cn.nukkit.block.BlockTurtleEgg Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package cn.nukkit.block;
import cn.nukkit.Player;
import cn.nukkit.api.DeprecationDetails;
import cn.nukkit.api.PowerNukkitDifference;
import cn.nukkit.api.PowerNukkitOnly;
import cn.nukkit.api.Since;
import cn.nukkit.blockproperty.ArrayBlockProperty;
import cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperties;
import cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperty;
import cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.CrackState;
import cn.nukkit.entity.Entity;
import cn.nukkit.entity.EntityLiving;
import cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityGhast;
import cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityPhantom;
import cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityBat;
import cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityChicken;
import cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityTurtle;
import cn.nukkit.event.Event;
import cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockGrowEvent;
import cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockPlaceEvent;
import cn.nukkit.event.block.TurtleEggHatchEvent;
import cn.nukkit.event.entity.CreatureSpawnEvent;
import cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityInteractEvent;
import cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerInteractEvent;
import cn.nukkit.item.Item;
import cn.nukkit.item.ItemBlock;
import cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment;
import cn.nukkit.level.Level;
import cn.nukkit.level.Sound;
import cn.nukkit.level.particle.BoneMealParticle;
import cn.nukkit.math.*;
import cn.nukkit.network.protocol.LevelSoundEventPacket;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom;
public class BlockTurtleEgg extends BlockFlowable {
public static final BlockProperty EGG_COUNT = new ArrayBlockProperty<>("turtle_egg_count", false,
new Integer[]{1,2,3,4}, 2, "turtle_egg_count", false,
new String[]{"one_egg", "two_egg", "three_egg", "four_egg"});
public static final ArrayBlockProperty CRACK_STATE = new ArrayBlockProperty<>("cracked_state", false, CrackState.class);
public static final BlockProperties PROPERTIES = new BlockProperties(EGG_COUNT, CRACK_STATE);
@PowerNukkitOnly @Deprecated
@DeprecationDetails(since = "", reason = "New property system", replaceWith = "CrackState.NO_CRACKS")
public static final int CRACK_STATE_NO_CRACKS = 0;
@PowerNukkitOnly @Deprecated
@DeprecationDetails(since = "", reason = "New property system", replaceWith = "CrackState.CRACKED")
public static final int CRACK_STATE_CRACKED = 1;
@PowerNukkitOnly @Deprecated
@DeprecationDetails(since = "", reason = "New property system", replaceWith = "CrackState.MAX_CRACKED")
public static final int CRACK_STATE_MAX_CRACKED = 2;
public BlockTurtleEgg() {
public BlockTurtleEgg(int meta) {
public int getId() {
return TURTLE_EGG;
public BlockProperties getProperties() {
public String getName() {
return "Turtle Egg";
public CrackState getCracks() {
return getPropertyValue(CRACK_STATE);
public void setCracks(@Nullable CrackState cracks) {
setPropertyValue(CRACK_STATE, cracks);
public double getHardness() {
return 0.5;
public double getResistance() {
return 2.5;
public int getEggCount() {
return getPropertyValue(EGG_COUNT);
public void setEggCount(int eggCount) {
setPropertyValue(EGG_COUNT, eggCount);
@DeprecationDetails(since = "", reason = "Magic values", replaceWith = "getCracks()")
public int getCrackState() {
return Math.min(getDamage() >> 2 & 0b11, CRACK_STATE_MAX_CRACKED);
@DeprecationDetails(since = "", reason = "Magic values", replaceWith = "setCracks(CrackState)")
public void setCrackState(int crackState) {
crackState = MathHelper.clamp(crackState, 0, 2);
setDamage(getDamage() & (DATA_MASK ^ 0b1100) | (crackState << 2));
public boolean canBeActivated() {
return true;
public boolean onActivate(@NotNull Item item, Player player) {
if (item.getBlock() != null && item.getBlockId() == TURTLE_EGG && (player == null || !player.isSneaking())) {
int eggCount = getEggCount();
if (eggCount >= 4) {
return false;
Block newState = getCurrentState().withProperty(EGG_COUNT, eggCount + 1).getBlock(this);
BlockPlaceEvent placeEvent = new BlockPlaceEvent(
if (placeEvent.isCancelled()) {
return false;
if (!this.level.setBlock(this, placeEvent.getBlock(), true, true)) {
return false;
Block placeBlock = placeEvent.getBlock();
item.setCount(item.getCount() - 1);
if (down().getId() == SAND) {
this.level.addParticle(new BoneMealParticle(this));
return true;
return false;
public boolean hasEntityCollision() {
return true;
public double getMinX() {
return x + (3.0/16);
public double getMinZ() {
return z + (3.0/16);
public double getMaxX() {
return x + (12.0/16);
public double getMaxZ() {
return z + (12.0/16);
public double getMaxY() {
return y + (7.0/16);
protected AxisAlignedBB recalculateCollisionBoundingBox() {
return new SimpleAxisAlignedBB(getMinX(), getMinY(), getMinZ(), getMaxX(), getMaxY() + 0.25, getMaxZ());
public int onUpdate(int type) {
if (type == Level.BLOCK_UPDATE_RANDOM) {
if (down().getId() == BlockID.SAND) {
float celestialAngle = level.calculateCelestialAngle(level.getTime(), 1);
ThreadLocalRandom random = ThreadLocalRandom.current();
if (0.70 > celestialAngle && celestialAngle > 0.65 || random.nextInt(500) == 0) {
CrackState crackState = getCracks();
if (crackState != CrackState.MAX_CRACKED) {
BlockTurtleEgg newState = clone();
BlockGrowEvent event = new BlockGrowEvent(this, newState);
if (!event.isCancelled()) {
level.addSound(this, Sound.BLOCK_TURTLE_EGG_CRACK, 0.7f, 0.9f + random.nextFloat() * 0.2f);
this.level.setBlock(this, event.getNewState(), true, true);
} else {
return type;
return 0;
public void hatch() {
public void hatch(int eggs) {
hatch(eggs, new BlockAir());
@PowerNukkitDifference(info = "Using new method to play sounds", since = "")
public void hatch(int eggs, Block newState) {
TurtleEggHatchEvent turtleEggHatchEvent = new TurtleEggHatchEvent(this, eggs, newState);
//TODO Cancelled by default because EntityTurtle doesn't have AI yet, remove it when AI is added
int eggsHatching = turtleEggHatchEvent.getEggsHatching();
if (!turtleEggHatchEvent.isCancelled()) {
level.addSound(this, Sound.BLOCK_TURTLE_EGG_CRACK);
boolean hasFailure = false;
for (int i = 0; i < eggsHatching; i++) {
this.level.addSound(this, Sound.BLOCK_TURTLE_EGG_CRACK);
CreatureSpawnEvent creatureSpawnEvent = new CreatureSpawnEvent(
add(0.3 + i * 0.2,
if (!creatureSpawnEvent.isCancelled()) {
EntityTurtle turtle = (EntityTurtle) Entity.createEntity(
if (turtle != null) {
turtle.setHomePos(new Vector3(x, y, z));
turtle.setDataFlag(Entity.DATA_FLAGS, Entity.DATA_FLAG_BABY, true);
if (turtleEggHatchEvent.isRecalculateOnFailure()) {
turtleEggHatchEvent.setEggsHatching(turtleEggHatchEvent.getEggsHatching() - 1);
hasFailure = true;
if (hasFailure) {
this.level.setBlock(this, turtleEggHatchEvent.getNewState(), true, true);
public void onEntityCollide(Entity entity) {
if (entity instanceof EntityLiving
&& !(entity instanceof EntityChicken)
&& !(entity instanceof EntityBat)
&& !(entity instanceof EntityGhast)
&& !(entity instanceof EntityPhantom)
&& entity.getY() >= this.getMaxY()) {
Event ev;
if (entity instanceof Player) {
ev = new PlayerInteractEvent((Player) entity, null, this, null, PlayerInteractEvent.Action.PHYSICAL);
} else {
ev = new EntityInteractEvent(entity, this);
ev.setCancelled(ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(200) > 0);
if (!ev.isCancelled()) {
this.level.useBreakOn(this, null, null, true);
public Item toItem() {
return new ItemBlock(new BlockTurtleEgg());
public boolean onBreak(Item item) {
int eggCount = getEggCount();
if (item.getEnchantment(Enchantment.ID_SILK_TOUCH) == null) {
this.level.addSound(this, Sound.BLOCK_TURTLE_EGG_CRACK);
if (eggCount == 1) {
return super.onBreak(item);
} else {
setEggCount(eggCount - 1);
return this.level.setBlock(this, this, true, true);
public boolean place(@NotNull Item item, @NotNull Block block, @NotNull Block target, @NotNull BlockFace face, double fx, double fy, double fz, Player player) {
if (!isValidSupport(block.down(1, 0))) {
return false;
if (this.level.setBlock(this, this, true, true)) {
if (down().getId() == BlockID.SAND) {
this.level.addParticle(new BoneMealParticle(this));
return true;
} else {
return false;
public boolean isValidSupport(Block support) {
return support.isSolid(BlockFace.UP) || support instanceof BlockWallBase;
public Item[] getDrops(Item item) {
return Item.EMPTY_ARRAY;
public boolean canSilkTouch() {
return true;
public int getWaterloggingLevel() {
return 1;
public boolean canPassThrough() {
return false;
public boolean canBeFlowedInto() {
return false;
public BlockTurtleEgg clone() {
return (BlockTurtleEgg) super.clone();
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