cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginLoader Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package cn.nukkit.plugin;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* 描述一个插件加载器的接口。
* An interface to describe a plugin loader.
* @author iNevet(code) @ Nukkit Project
* @author 粉鞋大妈(javadoc) @ Nukkit Project
* @see JavaPluginLoader
* @since Nukkit 1.0 | Nukkit API 1.0.0
public interface PluginLoader {
* 通过文件名字的字符串,来加载和初始化一个插件。
* Loads and initializes a plugin by its file name.
* 这个方法应该设置好插件的相关属性。比如,插件所在的服务器对象,插件的加载器对象,插件的描述对象,插件的数据文件夹。
* Properties for loaded plugin should be set in this method. Such as, the {@code Server} object for which this
* plugin is running in, the {@code PluginLoader} object for its loader, and the {@code File} object for its
* data folder.
* 如果插件加载失败,这个方法应该返回{@code null},或者抛出异常。
* If the plugin loader does not load this plugin successfully, a {@code null} should be returned,
* or an exception should be thrown.
* @param filename 这个插件的文件名字字符串。
A string of its file name.
* @return 加载完毕的插件的 {@code Plugin}对象。
The loaded plugin as a {@code Plugin} object.
* @throws java.lang.Exception 插件加载失败所抛出的异常。
Thrown when an error occurred.
* @see #loadPlugin(File)
* @see cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginBase#init(PluginLoader, cn.nukkit.Server, PluginDescription, File, File)
* @since Nukkit 1.0 | Nukkit API 1.0.0
Plugin loadPlugin(String filename) throws Exception;
* 通过插件的 {@code File}对象,来加载和初始化一个插件。
* Loads and initializes a plugin by a {@code File} object describes the file.
* 这个方法应该设置好插件的相关属性。比如,插件所在的服务器对象,插件的加载器对象,插件的描述对象,插件的数据文件夹。
* Properties for loaded plugin should be set in this method. Such as, the {@code Server} object for which this
* plugin is running in, the {@code PluginLoader} object for its loader, and the {@code File} object for its
* data folder.
* 如果插件加载失败,这个方法应该返回{@code null},或者抛出异常。
* If the plugin loader does not load this plugin successfully, a {@code null} should be returned,
* or an exception should be thrown.
* @param file 这个插件的文件的 {@code File}对象。
A {@code File} object for this plugin.
* @return 加载完毕的插件的 {@code Plugin}对象。
The loaded plugin as a {@code Plugin} object.
* @throws java.lang.Exception 插件加载失败所抛出的异常。
Thrown when an error occurred.
* @see #loadPlugin(String)
* @see cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginBase#init(PluginLoader, cn.nukkit.Server, PluginDescription, File, File)
* @since Nukkit 1.0 | Nukkit API 1.0.0
Plugin loadPlugin(File file) throws Exception;
* 通过插件文件名的字符串,来获得描述这个插件的 {@code PluginDescription}对象。
* Gets a {@code PluginDescription} object describes the plugin by its file name.
* 如果插件的描述对象获取失败,这个方法应该返回{@code null}。
* If the plugin loader does not get its description successfully, a {@code null} should be returned.
* @param filename 这个插件的文件名字。
A string of its file name.
* @return 描述这个插件的 {@code PluginDescription}对象。
* A {@code PluginDescription} object describes the plugin.
* @see #getPluginDescription(File)
* @since Nukkit 1.0 | Nukkit API 1.0.0
PluginDescription getPluginDescription(String filename);
* 通过插件的 {@code File}对象,来获得描述这个插件的 {@code PluginDescription}对象。
* Gets a {@code PluginDescription} object describes the plugin by a {@code File} object describes the plugin file.
* 如果插件的描述对象获取失败,这个方法应该返回{@code null}。
* If the plugin loader does not get its description successfully, a {@code null} should be returned.
* @param file 这个插件的文件的 {@code File}对象。
A {@code File} object for this plugin.
* @return 描述这个插件的 {@code PluginDescription}对象。
* A {@code PluginDescription} object describes the plugin.
* @see #getPluginDescription(String)
* @since Nukkit 1.0 | Nukkit API 1.0.0
PluginDescription getPluginDescription(File file);
* 返回这个插件加载器支持的文件类型。
* Returns the file types this plugin loader supports.
* 在Nukkit读取所有插件时,插件管理器会查找所有已经安装的插件加载器,通过识别这个插件是否满足下面的条件,
* 来选择对应的插件加载器。
* When Nukkit is trying to load all its plugins, the plugin manager will look for all installed plugin loader,
* and choose the correct one by checking if this plugin matches the filters given below.
* 举个例子,识别这个文件是否以jar为扩展名,它的正则表达式是:
* For example, to check if this file is has a "jar" extension, the regular expression should be:
* {@code ^.+\\.jar$}
* 所以只读取jar扩展名的插件加载器,这个函数应该写成:
* So, for a jar-extension-only file plugin loader, this method should be:
* {@code @Override}
* public Pattern[] getPluginFilters() {
* return new Pattern[]{Pattern.compile("^.+\\.jar$")};
* }
* @return 表达这个插件加载器支持的文件类型的正则表达式数组。
* An array of regular expressions, that describes what kind of file this plugin loader supports.
* @since Nukkit 1.0 | Nukkit API 1.0.0
Pattern[] getPluginFilters();
* 启用一个插件。
* Enables a plugin.
* @param plugin 要被启用的插件。
The plugin to enable.
* @see #disablePlugin
* @since Nukkit 1.0 | Nukkit API 1.0.0
void enablePlugin(Plugin plugin);
* 停用一个插件。
* Disables a plugin.
* @param plugin 要被停用的插件。
The plugin to disable.
* @see #enablePlugin
* @since Nukkit 1.0 | Nukkit API 1.0.0
void disablePlugin(Plugin plugin);