cn.nukkit.math.BVector3 Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package cn.nukkit.math;
import cn.nukkit.api.DoNotModify;
import cn.nukkit.api.PowerNukkitXDifference;
import cn.nukkit.api.PowerNukkitXOnly;
import cn.nukkit.api.Since;
import cn.nukkit.level.Location;
import static java.lang.StrictMath.*;
* 向量计算工具,同时整合了yaw和pitch与坐标空间的转换功能
* A vector calculation tool that integrates the conversion functions of yaw and pitch and coordinate space at the same time
@PowerNukkitXDifference(info = "update Angle algorithm", since = "1.19.60-r1")
public final class BVector3 {
* 向量的单位向量
* the unit vector of a vector
private Vector3 vector3;//标准化的方向向量,模长为1
private double yaw;//-90 270
private double pitch;//-90 90
* 向量的模
private double length;
* 通过传入的Location的yaw与pitch初始化BVector3
* 此方法返回的BVector3的模长为1
* Initialize BVector3 by passing in the yaw and pitch of Location
* The module length of BVector3 returned by this method is 1
* @param location the location
* @return the b vector 3
public static BVector3 fromLocation(Location location) {
return fromLocation(location, 1);
* 通过传入的Location的yaw与pitch初始化BVector3
* 此方法返回的BVector3的模长为传入的length值
* Initialize BVector3 by passing in the yaw and pitch of the Location
* The module length of the BVector3 returned by this method is the length value passed in
* @param location the location
* @return the b vector 3
public static BVector3 fromLocation(Location location, double length) {
return new BVector3(location.getYaw(), location.getPitch(), length);
* 通过传入的yaw与pitch初始化BVector3
* 此方法返回的BVector3的模长为1
* Initialize BVector3 by passing in yaw and pitch
* The module length of BVector3 returned by this method is 1
* @param yaw the yaw (-90 270)
* @param pitch the pitch
* @return the b vector 3
public static BVector3 fromAngle(double yaw, double pitch) {
return new BVector3(yaw, pitch, 1);
* 通过传入的向量坐标初始化BVector3
* Initialize B Vector 3 with the vector coordinates passed in
* @param pos 向量坐标
* @return the b vector 3
public static BVector3 fromPos(Vector3 pos) {
return new BVector3(pos);
* 通过传入的向量坐标初始化BVector3
* Initialize B Vector 3 with the vector coordinates passed in
* @param x the x
* @param y the y
* @param z the z
* @return the b vector 3
public static BVector3 fromPos(double x, double y, double z) {
return fromPos(new Vector3(x, y, z));
* 通过传入的yaw、pitch和向量的模初始化BVector3
* Initialize B Vector 3 by the modulus of the incoming yaw, pitch and vector
* @param yaw the yaw
* @param pitch the pitch
* @param length 向量模
private BVector3(double yaw, double pitch, double length) {
this.vector3 = getDirectionVector(yaw, pitch);
this.yaw = getYawFromVector(this.vector3);
this.pitch = getPitchFromVector(this.vector3);
this.length = length;
* 通过传入的向量坐标初始化BVector3
* Initialize B Vector 3 with the vector coordinates passed in
* @param vector3 向量坐标
private BVector3(Vector3 vector3) {
this.yaw = getYawFromVector(vector3);
this.pitch = getPitchFromVector(vector3);
this.vector3 = getDirectionVector(yaw, pitch);
this.length = vector3.length();
* 设置Yaw
* @param yaw the yaw
* @return the yaw
public BVector3 setYaw(double yaw) {
this.vector3 = getDirectionVector(yaw, this.pitch);
this.yaw = getYawFromVector(this.vector3);
return this;
* 设置 pitch.
* @param pitch the pitch
* @return the pitch
public BVector3 setPitch(double pitch) {
this.vector3 = getDirectionVector(this.yaw, pitch);
this.pitch = getPitchFromVector(this.vector3);
return this;
* 旋转Yaw
* Rotate Yaw
* @param yaw the yaw
* @return the b vector 3
public BVector3 rotateYaw(double yaw) {
this.yaw += yaw;
this.vector3 = getDirectionVector(this.yaw, this.pitch);
this.yaw = getYawFromVector(this.vector3);
return this;
* 旋转Pitch
* Rotate Pitch
* @param pitch the pitch
* @return the b vector 3
public BVector3 rotatePitch(double pitch) {
this.pitch += pitch;
this.vector3 = getDirectionVector(this.yaw, this.pitch);
this.pitch = getPitchFromVector(this.vector3);
return this;
* 旋转yaw和Pitch
* Rotate yaw and pitch
* @param yaw the yaw
* @param pitch the pitch
* @return the b vector 3
public BVector3 rotate(double yaw, double pitch) {
this.pitch += pitch;
this.yaw += yaw;
this.vector3 = getDirectionVector(this.yaw, this.pitch);
this.pitch = getPitchFromVector(this.vector3);
this.pitch = getYawFromVector(this.vector3);
return this;
* 向量加法
* @return 结果向量
public BVector3 add(double x, double y, double z) {
var pos = this.vector3.multiply(this.length);
pos.add(x, y, z);
this.yaw = getYawFromVector(pos);
this.pitch = getPitchFromVector(pos);
this.vector3 = pos.normalize();
this.length = pos.length();
return this;
* 向量加法
* @return 结果向量
public BVector3 add(Vector3 vector3) {
return add(vector3.x, vector3.y, vector3.z);
* 添加指定模长的方向向量到Vector3(0, 0, 0)
* 其实就是返回此向量的坐标
* Adding the direction vector of the specified modulus length to Vector3(0, 0, 0)
actually returns the coordinates of this vector
* @return the vector 3
public Vector3 addToPos() {
return new Vector3(this.vector3.x * this.length, this.vector3.y * this.length, this.vector3.z * this.length);
* 将此向量的坐标添加到pos上
* @param pos the pos
* @return the vector 3
public Vector3 addToPos(Vector3 pos) {
return pos.add(this.vector3.x * this.length, this.vector3.y * this.length, this.vector3.z * this.length);
* 设置该向量的模
* @param length the length
* @return the length
public BVector3 setLength(double length) {
this.length = length;
return this;
* 增加该向量的模
* 当然你也可以传入负数,但请确保最终长度要大于0!
* @param length 增加/减少的模
* @return 自身
public BVector3 extend(double length) {
if ((this.length + length) <= 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Vector length must bigger than zero");
this.length += length;
return this;
public double getYaw() {
return yaw;
public double getPitch() {
return pitch;
* 获取单位方向向量
* @return the direction vector
public Vector3 getDirectionVector() {
return vector3.clone();
* 获取未克隆的单位方向向量
* @return the direction vector
public Vector3 getUnclonedDirectionVector() {
return vector3;
* 通过yaw与pitch计算出等价的Vector3方向向量
* @param yaw yaw
* @param pitch pitch
* @return Vector3方向向量
public static Vector3 getDirectionVector(double yaw, double pitch) {
var pitch0 = toRadians(pitch + 90);
var yaw0 = toRadians(yaw + 90);
var x = sin(pitch0) * cos(yaw0);
var z = sin(pitch0) * sin(yaw0);
var y = cos(pitch0);
return new Vector3(x, y, z).normalize();
* 通过方向向量计算出yaw
* Calculate yaw from the direction vector
* @param vector 方向向量
* @return yaw
public static double getYawFromVector(Vector3 vector) {
double length = vector.x * vector.x + vector.z * vector.z;
// 避免NAN
if (length == 0) {
return 0;
double yaw = toDegrees(asin(-vector.x / sqrt(length)));
return -vector.z > 0.0D ? 180.0D - yaw : StrictMath.abs(yaw) < 1E-10 ? 0 : yaw;
* 通过方向向量计算出pitch
* Calculate the pitch by the direction vector
* @param vector 方向向量
* @return pitch
public static double getPitchFromVector(Vector3 vector) {
double length = vector.x * vector.x + vector.z * vector.z + vector.y * vector.y;
// 避免NAN
if (length == 0) {
return 0;
var pitch = toDegrees(asin(-vector.y / sqrt(length)));
return StrictMath.abs(pitch) < 1E-10 ? 0 : pitch;