cn.nukkit.block.BlockItemFrame Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package cn.nukkit.block;
import cn.nukkit.Player;
import cn.nukkit.api.PowerNukkitDifference;
import cn.nukkit.api.PowerNukkitOnly;
import cn.nukkit.api.Since;
import cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity;
import cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityItemFrame;
import cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperties;
import cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BooleanBlockProperty;
import cn.nukkit.event.block.ItemFrameUseEvent;
import cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerInteractEvent.Action;
import cn.nukkit.item.Item;
import cn.nukkit.item.ItemID;
import cn.nukkit.item.ItemItemFrame;
import cn.nukkit.level.Level;
import cn.nukkit.level.Sound;
import cn.nukkit.math.AxisAlignedBB;
import cn.nukkit.math.BlockFace;
import cn.nukkit.math.SimpleAxisAlignedBB;
import cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.CompoundTag;
import cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.Tag;
import cn.nukkit.network.protocol.LevelEventPacket;
import cn.nukkit.utils.Faceable;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom;
import static cn.nukkit.blockproperty.CommonBlockProperties.FACING_DIRECTION;
import static cn.nukkit.math.BlockFace.AxisDirection.POSITIVE;
* @author Pub4Game
* @since 03.07.2016
@PowerNukkitDifference(since = "", info = "Implements BlockEntityHolder and Faceable only in PowerNukkit")
public class BlockItemFrame extends BlockTransparentMeta implements BlockEntityHolder, Faceable {
public static final BooleanBlockProperty HAS_MAP = new BooleanBlockProperty("item_frame_map_bit", false);
public static final BooleanBlockProperty HAS_PHOTO = new BooleanBlockProperty("item_frame_photo_bit", false);
public static final BlockProperties PROPERTIES = new BlockProperties(FACING_DIRECTION, HAS_MAP, HAS_PHOTO);
public BlockItemFrame() {
public BlockItemFrame(int meta) {
public int getId() {
public BlockProperties getProperties() {
public BlockFace getBlockFace() {
return getPropertyValue(FACING_DIRECTION);
public void setBlockFace(@NotNull BlockFace face) {
setPropertyValue(FACING_DIRECTION, face);
public boolean isStoringMap() {
return getBooleanValue(HAS_MAP);
public void setStoringMap(boolean map) {
setBooleanValue(HAS_MAP, map);
public boolean isStoringPhoto() {
return getBooleanValue(HAS_PHOTO);
public void setStoringPhoto(boolean hasPhoto) {
setBooleanValue(HAS_PHOTO, hasPhoto);
public String getBlockEntityType() {
return BlockEntity.ITEM_FRAME;
public Class extends BlockEntityItemFrame> getBlockEntityClass() {
return BlockEntityItemFrame.class;
public String getName() {
return "Item Frame";
@PowerNukkitDifference(info = "Allow to stay in walls", since = "")
public int onUpdate(int type) {
if (type == Level.BLOCK_UPDATE_NORMAL) {
Block support = this.getSideAtLayer(0, getFacing().getOpposite());
if (!support.isSolid() && support.getId() != COBBLE_WALL) {
return type;
return 0;
public boolean canBeActivated() {
return true;
public int getWaterloggingLevel() {
return 1;
public int onTouch(@Nullable Player player, Action action) {
if (player != null && action == Action.LEFT_CLICK_BLOCK) {
return getOrCreateBlockEntity().dropItem(player) ? 1 : 0;
return 0;
public boolean onActivate(@NotNull Item item, Player player) {
BlockEntityItemFrame itemFrame = getOrCreateBlockEntity();
if (itemFrame.getItem().isNull()) {
Item itemOnFrame = item.clone();
ItemFrameUseEvent event = new ItemFrameUseEvent(player, this, itemFrame, itemOnFrame, ItemFrameUseEvent.Action.PUT);
if (event.isCancelled()) return false;
if (player != null && !player.isCreative()) {
itemOnFrame.setCount(itemOnFrame.getCount() - 1);
if (itemOnFrame.getId() == ItemID.MAP) {
this.getLevel().setBlock(this, this, true);
this.getLevel().addLevelEvent(this, LevelEventPacket.EVENT_SOUND_ITEM_FRAME_ITEM_ADDED);
} else {
ItemFrameUseEvent event = new ItemFrameUseEvent(player, this, itemFrame, null, ItemFrameUseEvent.Action.ROTATION);
if (event.isCancelled()) return false;
itemFrame.setItemRotation((itemFrame.getItemRotation() + 1) % 8);
if (isStoringMap()) {
this.getLevel().setBlock(this, this, true);
this.getLevel().addLevelEvent(this, LevelEventPacket.EVENT_SOUND_ITEM_FRAME_ITEM_ROTATED);
return true;
@PowerNukkitDifference(info = "Allow to place on walls", since = "")
public boolean place(@NotNull Item item, @NotNull Block block, @NotNull Block target, @NotNull BlockFace face, double fx, double fy, double fz, @Nullable Player player) {
if ((!(target.isSolid() || target instanceof BlockWall) && !target.equals(block) || (block.isSolid() && !block.canBeReplaced()))) {
return false;
if (target.equals(block) && block.canBeReplaced()) {
face = BlockFace.UP;
target = block.down();
if (!target.isSolid() && !(target instanceof BlockWall)) {
return false;
setStoringMap(item.getId() == ItemID.MAP);
CompoundTag nbt = new CompoundTag()
.putByte("ItemRotation", 0)
.putFloat("ItemDropChance", 1.0f);
if (item.hasCustomBlockData()) {
for (Tag aTag : item.getCustomBlockData().getAllTags()) {
nbt.put(aTag.getName(), aTag);
BlockEntityItemFrame frame = BlockEntityHolder.setBlockAndCreateEntity(this, true, true, nbt);
if (frame == null) {
return false;
this.getLevel().addSound(this, Sound.BLOCK_ITEMFRAME_PLACE);
return true;
public boolean onBreak(Item item) {
this.getLevel().setBlock(this, layer, Block.get(BlockID.AIR), true, true);
this.getLevel().addLevelEvent(this, LevelEventPacket.EVENT_SOUND_ITEM_FRAME_REMOVED);
return true;
public Item[] getDrops(Item item) {
BlockEntityItemFrame itemFrame = getBlockEntity();
if (itemFrame != null && ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextFloat() <= itemFrame.getItemDropChance()) {
return new Item[]{
toItem(), itemFrame.getItem().clone()
} else {
return new Item[]{
public Item toItem() {
return new ItemItemFrame();
public boolean canPassThrough() {
return true;
public boolean hasComparatorInputOverride() {
return true;
public int getComparatorInputOverride() {
BlockEntityItemFrame blockEntity = getBlockEntity();
if (blockEntity != null) {
return blockEntity.getAnalogOutput();
return super.getComparatorInputOverride();
public BlockFace getFacing() {
return getBlockFace();
public double getHardness() {
return 0.25;
public boolean breaksWhenMoved() {
return true;
public boolean sticksToPiston() {
return false;
@PowerNukkitDifference(since = "", info = "Will calculate the correct AABB")
protected AxisAlignedBB recalculateBoundingBox() {
double[][] aabb = {
{2.0 / 16, 14.0 / 16},
{2.0 / 16, 14.0 / 16},
{2.0 / 16, 14.0 / 16}
BlockFace facing = getFacing();
if (facing.getAxisDirection() == POSITIVE) {
int axis = facing.getAxis().ordinal();
aabb[axis][0] = 0;
aabb[axis][1] = 1.0 / 16;
return new SimpleAxisAlignedBB(
aabb[0][0] + x, aabb[1][0] + y, aabb[2][0] + z,
aabb[0][1] + x, aabb[1][1] + y, aabb[2][1] + z
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