cn.nukkit.block.BlockSnowLayer Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package cn.nukkit.block;
import cn.nukkit.Player;
import cn.nukkit.Server;
import cn.nukkit.api.PowerNukkitDifference;
import cn.nukkit.api.PowerNukkitOnly;
import cn.nukkit.api.Since;
import cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperties;
import cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BooleanBlockProperty;
import cn.nukkit.blockproperty.IntBlockProperty;
import cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockState;
import cn.nukkit.entity.EntityLiving;
import cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockFadeEvent;
import cn.nukkit.item.Item;
import cn.nukkit.item.ItemID;
import cn.nukkit.item.ItemTool;
import cn.nukkit.level.Level;
import cn.nukkit.level.biome.Biome;
import cn.nukkit.math.AxisAlignedBB;
import cn.nukkit.math.BlockFace;
import cn.nukkit.math.SimpleAxisAlignedBB;
import cn.nukkit.math.Vector3;
import cn.nukkit.network.protocol.UpdateBlockPacket;
import com.google.common.base.Preconditions;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.stream.Stream;
* @author xtypr, joserobjr
* @since 2015/12/6
@PowerNukkitDifference(info = "Extends BlockFallableMeta instead of BlockFallable")
public class BlockSnowLayer extends BlockFallableMeta {
public static final IntBlockProperty SNOW_HEIGHT = new IntBlockProperty("height", true, 7);
public static final BooleanBlockProperty COVERED = new BooleanBlockProperty("covered_bit", false);
public static final BlockProperties PROPERTIES = new BlockProperties(SNOW_HEIGHT, COVERED);
public BlockSnowLayer() {
// Does nothing
public BlockSnowLayer(int meta) {
public String getName() {
return "Top Snow";
public int getId() {
return SNOW_LAYER;
public BlockProperties getProperties() {
public int getSnowHeight() {
return getIntValue(SNOW_HEIGHT);
public void setSnowHeight(int snowHeight) {
setIntValue(SNOW_HEIGHT, snowHeight);
public boolean isCovered() {
return getBooleanValue(COVERED);
public void setCovered(boolean covered) {
setBooleanValue(COVERED, covered);
@PowerNukkitDifference(since = "", info = "Returns the max Y based on the snow height")
public double getMaxY() {
return y + (Math.min(16, getSnowHeight() + 1) * 2) / 16.0;
@PowerNukkitDifference(since = "", info = "Renders a bounding box that the entities stands on top")
protected AxisAlignedBB recalculateBoundingBox() {
int snowHeight = getSnowHeight();
if (snowHeight < 3) {
return null;
if (snowHeight == 3 || snowHeight == SNOW_HEIGHT.getMaxValue()) {
return this;
return new SimpleAxisAlignedBB(x, y, z, x + 1, y + 8 / 16.0, z + 1);
@PowerNukkitDifference(since = "", info = "Renders a bounding box with the actual snow_layer height")
protected AxisAlignedBB recalculateCollisionBoundingBox() {
return this;
public double getHardness() {
return 0.2;
@PowerNukkitDifference(since = "", info = "0.1 instead of 0.5")
public double getResistance() {
return 0.1;
public int getToolType() {
return ItemTool.TYPE_SHOVEL;
@PowerNukkitDifference(since = "", info = "Returns false if it has all the 8 layers")
public boolean canBeReplaced() {
return getSnowHeight() < SNOW_HEIGHT.getMaxValue();
@PowerNukkitDifference(since = "", info = "Will increase the layers and behave as expected in vanilla and will cover grass blocks")
public boolean place(@NotNull Item item, @NotNull Block block, @NotNull Block target, @NotNull BlockFace face, double fx, double fy, double fz, Player player) {
Optional increment = Stream.of(target, block)
.filter(b -> b.getId() == SNOW_LAYER).map(BlockSnowLayer.class::cast)
.filter(b -> b.getSnowHeight() < SNOW_HEIGHT.getMaxValue())
if (increment.isPresent()) {
BlockSnowLayer other = increment.get();
if (Arrays.stream(level.getCollidingEntities(new SimpleAxisAlignedBB(
other.x, other.y, other.z,
other.x + 1, other.y + 1, other.z + 1
))).anyMatch(e -> e instanceof EntityLiving)) {
return false;
other.setSnowHeight(other.getSnowHeight() + 1);
return level.setBlock(other, other, true);
Block down = down();
if (!down.isSolid()) {
return false;
switch (down.getId()) {
return false;
case GRASS:
if (!level.setBlock(this, 0, this, true)) {
return false;
level.setBlock(block, 1, block, true, false);
return true;
return this.getLevel().setBlock(block, this, true);
@PowerNukkitDifference(since = "", info = "Will move the block in layer 1 to layer 0 when breaking in layer 0")
public boolean onBreak(Item item) {
if (layer != 0) {
return super.onBreak(item);
return this.getLevel().setBlock(this, 0, getLevelBlockAtLayer(1), true, true);
public void afterRemoval(Block newBlock, boolean update) {
if (layer != 0 || newBlock.getId() == getId()) {
Block layer1 = getLevelBlockAtLayer(1);
if (layer1.getId() != TALL_GRASS) {
// Clear the layer1 block and do a small hack as workaround a vanilla client rendering bug
Level level = getLevel();
level.setBlock(this, 0, layer1, true, false);
level.setBlock(this, 1, get(AIR), true, false);
level.setBlock(this, 0, newBlock, true, false);
Server.getInstance().getScheduler().scheduleDelayedTask(() -> {
Player[] target = level.getChunkPlayers(getChunkX(), getChunkZ()).values().toArray(Player.EMPTY_ARRAY);
Vector3[] blocks = {getLocation()};
level.sendBlocks(target, blocks, UpdateBlockPacket.FLAG_ALL_PRIORITY, 0, false);
level.sendBlocks(target, blocks, UpdateBlockPacket.FLAG_ALL_PRIORITY, 1, false);
}, 10);
Player[] target = level.getChunkPlayers(getChunkX(), getChunkZ()).values().toArray(Player.EMPTY_ARRAY);
Vector3[] blocks = {getLocation()};
level.sendBlocks(target, blocks, UpdateBlockPacket.FLAG_ALL_PRIORITY, 0, false);
level.sendBlocks(target, blocks, UpdateBlockPacket.FLAG_ALL_PRIORITY, 1, false);
@PowerNukkitDifference(since = "", info = "Will melt on dry biomes and will melt gradually and will cover grass blocks")
public int onUpdate(int type) {
if (type == Level.BLOCK_UPDATE_RANDOM) {
Biome biome = Biome.getBiome(getLevel().getBiomeId(getFloorX(), getFloorZ()));
if (biome.isDry() || this.getLevel().getBlockLightAt(getFloorX(), getFloorY(), getFloorZ()) >= 10) {
} else if (type == Level.BLOCK_UPDATE_NORMAL) {
boolean covered = down().getId() == GRASS;
if (isCovered() != covered) {
level.setBlock(this, this, true);
return type;
return 0;
public boolean melt() {
return melt(2);
public boolean melt(int layers) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(layers > 0, "Layers must be positive, got {}", layers);
Block toMelt = this;
while (toMelt.getIntValue(SNOW_HEIGHT) == SNOW_HEIGHT.getMaxValue()) {
Block up = toMelt.up();
if (up.getId() != SNOW_LAYER) {
toMelt = up;
int snowHeight = toMelt.getIntValue(SNOW_HEIGHT) - layers;
Block newState = snowHeight < 0 ? get(AIR) : getCurrentState().withProperty(SNOW_HEIGHT, snowHeight).getBlock(toMelt);
BlockFadeEvent event = new BlockFadeEvent(toMelt, newState);
if (event.isCancelled()) {
return false;
return level.setBlock(toMelt, event.getNewState(), true);
@PowerNukkitDifference(since = "", info = "Returns the snow_layer but with 0 height")
public Item toItem() {
return BlockState.of(this.getPersistenceName()).asItemBlock();
@PowerNukkitDifference(since = "", info = "Fixed the amount of snowballs that are dropped")
public Item[] getDrops(Item item) {
if (!item.isShovel() || item.getTier() < ItemTool.TIER_WOODEN) {
return Item.EMPTY_ARRAY;
int amount;
switch (getSnowHeight()) {
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
amount = 1;
case 3:
case 4:
amount = 2;
case 5:
case 6:
amount = 3;
case 7:
amount = 4;
return new Item[]{Item.get(ItemID.SNOWBALL, 0, amount)};
public boolean canHarvestWithHand() {
return false;
public boolean isTransparent() {
return true;
public boolean canBeFlowedInto() {
return true;
@PowerNukkitDifference(since = "", info = "Returns false when the height is 3+")
public boolean canPassThrough() {
return getSnowHeight() < 3;
public boolean isSolid(BlockFace side) {
return side == BlockFace.UP && getSnowHeight() == SNOW_HEIGHT.getMaxValue();
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