cn.nukkit.block.customblock.data.Materials Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package cn.nukkit.block.customblock.data;
import cn.nukkit.api.PowerNukkitXOnly;
import cn.nukkit.api.Since;
import cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.CompoundTag;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import java.util.Locale;
* 用于将方块的face(面)映射到实际的材质实例,并且设置渲染方法和参数
* Used to map the face of a block to a material instance, and set the rendering method and parameters.
public class Materials implements NBTData {
private final CompoundTag tag;
private Materials() {
this.tag = new CompoundTag();
* Builder materials.
* @return the materials
public static Materials builder() {
return new Materials();
* ambientOcclusion=true, faceDimming=true
* @see #up(RenderMethod, boolean, boolean, String)
public Materials up(RenderMethod renderMethod, String texture) {
this.process("up", true, true, renderMethod, texture);
return this;
* 指定up面对应的渲染方法、渲染参数和材质。
* Specify the corresponding rendering method, rendering parameters and texture's name for the up face.
* @param renderMethod 要使用的渲染方法
Rendering method to be used
* @param texture 指定up方向的材质名称
Specify the texture's name of the up face
* @param ambientOcclusion 在照明时是否应该应用环境光遮蔽?
Should I apply ambient light shielding when lighting?
* @param faceDimming 是否应该根据它所面对的方向变暗?
Should it be dimmed according to the direction it is facing?
* @return the materials
public Materials up(RenderMethod renderMethod, boolean ambientOcclusion, boolean faceDimming, String texture) {
this.process("up", ambientOcclusion, faceDimming, renderMethod, texture);
return this;
* ambientOcclusion=true, faceDimming=true
* @see #down(RenderMethod, boolean, boolean, String)
public Materials down(RenderMethod renderMethod, String texture) {
this.process("down", true, true, renderMethod, texture);
return this;
* 指定down面对应的渲染方法、渲染参数和材质。
* Specify the corresponding rendering method, rendering parameters and texture's name for the down face.
* @param renderMethod 要使用的渲染方法
Rendering method to be used
* @param texture 指定down方向的材质名称
Specify the texture's name of the down face
* @param ambientOcclusion 在照明时是否应该应用环境光遮蔽?
Should I apply ambient light shielding when lighting?
* @param faceDimming 是否应该根据它所面对的方向变暗?
Should it be dimmed according to the direction it is facing?
* @return the materials
public Materials down(RenderMethod renderMethod, boolean ambientOcclusion, boolean faceDimming, String texture) {
this.process("down", ambientOcclusion, faceDimming, renderMethod, texture);
return this;
* ambientOcclusion=true, faceDimming=true
* @see #north(RenderMethod, boolean, boolean, String)
public Materials north(RenderMethod renderMethod, String texture) {
this.process("north", true, true, renderMethod, texture);
return this;
* 指定north面对应的渲染方法、渲染参数和材质。
* Specify the corresponding rendering method, rendering parameters and texture's name for the north face.
* @param renderMethod 要使用的渲染方法
Rendering method to be used
* @param texture 指定north方向的材质名称
Specify the texture's name of the north face
* @param ambientOcclusion 在照明时是否应该应用环境光遮蔽?
Should I apply ambient light shielding when lighting?
* @param faceDimming 是否应该根据它所面对的方向变暗?
Should it be dimmed according to the direction it is facing?
* @return the materials
public Materials north(RenderMethod renderMethod, boolean ambientOcclusion, boolean faceDimming, String texture) {
this.process("north", ambientOcclusion, faceDimming, renderMethod, texture);
return this;
* ambientOcclusion=true, faceDimming=true
* @see #south(RenderMethod, boolean, boolean, String)
public Materials south(RenderMethod renderMethod, String texture) {
this.process("south", true, true, renderMethod, texture);
return this;
* 指定south面对应的渲染方法、渲染参数和材质。
* Specify the corresponding rendering method, rendering parameters and texture's name for the south face.
* @param renderMethod 要使用的渲染方法
Rendering method to be used
* @param texture 指定south方向的材质名称
Specify the texture's name of the south face
* @param ambientOcclusion 在照明时是否应该应用环境光遮蔽?
Should I apply ambient light shielding when lighting?
* @param faceDimming 是否应该根据它所面对的方向变暗?
Should it be dimmed according to the direction it is facing?
* @return the materials
public Materials south(RenderMethod renderMethod, boolean ambientOcclusion, boolean faceDimming, String texture) {
this.process("south", ambientOcclusion, faceDimming, renderMethod, texture);
return this;
* ambientOcclusion=true, faceDimming=true
* @see #east(RenderMethod, boolean, boolean, String)
public Materials east(RenderMethod renderMethod, String texture) {
this.process("east", true, true, renderMethod, texture);
return this;
* 指定east面对应的渲染方法、渲染参数和材质。
* Specify the corresponding rendering method, rendering parameters and texture's name for the east face.
* @param renderMethod 要使用的渲染方法
Rendering method to be used
* @param texture 指定east方向的材质名称
Specify the texture's name of the east face
* @param ambientOcclusion 在照明时是否应该应用环境光遮蔽?
Should I apply ambient light shielding when lighting?
* @param faceDimming 是否应该根据它所面对的方向变暗?
Should it be dimmed according to the direction it is facing?
* @return the materials
public Materials east(RenderMethod renderMethod, boolean ambientOcclusion, boolean faceDimming, String texture) {
this.process("east", ambientOcclusion, faceDimming, renderMethod, texture);
return this;
* ambientOcclusion=true, faceDimming=true
* @see #west(RenderMethod, boolean, boolean, String)
public Materials west(RenderMethod renderMethod, String texture) {
this.process("west", true, true, renderMethod, texture);
return this;
* 指定west面对应的渲染方法、渲染参数和材质。
* Specify the corresponding rendering method, rendering parameters and texture's name for the west face.
* @param renderMethod 要使用的渲染方法
Rendering method to be used
* @param texture 指定west方向的材质名称
Specify the texture's name of the west face
* @param ambientOcclusion 在照明时是否应该应用环境光遮蔽?
Should I apply ambient light shielding when lighting?
* @param faceDimming 是否应该根据它所面对的方向变暗?
Should it be dimmed according to the direction it is facing?
* @return the materials
public Materials west(RenderMethod renderMethod, boolean ambientOcclusion, boolean faceDimming, String texture) {
this.process("west", ambientOcclusion, faceDimming, renderMethod, texture);
return this;
* ambientOcclusion=true, faceDimming=true
* @see #any(RenderMethod, boolean, boolean, String)
public Materials any(RenderMethod renderMethod, String texture) {
this.process("*", true, true, renderMethod, texture);
return this;
* 指定所有面对应的渲染方法、渲染参数和材质。
* Specify all corresponding rendering method, rendering parameters and texture name.
* @param renderMethod 要使用的渲染方法
Rendering method to be used
* @param texture 材质名称
Specify the texture's name
* @param ambientOcclusion 在照明时是否应该应用环境光遮蔽?
Should I apply ambient light shielding when lighting?
* @param faceDimming 是否应该根据它所面对的方向变暗?
Should it be dimmed according to the direction it is facing?
* @return the materials
public Materials any(RenderMethod renderMethod, boolean ambientOcclusion, boolean faceDimming, String texture) {
this.process("*", ambientOcclusion, faceDimming, renderMethod, texture);
return this;
* 指定对应对应的渲染方法、渲染参数和材质。此方法是完全自定义的,请在使用之前抓包确认参数合法性
* @param face 指定面的名称,可选值为:up, down, north, south, east, west, *
* @param ambientOcclusion 在照明时是否应该应用环境光遮蔽?
Should it be applied ambient light shielding when lighting?
* @param faceDimming 是否应该根据它所面对的方向变暗?
Should it be dimmed according to the direction it is facing?
* @param renderMethodName 要使用的渲染方法
Rendering method to be used
* @param texture 材质名称
Specify the texture's name
public void process(@NotNull String face, boolean ambientOcclusion, boolean faceDimming, @NotNull String renderMethodName, @NotNull String texture) {
this.tag.putCompound(face, new CompoundTag()
.putBoolean("ambient_occlusion", ambientOcclusion)
.putBoolean("face_dimming", faceDimming)
.putString("render_method", renderMethodName)
.putString("texture", texture));
private void process(@NotNull String face, boolean ambientOcclusion, boolean faceDimming, @NotNull RenderMethod renderMethod, @NotNull String texture) {
this.tag.putCompound(face, new CompoundTag()
.putBoolean("ambient_occlusion", ambientOcclusion)
.putBoolean("face_dimming", faceDimming)
.putString("render_method", renderMethod.name().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH))
.putString("texture", texture));
public CompoundTag toCompoundTag() {
return tag;
* 渲染方法枚举
* The enum Render method.
* @see wiki.bedrock.dev
public enum RenderMethod {