cn.nukkit.block.customblock.CustomBlock Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package cn.nukkit.block.customblock;
import cn.nukkit.Player;
import cn.nukkit.api.PowerNukkitXOnly;
import cn.nukkit.api.Since;
import cn.nukkit.block.Block;
import cn.nukkit.block.BlockFallableMeta;
import cn.nukkit.block.BlockMeta;
import cn.nukkit.item.Item;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.util.Locale;
* 继承这个类实现自定义方块,重写{@link Block}中的方法控制方块属性
* Inherit this class to implement a custom block, override the methods in the {@link Block} to control the feature of the block.
public interface CustomBlock {
* 覆写该方法设置自定义方块的摩擦因数。
* 警告:如果你想要让玩家在你的自定义方块上的摩擦不同,请覆写{@link CustomBlockDefinition.Builder#clientFriction(float)}方法。
* {@code @Override} this method to set the friction factor of the custom block.
* Warning: If you want to make the friction of the player on your custom block different,
* please override the {@link CustomBlockDefinition.Builder#clientFriction(float)} method.
double getFrictionFactor();
* 覆写该方法设置自定义方块的爆炸抗性
* {@code @Override} this method to set the Explosive resistance of the custom block
double getResistance();
* 覆写该方法设置自定义方块的吸收光的等级
* {@code @Override} this method to set the level of light absorption of the custom block
int getLightFilter();
* 覆写该方法设置自定义方块的发出光的等级
* {@code @Override} this method to set the level of light emitted by the custom block
int getLightLevel();
* 覆写该方法设置自定义方块的硬度,这有助于自定义方块在服务端侧计算挖掘时间(硬度越大服务端侧挖掘时间越长)
* {@code @Override} this method to set the hardness of the custom block, which helps to calculate the break time of the custom block on the server-side (the higher the hardness the longer the break time on the server-side)
double getHardness();
* 覆写该方法设置自定义方块的命名空间ID
* {@code @Override} this method to set the namespace ID of the custom block
String getNamespaceId();
* 一般不需要被覆写,继承父类会提供
* Generally, it does not need to be {@code @Override}, extend from the parent class will provide
Item toItem();
* 该方法设置自定义方块的定义
* This method sets the definition of custom block
CustomBlockDefinition getDefinition();
/* 下面两个方法需要被手动覆写,请使用接口的定义 */
* 该方法必须被覆写为使用接口的定义,请使用
* The method must be {@code @Override} to use the definition of the interface, please use the
* {@code @Override}
{@code public int getId() {
* return CustomBlock.super.getId();
* } }
default int getId() {
return Block.CUSTOM_BLOCK_ID_MAP.get(getNamespaceId().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH));
* 该方法必须被覆写为使用接口的定义,请使用
* The method must be {@code @Override} to use the definition of the interface, please use the
* {@code @Override}
{@code public String getName() {
* return CustomBlock.super.getName();
* } }
default String getName() {
return this.getNamespaceId().split(":")[1].toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
* Plugins do not need {@code @Override}
* @return the block
default Block toCustomBlock() {
return ((Block) this).clone();
* Plugins do not need {@code @Override}
* @return the block
default Block toCustomBlock(int meta) {
var block = toCustomBlock();
if (block instanceof BlockMeta || block instanceof BlockFallableMeta) {
block.getMutableState().setDataStorageFromInt(meta, true);
return block;
* @return 是否反转自定义方块属性解析的顺序
Whether to reverse the order of properties parsing
default boolean reverseSending() {
return true;
* 获取自定义方块的挖掘时间,它是服务端侧和客户端侧挖掘时间的最小值。
* @param item the item
* @param player the player
* @return the break time
default double breakTime(@NotNull Item item, @Nullable Player player) {
var block = this.toCustomBlock();
double breakTime = block.calculateBreakTime(item, player);
var comp = this.getDefinition().nbt().getCompound("components");
if (comp.containsCompound("minecraft:destructible_by_mining")) {
var clientBreakTime = comp.getCompound("minecraft:destructible_by_mining").getFloat("value");
if (player != null) {
if (player.getServer().getTick() - player.getLastInAirTick() < 5) {
clientBreakTime *= 6;
breakTime = Math.min(breakTime, clientBreakTime);
return breakTime;
* 定义这个方块是否需要被注册到创造栏中
* 当你对这个方块有其他的物品想作为其展示时推荐关闭
default boolean shouldBeRegisteredInCreative() {
return true;