cn.nukkit.blockstate.IMutableBlockState Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package cn.nukkit.blockstate;
import cn.nukkit.api.PowerNukkitOnly;
import cn.nukkit.api.Since;
import cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperties;
import cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperty;
import cn.nukkit.blockproperty.exception.InvalidBlockPropertyException;
import cn.nukkit.blockstate.exception.InvalidBlockStateDataTypeException;
import cn.nukkit.blockstate.exception.InvalidBlockStateException;
import cn.nukkit.math.NukkitMath;
import cn.nukkit.utils.Validation;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import javax.annotation.Nonnegative;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import javax.annotation.ParametersAreNonnullByDefault;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import static cn.nukkit.blockstate.Loggers.logIMutableBlockState;
public interface IMutableBlockState extends IBlockState {
* Replace all matching states of this block state with the same states of the given block state.
* States that doesn't exists in the other state are ignored.
Only properties that matches each other will be copied, for example, if this state have an age property
* going from 0 to 7 and the other have an age from 0 to 15, the age property won't change.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException If the state is from a different block id and property copying isn't supported by the implementation
* @throws InvalidBlockStateException If the given storage has invalid data properties
* @param state The states that will have the properties copied.
default void setState(IBlockState state) throws InvalidBlockStateException {
if (state.getBlockId() == getBlockId()) {
} else {
//TODO Implement property value copying
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
* Replace all matching states of this block state with the same states of the given block state.
* But giving opportunity to return a new instance of this mutable state if needed.
States that doesn't exists in the other state are ignored.
Only properties that matches each other will be copied, for example, if this state have an age property
* going from 0 to 7 and the other have an age from 0 to 15, the age property won't change.
If the implementation recognizes that the given state does not match the current set of properties
* and needs an update, it may update and return a new state with a different block id and different set
* of properties that represent the expected visual state. The this change can be detected with an {@code ==} operation.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException If the state is from a different block id and property copying isn't supported by the implementation
* @throws InvalidBlockStateException If the given storage has invalid data properties
* @param state The states that will have the properties copied.
default IMutableBlockState forState(@NotNull IBlockState state) throws InvalidBlockStateException {
return this;
* @throws InvalidBlockStateException If the given storage has invalid data properties
* @throws InvalidBlockStateDataTypeException If the storage class type is not supported
void setDataStorage(@Nonnegative Number storage);
* @throws InvalidBlockStateException If the given storage has invalid data properties
void setDataStorageFromInt(@Nonnegative int storage);
* @throws InvalidBlockStateException If the given storage has invalid data properties
* @throws InvalidBlockStateDataTypeException If the storage class type is not supported
default boolean setDataStorage(@Nonnegative Number storage, boolean repair) {
return setDataStorage(storage, repair, null);
* @return if the storage was repaired
default boolean setDataStorageFromInt(@Nonnegative int storage, boolean repair) {
return setDataStorageFromInt(storage, repair, null);
* @return if the storage was repaired
* @throws InvalidBlockStateException If repair is false and the storage has an invalid property state
* @throws InvalidBlockStateDataTypeException If the storage has an unsupported number type
default boolean setDataStorage(@Nonnegative Number storage, boolean repair, @Nullable Consumer callback) {
try {
return false;
} catch (InvalidBlockStateException e) {
if (repair) {
BigInteger bigInteger;
try {
bigInteger = new BigDecimal(storage.toString()).toBigIntegerExact();
} catch (NumberFormatException | ArithmeticException e2) {
InvalidBlockStateDataTypeException ex = new InvalidBlockStateDataTypeException(storage, e2);
throw ex;
try {
setDataStorage(repairStorage(getBlockId(), bigInteger, getProperties(), callback));
} catch (InvalidBlockPropertyException | InvalidBlockStateException e2) {
InvalidBlockStateException ex = new InvalidBlockStateException(e.getState(), "The state is invalid and could not be repaired", e);
throw ex;
return true;
throw e;
* @return if the storage was repaired
default boolean setDataStorageFromInt(@Nonnegative final int storage, boolean repair, @Nullable Consumer callback) {
try {
return false;
} catch (IllegalStateException | InvalidBlockPropertyException e) {
if (repair) {
setDataStorage(repairStorage(getBlockId(), BigInteger.valueOf(storage), getProperties(), callback));
return true;
throw e;
default void setDataStorageFromItemBlockMeta(int itemBlockMeta) {
BlockProperties allProperties = getProperties();
BlockProperties itemBlockProperties = allProperties.getItemBlockProperties();
if (allProperties.equals(itemBlockProperties)) {
MutableBlockState item = itemBlockProperties.createMutableState(getBlockId());
MutableBlockState converted = allProperties.createMutableState(getBlockId());
itemBlockProperties.getItemPropertyNames().forEach(property ->
converted.setPropertyValue(property, item.getPropertyValue(property)));
void setPropertyValue(String propertyName, @Nullable Serializable value);
void setBooleanValue(String propertyName, boolean value);
void setIntValue(String propertyName, int value);
default void setBooleanValue(BlockProperty property, boolean value) {
setBooleanValue(property.getName(), value);
default void setIntValue(BlockProperty property, int value) {
setIntValue(property.getName(), value);
default void setPropertyValue(BlockProperty property, @Nullable T value) {
setPropertyValue(property.getName(), value);
default boolean toggleBooleanProperty(String propertyName) {
boolean newValue = !getBooleanValue(propertyName);
setBooleanValue(propertyName, newValue);
return newValue;
default boolean toggleBooleanProperty(BlockProperty property) {
return toggleBooleanProperty(property.getName());
static BigInteger repairStorage(
@Nonnegative int blockId, @NotNull final BigInteger storage, @NotNull final BlockProperties properties,
@Nullable final Consumer callback) {
Validation.checkPositive("blockId", blockId);
int checkedBits = 0;
int repairs = 0;
BigInteger current = storage;
for (BlockProperties.RegisteredBlockProperty reg : properties.getAllProperties()) {
checkedBits += reg.getProperty().getBitSize();
try {
} catch (InvalidBlockPropertyException e) {
BlockProperty> property = reg.getProperty();
int offset = reg.getOffset();
BigInteger next = property.setValue(current, offset, null);
if (callback != null) {
Serializable fixed = property.getValue(next, offset);
BlockStateRepair stateRepair = new BlockStateRepair(
blockId, properties,
storage, current, next, repairs++, property, offset,
property.getMetaFromBigInt(current, offset),
fixed, fixed, e
Serializable proposed = stateRepair.getProposedPropertyValue();
if (!fixed.equals(proposed)) {
try {
next = ((BlockProperty) property).setValue(current, offset, proposed);
} catch (InvalidBlockPropertyException proposedFailed) {
logIMutableBlockState.warn("Could not apply the proposed repair, using the default proposal. "+stateRepair, proposedFailed);
current = next;
if (NukkitMath.bitLength(current) > checkedBits) {
BigInteger validMask = BigInteger.ONE.shiftLeft(checkedBits).subtract(BigInteger.ONE);
BigInteger next = current.and(validMask);
if (callback != null) {
BlockStateRepair stateRepair = new BlockStateRepair(
blockId, properties,
storage, current, next, repairs, null,
checkedBits, current.shiftRight(checkedBits).intValue(), 0, 0,
if (!Integer.valueOf(0).equals(stateRepair.getProposedPropertyValue())) {
logIMutableBlockState.warn("Could not apply the proposed repair, using the default proposal. "+stateRepair,
new IllegalStateException("Attempted to propose a value outside the properties boundary"));
current = next;
return current;
static RuntimeException handleUnsupportedStorageType(@Nonnegative int blockId, @Nonnegative Number storage, RuntimeException e) {
InvalidBlockStateException ex;
try {
ex = new InvalidBlockStateException(BlockState.of(blockId, storage), e);
} catch (InvalidBlockStateDataTypeException e2) {
return e2;
return ex;