cn.nukkit.Server Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package cn.nukkit;
import cn.nukkit.api.DeprecationDetails;
import cn.nukkit.api.PowerNukkitOnly;
import cn.nukkit.api.PowerNukkitXOnly;
import cn.nukkit.api.Since;
import cn.nukkit.block.Block;
import cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity;
import cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockStateRegistry;
import cn.nukkit.command.*;
import cn.nukkit.command.function.FunctionManager;
import cn.nukkit.console.NukkitConsole;
import cn.nukkit.dispenser.DispenseBehaviorRegister;
import cn.nukkit.entity.Attribute;
import cn.nukkit.entity.Entity;
import cn.nukkit.entity.data.Skin;
import cn.nukkit.entity.data.profession.Profession;
import cn.nukkit.entity.data.property.EntityProperty;
import cn.nukkit.event.HandlerList;
import cn.nukkit.event.level.LevelInitEvent;
import cn.nukkit.event.level.LevelLoadEvent;
import cn.nukkit.event.server.*;
import cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingManager;
import cn.nukkit.inventory.Recipe;
import cn.nukkit.item.Item;
import cn.nukkit.item.RuntimeItems;
import cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment;
import cn.nukkit.lang.BaseLang;
import cn.nukkit.lang.LangCode;
import cn.nukkit.lang.TextContainer;
import cn.nukkit.level.*;
import cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome;
import cn.nukkit.level.format.LevelProvider;
import cn.nukkit.level.format.LevelProviderManager;
import cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.Anvil;
import cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseRegionLoader;
import cn.nukkit.level.generator.*;
import cn.nukkit.level.terra.PNXPlatform;
import cn.nukkit.level.tickingarea.manager.SimpleTickingAreaManager;
import cn.nukkit.level.tickingarea.manager.TickingAreaManager;
import cn.nukkit.level.tickingarea.storage.JSONTickingAreaStorage;
import cn.nukkit.math.NukkitMath;
import cn.nukkit.metadata.EntityMetadataStore;
import cn.nukkit.metadata.LevelMetadataStore;
import cn.nukkit.metadata.PlayerMetadataStore;
import cn.nukkit.metrics.NukkitMetrics;
import cn.nukkit.nbt.NBTIO;
import cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.CompoundTag;
import cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.DoubleTag;
import cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.FloatTag;
import cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.ListTag;
import cn.nukkit.network.CompressBatchedTask;
import cn.nukkit.network.Network;
import cn.nukkit.network.RakNetInterface;
import cn.nukkit.network.SourceInterface;
import cn.nukkit.network.protocol.BatchPacket;
import cn.nukkit.network.protocol.DataPacket;
import cn.nukkit.network.protocol.PlayerListPacket;
import cn.nukkit.network.protocol.ProtocolInfo;
import cn.nukkit.network.query.QueryHandler;
import cn.nukkit.network.rcon.RCON;
import cn.nukkit.permission.BanEntry;
import cn.nukkit.permission.BanList;
import cn.nukkit.permission.DefaultPermissions;
import cn.nukkit.permission.Permissible;
import cn.nukkit.plugin.*;
import cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSFeatures;
import cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSIInitiator;
import cn.nukkit.plugin.service.NKServiceManager;
import cn.nukkit.plugin.service.ServiceManager;
import cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTrackingService;
import cn.nukkit.potion.Effect;
import cn.nukkit.potion.Potion;
import cn.nukkit.resourcepacks.ResourcePackManager;
import cn.nukkit.resourcepacks.loader.JarPluginResourcePackLoader;
import cn.nukkit.resourcepacks.loader.ZippedResourcePackLoader;
import cn.nukkit.scheduler.ServerScheduler;
import cn.nukkit.scheduler.Task;
import cn.nukkit.scoreboard.manager.IScoreboardManager;
import cn.nukkit.scoreboard.manager.ScoreboardManager;
import cn.nukkit.scoreboard.storage.JSONScoreboardStorage;
import cn.nukkit.spark.SparkInstaller;
import cn.nukkit.utils.*;
import cn.nukkit.utils.bugreport.ExceptionHandler;
import cn.nukkit.utils.collection.FreezableArrayManager;
import com.google.common.base.Preconditions;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap;
import com.google.common.io.Files;
import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf;
import io.netty.util.internal.EmptyArrays;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.longs.LongArrayList;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.longs.LongList;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.longs.LongLists;
import lombok.extern.log4j.Log4j2;
import org.iq80.leveldb.CompressionType;
import org.iq80.leveldb.DB;
import org.iq80.leveldb.Options;
import org.iq80.leveldb.impl.Iq80DBFactory;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import java.io.*;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.net.InetSocketAddress;
import java.net.UnknownHostException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.security.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool;
import java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinWorkerThread;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import java.util.stream.Stream;
* 代表着服务器对象,全局单例.
* 在{@link Nukkit}中被实例化,后通过{@link cn.nukkit.Server#getInstance}获取实例对象.
* {@link cn.nukkit.Server}的构造方法进行了一系列操作,包括但不限于初始化配置文件,创建线程、线程池,开启插件,注册配方、方块、实体、物品等.
* Represents a server object, global singleton.
is instantiated in {@link Nukkit} and later the instance object is obtained via {@link cn.nukkit.Server#getInstance}.
* The constructor method of {@link cn.nukkit.Server} performs a number of operations, including but not limited to initializing configuration files, creating threads, thread pools, start plugins, registering recipes, blocks, entities, items, etc.
* @author MagicDroidX
* @author Box
public class Server {
public static final String BROADCAST_CHANNEL_ADMINISTRATIVE = "nukkit.broadcast.admin";
public static final String BROADCAST_CHANNEL_USERS = "nukkit.broadcast.user";
private static Server instance = null;
private BanList banByName;
private BanList banByIP;
private Config operators;
private Config whitelist;
private AtomicBoolean isRunning = new AtomicBoolean(true);
private LongList busyingTime = LongLists.synchronize(new LongArrayList(0));
private boolean hasStopped = false;
private PluginManager pluginManager;
private int profilingTickrate = 20;
private ServerScheduler scheduler;
* 一个tick计数器,记录服务器已经经过的tick数
private int tickCounter;
private long nextTick;
private final float[] tickAverage = {20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20};
private final float[] useAverage = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
private float maxTick = 20;
private float maxUse = 0;
private int sendUsageTicker = 0;
private boolean dispatchSignals = false;
private final NukkitConsole console;
private final ConsoleThread consoleThread;
* 负责地形生成,数据压缩等计算任务的FJP线程池
* FJP thread pool responsible for terrain generation, data compression and other computing tasks
public final ForkJoinPool computeThreadPool;
private SimpleCommandMap commandMap;
private CraftingManager craftingManager;
private ResourcePackManager resourcePackManager;
private ConsoleCommandSender consoleSender;
private IScoreboardManager scoreboardManager;
private FunctionManager functionManager;
private TickingAreaManager tickingAreaManager;
private int maxPlayers;
private boolean autoSave = true;
private boolean redstoneEnabled = true;
* 配置项是否检查登录时间.
Does the configuration item check the login time.
public boolean checkLoginTime = true;
private RCON rcon;
private EntityMetadataStore entityMetadata;
private PlayerMetadataStore playerMetadata;
private LevelMetadataStore levelMetadata;
private Network network;
private boolean networkCompressionAsync = true;
* 网络压缩级别
Network compression level
public int networkCompressionLevel = 7;
private int networkZlibProvider = 0;
private int maximumStaleDatagrams = 512;
private int maximumSizePerChunk = 1048576;
private int serverAuthoritativeMovementMode = 0;
private boolean autoTickRate = true;
private int autoTickRateLimit = 20;
private boolean alwaysTickPlayers = false;
private int baseTickRate = 1;
private Boolean getAllowFlight = null;
private int difficulty = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
private int defaultGamemode = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
private int autoSaveTicker = 0;
private int autoSaveTicks = 6000;
private BaseLang baseLang;
private LangCode baseLangCode;
private boolean forceLanguage = false;
private UUID serverID;
private final String filePath;
private final String dataPath;
private final String pluginPath;
private final String commandDataPath;
private final Set uniquePlayers = new HashSet<>();
private QueryHandler queryHandler;
private QueryRegenerateEvent queryRegenerateEvent;
private Config properties;
private Config config;
private final Map players = new HashMap<>();
private final Map playerList = new HashMap<>();
private PositionTrackingService positionTrackingService;
private final Map levels = new HashMap() {
public Level put(Integer key, Level value) {
Level result = super.put(key, value);
levelArray = levels.values().toArray(Level.EMPTY_ARRAY);
return result;
public boolean remove(Object key, Object value) {
boolean result = super.remove(key, value);
levelArray = levels.values().toArray(Level.EMPTY_ARRAY);
return result;
public Level remove(Object key) {
Level result = super.remove(key);
levelArray = levels.values().toArray(Level.EMPTY_ARRAY);
return result;
private Level[] levelArray;
private final ServiceManager serviceManager = new NKServiceManager();
private Level defaultLevel = null;
private boolean allowNether;
private final Thread currentThread;
private final long launchTime;
private Watchdog watchdog;
private DB nameLookup;
private PlayerDataSerializer playerDataSerializer;
private final Set ignoredPackets = new HashSet<>();
private boolean safeSpawn;
private boolean forceSkinTrusted = false;
private boolean checkMovement = true;
private boolean allowTheEnd;
private boolean useTerra;
private boolean enableExperimentMode;
private FreezableArrayManager freezableArrayManager;
public boolean enabledNetworkEncryption;
* 最小初始化测试
* Minimal initializer for testing
Server(File tempDir) throws IOException {
if (tempDir.isFile() && !tempDir.delete()) {
throw new IOException("Failed to delete " + tempDir);
instance = this;
config = new Config();
levelArray = Level.EMPTY_ARRAY;
launchTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
BatchPacket batchPacket = new BatchPacket();
batchPacket.payload = EmptyArrays.EMPTY_BYTES;
currentThread = Thread.currentThread();
File abs = tempDir.getAbsoluteFile();
filePath = abs.getPath();
dataPath = filePath;
File dir = new File(tempDir, "plugins");
pluginPath = dir.getPath();
File cmdDir = new File(tempDir, "command_data");
commandDataPath = cmdDir.getPath();
Files.createParentDirs(new File(tempDir, "worlds"));
Files.createParentDirs(new File(tempDir, "players"));
baseLang = new BaseLang(BaseLang.FALLBACK_LANGUAGE);
baseLangCode = mapInternalLang(BaseLang.FALLBACK_LANGUAGE);
console = new NukkitConsole(this);
consoleThread = new ConsoleThread();
this.computeThreadPool = new ForkJoinPool(Math.min(0x7fff, Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()), new ComputeThreadPoolThreadFactory(), null, false);
freezableArrayManager = new FreezableArrayManager(true, 32, 32, 0, -256, 1024, 16, 1, 32);
properties = new Config();
banByName = new BanList(dataPath + "banned-players.json");
banByIP = new BanList(dataPath + "banned-ips.json");
operators = new Config();
whitelist = new Config();
scoreboardManager = new ScoreboardManager(new JSONScoreboardStorage(this.commandDataPath + "/scoreboard.json"));
functionManager = new FunctionManager(this.commandDataPath + "/functions");
tickingAreaManager = new SimpleTickingAreaManager(new JSONTickingAreaStorage(this.dataPath + "worlds/"));
commandMap = new SimpleCommandMap(this);
Server(final String filePath, String dataPath, String pluginPath, String predefinedLanguage) {
Preconditions.checkState(instance == null, "Already initialized!");
launchTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); // Saves the current thread instance as a reference, used in Server#isPrimaryThread()
instance = this;
this.filePath = filePath;
if (!new File(dataPath + "worlds/").exists()) {
new File(dataPath + "worlds/").mkdirs();
if (!new File(dataPath + "players/").exists()) {
new File(dataPath + "players/").mkdirs();
if (!new File(pluginPath).exists()) {
new File(pluginPath).mkdirs();
this.dataPath = new File(dataPath).getAbsolutePath() + "/";
this.pluginPath = new File(pluginPath).getAbsolutePath() + "/";
this.commandDataPath = new File(dataPath).getAbsolutePath() + "/command_data";
if (!new File(commandDataPath).exists()) {
new File(commandDataPath).mkdirs();
this.console = new NukkitConsole(this);
this.consoleThread = new ConsoleThread();
this.computeThreadPool = new ForkJoinPool(Math.min(0x7fff, Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()), new ComputeThreadPoolThreadFactory(), null, false);
this.playerDataSerializer = new DefaultPlayerDataSerializer(this);
//todo: VersionString 现在不必要
if (!new File(this.dataPath + "nukkit.yml").exists()) {
log.info(TextFormat.GREEN + "Welcome! Please choose a language first!");
String languagesCommaList;
try {
InputStream languageList = this.getClass().getModule().getResourceAsStream("language/language.list");
if (languageList == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("language/language.list is missing. If you are running a development version, make sure you have run 'git submodule update --init'.");
String[] lines = Utils.readFile(languageList).split("\n");
for (String line : lines) {
languagesCommaList = Stream.of(lines)
.filter(line -> !line.isEmpty())
.map(line -> line.substring(0, 3))
.collect(Collectors.joining(", "));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
String fallback = BaseLang.FALLBACK_LANGUAGE;
String language = null;
try {
while (language == null) {
String lang;
if (predefinedLanguage != null) {
log.info("Trying to load language from predefined language: {}", predefinedLanguage);
lang = predefinedLanguage;
} else {
lang = this.console.readLine();
InputStream conf = null;
conf = this.getClass().getModule().getResourceAsStream("language/" + lang + "/lang.ini");
if (conf != null) {
language = lang;
} else if (predefinedLanguage != null) {
log.warn("No language found for predefined language: {}, please choose a valid language", predefinedLanguage);
predefinedLanguage = null;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
Properties nukkitYmlLang = new Properties();
InputStream nukkitYmlLangIS;
try {
nukkitYmlLangIS = this.getClass().getModule().getResourceAsStream("language/" + language + "/nukkit.yml.properties");
if (nukkitYmlLangIS == null) {
nukkitYmlLangIS = this.getClass().getModule().getResourceAsStream("language/" + fallback + "/nukkit.yml.properties");
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
if (nukkitYmlLangIS == null) {
try {
Utils.writeFile(this.dataPath + "nukkit.yml", Server.class.getResourceAsStream("/default-nukkit.yml"));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} else {
try {
nukkitYmlLang.load(new InputStreamReader(nukkitYmlLangIS, StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} finally {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
if (nukkitYmlLang.containsKey("nukkit.yml.header") && !nukkitYmlLang.getProperty("nukkit.yml.header").trim().isEmpty()) {
for (String header : nukkitYmlLang.getProperty("nukkit.yml.header").trim().split("\n")) {
result.append("# ").append(header).append(System.lineSeparator());
StringBuilder keyBuilder = new StringBuilder();
try (BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(Server.class.getResourceAsStream("/default-nukkit.yml"), StandardCharsets.UTF_8))) {
String line;
LinkedList path = new LinkedList<>();
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("^( *)([a-z-]+):");
int lastIdent = 0;
String[] last = null;
while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) {
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(line);
if (!matcher.find()) {
String current = matcher.group(2);
String ident = matcher.group(1);
int newIdent = ident.length();
if (newIdent < lastIdent) {
int reduced = lastIdent - newIdent;
int i = 0;
while (i < reduced) {
lastIdent = lastIdent - reduced;
if (newIdent > lastIdent) {
lastIdent = newIdent;
last = new String[]{current, ident};
for (String[] part : path) {
String key = keyBuilder.toString();
if (!nukkitYmlLang.containsKey(key) || nukkitYmlLang.getProperty(key).trim().isEmpty()) {
String[] comments = nukkitYmlLang.getProperty(key).trim().split("\n");
if (key.equals("nukkit.yml.aliases") || key.equals("nukkit.yml.worlds")) {
for (String comment : comments) {
result.append(ident).append(" # ").append(comment).append(System.lineSeparator());
} else if (key.equals("nukkit.yml.settings.language")) {
for (String comment : comments) {
comment = comment.replace("%1", languagesCommaList);
result.append(ident).append("# ").append(comment).append(System.lineSeparator());
result.append(ident).append("language: ").append(language).append(System.lineSeparator());
} else {
for (String comment : comments) {
result.append(ident).append("# ").append(comment).append(System.lineSeparator());
Utils.writeFile(this.dataPath + "nukkit.yml", result.toString());
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new AssertionError("Failed to create nukkit.yml", e);
log.info("Loading {} ...", TextFormat.GREEN + "nukkit.yml" + TextFormat.WHITE);
this.config = new Config(this.dataPath + "nukkit.yml", Config.YAML);
levelArray = Level.EMPTY_ARRAY;
Nukkit.DEBUG = NukkitMath.clamp(this.getConfig("debug.level", 1), 1, 3);
int logLevel = (Nukkit.DEBUG + 3) * 100;
org.apache.logging.log4j.Level currentLevel = Nukkit.getLogLevel();
for (org.apache.logging.log4j.Level level : org.apache.logging.log4j.Level.values()) {
if (level.intLevel() == logLevel && level.intLevel() > currentLevel.intLevel()) {
log.info("Loading {} ...", TextFormat.GREEN + "server.properties" + TextFormat.WHITE);
this.properties = new Config(this.dataPath + "server.properties", Config.PROPERTIES, new ConfigSection() {
put("motd", "PowerNukkitX Server");
put("sub-motd", "https://powernukkitx.cn");
put("server-port", 19132);
put("server-ip", "");
put("view-distance", 12);
put("white-list", false);
put("achievements", true);
put("announce-player-achievements", true);
put("spawn-protection", 16);
put("max-players", 20);
put("allow-flight", false);
put("spawn-animals", true);
put("spawn-mobs", true);
put("gamemode", 0);
put("force-gamemode", false);
put("hardcore", false);
put("pvp", true);
put("difficulty", 1);
put("generator-settings", "");
put("level-name", "world");
put("level-seed", "");
put("level-type", "DEFAULT");
put("allow-nether", true);
put("allow-the_end", true);
put("use-terra", false);
put("enable-experiment-mode", true);
put("enable-query", true);
put("enable-rcon", false);
put("rcon.password", Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(UUID.randomUUID().toString().replace("-", "").getBytes()).substring(3, 13));
put("auto-save", true);
put("force-resources", false);
put("force-resources-allow-client-packs", false);
put("xbox-auth", true);
put("check-login-time", true);
put("disable-auto-bug-report", false);
put("allow-shaded", false);
put("server-authoritative-movement", "server-auth");// Allowed values: "client-auth", "server-auth", "server-auth-with-rewind"
put("network-encryption", true);
// Allow Nether? (determines if we create a nether world if one doesn't exist on startup)
this.allowNether = this.properties.getBoolean("allow-nether", true);
this.allowTheEnd = this.properties.getBoolean("allow-the_end", true);
this.useTerra = this.properties.getBoolean("use-terra", false);
this.enableExperimentMode = this.properties.getBoolean("enable-experiment-mode", true);
this.checkLoginTime = this.properties.getBoolean("check-login-time", true);
if (this.isWaterdogCapable()) {
this.checkLoginTime = false;
this.forceLanguage = this.getConfig("settings.force-language", false);
var langName = this.getConfig("settings.language", BaseLang.FALLBACK_LANGUAGE);
this.baseLang = new BaseLang(langName);
this.baseLangCode = mapInternalLang(langName);
var isShaded = StartArgUtils.isShaded();
// 检测启动参数
if (!StartArgUtils.isValidStart() || (JarStart.isUsingJavaJar() && !isShaded)) {
// 检测非法使用shaded包启动
if (!this.properties.getBoolean("allow-shaded", false) && isShaded) {
log.info(this.getLanguage().tr("language.selected", new String[]{getLanguage().getName(), getLanguage().getLang()}));
log.info(getLanguage().tr("nukkit.server.start", TextFormat.AQUA + this.getVersion() + TextFormat.RESET));
Object poolSize = this.getConfig("settings.async-workers", (Object) "auto");
if (!(poolSize instanceof Integer)) {
try {
poolSize = Integer.valueOf((String) poolSize);
} catch (Exception e) {
poolSize = Math.max(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(), 4);
ServerScheduler.WORKERS = (int) poolSize;
this.networkZlibProvider = this.getConfig("network.zlib-provider", 2);
this.maximumStaleDatagrams = this.getConfig("network.maximum-stale-datagrams", 512);
this.networkCompressionLevel = this.getConfig("network.compression-level", 7);
this.networkCompressionAsync = this.getConfig("network.async-compression", true);
this.autoTickRate = this.getConfig("level-settings.auto-tick-rate", true);
this.autoTickRateLimit = this.getConfig("level-settings.auto-tick-rate-limit", 20);
this.alwaysTickPlayers = this.getConfig("level-settings.always-tick-players", false);
this.baseTickRate = this.getConfig("level-settings.base-tick-rate", 1);
this.redstoneEnabled = this.getConfig("level-settings.tick-redstone", true);
this.safeSpawn = this.getConfig().getBoolean("settings.safe-spawn", true);
this.forceSkinTrusted = this.getConfig().getBoolean("player.force-skin-trusted", false);
this.checkMovement = this.getConfig().getBoolean("player.check-movement", true);
this.serverAuthoritativeMovementMode = switch (this.properties.get("server-authoritative-movement", "client-auth")) {
case "client-auth" -> 0;
case "server-auth" -> 1;
case "server-auth-with-rewind" -> 2;
default -> throw new IllegalArgumentException();
this.enabledNetworkEncryption = this.properties.getBoolean("network-encryption", true);
this.maximumSizePerChunk = this.getConfig("chunk-saving.maximum-size-per-chunk", 1048576);
//unlimited if value == -1
if (this.maximumSizePerChunk < 0) this.maximumSizePerChunk = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
this.scheduler = new ServerScheduler();
if (this.getPropertyBoolean("enable-rcon", false)) {
try {
this.rcon = new RCON(this, this.getPropertyString("rcon.password", ""), (!this.getIp().equals("")) ? this.getIp() : "", this.getPropertyInt("rcon.port", this.getPort()));
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
log.error(getLanguage().tr(e.getMessage(), e.getCause().getMessage()));
this.entityMetadata = new EntityMetadataStore();
this.playerMetadata = new PlayerMetadataStore();
this.levelMetadata = new LevelMetadataStore();
this.operators = new Config(this.dataPath + "ops.txt", Config.ENUM);
this.whitelist = new Config(this.dataPath + "white-list.txt", Config.ENUM);
this.banByName = new BanList(this.dataPath + "banned-players.json");
this.banByIP = new BanList(this.dataPath + "banned-ips.json");
this.maxPlayers = this.getPropertyInt("max-players", 20);
this.setAutoSave(this.getPropertyBoolean("auto-save", true));
if (this.getPropertyBoolean("hardcore", false) && this.getDifficulty() < 3) {
this.setPropertyInt("difficulty", 3);
boolean bugReport;
if (this.getConfig().exists("settings.bug-report")) {
bugReport = this.getConfig().getBoolean("settings.bug-report");
} else {
bugReport = this.getPropertyBoolean("bug-report", true); //backwards compat
if (bugReport) {
log.info(this.getLanguage().tr("nukkit.server.networkStart", new String[]{this.getIp().equals("") ? "*" : this.getIp(), String.valueOf(this.getPort())}));
this.serverID = UUID.randomUUID();
this.network = new Network(this);
log.info(this.getLanguage().tr("nukkit.server.info", this.getName(), TextFormat.YELLOW + this.getNukkitVersion() + " (" + this.getGitCommit() + ")" + TextFormat.WHITE, TextFormat.AQUA + this.getCodename() + TextFormat.WHITE, this.getApiVersion()));
log.info(this.getLanguage().tr("nukkit.server.license", this.getName()));
this.consoleSender = new ConsoleCommandSender();
// Initialize metrics
EnumBiome.values(); //load class, this also registers biomes
GlobalBlockPalette.getOrCreateRuntimeId(0, 0); //Force it to load
freezableArrayManager = new FreezableArrayManager(
this.getConfig("memory-compression.enable", true),
this.getConfig("memory-compression.slots", 32),
this.getConfig("memory-compression.default-temperature", 32),
this.getConfig("memory-compression.threshold.freezing-point", 0),
this.getConfig("memory-compression.threshold.absolute-zero", -256),
this.getConfig("memory-compression.threshold.boiling-point", 1024),
this.getConfig("memory-compression.heat.melting", 16),
this.getConfig("memory-compression.heat.single-operation", 1),
this.getConfig("memory-compression.heat.batch-operation", 32));
scoreboardManager = new ScoreboardManager(new JSONScoreboardStorage(this.commandDataPath + "/scoreboard.json"));
functionManager = new FunctionManager(this.commandDataPath + "/functions");
tickingAreaManager = new SimpleTickingAreaManager(new JSONTickingAreaStorage(this.dataPath + "worlds/"));
// Convert legacy data before plugins get the chance to mess with it.
try {
nameLookup = Iq80DBFactory.factory.open(new File(dataPath, "players"), new Options()
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
this.craftingManager = new CraftingManager();
this.resourcePackManager = new ResourcePackManager(
new ZippedResourcePackLoader(new File(Nukkit.DATA_PATH, "resource_packs")),
new JarPluginResourcePackLoader(new File(this.pluginPath))
this.commandMap = new SimpleCommandMap(this);
this.pluginManager = new PluginManager(this, this.commandMap);
this.pluginManager.subscribeToPermission(Server.BROADCAST_CHANNEL_ADMINISTRATIVE, this.consoleSender);
this.queryRegenerateEvent = new QueryRegenerateEvent(this, 5);
this.network.registerInterface(new RakNetInterface(this));
try {
log.debug("Loading position tracking service");
this.positionTrackingService = new PositionTrackingService(new File(Nukkit.DATA_PATH, "services/position_tracking_db"));
//getScheduler().scheduleRepeatingTask(null, positionTrackingService::forceRecheckAllPlayers, 20 * 5);
} catch (IOException e) {
log.fatal("Failed to start the Position Tracking DB service!", e);
LevelProviderManager.addProvider(this, Anvil.class);
Generator.addGenerator(Flat.class, "flat", Generator.TYPE_FLAT);
Generator.addGenerator(Normal.class, "normal", Generator.TYPE_INFINITE);
if (useTerra) {
Generator.addGenerator(TerraGeneratorWrapper.class, "terra");
Generator.addGenerator(Normal.class, "default", Generator.TYPE_INFINITE);
Generator.addGenerator(Nether.class, "nether", Generator.TYPE_NETHER);
Generator.addGenerator(TheEnd.class, "the_end", Generator.TYPE_THE_END);
//todo: add old generator and hell generator
for (String name : this.getConfig("worlds", new HashMap()).keySet()) {
if (!this.loadLevel(name)) {
long seed;
try {
seed = ((Number) this.getConfig("worlds." + name + ".seed", ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextLong())).longValue();
} catch (Exception e) {
try {
seed = this.getConfig("worlds." + name + ".seed").toString().hashCode();
} catch (Exception e2) {
seed = System.currentTimeMillis();
log.warn("Failed to load the world seed for \"{}\". Generating a random seed", name, e2);
Map options = new HashMap<>();
String[] opts = (this.getConfig("worlds." + name + ".generator", Generator.getGenerator("default").getSimpleName())).split(":");
Class extends Generator> generator = Generator.getGenerator(opts[0]);
if (opts.length > 1) {
StringBuilder preset = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 1; i < opts.length; i++) {
preset = new StringBuilder(preset.substring(0, preset.length() - 1));
options.put("preset", preset.toString());
this.generateLevel(name, seed, generator, options);
if (this.getDefaultLevel() == null) {
String defaultName = this.getPropertyString("level-name", "world");
if (defaultName == null || defaultName.trim().isEmpty()) {
log.warn("level-name cannot be null, using default");
defaultName = "world";
this.setPropertyString("level-name", defaultName);
if (!this.loadLevel(defaultName)) {
long seed;
String seedString = String.valueOf(this.getProperty("level-seed", System.currentTimeMillis()));
try {
seed = Long.parseLong(seedString);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
seed = seedString.hashCode();
this.generateLevel(defaultName, seed == 0 ? System.currentTimeMillis() : seed);
if (this.getDefaultLevel() == null) {
if (this.getConfig("ticks-per.autosave", 6000) > 0) {
this.autoSaveTicks = this.getConfig("ticks-per.autosave", 6000);
if (this.getConfig("settings.download-spark", false)) {
if (/*Nukkit.DEBUG < 2 && */!Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperty("disableWatchdog", "false"))) {
this.watchdog = new Watchdog(this, 60000);
// region lifecycle & ticking - 生命周期与游戏刻
* 重载服务器
* Reload Server
public void reload() {
log.info("Saving levels...");
for (Level level : this.levelArray) {
log.info("Reloading properties...");
this.maxPlayers = this.getPropertyInt("max-players", 20);
if (this.getPropertyBoolean("hardcore", false) && this.getDifficulty() < 3) {
this.setPropertyInt("difficulty", difficulty = 3);
for (BanEntry entry : this.getIPBans().getEntires().values()) {
try {
this.getNetwork().blockAddress(InetAddress.getByName(entry.getName()), -1);
} catch (UnknownHostException e) {
// ignore
ServerStartedEvent serverStartedEvent = new ServerStartedEvent();
* 关闭服务器
* Shut down the server
public void shutdown() {
isRunning.compareAndSet(true, false);
* 强制关闭服务器
* Force Shut down the server
public void forceShutdown() {
if (this.hasStopped) {
try {
isRunning.compareAndSet(true, false);
this.hasStopped = true;
ServerStopEvent serverStopEvent = new ServerStopEvent();
if (this.rcon != null) {
for (Player player : new ArrayList<>(this.players.values())) {
player.close(player.getLeaveMessage(), this.getConfig("settings.shutdown-message", "Server closed"));
log.debug("Disabling all plugins");
log.debug("Removing event handlers");
log.debug("Saving scoreboards data");
log.debug("Stopping all tasks");
log.debug("Unloading all levels");
for (Level level : this.levelArray) {
this.unloadLevel(level, true);
if (positionTrackingService != null) {
log.debug("Closing position tracking service");
log.debug("Closing console");
log.debug("Stopping network interfaces");
for (SourceInterface interfaz : this.network.getInterfaces()) {
if (nameLookup != null) {
//close watchdog and metrics
if (this.watchdog != null) {
this.watchdog.running = false;
//close computeThreadPool
//todo other things
} catch (Exception e) {
log.fatal("Exception happened while shutting down, exiting the process", e);
public void start() {
if (this.getPropertyBoolean("enable-query", true)) {
this.queryHandler = new QueryHandler();
for (BanEntry entry : this.getIPBans().getEntires().values()) {
try {
this.network.blockAddress(InetAddress.getByName(entry.getName()), -1);
} catch (UnknownHostException e) {
// ignore
//todo send usage setting
this.tickCounter = 0;
log.info(this.getLanguage().tr("nukkit.server.defaultGameMode", getGamemodeString(this.getGamemode())));
log.info(this.getLanguage().tr("nukkit.server.startFinished", String.valueOf((double) (System.currentTimeMillis() - Nukkit.START_TIME) / 1000)));
ServerStartedEvent serverStartedEvent = new ServerStartedEvent();
private int lastLevelGC;
public void tickProcessor() {
getScheduler().scheduleDelayedTask(new Task() {
public void onRun(int currentTick) {
}, 60);
this.nextTick = System.currentTimeMillis();
try {
while (this.isRunning.get()) {
try {
long next = this.nextTick;
long current = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (next - 0.1 > current) {
long allocated = next - current - 1;
{ // Instead of wasting time, do something potentially useful
int offset = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < levelArray.length; i++) {
offset = (i + lastLevelGC) % levelArray.length;
Level level = levelArray[offset];
level.doGarbageCollection(allocated - 1);
allocated = next - System.currentTimeMillis();
if (allocated <= 0) {
lastLevelGC = offset + 1;
if (allocated > 0) {
//noinspection BusyWait
Thread.sleep(allocated, 900000);
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
log.error("A RuntimeException happened while ticking the server", e);
} catch (Throwable e) {
log.fatal("Exception happened while ticking server\n{}", Utils.getAllThreadDumps(), e);
private void checkTickUpdates(int currentTick, long tickTime) {
if (this.alwaysTickPlayers) {
for (Player p : new ArrayList<>(this.players.values())) {
//Do level ticks
for (Level level : this.levelArray) {
if (level.getTickRate() > this.baseTickRate && --level.tickRateCounter > 0) {
try {
long levelTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
//Ensures that the server won't try to tick a level without providers.
if(level.getProvider().getLevel() == null) {
log.warn("Tried to tick Level " + level.getName() + " without a provider!");
int tickMs = (int) (System.currentTimeMillis() - levelTime);
level.tickRateTime = tickMs;
if ((currentTick & 511) == 0) { // % 511
level.tickRateOptDelay = level.recalcTickOptDelay();
if (this.autoTickRate) {
if (tickMs < 50 && level.getTickRate() > this.baseTickRate) {
int r;
level.setTickRate(r = level.getTickRate() - 1);
if (r > this.baseTickRate) {
level.tickRateCounter = level.getTickRate();
log.debug("Raising level \"{}\" tick rate to {} ticks", level.getName(), level.getTickRate());
} else if (tickMs >= 50) {
if (level.getTickRate() == this.baseTickRate) {
level.setTickRate(Math.max(this.baseTickRate + 1, Math.min(this.autoTickRateLimit, tickMs / 50)));
log.debug("Level \"{}\" took {}ms, setting tick rate to {} ticks", level.getName(), NukkitMath.round(tickMs, 2), level.getTickRate());
} else if ((tickMs / level.getTickRate()) >= 50 && level.getTickRate() < this.autoTickRateLimit) {
level.setTickRate(level.getTickRate() + 1);
log.debug("Level \"{}\" took {}ms, setting tick rate to {} ticks", level.getName(), NukkitMath.round(tickMs, 2), level.getTickRate());
level.tickRateCounter = level.getTickRate();
} catch (Exception e) {
level.getFolderName(), Utils.getExceptionMessage(e)), e);
public void doAutoSave() {
if (this.getAutoSave()) {
for (Player player : new ArrayList<>(this.players.values())) {
if (player.isOnline()) {
} else if (!player.isConnected()) {
for (Level level : this.levelArray) {
private boolean tick() {
long tickTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
long time = tickTime - this.nextTick;
if (time < -25) {
try {
Thread.sleep(Math.max(5, -time - 25));
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
log.debug("The thread {} got interrupted", Thread.currentThread().getName(), e);
long tickTimeNano = System.nanoTime();
if ((tickTime - this.nextTick) < -25) {
return false;
if (this.rcon != null) {
this.checkTickUpdates(this.tickCounter, tickTime);
for (Player player : new ArrayList<>(this.players.values())) {
if ((this.tickCounter & 0b1111) == 0) {
this.maxTick = 20;
this.maxUse = 0;
if ((this.tickCounter & 0b111111111) == 0) {
try {
this.getPluginManager().callEvent(this.queryRegenerateEvent = new QueryRegenerateEvent(this, 5));
if (this.queryHandler != null) {
} catch (Exception e) {
if (this.autoSave && ++this.autoSaveTicker >= this.autoSaveTicks) {
this.autoSaveTicker = 0;
if (this.sendUsageTicker > 0 && --this.sendUsageTicker == 0) {
this.sendUsageTicker = 6000;
//todo sendUsage
if (this.tickCounter % 100 == 0) {
.flatMap(l -> l.asyncChunkGarbageCollection().stream())
// 处理可冻结数组
int freezableArrayCompressTime = (int) (50 - (System.currentTimeMillis() - tickTime));
if (freezableArrayCompressTime > 4) {
//long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
long nowNano = System.nanoTime();
//float tick = Math.min(20, 1000 / Math.max(1, now - tickTime));
//float use = Math.min(1, (now - tickTime) / 50);
float tick = (float) Math.min(20, 1000000000 / Math.max(1000000, ((double) nowNano - tickTimeNano)));
float use = (float) Math.min(1, ((double) (nowNano - tickTimeNano)) / 50000000);
if (this.maxTick > tick) {
this.maxTick = tick;
if (this.maxUse < use) {
this.maxUse = use;
System.arraycopy(this.tickAverage, 1, this.tickAverage, 0, this.tickAverage.length - 1);
this.tickAverage[this.tickAverage.length - 1] = tick;
System.arraycopy(this.useAverage, 1, this.useAverage, 0, this.useAverage.length - 1);
this.useAverage[this.useAverage.length - 1] = use;
if ((this.nextTick - tickTime) < -1000) {
this.nextTick = tickTime;
} else {
this.nextTick += 50;
return true;
public long getNextTick() {
return nextTick;
* @return 返回服务器经历过的tick数
Returns the number of ticks recorded by the server
public int getTick() {
return tickCounter;
public float getTicksPerSecond() {
return ((float) Math.round(this.maxTick * 100)) / 100;
public float getTicksPerSecondAverage() {
float sum = 0;
int count = this.tickAverage.length;
for (float aTickAverage : this.tickAverage) {
sum += aTickAverage;
return (float) NukkitMath.round(sum / count, 2);
public float getTickUsage() {
return (float) NukkitMath.round(this.maxUse * 100, 2);
public float getTickUsageAverage() {
float sum = 0;
int count = this.useAverage.length;
for (float aUseAverage : this.useAverage) {
sum += aUseAverage;
return ((float) Math.round(sum / count * 100)) / 100;
// TODO: Fix title tick
public void titleTick() {
if (!Nukkit.ANSI || !Nukkit.TITLE) {
Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
double used = NukkitMath.round((double) (runtime.totalMemory() - runtime.freeMemory()) / 1024 / 1024, 2);
double max = NukkitMath.round(((double) runtime.maxMemory()) / 1024 / 1024, 2);
String usage = Math.round(used / max * 100) + "%";
String title = (char) 0x1b + "]0;" + this.getName() + " "
+ this.getNukkitVersion()
+ " | " + this.getGitCommit()
+ " | Online " + this.players.size() + "/" + this.getMaxPlayers()
+ " | Memory " + usage;
if (!Nukkit.shortTitle) {
title += " | U " + NukkitMath.round((this.network.getUpload() / 1024 * 1000), 2)
+ " D " + NukkitMath.round((this.network.getDownload() / 1024 * 1000), 2) + " kB/s";
title += " | TPS " + this.getTicksPerSecond()
+ " | Load " + this.getTickUsage() + "%" + (char) 0x07;
public boolean isRunning() {
return isRunning.get();
* 将服务器设置为繁忙状态,这可以阻止相关代码认为服务器处于无响应状态。
* 请牢记,必须在设置之后清除。
* @param busyTime 单位为毫秒
* @return id
public int addBusying(long busyTime) {
return this.busyingTime.size() - 1;
public void removeBusying(int index) {
public long getBusyingTime() {
if (this.busyingTime.isEmpty()) {
return -1;
return this.busyingTime.getLong(this.busyingTime.size() - 1);
public TickingAreaManager getTickingAreaManager() {
return tickingAreaManager;
public long getLaunchTime() {
return launchTime;
// endregion
// region server singleton - Server 单例
public static Server getInstance() {
return instance;
// endregion
// region chat & commands - 聊天与命令
* 广播一条消息给所有玩家
Broadcast a message to all players
* @param message 消息
* @return int 玩家数量
Number of players
public int broadcastMessage(String message) {
return this.broadcast(message, BROADCAST_CHANNEL_USERS);
* @see #broadcastMessage(String)
public int broadcastMessage(TextContainer message) {
return this.broadcast(message, BROADCAST_CHANNEL_USERS);
* 广播一条消息给指定的{@link CommandSender recipients}
Broadcast a message to the specified {@link CommandSender recipients}
* @param message 消息
* @return int {@link CommandSender recipients}数量
Number of {@link CommandSender recipients}
public int broadcastMessage(String message, CommandSender[] recipients) {
for (CommandSender recipient : recipients) {
return recipients.length;
* @see #broadcastMessage(String, CommandSender[])
public int broadcastMessage(String message, Collection extends CommandSender> recipients) {
for (CommandSender recipient : recipients) {
return recipients.size();
* @see #broadcastMessage(String, CommandSender[])
public int broadcastMessage(TextContainer message, Collection extends CommandSender> recipients) {
for (CommandSender recipient : recipients) {
return recipients.size();
* 从指定的许可名获取发送者们,广播一条消息给他们.可以指定多个许可名,以 ; 分割.
* 一个permission在{@link PluginManager#permSubs}对应一个{@link CommandSender 发送者}Set.
* Get the sender to broadcast a message from the specified permission name, multiple permissions can be specified, split by ;
* The permission corresponds to a {@link CommandSender Sender} set in {@link PluginManager#permSubs}.
* @param message 消息内容
Message content
* @param permissions 许可名,需要先通过{@link PluginManager#subscribeToPermission subscribeToPermission}注册
Permissions name, need to register first through {@link PluginManager#subscribeToPermission subscribeToPermission}
* @return int 接受到消息的{@link CommandSender 发送者}数量
Number of {@link CommandSender senders} who received the message
public int broadcast(String message, String permissions) {
Set recipients = new HashSet<>();
for (String permission : permissions.split(";")) {
for (Permissible permissible : this.pluginManager.getPermissionSubscriptions(permission)) {
if (permissible instanceof CommandSender && permissible.hasPermission(permission)) {
recipients.add((CommandSender) permissible);
for (CommandSender recipient : recipients) {
return recipients.size();
* @see #broadcast(String, String)
public int broadcast(TextContainer message, String permissions) {
Set recipients = new HashSet<>();
for (String permission : permissions.split(";")) {
for (Permissible permissible : this.pluginManager.getPermissionSubscriptions(permission)) {
if (permissible instanceof CommandSender && permissible.hasPermission(permission)) {
recipients.add((CommandSender) permissible);
for (CommandSender recipient : recipients) {
return recipients.size();
@DeprecationDetails(since = "1.19.60-r1", reason = "use Server#executeCommand")
public boolean dispatchCommand(CommandSender sender, String commandLine) throws ServerException {
return this.executeCommand(sender, commandLine) > 0;
* 以sender身份执行一行命令
* Execute one line of command as sender
* @param sender 命令执行者
* @param commandLine 一行命令
* @return 返回0代表执行失败, 返回大于等于1代表执行成功
Returns 0 for failed execution, greater than or equal to 1 for successful execution
* @throws ServerException 服务器异常
public int executeCommand(CommandSender sender, String commandLine) throws ServerException {
// First we need to check if this command is on the main thread or not, if not, warn the user
if (!this.isPrimaryThread()) {
log.warn("Command Dispatched Async: {}\nPlease notify author of plugin causing this execution to fix this bug!", commandLine,
new ConcurrentModificationException("Command Dispatched Async: " + commandLine));
this.scheduler.scheduleTask(null, () -> executeCommand(sender, commandLine));
return 1;
if (sender == null) {
throw new ServerException("CommandSender is not valid");
var cmd = commandLine.stripLeading();
cmd = cmd.charAt(0) == '/' ? cmd.substring(1) : cmd;
return this.commandMap.executeCommand(sender, cmd);
* 以该控制台身份静音执行这些命令,无视权限
* Execute these commands silently as the console, ignoring permissions.
* @param commands the commands
* @throws ServerException 服务器异常
public void silentExecuteCommand(String... commands) {
this.silentExecuteCommand(null, commands);
* 以该玩家身份静音执行这些命令无视权限
* Execute these commands silently as this player, ignoring permissions.
* @param sender 命令执行者
command sender
* @param commands the commands
* @throws ServerException 服务器异常
public void silentExecuteCommand(@Nullable Player sender, String... commands) {
final var revert = new ArrayList();
final var server = Server.getInstance();
for (var level : server.getLevels().values()) {
if (level.getGameRules().getBoolean(GameRule.SEND_COMMAND_FEEDBACK)) {
level.getGameRules().setGameRule(GameRule.SEND_COMMAND_FEEDBACK, false);
if (sender == null) {
for (var cmd : commands) {
server.executeCommand(server.getConsoleSender(), cmd);
} else {
for (var cmd : commands) {
server.executeCommand(server.getConsoleSender(), "execute as " + "\"" + sender.getName() + "\" run " + cmd);
for (var level : revert) {
level.getGameRules().setGameRule(GameRule.SEND_COMMAND_FEEDBACK, true);
* 得到控制台发送者
* Get the console sender
* @return {@link ConsoleCommandSender}
//todo: use ticker to check console
public ConsoleCommandSender getConsoleSender() {
return consoleSender;
public SimpleCommandMap getCommandMap() {
return commandMap;
public PluginIdentifiableCommand getPluginCommand(String name) {
Command command = this.commandMap.getCommand(name);
if (command instanceof PluginIdentifiableCommand) {
return (PluginIdentifiableCommand) command;
} else {
return null;
public Map> getCommandAliases() {
Object section = this.getConfig("aliases");
Map> result = new LinkedHashMap<>();
if (section instanceof Map) {
for (Map.Entry entry : (Set) ((Map) section).entrySet()) {
List commands = new ArrayList<>();
String key = (String) entry.getKey();
Object value = entry.getValue();
if (value instanceof List) {
commands.addAll((List) value);
} else {
commands.add((String) value);
result.put(key, commands);
return result;
public IScoreboardManager getScoreboardManager() {
return scoreboardManager;
public FunctionManager getFunctionManager() {
return functionManager;
// endregion
// region networking - 网络相关
* @see #broadcastPacket(Player[], DataPacket)
public static void broadcastPacket(Collection players, DataPacket packet) {
for (Player player : players) {
* 广播一个数据包给指定的玩家们.Broadcast a packet to the specified players.
* @param players 接受数据包的所有玩家
All players receiving the data package
* @param packet 数据包
public static void broadcastPacket(Player[] players, DataPacket packet) {
for (Player player : players) {
@DeprecationDetails(since = "", by = "Cloudburst Nukkit",
reason = "Packet management was refactored, batching is done automatically near the RakNet layer")
public void batchPackets(Player[] players, DataPacket[] packets) {
this.batchPackets(players, packets, false);
@DeprecationDetails(since = "", by = "Cloudburst Nukkit",
reason = "Packet management was refactored, batching is done automatically near the RakNet layer")
public void batchPackets(Player[] players, DataPacket[] packets, boolean forceSync) {
if (players == null || packets == null || players.length == 0 || packets.length == 0) {
BatchPacketsEvent ev = new BatchPacketsEvent(players, packets, forceSync);
if (ev.isCancelled()) {
byte[][] payload = new byte[packets.length * 2][];
for (int i = 0; i < packets.length; i++) {
DataPacket p = packets[i];
int idx = i * 2;
byte[] buf = p.getBuffer();
payload[idx] = Binary.writeUnsignedVarInt(buf.length);
payload[idx + 1] = buf;
packets[i] = null;
List targets = new ArrayList<>();
for (Player p : players) {
if (p.isConnected()) {
if (!forceSync && this.networkCompressionAsync) {
this.getScheduler().scheduleAsyncTask(new CompressBatchedTask(payload, targets, this.networkCompressionLevel));
} else {
try {
byte[] data = Binary.appendBytes(payload);
if (Server.getInstance().isEnableSnappy()) {
this.broadcastPacketsCallback(SnappyCompression.compress(data), targets);
} else {
this.broadcastPacketsCallback(Network.deflateRaw(data, this.networkCompressionLevel), targets);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public void broadcastPacketsCallback(byte[] data, List targets) {
BatchPacket pk = new BatchPacket();
pk.payload = data;
for (InetSocketAddress i : targets) {
if (this.players.containsKey(i)) {
public void handlePacket(InetSocketAddress address, ByteBuf payload) {
try {
if (!payload.isReadable(3)) {
byte[] prefix = new byte[2];
if (!Arrays.equals(prefix, new byte[]{(byte) 0xfe, (byte) 0xfd})) {
if (this.queryHandler != null) {
this.queryHandler.handle(address, payload);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Error whilst handling packet", e);
this.network.blockAddress(address.getAddress(), -1);
public QueryRegenerateEvent getQueryInformation() {
return this.queryRegenerateEvent;
public Network getNetwork() {
return network;
// endregion
// region plugins - 插件相关
* 以指定插件加载顺序启用插件
* Enable plugins in the specified plugin loading order
* @param type 插件加载顺序
Plugin loading order
public void enablePlugins(PluginLoadOrder type) {
for (Plugin plugin : new ArrayList<>(this.pluginManager.getPlugins().values())) {
if (!plugin.isEnabled() && type == plugin.getDescription().getOrder()) {
if (type == PluginLoadOrder.POSTWORLD) {
* 启用一个指定插件
* Enable a specified plugin
* @param plugin 插件实例
Plugin instance
public void enablePlugin(Plugin plugin) {
* 禁用全部插件
Disable all plugins
public void disablePlugins() {
public PluginManager getPluginManager() {
return this.pluginManager;
public ServiceManager getServiceManager() {
return serviceManager;
// endregion
// region Players - 玩家相关
public void onPlayerCompleteLoginSequence(Player player) {
public void onPlayerLogin(Player player) {
if (this.sendUsageTicker > 0) {
public void addPlayer(InetSocketAddress socketAddress, Player player) {
this.players.put(socketAddress, player);
public void addOnlinePlayer(Player player) {
this.playerList.put(player.getUniqueId(), player);
this.updatePlayerListData(player.getUniqueId(), player.getId(), player.getDisplayName(), player.getSkin(), player.getLoginChainData().getXUID());
public void removeOnlinePlayer(Player player) {
if (this.playerList.containsKey(player.getUniqueId())) {
PlayerListPacket pk = new PlayerListPacket();
pk.type = PlayerListPacket.TYPE_REMOVE;
pk.entries = new PlayerListPacket.Entry[]{new PlayerListPacket.Entry(player.getUniqueId())};
Server.broadcastPacket(this.playerList.values(), pk);
* @see #updatePlayerListData(UUID, long, String, Skin, String, Player[])
public void updatePlayerListData(UUID uuid, long entityId, String name, Skin skin) {
this.updatePlayerListData(uuid, entityId, name, skin, "", this.playerList.values());
* @see #updatePlayerListData(UUID, long, String, Skin, String, Player[])
public void updatePlayerListData(UUID uuid, long entityId, String name, Skin skin, String xboxUserId) {
this.updatePlayerListData(uuid, entityId, name, skin, xboxUserId, this.playerList.values());
* @see #updatePlayerListData(UUID, long, String, Skin, String, Player[])
public void updatePlayerListData(UUID uuid, long entityId, String name, Skin skin, Player[] players) {
this.updatePlayerListData(uuid, entityId, name, skin, "", players);
* 更新指定玩家们(players)的{@link PlayerListPacket}数据包(即玩家列表数据)
* Update {@link PlayerListPacket} data packets (i.e. player list data) for specified players
* @param uuid uuid
* @param entityId 实体id
* @param name 名字
* @param skin 皮肤
* @param xboxUserId xbox用户id
* @param players 指定接受数据包的玩家
public void updatePlayerListData(UUID uuid, long entityId, String name, Skin skin, String xboxUserId, Player[] players) {
PlayerListPacket pk = new PlayerListPacket();
pk.type = PlayerListPacket.TYPE_ADD;
pk.entries = new PlayerListPacket.Entry[]{new PlayerListPacket.Entry(uuid, entityId, name, skin, xboxUserId)};
Server.broadcastPacket(players, pk);
* @see #updatePlayerListData(UUID, long, String, Skin, String, Player[])
public void updatePlayerListData(UUID uuid, long entityId, String name, Skin skin, String xboxUserId, Collection players) {
this.updatePlayerListData(uuid, entityId, name, skin, xboxUserId, players.toArray(Player.EMPTY_ARRAY));
public void removePlayerListData(UUID uuid) {
this.removePlayerListData(uuid, this.playerList.values());
* 移除玩家数组中所有玩家的玩家列表数据.
* Remove player list data for all players in the array.
* @param players 玩家数组
public void removePlayerListData(UUID uuid, Player[] players) {
PlayerListPacket pk = new PlayerListPacket();
pk.type = PlayerListPacket.TYPE_REMOVE;
pk.entries = new PlayerListPacket.Entry[]{new PlayerListPacket.Entry(uuid)};
Server.broadcastPacket(players, pk);
* 移除这个玩家的玩家列表数据.
* Remove this player's player list data.
* @param player 玩家
public void removePlayerListData(UUID uuid, Player player) {
PlayerListPacket pk = new PlayerListPacket();
pk.type = PlayerListPacket.TYPE_REMOVE;
pk.entries = new PlayerListPacket.Entry[]{new PlayerListPacket.Entry(uuid)};
public void removePlayerListData(UUID uuid, Collection players) {
this.removePlayerListData(uuid, players.toArray(Player.EMPTY_ARRAY));
* 发送玩家列表数据包给一个玩家.
* Send a player list packet to a player.
* @param player 玩家
public void sendFullPlayerListData(Player player) {
PlayerListPacket pk = new PlayerListPacket();
pk.type = PlayerListPacket.TYPE_ADD;
pk.entries = this.playerList.values().stream()
.map(p -> new PlayerListPacket.Entry(
* 从指定的UUID得到玩家实例.
* Get the player instance from the specified UUID.
* @param uuid uuid
* @return 玩家实例,可为空
Player example, can be empty
public Optional getPlayer(UUID uuid) {
Preconditions.checkNotNull(uuid, "uuid");
return Optional.ofNullable(playerList.get(uuid));
* 从数据库中查找指定玩家名对应的UUID.
* Find the UUID corresponding to the specified player name from the database.
* @param name 玩家名
player name
* @return 玩家的UUID,可为空.
The player's UUID, which can be empty.
public Optional lookupName(String name) {
byte[] nameBytes = name.toLowerCase().getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
byte[] uuidBytes = nameLookup.get(nameBytes);
if (uuidBytes == null) {
return Optional.empty();
if (uuidBytes.length != 16) {
log.warn("Invalid uuid in name lookup database detected! Removing");
return Optional.empty();
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(uuidBytes);
return Optional.of(new UUID(buffer.getLong(), buffer.getLong()));
* 更新数据库中指定玩家名的UUID,若不存在则添加.
* Update the UUID of the specified player name in the database, or add it if it does not exist.
* @param uuid uuid
* @param name 名字
void updateName(UUID uuid, String name) {
byte[] nameBytes = name.toLowerCase().getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(16);
nameLookup.put(nameBytes, buffer.array());
public IPlayer getOfflinePlayer(final String name) {
IPlayer result = this.getPlayerExact(name.toLowerCase());
if (result != null) {
return result;
return lookupName(name).map(uuid -> new OfflinePlayer(this, uuid))
.orElse(new OfflinePlayer(this, name));
* 从指定的UUID得到一个玩家实例,可以是在线玩家也可以是离线玩家.
* Get a player instance from the specified UUID, either online or offline.
* @param uuid uuid
* @return 玩家
public IPlayer getOfflinePlayer(UUID uuid) {
Preconditions.checkNotNull(uuid, "uuid");
Optional onlinePlayer = getPlayer(uuid);
if (onlinePlayer.isPresent()) {
return onlinePlayer.get();
return new OfflinePlayer(this, uuid);
* create为false
* create is false
* @see #getOfflinePlayerData(UUID, boolean)
public CompoundTag getOfflinePlayerData(UUID uuid) {
return getOfflinePlayerData(uuid, false);
* 获得UUID指定的玩家的NBT数据
* @param uuid 要获取数据的玩家UUID
UUID of the player to get data from
* @param create 如果玩家数据不存在是否创建
If player data does not exist whether to create.
* @return {@link CompoundTag}
public CompoundTag getOfflinePlayerData(UUID uuid, boolean create) {
return getOfflinePlayerDataInternal(uuid.toString(), true, create);
public CompoundTag getOfflinePlayerData(String name) {
return getOfflinePlayerData(name, false);
public CompoundTag getOfflinePlayerData(String name, boolean create) {
Optional uuid = lookupName(name);
return getOfflinePlayerDataInternal(uuid.map(UUID::toString).orElse(name), true, create);
private CompoundTag getOfflinePlayerDataInternal(String name, boolean runEvent, boolean create) {
Preconditions.checkNotNull(name, "name");
PlayerDataSerializeEvent event = new PlayerDataSerializeEvent(name, playerDataSerializer);
if (runEvent) {
Optional dataStream = Optional.empty();
try {
dataStream = event.getSerializer().read(name, event.getUuid().orElse(null));
if (dataStream.isPresent()) {
return NBTIO.readCompressed(dataStream.get());
} catch (IOException e) {
log.warn(this.getLanguage().tr("nukkit.data.playerCorrupted", name), e);
} finally {
if (dataStream.isPresent()) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
CompoundTag nbt = null;
if (create) {
if (this.shouldSavePlayerData()) {
log.info(this.getLanguage().tr("nukkit.data.playerNotFound", name));
Position spawn = this.getDefaultLevel().getSafeSpawn();
nbt = new CompoundTag()
.putLong("firstPlayed", System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000)
.putLong("lastPlayed", System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000)
.putList(new ListTag("Pos")
.add(new DoubleTag("0", spawn.x))
.add(new DoubleTag("1", spawn.y))
.add(new DoubleTag("2", spawn.z)))
.putString("Level", this.getDefaultLevel().getName())
.putList(new ListTag<>("Inventory"))
.putCompound("Achievements", new CompoundTag())
.putInt("playerGameType", this.getGamemode())
.putList(new ListTag("Motion")
.add(new DoubleTag("0", 0))
.add(new DoubleTag("1", 0))
.add(new DoubleTag("2", 0)))
.putList(new ListTag("Rotation")
.add(new FloatTag("0", 0))
.add(new FloatTag("1", 0)))
.putFloat("FallDistance", 0)
.putShort("Fire", 0)
.putShort("Air", 300)
.putBoolean("OnGround", true)
.putBoolean("Invulnerable", false);
this.saveOfflinePlayerData(name, nbt, true, runEvent);
return nbt;
* @see #saveOfflinePlayerData(String, CompoundTag, boolean)
public void saveOfflinePlayerData(UUID uuid, CompoundTag tag) {
this.saveOfflinePlayerData(uuid, tag, false);
* @see #saveOfflinePlayerData(String, CompoundTag, boolean)
public void saveOfflinePlayerData(String name, CompoundTag tag) {
this.saveOfflinePlayerData(name, tag, false);
* @see #saveOfflinePlayerData(String, CompoundTag, boolean)
public void saveOfflinePlayerData(UUID uuid, CompoundTag tag, boolean async) {
this.saveOfflinePlayerData(uuid.toString(), tag, async);
* 保存玩家数据,玩家在线离线都行.
* Save player data, players can be offline.
* @param name 玩家名
player name
* @param tag NBT数据
nbt data
* @param async 是否异步保存
Whether to save asynchronously
public void saveOfflinePlayerData(String name, CompoundTag tag, boolean async) {
Optional uuid = lookupName(name);
saveOfflinePlayerData(uuid.map(UUID::toString).orElse(name), tag, async, true);
private void saveOfflinePlayerData(String name, CompoundTag tag, boolean async, boolean runEvent) {
String nameLower = name.toLowerCase();
if (this.shouldSavePlayerData()) {
PlayerDataSerializeEvent event = new PlayerDataSerializeEvent(nameLower, playerDataSerializer);
if (runEvent) {
this.getScheduler().scheduleTask(new Task() {
boolean hasRun = false;
public void onRun(int currentTick) {
//doing it like this ensures that the playerdata will be saved in a server shutdown
public void onCancel() {
if (!this.hasRun) {
this.hasRun = true;
saveOfflinePlayerDataInternal(event.getSerializer(), tag, nameLower, event.getUuid().orElse(null));
}, async);
private void saveOfflinePlayerDataInternal(PlayerDataSerializer serializer, CompoundTag tag, String name, UUID uuid) {
try (OutputStream dataStream = serializer.write(name, uuid)) {
NBTIO.writeGZIPCompressed(tag, dataStream, ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error(this.getLanguage().tr("nukkit.data.saveError", name, e));
private void convertLegacyPlayerData() {
File dataDirectory = new File(getDataPath(), "players/");
Pattern uuidPattern = Pattern.compile("^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}.dat$");
File[] files = dataDirectory.listFiles(file -> {
String name = file.getName();
return !uuidPattern.matcher(name).matches() && name.endsWith(".dat");
if (files == null) {
for (File legacyData : files) {
String name = legacyData.getName();
// Remove file extension
name = name.substring(0, name.length() - 4);
log.debug("Attempting legacy player data conversion for {}", name);
CompoundTag tag = getOfflinePlayerDataInternal(name, false, false);
if (tag == null || !tag.contains("UUIDLeast") || !tag.contains("UUIDMost")) {
// No UUID so we cannot convert. Wait until player logs in.
UUID uuid = new UUID(tag.getLong("UUIDMost"), tag.getLong("UUIDLeast"));
if (!tag.contains("NameTag")) {
tag.putString("NameTag", name);
if (new File(getDataPath() + "players/" + uuid.toString() + ".dat").exists()) {
// We don't want to overwrite existing data.
saveOfflinePlayerData(uuid.toString(), tag, false, false);
// Add name to lookup table
updateName(uuid, name);
// Delete legacy data
if (!legacyData.delete()) {
log.warn("Unable to delete legacy data for {}", name);
* 从玩家名获得一个在线玩家,这个方法是模糊匹配,只要玩家名带有name前缀就会被返回.
* Get an online player from the player name, this method is a fuzzy match and will be returned as long as the player name has the name prefix.
* @param name 玩家名
player name
* @return 玩家实例对象,获取失败为null
Player instance object,failed to get null
public Player getPlayer(String name) {
Player found = null;
name = name.toLowerCase();
int delta = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
for (Player player : this.getOnlinePlayers().values()) {
if (player.getName().toLowerCase().startsWith(name)) {
int curDelta = player.getName().length() - name.length();
if (curDelta < delta) {
found = player;
delta = curDelta;
if (curDelta == 0) {
return found;
* 从玩家名获得一个在线玩家,这个方法是精确匹配,当玩家名字符串完全相同时返回.
* Get an online player from a player name, this method is an exact match and returns when the player name string is identical.
* @param name 玩家名
player name
* @return 玩家实例对象,获取失败为null
Player instance object,failed to get null
public Player getPlayerExact(String name) {
name = name.toLowerCase();
for (Player player : this.getOnlinePlayers().values()) {
if (player.getName().toLowerCase().equals(name)) {
return player;
return null;
* 指定一个部分玩家名,返回所有包含或者等于该名称的玩家.
* Specify a partial player name and return all players with or equal to that name.
* @param partialName 部分玩家名
partial name
* @return 匹配到的所有玩家, 若匹配不到则为一个空数组
All players matched, if not matched then an empty array
public Player[] matchPlayer(String partialName) {
partialName = partialName.toLowerCase();
List matchedPlayer = new ArrayList<>();
for (Player player : this.getOnlinePlayers().values()) {
if (player.getName().toLowerCase().equals(partialName)) {
return new Player[]{player};
} else if (player.getName().toLowerCase().contains(partialName)) {
return matchedPlayer.toArray(Player.EMPTY_ARRAY);
* 删除一个玩家,可以让一个玩家离线.
* Delete a player to take a player offline.
* @param player 需要删除的玩家
Players who need to be deleted
public void removePlayer(Player player) {
Player toRemove = this.players.remove(player.getRawSocketAddress());
if (toRemove != null) {
for (InetSocketAddress socketAddress : new ArrayList<>(this.players.keySet())) {
Player p = this.players.get(socketAddress);
if (player == p) {
public PlayerDataSerializer getPlayerDataSerializer() {
return playerDataSerializer;
public void setPlayerDataSerializer(PlayerDataSerializer playerDataSerializer) {
this.playerDataSerializer = Preconditions.checkNotNull(playerDataSerializer, "playerDataSerializer");
* 获得所有在线的玩家Map.
* Get all online players Map.
* @return 所有的在线玩家Map
public Map getOnlinePlayers() {
return ImmutableMap.copyOf(playerList);
// endregion
// region constants - 常量
* @return 服务器名称
The name of server
public String getName() {
return "Nukkit";
public String getNukkitVersion() {
return Nukkit.VERSION;
public String getBStatsNukkitVersion() {
return Nukkit.VERSION;
public String getGitCommit() {
return Nukkit.GIT_COMMIT;
public String getCodename() {
return Nukkit.CODENAME;
public String getVersion() {
return ProtocolInfo.MINECRAFT_VERSION;
public String getApiVersion() {
return Nukkit.API_VERSION;
// endregion
public String getFilePath() {
return filePath;
public String getDataPath() {
return dataPath;
public String getPluginPath() {
return pluginPath;
* @return 服务器UUID
server UUID
public UUID getServerUniqueId() {
return this.serverID;
@DeprecationDetails(since = "", by = "PowerNukkit", reason = "Use your own logger, sharing loggers makes bug analyses harder.",
replaceWith = "@Log4j2 annotation in the class and use the `log` static field that is generated by lombok, " +
"also make sure to log the exception as the last argument, don't concatenate it or use it as parameter replacement. " +
"Just put it as last argument and SLF4J will understand that the log message was caused by that exception/throwable.")
public MainLogger getLogger() {
return MainLogger.getLogger();
public EntityMetadataStore getEntityMetadata() {
return entityMetadata;
public PlayerMetadataStore getPlayerMetadata() {
return playerMetadata;
public LevelMetadataStore getLevelMetadata() {
return levelMetadata;
public ResourcePackManager getResourcePackManager() {
return resourcePackManager;
public FreezableArrayManager getFreezableArrayManager() {
return freezableArrayManager;
// TODO: update PNX Junit5 test framework to remove dependency on this method
private void registerProfessions() {
// TODO: update PNX Junit5 test framework to remove dependency on this method
private void registerEntities() {
// TODO: update PNX Junit5 test framework to remove dependency on this method
private void registerBlockEntities() {
public PositionTrackingService getPositionTrackingService() {
return positionTrackingService;
// region crafting & recipe - 合成与配方
* 发送配方列表数据包给一个玩家.
* Send a recipe list packet to a player.
* @param player 玩家
public void sendRecipeList(Player player) {
* 注册配方到配方管理器
* Register Recipe to Recipe Manager
* @param recipe 配方
public void addRecipe(Recipe recipe) {
public CraftingManager getCraftingManager() {
return craftingManager;
// endregion
// region Levels - 游戏世界相关
* @return 获得所有游戏世界
Get all the game world
public Map getLevels() {
return levels;
* @return 获得默认游戏世界
Get the default world
public Level getDefaultLevel() {
return defaultLevel;
* 设置默认游戏世界
* Set default game world
* @param defaultLevel 默认游戏世界
default game world
public void setDefaultLevel(Level defaultLevel) {
if (defaultLevel == null || (this.isLevelLoaded(defaultLevel.getFolderName()) && defaultLevel != this.defaultLevel)) {
this.defaultLevel = defaultLevel;
* @param name 世界名字
* @return 世界是否已经加载
Is the world already loaded
public boolean isLevelLoaded(String name) {
return this.getLevelByName(name) != null;
* 从世界id得到世界,0主世界 1 地狱 2 末地
* Get world from world id,0 OVERWORLD 1 NETHER 2 THE_END
* @param levelId 世界id
world id
* @return level实例
level instance
public Level getLevel(int levelId) {
if (this.levels.containsKey(levelId)) {
return this.levels.get(levelId);
return null;
* 从世界名得到世界,overworld 主世界 nether 地狱 the_end 末地
* Get world from world name,{@code overworld nether the_end}
* @param name 世界名
world name
* @return level实例
level instance
public Level getLevelByName(String name) {
for (Level level : this.levelArray) {
if (level.getFolderName().equalsIgnoreCase(name)) {
return level;
return null;
public boolean unloadLevel(Level level) {
return this.unloadLevel(level, false);
* 卸载世界
* unload level
* @param level 世界
* @param forceUnload 是否强制卸载
whether to force uninstallation.
* @return 卸载是否成功
public boolean unloadLevel(Level level, boolean forceUnload) {
if (level == this.getDefaultLevel() && !forceUnload) {
throw new IllegalStateException("The default level cannot be unloaded while running, please switch levels.");
return level.unload(forceUnload);
public boolean loadLevel(String name) {
if (Objects.equals(name.trim(), "")) {
throw new LevelException("Invalid empty level name");
if (this.isLevelLoaded(name)) {
return true;
} else if (!this.isLevelGenerated(name)) {
log.warn(this.getLanguage().tr("nukkit.level.notFound", name));
return false;
String path;
if (name.contains("/") || name.contains("\\")) {
path = name;
} else {
path = this.getDataPath() + "worlds/" + name + "/";
Class extends LevelProvider> provider = LevelProviderManager.getProvider(path);
if (provider == null) {
log.error(this.getLanguage().tr("nukkit.level.loadError", new String[]{name, "Unknown provider"}));
return false;
Level level;
try {
level = new Level(this, name, path, provider);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error(this.getLanguage().tr("nukkit.level.loadError", name, e.getMessage()), e);
return false;
this.levels.put(level.getId(), level);
//convert old Nukkit World
if (level.getProvider() instanceof Anvil anvil && anvil.isOldAnvil() && level.isOverWorld()) {
var scan = new Scanner(System.in);
var result = scan.next();
if (result.equalsIgnoreCase("true") || result.equalsIgnoreCase("t")) {
File file = new File(Path.of(path).resolve("region").toUri());
if (file.exists()) {
var regions = file.listFiles();
if (regions != null) {
var bid = Server.getInstance().addBusying(System.currentTimeMillis());
final Method loadRegion;
try {
loadRegion = Anvil.class.getDeclaredMethod("loadRegion", int.class, int.class);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
var allTask = new ArrayList>();
for (var region : regions) {
allTask.add(CompletableFuture.runAsync(() -> {
var regionPos = region.getName().split("\\.");
var regionX = Integer.parseInt(regionPos[1]);
var regionZ = Integer.parseInt(regionPos[2]);
BaseRegionLoader loader;
try {
loader = (BaseRegionLoader) loadRegion.invoke(anvil, regionX, regionZ);
} catch (IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
OldNukkitLevelConvert.convertToPNXWorld(anvil, loader);
}, this.computeThreadPool));
CompletableFuture.allOf(allTask.toArray(new CompletableFuture>[]{})).join();
} else System.exit(0);
this.getPluginManager().callEvent(new LevelLoadEvent(level));
return true;
public boolean generateLevel(String name) {
return this.generateLevel(name, new java.util.Random().nextLong());
public boolean generateLevel(String name, long seed) {
return this.generateLevel(name, seed, null);
public boolean generateLevel(String name, long seed, Class extends Generator> generator) {
return this.generateLevel(name, seed, generator, new HashMap<>());
public boolean generateLevel(String name, long seed, Class extends Generator> generator, Map options) {
return generateLevel(name, seed, generator, options, null);
public boolean generateLevel(String name, long seed, Class extends Generator> generator, Map options, DimensionData givenDimensionData) {
return generateLevel(name, seed, generator, options, null, null);
public boolean generateLevel(String name, long seed, Class extends Generator> generator, Map options, DimensionData givenDimensionData, Class extends LevelProvider> provider) {
if (Objects.equals(name.trim(), "") || this.isLevelGenerated(name)) {
return false;
if (!options.containsKey("preset")) {
options.put("preset", this.getPropertyString("generator-settings", ""));
if (generator == null) {
generator = Generator.getGenerator(this.getLevelType());
if (provider == null) {
provider = LevelProviderManager.getProviderByName(this.getConfig().get("level-settings.default-format", "anvil"));
String path;
if (name.contains("/") || name.contains("\\")) {
path = name;
} else {
path = this.getDataPath() + "worlds/" + name + "/";
Level level;
try {
provider.getMethod("generate", String.class, String.class, long.class, Class.class, Map.class).invoke(null, path, name, seed, generator, options);
level = new Level(this, name, path, provider);
this.levels.put(level.getId(), level);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error(this.getLanguage().tr("nukkit.level.generationError", new String[]{name, Utils.getExceptionMessage(e)}), e);
return false;
this.getPluginManager().callEvent(new LevelInitEvent(level));
this.getPluginManager().callEvent(new LevelLoadEvent(level));
/*this.getLogger().notice(this.getLanguage().tr("nukkit.level.backgroundGeneration", name));
int centerX = (int) level.getSpawnLocation().getX() >> 4;
int centerZ = (int) level.getSpawnLocation().getZ() >> 4;
TreeMap order = new TreeMap<>();
for (int X = -3; X <= 3; ++X) {
for (int Z = -3; Z <= 3; ++Z) {
int distance = X * X + Z * Z;
int chunkX = X + centerX;
int chunkZ = Z + centerZ;
order.put(Level.chunkHash(chunkX, chunkZ), distance);
List> sortList = new ArrayList<>(order.entrySet());
Collections.sort(sortList, new Comparator>() {
public int compare(Map.Entry o1, Map.Entry o2) {
return o2.getValue() - o1.getValue();
for (String index : order.keySet()) {
Chunk.Entry entry = Level.getChunkXZ(index);
level.populateChunk(entry.chunkX, entry.chunkZ, true);
return true;
public boolean isLevelGenerated(String name) {
if (Objects.equals(name.trim(), "")) {
return false;
if (this.getLevelByName(name) == null) {
String path;
if (name.contains("/") || name.contains("\\")) {
path = name;
} else {
path = this.getDataPath() + "worlds/" + name + "/";
return LevelProviderManager.getProvider(path) != null;
return true;
// endregion
// region Ban, OP and whitelist - Ban,OP与白名单
public BanList getNameBans() {
return this.banByName;
public BanList getIPBans() {
return this.banByIP;
public void addOp(String name) {
this.operators.set(name.toLowerCase(), true);
Player player = this.getPlayerExact(name);
if (player != null) {
public void removeOp(String name) {
Player player = this.getPlayerExact(name);
if (player != null) {
public void addWhitelist(String name) {
this.whitelist.set(name.toLowerCase(), true);
public void removeWhitelist(String name) {
public boolean isWhitelisted(String name) {
return !this.hasWhitelist() || this.operators.exists(name, true) || this.whitelist.exists(name, true);
public boolean isOp(String name) {
return name != null && this.operators.exists(name, true);
public Config getWhitelist() {
return whitelist;
public Config getOps() {
return operators;
public void reloadWhitelist() {
// endregion
// region configs - 配置相关
public int getMaxPlayers() {
return maxPlayers;
public void setMaxPlayers(int maxPlayers) {
this.maxPlayers = maxPlayers;
* @return 服务器端口
server port
public int getPort() {
return this.getPropertyInt("server-port", 19132);
* @return 可视距离
server view distance
public int getViewDistance() {
return this.getPropertyInt("view-distance", 10);
* @return 服务器网络地址
server ip
public String getIp() {
return this.getPropertyString("server-ip", "");
* @return 服务器是否会自动保存
Does the server automatically save
public boolean getAutoSave() {
return this.autoSave;
* 设置服务器自动保存
* Set server autosave
* @param autoSave 是否自动保存
Whether to save automatically
public void setAutoSave(boolean autoSave) {
this.autoSave = autoSave;
for (Level level : this.levelArray) {
public String getLevelType() {
return this.getPropertyString("level-type", "DEFAULT");
* @return 服务器是否生成结构
Whether the server generate the structure.
public boolean getGenerateStructures() {
return this.getPropertyBoolean("generate-structures", true);
* 得到服务器的gamemode
* Get the gamemode of the server
* @return gamemode id
public int getGamemode() {
try {
return this.getPropertyInt("gamemode", 0) & 0b11;
} catch (NumberFormatException exception) {
return getGamemodeFromString(this.getPropertyString("gamemode")) & 0b11;
public boolean getForceGamemode() {
return this.getPropertyBoolean("force-gamemode", false);
* 默认{@code direct=false}
* @see #getGamemodeString(int, boolean)
public static String getGamemodeString(int mode) {
return getGamemodeString(mode, false);
* 从gamemode id获取游戏模式字符串.
* Get game mode string from gamemode id.
* @param mode gamemode id
* @param direct 如果为true就直接返回字符串,为false返回代表游戏模式的硬编码字符串.
If true, the string is returned directly, and if false, the hard-coded string representing the game mode is returned.
* @return 游戏模式字符串
Game Mode String
public static String getGamemodeString(int mode, boolean direct) {
switch (mode) {
case Player.SURVIVAL:
return direct ? "Survival" : "%gameMode.survival";
case Player.CREATIVE:
return direct ? "Creative" : "%gameMode.creative";
case Player.ADVENTURE:
return direct ? "Adventure" : "%gameMode.adventure";
case Player.SPECTATOR:
return direct ? "Spectator" : "%gameMode.spectator";
return "UNKNOWN";
* 从字符串获取gamemode
* Get gamemode from string
* @param str 代表游戏模式的字符串,例如0,survival...
A string representing the game mode, e.g. 0,survival...
* @return 游戏模式id
gamemode id
public static int getGamemodeFromString(String str) {
switch (str.trim().toLowerCase()) {
case "0":
case "survival":
case "s":
return Player.SURVIVAL;
case "1":
case "creative":
case "c":
return Player.CREATIVE;
case "2":
case "adventure":
case "a":
return Player.ADVENTURE;
case "3":
case "spectator":
case "spc":
case "view":
case "v":
return Player.SPECTATOR;
return -1;
* 从字符串获取游戏难度
* Get game difficulty from string
* @param str 代表游戏难度的字符串,例如0,peaceful...
A string representing the game difficulty, e.g. 0,peaceful...
* @return 游戏难度id
game difficulty id
public static int getDifficultyFromString(String str) {
switch (str.trim().toLowerCase()) {
case "0":
case "peaceful":
case "p":
return 0;
case "1":
case "easy":
case "e":
return 1;
case "2":
case "normal":
case "n":
return 2;
case "3":
case "hard":
case "h":
return 3;
return -1;
* 获得服务器游戏难度
* Get server game difficulty
* @return 游戏难度id
game difficulty id
public int getDifficulty() {
if (this.difficulty == Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
this.difficulty = getDifficultyFromString(this.getPropertyString("difficulty", "1"));
return this.difficulty;
* 设置服务器游戏难度
* set server game difficulty
* @param difficulty 游戏难度id
game difficulty id
public void setDifficulty(int difficulty) {
int value = difficulty;
if (value < 0) value = 0;
if (value > 3) value = 3;
this.difficulty = value;
this.setPropertyInt("difficulty", value);
* @return 是否开启白名单
Whether to start server whitelist
public boolean hasWhitelist() {
return this.getPropertyBoolean("white-list", false);
* @return 得到服务器出生点保护半径
Get server birth point protection radius
public int getSpawnRadius() {
return this.getPropertyInt("spawn-protection", 16);
* @return 服务器是否允许飞行
Whether the server allows flying
public boolean getAllowFlight() {
if (getAllowFlight == null) {
getAllowFlight = this.getPropertyBoolean("allow-flight", false);
return getAllowFlight;
* @return 服务器是否为硬核模式
Whether the server is in hardcore mode
public boolean isHardcore() {
return this.getPropertyBoolean("hardcore", false);
* @return 获取默认gamemode
Get default gamemode
public int getDefaultGamemode() {
if (this.defaultGamemode == Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
this.defaultGamemode = this.getGamemode();
return this.defaultGamemode;
* @return 得到服务器标题
Get server motd
public String getMotd() {
return this.getPropertyString("motd", "PowerNukkitX Server");
* @return 得到服务器子标题
Get the server subheading
public String getSubMotd() {
String subMotd = this.getPropertyString("sub-motd", "https://powernukkitx.cn");
if (subMotd.isEmpty()) {
subMotd = "https://powernukkitx.cn"; // The client doesn't allow empty sub-motd in 1.16.210
return subMotd;
* @return 是否强制使用服务器资源包
Whether to force the use of server resourcepack
public boolean getForceResources() {
return this.getPropertyBoolean("force-resources", false);
* @return 是否强制使用服务器资源包的同时允许加载客户端资源包
Whether to force the use of server resourcepack while allowing the loading of client resourcepack
public boolean getForceResourcesAllowOwnPacks() {
return this.getPropertyBoolean("force-resources-allow-client-packs", false);
public BaseLang getLanguage() {
return baseLang;
public LangCode getLanguageCode() {
return baseLangCode;
private LangCode mapInternalLang(String langName) {
return switch (langName) {
case "bra" -> LangCode.valueOf("pt_BR");
case "chs" -> LangCode.valueOf("zh_CN");
case "cht" -> LangCode.valueOf("zh_TW");
case "cze" -> LangCode.valueOf("cs_CZ");
case "deu" -> LangCode.valueOf("de_DE");
case "fin" -> LangCode.valueOf("fi_FI");
case "eng" -> LangCode.valueOf("en_US");
case "fra" -> LangCode.valueOf("en_US");
case "idn" -> LangCode.valueOf("id_ID");
case "jpn" -> LangCode.valueOf("ja_JP");
case "kor" -> LangCode.valueOf("ko_KR");
case "ltu" -> LangCode.valueOf("en_US");
case "pol" -> LangCode.valueOf("pl_PL");
case "rus" -> LangCode.valueOf("ru_RU");
case "spa" -> LangCode.valueOf("es_ES");
case "tur" -> LangCode.valueOf("tr_TR");
case "ukr" -> LangCode.valueOf("uk_UA");
case "vie" -> LangCode.valueOf("en_US");
default -> throw new IllegalArgumentException();
public boolean isLanguageForced() {
return forceLanguage;
public boolean isRedstoneEnabled() {
return redstoneEnabled;
public void setRedstoneEnabled(boolean redstoneEnabled) {
this.redstoneEnabled = redstoneEnabled;
//Revising later...
public Config getConfig() {
return this.config;
public T getConfig(String variable) {
return this.getConfig(variable, null);
public T getConfig(String variable, T defaultValue) {
Object value = this.config.get(variable);
return value == null ? defaultValue : (T) value;
public Config getProperties() {
return this.properties;
public Object getProperty(String variable) {
return this.getProperty(variable, null);
public Object getProperty(String variable, Object defaultValue) {
return this.properties.exists(variable) ? this.properties.get(variable) : defaultValue;
public void setPropertyString(String variable, String value) {
this.properties.set(variable, value);
public String getPropertyString(String variable) {
return this.getPropertyString(variable, null);
public String getPropertyString(String variable, String defaultValue) {
return this.properties.exists(variable) ? this.properties.get(variable).toString() : defaultValue;
public int getPropertyInt(String variable) {
return this.getPropertyInt(variable, null);
public int getPropertyInt(String variable, Integer defaultValue) {
return this.properties.exists(variable) ? (!this.properties.get(variable).equals("") ? Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(this.properties.get(variable))) : defaultValue) : defaultValue;
public void setPropertyInt(String variable, int value) {
this.properties.set(variable, value);
public boolean getPropertyBoolean(String variable) {
return this.getPropertyBoolean(variable, null);
public boolean getPropertyBoolean(String variable, Object defaultValue) {
Object value = this.properties.exists(variable) ? this.properties.get(variable) : defaultValue;
if (value instanceof Boolean) {
return (Boolean) value;
switch (String.valueOf(value)) {
case "on":
case "true":
case "1":
case "yes":
return true;
return false;
public void setPropertyBoolean(String variable, boolean value) {
this.properties.set(variable, value ? "1" : "0");
public boolean shouldSavePlayerData() {
return this.getConfig("player.save-player-data", true);
public int getPlayerSkinChangeCooldown() {
return this.getConfig("player.skin-change-cooldown", 30);
public boolean isNetherAllowed() {
return this.allowNether;
public boolean isIgnoredPacket(Class extends DataPacket> clazz) {
return this.ignoredPackets.contains(clazz.getSimpleName());
public boolean isSafeSpawn() {
return safeSpawn;
public boolean isForceSkinTrusted() {
return forceSkinTrusted;
public boolean isCheckMovement() {
return checkMovement;
public boolean isTheEndAllowed() {
return this.allowTheEnd;
public boolean isEnableExperimentMode() {
return this.enableExperimentMode;
public boolean isWaterdogCapable() {
return this.getConfig("settings.waterdogpe", false);
public int getMaximumStaleDatagrams() {
return this.maximumStaleDatagrams;
public int getMaximumSizePerChunk() {
return maximumSizePerChunk;
public int getServerAuthoritativeMovement() {
return serverAuthoritativeMovementMode;
public boolean isEnableSnappy() {
return this.getConfig("network.snappy", false);
// endregion
// region threading - 并发基础设施
* Checks the current thread against the expected primary thread for the
* server.
* Note: this method should not be used to indicate the current
* synchronized state of the runtime. A current thread matching the main
* thread indicates that it is synchronized, but a mismatch does not
* preclude the same assumption.
* @return true if the current thread matches the expected primary thread,
* false otherwise
public final boolean isPrimaryThread() {
return (Thread.currentThread() == currentThread);
public Thread getPrimaryThread() {
return currentThread;
public ServerScheduler getScheduler() {
return scheduler;
//todo NukkitConsole 会阻塞关不掉
private class ConsoleThread extends Thread implements InterruptibleThread {
public ConsoleThread() {
super("Console Thread");
public void run() {
private static class ComputeThread extends ForkJoinWorkerThread {
* Creates a ForkJoinWorkerThread operating in the given pool.
* @param pool the pool this thread works in
* @throws NullPointerException if pool is null
ComputeThread(ForkJoinPool pool, AtomicInteger threadCount) {
this.setName("ComputeThreadPool-thread-" + threadCount.getAndIncrement());
private static class ComputeThreadPoolThreadFactory implements ForkJoinPool.ForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory {
private static final AtomicInteger threadCount = new AtomicInteger(0);
private static final AccessControlContext ACC = contextWithPermissions(
new RuntimePermission("getClassLoader"),
new RuntimePermission("setContextClassLoader"));
static AccessControlContext contextWithPermissions(@NotNull Permission... perms) {
Permissions permissions = new Permissions();
for (var perm : perms)
return new AccessControlContext(new ProtectionDomain[]{new ProtectionDomain(null, permissions)});
public ForkJoinWorkerThread newThread(ForkJoinPool pool) {
return AccessController.doPrivileged((PrivilegedAction) () -> new ComputeThread(pool, threadCount), ACC);
// endregion