cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package cn.nukkit.blockentity;
import cn.nukkit.Server;
import cn.nukkit.api.*;
import cn.nukkit.block.Block;
import cn.nukkit.block.BlockID;
import cn.nukkit.level.Position;
import cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk;
import cn.nukkit.math.Vector3;
import cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.CompoundTag;
import cn.nukkit.scheduler.Task;
import cn.nukkit.utils.ChunkException;
import com.google.common.collect.BiMap;
import com.google.common.collect.HashBiMap;
import lombok.extern.log4j.Log4j2;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* @author MagicDroidX
public abstract class BlockEntity extends Position {
public static final String CHEST = "Chest";
public static final String ENDER_CHEST = "EnderChest";
public static final String FURNACE = "Furnace";
@PowerNukkitOnly public static final String BLAST_FURNACE = "BlastFurnace";
public static final String SMOKER = "Smoker";
public static final String SIGN = "Sign";
public static final String HANGING_SIGN = "HangingSign";
public static final String MOB_SPAWNER = "MobSpawner";
public static final String ENCHANT_TABLE = "EnchantTable";
public static final String SKULL = "Skull";
public static final String FLOWER_POT = "FlowerPot";
public static final String BREWING_STAND = "BrewingStand";
public static final String DAYLIGHT_DETECTOR = "DaylightDetector";
public static final String MUSIC = "Music";
public static final String ITEM_FRAME = "ItemFrame";
public static final String GLOW_ITEM_FRAME = "GlowItemFrame";
public static final String CAULDRON = "Cauldron";
public static final String BEACON = "Beacon";
public static final String PISTON_ARM = "PistonArm";
public static final String MOVING_BLOCK = "MovingBlock";
public static final String COMPARATOR = "Comparator";
public static final String HOPPER = "Hopper";
public static final String BED = "Bed";
public static final String JUKEBOX = "Jukebox";
public static final String SHULKER_BOX = "ShulkerBox";
public static final String BANNER = "Banner";
@PowerNukkitOnly public static final String LECTERN = "Lectern";
@PowerNukkitOnly public static final String BEEHIVE = "Beehive";
@PowerNukkitOnly public static final String CONDUIT = "Conduit";
@PowerNukkitOnly public static final String BARREL = "Barrel";
@PowerNukkitOnly public static final String CAMPFIRE = "Campfire";
@PowerNukkitOnly public static final String BELL = "Bell";
@PowerNukkitOnly public static final String DISPENSER = "Dispenser";
@PowerNukkitOnly public static final String DROPPER = "Dropper";
@PowerNukkitOnly @Since("") public static final String NETHER_REACTOR = "NetherReactor";
@PowerNukkitOnly @Since("") public static final String LODESTONE = "Lodestone";
@PowerNukkitOnly @Since("") public static final String TARGET = "Target";
@PowerNukkitOnly @Since("FUTURE") public static final String END_PORTAL = "EndPortal";
@PowerNukkitOnly @Since("FUTURE") public static final String END_GATEWAY = "EndGateway";
@PowerNukkitOnly @Since("") public static final String COMMAND_BLOCK = "CommandBlock";
@PowerNukkitOnly @Since("") public static final String SCULK_SENSOR = "SculkSensor";
@PowerNukkitOnly @Since("") public static final String SCULK_CATALYST = "SculkCatalyst";
public static final String SCULK_SHRIEKER = "SculkShrieker";
public static final String STRUCTURE_BLOCK = "StructureBlock";
public static final String CHISELED_BOOKSHELF = "ChiseledBookshelf";
public static long count = 1;
private static final BiMap> knownBlockEntities = HashBiMap.create(35);
public FullChunk chunk;
public String name;
public long id;
public boolean movable;
public boolean closed = false;
public CompoundTag namedTag;
@Deprecated @DeprecationDetails(since = "", reason = "Not necessary and causes slowdown")
@PowerNukkitDifference(info = "Not updated anymore", since = "")
protected long lastUpdate;
protected Server server;
public BlockEntity(FullChunk chunk, CompoundTag nbt) {
if (chunk == null || chunk.getProvider() == null) {
throw new ChunkException("Invalid garbage Chunk given to Block Entity");
this.server = chunk.getProvider().getLevel().getServer();
this.chunk = chunk;
this.namedTag = nbt;
this.name = "";
this.id = BlockEntity.count++;
this.x = this.namedTag.getInt("x");
this.y = this.namedTag.getInt("y");
this.z = this.namedTag.getInt("z");
if (namedTag.contains("isMovable")) {
this.movable = this.namedTag.getBoolean("isMovable");
} else {
this.movable = true;
namedTag.putBoolean("isMovable", true);
if (closed) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Could not create the entity "+getClass().getName()+", the initializer closed it on construction.");
public static void init() {
registerBlockEntity(FURNACE, BlockEntityFurnace.class);
registerBlockEntity(CHEST, BlockEntityChest.class);
registerBlockEntity(SIGN, BlockEntitySign.class);
registerBlockEntity(ENCHANT_TABLE, BlockEntityEnchantTable.class);
registerBlockEntity(SKULL, BlockEntitySkull.class);
registerBlockEntity(FLOWER_POT, BlockEntityFlowerPot.class);
registerBlockEntity(BREWING_STAND, BlockEntityBrewingStand.class);
registerBlockEntity(ITEM_FRAME, BlockEntityItemFrame.class);
registerBlockEntity(CAULDRON, BlockEntityCauldron.class);
registerBlockEntity(ENDER_CHEST, BlockEntityEnderChest.class);
registerBlockEntity(BEACON, BlockEntityBeacon.class);
registerBlockEntity(PISTON_ARM, BlockEntityPistonArm.class);
registerBlockEntity(COMPARATOR, BlockEntityComparator.class);
registerBlockEntity(HOPPER, BlockEntityHopper.class);
registerBlockEntity(BED, BlockEntityBed.class);
registerBlockEntity(JUKEBOX, BlockEntityJukebox.class);
registerBlockEntity(SHULKER_BOX, BlockEntityShulkerBox.class);
registerBlockEntity(BANNER, BlockEntityBanner.class);
registerBlockEntity(MUSIC, BlockEntityMusic.class);
registerBlockEntity(LECTERN, BlockEntityLectern.class);
registerBlockEntity(BLAST_FURNACE, BlockEntityBlastFurnace.class);
registerBlockEntity(SMOKER, BlockEntitySmoker.class);
registerBlockEntity(BEEHIVE, BlockEntityBeehive.class);
registerBlockEntity(CONDUIT, BlockEntityConduit.class);
registerBlockEntity(BARREL, BlockEntityBarrel.class);
registerBlockEntity(CAMPFIRE, BlockEntityCampfire.class);
registerBlockEntity(BELL, BlockEntityBell.class);
registerBlockEntity(DAYLIGHT_DETECTOR, BlockEntityDaylightDetector.class);
registerBlockEntity(DISPENSER, BlockEntityDispenser.class);
registerBlockEntity(DROPPER, BlockEntityDropper.class);
registerBlockEntity(MOVING_BLOCK, BlockEntityMovingBlock.class);
registerBlockEntity(NETHER_REACTOR, BlockEntityNetherReactor.class);
registerBlockEntity(LODESTONE, BlockEntityLodestone.class);
registerBlockEntity(TARGET, BlockEntityTarget.class);
registerBlockEntity(END_PORTAL, BlockEntityEndPortal.class);
registerBlockEntity(END_GATEWAY, BlockEntityEndGateway.class);
//powernukkitx only
registerBlockEntity(COMMAND_BLOCK, BlockEntityCommandBlock.class);
registerBlockEntity(SCULK_SENSOR, BlockEntitySculkSensor.class);
registerBlockEntity(SCULK_CATALYST, BlockEntitySculkCatalyst.class);
registerBlockEntity(SCULK_SHRIEKER, BlockEntitySculkShrieker.class);
registerBlockEntity(STRUCTURE_BLOCK, BlockEntityStructBlock.class);
registerBlockEntity(GLOW_ITEM_FRAME, BlockEntityGlowItemFrame.class);
registerBlockEntity(HANGING_SIGN, BlockEntityHangingSign.class);
registerBlockEntity(CHISELED_BOOKSHELF, BlockEntityChiseledBookshelf.class);
protected void initBlockEntity() {
public static BlockEntity createBlockEntity(String type, Position position, Object... args) {
return createBlockEntity(type, position, BlockEntity.getDefaultCompound(position, type), args);
public static BlockEntity createBlockEntity(String type, Position pos, CompoundTag nbt, Object... args) {
return createBlockEntity(type, pos.getLevel().getChunk(pos.getFloorX() >> 4, pos.getFloorZ() >> 4), nbt, args);
public static BlockEntity createBlockEntity(String type, FullChunk chunk, CompoundTag nbt, Object... args) {
BlockEntity blockEntity = null;
Class extends BlockEntity> clazz = knownBlockEntities.get(type);
if (clazz != null) {
List exceptions = null;
for (Constructor constructor : clazz.getConstructors()) {
if (blockEntity != null) {
if (constructor.getParameterCount() != (args == null ? 2 : args.length + 2)) {
try {
if (args == null || args.length == 0) {
blockEntity = (BlockEntity) constructor.newInstance(chunk, nbt);
} else {
Object[] objects = new Object[args.length + 2];
objects[0] = chunk;
objects[1] = nbt;
System.arraycopy(args, 0, objects, 2, args.length);
blockEntity = (BlockEntity) constructor.newInstance(objects);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (exceptions == null) {
exceptions = new ArrayList<>();
if (blockEntity == null) {
Exception cause = new IllegalArgumentException("Could not create a block entity of type "+type, exceptions != null && exceptions.size() > 0? exceptions.get(0) : null);
if (exceptions != null && exceptions.size() > 1) {
for (int i = 1; i < exceptions.size(); i++) {
log.error("Could not create a block entity of type {} with {} args", type, args == null? 0 : args.length, cause);
} else {
log.debug("Block entity type {} is unknown", type);
return blockEntity;
public static boolean registerBlockEntity(String name, Class extends BlockEntity> c) {
if (c == null) {
return false;
knownBlockEntities.put(name, c);
return true;
public final String getSaveId() {
return knownBlockEntities.inverse().get(getClass());
public long getId() {
return id;
* 存储方块实体数据到namedtag
public void saveNBT() {
this.namedTag.putString("id", this.getSaveId());
this.namedTag.putInt("x", (int) this.getX());
this.namedTag.putInt("y", (int) this.getY());
this.namedTag.putInt("z", (int) this.getZ());
this.namedTag.putBoolean("isMovable", this.movable);
* 从方块实体的namedtag中读取数据
public void loadNBT() {}
public CompoundTag getCleanedNBT() {
CompoundTag tag = this.namedTag.clone();
if (tag.getTags().size() > 0) {
return tag;
} else {
return null;
public Block getBlock() {
return this.getLevelBlock();
public abstract boolean isBlockEntityValid();
public boolean onUpdate() {
return false;
public final void scheduleUpdate() {
public void close() {
if (!this.closed) {
this.closed = true;
if (this.chunk != null) {
if (this.level != null) {
this.level = null;
public void onBreak() {
public void onBreak(boolean isSilkTouch) {
public void setDirty() {
if (this.getLevelBlock().getId() != BlockID.AIR) {
getLevel().getServer().getScheduler().scheduleTask(new Task() {
public void onRun(int currentTick) {
if (isValid() && isBlockEntityValid()) {
getLevel().updateComparatorOutputLevelSelective(BlockEntity.this, isObservable());
* Indicates if an observer blocks that are looking at this block should blink when {@link #setDirty()} is called.
public boolean isObservable() {
return true;
public String getName() {
return name;
public boolean isMovable() {
return movable;
public static CompoundTag getDefaultCompound(Vector3 pos, String id) {
return new CompoundTag()
.putString("id", id)
.putInt("x", pos.getFloorX())
.putInt("y", pos.getFloorY())
.putInt("z", pos.getFloorZ());
public final BlockEntity getLevelBlockEntity() {
return super.getLevelBlockEntity();
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