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cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginDescription Maven / Gradle / Ivy

package cn.nukkit.plugin;

import cn.nukkit.api.PowerNukkitXOnly;
import cn.nukkit.api.Since;
import cn.nukkit.permission.Permission;
import cn.nukkit.utils.PluginException;
import org.yaml.snakeyaml.DumperOptions;
import org.yaml.snakeyaml.Yaml;

import java.util.*;

/* TODO Add these to Javadoc:
  • softdepend
  • *
  • loadbefore
  • */ /** * 描述一个Nukkit插件的类。
    * Describes a Nukkit plugin. *

    * 在jar格式的插件中,插件的描述内容可以在plugin.yml中定义。比如这个:
    * The description of a jar-packed plugin can be defined in the 'plugin.yml' file. For example: *

     * name: HelloWorldPlugin
     * main: com.cnblogs.xtypr.helloworldplugin.HelloWorldPlugin
     * version: "1.0.0"
     * api: ["1.0.0"]
     * load: POSTWORLD
     * author: 粉鞋大妈
     * description: A simple Hello World plugin for Nukkit
     * website:
     * permissions:
     *  helloworldplugin.command.helloworld:
     *   description: Allows to use helloworld command.
     *   default: true
     * commands:
     *  helloworld:
     *   description: the helloworld command
     *   usage: "/helloworld"
     *   permission: helloworldplugin.command.helloworld
     * depend:
     * - TestPlugin1
    * 在使用plugin.yml来定义插件时,{@code name}、{@code main}、{@code version}、{@code api}这几个字段是必需的, * 要让Nukkit能够正常加载你的插件,必须要合理地填写这几个字段。
    * When using plugin.yml file to define your plugin, it's REQUIRED to fill these items: * {@code name},{@code main},{@code version} and {@code api}.You are supposed to fill these items to make sure * your plugin can be normally loaded by Nukkit.
    * *

    接下来对所有的字段做一些说明,加粗的字段表示必需,斜体表示可选:(来自 * 粉鞋大妈的博客文章
    * Here are some instructions for there items, bold means required, italic means optional: (From * a blog article of @粉鞋大妈) *

    • name
      * 字符串,表示这个插件的名字,名字是区分不同插件的标准之一。 * 插件的名字不能包含“nukkit”“minecraft”“mojang”这几个字符串,而且不应该包含空格。
      * String, the plugin name. Name is one of the ways to distinguish different plugins. * A plugin name can't contain 'nukkit' 'minecraft' 'mojang', and shouldn't contain spaces.
    • *
    • version
      * 字符串,表示这个插件的版本号。使用类似于1.0.0这样的版本号时,应该使用引号包围来防止误识别。
      * String, the version string of plugin. When using the version string like "1.0.0", * quotation marks are required to add, or there will be an exception.
    • *
    • api
      * 字符串序列,表示这个插件支持的Nukkit API版本号列表。插件作者应该调试能支持的API,然后把版本号添加到这个列表。
      * A set of String, the Nukkit API versions that the plugin supports. Plugin developers should debug in different * Nukkit APIs and try out the versions supported, and add them to this list.
    • *
    • main
      * 字符串,表示这个插件的主类。插件的主类不能放在“cn.nukkit”包下
      * String, the main class of plugin. The main class can't be placed at 'cn.nukkit' package.
    • *
    • author or authors
      * 字符串/字符串序列,两个任选一个,表示这个插件的作者/作者列表。
      * String or A set of String. One of two is chosen, to describe the author or the list of authors.
    • *
    • website
      * 字符串,表示这个插件的网站。插件使用者或者开发者可以访问这个网站来获取插件更多的信息。 * 这个网站可以是插件发布帖子或者插件官网等。
      * String, the website of plugin. More information can be found by visiting this website. The website * can be a forum post or the official website.
    • *
    • description
      * 字符串,表示这个插件的一些描述。
      * String, some description of plugin.
    • *
    • depend
      * 序列,表示这个插件所依赖的一个或一些插件的名字的列表。参见:{@link PluginDescription#getDepend()}
      * List, strings for plugin names, what is depended on by this plugin. See: * {@link PluginDescription#getDepend()}
    • *
    • prefix
      * 字符串,表示这个插件的消息头衔。参见:{@link PluginDescription#getPrefix()}
      * String, the message title of the plugin. See: {@link PluginDescription#getPrefix()}
    • *
    • load
      * 字符串,表示这个插件的加载顺序,或者说在什么时候加载。参见:{@link PluginLoadOrder}
      * String, the load order of plugin, or when the plugin loads. See: {@link PluginLoadOrder}
    • *
    • commands
      * 序列,表示这个插件的命令列表。
      * List, the command list.
    • *
    • permissions
      * 序列,表示这个插件的权限组列表。
      * List, the list of permission groups defined.
    • *
    • features
      * 序列,表示这个插件的所使用的特征列表。
      * List, the list of features used.
    • *
    * * @author MagicDroidX(code) @ Nukkit Project * @author iNevet(code and javadoc) @ Nukkit Project * @author 粉鞋大妈(javadoc) @ Nukkit Project * @author superice666(code) @ PowerNukkitX Project * @see Plugin * @see PluginLoadOrder * @since Nukkit 1.0 | Nukkit API 1.0.0 */ public class PluginDescription { private String name; private String main; private List api; private List depend = new ArrayList<>(); private List softDepend = new ArrayList<>(); private List loadBefore = new ArrayList<>(); private String version; private Map commands = new HashMap<>(); private String description; private final List authors = new ArrayList<>(); private String website; private String prefix; private PluginLoadOrder order = PluginLoadOrder.POSTWORLD; private List permissions = new ArrayList<>(); @PowerNukkitXOnly @Since("") private List features = new ArrayList<>(); public PluginDescription(Map yamlMap) { this.loadMap(yamlMap); } public PluginDescription(String yamlString) { DumperOptions dumperOptions = new DumperOptions(); dumperOptions.setDefaultFlowStyle(DumperOptions.FlowStyle.BLOCK); Yaml yaml = new Yaml(dumperOptions); this.loadMap(yaml.loadAs(yamlString, LinkedHashMap.class)); } private void loadMap(Map plugin) throws PluginException { = ((String) plugin.get("name")).replaceAll("[^A-Za-z0-9 _.-]", ""); if ("")) { throw new PluginException("Invalid PluginDescription name"); } =" ", "_"); this.version = String.valueOf(plugin.get("version")); this.main = (String) plugin.get("main"); Object api = plugin.get("api"); if (api instanceof List) { this.api = (List) api; } else { List list = new ArrayList<>(); list.add((String) api); this.api = list; } if (this.main.startsWith("cn.nukkit.") && !this.main.equals("cn.nukkit.plugin.InternalPlugin") && !name.equals("PowerNukkit")) { throw new PluginException("Invalid PluginDescription main, cannot start within the cn.nukkit. package"); } if (plugin.containsKey("commands") && plugin.get("commands") instanceof Map) { this.commands = (Map) plugin.get("commands"); } if (plugin.containsKey("depend")) { this.depend = (List) plugin.get("depend"); } if (plugin.containsKey("softdepend")) { this.softDepend = (List) plugin.get("softdepend"); } if (plugin.containsKey("loadbefore")) { this.loadBefore = (List) plugin.get("loadbefore"); } if (plugin.containsKey("website")) { = (String) plugin.get("website"); } if (plugin.containsKey("description")) { this.description = (String) plugin.get("description"); } if (plugin.containsKey("prefix")) { this.prefix = (String) plugin.get("prefix"); } if (plugin.containsKey("load")) { String order = (String) plugin.get("load"); try { this.order = PluginLoadOrder.valueOf(order); } catch (Exception e) { throw new PluginException("Invalid PluginDescription load"); } } if (plugin.containsKey("author")) { this.authors.add((String) plugin.get("author")); } if (plugin.containsKey("authors")) { this.authors.addAll((Collection) plugin.get("authors")); } if (plugin.containsKey("permissions")) { this.permissions = Permission.loadPermissions((Map) plugin.get("permissions")); } if (plugin.containsKey("features")) { this.features = (List) plugin.get("features"); } } /** * 返回这个插件完整的名字。
    * Returns the full name of this plugin. * *

    一个插件完整的名字由{@code 名字+" v"+版本号}组成。比如:
    * A full name of a plugin is composed by {@code name+" v"+version}.for example:


    {@code HelloWorld v1.0.0}

    * * @return 这个插件完整的名字。
    The full name of this plugin. * @see PluginDescription * @since Nukkit 1.0 | Nukkit API 1.0.0 */ public String getFullName() { return + " v" + this.version; } /** * 返回这个插件支持的Nukkit API版本列表。
    * Returns all Nukkit API versions this plugin supports. * * @return 这个插件支持的Nukkit API版本列表。
    A list of all Nukkit API versions String this plugin supports. * @see PluginDescription * @since Nukkit 1.0 | Nukkit API 1.0.0 */ public List getCompatibleAPIs() { return api; } /** * 返回这个插件的作者列表。
    * Returns all the authors of this plugin. * * @return 这个插件的作者列表。
    A list of all authors of this plugin. * @see PluginDescription * @since Nukkit 1.0 | Nukkit API 1.0.0 */ public List getAuthors() { return authors; } /** * 返回这个插件的信息前缀。
    * Returns the message title of this plugin. * *

    * When a PluginLogger logs, the message title is used as the prefix of message. If prefix is undefined, * the plugin name will be used instead.

    * * @return 这个插件的作信息前缀。如果没定义,返回{@code null}。
    * The message title of this plugin, or{@code null} if undefined. * @see PluginLogger * @see PluginDescription * @since Nukkit 1.0 | Nukkit API 1.0.0 */ public String getPrefix() { return prefix; } /** * 返回这个插件定义的命令列表。
    * Returns all the defined commands of this plugin. * * @return 这个插件定义的命令列表。
    A map of all defined commands of this plugin. * @see PluginDescription * @since Nukkit 1.0 | Nukkit API 1.0.0 */ public Map getCommands() { return commands; } /** * 返回这个插件所依赖的插件名字。
    * The names of the plugins what is depended by this plugin. *

    * Nukkit插件的依赖有这些注意事项:
    Here are some note for Nukkit plugin depending: *

    • 一个插件不能依赖自己(否则会报错)。
      A plugin can not depend on itself (or there will be an exception).
    • *
    • 如果一个插件依赖另一个插件,那么必须要安装依赖的插件后才能加载这个插件。
      * If a plugin relies on another one, the another one must be installed at the same time, or Nukkit * won't load this plugin.
    • *
    • 当一个插件所依赖的插件不存在时,Nukkit不会加载这个插件,但是会提醒用户去安装所依赖的插件。
      * When the required dependency plugin does not exists, Nukkit won't load this plugin, but will tell the * user that this dependency is required.
    • *
    * *

    举个例子,如果A插件依赖于B插件,在没有安装B插件而安装A插件的情况下,Nukkit会阻止A插件的加载。 * 只有在安装B插件前安装了它所依赖的A插件,Nukkit才会允许加载B插件。
    * For example, there is a Plugin A which relies on Plugin B. If you installed A without installing B, * Nukkit won't load A because its dependency B is lost. Only when B is installed, A will be loaded * by Nukkit.

    * * @return 插件名字列表的 {@code List}对象。
    A {@code List} object carries the plugin names. * @see PluginDescription * @since Nukkit 1.0 | Nukkit API 1.0.0 */ public List getDepend() { return depend; } /** * 返回这个插件的描述文字。
    * Returns the description text of this plugin. * * @return 这个插件的描述文字。
    The description text of this plugin. * @see PluginDescription * @since Nukkit 1.0 | Nukkit API 1.0.0 */ public String getDescription() { return description; } /** * TODO finish javadoc */ public List getLoadBefore() { return loadBefore; } /** * 返回这个插件的主类名。
    * Returns the main class name of this plugin. * *

    * The load action of a Nukkit plugin begins from main class. The name of main class should be defined * in the plugin configuration, and it can be returned by this function. An example for return value:
    * {@code "com.example.ExamplePlugin"}

    * * @return 这个插件的主类名。
    The main class name of this plugin. * @see PluginDescription * @since Nukkit 1.0 | Nukkit API 1.0.0 */ public String getMain() { return main; } /** * 返回这个插件的名字。
    * Returns the name of this plugin. * * @return 这个插件的名字。
    The name of this plugin. * @see PluginDescription * @since Nukkit 1.0 | Nukkit API 1.0.0 */ public String getName() { return name; } /** * 返回这个插件加载的顺序,即插件应该在什么时候加载。
    * Returns the order the plugin loads, or when the plugin is loaded. * * @return 这个插件加载的顺序。
    The order the plugin loads. * @see PluginDescription * @see PluginLoadOrder * @since Nukkit 1.0 | Nukkit API 1.0.0 */ public PluginLoadOrder getOrder() { return order; } /** * 返回这个插件定义的权限列表。
    * Returns all the defined permissions of this plugin. * * @return 这个插件定义的权限列表。
    A map of all defined permissions of this plugin. * @see PluginDescription * @since Nukkit 1.0 | Nukkit API 1.0.0 */ public List getPermissions() { return permissions; } /** * TODO finish javadoc */ public List getSoftDepend() { return softDepend; } /** * 返回这个插件的版本号。
    * Returns the version string of this plugin. * * @return 这个插件的版本号。
    The version string od this plugin. * @see PluginDescription * @since Nukkit 1.0 | Nukkit API 1.0.0 */ public String getVersion() { return version; } /** * 返回这个插件的网站。
    * Returns the website of this plugin. * * @return 这个插件的网站。
    The website of this plugin. * @see PluginDescription * @since Nukkit 1.0 | Nukkit API 1.0.0 */ public String getWebsite() { return website; } /** * 返回这个插件的所使用的特征。
    * Returns the author of this plugin. * * @return 这个插件所使用的特征。
    The features of this plugin. * @see PluginDescription * @since PowerNukkitX | Nukkit API 1.0.14 */ @PowerNukkitXOnly @Since("") public List getFeatures() { return features; } }

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