cn.nukkit.item.customitem.data.RenderOffsets Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package cn.nukkit.item.customitem.data;
import cn.nukkit.api.PowerNukkitXOnly;
import cn.nukkit.api.Since;
import cn.nukkit.math.Vector3f;
import cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.CompoundTag;
import cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.FloatTag;
import cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.ListTag;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* RenderOffsets是设置 render_offsets 项目组件。可以设置参数来偏移物品的在不同视角下的呈现方式。
* RenderOffsets is the component that sets the render_offsets item. Parameters can be set to offset the rendering of items in different views.
public class RenderOffsets {
public final CompoundTag nbt = new CompoundTag();
* 设置自定义物品在不同视角下的渲染偏移量
* Set rendering offsets for custom items at different viewpoints
* @param mainHandFirstPerson 设置第一人称主手物品的偏移量
Set the offset of the first person main hand item
* @param mainHandThirdPerson 设置第三人称主手物品的偏移量
Set the offset of the third person main hand item
* @param offHandFirstPerson 设置第一人称副手物品的偏移量
Set the offset of the first person offhand item
* @param offHandThirdPerson 设置第三人称副手物品的偏移量
Set the offset of the third person offhand item
public RenderOffsets(@Nullable Offset mainHandFirstPerson, @Nullable Offset mainHandThirdPerson, @Nullable Offset offHandFirstPerson, @Nullable Offset offHandThirdPerson) {
if (mainHandFirstPerson != null || mainHandThirdPerson != null) {
this.nbt.putCompound("main_hand", new CompoundTag());
if (mainHandFirstPerson != null) {
this.nbt.getCompound("main_hand").putCompound("first_person", xyzToCompoundTag(mainHandFirstPerson.getPosition(), mainHandFirstPerson.getRotation(), mainHandFirstPerson.getScale()));
if (mainHandThirdPerson != null) {
this.nbt.getCompound("main_hand").putCompound("third_person", xyzToCompoundTag(mainHandThirdPerson.getPosition(), mainHandThirdPerson.getRotation(), mainHandThirdPerson.getScale()));
if (offHandFirstPerson != null || offHandThirdPerson != null) {
this.nbt.putCompound("off_hand", new CompoundTag());
if (offHandFirstPerson != null) {
this.nbt.getCompound("off_hand").putCompound("first_person", xyzToCompoundTag(offHandFirstPerson.getPosition(), offHandFirstPerson.getRotation(), offHandFirstPerson.getScale()));
if (offHandThirdPerson != null) {
this.nbt.getCompound("off_hand").putCompound("third_person", xyzToCompoundTag(offHandThirdPerson.getPosition(), offHandThirdPerson.getRotation(), offHandThirdPerson.getScale()));
} else if (mainHandFirstPerson == null && mainHandThirdPerson == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Do not allow all parameters to be empty, if you do not want to specify, please do not use the renderOffsets method");
* 以指定参数调整第一人称主手的scale偏移量
* Adjusts the scale offset of the first-person main hand with the specified multiplier
* @param multiplier 按照指定规模缩放物品,这只会影响scale,所以物品位置可能不正确
Scaling the item to the specified scale multiplier number, which only affects the scale, so the item position may not be correct.
* @return the render offsets
public static RenderOffsets scaleOffset(double multiplier) {
if (multiplier < 0) {
multiplier = 1;
float scale1 = (float) (0.075 / multiplier);
float scale2 = (float) (0.125 / multiplier);
float scale3 = (float) (0.075 / (multiplier * 2.4f));
return new RenderOffsets(
Offset.builder().scale(scale3, scale3, scale3),
Offset.builder().scale(scale1, scale2, scale1),
Offset.builder().scale(scale1, scale2, scale1),
Offset.builder().scale(scale1, scale2, scale1)
* 按照指定的物品材质大小缩放为标准16x16像素物品显示
* Scale to a standard 16x16 pixel item display at the specified item texture size
* @param textureSize 指定物品材质的像素大小,只能为16的倍数
Specify the pixel size of the item texture, which can only be a multiple of 16.
* @return the render offsets
public static RenderOffsets scaleOffset(int textureSize) {
double multiplier = textureSize / 16f;
return scaleOffset(multiplier);
private CompoundTag xyzToCompoundTag(Vector3f pos, Vector3f rot, Vector3f sc) {
var result = new CompoundTag();
if (pos != null) {
var position = new ListTag("position");
position.add(new FloatTag("", pos.x));
position.add(new FloatTag("", pos.y));
position.add(new FloatTag("", pos.z));
if (rot != null) {
var rotation = new ListTag("rotation");
rotation.add(new FloatTag("", rot.x));
rotation.add(new FloatTag("", rot.y));
rotation.add(new FloatTag("", rot.z));
if (sc != null) {
var scale = new ListTag("scale");
scale.add(new FloatTag("", sc.x));
scale.add(new FloatTag("", sc.y));
scale.add(new FloatTag("", sc.z));
return result;