cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.ObjectCherryTree Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree;
import cn.nukkit.api.PowerNukkitXOnly;
import cn.nukkit.api.Since;
import cn.nukkit.block.BlockCherryLeaves;
import cn.nukkit.block.BlockCherryLog;
import cn.nukkit.block.BlockID;
import cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockState;
import cn.nukkit.level.ChunkManager;
import cn.nukkit.math.BlockFace;
import cn.nukkit.math.BlockVector3;
import cn.nukkit.math.NukkitRandom;
import cn.nukkit.math.Vector3;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
public class ObjectCherryTree extends TreeGenerator {
protected BlockState LOG_Y_AXIS;
protected BlockState LOG_X_AXIS;
protected BlockState LOG_Z_AXIS;
protected BlockState LEAVES;
public ObjectCherryTree() {
var logY = new BlockCherryLog();
this.LOG_Y_AXIS = logY.getCurrentState();
var logX = new BlockCherryLog();
this.LOG_X_AXIS = logX.getCurrentState();
var logZ = new BlockCherryLog();
this.LOG_Z_AXIS = logZ.getCurrentState();
this.LEAVES = new BlockCherryLeaves().getCurrentState();
public boolean generate(ChunkManager level, NukkitRandom rand, Vector3 position) {
final int x = position.getFloorX();
final int y = position.getFloorY();
final int z = position.getFloorZ();
final var isBigTree = rand.nextBoolean();
if (isBigTree) {
var ok = generateBigTree(level, rand, x, y, z);
if (ok) return true;
return generateSmallTree(level, rand, x, y, z);
protected boolean generateBigTree(ChunkManager level, @NotNull NukkitRandom rand, final int x, final int y, final int z) {
final int mainTrunkHeight = (rand.nextBoolean() ? 1 : 0) + 10;
if (!canPlaceObject(level, mainTrunkHeight, x, y, z)) return false;
var growOnXAxis = rand.nextBoolean();
int xMultiplier = growOnXAxis ? 1 : 0;
int zMultiplier = growOnXAxis ? 0 : 1;
final int leftSideTrunkLength = rand.nextRange(2, 4);
final int leftSideTrunkHeight = rand.nextRange(3, 5);
final int leftSideTrunkStartY = rand.nextRange(4, 5);
if (!canPlaceObject(level, leftSideTrunkHeight, x - leftSideTrunkLength * xMultiplier,
y + leftSideTrunkStartY, z - leftSideTrunkLength * zMultiplier)) {
growOnXAxis = !growOnXAxis;
xMultiplier = growOnXAxis ? 1 : 0;
zMultiplier = growOnXAxis ? 0 : 1;
if (!canPlaceObject(level, leftSideTrunkHeight, x - leftSideTrunkLength * xMultiplier,
y + leftSideTrunkStartY, z - leftSideTrunkLength * zMultiplier)) {
return false;
final int rightSideTrunkLength = rand.nextRange(2, 4);
final int rightSideTrunkHeight = rand.nextRange(3, 5);
final int rightSideTrunkStartY = rand.nextRange(4, 5);
if (!canPlaceObject(level, rightSideTrunkHeight, x + rightSideTrunkLength * xMultiplier,
y + rightSideTrunkStartY, z + rightSideTrunkLength * zMultiplier)) return false;
this.setDirtAt(level, new BlockVector3(x, y - 1, z));
// Generate main trunk
for (int yy = 0; yy < mainTrunkHeight; ++yy) {
level.setBlockStateAt(x, y + yy, z, LOG_Y_AXIS);
// generate side trunks
final var sideBlockState = growOnXAxis ? LOG_X_AXIS : LOG_Z_AXIS;
// generate left-side trunk
for (int xx = 1; xx <= leftSideTrunkLength; ++xx) {
if (this.canGrowInto(level.getBlockIdAt(x - xx * xMultiplier, y + leftSideTrunkStartY, z - xx * zMultiplier)))
level.setBlockStateAt(x - xx * xMultiplier, y + leftSideTrunkStartY, z - xx * zMultiplier, sideBlockState);
for (int yy = 1; yy < leftSideTrunkHeight; ++yy) {
if (this.canGrowInto(level.getBlockIdAt(x - leftSideTrunkLength * xMultiplier,
y + leftSideTrunkStartY + yy, z - leftSideTrunkLength * zMultiplier)))
level.setBlockStateAt(x - leftSideTrunkLength * xMultiplier, y + leftSideTrunkStartY + yy,
z - leftSideTrunkLength * zMultiplier, LOG_Y_AXIS);
// We just generated this above
// |
// | | |
// └-----|-----┘
// |
// However, when start y == 4, minecraft generate trunk like this:
// |
// └-┐ | ┌-┘
// └---|---┘
// |
if (leftSideTrunkStartY == 4) {
var tmpX = x - leftSideTrunkLength * xMultiplier;
var tmpY = y + leftSideTrunkStartY;
var tmpZ = z - leftSideTrunkLength * zMultiplier;
level.setBlockIdAt(tmpX, tmpY, tmpZ, 0);
tmpX += xMultiplier;
tmpY += 1;
tmpZ += zMultiplier;
if (this.canGrowInto(level.getBlockIdAt(tmpX, tmpY, tmpZ))) {
level.setBlockStateAt(tmpX, tmpY, tmpZ, LOG_Y_AXIS);
tmpX -= xMultiplier;
tmpZ -= zMultiplier;
if (this.canGrowInto(level.getBlockIdAt(tmpX, tmpY, tmpZ))) {
level.setBlockStateAt(tmpX, tmpY, tmpZ, sideBlockState);
// generate right-side trunk
for (int xx = 1; xx <= rightSideTrunkLength; ++xx) {
if (this.canGrowInto(level.getBlockIdAt(x + xx * xMultiplier, y + rightSideTrunkStartY, z + xx * zMultiplier)))
level.setBlockStateAt(x + xx * xMultiplier, y + rightSideTrunkStartY, z + xx * zMultiplier, sideBlockState);
for (int yy = 1; yy < rightSideTrunkHeight; ++yy) {
if (this.canGrowInto(level.getBlockIdAt(x + rightSideTrunkLength * xMultiplier,
y + rightSideTrunkStartY + yy, z + rightSideTrunkLength * zMultiplier)))
level.setBlockStateAt(x + rightSideTrunkLength * xMultiplier, y + rightSideTrunkStartY + yy,
z + rightSideTrunkLength * zMultiplier, LOG_Y_AXIS);
if (rightSideTrunkStartY == 4) {
var tmpX = x + rightSideTrunkLength * xMultiplier;
var tmpY = y + rightSideTrunkStartY;
var tmpZ = z + rightSideTrunkLength * zMultiplier;
level.setBlockIdAt(tmpX, tmpY, tmpZ, 0);
tmpX -= xMultiplier;
tmpY += 1;
tmpZ -= zMultiplier;
if (this.canGrowInto(level.getBlockIdAt(tmpX, tmpY, tmpZ))) {
level.setBlockStateAt(tmpX, tmpY, tmpZ, LOG_Y_AXIS);
tmpX += xMultiplier;
tmpZ += zMultiplier;
if (this.canGrowInto(level.getBlockIdAt(tmpX, tmpY, tmpZ))) {
level.setBlockStateAt(tmpX, tmpY, tmpZ, sideBlockState);
// generate main trunk leaves
generateLeaves(level, rand, x, y + mainTrunkHeight + 1, z);
// generate left-side trunk leaves
generateLeaves(level, rand, x - leftSideTrunkLength * xMultiplier,
y + leftSideTrunkStartY + leftSideTrunkHeight + 1, z - leftSideTrunkLength * zMultiplier);
// generate right-side trunk leaves
generateLeaves(level, rand, x + rightSideTrunkLength * xMultiplier,
y + rightSideTrunkStartY + rightSideTrunkHeight + 1, z + rightSideTrunkLength * zMultiplier);
return true;
protected boolean generateSmallTree(ChunkManager level, @NotNull NukkitRandom rand, final int x, final int y, final int z) {
final int mainTrunkHeight = (rand.nextBoolean() ? 1 : 0) + 4;
final int sideTrunkHeight = rand.nextRange(3, 5);
if (!canPlaceObject(level, mainTrunkHeight + 1, x, y, z)) return false;
var growDirection = rand.nextRange(0, 3);
int xMultiplier = 0;
int zMultiplier = 0;
var canPlace = false;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
growDirection = (growDirection + 1) % 4;
xMultiplier = switch (growDirection) {
case 0 -> -1;
case 1 -> 1;
default -> 0;
zMultiplier = switch (growDirection) {
case 2 -> -1;
case 3 -> 1;
default -> 0;
if (canPlaceObject(level, sideTrunkHeight, x + xMultiplier * sideTrunkHeight, y,
z + zMultiplier * sideTrunkHeight)) {
canPlace = true;
if (!canPlace) {
return false;
final var sideBlockState = xMultiplier == 0 ? LOG_Z_AXIS : LOG_X_AXIS;
// Generate main trunk
for (int yy = 0; yy < mainTrunkHeight; ++yy) {
if (this.canGrowInto(level.getBlockIdAt(x, y + yy, z)))
level.setBlockStateAt(x, y + yy, z, LOG_Y_AXIS);
// Generate side trunk
// (└)-┐ <- if side trunk is 4 or more blocks high, do not place the last block
// └-┐ <- side trunk
// └-┐
// | <- main trunk
// |
for (int yy = 1; yy <= sideTrunkHeight; ++yy) {
var tmpX = x + yy * xMultiplier;
var tmpY = y + mainTrunkHeight + yy - 2;
var tmpZ = z + yy * zMultiplier;
if (this.canGrowInto(level.getBlockIdAt(tmpX, tmpY, tmpZ))) {
level.setBlockStateAt(tmpX, tmpY, tmpZ, sideBlockState);
// if side trunk is 4 or 5 blocks high, do not place the last block
if (yy == sideTrunkHeight - 1 && sideTrunkHeight > 3) {
tmpY += 1;
if (this.canGrowInto(level.getBlockIdAt(tmpX, tmpY, tmpZ))) {
level.setBlockStateAt(tmpX, tmpY, tmpZ, LOG_Y_AXIS);
// generate leaves
generateLeaves(level, rand, x + sideTrunkHeight * xMultiplier, y + mainTrunkHeight + sideTrunkHeight,
z + sideTrunkHeight * zMultiplier);
return true;
static final int LEAVES_RADIUS = 4;
public void generateLeaves(ChunkManager level, NukkitRandom rand, final int x, final int y, final int z) {
for (int dy = -2; dy <= 2; dy++) {
for (int dx = -LEAVES_RADIUS; dx <= LEAVES_RADIUS; dx++) {
for (int dz = -LEAVES_RADIUS; dz <= LEAVES_RADIUS; dz++) {
var currentRadius = LEAVES_RADIUS - (Math.max(1, Math.abs(dy)));
if (dx * dx + dz * dz > currentRadius * currentRadius) continue;
var blockId = level.getBlockIdAt(x + dx, y + dy, z + dz);
if (blockId == 0 || blockId == BlockID.LEAVES || blockId == BlockID.LEAVES2 ||
blockId == BlockID.AZALEA_LEAVES || blockId == BlockID.AZALEA_LEAVES_FLOWERED) {
level.setBlockStateAt(x + dx, y + dy, z + dz, LEAVES);
if (dy == -2 && rand.nextRange(0, 2) == 0) {
blockId = level.getBlockIdAt(x + dx, y + dy - 1, z + dz);
if (blockId == 0 || blockId == BlockID.LEAVES || blockId == BlockID.LEAVES2 ||
blockId == BlockID.AZALEA_LEAVES || blockId == BlockID.AZALEA_LEAVES_FLOWERED) {
level.setBlockStateAt(x + dx, y + dy - 1, z + dz, LEAVES);
public boolean canPlaceObject(ChunkManager level, int treeHeight, int x, int y, int z) {
int radiusToCheck = 0;
for (int yy = 0; yy < treeHeight + 3; ++yy) {
if (yy == 1 || yy == treeHeight) {
for (int xx = -radiusToCheck; xx < (radiusToCheck + 1); ++xx) {
for (int zz = -radiusToCheck; zz < (radiusToCheck + 1); ++zz) {
if (!this.canGrowInto(level.getBlockIdAt(x + xx, y + yy, z + zz))) {
return false;
return true;
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