com.avos.avoscloud.AVCloud Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.avos.avoscloud;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
* The AVCloud class defines provides methods for interacting with AVOSCloud Cloud Functions. A
* Cloud Function can be called with AVCloud.callFunctionInBackground(String, Map, FunctionCallback)
* using a FunctionCallback. For example, this sample code calls the "validateGame" Cloud Function
* and calls processResponse if the call succeeded and handleError if it failed.
* AVCloud.callFunctionInBackground("validateGame", parameters, new FunctionCallback() {
* public void done(Object object, AVException e) {
* if (e == null) {
* processResponse(object);
* } else {
* handleError();
* }
* }
* }
* Using the callback methods is usually preferred because the network operation will not block the
* calling thread. However, in some cases it may be easier to use the * AVCloud.callFunction(String,
* Map) call which do block the calling thread. For example, if your application has already spawned
* a background task to perform work, that background task could use the blocking calls and avoid
* the code complexity of callbacks.
public class AVCloud {
private static boolean isProduction = true;
* 设置调用云代码函数的测试环境或者生产环境,默认为true,也就是生产环境。
* @param productionMode
public static void setProductionMode(boolean productionMode) {
isProduction = productionMode;
public static boolean isProductionMode() {return isProduction;}
* Calls a cloud function.
* @param name The cloud function to call
* @param params The parameters to send to the cloud function. This map can contain anything that
* could be placed in a AVObject except for AVObjects themselves.
* @return The result of the cloud call. Result may be a @{link Map}< String, ?>, AVObject,
* List>, or any type that can be set as a field in a AVObject.
* @throws AVException
public static T callFunction(String name, Map params) throws AVException {
final AtomicReference reference = new AtomicReference();
PaasClient.cloudInstance().postObject("functions/" + name, AVUtils.restfulServerData(params),
getProductionHeader(), true, new GenericObjectCallback() {
public void onSuccess(String content, AVException e) {
reference.set((T) convertCloudResponse(content));
public void onFailure(Throwable error, String content) {
LogUtil.log.d(content + error);
AVExceptionHolder.add(AVErrorUtils.createException(error, content));
if (AVExceptionHolder.exists()) throw AVExceptionHolder.remove();
return reference.get();
* Calls a cloud function in the background.
* @param name The cloud function to call
* @param params The parameters to send to the cloud function. This map can contain anything that
* could be placed in a AVObject except for AVObjects themselves.
* @param callback The callback that will be called when the cloud function has returned.
public static void callFunctionInBackground(String name, Map params,
final FunctionCallback callback) {
// for test
PaasClient.cloudInstance().postObject("functions/" + name, AVUtils.restfulServerData(params),
getProductionHeader(), false, new GenericObjectCallback() {
public void onSuccess(String content, AVException e) {
if (callback != null) {
callback.internalDone((T) convertCloudResponse(content), e);
public void onFailure(Throwable error, String content) {
if (callback != null) {
callback.internalDone(null, AVErrorUtils.createException(error, content));
* response like this:
* {"result":"Hello world!"}
* { "result": { "__type": "Object", "className": "Armor", "createdAt":
* "2013-04-02T06:15:27.211Z", "displayName": "Wooden Shield", "fireproof": false, "objectId":
* "2iGGg18C7H", "rupees": 50, "updatedAt": "2013-04-02T06:15:27.211Z" } }
* { "result": [ { "__type": "Object", "cheatMode": false, "className": "Armor", "createdAt":
* "2013-04-20T07:45:54.962Z", "objectId": "8o2ncpWitt", "otherArmor": { "__type": "Pointer",
* "className": "Armor", "objectId": "dEvrhyRGcr" }, "playerName": "Sean Plott", "score": 1337,
* "testBytes": { "__type": "Bytes", "base64": "VGhpcyBpcyBhbiBlbmNvZGVkIHN0cmluZw==" },
* "testDate": { "__type": "Date", "iso": "2011-08-21T18:02:52.249Z" }, "testGeoPoint": {
* "__type": "GeoPoint", "latitude": 40, "longitude": -30 }, "testRelation": { "__type":
* "Relation", "className": "GameScore" }, "updatedAt": "2013-04-20T07:45:54.962Z" } ] }
// TODO: should be private
public static Object convertCloudResponse(String response) {
Object newResultValue = null;
try {
Map resultMap = AVUtils.getFromJSON(response, Map.class);
Object resultValue = resultMap.get("result");
if (resultValue instanceof Collection) {
newResultValue = AVUtils.getObjectFrom((Collection) resultValue);
} else if (resultValue instanceof Map) {
newResultValue = AVUtils.getObjectFrom((Map) resultValue);
} else {
// String or somethings
newResultValue = resultValue;
} catch (Exception e) {
LogUtil.log.e("Error during response parse", e);
return newResultValue;
public static void rpcFunctionInBackground(String name, Object params,
final FunctionCallback callback) {
rpcFunctionInBackground(name, params, false, callback);
public static T rpcFunction(String name, Object params) throws AVException {
final AtomicReference reference = new AtomicReference();
rpcFunctionInBackground(name, params, true, new FunctionCallback() {
public void done(T object, AVException e) {
if (e == null) {
} else {
protected boolean mustRunOnUIThread() {
return false;
if (AVExceptionHolder.exists()) throw AVExceptionHolder.remove();
return reference.get();
private static Map getProductionHeader() {
Map headers = new HashMap<>();
headers.put("X-LC-Prod", isProduction ? "1" : "0");
return headers;
private static void rpcFunctionInBackground(String name, Object params, final boolean sync,
final FunctionCallback callback) {
String paramString = AVUtils.restfulCloudData(params);
PaasClient.cloudInstance().postObject("call/" + name, paramString, getProductionHeader(),
sync, new GenericObjectCallback() {
public void onSuccess(String content, AVException e) {
callback.internalDone((T) convertCloudResponse(content), e);
public void onFailure(Throwable error, String content) {
LogUtil.log.d(content + error);
callback.internalDone(null, AVErrorUtils.createException(error, content));