cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockStateRegistry Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package cn.nukkit.blockstate;
import cn.nukkit.Server;
import cn.nukkit.api.DeprecationDetails;
import cn.nukkit.api.PowerNukkitOnly;
import cn.nukkit.api.PowerNukkitXOnly;
import cn.nukkit.api.Since;
import cn.nukkit.block.Block;
import cn.nukkit.block.BlockID;
import cn.nukkit.block.BlockUnknown;
import cn.nukkit.block.customblock.CustomBlock;
import cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperties;
import cn.nukkit.blockproperty.exception.BlockPropertyNotFoundException;
import cn.nukkit.blockstate.exception.InvalidBlockStateException;
import cn.nukkit.nbt.NBTIO;
import cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.CompoundTag;
import cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.Tag;
import cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream;
import cn.nukkit.utils.HumanStringComparator;
import cn.nukkit.utils.MinecraftNamespaceComparator;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2ObjectMap;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2ObjectOpenHashMap;
import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
import lombok.EqualsAndHashCode;
import lombok.ToString;
import lombok.experimental.UtilityClass;
import lombok.extern.log4j.Log4j2;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import javax.annotation.ParametersAreNonnullByDefault;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
public class BlockStateRegistry {
public final int BIG_META_MASK = 0xFFFFFFFF;
private final ExecutorService asyncStateRemover = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
private final Pattern BLOCK_ID_NAME_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("^blockid:(\\d+)$");
private Registration updateBlockRegistration;
private final Map blockStateRegistration = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private final Map stateIdRegistration = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private final Int2ObjectMap runtimeIdRegistration = new Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<>();
private final Int2ObjectMap blockIdToPersistenceName = new Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<>();
private final Map persistenceNameToBlockId = new LinkedHashMap<>();
private byte[] blockPaletteBytes;
private List knownStateIds;
static {
private void init(){
try (InputStream stream = Server.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("block_ids.csv")) {
if (stream == null) {
throw new AssertionError("Unable to locate block_ids.csv");
int count = 0;
try (BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stream))) {
String line;
while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
line = line.trim();
if (line.isEmpty()) {
String[] parts = line.split(",");
Preconditions.checkArgument(parts.length == 2 || parts[0].matches("^[0-9]+$"));
if (parts.length > 1 && parts[1].startsWith("minecraft:")) {
int id = Integer.parseInt(parts[0]);
blockIdToPersistenceName.put(id, parts[1]);
persistenceNameToBlockId.put(parts[1], id);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IOException("Error reading the line " + count + " of the block_ids.csv", e);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new AssertionError(e);
List tags = new ArrayList<>();
List loadingKnownStateIds = new ArrayList<>();
try (InputStream stream = Server.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("canonical_block_states.nbt")) {
if (stream == null) {
throw new AssertionError("Unable to locate block state nbt");
try (BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(stream)) {
int runtimeId = 0;
while (bis.available() > 0) {
CompoundTag tag =, ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN, true);
tag.putInt("runtimeId", runtimeId++);
tag.putInt("blockId", persistenceNameToBlockId.getOrDefault(tag.getString("name").toLowerCase(), -1));
knownStateIds = loadingKnownStateIds;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new AssertionError(e);
Integer infoUpdateRuntimeId = null;
Set warned = new HashSet<>();
for (CompoundTag state : tags) {
int blockId = state.getInt("blockId");
int runtimeId = state.getInt("runtimeId");
String name = state.getString("name").toLowerCase();
if (name.equals("minecraft:unknown")) {
infoUpdateRuntimeId = runtimeId;
// Special condition: minecraft:wood maps 3 blocks, minecraft:wood, minecraft:log and minecraft:log2
// All other cases, register the name normally
if (isNameOwnerOfId(name, blockId)) {
registerPersistenceName(blockId, name);
registerStateId(state, runtimeId);
} else if (blockId == -1) {
if (warned.add(name)) {
log.warn("Unknown block id for the block named {}", name);
registerStateId(state, runtimeId);
if (infoUpdateRuntimeId == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Could not find the minecraft:info_update runtime id!");
updateBlockRegistration = findRegistrationByRuntimeId(infoUpdateRuntimeId);
try {
blockPaletteBytes = NBTIO.write(tags, ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN, true);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new ExceptionInInitializerError(e);
private boolean isNameOwnerOfId(String name, int blockId) {
return blockId != -1 && !name.equals("minecraft:wood") || blockId == BlockID.WOOD_BARK;
private String getStateId(CompoundTag block) {
Map propertyMap = new TreeMap<>(HumanStringComparator.getInstance());
for (Tag tag : block.getCompound("states").getAllTags()) {
propertyMap.put(tag.getName(), tag.parseValue().toString());
String blockName = block.getString("name").toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
Preconditions.checkArgument(!blockName.isEmpty(), "Couldn't find the block name!");
StringBuilder stateId = new StringBuilder(blockName);
propertyMap.forEach((name, value) -> stateId.append(';').append(name).append('=').append(value));
return stateId.toString();
private static Registration findRegistrationByRuntimeId(int runtimeId) {
return runtimeIdRegistration.get(runtimeId);
public String getKnownBlockStateIdByRuntimeId(int runtimeId) {
if (runtimeId >= 0 && runtimeId < knownStateIds.size()) {
return knownStateIds.get(runtimeId);
return null;
public int getKnownRuntimeIdByBlockStateId(String stateId) {
int result = knownStateIds.indexOf(stateId);
if (result != -1) {
return result;
BlockState state;
try {
state = BlockState.of(stateId);
} catch (NoSuchElementException | IllegalStateException | IllegalArgumentException ignored) {
return -1;
String fullStateId = state.getStateId();
return knownStateIds.indexOf(fullStateId);
* @return {@code null} if the runtime id does not matches any known block state.
public BlockState getBlockStateByRuntimeId(int runtimeId) {
Registration registration = findRegistrationByRuntimeId(runtimeId);
if (registration == null) {
return null;
BlockState state = registration.state;
if (state != null) {
return state;
CompoundTag originalBlock = registration.originalBlock;
if (originalBlock != null) {
state = buildStateFromCompound(originalBlock);
if (state != null) {
registration.state = state;
registration.originalBlock = null;
return state;
private BlockState buildStateFromCompound(CompoundTag block) {
String name = block.getString("name").toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
Integer id = getBlockId(name);
if (id == null) {
return null;
BlockState state = BlockState.of(id);
CompoundTag properties = block.getCompound("states");
for (Tag tag : properties.getAllTags()) {
state = state.withProperty(tag.getName(), tag.parseValue().toString());
return state;
private static NoSuchElementException runtimeIdNotRegistered(int runtimeId) {
return new NoSuchElementException("The block id for the runtime id " + runtimeId + " is not registered");
public int getBlockIdByRuntimeId(int runtimeId) {
Registration registration = findRegistrationByRuntimeId(runtimeId);
if (registration == null) {
throw runtimeIdNotRegistered(runtimeId);
BlockState state = registration.state;
if (state != null) {
return state.getBlockId();
CompoundTag originalBlock = registration.originalBlock;
if (originalBlock == null) {
throw runtimeIdNotRegistered(runtimeId);
try {
state = buildStateFromCompound(originalBlock);
} catch (BlockPropertyNotFoundException e) {
String name = originalBlock.getString("name").toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
Integer id = getBlockId(name);
if (id == null) {
throw runtimeIdNotRegistered(runtimeId);
return id;
if (state != null) {
registration.state = state;
registration.originalBlock = null;
} else {
throw runtimeIdNotRegistered(runtimeId);
return state.getBlockId();
public int getRuntimeId(BlockState state) {
if (state.getBlockId() > Block.MAX_BLOCK_ID) {
return stateIdRegistration.get(blockIdToPersistenceName.get(state.getBlockId())).runtimeId;
return getRegistration(convertToNewState(state)).runtimeId;
private BlockState convertToNewState(BlockState oldState) {
// Check and
// The Only bark variant is replaced in the client side to minecraft:wood with the same wood type
if (oldState.getBitSize() == 4 && (oldState.getBlockId() == BlockID.LOG || oldState.getBlockId() == BlockID.LOG2)) {
int exactInt = oldState.getExactIntStorage();
if ((exactInt & 0b1100) == 0b1100) {
int increment = oldState.getBlockId() == BlockID.LOG ? 0b000 : 0b100;
return BlockState.of(BlockID.WOOD_BARK, (exactInt & 0b11) + increment);
return oldState;
private Registration getRegistration(BlockState state) {
return blockStateRegistration.computeIfAbsent(state, BlockStateRegistry::findRegistration);
public int getRuntimeId(int blockId) {
return getRuntimeId(BlockState.of(blockId));
@DeprecationDetails(reason = "The meta is limited to 32 bits", replaceWith = "getRuntimeId(BlockState state)", since = "")
public int getRuntimeId(int blockId, int meta) {
return getRuntimeId(BlockState.of(blockId, meta));
private Registration findRegistration(final BlockState state) {
// Special case for PN-96 PowerNukkit#210 where the world contains blocks like 0:13, 0:7, etc
if (state.getBlockId() == BlockID.AIR) {
Registration airRegistration = blockStateRegistration.get(BlockState.AIR);
if (airRegistration != null) {
return new Registration(state, airRegistration.runtimeId, null);
Registration registration = findRegistrationByStateId(state);
return registration;
private Registration findRegistrationByStateId(BlockState state) {
Registration registration;
try {
registration = stateIdRegistration.remove(state.getStateId());
if (registration != null) {
registration.state = state;
registration.originalBlock = null;
return registration;
} catch (Exception e) {
try {
log.fatal("An error has occurred while trying to get the stateId of state: "
+ "{}:{}"
+ " - {}"
+ " - {}",
} catch (Exception e2) {
log.fatal("An error has occurred while trying to get the stateId of state: {}:{}",
state.getBlockId(), state.getDataStorage(), e);
try {
registration = stateIdRegistration.remove(state.getLegacyStateId());
if (registration != null) {
registration.state = state;
registration.originalBlock = null;
return registration;
} catch (Exception e) {
log.fatal("An error has occurred while trying to parse the legacyStateId of {}:{}", state.getBlockId(), state.getDataStorage(), e);
return logDiscoveryError(state);
private void removeStateIdsAsync(@Nullable Registration registration) {
if (registration != null && registration != updateBlockRegistration) {
asyncStateRemover.submit(() -> stateIdRegistration.values().removeIf(r -> r.runtimeId == registration.runtimeId));
private Registration logDiscoveryError(BlockState state) {
log.error("Found an unknown BlockId:Meta combination: {}:{}"
+ " - {}"
+ " - {}"
+ " - {}"
+ ", trying to repair or replacing with an \"UPDATE!\" block.",
state.getBlockId(), state.getDataStorage(), state.getStateId(), state.getProperties(),
return updateBlockRegistration;
public List getPersistenceNames() {
return new ArrayList<>(persistenceNameToBlockId.keySet());
public String getPersistenceName(int blockId) {
String persistenceName = blockIdToPersistenceName.get(blockId);
if (persistenceName == null) {
String fallback = "blockid:" + blockId;
log.warn("The persistence name of the block id {} is unknown! Using {} as an alternative!", blockId, fallback);
registerPersistenceName(blockId, fallback);
return fallback;
return persistenceName;
public void registerPersistenceName(int blockId, String persistenceName) {
synchronized (blockIdToPersistenceName) {
String newName = persistenceName.toLowerCase();
String oldName = blockIdToPersistenceName.putIfAbsent(blockId, newName);
if (oldName != null && !persistenceName.equalsIgnoreCase(oldName)) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("The persistence name registration tried to replaced a name. Name:" + persistenceName + ", Old:" + oldName + ", Id:" + blockId);
Integer oldId = persistenceNameToBlockId.putIfAbsent(newName, blockId);
if (oldId != null && blockId != oldId) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("The persistence name registration tried to replaced an id. Name:" + persistenceName + ", OldId:" + oldId + ", Id:" + blockId);
public synchronized static void registerCustomBlockState(List blockCustoms) {
SortedMap> namespace2Nbt = new TreeMap<>(getBlockIdComparator());
try (InputStream stream = Server.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("canonical_block_states.nbt")) {
if (stream == null) {
throw new AssertionError("Unable to locate block state nbt");
try (BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(stream)) {
while (bis.available() > 0) {
CompoundTag tag =, ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN, true);
var name = tag.getString("name");
tag.putInt("blockId", persistenceNameToBlockId.getOrDefault(tag.getString("name").toLowerCase(), -1));
if (!namespace2Nbt.containsKey(name)) {
namespace2Nbt.put(name, new ArrayList<>());
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new AssertionError(e);
for (var blockCustom : blockCustoms) {
var namespace = blockCustom.getNamespace();
blockIdToPersistenceName.put(blockCustom.getId(), namespace);
persistenceNameToBlockId.put(namespace, blockCustom.getId());
if (!knownStateIds.contains(namespace)) knownStateIds.add(namespace);
CompoundTag nbt = new CompoundTag()
.putInt("blockId", blockCustom.getId())
.putString("name", namespace)
.putInt("version", namespace2Nbt.values().stream().findFirst().get().get(0).getInt("version"))
.putCompound("states", new CompoundTag("states"));
var nbtList = new ArrayList();
//todo 实现多状态方块需要在这里注册
namespace2Nbt.put(blockCustom.getNamespace(), nbtList);
List tags = new ArrayList<>();
Set warned = new HashSet<>();
Integer infoUpdateRuntimeId = null;
int runtimeId = 0;
for (var namespace : namespace2Nbt.keySet()) {
for (var nbt : namespace2Nbt.get(namespace)) {
nbt.putInt("runtimeId", runtimeId);
int block = nbt.getInt("blockId");
String name = nbt.getString("name").toLowerCase();
if (name.equals("minecraft:unknown")) {
infoUpdateRuntimeId = runtimeId;
if (isNameOwnerOfId(name, block)) {
registerStateId(nbt, runtimeId);
} else if (block == -1) {
if (warned.add(name)) {
log.warn("Unknown block id for the block named {}", name);
registerStateId(nbt, runtimeId);
if (infoUpdateRuntimeId == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Could not find the minecraft:info_update runtime id!");
updateBlockRegistration = findRegistrationByRuntimeId(infoUpdateRuntimeId);
try {
blockPaletteBytes = NBTIO.write(tags, ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN, true);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new ExceptionInInitializerError(e);
public synchronized static void deleteCustomBlockState() {
private void registerStateId(CompoundTag block, int runtimeId) {
String stateId = getStateId(block);
Registration registration = new Registration(null, runtimeId, block);
Registration old = stateIdRegistration.putIfAbsent(stateId, registration);
if (old != null && !old.equals(registration)) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("The persistence NBT registration tried to replaced a runtime id. Old:" + old + ", New:" + runtimeId + ", State:" + stateId);
runtimeIdRegistration.put(runtimeId, registration);
private void registerState(int blockId, int meta, CompoundTag originalState, int runtimeId) {
BlockState state = BlockState.of(blockId, meta);
Registration registration = new Registration(state, runtimeId, null);
Registration old = blockStateRegistration.putIfAbsent(state, registration);
if (old != null && !registration.equals(old)) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("The persistence NBT registration tried to replaced a runtime id. Old:" + old + ", New:" + runtimeId + ", State:" + state);
runtimeIdRegistration.put(runtimeId, registration);
public int getBlockPaletteDataVersion() {
Object obj = blockPaletteBytes;
return obj.hashCode();
public byte[] getBlockPaletteBytes() {
return blockPaletteBytes.clone();
public void putBlockPaletteBytes(BinaryStream stream) {
public int getBlockPaletteLength() {
return blockPaletteBytes.length;
public void copyBlockPaletteBytes(byte[] target, int targetIndex) {
System.arraycopy(blockPaletteBytes, 0, target, targetIndex, blockPaletteBytes.length);
@SuppressWarnings({"deprecation", "squid:CallToDepreca"})
public BlockProperties getProperties(int blockId) {
int fullId = blockId << Block.DATA_BITS;
Block block;
if (fullId >= Block.fullList.length || fullId < 0 || (block = Block.fullList[fullId]) == null) {
return BlockUnknown.PROPERTIES;
return block.getProperties();
public MutableBlockState createMutableState(int blockId) {
return getProperties(blockId).createMutableState(blockId);
public MutableBlockState createMutableState(int blockId, int bigMeta) {
MutableBlockState blockState = createMutableState(blockId);
return blockState;
* @throws InvalidBlockStateException
public MutableBlockState createMutableState(int blockId, Number storage) {
MutableBlockState blockState = createMutableState(blockId);
return blockState;
public int getUpdateBlockRegistration() {
return updateBlockRegistration.runtimeId;
public Integer getBlockId(String persistenceName) {
Integer blockId = persistenceNameToBlockId.get(persistenceName);
if (blockId != null) {
return blockId;
Matcher matcher = BLOCK_ID_NAME_PATTERN.matcher(persistenceName);
if (matcher.matches()) {
try {
return Integer.parseInt(;
} catch (NumberFormatException ignored) {
return null;
public int getFallbackRuntimeId() {
return updateBlockRegistration.runtimeId;
public BlockState getFallbackBlockState() {
return updateBlockRegistration.state;
private Comparator getBlockIdComparator() {
return MinecraftNamespaceComparator::compareFNV;
private static class Registration {
private BlockState state;
private final int runtimeId;
private CompoundTag originalBlock;
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