cn.nukkit.potion.Effect Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package cn.nukkit.potion;
import cn.nukkit.Player;
import cn.nukkit.Server;
import cn.nukkit.api.DeprecationDetails;
import cn.nukkit.api.PowerNukkitOnly;
import cn.nukkit.api.Since;
import cn.nukkit.entity.Entity;
import cn.nukkit.entity.EntityLiving;
import cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent;
import cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause;
import cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityEffectRemoveEvent;
import cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityEffectUpdateEvent;
import cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityRegainHealthEvent;
import cn.nukkit.network.protocol.MobEffectPacket;
import cn.nukkit.utils.ServerException;
* @author MagicDroidX (Nukkit Project)
public class Effect implements Cloneable {
public static final int SPEED = 1;
public static final int SLOWNESS = 2;
public static final int HASTE = 3;
public static final int SWIFTNESS = 3;
public static final int FATIGUE = 4;
public static final int MINING_FATIGUE = 4;
public static final int STRENGTH = 5;
@Since("") public static final int INSTANT_HEALTH = 6;
@Deprecated @DeprecationDetails(
by = "PowerNukkit", since = "",
reason = "Was renamed to INSTANT_HEALTH in game, can be removed anytime by Cloudburst Nukkit",
replaceWith = "INSTANT_HEALTH")
public static final int HEALING = INSTANT_HEALTH;
@Since("") public static final int INSTANT_DAMAGE = 7;
@Deprecated @DeprecationDetails(
by = "PowerNukkit", since = "",
reason = "Was renamed to INSTANT_DAMAGE in game, can be removed anytime by Cloudburst Nukkit",
replaceWith = "INSTANT_DAMAGE")
public static final int HARMING = INSTANT_DAMAGE;
@Since("") public static final int JUMP_BOOST = 8;
@Deprecated @DeprecationDetails(
by = "PowerNukkit", since = "",
reason = "Was renamed to JUMP_BOOST in game, can be removed anytime by Cloudburst Nukkit",
replaceWith = "JUMP_BOOST")
public static final int JUMP = JUMP_BOOST;
public static final int NAUSEA = 9;
@Deprecated @DeprecationDetails(
by = "PowerNukkit", since = "",
reason = "Was renamed to NAUSEA in game, can be removed anytime by Cloudburst Nukkit",
replaceWith = "NAUSEA")
public static final int CONFUSION = 9;
public static final int REGENERATION = 10;
@Since("") public static final int RESISTANCE = 11;
@Deprecated @DeprecationDetails(
by = "PowerNukkit", since = "",
reason = "Was renamed to JUMP_BOOST in game, can be removed anytime by Cloudburst Nukkit",
replaceWith = "JUMP_BOOST")
public static final int DAMAGE_RESISTANCE = RESISTANCE;
public static final int FIRE_RESISTANCE = 12;
public static final int WATER_BREATHING = 13;
public static final int INVISIBILITY = 14;
public static final int BLINDNESS = 15;
public static final int NIGHT_VISION = 16;
public static final int HUNGER = 17;
public static final int WEAKNESS = 18;
public static final int POISON = 19;
public static final int WITHER = 20;
public static final int HEALTH_BOOST = 21;
public static final int ABSORPTION = 22;
public static final int SATURATION = 23;
public static final int LEVITATION = 24;
public static final int FATAL_POISON = 25;
public static final int CONDUIT_POWER = 26;
* @deprecated Typo. Use {@link #CONDUIT_POWER} instead.
@DeprecationDetails(by = "PowerNukkit and removed by Cloudburst", since = "TBD",
reason = "Typo", replaceWith = "CONDUIT_POWER")
@PowerNukkitOnly("Was removed from Cloudburst Nukkit, kept on PowerNukkit for backward compatibility")
public static final int COUNDIT_POWER = CONDUIT_POWER;
public static final int SLOW_FALLING = 27;
@Since("") public static final int BAD_OMEN = 28;
@Since("") public static final int VILLAGE_HERO = 29;
public static final int DARKNESS = 30;
protected static Effect[] effects;
public static void init() {
effects = new Effect[256];
effects[Effect.SPEED] = new Effect(Effect.SPEED, "%potion.moveSpeed", 124, 175, 198);
effects[Effect.SLOWNESS] = new Effect(Effect.SLOWNESS, "%potion.moveSlowdown", 90, 108, 129, true);
effects[Effect.SWIFTNESS] = new Effect(Effect.SWIFTNESS, "%potion.digSpeed", 217, 192, 67);
effects[Effect.FATIGUE] = new Effect(Effect.FATIGUE, "%potion.digSlowDown", 74, 66, 23, true);
effects[Effect.STRENGTH] = new Effect(Effect.STRENGTH, "%potion.damageBoost", 147, 36, 35);
effects[Effect.INSTANT_HEALTH] = new InstantEffect(Effect.INSTANT_HEALTH, "%potion.heal", 248, 36, 35);
effects[Effect.INSTANT_DAMAGE] = new InstantEffect(Effect.INSTANT_DAMAGE, "%potion.harm", 67, 10, 9, true);
effects[Effect.JUMP_BOOST] = new Effect(Effect.JUMP_BOOST, "%potion.jump", 34, 255, 76);
effects[Effect.NAUSEA] = new Effect(Effect.NAUSEA, "%potion.confusion", 85, 29, 74, true);
effects[Effect.REGENERATION] = new Effect(Effect.REGENERATION, "%potion.regeneration", 205, 92, 171);
effects[Effect.RESISTANCE] = new Effect(Effect.RESISTANCE, "%potion.resistance", 153, 69, 58);
effects[Effect.FIRE_RESISTANCE] = new Effect(Effect.FIRE_RESISTANCE, "%potion.fireResistance", 228, 154, 58);
effects[Effect.WATER_BREATHING] = new Effect(Effect.WATER_BREATHING, "%potion.waterBreathing", 46, 82, 153);
effects[Effect.INVISIBILITY] = new Effect(Effect.INVISIBILITY, "%potion.invisibility", 127, 131, 146);
effects[Effect.BLINDNESS] = new Effect(Effect.BLINDNESS, "%potion.blindness", 191, 192, 192);
effects[Effect.NIGHT_VISION] = new Effect(Effect.NIGHT_VISION, "%potion.nightVision", 0, 0, 139);
effects[Effect.HUNGER] = new Effect(Effect.HUNGER, "%potion.hunger", 46, 139, 87);
effects[Effect.WEAKNESS] = new Effect(Effect.WEAKNESS, "%potion.weakness", 72, 77, 72, true);
effects[Effect.POISON] = new Effect(Effect.POISON, "%potion.poison", 78, 147, 49, true);
effects[Effect.WITHER] = new Effect(Effect.WITHER, "%potion.wither", 53, 42, 39, true);
effects[Effect.HEALTH_BOOST] = new Effect(Effect.HEALTH_BOOST, "%potion.healthBoost", 248, 125, 35);
effects[Effect.ABSORPTION] = new Effect(Effect.ABSORPTION, "%potion.absorption", 36, 107, 251);
effects[Effect.SATURATION] = new Effect(Effect.SATURATION, "%potion.saturation", 255, 0, 255);
effects[Effect.LEVITATION] = new Effect(Effect.LEVITATION, "%potion.levitation", 206, 255, 255, true);
effects[Effect.FATAL_POISON] = new Effect(Effect.FATAL_POISON, "%potion.poison", 78, 147, 49, true);
effects[Effect.CONDUIT_POWER] = new Effect(Effect.CONDUIT_POWER, "%potion.conduitPower", 29, 194, 209);
effects[Effect.SLOW_FALLING] = new Effect(Effect.SLOW_FALLING, "%potion.slowFalling", 206, 255, 255);
effects[Effect.BAD_OMEN] = new Effect(Effect.BAD_OMEN, "%effect.badOmen", 11, 97, 56, true);
effects[Effect.VILLAGE_HERO] = new Effect(Effect.VILLAGE_HERO, "%effect.villageHero", 68, 255, 68).setVisible(false);
effects[Effect.DARKNESS] = new Effect(Effect.DARKNESS, "%effect.darkness", 41, 39, 33, true).setVisible(false);
public static Effect getEffect(int id) {
if (id >= 0 && id < effects.length && effects[id] != null) {
return effects[id].clone();
} else {
throw new ServerException("Effect id: " + id + " not found");
public static Effect getEffectByName(String name) {
name = name.trim().replace(' ', '_').replace("minecraft:", "");
try {
int id = Effect.class.getField(name.toUpperCase()).getInt(null);
return getEffect(id);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
protected final int id;
protected final String name;
protected int duration;
protected int amplifier = 0;
protected int color;
protected boolean show = true;
protected boolean ambient = false;
protected final boolean bad;
public Effect(int id, String name, int r, int g, int b) {
this(id, name, r, g, b, false);
public Effect(int id, String name, int r, int g, int b, boolean isBad) {
this.id = id;
this.name = name;
this.bad = isBad;
this.setColor(r, g, b);
public String getName() {
return name;
public int getId() {
return id;
public Effect setDuration(int ticks) {
this.duration = ticks;
return this;
public int getDuration() {
return duration;
public boolean isVisible() {
return show;
public Effect setVisible(boolean visible) {
this.show = visible;
return this;
public int getAmplifier() {
return amplifier;
public Effect setAmplifier(int amplifier) {
this.amplifier = amplifier;
return this;
public boolean isAmbient() {
return ambient;
public Effect setAmbient(boolean ambient) {
this.ambient = ambient;
return this;
public boolean isBad() {
return bad;
public boolean canTick() {
int interval;
switch (this.id) {
case Effect.POISON: //POISON
case Effect.FATAL_POISON:
if ((interval = (25 >> this.amplifier)) > 0) {
return (this.duration % interval) == 0;
return true;
case Effect.WITHER: //WITHER
if ((interval = (50 >> this.amplifier)) > 0) {
return (this.duration % interval) == 0;
return true;
if ((interval = (40 >> this.amplifier)) > 0) {
return (this.duration % interval) == 0;
return true;
return false;
public void applyEffect(Entity entity) {
switch (this.id) {
case Effect.POISON: //POISON
case Effect.FATAL_POISON:
if (entity.getHealth() > 1 || this.id == FATAL_POISON) {
entity.attack(new EntityDamageEvent(entity, DamageCause.MAGIC, 1));
case Effect.WITHER: //WITHER
entity.attack(new EntityDamageEvent(entity, DamageCause.MAGIC, 1));
if (entity.getHealth() < entity.getMaxHealth()) {
entity.heal(new EntityRegainHealthEvent(entity, 1, EntityRegainHealthEvent.CAUSE_MAGIC));
public int[] getColor() {
return new int[]{this.color >> 16, (this.color >> 8) & 0xff, this.color & 0xff};
public void setColor(int r, int g, int b) {
this.color = ((r & 0xff) << 16) + ((g & 0xff) << 8) + (b & 0xff);
public void add(Entity entity) {
Effect oldEffect = entity.getEffect(getId());
EntityEffectUpdateEvent event = new EntityEffectUpdateEvent(entity, oldEffect, this);
if (event.isCancelled()) {
if (entity instanceof Player player) {
MobEffectPacket pk = new MobEffectPacket();
pk.eid = entity.getId();
pk.effectId = this.getId();
pk.amplifier = this.getAmplifier();
pk.particles = this.isVisible();
pk.duration = this.getDuration();
if (oldEffect != null) {
pk.eventId = MobEffectPacket.EVENT_MODIFY;
} else {
pk.eventId = MobEffectPacket.EVENT_ADD;
if (this.id == Effect.SPEED && (oldEffect == null || oldEffect.amplifier != this.amplifier)) {
if (oldEffect != null) {
player.setMovementSpeed(player.getMovementSpeed() / (1 + 0.2f * (oldEffect.amplifier + 1)), false);
player.setMovementSpeed(player.getMovementSpeed() * (1 + 0.2f * (this.amplifier + 1)));
if (this.id == Effect.SLOWNESS && (oldEffect == null || oldEffect.amplifier != this.amplifier)) {
if (oldEffect != null) {
player.setMovementSpeed(player.getMovementSpeed() / (1 - 0.15f * (oldEffect.amplifier + 1)), false);
player.setMovementSpeed(player.getMovementSpeed() * (1 - 0.15f * (this.amplifier + 1)));
}else if (entity instanceof EntityLiving entityLiving) {
if (this.id == Effect.SPEED && (oldEffect == null || oldEffect.amplifier != this.amplifier)) {
if (oldEffect != null) {
entityLiving.setMovementSpeed(entityLiving.getMovementSpeed() / (1 + 0.2f * (oldEffect.amplifier + 1)));
entityLiving.setMovementSpeed(entityLiving.getMovementSpeed() * (1 + 0.2f * (this.amplifier + 1)));
if (this.id == Effect.SLOWNESS && (oldEffect == null || oldEffect.amplifier != this.amplifier)) {
if (oldEffect != null) {
entityLiving.setMovementSpeed(entityLiving.getMovementSpeed() / (1 - 0.15f * (oldEffect.amplifier + 1)));
entityLiving.setMovementSpeed(entityLiving.getMovementSpeed() * (1 - 0.15f * (this.amplifier + 1)));
if (this.id == Effect.INVISIBILITY) {
entity.setDataFlag(Entity.DATA_FLAGS, Entity.DATA_FLAG_INVISIBLE, true);
if (this.id == Effect.ABSORPTION) {
int add = (this.amplifier + 1) * 4;
if (add > entity.getAbsorption()) entity.setAbsorption(add);
public void remove(Entity entity) {
EntityEffectRemoveEvent event = new EntityEffectRemoveEvent(entity, this);
if (event.isCancelled()) {
if (entity instanceof EntityLiving entityLiving) {
if (entityLiving instanceof Player player) {
MobEffectPacket pk = new MobEffectPacket();
pk.eid = player.getId();
pk.effectId = this.getId();
pk.eventId = MobEffectPacket.EVENT_REMOVE;
if (this.id == Effect.SPEED) {
entityLiving.setMovementSpeed(entityLiving.getMovementSpeed() / (1 + 0.2f * (this.amplifier + 1)));
if (this.id == Effect.SLOWNESS) {
entityLiving.setMovementSpeed(entityLiving.getMovementSpeed() / (1 - 0.15f * (this.amplifier + 1)));
if (this.id == Effect.HEALTH_BOOST) {
float max = entity.getMaxHealth();
float health = Math.min(entity.getHealth(), max);
if (this.id == Effect.INVISIBILITY) {
entity.setDataFlag(Entity.DATA_FLAGS, Entity.DATA_FLAG_INVISIBLE, false);
if (this.id == Effect.ABSORPTION) {
public Effect clone() {
try {
return (Effect) super.clone();
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
return null;
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