cn.nukkit.level.Explosion Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package cn.nukkit.level;
import cn.nukkit.api.PowerNukkitDifference;
import cn.nukkit.api.PowerNukkitOnly;
import cn.nukkit.api.PowerNukkitXDifference;
import cn.nukkit.api.Since;
import cn.nukkit.block.Block;
import cn.nukkit.block.BlockID;
import cn.nukkit.block.BlockTNT;
import cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity;
import cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityShulkerBox;
import cn.nukkit.entity.Entity;
import cn.nukkit.entity.EntityExplosive;
import cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityItem;
import cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityXPOrb;
import cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockExplodeEvent;
import cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockUpdateEvent;
import cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageByBlockEvent;
import cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageByEntityEvent;
import cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent;
import cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause;
import cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityExplodeEvent;
import cn.nukkit.inventory.InventoryHolder;
import cn.nukkit.item.Item;
import cn.nukkit.item.ItemBlock;
import cn.nukkit.math.*;
import cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.CompoundTag;
import cn.nukkit.network.protocol.LevelEventPacket;
import cn.nukkit.utils.Hash;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.longs.LongArraySet;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2ObjectOpenHashMap;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectArrayList;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom;
* @author Angelic47 (Nukkit Project)
public class Explosion {
private final int RAYS = 16; //Rays
private final double STEP_LEN = 0.3d;
private final Level level;
private final Position source;
private final double size;
private double fireChance;
private Set affectedBlocks;
private Set fireIgnitions;
private boolean doesDamage = true;
private final Object what;
public Explosion(Position center, double size, Entity what) {
this(center, size, (Object) what);
public Explosion(Position center, double size, Block what) {
this(center, size, (Object) what);
* Creates explosion at given position with given power.
* @param center center position
* @param size the power of explosion
* @param what the source object, used for tracking damage
protected Explosion(Position center, double size, Object what) {
this.level = center.getLevel();
this.source = center;
this.size = Math.max(size, 0);
this.what = what;
public double getFireChance() {
return fireChance;
public void setFireChance(double fireChance) {
this.fireChance = fireChance;
public boolean isIncendiary() {
return fireChance > 0;
public void setIncendiary(boolean incendiary) {
if (!incendiary) {
fireChance = 0;
} else if (fireChance <= 0) {
fireChance = 1.0 / 3.0;
* @return bool
* @deprecated
public boolean explode() {
if (explodeA()) {
return explodeB();
return false;
* Calculates which blocks will be destroyed by this explosion. If {@link #explodeB()} is called without calling this,
* no blocks will be destroyed.
* @return {@code true} if success
public boolean explodeA() {
if (what instanceof EntityExplosive) {
Entity entity = (Entity) what;
int block = level.getBlockIdAt(entity.getFloorX(), entity.getFloorY(), entity.getFloorZ());
if (block == BlockID.FLOWING_WATER || block == BlockID.STILL_WATER
|| (block = level.getBlockIdAt(entity.getFloorX(), entity.getFloorY(), entity.getFloorZ(), 1)) == BlockID.FLOWING_WATER
|| block == BlockID.STILL_WATER
) {
this.doesDamage = false;
return true;
if (this.size < 0.1) {
return false;
if (affectedBlocks == null) {
affectedBlocks = new LinkedHashSet<>();
boolean incendiary = fireChance > 0;
if (incendiary && fireIgnitions == null) {
fireIgnitions = new LinkedHashSet<>();
ThreadLocalRandom random = ThreadLocalRandom.current();
Vector3 vector = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
Vector3 vBlock = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
int mRays = this.RAYS - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < this.RAYS; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < this.RAYS; ++j) {
for (int k = 0; k < this.RAYS; ++k) {
if (i == 0 || i == mRays || j == 0 || j == mRays || k == 0 || k == mRays) {
vector.setComponents((double) i / (double) mRays * 2d - 1, (double) j / (double) mRays * 2d - 1, (double) k / (double) mRays * 2d - 1);
double len = vector.length();
vector.setComponents((vector.x / len) * this.STEP_LEN, (vector.y / len) * this.STEP_LEN, (vector.z / len) * this.STEP_LEN);
double pointerX = this.source.x;
double pointerY = this.source.y;
double pointerZ = this.source.z;
for (double blastForce = this.size * (random.nextInt(700, 1301)) / 1000d; blastForce > 0; blastForce -= this.STEP_LEN * 0.75d) {
int x = (int) pointerX;
int y = (int) pointerY;
int z = (int) pointerZ;
vBlock.x = pointerX >= x ? x : x - 1;
vBlock.y = pointerY >= y ? y : y - 1;
vBlock.z = pointerZ >= z ? z : z - 1;
if (!this.level.isYInRange((int) vBlock.y)) {
Block block = this.level.getBlock(vBlock);
if (block.getId() != 0) {
Block layer1 = block.getLevelBlockAtLayer(1);
double resistance = Math.max(block.getResistance(), layer1.getResistance());
blastForce -= (resistance / 5 + 0.3d) * this.STEP_LEN;
if (blastForce > 0) {
if (this.affectedBlocks.add(block)) {
if (incendiary && random.nextDouble() <= fireChance) {
if (layer1.getId() != BlockID.AIR) {
pointerX += vector.x;
pointerY += vector.y;
pointerZ += vector.z;
return true;
* Executes the explosion's effects on the world. This includes destroying blocks (if any),
* harming and knocking back entities, and creating sounds and particles.
* @return {@code false} if explosion was canceled, otherwise {@code true}
@PowerNukkitDifference(info = "Using new method to play sounds", since = "")
@PowerNukkitXDifference(info = "Reduce explosion damage if entities behind blocks", since = "1.20.10-r1")
public boolean explodeB() {
LongArraySet updateBlocks = new LongArraySet();
List send = new ArrayList<>();
Vector3 source = (new Vector3(this.source.x, this.source.y, this.source.z)).floor();
double yield = (1d / this.size) * 100d;
if (affectedBlocks == null) {
affectedBlocks = new LinkedHashSet<>();
if (this.what instanceof Entity) {
List affectedBlocksList = new ArrayList<>(this.affectedBlocks);
EntityExplodeEvent ev = new EntityExplodeEvent((Entity) this.what, this.source, affectedBlocksList, yield);
ev.setIgnitions(fireIgnitions == null ? new LinkedHashSet<>(0) : fireIgnitions);
if (ev.isCancelled()) {
return false;
} else {
yield = ev.getYield();
fireIgnitions = ev.getIgnitions();
} else if (this.what instanceof Block) {
BlockExplodeEvent ev = new BlockExplodeEvent((Block) this.what, this.source, this.affectedBlocks,
fireIgnitions == null ? new LinkedHashSet<>(0) : fireIgnitions, yield, this.fireChance);
if (ev.isCancelled()) {
return false;
} else {
yield = ev.getYield();
affectedBlocks = ev.getAffectedBlocks();
fireIgnitions = ev.getIgnitions();
double explosionSize = this.size * 2d;
double minX = NukkitMath.floorDouble(this.source.x - explosionSize - 1);
double maxX = NukkitMath.ceilDouble(this.source.x + explosionSize + 1);
double minY = NukkitMath.floorDouble(this.source.y - explosionSize - 1);
double maxY = NukkitMath.ceilDouble(this.source.y + explosionSize + 1);
double minZ = NukkitMath.floorDouble(this.source.z - explosionSize - 1);
double maxZ = NukkitMath.ceilDouble(this.source.z + explosionSize + 1);
AxisAlignedBB explosionBB = new SimpleAxisAlignedBB(minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ);
Entity[] list = this.level.getNearbyEntities(explosionBB, this.what instanceof Entity ? (Entity) this.what : null);
for (Entity entity : list) {
double distance = entity.distance(this.source) / explosionSize;
if (distance <= 1) {
Vector3 motion = entity.subtract(this.source).normalize();
float exposure = 1 - level.getBlockDensity(this.source, entity.boundingBox);
double impact = (1 - distance) * exposure;
int damage = this.doesDamage ? (int) (((impact * impact + impact) / 2) * 8 * explosionSize + 1) : 0;
if (this.what instanceof Entity) {
entity.attack(new EntityDamageByEntityEvent((Entity) this.what, entity, DamageCause.ENTITY_EXPLOSION, damage));
} else if (this.what instanceof Block) {
entity.attack(new EntityDamageByBlockEvent((Block) this.what, entity, DamageCause.BLOCK_EXPLOSION, damage));
} else {
entity.attack(new EntityDamageEvent(entity, DamageCause.BLOCK_EXPLOSION, damage));
if (!(entity instanceof EntityItem || entity instanceof EntityXPOrb)) {
var multipliedMotion = motion.multiply(impact);
entity.motionX += multipliedMotion.x;
entity.motionY += multipliedMotion.y;
entity.motionZ += multipliedMotion.z;
ItemBlock air = new ItemBlock(Block.get(BlockID.AIR));
BlockEntity container;
List smokePositions = this.affectedBlocks.isEmpty() ? Collections.emptyList() : new ObjectArrayList<>();
ThreadLocalRandom random = ThreadLocalRandom.current();
for (Block block : this.affectedBlocks) {
if (block.getId() == BlockID.TNT) {
((BlockTNT) block).prime(random.nextInt(10, 31), this.what instanceof Entity ? (Entity) this.what : null);
} else if ((container = block.getLevel().getBlockEntity(block)) instanceof InventoryHolder) {
if (container instanceof BlockEntityShulkerBox) {
this.level.dropItem(block.add(0.5, 0.5, 0.5), block.toItem());
((InventoryHolder) container).getInventory().clearAll();
} else {
for (Item drop : ((InventoryHolder) container).getInventory().getContents().values()) {
this.level.dropItem(block.add(0.5, 0.5, 0.5), drop);
((InventoryHolder) container).getInventory().clearAll();
} else if (random.nextDouble() * 100 < yield) {
for (Item drop : block.getDrops(air)) {
this.level.dropItem(block.add(0.5, 0.5, 0.5), drop);
if (random.nextInt(8) == 0) {
this.level.setBlockAtLayer((int) block.x, (int) block.y, (int) block.z, block.layer, BlockID.AIR);
if (block.layer != 0) {
Vector3 pos = new Vector3(block.x, block.y, block.z);
for (BlockFace side : BlockFace.values()) {
Vector3 sideBlock = pos.getSide(side);
long index = Hash.hashBlock((int) sideBlock.x, (int) sideBlock.y, (int) sideBlock.z);
if (!this.affectedBlocks.contains(sideBlock) && !updateBlocks.contains(index)) {
BlockUpdateEvent ev = new BlockUpdateEvent(this.level.getBlock(sideBlock));
if (!ev.isCancelled()) {
Block layer1 = this.level.getBlock(sideBlock, 1);
if (layer1.getId() != BlockID.AIR) {
ev = new BlockUpdateEvent(layer1);
if (!ev.isCancelled()) {
send.add(new Vector3(block.x - source.x, block.y - source.y, block.z - source.z));
for (Vector3 remainingPos : fireIgnitions) {
Block toIgnite = level.getBlock(remainingPos);
if (toIgnite.getId() == BlockID.AIR && toIgnite.down().isSolid(BlockFace.UP)) {
level.setBlock(toIgnite, Block.get(BlockID.FIRE));
int count = smokePositions.size();
CompoundTag data = new CompoundTag(new Object2ObjectOpenHashMap<>(count, 0.999999f))
.putFloat("originX", (float) this.source.x)
.putFloat("originY", (float) this.source.y)
.putFloat("originZ", (float) this.source.z)
.putFloat("radius", (float) this.size)
.putInt("size", count);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
Vector3 pos = smokePositions.get(i);
String prefix = "pos" + i;
data.putFloat(prefix + "x", (float) pos.x);
data.putFloat(prefix + "y", (float) pos.y);
data.putFloat(prefix + "z", (float) pos.z);
this.level.addSound(this.source, Sound.RANDOM_EXPLODE);
this.level.addLevelEvent(this.source, LevelEventPacket.EVENT_PARTICLE_EXPLOSION, Math.round((float) this.size));
this.level.addLevelEvent(this.source, LevelEventPacket.EVENT_PARTICLE_BLOCK_EXPLOSION, data);
return true;
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