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language.fra.lang.ini Maven / Gradle / Ivy

# Language file compatible with Minecraft: Bedrock Edition identifiers=
# A message doesn't need to be there to be shown correctly on the client.=
# Only messages shown in Nukkit itself need to be here=
# Using the language property from PocketMine-MP=çais
language.selected=Selected {%0} ({%1}) as the base language

multiplayer.player.joined={%0} joined the game
multiplayer.player.left={%0} left the game

chat.type.text=<{%0}> {%1}
chat.type.emote=* {%0} {%1}
chat.type.announcement=[{%0}] {%1}
chat.type.admin=[{%0}: {%1}]
chat.type.achievement={%0} has just earned the achievement {%1}

disconnectionScreen.outdatedClient=Outdated client!
disconnectionScreen.outdatedServer=Outdated server!
disconnectionScreen.serverFull=Server is full!
disconnectionScreen.noReason=Disconnected from server
disconnectionScreen.invalidSkin=Invalid skin!
disconnectionScreen.invalidName=Invalid name!
disconnectionScreen.resourcePack=Encountered a problem while downloading or applying resource pack.

death.fell.accident.generic={%0} fell from a high place
death.attack.inFire={%0} went up in flames
death.attack.onFire={%0} burned to death
death.attack.lava.player={%0} tried to swim in lava to escape {%1}
death.attack.lava={%0} tried to swim in lava
death.attack.magma={%0} discovered floor was lava
death.attack.magma.player={%0} walked on danger zone due to {%1}
death.attack.inWall={%0} suffocated in a wall
death.attack.drown={%0} drowned
death.attack.cactus={%0} was pricked to death
death.attack.generic={%0} died
death.attack.explosion={%0} blew up
death.attack.explosion.player={%0} was blown up by {%1}
death.attack.magic={%0} was killed by magic
death.attack.wither={%0} withered away
death.attack.mob={%0} was slain by {%1}
death.attack.player={%0} was slain by {%1}
death.attack.player.item={%0} was slain by {%1} using {%2}
death.attack.arrow={%0} was shot by {%1}
death.attack.arrow.item={%0} was shot by {%1} using {%2}
death.attack.fall={%0} hit the ground too hard
death.attack.outOfWorld={%0} fell out of the world
death.attack.starve={%0} starved to death

gameMode.survival=Survival Mode
gameMode.creative=Creative Mode
gameMode.adventure=Adventure Mode
gameMode.spectator=Spectator Mode
gameMode.changed=Your game mode has been updated to {%1}

potion.digSlowDown=Mining Fatigue
potion.heal=Instant Health
potion.harm=Instant Damage
potion.jump=Jump Boost
potion.fireResistance=Fire Resistance
potion.waterBreathing=Water Breathing
potion.nightVision=Night Vision
potion.healthBoost=Health Boost

tile.bed.noSleep=You can only sleep at night
tile.bed.notSafe=You may not rest now, there are monsters nearby
tile.bed.notValid=Your home bed was missing or obstructed
tile.bed.occupied=This bed is occupied
tile.bed.respawnSet=Respawn point set
tile.bed.tooFar=Bed is too far away
tile.bed.obstructed=Bed is obstructed

commands.generic.exception=An unknown error occurred while attempting to perform this command
commands.generic.permission=You do not have permission to use this command
commands.generic.ingame=You can only perform this command as a player
commands.generic.unknown=Unknown command. Try /help for a list of commands
commands.generic.player.notFound=That player cannot be found
commands.generic.usage=Usage: {%0}

commands.time.added=Added {%0} to the time
commands.time.set=Set the time to {%0}
commands.time.query=Time is {%0} 

commands.give.item.notFound=There is no such item with name {%0}
commands.give.success=Given {%0} * {%1} to {%2}
commands.give.tagError=Data tag parsing failed: {%0}

commands.effect.usage=/effect   [seconds] [amplifier] [hideParticles] OR /effect  clear
commands.effect.notFound=There is no such mob effect with ID {%0}
commands.effect.success=Given {%0} (ID {%1}) * {%2} to {%3} for {%4} seconds
commands.effect.success.removed=Took {%0} from {%1}
commands.effect.success.removed.all=Took all effects from {%0}
commands.effect.failure.notActive=Couldn't take {%0} from {%1} as they do not have the effect
commands.effect.failure.notActive.all=Couldn't take any effects from {%0} as they do not have any

commands.enchant.noItem=The target doesn't hold an item
commands.enchant.notFound=There is no such enchantment with ID {%0}
commands.enchant.success=Enchanting succeeded
commands.enchant.usage=/enchant   [level]

commands.particle.success=Playing effect {%0} for {%1} times
commands.particle.notFound=Unknown effect name {%0}

commands.players.list=There are {%0}/{%1} players online:

commands.kill.successful=Killed {%0}
commands.kill.all.successful=Killed all players
commands.kill.entities.successful=Killed all entities

commands.banlist.ips=There are {%0} total banned IP addresses:
commands.banlist.players=There are {%0} total banned players:
commands.banlist.usage=/banlist [ips|players]

commands.defaultgamemode.success=The world's default game mode is now {%0}

commands.op.success=Opped {%0}

commands.deop.success=De-opped {%0}


commands.seed.success=Seed: {%0}

commands.ban.success=Banned player {%0}
commands.ban.usage=/ban  [reason ...]

commands.unban.success=Unbanned player {%0}

commands.banip.invalid=You have entered an invalid IP address or a player that is not online
commands.banip.offline.invalid=There is no IP address in player data or IP address is invalid
commands.banip.success=Banned IP address {%0}
commands.banip.success.players=Banned IP address {%0} belonging to {%1}
commands.banip.usage=/ban-ip  [reason ...]

commands.unbanip.invalid=You have entered an invalid IP address
commands.unbanip.success=Unbanned IP address {%0}
commands.unbanip.usage=/pardon-ip on world auto-saving off world auto-saving the world commands.stop.usage=/stop commands.stop.start=Stopping the server commands.kick.success=Kicked {%0} from the game commands.kick.success.reason=Kicked {%0} from the game: '{%1}' commands.kick.usage=/kick [reason ...] {%0} to {%1} {%0} to {%1}, {%2}, {%3} [target player] OR /tp [target player] [ ] commands.allowlist.list=There are {%0} (out of {%1} seen) whitelisted players: commands.allowlist.enabled=Turned on the whitelist commands.allowlist.disabled=Turned off the whitelist commands.allowlist.reloaded=Reloaded the whitelist commands.allowlist.add.success=Added {%0} to the whitelist commands.allowlist.add.usage=/whitelist add commands.allowlist.remove.success=Removed {%0} from the whitelist commands.allowlist.remove.usage=/whitelist remove commands.allowlist.usage=/whitelist commands.gamemode.success.self=Set own game mode to {%0} commands.gamemode.success.other=Set {%1}'s game mode to {%0} commands.gamemode.usage=/gamemode [player] Showing help page {%0} of {%1} (/help ) --- [page|command name] commands.message.usage=/tell commands.message.sameTarget=You can't send a private message to yourself! commands.difficulty.usage=/difficulty commands.difficulty.success=Set game difficulty to {%0} commands.spawnpoint.usage=/spawnpoint [player] [ ] commands.spawnpoint.success=Set {%0}'s spawn point to ({%1}, {%2}, {%3}) commands.setworldspawn.usage=/setworldspawn [ ] commands.setworldspawn.success=Set the world spawn point to ({%0}, {%1}, {%2}) to clear weather to rainy weather to rain and thunder [duration in seconds] commands.xp.success=Given {%0} experience to {%1} commands.xp.success.levels=Given {%0} levels to {%1} commands.xp.success.levels.minus=Taken {%0} levels from {%1} commands.xp.usage=/xp [player] OR /xp L [player] # -------------------- Nukkit language files, only for console --------------------= data not found for "{%0}", creating new profile data found for "{%0}", creating new profile Player data found for "{%0}", upgrading profile not save player "{%0}": {%1} nukkit.level.notFound=Level "{%0}" not found nukkit.level.loadError=Could not load level "{%0}": {%1} nukkit.level.generationError=Could not generate level "{%0}": {%1} nukkit.level.tickError=Could not tick level "{%0}": {%1} nukkit.level.chunkUnloadError=Error while unloading a chunk: {%0} nukkit.level.backgroundGeneration=Spawn terrain for level "{%0}" is being generated in the background nukkit.level.defaultError=No default level has been loaded nukkit.level.preparing=Preparing level "{%0}" nukkit.level.unloading=Unloading level "{%0}" nukkit.level.updating=Old level data found for "{%0}", converting format nukkit.server.start=Starting Minecraft: BE server version {%0} nukkit.server.networkError=[Network] Stopped interface {%0} due to {%1} nukkit.server.networkStart=Opening server on {%0}:{%1} server is running {%0} version {%1} "{%2}" (API {%3}) server is running {%0} {%1} 「{%2}」 implementing API version {%3} for Minecraft: BE {%4} (protocol version {%5}) nukkit.server.license={%0} is distributed under the GPL License nukkit.server.tickOverload=Can't keep up! Is the server overloaded? nukkit.server.startFinished=Done ({%0}s)! For help, type "help" or "?" nukkit.server.defaultGameMode=Default game type: {%0} nukkit.server.query.start=Starting GS4 status listener query port to {%0} nukkit.server.query.running=Query is running on {%0}:{%1} nukkit.server.rcon.emptyPasswordError=Failed to start RCON: password is empty nukkit.server.rcon.startupError=Failed to start RCON: {%0} nukkit.server.rcon.running=RCON is running on {%0}:{%1} nukkit.command.alias.illegal=Could not register alias {%0} because it contains illegal characters nukkit.command.alias.notFound=Could not register alias {%0} because it contains commands that do not exist: {%1} nukkit.command.exception=Unhandled exception executing command "{%0}" in {%1}: {%2} nukkit.command.plugins.description=Gets a list of plugins running on the server nukkit.command.plugins.success=Plugins ({%0}): {%1} nukkit.command.plugins.usage=/plugins nukkit.command.reload.description=Reloads the server configuration and plugins nukkit.command.reload.usage=/reload nukkit.command.reload.reloading=Reloading server... nukkit.command.reload.reloaded=Reload complete. nukkit.command.status.description=Reads back the server's performance. nukkit.command.status.usage=/status nukkit.command.gc.description=Fires garbage collection tasks nukkit.command.gc.usage=/gc nukkit.command.timings.description=Records timings to see performance of the server. nukkit.command.timings.usage=/timings nukkit.command.timings.enable=Enabled timings and reset nukkit.command.timings.disable=Disabled timings nukkit.command.timings.timingsDisabled=Please enable timings by typing /timings on nukkit.command.timings.verboseEnable=Enabled verbose timings nukkit.command.timings.verboseDisable=Disabled verbose timings nukkit.command.timings.reset=Timings reset nukkit.command.timings.rcon=Warning: Timings report done over RCON will cause lag spikes, you should use /timings report in game or console nukkit.command.timings.uploadStart=Preparing timings report... nukkit.command.timings.uploadError=Upload Error: {%0}: {%1}, check logs for more information nukkit.command.timings.reportError=An error happened while pasting the report, check logs for more information nukkit.command.timings.timingsLocation=View timings report: {%0} nukkit.command.timings.timingsResponse=Timings response: {%0} nukkit.command.timings.timingsWrite=Timings written to {%0} nukkit.command.title.description=Sends a title to the specified player or modifies title settings for that player nukkit.command.title.usage=/title OR /title OR /title <player> <times> <fade in time> <stay time> <fade out time> nukkit.command.title.clear=Successfully cleared {%0}'s screen nukkit.command.title.reset=Successfully reset title animation settings for {%0} nukkit.command.title.title=Successfully shown "{%0}" title to {%1} nukkit.command.title.subtitle=Successfully set subtitle to "{%0}" for {%1}'s next title nukkit.command.title.actionbar=Successfully shown "{%0}" actionbar title to {%1} nukkit.command.title.times.success=Successfully set title animation times to {%0}, {%1}, {%2} for {%3} of title animations must be numeric values nukkit.command.version.description=Gets the version of this server including any plugins in use nukkit.command.version.usage=/version [plugin name] nukkit.command.version.noSuchPlugin=This server is not running any plugin by that name. Use /plugins to get a list of plugins. nukkit.command.give.description=Gives the specified player a certain amount of items nukkit.command.give.usage=/give <player> <item[:damage]> [amount] [tags ...] nukkit.command.kill.description=Commit suicide or kill other players nukkit.command.kill.usage=/kill [player] nukkit.command.particle.description=Adds particles to a world nukkit.command.particle.usage=/particle <name> <x> <y> <z> <xd> <yd> <zd> [count] [data] nukkit.command.time.description=Changes the time on each world nukkit.command.time.usage=/time <set|add> <value> OR /time <start|stop|query> nukkit.command.gamerule.description=Sets or queries a game rule value nukkit.command.gamerule.usage=/gamerule <rule> [value] nukkit.command.debug.description=Uploads server information to Hastebin nukkit.command.debug.usage=/debugpaste nukkit.command.ban.player.description=Prevents the specified player from using this server nukkit.command.ban.ip.description=Prevents the specified IP address from using this server nukkit.command.banlist.description=View all players banned from this server nukkit.command.defaultgamemode.description=Set the default gamemode nukkit.command.deop.description=Takes the specified player's operator status nukkit.command.difficulty.description=Sets the game difficulty nukkit.command.enchant.description=Adds enchantments on items nukkit.command.effect.description=Adds/Removes effects on players nukkit.command.gamemode.description=Changes the player to a specific game mode the help menu nukkit.command.kick.description=Removes the specified player from the server nukkit.command.list.description=Lists all online players the specified action in chat nukkit.command.op.description=Gives the specified player operator status nukkit.command.unban.player.description=Allows the specified player to use this server nukkit.command.unban.ip.description=Allows the specified IP address to use this server the server to disk nukkit.command.saveoff.description=Disables server autosaving nukkit.command.saveon.description=Enables server autosaving nukkit.command.say.description=Broadcasts the given message as the sender nukkit.command.seed.description=Shows the world seed nukkit.command.setworldspawn.description=Sets a worlds's spawn point. If no coordinates are specified, the player's coordinates will be used. nukkit.command.spawnpoint.description=Sets a player's spawn point nukkit.command.stop.description=Stops the server the given player (or yourself) to another player or coordinates nukkit.command.tell.description=Sends a private message to the given player the weather in current world nukkit.command.xp.description=Gives the specified player a certain amount of experience nukkit.command.whitelist.description=Manages the list of players allowed to use this server nukkit.command.setblock.description=Changes a block to another block. nukkit.command.setblock.usage=/setblock <position: x y z> <tileName: Block> [tileData: int] [replace|destroy|keep] nukkit.crash.create=An unrecoverable error has occurred and the server has crashed. Creating a crash dump nukkit.crash.error=Could not create crash dump: {%0} nukkit.crash.submit=Please upload the "{%0}" file to the Crash Archive and submit the link to the Bug Reporting page. Give as much info as you can. nukkit.crash.archive="The crash dump has been automatically submitted to the Crash Archive. You can view it on {%0} or use the ID #{%1}." nukkit.debug.enable=LevelDB support enabled nukkit.bugreport.create=An error has been detected, creating a bug report. nukkit.bugreport.error=Could not create bug report: {%0} nukkit.bugreport.archive=A bug report has been created: {%0} nukkit.player.invalidMove={%0} moved wrongly! nukkit.player.logIn={%0}[/{%1}:{%2}] logged in with entity id {%3} at ({%4}, {%5}, {%6}, {%7}) nukkit.player.logOut={%0}[/{%1}:{%2}] logged out due to {%3} nukkit.player.invalidEntity={%0} tried to attack an invalid entity nukkit.plugin.load=Loading {%0} nukkit.plugin.enable=Enabling {%0} nukkit.plugin.disable=Disabling {%0} nukkit.plugin.restrictedName=Restricted name nukkit.plugin.incompatibleAPI=Incompatible API version nukkit.plugin.unknownDependency=Unknown dependency nukkit.plugin.missingDependency=Missing dependent plugin named "{%0}" nukkit.plugin.circularDependency=Circular dependency detected nukkit.plugin.genericLoadError=Could not load plugin "{%0}" nukkit.plugin.spacesDiscouraged=Plugin "{%0}" uses spaces in its name, this is discouraged nukkit.plugin.loadError=Could not load plugin "{%0}": {%1} nukkit.plugin.duplicateError=Could not load plugin "{%0}": plugin exists nukkit.plugin.fileError=Could not load "{%0}" in folder "{%1}": {%2} nukkit.plugin.commandError=Could not load command {%0} for plugin {%1} nukkit.plugin.aliasError=Could not load alias {%0} for plugin {%1} nukkit.plugin.deprecatedEvent=Plugin "{%0}" has registered a listener for "{%1}" on method "{%2}", but the event is Deprecated. nukkit.plugin.eventError=Could not pass event "{%0}" to "{%1}": {%2} on {%3} nukkit.resources.invalid-path=Resource packs path "{%0}" exists and is not a directory nukkit.resources.unknown-format=Could not load "{%0}" due to format not recognized not load "{%0}": {%1} nukkit.resources.success=Successfully loaded {%0} resource packs "{%0}" is not found"\"manifest.json\" is not found""\"manifest.json\" is invalid or incomplete" </code></pre> <br/> <br/> <div class='clear'></div> </main> </div> <br/><br/> <div class="align-center">© 2015 - 2025 <a href="/legal-notice.php">Weber Informatics LLC</a> | <a href="/data-protection.php">Privacy Policy</a></div> <br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/> </body> </html>