cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityAreaEffectCloud Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package cn.nukkit.entity.item;
import cn.nukkit.api.PowerNukkitOnly;
import cn.nukkit.api.Since;
import cn.nukkit.entity.Entity;
import cn.nukkit.entity.EntityLiving;
import cn.nukkit.entity.data.FloatEntityData;
import cn.nukkit.entity.data.IntEntityData;
import cn.nukkit.entity.data.LongEntityData;
import cn.nukkit.entity.data.ShortEntityData;
import cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageByEntityEvent;
import cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent;
import cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityRegainHealthEvent;
import cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk;
import cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.CompoundTag;
import cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.ListTag;
import cn.nukkit.potion.Effect;
import cn.nukkit.potion.InstantEffect;
import cn.nukkit.potion.Potion;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class EntityAreaEffectCloud extends Entity {
public static final int NETWORK_ID = 95;
public List cloudEffects;
protected int reapplicationDelay;
protected int durationOnUse;
protected float initialRadius;
protected float radiusOnUse;
protected int nextApply;
private int lastAge;
public EntityAreaEffectCloud(FullChunk chunk, CompoundTag nbt) {
super(chunk, nbt);
public int getWaitTime() {
return this.getDataPropertyInt(DATA_AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD_WAITING);
public void setWaitTime(int waitTime) {
setWaitTime(waitTime, true);
public void setWaitTime(int waitTime, boolean send) {
this.setDataProperty(new IntEntityData(DATA_AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD_WAITING, waitTime), send);
public int getPotionId() {
return this.getDataPropertyShort(DATA_POTION_AUX_VALUE);
public void setPotionId(int potionId) {
setPotionId(potionId, true);
public void setPotionId(int potionId, boolean send) {
this.setDataProperty(new ShortEntityData(DATA_POTION_AUX_VALUE, potionId & 0xFFFF), send);
public void recalculatePotionColor() {
public void recalculatePotionColor(boolean send) {
int a;
int r;
int g;
int b;
int color;
if (namedTag.contains("ParticleColor")) {
color = namedTag.getInt("ParticleColor");
a = (color & 0xFF000000) >> 24;
r = (color & 0x00FF0000) >> 16;
g = (color & 0x0000FF00) >> 8;
b = color & 0x000000FF;
} else {
a = 255;
Effect effect = Potion.getEffect(getPotionId(), true);
if (effect == null) {
r = 40;
g = 40;
b = 255;
} else {
int[] colors = effect.getColor();
r = colors[0];
g = colors[1];
b = colors[2];
setPotionColor(a, r, g, b, send);
public int getPotionColor() {
return this.getDataPropertyInt(DATA_POTION_COLOR);
public void setPotionColor(int argp) {
setPotionColor(argp, true);
public void setPotionColor(int alpha, int red, int green, int blue, boolean send) {
setPotionColor(((alpha & 0xff) << 24) | ((red & 0xff) << 16) | ((green & 0xff) << 8) | (blue & 0xff), send);
public void setPotionColor(int argp, boolean send) {
this.setDataProperty(new IntEntityData(DATA_POTION_COLOR, argp), send);
public int getPickupCount() {
return this.getDataPropertyInt(DATA_PICKUP_COUNT);
public void setPickupCount(int pickupCount) {
setPickupCount(pickupCount, true);
public void setPickupCount(int pickupCount, boolean send) {
this.setDataProperty(new IntEntityData(DATA_PICKUP_COUNT, pickupCount), send);
public float getRadiusChangeOnPickup() {
return this.getDataPropertyFloat(DATA_CHANGE_ON_PICKUP);
public void setRadiusChangeOnPickup(float radiusChangeOnPickup) {
setRadiusChangeOnPickup(radiusChangeOnPickup, true);
public void setRadiusChangeOnPickup(float radiusChangeOnPickup, boolean send) {
this.setDataProperty(new FloatEntityData(DATA_CHANGE_ON_PICKUP, radiusChangeOnPickup), send);
public float getRadiusPerTick() {
return this.getDataPropertyFloat(DATA_CHANGE_RATE);
public void setRadiusPerTick(float radiusPerTick) {
setRadiusPerTick(radiusPerTick, true);
public void setRadiusPerTick(float radiusPerTick, boolean send) {
this.setDataProperty(new FloatEntityData(DATA_CHANGE_RATE, radiusPerTick), send);
public long getSpawnTime() {
return this.getDataPropertyInt(DATA_SPAWN_TIME);
public void setSpawnTime(long spawnTime) {
setSpawnTime(spawnTime, true);
public void setSpawnTime(long spawnTime, boolean send) {
this.setDataProperty(new LongEntityData(DATA_SPAWN_TIME, spawnTime), send);
public int getDuration() {
return this.getDataPropertyInt(DATA_DURATION);
public void setDuration(int duration) {
setDuration(duration, true);
public void setDuration(int duration, boolean send) {
this.setDataProperty(new IntEntityData(DATA_DURATION, duration), send);
public float getRadius() {
return this.getDataPropertyFloat(DATA_AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD_RADIUS);
public void setRadius(float radius) {
setRadius(radius, true);
public void setRadius(float radius, boolean send) {
this.setDataProperty(new FloatEntityData(DATA_AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD_RADIUS, radius), send);
public int getParticleId() {
return this.getDataPropertyInt(DATA_AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD_PARTICLE_ID);
public void setParticleId(int particleId) {
setParticleId(particleId, true);
public void setParticleId(int particleId, boolean send) {
this.setDataProperty(new IntEntityData(DATA_AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD_PARTICLE_ID, particleId), send);
protected void initEntity() {
this.invulnerable = true;
this.setDataFlag(DATA_FLAGS, DATA_FLAG_FIRE_IMMUNE, true);
this.setDataFlag(DATA_FLAGS, DATA_FLAG_IMMOBILE, true);
this.setDataProperty(new ShortEntityData(DATA_AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD_PARTICLE_ID, 32), false);
this.setDataProperty(new LongEntityData(DATA_SPAWN_TIME, this.level.getCurrentTick()), false);
this.setDataProperty(new IntEntityData(DATA_PICKUP_COUNT, 0), false);
cloudEffects = new ArrayList<>(1);
for (CompoundTag effectTag : namedTag.getList("mobEffects", CompoundTag.class).getAll()) {
Effect effect = Effect.getEffect(effectTag.getByte("Id"))
int displayedPotionId = namedTag.getShort("PotionId");
setPotionId(displayedPotionId, false);
if (namedTag.contains("Duration")) {
setDuration(namedTag.getInt("Duration"), false);
} else {
setDuration(600, false);
if (namedTag.contains("DurationOnUse")) {
durationOnUse = namedTag.getInt("DurationOnUse");
} else {
durationOnUse = 0;
if (namedTag.contains("ReapplicationDelay")) {
reapplicationDelay = namedTag.getInt("ReapplicationDelay");
} else {
reapplicationDelay = 0;
if (namedTag.contains("InitialRadius")) {
initialRadius = namedTag.getFloat("InitialRadius");
} else {
initialRadius = 3.0F;
if (namedTag.contains("Radius")) {
setRadius(namedTag.getFloat("Radius"), false);
} else {
setRadius(initialRadius, false);
if (namedTag.contains("RadiusChangeOnPickup")) {
setRadiusChangeOnPickup(namedTag.getFloat("RadiusChangeOnPickup"), false);
} else {
setRadiusChangeOnPickup(-0.5F, false);
if (namedTag.contains("RadiusOnUse")) {
radiusOnUse = namedTag.getFloat("RadiusOnUse");
} else {
radiusOnUse = -0.5F;
if (namedTag.contains("RadiusPerTick")) {
setRadiusPerTick(namedTag.getFloat("RadiusPerTick"), false);
} else {
setRadiusPerTick(-0.005F, false);
if (namedTag.contains("WaitTime")) {
setWaitTime(namedTag.getInt("WaitTime"), false);
} else {
setWaitTime(10, false);
public boolean attack(EntityDamageEvent source) {
return false;
public void saveNBT() {
ListTag effectsTag = new ListTag<>("mobEffects");
for (Effect effect : cloudEffects) {
effectsTag.add(new CompoundTag().putByte("Id", effect.getId())
.putBoolean("Ambient", effect.isAmbient())
.putByte("Amplifier", effect.getAmplifier())
.putBoolean("DisplayOnScreenTextureAnimation", effect.isVisible())
.putInt("Duration", effect.getDuration())
//TODO Do we really need to save the entity data to nbt or is it already saved somewhere?
namedTag.putInt("ParticleColor", getPotionColor());
namedTag.putShort("PotionId", getPotionId());
namedTag.putInt("Duration", getDuration());
namedTag.putInt("DurationOnUse", durationOnUse);
namedTag.putInt("ReapplicationDelay", reapplicationDelay);
namedTag.putFloat("Radius", getRadius());
namedTag.putFloat("RadiusChangeOnPickup", getRadiusChangeOnPickup());
namedTag.putFloat("RadiusOnUse", radiusOnUse);
namedTag.putFloat("RadiusPerTick", getRadiusPerTick());
namedTag.putInt("WaitTime", getWaitTime());
namedTag.putFloat("InitialRadius", initialRadius);
public boolean onUpdate(int currentTick) {
if (this.closed) {
return false;
boolean sendRadius = age % 10 == 0;
int age = this.age;
float radius = getRadius();
int waitTime = getWaitTime();
if (age < waitTime) {
radius = initialRadius;
} else if (age > waitTime + getDuration()) {
} else {
int tickDiff = age - lastAge;
radius += getRadiusPerTick() * tickDiff;
if ((nextApply -= tickDiff) <= 0) {
nextApply = reapplicationDelay + 10;
Entity[] collidingEntities = level.getCollidingEntities(getBoundingBox());
if (collidingEntities.length > 0) {
radius += radiusOnUse;
radiusOnUse /= 2;
setDuration(getDuration() + durationOnUse);
for (Entity collidingEntity : collidingEntities) {
if (collidingEntity == this || !(collidingEntity instanceof EntityLiving)) continue;
for (Effect effect : cloudEffects) {
if (effect instanceof InstantEffect) {
boolean damage = effect.getId() == Effect.HARMING;
if (collidingEntity.isUndead()) damage = !damage; // invert effect if undead
if (damage)
collidingEntity.attack(new EntityDamageByEntityEvent(this, collidingEntity, EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause.MAGIC, (float) (0.5 * (double) (6 << (effect.getAmplifier() + 1)))));
collidingEntity.heal(new EntityRegainHealthEvent(collidingEntity, (float) (0.5 * (double) (4 << (effect.getAmplifier() + 1))), EntityRegainHealthEvent.CAUSE_MAGIC));
this.lastAge = age;
if (radius <= 1.5 && age >= waitTime) {
setRadius(radius, false);
} else {
setRadius(radius, sendRadius);
float height = getHeight();
boundingBox.setBounds(x - radius, y - height, z - radius, x + radius, y + height, z + radius);
this.setDataProperty(new FloatEntityData(DATA_BOUNDING_BOX_HEIGHT, height), false);
this.setDataProperty(new FloatEntityData(DATA_BOUNDING_BOX_WIDTH, radius), false);
return true;
public boolean canCollideWith(Entity entity) {
return entity instanceof EntityLiving;
public float getHeight() {
return 0.3F + (getRadius() / 2F);
public float getWidth() {
return getRadius();
public float getLength() {
return getRadius();
protected float getGravity() {
return 0;
protected float getDrag() {
return 0;
public int getNetworkId() {
return NETWORK_ID;
public String getOriginalName() {
return "Area Effect Cloud";
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