cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.mesa.MesaBiome Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.mesa;
import cn.nukkit.api.PowerNukkitOnly;
import cn.nukkit.api.Since;
import cn.nukkit.block.BlockSand;
import cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockState;
import cn.nukkit.level.biome.type.CoveredBiome;
import cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.f.SimplexF;
import cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorCactus;
import cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorDeadBush;
import cn.nukkit.math.NukkitRandom;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Random;
* @author DaPorkchop_
* Handles the placement of stained clay for all mesa variants
public class MesaBiome extends CoveredBiome {
static final int[] colorLayer = new int[64];
static final SimplexF redSandNoise = new SimplexF(new NukkitRandom(937478913), 2f, 1 / 4f, 1 / 4f);
static final SimplexF colorNoise = new SimplexF(new NukkitRandom(193759875), 2f, 1 / 4f, 1 / 32f);
private static final BlockState STATE_TERRACOTTA = BlockState.of(HARDENED_CLAY);
private static final BlockState STATE_RED_SAND = BlockState.of(SAND, BlockSand.RED);
private static final BlockState STATE_RED_SANDSTONE = BlockState.of(RED_SANDSTONE);
private static final BlockState[] STATE_STAINED_TERRACOTTA = new BlockState[16];
static {
for (int i = 0; i < STATE_STAINED_TERRACOTTA.length; i++) {
Random random = new Random(29864);
Arrays.fill(colorLayer, -1); // hard clay, other values are stained clay
setRandomLayerColor(random, 14, 1); // orange
setRandomLayerColor(random, 8, 4); // yellow
setRandomLayerColor(random, 7, 12); // brown
setRandomLayerColor(random, 10, 14); // red
for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < random.nextInt(3) + 3; i++) {
j += random.nextInt(6) + 4;
if (j >= colorLayer.length - 3) {
if (random.nextInt(2) == 0 || j < colorLayer.length - 1 && random.nextInt(2) == 0) {
colorLayer[j - 1] = 8; // light gray
} else {
colorLayer[j] = 0; // white
protected int moundHeight;
private final SimplexF moundNoise = new SimplexF(new NukkitRandom(347228794), 2f, 1 / 4f, getMoundFrequency());
public MesaBiome() {
PopulatorCactus cactus = new PopulatorCactus();
PopulatorDeadBush deadBush = new PopulatorDeadBush();
private static void setRandomLayerColor(Random random, int sliceCount, int color) {
for (int i = 0; i < random.nextInt(4) + sliceCount; i++) {
int j = random.nextInt(colorLayer.length);
int k = 0;
while (k < random.nextInt(2) + 1 && j < colorLayer.length) {
colorLayer[j++] = color;
public void setMoundHeight(int height) {
this.moundHeight = height;
public int getSurfaceDepth(int x, int y, int z) {
return y < (71 + Math.round((redSandNoise.noise2D(x, z, true) + 1) * 1.5f)) ? 3 : y - 66;
public BlockState getSurfaceState(int x, int y, int z) {
if (y < (71 + Math.round((redSandNoise.noise2D(x, z, true) + 1) * 1.5f))) {
} else {
int meta = colorLayer[(y + Math.round((colorNoise.noise2D(x, z, true) + 1) * 1.5f)) & 0x3F];
return meta == -1 ? STATE_TERRACOTTA : STATE_STAINED_TERRACOTTA[Math.max(0, meta)];
public int getGroundDepth(int x, int y, int z) {
return y < (71 + Math.round((redSandNoise.noise2D(x, z, true) + 1) * 1.5f)) ? 2 : 0;
public BlockState getGroundState(int x, int y, int z) {
public String getName() {
return "Mesa";
protected float getMoundFrequency() {
return 1 / 128f;
public int getHeightOffset(int x, int z) {
float n = moundNoise.noise2D(x, z, true);
float a = minHill();
return (n > a && n < a + 0.2f) ? (int) ((n - a) * 5f * moundHeight) : n < a + 0.1f ? 0 : moundHeight;
protected float minHill() {
return -0.1f;
public boolean canRain() {
return false;