cn.nukkit.entity.ai.sensor.NearestTargetEntitySensor Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package cn.nukkit.entity.ai.sensor;
import cn.nukkit.api.PowerNukkitXOnly;
import cn.nukkit.api.Since;
import cn.nukkit.entity.Entity;
import cn.nukkit.entity.EntityIntelligent;
import cn.nukkit.entity.ai.memory.MemoryType;
import cn.nukkit.utils.SortedList;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.Function;
* 用来搜索最近的目标实体,构造函数中接受一个目标函数{@code Function target}的Set,用于实体检测,最终结果保存到{@code List> memories}中.
* The constructor accepts a Set of Integer to target function {@code Function target} to search for the nearest target entity, and the final result is saved to {@code List> memories}.
public class NearestTargetEntitySensor implements ISensor {
protected double minRange;
protected double maxRange;
protected int period;
protected Function[] allTargetFunction;
protected List> memories;
* 不指定目标函数,默认将全部结果存入第一个记忆
* Without specifying the target function, all results will be stored in the first memory by default
* @see #NearestTargetEntitySensor(double, double, int, List, Function[])
public NearestTargetEntitySensor(double minRange, double maxRange, List> memories) {
this(minRange, maxRange, 1, memories, (Function) null);
* @param minRange 最小搜索范围
Minimum Search Range
* @param maxRange 最大搜索范围
Maximum Search Range
* @param period 传感器执行周期,单位tick
Senor execute period
* @param allTargetFunction 接收一个Set,将指定目标函数筛选的结果映射到指定索引的记忆上,目标函数接受一个参数T,返回一个Boolean
Receives a Set that set the results filtered by the specified target function to the memory of the specified index, the target function accepts a parameter T and returns a Boolean
* @param memories 保存结果的记忆类型
Memory class type for saving results
public NearestTargetEntitySensor(double minRange, double maxRange, int period, List> memories, Function... allTargetFunction) {
this.minRange = minRange;
this.maxRange = maxRange;
this.period = period;
if (allTargetFunction == null) this.allTargetFunction = null;
else {
if (memories.size() >= 1 && allTargetFunction.length == memories.size()) {
this.allTargetFunction = allTargetFunction;
} else
throw new IllegalArgumentException("All Target Function must correspond to memories one by one");
this.memories = memories;
public void sense(EntityIntelligent entity) {
double minRangeSquared = this.minRange * this.minRange;
double maxRangeSquared = this.maxRange * this.maxRange;
if (allTargetFunction == null && memories.size() == 1) {
var currentMemory = memories.get(0);
var current = entity.getMemoryStorage().get(currentMemory);
if (current != null && current.isAlive()) return;
var entities = Collections.synchronizedList(new SortedList<>(Comparator.comparingDouble((Entity e) -> e.distanceSquared(entity))));
for (Entity p : entity.getLevel().getEntities()) {
if (entity.distanceSquared(p) <= maxRangeSquared && entity.distanceSquared(p) >= minRangeSquared && !p.equals(entity)) {
if (entities.isEmpty()) {
} else entity.getMemoryStorage().put(currentMemory, entities.get(0));
if (allTargetFunction != null) {
List> sortEntities = new ArrayList<>(memories.size());
for (int i = 0, len = memories.size(); i < len; ++i) {
sortEntities.add(new SortedList<>(Comparator.comparingDouble((Entity e) -> e.distanceSquared(entity))));
for (Entity p : entity.getLevel().getEntities()) {
if (entity.distanceSquared(p) <= maxRangeSquared && entity.distanceSquared(p) >= minRangeSquared && !p.equals(entity)) {
int i = 0;
for (var targetFunction : allTargetFunction) {
if (targetFunction.apply((T) p)) {
for (int i = 0, len = sortEntities.size(); i < len; ++i) {
var currentMemory = memories.get(i);
var current = entity.getMemoryStorage().get(currentMemory);
if (current != null && current.isAlive()) continue;
if (sortEntities.get(i).isEmpty()) {
} else entity.getMemoryStorage().put(currentMemory, sortEntities.get(i).get(0));
public int getPeriod() {
return period;