation.CONVERSATION_MESSAGE_QUERY.getCode()) {
List historyMessages =
if (error != null) {
// modify by jwfing[2017/8/23] not return exception to external caller.
callback.internalDone(null, new AVIMException(AVIMException.TIMEOUT, AVException.CONNECTION_FAILED, error.getMessage()));
} else {
setLastReadAt(intent.getLongExtra(Conversation.callbackReadAt, 0L), false);
setLastDeliveredAt(intent.getLongExtra(Conversation.callbackDeliveredAt, 0L), false);
if (historyMessages == null) {
historyMessages = Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
callback.internalDone(historyMessages, null);
// 刷新Conversation 更新时间
if (operation.getCode() == AVIMOperation.CONVERSATION_UPDATE.getCode()) {
if (intent.getExtras().containsKey(Conversation.callbackUpdatedAt)) {
String updatedAt = intent.getExtras().getString(Conversation.callbackUpdatedAt);
AVIMConversation.this.updatedAt = updatedAt;
// 处理成员数量查询
if (operation.getCode() == AVIMOperation.CONVERSATION_MEMBER_COUNT_QUERY.getCode()) {
int memberCount = intent.getIntExtra(Conversation.callbackMemberCount, 0);
callback.internalDone(memberCount, AVIMException.wrapperAVException(error));
if (operation.getCode() == AVIMOperation.CONVERSATION_FETCH_RECEIPT_TIME.getCode()) {
setLastReadAt(intent.getLongExtra(Conversation.callbackReadAt, 0L), false);
setLastDeliveredAt(intent.getLongExtra(Conversation.callbackDeliveredAt, 0L), false);
callback.internalDone(null, AVIMException.wrapperAVException(error));
// 处理对成员禁言/拉黑系操作
if (operation.getCode() == AVIMOperation.CONVERSATION_MUTE_MEMBER.getCode()
|| operation.getCode() == AVIMOperation.CONVERSATION_UNMUTE_MEMBER.getCode()
|| operation.getCode() == AVIMOperation.CONVERSATION_BLOCK_MEMBER.getCode()
|| operation.getCode() == AVIMOperation.CONVERSATION_UNBLOCK_MEMBER.getCode()) {
String[] allowedList = intent.getStringArrayExtra(Conversation.callbackConvMemberMuted_SUCC);
ArrayList failedList = intent.getParcelableArrayListExtra(Conversation.callbackConvMemberMuted_FAIL);
Map result = new HashMap<>();
result.put(Conversation.callbackConvMemberMuted_SUCC, allowedList);
result.put(Conversation.callbackConvMemberMuted_FAIL, failedList);
callback.internalDone(result, AVIMException.wrapperAVException(error));
// 处理被禁言成员列表查询
if (operation.getCode() == AVIMOperation.CONVERSATION_MUTED_MEMBER_QUERY.getCode()
|| operation.getCode() == AVIMOperation.CONVERSATION_BLOCKED_MEMBER_QUERY.getCode()) {
String[] result = intent.getStringArrayExtra(Conversation.callbackData);
callback.internalDone(null != result ? Arrays.asList(result) : null, AVIMException.wrapperAVException(error));
if (operation.getCode() == AVIMOperation.CONVERSATION_QUERY.getCode()) {
// for fetchInfoInBackground() method.
if (null != error) {
callback.internalDone(null, AVIMException.wrapperAVException(error));
} else {
Exception exception = processQueryResult(intent.getExtras().getSerializable(Conversation.callbackData));
callback.internalDone(null, AVIMException.wrapperAVException(exception));
callback.internalDone(null, AVIMException.wrapperAVException(error));
}, new IntentFilter(operation.getOperation() + requestId));
} catch (Exception ex) {
LogUtil.avlog.e("failed to startService. cause: " + ex.getMessage());
return false;
return true;
* 处理 query 的返回结果
* @param serializable
* @return
public Exception processQueryResult(Serializable serializable) {
if (null != serializable) {
try {
String result = (String)serializable;
JSONArray jsonArray = JSON.parseArray(String.valueOf(result));
if (null != jsonArray && !jsonArray.isEmpty()) {
JSONObject jsonObject = jsonArray.getJSONObject(0);
updateConversation(this, jsonObject);
client.mergeConversationCache(this, true, null);
latestConversationFetch = System.currentTimeMillis();
} else {
// not found conversation
return new AVIMException(9100, "Conversation not found");
} catch (Exception e) {
return e;
} else {
return new AVIMException(9100, "Conversation not found");
return null;
* parse AVIMConversation from jsonObject
* @param client
* @param jsonObj
* @return
public static AVIMConversation parseFromJson(AVIMClient client, JSONObject jsonObj) {
if (null == jsonObj || null == client) {
return null;
String conversationId = jsonObj.getString(AVObject.OBJECT_ID);
if (AVUtils.isBlankContent(conversationId)) {
return null;
boolean systemConv = false;
boolean transientConv = false;
boolean tempConv = false;
if (jsonObj.containsKey(Conversation.SYSTEM)) {
systemConv = jsonObj.getBoolean(Conversation.SYSTEM);
if (jsonObj.containsKey(Conversation.TRANSIENT)) {
transientConv = jsonObj.getBoolean(Conversation.TRANSIENT);
if (jsonObj.containsKey(Conversation.TEMPORARY)) {
tempConv = jsonObj.getBoolean(Conversation.TEMPORARY);
AVIMConversation originConv = null;
if (systemConv) {
originConv = new AVIMServiceConversation(client, conversationId);
} else if (tempConv) {
originConv = new AVIMTemporaryConversation(client, conversationId);
} else if (transientConv) {
originConv = new AVIMChatRoom(client, conversationId);
} else {
originConv = new AVIMConversation(client, conversationId);
originConv.latestConversationFetch = System.currentTimeMillis();
return updateConversation(originConv, jsonObj);
public static void mergeConversationFromJsonObject(AVIMConversation conversation, JSONObject jsonObj) {
if (null == conversation || null == jsonObj) {
// Notice: cannot update deleted attr.
HashMap attributes = new HashMap();
if (jsonObj.containsKey(Conversation.NAME)) {
attributes.put(Conversation.NAME, jsonObj.getString(Conversation.NAME));
if (jsonObj.containsKey(Conversation.ATTRIBUTE)) {
JSONObject moreAttributes = jsonObj.getJSONObject(Conversation.ATTRIBUTE);
if (moreAttributes != null) {
Map moreAttributesMap = JSON.toJavaObject(moreAttributes, Map.class);
Set keySet = jsonObj.keySet();
if (!keySet.isEmpty()) {
for (String key : keySet) {
if (!Arrays.asList(Conversation.CONVERSATION_COLUMNS).contains(key)) {
conversation.instanceData.put(key, jsonObj.get(key));
// conversation.latestConversationFetch = System.currentTimeMillis();
static AVIMConversation updateConversation(AVIMConversation conversation, JSONObject jsonObj) {
if (null == jsonObj || null == conversation) {
return conversation;
String conversationId = jsonObj.getString(AVObject.OBJECT_ID);
List m = jsonObj.getObject(Conversation.MEMBERS, List.class);
HashMap attributes = new HashMap();
if (jsonObj.containsKey(Conversation.NAME)) {
attributes.put(Conversation.NAME, jsonObj.getString(Conversation.NAME));
if (jsonObj.containsKey(Conversation.ATTRIBUTE)) {
JSONObject moreAttributes = jsonObj.getJSONObject(Conversation.ATTRIBUTE);
if (moreAttributes != null) {
Map moreAttributesMap = JSON.toJavaObject(moreAttributes, Map.class);
Set keySet = jsonObj.keySet();
if (!keySet.isEmpty()) {
for (String key : keySet) {
if (!Arrays.asList(Conversation.CONVERSATION_COLUMNS).contains(key)) {
conversation.instanceData.put(key, jsonObj.get(key));
if (jsonObj.containsKey(Conversation.SYSTEM)) {
conversation.instanceData.put(Conversation.SYSTEM, jsonObj.get(Conversation.SYSTEM));
if (jsonObj.containsKey(Conversation.MUTE)) {
conversation.instanceData.put(Conversation.MUTE, jsonObj.get(Conversation.MUTE));
if (jsonObj.containsKey(AVObject.CREATED_AT)) {
if (jsonObj.containsKey(AVObject.UPDATED_AT)) {
AVIMMessage message = AVIMTypedMessage.parseMessage(conversationId, jsonObj);
if (jsonObj.containsKey(Conversation.LAST_MESSAGE_AT)) {
conversation.setLastMessageAt(AVUtils.dateFromMap(jsonObj.getObject(Conversation.LAST_MESSAGE_AT, Map.class)));
if (jsonObj.containsKey(Conversation.TRANSIENT)) {
conversation.isTransient = jsonObj.getBoolean(Conversation.TRANSIENT);
return conversation;
* 处理 AVIMConversation attr 列
* 因为 sdk 支持增量更新与覆盖更新,而增量更新与覆盖更新需要的结构不一样,所以这里处理一下
* 具体格式可参照下边的注释,注意,两种格式不能同时存在,否则 server 会报错
* @param attributes
* @param isCovered
* @return
static Map processAttributes(Map attributes, boolean isCovered) {
if (isCovered) {
return processAttributesForCovering(attributes);
} else {
return processAttributesForIncremental(attributes);
* 增量更新 attributes
* 这里处理完的格式应该类似为 {"attr.key1":"value2", "attr.key2":"value2"}
* @param attributes
* @return
static Map processAttributesForIncremental(Map attributes) {
Map attributeMap = new HashMap<>();
if (attributes.containsKey(Conversation.NAME)) {
attributeMap.put(Conversation.NAME, attributes.get(Conversation.NAME));
for (String k : attributes.keySet()) {
if (!Arrays.asList(Conversation.CONVERSATION_COLUMNS).contains(k)) {
attributeMap.put(ATTR_PERFIX + k, attributes.get(k));
if (attributeMap.isEmpty()) {
return null;
return attributeMap;
* 覆盖更新 attributes
* 这里处理完的格式应该类似为 {"attr":{"key1":"value1","key2":"value2"}}
* @param attributes
* @return
static JSONObject processAttributesForCovering(Map attributes) {
HashMap attributeMap = new HashMap();
if (attributes.containsKey(Conversation.NAME)) {
Map innerAttribute = new HashMap();
for (String k : attributes.keySet()) {
if (!Arrays.asList(Conversation.CONVERSATION_COLUMNS).contains(k)) {
innerAttribute.put(k, attributes.get(k));
if (!innerAttribute.isEmpty()) {
attributeMap.put(Conversation.ATTRIBUTE, innerAttribute);
if (attributeMap.isEmpty()) {
return null;
return new JSONObject(attributeMap);
static Comparator messageComparator = new Comparator() {
public int compare(AVIMMessage m1, AVIMMessage m2) {
if (m1.getTimestamp() < m2.getTimestamp()) {
return -1;
} else if (m1.getTimestamp() > m2.getTimestamp()) {
return 1;
} else {
return m1.messageId.compareTo(m2.messageId);
interface OperationCompleteCallback {
void onComplete();
void onFailure();
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