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cn.nukkit.entity.EntityPhysical Maven / Gradle / Ivy

package cn.nukkit.entity;

import cn.nukkit.Player;
import cn.nukkit.api.PowerNukkitXOnly;
import cn.nukkit.api.Since;
import cn.nukkit.block.Block;
import cn.nukkit.block.BlockLava;
import cn.nukkit.block.BlockLiquid;
import cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent;
import cn.nukkit.event.player.EntityFreezeEvent;
import cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk;
import cn.nukkit.math.AxisAlignedBB;
import cn.nukkit.math.SimpleAxisAlignedBB;
import cn.nukkit.math.Vector3;
import cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.CompoundTag;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.doubles.DoubleArrayList;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;

public abstract class EntityPhysical extends EntityCreature implements EntityAsyncPrepare {
     * 移动精度阈值,绝对值小于此阈值的移动被视为没有移动
    public static final float PRECISION = 0.00001f;

    public static final AtomicInteger globalCycleTickSpread = new AtomicInteger();
     * 时间泛播延迟,用于缓解在同一时间大量提交任务挤占cpu的情况
    public final int tickSpread;
     * 提供实时最新碰撞箱位置
    protected final AxisAlignedBB offsetBoundingBox;
    protected final Vector3 previousCollideMotion;
    protected final Vector3 previousCurrentMotion;
     * 实体自由落体运动的时间
    protected int fallingTick = 0;
    protected boolean needsRecalcMovement = true;
    private boolean needsCollisionDamage = false;

    public EntityPhysical(FullChunk chunk, CompoundTag nbt) {
        super(chunk, nbt);
        this.tickSpread = globalCycleTickSpread.getAndIncrement() & 0xf;
        this.offsetBoundingBox = new SimpleAxisAlignedBB(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
        previousCollideMotion = new Vector3();
        previousCurrentMotion = new Vector3();

    public void asyncPrepare(int currentTick) {
        // 计算是否需要重新计算高开销实体运动
        this.needsRecalcMovement = this.level.tickRateOptDelay == 1 || ((currentTick + tickSpread) & (this.level.tickRateOptDelay - 1)) == 0;
        // 重新计算绝对位置碰撞箱
        if (!this.isImmobile()) {
            // 处理重力
            if (needsRecalcMovement) {
                // 处理碰撞箱挤压运动

    public boolean onUpdate(int currentTick) {
        // 记录最大高度,用于计算坠落伤害
        if (!this.onGround && this.y > highestPosition) {
            this.highestPosition = this.y;
        // 添加挤压伤害
        if (needsCollisionDamage) {
            this.attack(new EntityDamageEvent(this, EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause.COLLIDE, 3));
        return super.onUpdate(currentTick);

    public boolean entityBaseTick() {
        return this.entityBaseTick(1);

    public boolean entityBaseTick(int tickDiff) {
        boolean hasUpdate = super.entityBaseTick(tickDiff);
        //handle human entity freeze
        var collidedWithPowderSnow = this.getTickCachedCollisionBlocks().stream().anyMatch(block -> block.getId() == Block.POWDER_SNOW);
        if (this.getFreezingTicks() < 140 && collidedWithPowderSnow) {
            EntityFreezeEvent event = new EntityFreezeEvent(this);
            if (!event.isCancelled()) {
                //this.setMovementSpeed(); //todo 给物理实体添加freeze减速
        } else if (this.getFreezingTicks() > 0 && !collidedWithPowderSnow) {
        if (this.getFreezingTicks() == 140 && this.getServer().getTick() % 40 == 0) {
            this.attack(new EntityDamageEvent(this, EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause.FREEZING, getFrostbiteInjury()));
        return hasUpdate;

    public boolean canBeMovedByCurrents() {
        return true;

    public void updateMovement() {
        // 检测自由落体时间
        if (isFalling()) {
        this.move(this.motionX, this.motionY, this.motionZ);

    public boolean isFalling() {
        return !this.onGround && this.y < this.highestPosition;

    public final void addTmpMoveMotion(Vector3 tmpMotion) {
        this.motionX += tmpMotion.x;
        this.motionY += tmpMotion.y;
        this.motionZ += tmpMotion.z;

    public final void addTmpMoveMotionXZ(Vector3 tmpMotion) {
        this.motionX += tmpMotion.x;
        this.motionZ += tmpMotion.z;

    protected void handleGravity() {
        this.motionY -= this.getGravity();
        if (!this.onGround && this.hasWaterAt(getFootHeight())) {

     * 计算地面摩擦力
    protected void handleGroundFrictionMovement() {
        if (!this.onGround) return;
        if (Math.abs(this.motionZ) < PRECISION && Math.abs(this.motionX) < PRECISION) return;
        // 减少移动向量(计算摩擦系数,在冰上滑得更远)
        final double factor = getGroundFrictionFactor();
        this.motionX *= factor;
        this.motionZ *= factor;
        if (Math.abs(this.motionX) < PRECISION) this.motionX = 0;
        if (Math.abs(this.motionZ) < PRECISION) this.motionZ = 0;

     * 计算流体阻力(空气/液体)
    protected void handlePassableBlockFrictionMovement() {
        if (Math.abs(this.motionZ) < PRECISION && Math.abs(this.motionX) < PRECISION && Math.abs(this.motionY) < PRECISION)
        final double factor = getPassableBlockFrictionFactor();
        this.motionX *= factor;
        this.motionY *= factor;
        this.motionZ *= factor;
        if (Math.abs(this.motionX) < PRECISION) this.motionX = 0;
        if (Math.abs(this.motionY) < PRECISION) this.motionY = 0;
        if (Math.abs(this.motionZ) < PRECISION) this.motionZ = 0;

     * 计算当前位置的地面摩擦因子
     * @return 当前位置的地面摩擦因子
    public double getGroundFrictionFactor() {
        if (!this.onGround) return 1.0;
        return this.getLevel().getTickCachedBlock(this.temporalVector.setComponents((int) Math.floor(this.x), (int) Math.floor(this.y - 1), (int) Math.floor(this.z))).getFrictionFactor();

     * 计算当前位置的流体阻力因子(空气/水)
     * @return 当前位置的流体阻力因子
    public double getPassableBlockFrictionFactor() {
        var block = this.getTickCachedLevelBlock();
        if (block.collidesWithBB(this.getBoundingBox(), true)) return block.getPassableBlockFrictionFactor();
        return Block.DEFAULT_AIR_FLUID_FRICTION;

     * 默认使用nk内置实现,这只是个后备算法
    protected void handleLiquidMovement() {
        final var tmp = new Vector3();
        BlockLiquid blockLiquid = null;
        for (final var each : this.getLevel().getCollisionBlocks(getOffsetBoundingBox(),
                false, true, block -> block instanceof BlockLiquid)) {
            blockLiquid = (BlockLiquid) each;
            final var flowVector = blockLiquid.getFlowVector();
            tmp.x += flowVector.x;
            tmp.y += flowVector.y;
            tmp.z += flowVector.z;
        if (blockLiquid != null) {
            final var len = tmp.length();
            final var speed = getLiquidMovementSpeed(blockLiquid) * 0.3f;
            if (len > 0) {
                this.motionX += tmp.x / len * speed;
                this.motionY += tmp.y / len * speed;
                this.motionZ += tmp.z / len * speed;

    protected void addPreviousLiquidMovement() {
        if (previousCurrentMotion != null)

    protected void handleFloatingMovement() {
        if (this.hasWaterAt(0)) {
            this.motionY += this.getGravity() * getFloatingForceFactor();

     * 浮力系数
* 示例: *
     * if (hasWaterAt(this.getFloatingHeight())) {//实体指定高度进入水中后实体上浮
     *     return 1.3;//因为浮力系数>1,该值越大上浮越快
     * }
     * return 0.7;//实体指定高度没进入水中,实体存在浮力会抵抗部分重力,但是不会上浮。
     *            //因为浮力系数<1,该值最好和上值相加等于2,例 1.3+0.7=2
* * @return the floating force factor */ @Since("1.19.60-r1") public double getFloatingForceFactor() { if (hasWaterAt(this.getFloatingHeight())) { return 1.3; } return 0.7; } /** * 获得浮动到的实体高度 , 0为实体底部 {@link Entity#getCurrentHeight()}为实体顶部
* 例:
值为getCurrentHeight时,实体的头部接触水平面 * * @return the float */ @PowerNukkitXOnly @Since("1.19.60-r1") public float getFloatingHeight() { return this.getEyeHeight(); } protected void handleCollideMovement(int currentTick) { var selfAABB = getOffsetBoundingBox().getOffsetBoundingBox(this.motionX, this.motionY, this.motionZ); var collidingEntities = this.level.fastCollidingEntities(selfAABB, this); collidingEntities.removeIf(entity -> !(entity.canCollide() && (entity instanceof EntityPhysical || entity instanceof Player))); var size = collidingEntities.size(); if (size == 0) { this.previousCollideMotion.setX(0); this.previousCollideMotion.setZ(0); return; } else { if (!onCollide(currentTick, collidingEntities)) { return; } } var dxPositives = new DoubleArrayList(size); var dxNegatives = new DoubleArrayList(size); var dzPositives = new DoubleArrayList(size); var dzNegatives = new DoubleArrayList(size); var stream =; if (size > 4) { stream = stream.parallel(); } stream.forEach(each -> { AxisAlignedBB targetAABB; if (each instanceof EntityPhysical entityPhysical) { targetAABB = entityPhysical.getOffsetBoundingBox(); } else if (each instanceof Player player) { targetAABB = player.reCalcOffsetBoundingBox(); } else { return; } // 计算碰撞箱 double centerXWidth = (targetAABB.getMaxX() + targetAABB.getMinX() - selfAABB.getMaxX() - selfAABB.getMinX()) * 0.5; double centerZWidth = (targetAABB.getMaxZ() + targetAABB.getMinZ() - selfAABB.getMaxZ() - selfAABB.getMinZ()) * 0.5; if (centerXWidth > 0) { dxPositives.add((targetAABB.getMaxX() - targetAABB.getMinX()) + (selfAABB.getMaxX() - selfAABB.getMinX()) * 0.5 - centerXWidth); } else { dxNegatives.add((targetAABB.getMaxX() - targetAABB.getMinX()) + (selfAABB.getMaxX() - selfAABB.getMinX()) * 0.5 + centerXWidth); } if (centerZWidth > 0) { dzPositives.add((targetAABB.getMaxZ() - targetAABB.getMinZ()) + (selfAABB.getMaxZ() - selfAABB.getMinZ()) * 0.5 - centerZWidth); } else { dzNegatives.add((targetAABB.getMaxZ() - targetAABB.getMinZ()) + (selfAABB.getMaxZ() - selfAABB.getMinZ()) * 0.5 + centerZWidth); } }); double resultX = (size > 4 ? dxPositives.doubleParallelStream() : dxPositives.doubleStream()).max().orElse(0) - (size > 4 ? dxNegatives.doubleParallelStream() : dxNegatives.doubleStream()).max().orElse(0); double resultZ = (size > 4 ? dzPositives.doubleParallelStream() : dzPositives.doubleStream()).max().orElse(0) - (size > 4 ? dzNegatives.doubleParallelStream() : dzNegatives.doubleStream()).max().orElse(0); double len = Math.sqrt(resultX * resultX + resultZ * resultZ); this.previousCollideMotion.setX(-(resultX / len * 0.2 * 0.32)); this.previousCollideMotion.setZ(-(resultZ / len * 0.2 * 0.32)); } /** * @param collidingEntities 碰撞的实体 * @return false以拦截实体碰撞运动计算 */ protected boolean onCollide(int currentTick, List collidingEntities) { if (currentTick % 10 == 0) { if (collidingEntities.size() > 24) { this.needsCollisionDamage = true; } } return true; } protected final float getLiquidMovementSpeed(BlockLiquid liquid) { if (liquid instanceof BlockLava) { return 0.02f; } return 0.05f; } public float getFootHeight() { return getCurrentHeight() / 2 - 0.1f; } protected void calculateOffsetBoundingBox() { //由于是asyncPrepare,this.offsetBoundingBox有几率为null,需要判空 if (this.offsetBoundingBox == null) return; final double dx = this.getWidth() * 0.5; final double dz = this.getHeight() * 0.5; this.offsetBoundingBox.setMinX(this.x - dx); this.offsetBoundingBox.setMaxX(this.x + dz); this.offsetBoundingBox.setMinY(this.y); this.offsetBoundingBox.setMaxY(this.y + this.getHeight()); this.offsetBoundingBox.setMinZ(this.z - dz); this.offsetBoundingBox.setMaxZ(this.z + dz); } public AxisAlignedBB getOffsetBoundingBox() { return Objects.requireNonNullElseGet(this.offsetBoundingBox, () -> new SimpleAxisAlignedBB(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)); } public void resetFallDistance() { this.fallingTick = 0; super.resetFallDistance(); } @Override public float getGravity() { return super.getGravity(); } public int getFallingTick() { return this.fallingTick; } }

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