cn.nukkit.command.Command Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package cn.nukkit.command;
import cn.nukkit.Player;
import cn.nukkit.Server;
import cn.nukkit.api.*;
import cn.nukkit.blockentity.ICommandBlock;
import cn.nukkit.command.data.*;
import cn.nukkit.command.tree.ParamList;
import cn.nukkit.command.tree.ParamTree;
import cn.nukkit.command.utils.CommandLogger;
import cn.nukkit.lang.CommandOutputContainer;
import cn.nukkit.lang.PluginI18nManager;
import cn.nukkit.lang.TextContainer;
import cn.nukkit.lang.TranslationContainer;
import cn.nukkit.level.GameRule;
import cn.nukkit.permission.Permissible;
import cn.nukkit.plugin.InternalPlugin;
import cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginBase;
import cn.nukkit.utils.TextFormat;
import io.netty.util.internal.EmptyArrays;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
* @author MagicDroidX (Nukkit Project)
public abstract class Command implements GenericParameter {
private final String name;
private String nextLabel;
private String label;
private String[] aliases;
private String[] activeAliases;
private CommandMap commandMap;
protected String description;
protected String usageMessage;
private String permission;
private String permissionMessage;
protected Map commandParameters = new HashMap<>();
protected ParamTree paramTree;
protected CommandData commandData;
protected boolean serverSideOnly;
public Command(String name) {
this(name, "", null, EmptyArrays.EMPTY_STRINGS);
public Command(String name, String description) {
this(name, description, null, EmptyArrays.EMPTY_STRINGS);
public Command(String name, String description, String usageMessage) {
this(name, description, usageMessage, EmptyArrays.EMPTY_STRINGS);
public Command(String name, String description, String usageMessage, String[] aliases) {
this.commandData = new CommandData();
this.name = name.toLowerCase(); // Uppercase letters crash the client?!?
this.nextLabel = name;
this.label = name;
this.description = description;
this.usageMessage = usageMessage == null ? "/" + name : usageMessage;
this.aliases = aliases;
this.activeAliases = aliases;
this.commandParameters.put("default", new CommandParameter[]{CommandParameter.newType("args", true, CommandParamType.RAWTEXT)});
* Returns an CommandData containing command data
* @return CommandData
public CommandData getDefaultCommandData() {
return this.commandData;
public CommandParameter[] getCommandParameters(String key) {
return commandParameters.get(key);
public Map getCommandParameters() {
return commandParameters;
public void setCommandParameters(Map commandParameters) {
this.commandParameters = commandParameters;
public void addCommandParameters(String key, CommandParameter[] parameters) {
this.commandParameters.put(key, parameters);
* Generates modified command data for the specified player
* for AvailableCommandsPacket.
* @param player player
* @return CommandData|null
public CommandDataVersions generateCustomCommandData(Player player) {
if (!this.testPermission(player)) {
return null;
var plugin = this instanceof PluginCommand> pluginCommand ? pluginCommand.getPlugin() : InternalPlugin.INSTANCE;
CommandData customData = this.commandData.clone();
if (getAliases().length > 0) {
List aliases = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(getAliases()));
if (!aliases.contains(this.name)) {
customData.aliases = new CommandEnum(this.name + "Aliases", aliases);
if (plugin == InternalPlugin.INSTANCE) {
customData.description = player.getServer().getLanguage().tr(this.getDescription(), CommandOutputContainer.EMPTY_STRING, "commands.", false);
} else if (plugin instanceof PluginBase pluginBase) {
var i18n = PluginI18nManager.getI18n(pluginBase);
if (i18n != null) {
customData.description = i18n.tr(player.getLanguageCode(), this.getDescription());
} else {
customData.description = player.getServer().getLanguage().tr(this.getDescription());
this.commandParameters.forEach((key, par) -> {
CommandOverload overload = new CommandOverload();
overload.input.parameters = par;
customData.overloads.put(key, overload);
if (customData.overloads.size() == 0) customData.overloads.put("default", new CommandOverload());
CommandDataVersions versions = new CommandDataVersions();
return versions;
public Map getOverloads() {
return this.commandData.overloads;
protected double parseTilde(String arg, double pos) {
if (arg.equals("~")) {
return pos;
} else if (!arg.startsWith("~")) {
return Double.parseDouble(arg);
} else {
return pos + Double.parseDouble(arg.substring(1));
public boolean execute(CommandSender sender, String commandLabel, String[] args) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
* Execute int.
* @param sender 命令发送者
* @param commandLabel the command label
* @param result 解析的命令结果
* @param log 命令输出工具
* @return int 返回0代表执行失败, 返回大于等于1代表执行成功
public int execute(CommandSender sender, String commandLabel, Map.Entry result, CommandLogger log) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public String getName() {
return name;
public String getPermission() {
return permission;
public void setPermission(String permission) {
this.permission = permission;
public boolean testPermission(CommandSender target) {
if (this.testPermissionSilent(target)) {
return true;
if (this.permissionMessage == null) {
target.sendMessage(new TranslationContainer(TextFormat.RED + "%commands.generic.unknown", this.name));
} else if (!this.permissionMessage.equals("")) {
target.sendMessage(this.permissionMessage.replace("", this.permission));
return false;
public boolean testPermissionSilent(CommandSender target) {
if (this.permission == null || this.permission.equals("")) {
return true;
String[] permissions = this.permission.split(";");
for (String permission : permissions) {
if (target.hasPermission(permission)) {
return true;
return false;
public String getLabel() {
return label;
public boolean setLabel(String name) {
this.nextLabel = name;
if (!this.isRegistered()) {
this.label = name;
return true;
return false;
public boolean register(CommandMap commandMap) {
if (this.allowChangesFrom(commandMap)) {
this.commandMap = commandMap;
return true;
return false;
public boolean unregister(CommandMap commandMap) {
if (this.allowChangesFrom(commandMap)) {
this.commandMap = null;
this.activeAliases = this.aliases;
this.label = this.nextLabel;
return true;
return false;
public boolean allowChangesFrom(CommandMap commandMap) {
return commandMap != null && !commandMap.equals(this.commandMap);
public boolean isRegistered() {
return this.commandMap != null;
public String[] getAliases() {
return this.activeAliases;
public String getPermissionMessage() {
return permissionMessage;
public String getDescription() {
return description;
public String getUsage() {
return usageMessage;
public boolean isServerSideOnly() {
return serverSideOnly;
public String getCommandFormatTips() {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
for (String form : this.getCommandParameters().keySet()) {
CommandParameter[] commandParameters = this.getCommandParameters().get(form);
builder.append("- /" + this.getName());
for (CommandParameter commandParameter : commandParameters) {
if (!commandParameter.optional) {
if (commandParameter.enumData == null) {
builder.append(" <").append(commandParameter.name + ": " + commandParameter.type.name().toLowerCase()).append(">");
} else {
builder.append(" <").append(commandParameter.enumData.getValues().subList(0, commandParameter.enumData.getValues().size() > 10 ? 10 : commandParameter.enumData.getValues().size()).stream().collect(Collectors.joining("|"))).append(commandParameter.enumData.getValues().size() > 10 ? "|..." : "").append(">");
} else {
if (commandParameter.enumData == null) {
builder.append(" [").append(commandParameter.name + ": " + commandParameter.type.name().toLowerCase()).append("]");
} else {
builder.append(" [").append(commandParameter.enumData.getValues().subList(0, commandParameter.enumData.getValues().size() > 10 ? 10 : commandParameter.enumData.getValues().size()).stream().collect(Collectors.joining("|"))).append(commandParameter.enumData.getValues().size() > 10 ? "|..." : "").append("]");
return builder.toString();
public void setAliases(String[] aliases) {
this.aliases = aliases;
if (!this.isRegistered()) {
this.activeAliases = aliases;
public void setDescription(String description) {
this.description = description;
public void setPermissionMessage(String permissionMessage) {
this.permissionMessage = permissionMessage;
public void setUsage(String usageMessage) {
this.usageMessage = usageMessage;
public boolean hasParamTree() {
return this.paramTree != null;
* 若调用此方法,则将启用ParamTree用于解析命令参数
public void enableParamTree() {
this.paramTree = new ParamTree(this);
public ParamTree getParamTree() {
return paramTree;
by = "PowerNukkit",
since = "",
reason = "Unused and always throws an exception even in Cloudburst Nukkit")
since = "",
info = "Throws UnsupportedOperationException instead of NullPointerException"
public static CommandData generateDefaultData() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public static void broadcastCommandMessage(CommandSender source, String message) {
broadcastCommandMessage(source, message, true);
public static void broadcastCommandMessage(CommandSender source, String message, boolean sendToSource) {
Set users = source.getServer().getPluginManager().getPermissionSubscriptions(Server.BROADCAST_CHANNEL_ADMINISTRATIVE);
TranslationContainer result = new TranslationContainer("chat.type.admin", source.getName(), message);
TranslationContainer colored = new TranslationContainer(TextFormat.GRAY + "" + TextFormat.ITALIC + "%chat.type.admin", source.getName(), message);
if (sendToSource && !(source instanceof ConsoleCommandSender)) {
for (Permissible user : users) {
if (user instanceof CommandSender) {
if (user instanceof ConsoleCommandSender) {
((ConsoleCommandSender) user).sendMessage(result);
} else if (!user.equals(source)) {
((CommandSender) user).sendMessage(colored);
public static void broadcastCommandMessage(CommandSender source, TextContainer message) {
broadcastCommandMessage(source, message, true);
public static void broadcastCommandMessage(CommandSender source, TextContainer message, boolean sendToSource) {
if ((source instanceof ICommandBlock && !source.getPosition().getLevel().getGameRules().getBoolean(GameRule.COMMAND_BLOCK_OUTPUT)) ||
(source instanceof ExecutorCommandSender exeSender && exeSender.getExecutor() instanceof ICommandBlock && !source.getPosition().getLevel().getGameRules().getBoolean(GameRule.COMMAND_BLOCK_OUTPUT))) {
TextContainer m = message.clone();
String resultStr = "[" + source.getName() + ": " + (!m.getText().equals(source.getServer().getLanguage().get(m.getText())) ? "%" : "") + m.getText() + "]";
Set users = source.getServer().getPluginManager().getPermissionSubscriptions(Server.BROADCAST_CHANNEL_ADMINISTRATIVE);
String coloredStr = TextFormat.GRAY + "" + TextFormat.ITALIC + resultStr;
TextContainer result = m.clone();
TextContainer colored = m.clone();
if (sendToSource && !(source instanceof ConsoleCommandSender)) {
for (Permissible user : users) {
if (user instanceof CommandSender) {
if (user instanceof ConsoleCommandSender) {
((ConsoleCommandSender) user).sendMessage(result);
} else if (!user.equals(source)) {
((CommandSender) user).sendMessage(colored);
public String toString() {
return this.name;
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