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language.ltu.lang.ini Maven / Gradle / Ivy

# Language file compatible with Minecraft: Bedrock Edition identifiers=
# A message doesn't need to be there to be shown correctly on the client.=
# Only messages shown in Nukkit itself need to be here=
# Using the language property from PocketMine-MP=ų
language.selected=Pasirinkote {%0} ({%1}) kaip pagrindinę kalbą

multiplayer.player.joined={%0} prisijungė į žaidimą
multiplayer.player.left={%0} atsijungė nuo žaidimo

chat.type.text=<{%0}> {%1}
chat.type.emote=* {%0} {%1}
chat.type.announcement=[{%0}] {%1}
chat.type.admin=[{%0}: {%1}]
chat.type.achievement={%0} gavo pasiekimą {%1}

disconnectionScreen.outdatedClient=Pasenęs klientas!
disconnectionScreen.outdatedServer=Pasenęs serveris!
disconnectionScreen.serverFull=Serveris pilnas!
disconnectionScreen.noReason=Atjungtas nuo serverio
disconnectionScreen.invalidSkin=Netinkamas skin!
disconnectionScreen.invalidName=Netinkamas vardas!
disconnectionScreen.resourcePack=Encountered a problem while downloading or applying resource pack.

death.fell.accident.generic={%0} nukrito iš aukštai
death.attack.inFire={%0} sudegė
death.attack.onFire={%0} sudegė
death.attack.lava.player={%0} tried to swim in lava to escape {%1}
death.attack.lava={%0} bandė plaukti lavoje
death.attack.magma={%0} discovered floor was lava
death.attack.magma.player={%0} walked on danger zone due to {%1}
death.attack.inWall={%0} buvo suplotas
death.attack.drown={%0} nuskendo
death.attack.cactus={%0} nusidūrė
death.attack.generic={%0} žuvo
death.attack.explosion={%0} sprogo
death.attack.explosion.player={%0} buvo susprogdintas {%1}
death.attack.magic={%0} buvo nužudytas magijos
death.attack.wither={%0} buvo nužudytas vitherio
death.attack.mob={%0} mirė nuo {%1} kirčio
death.attack.player={%0} mirė nuo {%1} kirčio
death.attack.player.item={%0} mirė nuo {%1} kirčio naudojant {%2}
death.attack.arrow={%0} buvo nušautas iš {%1} lanko
death.attack.arrow.item={%0} buvo nušautas iš {%1} lanko naudojant {%2}
death.attack.fall={%0} susiplojo ant žemės
death.attack.outOfWorld={%0} iškrito iš pasaulio
death.attack.starve={%0} starved to death

gameMode.survival=Išgyvenimo rėžimas
gameMode.creative=Kūrybinis rėžimas
gameMode.adventure=Nuotykių rėžimas
gameMode.spectator=Stebėtojo rėžimas
gameMode.changed=Your game mode has been updated to {%1}

potion.digSpeed=Greitas kasimas
potion.digSlowDown=Lėtas kasimas
potion.heal=Momentinė sveikata
potion.harm=Momentinė žala
potion.fireResistance=Atsparumas ugniai
potion.waterBreathing=Kvėpavimas po vandeniu
potion.nightVision=Naktinis matymas
potion.healthBoost=Papildoma sveikata

tile.bed.noSleep=You can only sleep at night
tile.bed.notSafe=You may not rest now, there are monsters nearby
tile.bed.notValid=Your home bed was missing or obstructed
tile.bed.occupied=This bed is occupied
tile.bed.respawnSet=Respawn point set
tile.bed.tooFar=Bed is too far away
tile.bed.obstructed=Bed is obstructed

# Vanilla Commands Text
commands.ability.description=Sets a player's ability.
commands.ability.noability=No ability called '{%0}' is available
commands.ability.granted=The '{%0}' ability has been granted to you
commands.ability.revoked=The '{%0}' ability has been revoked from you
commands.ability.success=Ability has been updated
commands.achievement.alreadyHave=Player {%0} already has achievement {%1}
commands.achievement.description=Gives or removes an achievement from a player.
commands.achievement.dontHave=Player {%0} doesn't have achievement {%1}
commands.achievement.give.success.all=Successfully given all achievements to {%0} given {%0} the stat {%1}
commands.achievement.statTooLow=Player {%0} does not have the stat {%1}
commands.achievement.take.success.all=Successfully taken all achievements from {%0} taken the stat {%0} from {%1}
commands.achievement.unknownAchievement=Unknown achievement or statistic '{%0}'
commands.agent.attack.success=Agent attack successful
commands.agent.attack.failed=Agent failed to attack
commands.agent.collect.success=Agent collect successful
commands.agent.collect.failed=Agent failed to collect
commands.agent.createagent.success=Created Agent
commands.agent.createagent.failed=Unable to create Agent
commands.agent.destroy.success=Agent destroyed a block
commands.agent.destroy.failed=Agent destroy failed
commands.agent.detect.success=Agent detect successful
commands.agent.detect.failed=Agent failed to detect
commands.agent.detectredstone.success=Agent detectredstone successful
commands.agent.detectredstone.failed=Agent failed to detectredstone
commands.agent.drop.success=Agent drop successful
commands.agent.drop.failed=Agent failed to drop
commands.agent.dropall.success=Agent dropall successful
commands.agent.dropall.failed=Agent failed to dropall
commands.agent.getitemcount.success=Agent getitemcount successful
commands.agent.getitemcount.failed=Agent failed to getitemcount
commands.agent.getitemspace.success=Agent getitemspace successful
commands.agent.getitemspace.failed=Agent failed to getitemspace
commands.agent.getitemdetail.success=Agent getitemdetail successful
commands.agent.getitemdetail.failed=Agent failed to getitemdetail
commands.agent.getposition.success=Agent getposition successful
commands.agent.getposition.failed=Agent getposition failed
commands.agent.inspect.success=Agent inspect successful
commands.agent.inspect.failed=Agent failed to inspect
commands.agent.inspectdata.success=Agent inspect data successful
commands.agent.inspectdata.failed=Agent failed to inspect data
commands.agent.move.success=Agent move successful
commands.agent.move.failed=Unable to move Agent
commands.agent.outofrange=Cannot issue command, Agent is out of range place successful failed to place
commands.agent.setitem.success=Agent set item successful
commands.agent.setitem.failed=Agent failed to set item
commands.agent.turn.success=Agent turn successful
commands.agent.turn.failed=Unable to turn Agent
commands.agent.till.success=Agent till successful
commands.agent.till.failed=Agent failed to till
commands.agent.tpagent.description=Teleport your Agent.
commands.agent.tpagent.success=Agent teleported
commands.agent.tpagent.failed=Agent failed to teleport
commands.agent.transfer.success=Agent transfer successful
commands.agent.transfer.failed=Agent failed to transfer cycle {%0} cycle locked cycle unlocked
commands.ban.description=Adds player to banlist.
commands.autocomplete.a=all players
commands.autocomplete.c=my Agent
commands.autocomplete.e=all entities
commands.autocomplete.p=closest player
commands.autocomplete.r=random player
commands.autocomplete.v=all Agents
commands.ban.failed=Could not ban player {%0}
commands.ban.success=Banned player {%0}
commands.banip.description=Adds IP address to banlist.
commands.banip.invalid=You have entered an invalid IP address or a player that is not online
commands.banip.success=Banned IP address {%0}
commands.banip.success.players=Banned IP address {%0} belonging to {%1}
commands.banlist.ips=There are {%0} total banned IP addresses:
commands.banlist.players=There are {%0} total banned players:
commands.blockdata.description=Modifies the data tag of a block.
commands.blockdata.placeFailed=You cannot place blocks here
commands.blockdata.destroyFailed=You cannot dig here
commands.blockdata.failed=The data tag did not change: {%0}
commands.blockdata.notValid=The target block is not a data holder block
commands.blockdata.outOfWorld=Cannot change block outside of the world
commands.blockdata.success=Block data updated to: {%0}
commands.blockdata.tagError=Data tag parsing failed: {%0}
commands.blockstate.invalidState='{%0}' is not a valid Block State.
commands.blockstate.stateError=Block State: '{%0}' is invalid on Block: '{%1}'.
commands.blockstate.typeError=Invalid value type for Block State: '{%0}'.
commands.blockstate.valueError=Invalid value for Block State: '{%0}'.
commands.bossbar.add.success=Created custom bossbar [{%0}]
commands.bossbar.add.failure.invalid=Invalid bossbar ID. IDs should be of the form namespace:id or id (defaults to minecraft namespace).
commands.bossbar.add.failure.exists=A bossbar already exists with the ID '{%0}'
commands.bossbar.description=Creates and modifies boss bars
commands.bossbar.get.max=Custom bossbar [{%0}] has a maximum of {%1}
commands.bossbar.get.players=Custom bossbar [{%0}] has {%1} players currently online: {%2}
commands.bossbar.get.players.none=Custom bossbar [{%0}] has no players currently online bossbar [{%0}] has 1 player currently online: {%1}
commands.bossbar.get.value=Custom bossbar [{%0}] has a value of {%1}
commands.bossbar.get.visible.true=Custom bossbar [{%0}] is currently shown
commands.bossbar.get.visible.false=Custom bossbar [{%0}] is currently hidden
commands.bossbar.list=There are {%0} custom bossbars active: {%1}
commands.bossbar.list.none=There are no custom bossbars active is 1 custom bossbar active: {%0}
commands.bossbar.notFound=No bossbar exists with the ID '{%0}'
commands.bossbar.remove=Removed custom bossbar [{%0}]
commands.change-setting.description=Changes a setting on the dedicated server while it's running.
commands.change-setting.success={%0} has been changed
commands.chunkinfo.compiled=Chunk is compiled. 64 vertices are: {%0}
commands.chunkinfo.empty=Chunk is empty.
commands.chunkinfo.hasLayers=Chunk has layers: {%0}
commands.chunkinfo.hasNoRenderableLayers=Chunk has no renderable layers.
commands.chunkinfo.isEmpty=Chunk has empty layers: {%0}
commands.chunkinfo.location=Chunk location: ({%0}, {%1}, {%2})
commands.chunkinfo.noChunk=No chunk found at chunk position {%0}, {%1}, {%2}
commands.chunkinfo.notCompiled=Chunk is not compiled.
commands.chunkinfo.notEmpty=Chunk is not empty.
commands.chunkinfo.vertices={%0} layer's buffer contains {%1} vertices
commands.classroommode.description=Attempt to launch and connect to Classroom Mode.
commands.classroommode.success=Attempting to launch Classroom Mode...
commands.clear.description=Clears items from player inventory.
commands.clear.failure=Could not clear the inventory of {%0} not clear the inventory of {%0}, no items to remove
commands.clear.success=Cleared the inventory of {%0}, removing {%1} items
commands.clear.tagError=Data tag parsing failed: {%0}
commands.clear.testing={%0} has {%1} items that match the criteria
commands.clearfixedinv.description=Removes all Fixed Inventory Slots.
commands.clearfixedinv.success=Cleared the Fixed Inventory
commands.clone.description=Clones blocks from one region to another.
commands.clone.failed=No blocks cloned
commands.clone.filtered.error=Filtered usage requires a filter block to be specified
commands.clone.noOverlap=Source and destination can not overlap
commands.clone.success={%0} blocks cloned
commands.clone.tooManyBlocks=Too many blocks in the specified area ({%0} > {%1})
commands.closechat.description=Closes the chat window of the local player if it is open.
commands.closechat.success=Chat closed
commands.closechat.failure=Chat was not open
commands.closewebsocket.description=Closes websocket connection if there is one.
commands.code.description=Launches Code Builder.
commands.code.success=Launched Code Builder. and destination are not identical{%0} blocks compared many blocks in the specified area ({%0} > {%1})
commands.compactdb.description=Explicitly compacts the levelDB log.
commands.compactdb.success=Successfully compacted levelDB log.
commands.corruptworld.description=Corrupts the world loaded on the server.
commands.corruptworld.success=Successfully corrupted the world.
commands.damage.description=Apply damage to the specified entities.
commands.damage.specify.damage=Please specify a valid damage value.
commands.damage.success=Applied damage to {%0}
commands.damage.failed=Could not apply damage to {%0}
commands.damage.tooManySources=There can only be one source entity. Please adjust your selector to limit selection to one entity.
commands.daylock.description=Locks and unlocks the day-night cycle.
commands.debug.description=Starts or stops a debugging session.
commands.debug.notStarted=Can't stop profiling when we haven't started yet!
commands.debug.start=Started debug profiling
commands.debug.stop=Stopped debug profiling after {%1} seconds ({%0} ticks)
commands.defaultgamemode.description=Sets the default game mode.
commands.defaultgamemode.success=The world's default game mode is now {%0}
commands.deop.description=Revokes operator status from a player.
commands.deop.failed=Could not de-op (permission level too high): {%0}
commands.deop.success=De-opped: {%0}
commands.deop.message=You have been de-opped
commands.dialogue.description=Opens NPC dialogue for a player.
commands.dialogue.changeFailed=Failed to change the scene for the NPC.
commands.dialogue.changeSuccess=Dialogue successfully changed the scene for the NPC globally.
commands.dialogue.changePerPlayerSuccess=Dialogue successfully changed NPC text just for {%0}.
commands.dialogue.invalidScene=Invalid scene was referenced.
commands.dialogue.noNpcComponent=Selected actor did not have an NPC component.
commands.dialogue.npcNotFound=Failed to find an NPC.
commands.dialogue.npcNotInRange=An NPC was found, but was not in the receiving player {%0}'s ticking range.
commands.dialogue.success=Dialogue sent to {%0}.
commands.dialogue.tooManyNPCs=Selector for NPCs was ambiguous and resulted in too many selected. Please select only one NPC.
commands.difficulty.description=Sets the difficulty level.
commands.difficulty.success=Set game difficulty to {%0}
commands.downfall.success=Toggled downfall
commands.effect.description=Add or remove status effects.
commands.effect.failure.notActive=Couldn't take {%0} from {%1} as they do not have the effect
commands.effect.failure.notActive.all=Couldn't take any effects from {%0} as they do not have any
commands.effect.failure.notAMob={%0} cannot have effects
commands.effect.notFound=There is no such mob effect with ID {%0}
commands.effect.success=Gave {%0} * {%1} to {%2} for {%3} seconds
commands.effect.success.removed=Took {%0} from {%1}
commands.effect.success.removed.all=Took all effects from {%0}
commands.enchant.cantCombine={%0} can't be combined with {%1}
commands.enchant.invalidLevel={%0} does not support level {%1}
commands.enchant.cantEnchant=The selected enchantment can't be added to the target item: {%0}
commands.enchant.description=Adds an enchantment to a player's selected item.
commands.enchant.noItem=The target doesn't hold an item: {%0}
commands.enchant.notFound=There is no such enchantment with ID {%0}
commands.enchant.success=Enchanting succeeded for {%0}
commands.entitydata.description=Modifies the data tag of an entity.
commands.entitydata.failed=The data tag did not change: {%0}
commands.entitydata.noPlayers={%0} is a player and cannot be changed
commands.entitydata.success=Entity data updated to: {%0}
commands.entitydata.tagError=Data tag parsing failed: {%0}
commands.event.description=Triggers an event for the specified object(s)
commands.event.error.empty=Event name cannot be empty
commands.event.error.failed={%0} could not be executed on: {%1}
commands.event.success={%0} successfully executed on: {%1}
commands.execute.align.invalidInput=Invalid swizzle, expected combination of 'x', 'y', and 'z'
commands.execute.allInvocationsFailed=All invocations failed: '{%0}'
commands.execute.failed=Failed to execute '{%0}' as {%1}
commands.execute.description=Executes a command on behalf of one or more entities.
commands.execute.outRangedDetectPosition=Detect position: {%0} {%1} {%2} is out of range.
commands.execute.falseCondition=Execute subcommand {%0} {%1} test failed.
commands.execute.falseConditionWithCount=Execute subcommand {%0} {%1} test failed, count: {%2}.
commands.execute.trueCondition=Test passed.
commands.execute.trueConditionWithCount=Test passed, count: {%0}.
commands.execute.ifUnlessBlocks.tooManyBlocks=Checking too many blocks. Max block count: {%0}. Current block count: {%1}.
commands.execute.ifUnlessScore.score.notFound=No {%0} score for {%1} found
commands.execute.ifUnlessScore.targets.tooMany={%0} targets matched the selector. Only 1 target is allowed.
commands.execute.ifUnlessScore.targets.empty=There is no tracked player '{%0}' on the scoreboard
commands.execute.ifUnlessScore.objectiveNotFound=No objective was found by the name '{%0}'
commands.execute.ifUnlessScore.players.compareOperation.invalidOperation=Invalid operation {%0}.
commands.fill.description=Fills all or parts of a region with a specific block.
commands.fill.failed=No blocks filled
commands.fill.outOfWorld=Cannot place blocks outside of the world
commands.fill.success={%0} blocks filled
commands.fill.tagError=Data tag parsing failed: {%0}
commands.fill.tooManyBlocks=Too many blocks in the specified area ({%0} > {%1})
commands.fill.replace.auxvalue.invalid=Invalid replace data value for block {%0}
commands.fog.description=Add or remove fog settings file
commands.fog.invalidFogId=Invalid Fog Setting Id : {%0}
commands.fog.invalidUserId=No fog settings with the id were found for {%0}
commands.fog.limitReached=Size limit reached for fog identifiers for {%0}
commands.fog.success.pop=Last pushed fog setting with id {%1} was successfully removed from {%0}
commands.fog.success.push=Fog setting was successfully added for {%0} with id {%1}
commands.fog.success.remove=Fog settings with id {%1} were successfully removed from {%0}
commands.function.description=Runs commands found in the corresponding function file.
commands.function.functionNameNotFound=Function {%0} not found.
commands.function.invalidCharacters=Function with title '{%0}' is invalid, character '{%1}' is not allowed in function names.
commands.function.noEngineVersionSpecified=Function {%0} could not be run. You must specify a min_engine_version in the behavior pack's manifest.json.
commands.function.success=Successfully executed {%0} function entries.
commands.gamemode.description=Sets a player's game mode.
commands.gamemode.success.other=Set {%1}'s game mode to {%0}
commands.gamemode.success.self=Set own game mode to {%0} mode '{%0}' is invalid
commands.gamerule.description=Sets or queries a game rule value.
commands.gamerule.type.invalid=Invalid type used for game rule '{%0}'
commands.gamerule.type.nocheatsenabled=Game rule '{%0}' can only be used if cheats are enabled in this world.
commands.gamerule.nopermission=Only server owners can change '{%0}'
commands.gamerule.norule=No game rule called '{%0}' is available
commands.gamerule.success=Game rule {%0} has been updated to {%1}
commands.generic.async.initiated='{%0}' command started (async step {%1})
commands.generic.boolean.invalid='{%0}' is not true or false
commands.generic.chunk.notFound=Specified chunk not found
commands.generic.componentError=Component list parsing failed
commands.generic.dimension.notFound=Specified dimension not found
commands.generic.disabled=Cheats aren't enabled in this world.
commands.generic.disabled.editorLocked=The command you entered, {%0}, is not supported in the Editor.
commands.generic.disabled.templateLocked=Settings are currently locked. Unlock Template World Options in the Game Settings menu to change them.
commands.generic.double.tooBig=The number you have entered ({%0}) is too big, it must be at most {%1}
commands.generic.double.tooSmall=The number you have entered ({%0}) is too small, it must be at least {%1}
commands.generic.duplicateType=Duplicate type arguments
commands.generic.duplicateSelectorArgument=Duplicate {%0} selector arguments
commands.generic.encryption.badkey=Bad public key given. Expected 120 byte key after PEM formatting.
commands.generic.encryption.badsalt=Bad salt given. Expected a 16 bytes before base 64 encoding.
commands.generic.encryption.required=Encrypted session required
commands.generic.entity.invalidType=Entity type '{%0}' is invalid
commands.generic.entity.invalidUuid=The entity UUID provided is in an invalid format
commands.generic.entity.notFound=That entity cannot be found
commands.generic.exception=An unknown error occurred while attempting to perform this command
commands.generic.invalidAgentType=Type argument applied to Agent-only selector
commands.generic.invalidcontext=Invalid context provided for given command type
commands.generic.invalidDevice=The command you entered, {%0}, is not supported on this device
commands.generic.invalidPlayerType=Type argument applied to player-only selector
commands.generic.invalidType=Unknown type argument
commands.generic.levelError=Max level has to be larger than min level
commands.generic.malformed.body=Body is missing or malformed
commands.generic.malformed.type=Invalid request type
commands.generic.notimplemented=Not implemented
commands.generic.num.invalid='{%0}' is not a valid number
commands.generic.num.tooBig=The number you have entered ({%0}) is too big, it must be at most {%1}
commands.generic.num.tooSmall=The number you have entered ({%0}) is too small, it must be at least {%1}
commands.generic.outOfWorld=Cannot access blocks outside of the world
commands.generic.parameter.invalid='{%0}' is not a valid parameter
commands.generic.player.notFound=That player cannot be found
commands.generic.protocol.mismatch=Provided protocol version doesn't match Minecraft's protocol version
commands.generic.radiusError=Minimum selector radius must be smaller than maximum
commands.generic.radiusNegative=Radius cannot be negative
commands.generic.rotationError=Rotation out of range
commands.generic.running=The command is already running
commands.generic.step.failed=Command step failed
commands.generic.syntax=Syntax error: Unexpected "{%1}": at "{%0}>>{%1}<<{%2}"
commands.generic.noTargetMatch=No targets matched selector
commands.generic.targetNotPlayer=Selector must be player-type
commands.generic.tooManyNames=Too many target name arguments
commands.generic.tooManyTargets=Too many targets matched selector
commands.generic.too.many.requests=Too many commands have been requested, wait for one to be done
commands.generic.unknown=Unknown command: {%0}. Please check that the command exists and that you have permission to use it.
commands.generic.usage=Usage: {%0}
commands.generic.version.mismatch=The requested version doesn't exist for this command
commands.generic.version.missing=Command calls not from chat should specify the command's version
commands.getchunkdata.description=Gets pixels for a specific chunk.
commands.getchunkdata.success=Chunk data received
commands.getchunks.description=Gets list of chunks that are loaded.
commands.getchunks.success=Chunk list received
commands.getlocalplayername.description=Returns the local player name.
commands.getspawnpoint.description=Gets the spawn position of the specified player(s).
commands.gettopsolidblock.description=Gets the position of the top non-air block below the specified position
commands.gettopsolidblock.notfound=No solid blocks under specified position
commands.give.block.notFound=There is no such block with name {%0}
commands.give.description=Gives an item to a player.
commands.give.item.invalid=Invalid command syntax: no such {%0} exists with that data value
commands.give.item.notFound=There is no such item with name {%0} map data provided not make exploration map. Feature not found on this dimension
commands.give.success=Gave {%0} * {%1} to {%2}
commands.give.successRecipient=You have been given {%0} * {%1}
commands.give.tagError=Data tag parsing failed: {%0}"data" has an invalid input, must be an integer."quantity" has an invalid input, must be an integer or range of integers."slot" has an invalid input, must be an integer or range of integers."item" missing, required for "hasitem" filter. a "slot" is invalid if a "location" is not given. help/list of commands. Use the  key while typing a command to auto-complete the command or its arguments Showing help page {%0} of {%1} (/help ) ---{%0} (also {%1}):
commands.immutableworld.description=Sets the immutable state of the world. = {%0}
commands.itemswithtag.description=Lists all items with the given tag.
commands.itemswithtag.success.single=There is {%0} item with the tag {%1}:
commands.itemswithtag.success.multiple=There are {%0} items with the tag {%1}:
commands.itemswithtag.success.list.items={%0} items contain the tag {%0}.
commands.kick.description=Kicks a player from the server. a player from the game. provide the name of the player you want to kick
commands.kick.not.found=Could not find player {%0}
commands.kick.not.yourself=You may not remove yourself from the game
commands.kick.success=Kicked {%0} from the game
commands.kick.success.reason=Kicked {%0} from the game: '{%1}'
commands.kick.success.reasonedu=Removed {%0} from the game: '{%1}' host may not be kicked from the game. may not be removed from the game. cannot be removed while they are in Creative mode.
commands.kill.attemptKillPlayerCreative=Players cannot be killed while they are in Creative mode. {%0}
commands.kill.successful=Killed {%0} entities (players, mobs, etc.).
commands.kill.description=Kills entities (players, mobs, etc.).
commands.lesson.description=Handle Educational Lesson reporting.
commands.list.description=Lists players on the server.
commands.locate.description=Displays the coordinates for the closest structure or biome of a given type. not find a biome of type {%0} within a reasonable distance
commands.locate.biome.success=The nearest {%0} is at block {%1}, {%2}, {%3} ({%4} blocks away) command can only be used by a valid player valid structure found within a reasonable distance
commands.locate.structure.success=The nearest {%0} is at block {%1}, (y?), {%2} ({%3} blocks away)
commands.loot.description=Drops the given loot table into the specified inventory or into the world.
commands.loot.failure.invalidLootTable=Loot table '{%0}' not found
commands.loot.failure.mainhandOffhandOnNonEntity=Mainhand or offhand should not be used on non entity object.
commands.loot.failure.entityNoLootTable=Entity {%0} has no loot table
commands.loot.failure.noContainer=Target position {%0} is not a container
commands.loot.failure.invalidSlotIdForSlotType=Could not replace slot {%0}, slot must be between {%1} and {%2} for {%3}
commands.loot.failure.invalidSlotTypeForEntity=Entity {%0} does not have SlotType {%1}
commands.loot.failure.countExceedsContainerSize=slotId + count exceeds slot container size {%0}
commands.loot.failure.negativeCount=count cannot be negative a negative number
commands.loot.success={%0} items were dropped.
commands.loot.replaceSuccess=Replaced {%0} {%1} of {%2} with {%3} item(s) over {%4} slot(s)
commands.loot.replaceSuccess.block=Replaced {%0} slot {%1} with {%2} item(s) over {%3} slot(s)
commands.tagsfromitem.description=Lists all tags associated with the given item.
commands.tagsfromitem.success.single=There is {%0} tag on the item {%1}:
commands.tagsfromitem.success.multiple=There are {%0} tags on the item {%1}:
commands.tagsfromitem.success.list.tags={%0} tags found on the item: {%0}.
commands.togglecontentlog.toggle=Enables/Disables the content log command
commands.togglecontentlog.enabled=Content Log Enabled
commands.togglecontentlog.disabled=Content Log Disabled a message about yourself.
commands.message.display.incoming={%0} whispers to you: {%1}
commands.message.display.outgoing=You whisper to {%0}: {%1}
commands.message.sameTarget=You can't send a private message to yourself!
commands.mobevent.description=Controls what mob events are allowed to run.
commands.mobevent.eventsEnabledSetToTrue=Mob Events are now enabled. Individual events which are set to false will not run.
commands.mobevent.eventsEnabledSetToFalse=Mob Events are now disabled. Individual events will not run.
commands.mobevent.eventsEnabledIsTrue=Mob Events are enabled. Individual events which are set to false will not run.
commands.mobevent.eventsEnabledIsFalse=Mob Events are disabled. Individual events will not run.
commands.mobevent.eventSetToTrue=Mob Event {%0} (id: {%1}) set to true.
commands.mobevent.eventSetToTrueButEventsDisabled=Mob Event {%0} (id: {%1}) set to true, but Mob Events are disabled.
commands.mobevent.eventSetToFalse=Mob Event {%0} (id: {%1}) set to false.
commands.mobevent.eventIsTrue=Mob Event {%0} (id: {%1}) is set to true.
commands.mobevent.eventIsTrueButEventsDisabled=Mob Event {%0} (id: {%1}) is set to true, but Mob Events are disabled.
commands.mobevent.eventIsFalse=Mob Event {%0} (id: {%1}) is set to false. you to control playing music tracks. must provide a non-empty track name.{%0} has been queued and it will start playing when the current track stops.{%0} has been queued to start playing. music will stop now. volume will be updated to {%0}.
commands.op.description=Grants operator status to a player.
commands.op.failed=Could not op (already op or higher): {%0}
commands.op.success=Opped: {%0}
commands.op.message=You have been opped
commands.operator.invalid=Invalid operation {%0}.
commands.origin.script=Script Engine
commands.ops.description=Reloads and applies Op permissions.
commands.ops.reloaded=Ops reloaded from file.
commands.ops.set.success=Succeeded in setting operator level for player {%0}.
commands.permissions.description=Reloads and applies permissions.
commands.permissions.reloaded=Permissions reloaded from file.
commands.permissions.set.failed=Could not set permission level {%0} for player {%1}.
commands.permissions.set.success=Succeeded in setting permission level {%0} for player {%1}. not save permission level {%0} for player {%1}. in saving permission level {%0} for player {%1}.
commands.spawnParticleEmitter.description=Creates a particle emitter
commands.spawnParticleEmitter.success=Request to create {%0} sent to all players.
commands.particle.description=Creates particles.
commands.particle.notFound=Unknown effect name ({%0})
commands.particle.success=Playing effect {%0} for {%1} times
commands.playanimation.description=Makes one or more entities play a one-off animation. Assumes all variables are setup correctly.
commands.playanimation.success=Animation request sent to clients for processing.
commands.players.list=There are {%0}/{%1} players online:
commands.playsound.description=Plays a sound.
commands.playsound.playerTooFar=Player {%0} is too far away to hear the sound
commands.playsound.success=Played sound '{%0}' to {%1}
commands.position.description=Toggles on/off coordinates for player.
commands.publish.failed=Unable to host local game
commands.publish.started=Local game hosted on port {%0}
commands.querytarget.description=Gets transform, name, and id information about the given target entity or entities.
commands.querytarget.success=Target data: {%0}
commands.reload.description=Reloads all function and script files from all behavior packs.
commands.reload.success=Function and script files have been reloaded.
commands.replaceitem.description=Replaces items in inventories.
commands.replaceitem.failed=Could not replace {%0} slot {%1} with {%2} * {%3}
commands.replaceitem.keepFailed=There is already an item occupying {%0} slot {%1}.
commands.replaceitem.noContainer=Block at {%0} is not a container
commands.replaceitem.badSlotNumber=Could not replace slot {%0}, must be a value between {%1} and {%2}.
commands.replaceitem.success=Replaced {%0} slot {%1} with {%2} * {%3}
commands.replaceitem.success.entity=Replaced {%0} slot {%1} of {%2} with {%3} * {%4}
commands.replaceitem.tagError=Data tag parsing failed: {%0}
commands.ride.description=Makes entities ride other entities, stops entities from riding, makes rides evict their riders, or summons rides or riders.
commands.ride.evictRiders.success=Rides that have successfully evicted their riders: {%0}
commands.ride.startRiding.failure=Riders that did not meet ride conditions: {%0}
commands.ride.startRiding.groupDoesntFit=The group of riders does not fit on the ride.
commands.ride.startRiding.notRideable=The selected entity is not rideable.
commands.ride.startRiding.rideFull=This ride is already full.
commands.ride.startRiding.rideFullRidersLeft=The ride is full, so some riders were not added.
commands.ride.startRiding.success=Riders successfully added to ride: {%0}
commands.ride.startRiding.tooManyRiders=Too many riders were specified. Only one is allowed at a time for teleport_ride.
commands.ride.startRiding.tooManyRides=Too many rides were specified. Only one is allowed at a time.
commands.ride.stopRiding.success=Riders that have successfully stopped riding: {%0}
commands.ride.summonRide.failed=Rides were summoned, but these riders could not be added to them: {%0}
commands.ride.summonRide.notRideable=Entity was summoned, but it is not rideable.
commands.ride.summonRide.success=Ride successfully summoned for these riders: {%0}
commands.ride.summonRide.skipped=Rides were not summoned for the following entities that already have rides: {%0}
commands.ride.summonRider.failed=Riders were summoned, but could not be added to rides: {%0}
commands.ride.summonRider.fullRides=Riders could not ride these rides because they are full: {%0}
commands.ride.summonRider.ridesWithNoRideableComp=The following entities are not rideable: {%0}
commands.ride.summonRider.success=Riders successfully summoned for rides: {%0} or check how the game saves data to disk. off world auto-saving on world auto-saving failed: {%0} the world error occurred when trying to pause the world storage. saved. Files are now ready to be copied. is already turned off. is already turned on. previous save has not been completed. automatic server saves. to the world are resumed. if a previous save-all has finished and lists the files involved.
commands.say.description=Sends a message in the chat to other players.
commands.schedule.delay.functionQueued=Scheduled function {%0} in {%1} ticks at gametime {%2}.
commands.schedule.delay.negativeTime=Time cannot be negative.
commands.schedule.description=Schedules an action to be executed once an area is loaded, or after a certain amount of time.
commands.schedule.functionQueued=Function has been queued and it will be executed when the specified area is fully loaded.
commands.schedule.functionRan=Successfully executed {%0} function entries in function {%1}.
commands.schedule.invalidOrigin=The origin needed to execute this function was invalid. area name cannot be empty.
commands.schedule.too.many.areas=More than one ticking areas were found with the name {%0}. Please use a single area.
commands.scoreboard.description=Tracks and displays scores for various objectives.
commands.scoreboard.allMatchesFailed=All matches failed
commands.scoreboard.noMultiWildcard=Only one user wildcard allowed
commands.scoreboard.objectiveNotFound=No objective was found by the name '{%0}'
commands.scoreboard.objectiveReadOnly=The objective '{%0}' is read-only and cannot be set
commands.scoreboard.objectives.add.alreadyExists=An objective with the name '{%0}' already exists
commands.scoreboard.objectives.add.displayTooLong=The display name '{%0}' is too long for an objective, it can be at most {%1} characters long
commands.scoreboard.objectives.add.success=Added new objective '{%0}' successfully
commands.scoreboard.objectives.add.tooLong=The name '{%0}' is too long for an objective, it can be at most {%1} characters long
commands.scoreboard.objectives.add.wrongType=Invalid objective criteria type '{%0}'
commands.scoreboard.objectives.add.needName=An objective needs a name.
commands.scoreboard.objectives.description=Modify scoreboard objectives.
commands.scoreboard.objectives.list.count=Showing {%0} objective(s) on scoreboard:
commands.scoreboard.objectives.list.empty=There are no objectives on the scoreboard
commands.scoreboard.objectives.list.entry=- {%0}: displays as '{%1}' and is type '{%2}'
commands.scoreboard.objectives.remove.success=Removed objective '{%0}' successfully
commands.scoreboard.objectives.setdisplay.invalidSlot=No such display slot '{%0}'
commands.scoreboard.objectives.setdisplay.successCleared=Cleared objective display slot '{%0}'
commands.scoreboard.objectives.setdisplay.successSet=Set the display objective in slot '{%0}' to '{%1}'
commands.scoreboard.players.add.success=Added {%0} to [{%1}] for {%2} (now {%3})
commands.scoreboard.players.add.multiple.success=Added {%0} to [{%1}] for {%2} entities
commands.scoreboard.players.nameNotFound=A player name must be given.
commands.scoreboard.players.enable.noTrigger=Objective {%0} is not a trigger
commands.scoreboard.players.enable.success=Enabled trigger {%0} for {%1}
commands.scoreboard.players.list.count=Showing {%0} tracked players on the scoreboard:
commands.scoreboard.players.list.empty=There are no tracked players on the scoreboard
commands.scoreboard.players.list.player.count=Showing {%0} tracked objective(s) for {%1}:
commands.scoreboard.players.list.player.empty=Player {%0} has no scores recorded
commands.scoreboard.players.list.player.entry=- {%1}: {%0} ({%2})
commands.scoreboard.players.operation.invalidOperation=Invalid operation {%0}
commands.scoreboard.players.operation.notFound=No {%0} score for {%1} found
commands.scoreboard.players.operation.success=Updated [{%0}] for {%1} entities
commands.scoreboard.players.offlinePlayerName=Player Offline
commands.scoreboard.players.random.invalidRange=Min {%0} is not less than max {%1}
commands.scoreboard.players.remove.success=Removed {%0} from [{%1}] for {%2} (now {%3})
commands.scoreboard.players.remove.multiple.success=Removed {%0} from [{%1}] for {%2} entities
commands.scoreboard.players.reset.success=Reset scores of player {%0}
commands.scoreboard.players.resetscore.success=Reset score {%0} of player {%1}
commands.scoreboard.players.set.success=Set [{%0}] for {%1} to {%2}
commands.scoreboard.players.set.multiple.success=Set [{%0}] for {%1} entities to {%2}
commands.scoreboard.players.set.tagError=Could not parse dataTag, reason: {%0}
commands.scoreboard.players.set.tagMismatch=The dataTag does not match for {%0}
commands.scoreboard.players.score.notFound=No {%0} score for {%1} found
commands.scoreboard.players.test.failed=Score {%0} is NOT in range {%1} to {%2}
commands.scoreboard.players.test.success=Score {%0} is in range {%1} to {%2}
commands.scoreboard.teamNotFound=No team was found by the name '{%0}'
commands.scoreboard.teams.add.alreadyExists=A team with the name '{%0}' already exists
commands.scoreboard.teams.add.displayTooLong=The display name '{%0}' is too long for a team, it can be at most {%1} characters long
commands.scoreboard.teams.add.success=Added new team '{%0}' successfully
commands.scoreboard.teams.add.tooLong=The name '{%0}' is too long for a team, it can be at most {%1} characters long
commands.scoreboard.teams.empty.alreadyEmpty=Team {%0} is already empty, cannot remove nonexistent players
commands.scoreboard.teams.empty.success=Removed all {%0} player(s) from team {%1}
commands.scoreboard.teams.join.failure=Could not add {%0} player(s) to team {%1}: {%2}
commands.scoreboard.teams.join.success=Added {%0} player(s) to team {%1}: {%2}
commands.scoreboard.teams.leave.failure=Could not remove {%0} player(s) from their teams: {%1}
commands.scoreboard.teams.leave.noTeam=You are not in a team
commands.scoreboard.teams.leave.success=Removed {%0} player(s) from their teams: {%1}
commands.scoreboard.teams.list.count=Showing {%0} teams on the scoreboard:
commands.scoreboard.teams.list.empty=There are no teams registered on the scoreboard
commands.scoreboard.teams.list.entry=- {%0}: '{%1}' has {%2} players
commands.scoreboard.teams.list.player.count=Showing {%0} player(s) in team {%1}:
commands.scoreboard.teams.list.player.empty=Team {%0} has no players
commands.scoreboard.teams.list.player.entry=- {%1}: {%0} ({%2})
commands.scoreboard.teams.option.noValue=Valid values for option {%0} are: {%1}
commands.scoreboard.teams.option.success=Set option {%0} for team {%1} to {%2}
commands.scoreboard.teams.remove.success=Removed team {%0}
commands.screenshake.description=Applies shaking to the players' camera with a specified intensity and duration.
commands.screenshake.success=Sent a request to the following players for their camera to shake: {%0}
commands.screenshake.successStop=Stopping camera shake for the following players: {%0}
commands.seed.success=Seed: {%0}
commands.setblock.description=Changes a block to another block.
commands.setblock.failed=Unable to place block
commands.setblock.noChange=The block couldn't be placed
commands.setblock.notFound=There is no such block with ID/name {%0}
commands.setblock.outOfWorld=Cannot place block outside of the world
commands.setblock.success=Block placed
commands.setblock.tagError=Data tag parsing failed: {%0}
commands.setidletimeout.success=Successfully set the idle timeout to {%0} minutes.
commands.setfixedinvslots.description=Sets the number of fixed inventory slots for the server.
commands.setfixedinvslots.success=Number of Fixed Inventory Slots set to {%0}
commands.setfixedinvslot.description=Sets a fixed slot to a specified item.
commands.setfixedinvslot.success=Fixed Inventory Slot {%0} set to {%1}
commands.globalpause.description=Sets or gets the paused state of the game for all players.
commands.globalpause.success=Set or got pause state
commands.setmaxplayers.description=Sets the maximum number of players for this game session.
commands.setmaxplayers.success=Set max players to {%0}.
commands.setmaxplayers.success.upperbound=(Bound to maximum allowed connections)
commands.setmaxplayers.success.lowerbound=(Bound to current player count)
commands.setworldspawn.description=Sets the world spawn.
commands.setworldspawn.success=Set the world spawn point to ({%0}, {%1}, {%2})
commands.setworldspawn.wrongDimension=The world spawn can not be set in this dimension
commands.setworldspawn.notAllowedInLegacyWorlds=The world spawn can not be set in legacy worlds
commands.spawnpoint.success.single=Set {%0}'s spawn point to ({%1}, {%2}, {%3})
commands.spawnpoint.description=Sets the spawn point for a player.
commands.spawnpoint.success.multiple.specific=Set spawn point for {%0} to ({%1}, {%2}, {%3})
commands.spawnpoint.success.multiple.generic=Set spawn point for {%0}
commands.spawnpoint.wrongDimension=The spawn point cannot be set in this dimension
commands.clearspawnpoint.success.single=Removed {%0}'s spawn point
commands.clearspawnpoint.description=Removes the spawn point for a player.
commands.clearspawnpoint.success.multiple=Removed spawn points for {%0}
commands.spreadplayers.description=Teleports entities to random locations.
commands.spreadplayers.failure.players=Could not spread {%0} players around {%1},{%2} (too many players for space - try using spread of at most {%3})
commands.spreadplayers.failure.players.unsafe=Could not spread {%0} players around {%1},{%2} (no safe locations found after {%3} attempts)
commands.spreadplayers.failure.teams=Could not spread {%0} teams around {%1},{%2} (too many players for space - try using spread of at most {%3}) distance between players is {%0} blocks apart after {%1} iterations) distance between teams is {%0} blocks apart after {%1} iterations)
commands.spreadplayers.spreading.players=Spreading {%0} players {%1} blocks around {%2},{%3} (min {%4} blocks apart)
commands.spreadplayers.spreading.teams=Spreading {%0} teams {%1} blocks around {%2},{%3} (min {%4} blocks apart)
commands.spreadplayers.success.players=Successfully spread {%0} players around {%1},{%2}
commands.spreadplayers.success.teams=Successfully spread {%0} teams around {%1},{%2}
commands.stats.cleared=Cleared {%0} stats
commands.stats.failed=Invalid parameters
commands.stats.noCompatibleBlock=Block at {%0}, {%1}, {%2} can not track stats
commands.stats.success=Storing {%0} stats in {%1} on {%2}
commands.stop.description=Stops the server.
commands.stop.start=Stopping the server
commands.stopsound.description=Stops a sound.
commands.stopsound.success=Stopped sound {%0} for {%1}
commands.stopsound.success.all=Stopped all sounds for {%0}
commands.structure.description=Saves or loads a structure in the world.
commands.structure.empty.load=Can't load a structure with no entities and no blocks't save a structure with no entities and no blocks
commands.structure.invalid.animationTime=Animation time must be 0 or higher
commands.structure.invalid.integrity=Integrity must be in the range of 0 to 100 should be in the format of "name" or "namespace:name". If not namespace is provided, the default one will be assigned.
commands.structure.load.success=Loaded a structure of name {%0}
commands.structure.load.queued=A placement request has been queued and it will be executed when the specified area is fully loaded.
commands.structure.notFound=The structure {%0} can't be found. Make sure the name was spelled correctly and try again. a structure with name {%0}
commands.structure.size.tooBig=A structure's size cannot be larger than ({%0}, {%1}, {%2}), it was ({%3}, {%4}, {%5})
commands.structure.size.tooSmall=A structure's size cannot be smaller than ({%0}, {%1}, {%2}), it was ({%3}, {%4}, {%5})
commands.structure.unknown.action=Unknown structure action provided
commands.structure.unloadedChunks=The feature to load a structure in an unloaded area hasn't been implemented yet
commands.structure.y.tooHigh=Cannot place blocks outside of the world. Try a value of {%0} or lower for the Y component of .
commands.structure.y.tooLow=Cannot place blocks outside of the world. Try a value greater than {%0} for the Y component of .
commands.structure.delete.success=Structure {%0} deleted.
commands.summon.description=Summons an entity.
commands.summon.failed=Unable to summon object
commands.summon.outOfWorld=Cannot summon the object out of the world
commands.summon.success=Object successfully summoned
commands.summon.tagError=Data tag parsing failed: {%0}
commands.tag.description=Manages tags stored in entities.
commands.tag.add.failed=Target either already has the tag or has too many tags
commands.tag.add.success.single=Added tag '{%0}' to {%1}
commands.tag.add.success.multiple=Added tag '{%0}' to {%1} entities
commands.tag.list.single.empty={%0} has no tags
commands.tag.list.single.success={%0} has {%1} tags: {%2}
commands.tag.list.multiple.empty=There are no tags on the {%0} entities
commands.tag.list.multiple.success=The {%0} entities have {%1} total tags: {%2}
commands.tag.remove.failed=Target does not have this tag
commands.tag.remove.success.single=Removed tag '{%0}' from {%1}
commands.tag.remove.success.multiple=Removed tag '{%0}' from {%1} entities
commands.tell.description=Sends a private message to one or more players.
commands.tellraw.description=Sends a JSON message to players.
commands.tellraw.jsonException=Invalid json: {%0}
commands.tellraw.jsonStringException=Invalid json string data.
commands.tellraw.error.noData=No data was provided.
commands.tellraw.error.notArray=Rawtext object must contain an array. Example: "rawtext":[{..}]
commands.tellraw.error.textNotString=text field in rawtext must contain a string. Example: "rawtext":[{"text": "text to display"}]
commands.tellraw.error.translateNotString=translate field in rawtext must contain a language key. Example: "rawtext":[{"translate": "gui.ok"}]
commands.tellraw.error.selectorNotString=selector field in rawtext must contain a selector as a string. Example: "rawtext":[{"selector": "@e"}]
commands.tellraw.error.scoreNotObject=score field in rawtext must contain an object. Example "rawtext":[{"score": {"name": "my_name", "objective": "my_objective"}}]
commands.tellraw.error.scoreNameNotString=name field in the score field must be a string. Example "rawtext":[{"score": {"name": "my_name", "objective": "my_objective"}}]
commands.tellraw.error.scoreObjectiveNotString=objective field in the score field must be a string. Example "rawtext":[{"score": {"name": "my_name", "objective": "my_objective"}}]
commands.tellraw.error.withNotArrayOrRawText=with field in rawtext must contain a array or another rawtext object. Example 1: "rawtext":[{"translate": "chat.type.announcement", "with": [ "value1", "value2" ]}]  Example 2: "rawtext":[{"translate": "chat.type.announcement", "with":{"rawtext":[{"text": "value1"}, {"text": "value2"}]}}]
commands.tellraw.error.itemIsNotObject=Json value in rawtext array was not an object. Example: "rawtext": [{ "text" : "my text" }]
commands.educlientinfo.description=Get tenant ID and host status. Intended for CM.
commands.testfor.description=Counts entities (players, mobs, items, etc.) matching specified conditions.
commands.testfor.failure={%0} did not match the required data structure
commands.testfor.success=Found {%0}
commands.testfor.tagError=Data tag parsing failed: {%0}
commands.testforblock.description=Tests whether a certain block is in a specific location. block at {%0},{%1},{%2} did not match the expected block state.
commands.testforblock.failed.nbt=The block at {%0},{%1},{%2} did not have the required NBT keys.
commands.testforblock.failed.tile=The block at {%0},{%1},{%2} is {%3} (expected: {%4}).
commands.testforblock.failed.tileEntity=The block at {%0},{%1},{%2} is not a tile entity and cannot support tag matching.
commands.testforblock.outOfWorld=Cannot test for block outside of the world
commands.testforblock.success=Successfully found the block at {%0},{%1},{%2}.
commands.testforblocks.description=Tests whether the blocks in two regions match.
commands.tickingarea.description=Add, remove, or list ticking areas.
commands.tickingarea.inuse={%0}/{%1} ticking areas in use.
commands.tickingarea.entitycount=There are {%0} ticking area(s) from entities with the tick_world component.
commands.tickingarea.noneExist.currentDimension=No ticking areas exist in the current dimension.
commands.tickingarea-add-bounds.success=Added ticking area from {%0} to {%1}.
commands.tickingarea-add-bounds.preload.success=Added ticking area from {%0} to {%1} marked for preload.
commands.tickingarea-add-circle.success=Added ticking area centered at {%0} with a radius of {%1} chunks.
commands.tickingarea-add-circle.preload.success=Added ticking area centered at {%0} with a radius of {%1} chunks marked for preload.
commands.tickingarea-add.failure=Max number of ticking areas ({%0}) has already been reached. Cannot add more ticking areas.
commands.tickingarea-add.conflictingname=A ticking area with the name {%0} already exists.
commands.tickingarea-add.chunkfailure=Ticking area contains more than {%0} chunks, ticking area is too large and cannot be created.
commands.tickingarea-add.radiusfailure=Radius cannot be larger than {%0}, ticking area is too large and cannot be created.
commands.tickingarea-remove.success=Removed ticking area(s)
commands.tickingarea-remove.failure=No ticking areas containing the block position {%0} exist in the current dimension.
commands.tickingarea-remove.byname.failure=No ticking areas named {%0} exist in the current dimension.
commands.tickingarea-remove_all.success=Removed ticking area(s)
commands.tickingarea-remove_all.failure=No ticking areas exist in the current dimension.
commands.tickingarea-preload.success=Updated ticking area(s)
commands.tickingarea-preload.byposition.failure=No ticking areas containing the block position {%0} exist in the current dimension.
commands.tickingarea-preload.byname.failure=No ticking areas named {%0} exist in the current dimension.
commands.tickingarea-preload.count={%0} matching area(s) are marked for preload.
commands.tickingarea-list.success.currentDimension=List of all ticking areas in current dimension
commands.tickingarea-list.success.allDimensions=List of all ticking areas in all dimensions
commands.tickingarea-list.failure.allDimensions=No ticking areas exist in any dimension.
commands.time.added=Added {%0} to the time
commands.time.description=Changes or queries the world's game time.
commands.time.disabled=Always Day is enabled in this world. is {%0}
commands.time.query.daytime=Daytime is {%0}
commands.time.query.gametime=Gametime is {%0}
commands.time.set=Set the time to {%0}
commands.time.stop=Time {%0}
commands.title.description=Controls screen titles.
commands.title.success=Title command successfully executed
commands.titleraw.description=Controls screen titles with JSON messages.
commands.titleraw.success=Titleraw command successfully executed
commands.toggledownfall.description=Toggles the weather. entities (players, mobs, etc.). to teleport because players are not in the same dimension teleport entities outside of the world do not have permission to use this slash command. to teleport {%0} to {%1} because the area wasn't clear of blocks. to teleport {%0} to the unloaded area at {%1} {%0} to {%1} have been teleported to {%0} {%0} to {%1}, {%2}, {%3}
commands.transferserver.description=Transfers a player to another server.
commands.transferserver.successful=Transferred player
commands.transferserver.invalid.port=Invalid port (0-65535)
commands.trigger.description=Sets a trigger to be activated.
commands.trigger.disabled=Trigger {%0} is not enabled
commands.trigger.invalidMode=Invalid trigger mode {%0}
commands.trigger.invalidObjective=Invalid trigger name {%0}
commands.trigger.invalidPlayer=Only players can use the /trigger command
commands.trigger.success=Trigger {%0} changed with {%1} {%2}
commands.unban.failed=Could not unban player {%0}
commands.unban.success=Unbanned player {%0}
commands.unbanip.invalid=You have entered an invalid IP address
commands.unbanip.success=Unbanned IP address {%0}
commands.validategamelighting.description=Validate game lighting for a specified region
commands.validategamelighting.checkRegionTooBig=Region to check for lighting is too big! ({%0} > {%1})
commands.validategamelighting.outOfWorld=Cannot check lighting outside of the world
commands.volumearea.description=Add, remove, or list volumes in the current dimension.
commands.volumearea.add.definitionDoesntExist.failure=No volume definition matching identifier "{%0}".
commands.volumearea.add.exceededLimit.failure=Max number of volumes {%0} has already been reached. Cannot add more volumes.
commands.volumearea.add.failure=Failed to create volume.
commands.volumearea.add.success=Added volume "{%0}" from {%1} to {%2}.
commands.volumearea.remove.byName.failure=No volumes named {%0} exist in the current dimension.
commands.volumearea.remove.byPosition.failure=No volumes containing the block position {%0} exist in the current dimension.
commands.volumearea.remove.success=Removed volume(s) in current dimension
commands.volumearea.remove_all.success=Removed volume(s) in current dimension
commands.volumearea.list.success.currentDimension=List of all volumes in current dimension
commands.volumearea.list.success.allDimensions=List of all volumes in all dimensions
commands.volumearea.list.failure.allDimensions=No volumes exist in any dimension.
commands.volumearea.entry.withIdentifier=- {%0}: {%1} from {%2} {%3} {%4} to {%5} {%6} {%7}
commands.volumearea.entry.withoutIdentifier=- {%0}: from {%1} {%2} {%3} to {%4} {%5} {%6}
commands.volumearea.noneExist.currentDimension=No volumes exist in the current dimension.
commands.volumearea.inUse={%0}/{%1} volumes in use. to clear weather the weather. Cycle isn't enabled in this world. state is: {%0} to rainy weather to rain and thunder
commands.allowlist.add.failed=Could not add {%0} to the allowlist
commands.allowlist.add.success=Added {%0} to the allowlist
commands.allowlist.description=Manages the server allowlist.
commands.allowlist.disabled=Turned off the allowlist
commands.allowlist.enabled=Turned on the allowlist
commands.allowlist.list=There are {%0} (out of {%1} seen) allowlisted players:
commands.allowlist.reloaded=Allowlist reloaded from file.
commands.allowlist.remove.failed=Could not remove {%0} from the allowlist
commands.allowlist.remove.success=Removed {%0} from the allowlist
commands.world_age.description=Changes or queries the world's age (time since creation).
commands.world_age.added=Added {%0} to the world's age
commands.world_age.query=World age is {%0}
commands.world_age.set=Set the world's age to {%0} world border center to {%0},{%1}
commands.worldborder.damage.amount.success=Set world border damage amount to {%0} per block (from {%1} per block)
commands.worldborder.damage.buffer.success=Set world border damage buffer to {%0} blocks (from {%1} blocks)
commands.worldborder.get.success=World border is currently {%0} blocks wide
commands.worldborder.set.success=Set world border to {%0} blocks wide (from {%1} blocks)
commands.worldborder.setSlowly.grow.success=Growing world border to {%0} blocks wide (up from {%1} blocks) over {%2} seconds
commands.worldborder.setSlowly.shrink.success=Shrinking world border to {%0} blocks wide (down from {%1} blocks) over {%2} seconds
commands.worldborder.warning.distance.success=Set world border warning to {%0} blocks away (from {%1} blocks)
commands.worldborder.warning.time.success=Set world border warning to {%0} seconds away (from {%1} seconds)
commands.worldbuilder.description=Toggle World Builder status of caller.
commands.worldbuilder.success=World Builder status updated to {%0}
commands.wsserver.description=Attempts to connect to the websocket server on the provided URL.
commands.wsserver.invalid.url=The provided server URL is invalid
commands.wsserver.request.existing=Another connection request is currently running
commands.wsserver.request.failed=Could not connect to server: {%0}
commands.wsserver.success=Connection established to server: {%0}
commands.xp.description=Adds or removes player experience.
commands.xp.failure.widthdrawXp=Cannot give player negative experience points
commands.xp.success=Gave {%0} experience to {%1}
commands.xp.success.levels=Gave {%0} levels to {%1}
commands.xp.success.negative.levels=Taken {%0} levels from {%1}

# -------------------- Nukkit language files, only for console --------------------=Žaidėjas "{%0}" nerastas, kuriamas naujas profilisŽaidėjo "{%0}" duomenys sugadinti, kuriamas naujas profilisŽaidėjo "{%0}" duomenys pasenę, atnaujinamas profilisįmanoma išsaugoti žaidėjo "{%0}": {%1}

nukkit.level.notFound=Pasaulis "{%0}" nerastas
nukkit.level.loadError=Neįmanoma įkelti pasaulio "{%0}": {%1}
nukkit.level.generationError=Neįmanoma sugeneruoti pasaulio "{%0}": {%1}
nukkit.level.tickError=Neįmanoma atnaujinti pasaulio "{%0}": {%1}
nukkit.level.chunkUnloadError=Klaida bandant iškrauti pasaulio dalį: {%0}
nukkit.level.backgroundGeneration=Atsiradimo vietovė pasaulyje "{%0}" šiuo metu generuojama fone
nukkit.level.defaultError=Nepakrautas joks įprastinis pasaulis
nukkit.level.preparing=Ruošiamas pasaulis "{%0}"
nukkit.level.unloading=Iškraunamas pasaulis "{%0}"
nukkit.level.updating=Rastas pasenęs pasaulis pavadinimu "{%0}", atnaujinamas formatas

nukkit.server.start=Įjungiamas Minecraft: BE serveris (versija: {%0}) (Vertimas:
nukkit.server.networkError=[Tinklas] Išjungta sąsaja {%0} dėl {%1}
nukkit.server.networkStart=Atidaromas serveris ant {%0}:{%1}Šis serveris veikia ant {%0} versijos {%1} "{%2}" (API {%3})Šis serveris veikia ant {%0} {%1} 「{%2}」 implementuodamas API versiją {%3} žaidimui Minecraft: BE {%4} (protokolo versija {%5})
nukkit.server.license={%0} platinama pagal GPL licenciją
nukkit.server.tickOverload=Nespėju atnaujinti! Ar serveris perkrautas?
nukkit.server.startFinished=Baigta ({%0}s)! Jeigu reikia pagalbos, rašykite "help" arba "?"
nukkit.server.defaultGameMode=Įprastinis žaidimo rėžimas: {%0}
nukkit.server.query.start=Įjungiamas GS4 statistikos klausytojas query portas į {%0}
nukkit.server.query.running=Query veikia ant {%0}:{%1}
nukkit.server.rcon.emptyPasswordError=Neįmanoma įjungti RCON: neįrašytas slaptažodis
nukkit.server.rcon.startupError=Neįimanoma įjungti RCON: {%0}
nukkit.server.rcon.running=RCON veikia ant {%0}:{%1}

nukkit.command.alias.illegal=Neįmanoma užregistruoti alternatyvos {%0}, nes ji turi netinkamų simbolių
nukkit.command.alias.notFound=Neįmanoma užregistruoti alternatyvos {%0}, nes ji turi komandų, kurios neegzistuoja: {%1}
nukkit.command.exception=Klaida bandant įvykdyti komandą "{%0}" - {%1}: {%2}

nukkit.command.plugins.description=Įskiepių sąrašas, kurį naudoja serveris
nukkit.command.plugins.success=Įskiepiai ({%0}): {%1}

nukkit.command.reload.description=Perkrauna serverio konfigūraciją ir įskiepius
nukkit.command.reload.reloading=Perkraunamas serveris...
nukkit.command.reload.reloaded=Sėkmingai perkrauta.

nukkit.command.status.description=Informacija apie serverio būseną.

nukkit.command.gc.description=Įjungia programinių šiukšlių valymą

nukkit.command.timings.description=Įrašo efektyvumo statistiką serverio būsenos stebėjimui
nukkit.command.timings.enable=Statistika nustatyta iš naujo ir įjungtas įrašymas
nukkit.command.timings.disable=Statistikos įrašymas išjungtas
nukkit.command.timings.timingsDisabled=Prašome įjungti statistikos stebėjimą: /timings on
nukkit.command.timings.verboseEnable=Įjungta verbose statistika
nukkit.command.timings.verboseDisable=Išjungta verbose statistika
nukkit.command.timings.reset=Statistika nustatyta iš naujo
nukkit.command.timings.rcon=Dėmesio: Statistikos sudarymas per RCON sukels serverio strigimą, Jūs turėtumėte naudoti /timings report žaidime arba konsolėje
nukkit.command.timings.uploadStart=Sudaroma statistika...
nukkit.command.timings.uploadError=Įkėlimo klaida: {%0}: {%1}, dėl daugiau informacijos patikrinkite serverio žurnalą
nukkit.command.timings.reportError=Įvyko klaida įvedant statistiką, dėl daugiau informacijos patikrinkite serverio žurnalą
nukkit.command.timings.timingsLocation=Peržiūrėti sudarytą statistiką: {%0}
nukkit.command.timings.timingsResponse=Statistikos atsakymas: {%0}
nukkit.command.timings.timingsWrite=Statistiką įrašyta į {%0}

nukkit.command.title.description=Sends a title to the specified player or modifies title settings for that player
nukkit.command.title.usage=/title   OR /title    OR /title <player> <times> <fade in time> <stay time> <fade out time>
nukkit.command.title.clear=Successfully cleared {%0}'s screen
nukkit.command.title.reset=Successfully reset title animation settings for {%0}
nukkit.command.title.title=Successfully shown "{%0}" title to {%1}
nukkit.command.title.subtitle=Successfully set subtitle to "{%0}" for {%1}'s next title
nukkit.command.title.actionbar=Successfully shown "{%0}" actionbar title to {%1}
nukkit.command.title.times.success=Successfully set title animation times to {%0}, {%1}, {%2} for {%3} of title animations must be numeric values

nukkit.command.version.description=Parodo serverio versiją bei įskiepio informaciją
nukkit.command.version.usage=/version [plugin name]
nukkit.command.version.noSuchPlugin=Šis serveris neturi įskiepio su šiuo vardu. Naudokite /plugins, kad gautumėte įskiepių sąrašą.

nukkit.command.give.description=Duoda pasirinktam žaidėjui tam tikrą skaičių nurodytų daiktų
nukkit.command.give.usage=/give <žaidėjas> <daiktas[:žala]> [kiekis] [duomenys ...]

nukkit.command.kill.description=Nusižudyti arba nužudyti kitą žaidėją
nukkit.command.kill.usage=/kill [žaidėjas]

nukkit.command.particle.description=Prideda dalelyčių į pasaulį
nukkit.command.particle.usage=/particle <name> <x> <y> <z> <xd> <yd> <zd> [skaičius] [duomenys]

nukkit.command.time.description=Pakeičia pasaulio laiką
nukkit.command.time.usage=/time <set|add> <reikšmė> OR /time <start|stop|query>

nukkit.command.gamerule.description=Sets or queries a game rule value
nukkit.command.gamerule.usage=/gamerule <rule> [value]

nukkit.command.debug.description=Uploads server information to Hastebin

nukkit.command.ban.player.description=Užblokuoja pasirinktą žaidėją
nukkit.command.ban.ip.description=Užblokuoja pasirinktą IP
nukkit.command.banlist.description=Peržiūrėti visus užblokuotus žaidėjus
nukkit.command.defaultgamemode.description=Nustatyti įprastinį žaidimo rėžimą
nukkit.command.deop.description=Atima administravimo teises
nukkit.command.difficulty.description=Nustato žaidimo sunkumą
nukkit.command.enchant.description=Daikto užkerėjimas
nukkit.command.effect.description=Prideda/nuima efektą nuo žaidėjo
nukkit.command.gamemode.description=Pakeičia žaidėjo žaidimo rėžimą pagalbos meniu
nukkit.command.kick.description=Išspiria žaidėją iš žaidimo
nukkit.command.list.description=Parodo prisijungusius žaidėjus tam tikrą žaidėjo veiksmą
nukkit.command.op.description=Duoda žaidėjui administratoravimo teises
nukkit.command.unban.player.description=Atblokuoja žaidėją
nukkit.command.unban.ip.description=Atblokuoja IPšsaugo serverį į diską
nukkit.command.saveoff.description=Išjungia serverio automatinį išsaugojimą
nukkit.command.saveon.description=Įjungia serverio automatinį išsaugojimą
nukkit.command.say.description=Išsiunčiama žinutė visiems žaidėjams
nukkit.command.seed.description=Parodo pasaulio generavimo formulę.
nukkit.command.setworldspawn.description=Nustato pasaulio atsiradimo vietą. Jeigu nepateiktos koordinatės, naudojamos žaidėjo.
nukkit.command.spawnpoint.description=Nustato žaidėjo atsiradimo vietą.
nukkit.command.stop.description=Išjungia serverį nurodytą žaidėją (arba patį žaidėją) pas kitą žaidėją arba į koordinates
nukkit.command.tell.description=Nusiunčiama privati žinutė žaidėjui pasaulio oras
nukkit.command.xp.description=Duoda nurodytam žaidėjui nurodytą kiekį patirties
nukkit.command.whitelist.description=Nustatoma kas gali įeitį į serverį
nukkit.command.setblock.description=Modifica un blocco in un altro.
nukkit.command.setblock.usage=/setblock <position: x y z> <tileName: Block> [tileData: int] [replace|destroy|keep]

nukkit.command.generic.permission=Jūs neturite teisės naudoti šią komandą
nukkit.command.generic.ingame=Jūs galite naudoti šią komandą tik kaip žaidėjas
nukkit.command.generic.unknown=Nežinoma komanda. Bandykite /help, norėdami gauti pagalbos <veiksmas ...>
nukkit.command.effect.usage=/effect <žaidėjas> <efektas> [sekundės] [stiprumas] [slėpti-daleles] ARBA /effect <žaidėjas> clear
nukkit.command.enchant.usage=/enchant <žaidėjas> <užkerėjimo ID> [lygis]
nukkit.command.banlist.usage=/banlist [ips|players]
nukkit.command.defaultgamemode.usage=/defaultgamemode <mode>
nukkit.command.op.usage=/op <žaidėjas>
nukkit.command.deop.usage=/deop <player>
nukkit.command.say.usage=/say <žinutė ...>
nukkit.command.ban.usage=/ban <žaidėjas> [priežastis ...]
nukkit.command.unban.usage=/pardon <žaidėjas>
nukkit.command.banip.usage=/ban-ip <IP|žaidėjas> [priežastis ...]
nukkit.command.unbanip.usage=/pardon-ip <IP>
nukkit.command.kick.usage=/kick <žaidėjas> [priežastis ...] [ką] <pas ką> ARBA /tp [ką] <x> <y> <z> [<y-rot> <x-rot>]
nukkit.command.allowlist.add.usage=/whitelist add <žaidėjas>
nukkit.command.allowlist.remove.usage=/whitelist remove <žaidėjas>
nukkit.command.allowlist.usage=/whitelist <on|off|list|add|remove|reload>
nukkit.command.gamemode.usage=/gamemode <rėžimas> [žaidėjas] Rodomas pagalbos puslapis {%0} iš {%1} (/help <puslapis>) --- [puslapis|komanda]
nukkit.command.message.usage=/tell <žaidėjui> <žinutę ...>
nukkit.command.difficulty.usage=/difficulty <sudėtingumo lygis 0-3>
nukkit.command.spawnpoint.usage=/spawnpoint [žaidėjas] [<x> <y> <z>]
nukkit.command.setworldspawn.usage=/setworldspawn [<x> <y> <z>] <clear|rain|thunder> [trukmė]
nukkit.command.xp.usage=/xp <kiekis> [žaidėjas] ARBA /xp <lygis>L [žaidėjas]

nukkit.crash.create=Serveris nulūžo su nepataisoma klaida. Kaupiama nulūžimo informaciją į failą
nukkit.crash.error=Neįmanoma įrašyti nulūžimo informacijos į failą: {%0}
nukkit.crash.submit=Prašome įkelti failą "{%0}" į Crash Archive ir numeskite nuorodą į Bug Reporting puslapį. Pridėkite kuo įmanoma daugiau išsamesnės informacijos.
nukkit.crash.archive="Nulūžimo informacija buvo automatiškai įkelta į Crash Archive. Jūs galite ją pažiūrėti čia {%0} arba naudoti ID #{%1}."

nukkit.debug.enable=LevelDB palaikymas įjungtas

nukkit.bugreport.create=An error has been detected, creating a bug report.
nukkit.bugreport.error=Could not create bug report: {%0}
nukkit.bugreport.archive=A bug report has been created: {%0}

nukkit.player.invalidMove={%0} neteisingai pajudėjo!
nukkit.player.logIn={%0}[/{%1}:{%2}] prisijungė su būtybės id {%3} koordinatėse ({%4}, {%5}, {%6}, {%7})
nukkit.player.logOut={%0}[/{%1}:{%2}] atsijungė dėl {%3}
nukkit.player.invalidEntity={%0} bandė atakuoti klaidingą būtybę

nukkit.plugin.load=Kraunama {%0}
nukkit.plugin.enable=Įjungiama {%0}
nukkit.plugin.disable=Išjungiama {%0}
nukkit.plugin.restrictedName=Uždraustas vardas
nukkit.plugin.incompatibleAPI=Nepalaikoma API versija
nukkit.plugin.unknownDependency=Nežinoma priklausomybė
nukkit.plugin.missingDependency=Missing dependent plugin named "{%0}"
nukkit.plugin.circularDependency=Aptikta skritulinė priklausomybė
nukkit.plugin.genericLoadError=Negalima įkelti įskiepio "{%0}"
nukkit.plugin.spacesDiscouraged=Įskiepis "{%0}" naudoja tarpus savo pavadinime, tai yra nebepalaikoma
nukkit.plugin.loadError=Neįmanoma įkelti įskiepio "{%0}": {%1}
nukkit.plugin.duplicateError=Neįmanoma įkelti įskiepio "{%0}": įskiepis jau egzistuoja
nukkit.plugin.fileError=Neįmanoma įkelti "{%0}" kataloge "{%1}": {%2}
nukkit.plugin.commandError=Neįmanoma įkelti komandos {%0} įskiepiui {%1}
nukkit.plugin.aliasError=Neįmanoma įkelti alternatyvos {%0} įskiepiui {%1}
nukkit.plugin.deprecatedEvent=Įskiepis "{%0}" užregistravo listenerį "{%1}" ant metodo "{%2}", bet eventas jau nebepalaikomas.
nukkit.plugin.eventError=Neįmanoma pereiti per eventą "{%0}" to "{%1}": {%2} on {%3}

nukkit.resources.invalid-path=Resource packs path "{%0}" exists and is not a directory
nukkit.resources.unknown-format=Could not load "{%0}" due to format not recognized not load "{%0}": {%1}
nukkit.resources.success=Successfully loaded {%0} resource packs "{%0}" is not found"\"manifest.json\" is not found""\"manifest.json\" is invalid or incomplete"

</code></pre>    <br/>
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