cn.nukkit.command.utils.CommandLogger Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package cn.nukkit.command.utils;
import cn.nukkit.Player;
import cn.nukkit.Server;
import cn.nukkit.api.PowerNukkitXOnly;
import cn.nukkit.api.Since;
import cn.nukkit.blockentity.ICommandBlock;
import cn.nukkit.command.Command;
import cn.nukkit.command.CommandSender;
import cn.nukkit.command.ConsoleCommandSender;
import cn.nukkit.command.ExecutorCommandSender;
import cn.nukkit.lang.CommandOutputContainer;
import cn.nukkit.lang.PluginI18nManager;
import cn.nukkit.lang.TranslationContainer;
import cn.nukkit.level.GameRule;
import cn.nukkit.network.protocol.types.CommandOutputMessage;
import cn.nukkit.permission.Permissible;
import cn.nukkit.plugin.InternalPlugin;
import cn.nukkit.plugin.Plugin;
import cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginBase;
import cn.nukkit.utils.TextFormat;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.StringJoiner;
public record CommandLogger(Command command,
CommandSender sender,
String commandLabel,
String[] args,
CommandOutputContainer outputContainer,
Plugin plugin) {
private static final byte SYNTAX_ERROR_LENGTH_LIMIT = 23;
public CommandLogger(Command command, CommandSender sender, String commandLabel, String[] args) {
this(command, sender, commandLabel, args, new CommandOutputContainer());
public CommandLogger(Command command, CommandSender sender, String commandLabel, String[] args, CommandOutputContainer outputContainer) {
this(command, sender, commandLabel, args, outputContainer, InternalPlugin.INSTANCE);
public CommandLogger(Command command, CommandSender sender, String commandLabel, String[] args, Plugin plugin) {
this(command, sender, commandLabel, args, new CommandOutputContainer(), plugin);
public CommandLogger addSuccess(String message) {
return this.addSuccess(message, CommandOutputContainer.EMPTY_STRING);
public CommandLogger addSuccess(String key, List params) {
return this.addSuccess(key, params.toArray(CommandOutputContainer.EMPTY_STRING));
* 添加一条命令成功执行的消息,参数可以是纯文本,也可以是客戶端的多语言文本key.
* Add a message that the command was successfully executed, the parameters can be plain text or the client's multilingual text key.
Default output color white
* @param key the key
* @param params the params
public CommandLogger addSuccess(String key, String... params) {
if (TextFormat.getLastColors(key).isEmpty()) {
if (Server.getInstance().getLanguage().internalGet(key) != null) key = TextFormat.WHITE + "%" + key;
else key = TextFormat.WHITE + key;
this.outputContainer.getMessages().add(new CommandOutputMessage(key, params));
return this;
* 添加一条命令错误执行的消息,参数可以是纯文本,也可以是客戶端的多语言文本key.
* Add a command error message, either plain text or the client's multilingual text key.
Default output color red
* @param message the message
* @return the command logger
public CommandLogger addError(String message) {
return this.addError(message, CommandOutputContainer.EMPTY_STRING);
* 添加一条命令执行失败的错误消息,参数可以是纯文本,也可以是客戶端的多语言文本key.
* Add a command execution failure error message, either plain text or the client's multilingual text key.
Default output color red
* @param key 语言文本key/错误信息
* @param params 语言文本参数/空
* @return the command logger
public CommandLogger addError(String key, String... params) {
this.outputContainer.getMessages().add(new CommandOutputMessage(key, params));
return this;
* 添加一条消息,参数可以是纯文本,也可以是客户端,服务端,以及{@link cn.nukkit.lang.PluginI18n PluginI18n}中的多语言文本,默认输出颜色红色
* Add a message, the parameters can be plain text, or client-side, server-side, and multilingual text in {@link cn.nukkit.lang.PluginI18n PluginI18n}, default output color red
* @param key the key
* @return the command logger
public CommandLogger addMessage(String key) {
return this.addMessage(key, CommandOutputContainer.EMPTY_STRING);
* 添加一条消息,参数可以是纯文本,也可以是客户端,服务端,以及{@link cn.nukkit.lang.PluginI18n PluginI18n}中的多语言文本,默认输出颜色红色
* Add a message, the parameters can be plain text, or client-side, server-side, and multilingual text in {@link cn.nukkit.lang.PluginI18n PluginI18n}, default output color red
* @param key the key
* @param params the params
* @return the command logger
public CommandLogger addMessage(String key, String... params) {
if (this.plugin instanceof PluginBase pluginBase) {
var i18n = PluginI18nManager.getI18n(pluginBase);
if (i18n != null) {
String text;
if (sender.isPlayer()) {
text = i18n.tr(sender.asPlayer().getLanguageCode(), key, params);
} else {
text = i18n.tr(Server.getInstance().getLanguageCode(), key, params);
this.outputContainer.getMessages().add(new CommandOutputMessage(text, CommandOutputContainer.EMPTY_STRING));
return this;
this.outputContainer.getMessages().add(new CommandOutputMessage(Server.getInstance().getLanguage().tr(key, params), CommandOutputContainer.EMPTY_STRING));
return this;
* 添加一条默认的命令格式错误信息,会提示命令发送者在指定索引处发生错误
* Add a default command format error message that will alert the command sender of an error at the specified index
* @param errorIndex 发生错误的参数索引
public CommandLogger addSyntaxErrors(int errorIndex) {
if (sender instanceof ConsoleCommandSender) {
this.addMessage("commands.generic.usage", "\n" + command.getCommandFormatTips());
} else this.addError("commands.generic.syntax", this.syntaxErrorsValue(errorIndex));
return this;
* 添加一条目标选择器没有匹配目标的错误信息
* Add an error message that the target selector matches too many targets
public CommandLogger addNoTargetMatch() {
this.addError("commands.generic.noTargetMatch", CommandOutputContainer.EMPTY_STRING);
return this;
* 添加一条目标选择器匹配目标过多的错误信息
public CommandLogger addTooManyTargets() {
this.addError("commands.generic.tooManyTargets", CommandOutputContainer.EMPTY_STRING);
return this;
* 添加一条参数过小的错误信息,会提示命令发送者指定位置的参数最小值不能低于minimum
* Add an error message that the parameter is too small, prompting the command sender to specify a location where the minimum value of the parameter cannot be less than minimum
* @param errorIndex 发生错误的参数索引
* @param minimum 允许的最小值
public CommandLogger addNumTooSmall(int errorIndex, int minimum) {
this.addError("commands.generic.num.tooSmall", args[errorIndex], " " + minimum);
return this;
* 添加一条Double参数过大的错误信息,会提示命令发送者指定位置的参数最大值不能超过maximum
* Add a Double parameter too large error message, which will prompt the command sender to specify that the maximum value of the parameter at the location cannot exceed maximum
* @param errorIndex 发生错误的参数索引
* @param maximum 允许的最大值
public CommandLogger addDoubleTooBig(int errorIndex, double maximum) {
this.addError("commands.generic.double.tooBig", args[errorIndex], " " + maximum);
return this;
* 添加一条Double参数过小的错误信息,会提示命令发送者指定位置的参数最小值不能低于minimum
* Add a Double parameter is too small error message, which will prompt the command sender to specify the minimum value of the parameter at the location cannot be less than minimum
* @param errorIndex 发生错误的参数索引
* @param minimum 允许的最小值
public CommandLogger addDoubleTooSmall(int errorIndex, double minimum) {
this.addError("commands.generic.double.tooSmall", args[errorIndex], " " + minimum);
return this;
* 添加一条无法访问世界外的方块的错误信息
* Add an error message about not being able to access squares outside the world
* @return the command logger
public CommandLogger addOutOfWorld() {
this.addError("commands.generic.outOfWorld", CommandOutputContainer.EMPTY_STRING);
return this;
* 输出{@link #outputContainer}中的所有信息.
public void output() {
* 输出{@link #outputContainer}中的所有信息.
* @param broadcast the broadcast
public void output(boolean broadcast) {
if (broadcast) {
for (var msg : this.outputContainer.getMessages()) {
broadcastAdminChannel(msg.getMessageId(), msg.getParameters());
* 标记{@link #outputContainer}的成功数量
* @param successCount the success count
* @return the command logger
public CommandLogger successCount(int successCount) {
return this;
* 输出给指定目标一条反馈信息
* Output a feedback message to the specified receiver
* @param receiver 命令目标
* @param key the key
* @param params 给命令目标的反馈信息参数
public void outputObjectWhisper(Player receiver, String key, String... params) {
if (receiver.level.getGameRules().getBoolean(GameRule.SEND_COMMAND_FEEDBACK)) {
receiver.sendMessage(new TranslationContainer(key, params));
* 输出给指定目标一条反馈信息
* Output a feedback message to the specified receiver
* @param rawtext 给命令目标的反馈信息
* @param receiver 命令目标
* @param params 给命令目标的反馈信息参数
public void outputObjectWhisper(Player receiver, String rawtext, Object... params) {
if (receiver.level.getGameRules().getBoolean(GameRule.SEND_COMMAND_FEEDBACK)) {
receiver.sendRawTextMessage(RawText.fromRawText(String.format(rawtext, params)));
private String[] syntaxErrorsValue(int errorIndex) {
var join1 = new StringJoiner(" ", "", " ");
if (errorIndex == -1) {
var result = join1.toString();
return new String[]{result.substring(Math.max(0, result.length() - SYNTAX_ERROR_LENGTH_LIMIT)), " ", " "};
} else if (errorIndex == args.length) {
var result = join1.toString();
return new String[]{result.substring(Math.max(0, result.length() - SYNTAX_ERROR_LENGTH_LIMIT)), "", ""};
for (int i = 0; i < errorIndex; ++i) {
var join2 = new StringJoiner(" ", " ", "");
for (int i = errorIndex + 1, len = args.length; i < len; ++i) {
var end = args[errorIndex] + join2;
if (end.length() >= SYNTAX_ERROR_LENGTH_LIMIT) {
return new String[]{"", args[errorIndex], join2.toString()};
} else {
var result = join1.toString();
return new String[]{result.substring(Math.max(0, join1.length() + end.length() - SYNTAX_ERROR_LENGTH_LIMIT)), args[errorIndex], join2.toString()};
private void broadcastAdminChannel(String key, String[] value) {
CommandSender target = sender;
if (target instanceof ExecutorCommandSender executorCommandSender) target = executorCommandSender.getExecutor();
if (target instanceof ICommandBlock) return;
TranslationContainer message = broadcastMessage(key, value, target);
Set users = target.getServer().getPluginManager().getPermissionSubscriptions(Server.BROADCAST_CHANNEL_ADMINISTRATIVE);
for (Permissible user : users) {
if (user instanceof CommandSender commandSender) {
private TranslationContainer broadcastMessage(String key, String[] value, CommandSender target) {
var message = new TranslationContainer(TextFormat.clean(key), value);
String resultStr = "[" + target.getName() + ": " + (!message.getText().equals(target.getServer().getLanguage().get(message.getText())) ? "%" : "") + message.getText() + "]";
String coloredStr = TextFormat.GRAY + "" + TextFormat.ITALIC + resultStr;
return message;