cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockState Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package cn.nukkit.blockstate;
import cn.nukkit.api.DeprecationDetails;
import cn.nukkit.api.PowerNukkitOnly;
import cn.nukkit.api.Since;
import cn.nukkit.api.Unsigned;
import cn.nukkit.block.Block;
import cn.nukkit.block.BlockID;
import cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperties;
import cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperty;
import cn.nukkit.blockproperty.exception.InvalidBlockPropertyValueException;
import cn.nukkit.blockstate.exception.InvalidBlockStateDataTypeException;
import cn.nukkit.blockstate.exception.InvalidBlockStateException;
import cn.nukkit.item.ItemBlock;
import cn.nukkit.item.RuntimeItemMapping;
import cn.nukkit.level.Level;
import cn.nukkit.math.NukkitMath;
import cn.nukkit.utils.OptionalBoolean;
import cn.nukkit.utils.StringUtils;
import cn.nukkit.utils.Validation;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.ToString;
import lombok.extern.log4j.Log4j2;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import javax.annotation.Nonnegative;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import javax.annotation.ParametersAreNonnullByDefault;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
public final class BlockState implements Serializable, IBlockState {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 623759888114628578L;
private static final BigInteger SIXTEEN = BigInteger.valueOf(16);
private static final BigInteger BYTE_LIMIT = BigInteger.valueOf(Byte.MAX_VALUE);
private static final BigInteger INT_LIMIT = BigInteger.valueOf(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
private static final BigInteger LONG_LIMIT = BigInteger.valueOf(Long.MAX_VALUE);
private static final ZeroStorage ZERO_STORAGE = new ZeroStorage();
@SuppressWarnings({"deprecation", "java:S1874"})
private static final BlockState[][] STATES_COMMON = new BlockState[16][Block.MAX_BLOCK_ID];
private static final ConcurrentMap STATES_UNCOMMON = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
public static final BlockState AIR = BlockState.of(BlockID.AIR, 0);
private static BlockState growCommonPool(@Nonnegative int blockId, @Nonnegative byte blockData) {
synchronized (STATES_COMMON) {
BlockState[] blockIds = STATES_COMMON[blockData];
int newLen = blockId + 1;
if (blockIds.length < newLen) {
STATES_COMMON[blockData] = blockIds = Arrays.copyOf(blockIds, blockId + 1);
BlockState state = new BlockState(blockId, blockData);
blockIds[blockId] = state;
return state;
private static BlockState of0xF(@Nonnegative int blockId, @Nonnegative byte blockData) {
BlockState[] blockIds = STATES_COMMON[blockData];
if (blockIds.length <= blockId) {
return growCommonPool(blockId, blockData);
BlockState state = blockIds[blockId];
if (state != null) {
return state;
BlockState newState = new BlockState(blockId, blockData);
blockIds[blockId] = newState;
return newState;
public static BlockState of(@Nonnegative int blockId) {
return of0xF(blockId, (byte) 0);
public static BlockState of(@Nonnegative int blockId, @Nonnegative byte blockData) {
Validation.checkPositive("blockData", blockData);
if (blockData < 16) {
return of0xF(blockId, blockData);
return STATES_UNCOMMON.computeIfAbsent(blockId + ":" + blockData, k -> new BlockState(blockId, blockData));
public static BlockState of(@Nonnegative int blockId, @Nonnegative int blockData) {
Validation.checkPositive("blockData", blockData);
if (blockData < 16) {
return of0xF(blockId, (byte) blockData);
return STATES_UNCOMMON.computeIfAbsent(blockId + ":" + blockData, k -> new BlockState(blockId, blockData));
public static BlockState of(@Nonnegative int blockId, @Nonnegative long blockData) {
Validation.checkPositive("blockData", blockData);
if (blockData < 16) {
return of0xF(blockId, (byte) blockData);
return STATES_UNCOMMON.computeIfAbsent(blockId + ":" + blockData, k -> new BlockState(blockId, blockData));
public static BlockState of(@Nonnegative int blockId, @Nonnegative BigInteger blockData) {
Validation.checkPositive("blockData", blockData);
if (blockData.compareTo(SIXTEEN) < 0) {
return of0xF(blockId, blockData.byteValue());
return STATES_UNCOMMON.computeIfAbsent(blockId + ":" + blockData, k -> new BlockState(blockId, blockData));
* @throws InvalidBlockStateDataTypeException If the {@code blockData} param is not {@link Integer}, {@link Long},
* or {@link BigInteger}.
public static BlockState of(@Nonnegative int blockId, @Nonnegative Number blockData) {
Class extends Number> c = blockData.getClass();
if (c == Byte.class) {
return of(blockId, blockData.byteValue());
} else if (c == Integer.class) {
return of(blockId, blockData.intValue());
} else if (c == Long.class) {
return of(blockId, blockData.longValue());
} else if (c == BigInteger.class) {
return of(blockId, (BigInteger) blockData);
} else {
throw new InvalidBlockStateDataTypeException(blockData);
* Returns the {@link BlockState} object that represents the given {@code persistedStateId}.
Same as {@code of(persistedStateid, true}.
* @param persistedStateId Must follow the same syntax returned by {@link #getStateId()} or {@link #getLegacyStateId()}
* @return The block state, never null
* @throws InvalidBlockPropertyValueException If any property value in the given {@code persistedStateId} is not valid for the state.
public static BlockState of(@NotNull String persistedStateId) {
return of(persistedStateId, true);
* Returns the {@link BlockState} object that represents the given {@code persistedStateId}.
* @param persistedStateId Must follow the same syntax returned by {@link #getStateId()} or {@link #getLegacyStateId()}
* @param useDefaultPropertyValues When {@code true}, the default value will be used for any missing {@link BlockProperty}
* in {@code persistedStateId}.
* @return The block state, never null
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If {@code useDefaultPropertyValues} is false and there are missing properties
* @throws InvalidBlockPropertyValueException If any property value in the given {@code persistedStateId} is not valid for the state.
* @throws NoSuchElementException If there are no block registered with the given id.
public static BlockState of(@NotNull String persistedStateId, boolean useDefaultPropertyValues) {
String[] stateParts = persistedStateId.split(";");
String namespacedId = stateParts[0];
int id;
Optional optionalId = Optional.ofNullable(BlockStateRegistry.getBlockId(namespacedId));
if (optionalId.isEmpty()) {
String fullId = RuntimeItemMapping.getBlockMapping().inverse().get(persistedStateId);
if (fullId != null) {
List sId = StringUtils.fastSplit(":", fullId);
int blockId = Integer.parseInt(sId.get(0));
int blockData = Integer.parseInt(sId.get(1));
if (blockData < 16) {
return of0xF(blockId, (byte) blockData);
return STATES_UNCOMMON.computeIfAbsent(fullId, k -> new BlockState(blockId, blockData));
} else {
throw new NoSuchElementException("Block " + namespacedId + " not found.");
} else {
id = optionalId.get();
// Fast path
BlockState state = BlockState.of(id);
if (stateParts.length == 1 && useDefaultPropertyValues) {
return state;
if (stateParts.length == 2 && (stateParts[1].startsWith("nukkit-unknown=") || stateParts[1].startsWith("unknown="))) {
BigInteger damage = new BigInteger(stateParts[1].split("=", 2)[1]);
return BlockState.of(id, damage);
if (stateParts.length == 1 && state.getPropertyNames().isEmpty()) {
return state;
if (useDefaultPropertyValues) {
for (int i = 1; i < stateParts.length; i++) {
String[] propertyKeyValue = stateParts[i].split("=", 2);
state = state.withProperty(propertyKeyValue[0], propertyKeyValue[1]);
return state;
} else {
Set defined = new LinkedHashSet<>();
Set needed = new LinkedHashSet<>(state.getPropertyNames());
for (int i = 1; i < stateParts.length; i++) {
String[] propertyKeyValue = stateParts[i].split("=", 2);
state = state.withProperty(propertyKeyValue[0], propertyKeyValue[1]);
if (needed.isEmpty()) {
return state;
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"The state id " + persistedStateId + " is missing the following properties: " + needed
private final int blockId;
private final Storage storage;
private OptionalBoolean valid = OptionalBoolean.empty();
private BlockState(@Nonnegative int blockId) {
Validation.checkPositive("blockId", blockId);
this.blockId = blockId;
storage = ZERO_STORAGE;
private BlockState(@Nonnegative int blockId, @Nonnegative byte blockData) {
Validation.checkPositive("blockId", blockId);
this.blockId = blockId;
storage = blockData == 0 ? ZERO_STORAGE :
new ByteStorage(blockData);
private BlockState(@Nonnegative int blockId, @Nonnegative int blockData) {
Validation.checkPositive("blockId", blockId);
this.blockId = blockId;
storage = blockData == 0 ? ZERO_STORAGE :
//blockData < 0? new IntStorage(blockData) :
blockData <= Byte.MAX_VALUE ? new ByteStorage((byte) blockData) :
new IntStorage(blockData);
private BlockState(@Nonnegative int blockId, @Nonnegative long blockData) {
Validation.checkPositive("blockId", blockId);
this.blockId = blockId;
storage = blockData == 0 ? ZERO_STORAGE :
//blockData < 0? new LongStorage(blockData) :
blockData <= Byte.MAX_VALUE ? new ByteStorage((byte) blockData) :
blockData <= Integer.MAX_VALUE ? new IntStorage((int) blockData) :
new LongStorage(blockData);
private BlockState(@Nonnegative int blockId, @Nonnegative BigInteger blockData) {
Validation.checkPositive("blockId", blockId);
this.blockId = blockId;
int zeroCmp = BigInteger.ZERO.compareTo(blockData);
if (zeroCmp == 0) {
storage = ZERO_STORAGE;
//} else if (zeroCmp < 0) {
// storage = new BigIntegerStorage(blockData);
} else if (blockData.compareTo(BYTE_LIMIT) <= 0) {
storage = new ByteStorage(blockData.byteValue());
} else if (blockData.compareTo(INT_LIMIT) <= 0) {
storage = new IntStorage(blockData.intValue());
} else if (blockData.compareTo(LONG_LIMIT) <= 0) {
storage = new LongStorage(blockData.longValue());
} else {
storage = new BigIntegerStorage(blockData);
public int getBlockId() {
return blockId;
public BlockState withData(@Nonnegative int data) {
return of(blockId, data);
public BlockState withData(@Nonnegative long data) {
return of(blockId, data);
public BlockState withData(@Nonnegative BigInteger data) {
return of(blockId, data);
public BlockState withData(@Nonnegative Number data) {
return of(blockId, data);
public BlockState withBlockId(@Nonnegative int blockId) {
return storage.withBlockId(blockId);
public BlockState withProperty(BlockProperty property, @Nullable E value) {
return withProperty(property.getName(), value);
* @throws NoSuchElementException If the property is not registered
* @throws InvalidBlockPropertyValueException If the new value is not accepted by the property
public BlockState withProperty(String propertyName, @Nullable Serializable value) {
return storage.withProperty(blockId, getProperties(), propertyName, value);
public BlockState withProperty(String propertyName, String persistenceValue) {
return storage.withPropertyString(blockId, getProperties(), propertyName, persistenceValue);
* @throws NoSuchElementException If any of the property is not registered
public BlockState onlyWithProperties(BlockProperty>... properties) {
String[] names = new String[properties.length];
for (int i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) {
names[i] = properties[i].getName();
return onlyWithProperties(names);
* @throws NoSuchElementException If any of the given property names is not found
public BlockState onlyWithProperties(String... propertyNames) {
BlockProperties properties = getProperties();
List list = Arrays.asList(propertyNames);
if (!properties.getNames().containsAll(list)) {
Set missing = new LinkedHashSet<>(list);
throw new NoSuchElementException("Missing properties: " + String.join(", ", missing));
return storage.onlyWithProperties(this, list);
* @throws NoSuchElementException If the property was not found
public BlockState onlyWithProperty(String name) {
return onlyWithProperties(name);
* @throws NoSuchElementException If the property was not found
public BlockState onlyWithProperty(BlockProperty> property) {
return onlyWithProperties(property);
* @throws NoSuchElementException If the property is not registered
* @throws InvalidBlockPropertyValueException If the new value is not accepted by the property
public BlockState onlyWithProperty(String name, Serializable value) {
return storage.onlyWithProperty(this, name, value);
* @throws NoSuchElementException If the property is not registered
* @throws InvalidBlockPropertyValueException If the new value is not accepted by the property
public BlockState onlyWithProperty(BlockProperty property, T value) {
return onlyWithProperty(property.getName(), value);
public BlockState forItem() {
BlockProperties allProperties = getProperties();
Set allNames = allProperties.getNames();
BlockProperties itemProperties = allProperties.getItemBlockProperties();
List itemNames = itemProperties.getItemPropertyNames();
if (allNames.size() == itemNames.size() && allNames.containsAll(itemNames)) {
return this;
return storage.onlyWithProperties(this, itemNames);
public ItemBlock asItemBlock(int count) {
BlockProperties allProperties = getProperties();
Set allNames = allProperties.getNames();
int itemBlockMeta;
BlockProperties itemProperties = allProperties.getItemBlockProperties();
List itemNames = itemProperties.getItemPropertyNames();
BlockState trimmedState;
if (allNames.size() == itemNames.size() && allNames.containsAll(itemNames)) {
itemBlockMeta = getExactIntStorage();
trimmedState = this;
} else if (itemNames.isEmpty()) {
itemBlockMeta = 0;
trimmedState = isDefaultState() ? this : of(getBlockId());
} else {
trimmedState = storage.onlyWithProperties(this, itemNames);
MutableBlockState itemState = itemProperties.createMutableState(getBlockId());
itemNames.forEach(property -> itemState.setPropertyValue(property, getPropertyValue(property)));
itemBlockMeta = itemState.getExactIntStorage();
int runtimeId = trimmedState.getRuntimeId();
if (runtimeId == BlockStateRegistry.getUpdateBlockRegistration() && !"minecraft:info_update".equals(trimmedState.getPersistenceName())) {
log.warn("The current block state can't be represented as an item. State: {}, Trimmed: {} ItemBlockMeta: {}", this, trimmedState, itemBlockMeta);
//throw new UnknownRuntimeIdException("The current block state can't be represented as an item. State: "+trimmedState+", Trimmed: "+trimmedState+" ItemBlockMeta: "+itemBlockMeta);
Block block = trimmedState.getBlock();
return new ItemBlock(block, itemBlockMeta, count);
public Number getDataStorage() {
return storage.getNumber();
public BlockProperties getProperties() {
return BlockStateRegistry.getProperties(blockId);
@DeprecationDetails(reason = "Can't store all data, exists for backward compatibility reasons", since = "", replaceWith = "getDataStorage()")
public int getLegacyDamage() {
return storage.getLegacyDamage();
@DeprecationDetails(reason = "Can't store all data, exists for backward compatibility reasons", since = "", replaceWith = "getDataStorage()")
public int getBigDamage() {
return storage.getBigDamage();
@DeprecationDetails(reason = "Can't store all data, exists for backward compatibility reasons", since = "", replaceWith = "getDataStorage()")
public int getSignedBigDamage() {
return storage.getSignedBigDamage();
public BigInteger getHugeDamage() {
return storage.getHugeDamage();
public Serializable getPropertyValue(String propertyName) {
return storage.getPropertyValue(getProperties(), propertyName);
public int getIntValue(String propertyName) {
return storage.getIntValue(getProperties(), propertyName);
public boolean getBooleanValue(String propertyName) {
return storage.getBooleanValue(getProperties(), propertyName);
public String getPersistenceValue(String propertyName) {
return storage.getPersistenceValue(getProperties(), propertyName);
public BlockState getCurrentState() {
return this;
public int getBitSize() {
return storage.getBitSize();
* @throws ArithmeticException If the storage have more than 32 bits
public int getExactIntStorage() {
Class extends Storage> storageClass = storage.getClass();
if (getBitSize() >= 32 || storageClass != ZeroStorage.class && storageClass != ByteStorage.class && storageClass != IntStorage.class) {
throw new ArithmeticException(getDataStorage() + " cant be stored in a signed 32 bits integer without losses. It has " + getBitSize() + " bits");
return getSignedBigDamage();
public boolean isDefaultState() {
return storage.isDefaultState();
public boolean equals(@Nullable Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
BlockState that = (BlockState) o;
if (blockId != that.blockId) return false;
if (storage.getBitSize() != that.storage.getBitSize()) return false;
return compareDataEquality(storage.getNumber(), that.storage.getNumber());
public int hashCode() {
int bitSize = storage.getBitSize();
int result = blockId;
result = 31 * result + bitSize;
if (bitSize <= 32) {
result = 31 * result + storage.getBigDamage();
} else if (bitSize <= 64) {
result = 31 * result + Long.hashCode(storage.getNumber().longValue());
} else {
result = 31 * result + storage.getHugeDamage().hashCode();
return result;
private static boolean compareDataEquality(Number a, Number b) {
Class extends Number> aClass = a.getClass();
Class extends Number> bClass = b.getClass();
if (aClass == bClass) {
return a.equals(b);
if (aClass != BigInteger.class && bClass != BigInteger.class) {
return a.longValue() == b.longValue();
BigInteger aBig = aClass == BigInteger.class ? (BigInteger) a : new BigInteger(a.toString());
BigInteger bBig = bClass == BigInteger.class ? (BigInteger) b : new BigInteger(b.toString());
return aBig.equals(bBig);
* @throws InvalidBlockStateException If the stored state is invalid
public void validate() {
if (valid == OptionalBoolean.TRUE) {
BlockProperties properties = getProperties();
if (storage.getBitSize() > properties.getBitSize()) {
throw new InvalidBlockStateException(this,
"The stored data overflows the maximum properties bits. Stored bits: " + storage.getBitSize() + ", " +
"Properties Bits: " + properties.getBitSize() + ", Stored data: " + storage.getNumber()
try {
valid = OptionalBoolean.TRUE;
} catch (Exception e) {
valid = OptionalBoolean.FALSE;
throw new InvalidBlockStateException(this, e);
public boolean isCachedValidationValid() {
return valid.orElse(false);
public OptionalBoolean getCachedValidation() {
return valid;
public Block getBlock() {
try {
Block block = IBlockState.super.getBlock();
valid = OptionalBoolean.TRUE;
return block;
} catch (InvalidBlockStateException e) {
valid = OptionalBoolean.FALSE;
throw e;
public Block getBlock(@Nullable Level level, int x, int y, int z, int layer, boolean repair, @Nullable Consumer callback) {
if (valid == OptionalBoolean.TRUE) {
Block block = IBlockState.super.getBlock();
block.x = x;
block.y = y;
block.z = z;
block.layer = layer;
block.level = level;
return block;
if (valid == OptionalBoolean.FALSE) {
return IBlockState.super.getBlock(level, x, y, z, layer, repair, callback);
Consumer updater = r -> valid = OptionalBoolean.FALSE;
if (repair && callback != null) {
callback = updater.andThen(callback);
} else {
callback = updater.andThen(rep -> {
throw new InvalidBlockStateException(this, "Attempted to repair when repair was false. " + rep.toString(), rep.getValidationException());
try {
Block block = IBlockState.super.getBlock(level, x, y, z, layer, true, callback);
if (valid == OptionalBoolean.EMPTY) {
valid = OptionalBoolean.TRUE;
return block;
} catch (InvalidBlockStateException e) {
valid = OptionalBoolean.FALSE;
throw e;
private interface Storage extends Serializable {
Number getNumber();
int getLegacyDamage();
int getBigDamage();
default int getSignedBigDamage() {
return getBigDamage();
Serializable getPropertyValue(BlockProperties properties, String propertyName);
int getIntValue(BlockProperties properties, String propertyName);
boolean getBooleanValue(BlockProperties properties, String propertyName);
BlockState withBlockId(int blockId);
String getPersistenceValue(BlockProperties properties, String propertyName);
int getBitSize();
BigInteger getHugeDamage();
BlockState withProperty(int blockId, BlockProperties properties, String propertyName, @Nullable Serializable value);
BlockState onlyWithProperties(BlockState currentState, List propertyNames);
BlockState onlyWithProperty(BlockState currentState, String name, Serializable value);
void validate(BlockProperties properties);
boolean isDefaultState();
BlockState withPropertyString(int blockId, BlockProperties properties, String propertyName, String value);
private static class ZeroStorage implements Storage {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -4199347838375711088L;
public int getBitSize() {
return 1;
public Integer getNumber() {
return 0;
public int getLegacyDamage() {
return 0;
public int getBigDamage() {
return 0;
public BigInteger getHugeDamage() {
return BigInteger.ZERO;
public Serializable getPropertyValue(BlockProperties properties, String propertyName) {
return properties.getValue(0, propertyName);
public int getIntValue(BlockProperties properties, String propertyName) {
return properties.getIntValue(0, propertyName);
public boolean getBooleanValue(BlockProperties properties, String propertyName) {
return properties.getBooleanValue(0, propertyName);
public BlockState withBlockId(int blockId) {
return BlockState.of(blockId);
public BlockState withProperty(int blockId, BlockProperties properties, String propertyName, @Nullable Serializable value) {
// TODO This can cause problems when setting a property that increases the bit size
return BlockState.of(blockId, properties.setValue(0, propertyName, value));
public BlockState withPropertyString(int blockId, BlockProperties properties, String propertyName, String value) {
// TODO This can cause problems when setting a property that increases the bit size
return BlockState.of(blockId, properties.setPersistenceValue(0, propertyName, value));
public BlockState onlyWithProperties(BlockState currentState, List propertyNames) {
return currentState;
public BlockState onlyWithProperty(BlockState currentState, String name, Serializable value) {
BlockProperties properties = currentState.getProperties();
if (!properties.contains(name)) {
return currentState;
return BlockState.of(currentState.blockId, properties.setValue(0, name, value));
public void validate(BlockProperties properties) {
// Meta 0 is always valid
public boolean isDefaultState() {
return true;
public String getPersistenceValue(BlockProperties properties, String propertyName) {
return properties.getPersistenceValue(0, propertyName);
public String toString() {
return "0";
private class ByteStorage implements Storage {
private final byte data;
private final int bitSize;
public ByteStorage(byte data) {
this.data = data;
this.bitSize = NukkitMath.bitLength(data);
public Number getNumber() {
return data;
public int getLegacyDamage() {
return data & Block.DATA_MASK;
public int getBigDamage() {
return data;
public BigInteger getHugeDamage() {
return BigInteger.valueOf(data);
public Serializable getPropertyValue(BlockProperties properties, String propertyName) {
return properties.getValue(data, propertyName);
public int getIntValue(BlockProperties properties, String propertyName) {
return properties.getIntValue(data, propertyName);
public boolean getBooleanValue(BlockProperties properties, String propertyName) {
return properties.getBooleanValue(data, propertyName);
public BlockState withBlockId(int blockId) {
return BlockState.of(blockId, data);
public BlockState withProperty(int blockId, BlockProperties properties, String propertyName, @Nullable Serializable value) {
// TODO This can cause problems when setting a property that increases the bit size
return BlockState.of(blockId, properties.setValue(data, propertyName, value));
public BlockState withPropertyString(int blockId, BlockProperties properties, String propertyName, String value) {
// TODO This can cause problems when setting a property that increases the bit size
return BlockState.of(blockId, properties.setPersistenceValue(data, propertyName, value));
public BlockState onlyWithProperties(BlockState currentState, List propertyNames) {
return BlockState.of(blockId,
getProperties().reduceInt(data, (property, offset, current) ->
propertyNames.contains(property.getName()) ? current : property.setValue(current, offset, null)
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "java:S1905", "rawtypes"})
public BlockState onlyWithProperty(BlockState currentState, String name, Serializable value) {
// TODO This can cause problems when setting a property that increases the bit size
return BlockState.of(blockId,
getProperties().reduceInt(data, (property, offset, current) ->
((BlockProperty) property).setValue(current, offset, name.equals(property.getName()) ? value : null)
public void validate(BlockProperties properties) {
properties.forEach((property, offset) -> property.validateMeta(data, offset));
public boolean isDefaultState() {
return data == 0;
public String getPersistenceValue(BlockProperties properties, String propertyName) {
return properties.getPersistenceValue(data, propertyName);
public String toString() {
return Byte.toString(data);
private class IntStorage implements Storage {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 4700387399339051513L;
private final int data;
private final int bitSize;
public IntStorage(int data) {
this.data = data;
bitSize = NukkitMath.bitLength(data);
public Number getNumber() {
return getBigDamage();
public int getLegacyDamage() {
return (data & Block.DATA_MASK);
public int getBigDamage() {
return data;
public Serializable getPropertyValue(BlockProperties properties, String propertyName) {
return properties.getValue(data, propertyName);
public int getIntValue(BlockProperties properties, String propertyName) {
return properties.getIntValue(data, propertyName);
public boolean getBooleanValue(BlockProperties properties, String propertyName) {
return properties.getBooleanValue(data, propertyName);
public BlockState withBlockId(int blockId) {
return BlockState.of(blockId, data);
public BlockState withProperty(int blockId, BlockProperties properties, String propertyName, @Nullable Serializable value) {
// TODO This can cause problems when setting a property that increases the bit size
return BlockState.of(blockId, properties.setValue(data, propertyName, value));
public BlockState withPropertyString(int blockId, BlockProperties properties, String propertyName, String value) {
// TODO This can cause problems when setting a property that increases the bit size
return BlockState.of(blockId, properties.setPersistenceValue(data, propertyName, value));
public BlockState onlyWithProperties(BlockState currentState, List propertyNames) {
return BlockState.of(blockId,
getProperties().reduceInt(data, (property, offset, current) ->
propertyNames.contains(property.getName()) ? current : property.setValue(current, offset, null)
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "java:S1905", "rawtypes"})
public BlockState onlyWithProperty(BlockState currentState, String name, Serializable value) {
// TODO This can cause problems when setting a property that increases the bit size
return BlockState.of(blockId,
getProperties().reduceInt(data, (property, offset, current) ->
((BlockProperty) property).setValue(current, offset, name.equals(property.getName()) ? value : null)
public void validate(BlockProperties properties) {
properties.forEach((property, offset) -> property.validateMeta(data, offset));
public boolean isDefaultState() {
return data == 0;
public String getPersistenceValue(BlockProperties properties, String propertyName) {
return properties.getPersistenceValue(data, propertyName);
public BigInteger getHugeDamage() {
return BigInteger.valueOf(data);
public String toString() {
return Integer.toString(data);
private class LongStorage implements Storage {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -2633333569914851875L;
private final long data;
private final int bitSize;
public LongStorage(long data) {
this.data = data;
bitSize = NukkitMath.bitLength(data);
public Number getNumber() {
return data;
public int getLegacyDamage() {
return (int) (data & Block.DATA_MASK);
public int getBigDamage() {
return (int) (data & BlockStateRegistry.BIG_META_MASK);
public int getSignedBigDamage() {
return (int) (data & Integer.MAX_VALUE);
public Serializable getPropertyValue(BlockProperties properties, String propertyName) {
return properties.getValue(data, propertyName);
public int getIntValue(BlockProperties properties, String propertyName) {
return properties.getIntValue(data, propertyName);
public boolean getBooleanValue(BlockProperties properties, String propertyName) {
return properties.getBooleanValue(data, propertyName);
public BlockState withPropertyString(int blockId, BlockProperties properties, String propertyName, String value) {
// TODO This can cause problems when setting a property that increases the bit size
return BlockState.of(blockId, properties.setPersistenceValue(data, propertyName, value));
public BlockState withBlockId(int blockId) {
return BlockState.of(blockId, data);
public BlockState withProperty(int blockId, BlockProperties properties, String propertyName, @Nullable Serializable value) {
return BlockState.of(blockId, properties.setValue(data, propertyName, value));
public BlockState onlyWithProperties(BlockState currentState, List propertyNames) {
return BlockState.of(blockId,
getProperties().reduceLong(data, (property, offset, current) ->
propertyNames.contains(property.getName()) ? current : property.setValue(current, offset, null)
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "java:S1905", "rawtypes"})
public BlockState onlyWithProperty(BlockState currentState, String name, Serializable value) {
// TODO This can cause problems when setting a property that increases the bit size
return BlockState.of(blockId,
getProperties().reduceLong(data, (property, offset, current) ->
((BlockProperty) property).setValue(current, offset, name.equals(property.getName()) ? value : null)
public void validate(BlockProperties properties) {
properties.forEach((property, offset) -> property.validateMeta(data, offset));
public boolean isDefaultState() {
return data == 0;
public String getPersistenceValue(BlockProperties properties, String propertyName) {
return properties.getPersistenceValue(data, propertyName);
public BigInteger getHugeDamage() {
return BigInteger.valueOf(data);
public String toString() {
return Long.toString(data);
private class BigIntegerStorage implements Storage {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 2504213066240296662L;
private final BigInteger data;
private final int bitSize;
public BigIntegerStorage(BigInteger data) {
this.data = data;
bitSize = NukkitMath.bitLength(data);
public Number getNumber() {
return getHugeDamage();
public int getLegacyDamage() {
return data.and(BigInteger.valueOf(Block.DATA_MASK)).intValue();
public int getBigDamage() {
return data.and(BigInteger.valueOf(BlockStateRegistry.BIG_META_MASK)).intValue();
public int getSignedBigDamage() {
return data.and(BigInteger.valueOf(Integer.MAX_VALUE)).intValue();
public Serializable getPropertyValue(BlockProperties properties, String propertyName) {
return properties.getValue(data, propertyName);
public int getIntValue(BlockProperties properties, String propertyName) {
return properties.getIntValue(data, propertyName);
public boolean getBooleanValue(BlockProperties properties, String propertyName) {
return properties.getBooleanValue(data, propertyName);
public BlockState withBlockId(int blockId) {
return BlockState.of(blockId, data);
public BlockState withProperty(int blockId, BlockProperties properties, String propertyName, @Nullable Serializable value) {
return BlockState.of(blockId, properties.setValue(data, propertyName, value));
public BlockState withPropertyString(int blockId, BlockProperties properties, String propertyName, String value) {
return BlockState.of(blockId, properties.setPersistenceValue(data, propertyName, value));
public BlockState onlyWithProperties(BlockState currentState, List propertyNames) {
return BlockState.of(blockId,
getProperties().reduce(data, (property, offset, current) ->
propertyNames.contains(property.getName()) ? current : property.setValue(current, offset, null)
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "java:S1905", "rawtypes"})
public BlockState onlyWithProperty(BlockState currentState, String name, Serializable value) {
return BlockState.of(blockId,
getProperties().reduce(data, (property, offset, current) ->
((BlockProperty) property).setValue(current, offset, name.equals(property.getName()) ? value : null)
public void validate(BlockProperties properties) {
properties.forEach((property, offset) -> property.validateMeta(data, offset));
public boolean isDefaultState() {
return data.equals(BigInteger.ZERO);
public String getPersistenceValue(BlockProperties properties, String propertyName) {
return properties.getPersistenceValue(data, propertyName);
public BigInteger getHugeDamage() {
return data;
public String toString() {
return data.toString();