cn.nukkit.utils.collection.nb.Long2ObjectNonBlockingMap Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package cn.nukkit.utils.collection.nb;
import cn.nukkit.api.NonComputationAtomic;
import cn.nukkit.api.PowerNukkitXOnly;
import cn.nukkit.api.Since;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.longs.AbstractLongSet;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.longs.LongIterator;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.longs.LongSet;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.Serial;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles;
import java.lang.invoke.VarHandle;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLongFieldUpdater;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import java.util.function.Function;
* A lock-free alternate implementation of {@link java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap}
* with primitive long keys, better scaling properties and
* generally lower costs. The use of {@code long} keys allows for faster
* compares and lower memory costs. The Map provides identical correctness
* properties as ConcurrentHashMap. All operations are non-blocking and
* multi-thread safe, including all update operations. {@link
* Long2ObjectNonBlockingMap} scales substatially better than {@link
* java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap} for high update rates, even with a large
* concurrency factor. Scaling is linear up to 768 CPUs on a 768-CPU Azul
* box, even with 100% updates or 100% reads or any fraction in-between.
* Linear scaling up to all cpus has been observed on a 32-way Sun US2 box,
* 32-way Sun Niagra box, 8-way Intel box and a 4-way Power box.
* The main benefit of this class over using plain {@link
* cn.nukkit.utils.collection.nb.Long2ObjectNonBlockingMap} with {@link Long} keys is
* that it avoids the auto-boxing and unboxing costs. Since auto-boxing is
* automatic, it is easy to accidentally cause auto-boxing and negate
* the space and speed benefits.
This class obeys the same functional specification as {@link
* Hashtable}, and includes versions of methods corresponding to
* each method of Hashtable. However, even though all operations are
* thread-safe, operations do not entail locking and there is
* not any support for locking the entire table in a way that
* prevents all access. This class is fully interoperable with
* Hashtable in programs that rely on its thread safety but not on
* its synchronization details.
Operations (including put) generally do not block, so may
* overlap with other update operations (including other puts and
* removes). Retrievals reflect the results of the most recently
* completed update operations holding upon their onset. For
* aggregate operations such as putAll, concurrent retrievals may
* reflect insertion or removal of only some entries. Similarly, Iterators
* and Enumerations return elements reflecting the state of the hash table at
* some point at or since the creation of the iterator/enumeration. They do
* not throw {@link ConcurrentModificationException}. However,
* iterators are designed to be used by only one thread at a time.
Very full tables, or tables with high re-probe rates may trigger an
* internal resize operation to move into a larger table. Resizing is not
* terribly expensive, but it is not free either; during resize operations
* table throughput may drop somewhat. All threads that visit the table
* during a resize will 'help' the resizing but will still be allowed to
* complete their operation before the resize is finished (i.e., a simple
* 'get' operation on a million-entry table undergoing resizing will not need
* to block until the entire million entries are copied).
This class and its views and iterators implement all of the
* optional methods of the {@link Map} and {@link Iterator}
* interfaces.
Like {@link Hashtable} but unlike {@link HashMap}, this class
* does not allow null to be used as a value.
* @param the type of mapped values
* @author Cliff Click, SuperIceCN
* @since 1.5
public class Long2ObjectNonBlockingMap
extends AbstractMap
implements ConcurrentMap, Cloneable, Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -6451277160490981997L;
private static final int REPROBE_LIMIT = 10; // Too many reprobes then force a table-resize
// --- Bits to allow Unsafe access to arrays
private static final VarHandle _OHandler = MethodHandles.arrayElementVarHandle(Object[].class);
private static final VarHandle _LHandler = MethodHandles.arrayElementVarHandle(long[].class);
// --- Bits to allow Unsafe CAS'ing of the CHM field
private static final VarHandle _chm_handler; // fieldOffset(Long2ObjectNonBlockingMap.class, "_chm");
private static final VarHandle _val_1_handler;// fieldOffset(Long2ObjectNonBlockingMap.class, "_val_1");
static {
try {
_chm_handler = MethodHandles.lookup().in(Long2ObjectNonBlockingMap.class)
.findVarHandle(Long2ObjectNonBlockingMap.class, "_chm", CHM.class);
_val_1_handler = MethodHandles.lookup().in(Long2ObjectNonBlockingMap.class)
.findVarHandle(Long2ObjectNonBlockingMap.class, "_val_1", Object.class);
} catch (NoSuchFieldException | IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e); // Should never happen
private boolean CAS(final VarHandle handle, final Object old, final Object nnn) {
return handle.compareAndSet(this, old, nnn);
// --- Adding a 'prime' bit onto Values via wrapping with a junk wrapper class
private static final class Prime {
final Object _V;
Prime(Object V) {
_V = V;
static Object unbox(Object V) {
return V instanceof Prime ? ((Prime) V)._V : V;
// --- The Hash Table --------------------
private transient CHM _chm;
// This next field holds the value for Key 0 - the special key value which
// is the initial array value, and also means: no-key-inserted-yet.
private transient Object _val_1; // Value for Key: NO_KEY
// Time since last resize
private transient long _last_resize_milli;
// Optimize for space: use a 1/2-sized table and allow more re-probes
private final boolean _opt_for_space;
// --- Minimum table size ----------------
// Pick size 16 K/V pairs, which turns into (16*2)*4+12 = 140 bytes on a
// standard 32-bit HotSpot, and (16*2)*8+12 = 268 bytes on 64-bit Azul.
private static final int MIN_SIZE_LOG = 4; //
private static final int MIN_SIZE = (1 << MIN_SIZE_LOG); // Must be power of 2
// --- Sentinels -------------------------
// No-Match-Old - putIfMatch does updates only if it matches the old value,
// and NO_MATCH_OLD basically counts as a wildcard match.
private static final Object NO_MATCH_OLD = new Object(); // Sentinel
// Match-Any-not-null - putIfMatch does updates only if it find a real old
// value.
private static final Object MATCH_ANY = new Object(); // Sentinel
// This K/V pair has been deleted (but the Key slot is forever claimed).
// The same Key can be reinserted with a new value later.
private static final Object TOMBSTONE = new Object();
// Prime'd or box'd version of TOMBSTONE. This K/V pair was deleted, then a
// table resize started. The K/V pair has been marked so that no new
// updates can happen to the old table (and since the K/V pair was deleted
// nothing was copied to the new table).
private static final Prime TOMBPRIME = new Prime(TOMBSTONE);
// I exclude 1 long from the 2^64 possibilities, and test for it before
// entering the main array. The NO_KEY value must be zero, the initial
// value set by Java before it hands me the array.
private static final long NO_KEY = 0L;
// Count of reprobes
private transient ConcurrentAutoLongTable _reprobes = new ConcurrentAutoLongTable();
* Get and clear the current count of reprobes. Reprobes happen on key
* collisions, and a high reprobe rate may indicate a poor hash function or
* weaknesses in the table resizing function.
* @return the count of reprobes since the last call to {@link #reprobes}
* or since the table was created.
public long reprobes() {
long r = _reprobes.get();
_reprobes = new ConcurrentAutoLongTable();
return r;
// --- reprobe_limit -----------------------------------------------------
// Heuristic to decide if we have reprobed toooo many times. Running over
// the reprobe limit on a 'get' call acts as a 'miss'; on a 'put' call it
// can trigger a table resize. Several places must have exact agreement on
// what the reprobe_limit is, so we share it here.
private static int reprobe_limit(int len) {
return REPROBE_LIMIT + (len >> 4);
// --- Long2ObjectNonBlockingMap ----------------------------------------------
// Constructors
* Create a new Long2ObjectNonBlockingMap with default minimum size (currently set
* to 8 K/V pairs or roughly 84 bytes on a standard 32-bit JVM).
public Long2ObjectNonBlockingMap() {
this(MIN_SIZE, true);
* Create a new Long2ObjectNonBlockingMap with initial room for the given
* number of elements, thus avoiding internal resizing operations to reach
* an appropriate size. Large numbers here when used with a small count of
* elements will sacrifice space for a small amount of time gained. The
* initial size will be rounded up internally to the next larger power of 2.
public Long2ObjectNonBlockingMap(final int initial_sz) {
this(initial_sz, true);
* Create a new Long2ObjectNonBlockingMap, setting the space-for-speed
* tradeoff. {@code true} optimizes for space and is the default. {@code
* false} optimizes for speed and doubles space costs for roughly a 10%
* speed improvement.
public Long2ObjectNonBlockingMap(final boolean opt_for_space) {
this(1, opt_for_space);
* Create a new Long2ObjectNonBlockingMap, setting both the initial size and
* the space-for-speed tradeoff. {@code true} optimizes for space and is
* the default. {@code false} optimizes for speed and doubles space costs
* for roughly a 10% speed improvement.
public Long2ObjectNonBlockingMap(final int initial_sz, final boolean opt_for_space) {
_opt_for_space = opt_for_space;
private void initialize(final int initial_sz) {
RangeUtil.checkPositiveOrZero(initial_sz, "initial_sz");
int i; // Convert to next largest power-of-2
for (i = MIN_SIZE_LOG; (1 << i) < initial_sz; i++) {/*empty*/}
_chm = new CHM(this, new ConcurrentAutoLongTable(), i);
_val_1 = TOMBSTONE; // Always as-if deleted
_last_resize_milli = System.currentTimeMillis();
// --- wrappers ------------------------------------------------------------
* Returns the number of key-value mappings in this map.
* @return the number of key-value mappings in this map
public int size() {
return (_val_1 == TOMBSTONE ? 0 : 1) + _chm.size();
* Tests if the key in the table.
* @return true if the key is in the table
public boolean containsKey(long key) {
return get(key) != null;
* Legacy method testing if some key maps into the specified value in this
* table. This method is identical in functionality to {@link
* #containsValue}, and exists solely to ensure full compatibility with
* class {@link Hashtable}, which supported this method prior to
* introduction of the Java Collections framework.
* @param val a value to search for
* @return true if this map maps one or more keys to the specified value
* @throws NullPointerException if the specified value is null
public boolean contains(Object val) {
return containsValue(val);
* Maps the specified key to the specified value in the table. The value
* cannot be null. The value can be retrieved by calling {@link #get}
* with a key that is equal to the original key.
* @param key key with which the specified value is to be associated
* @param val value to be associated with the specified key
* @return the previous value associated with key, or
* null if there was no mapping for key
* @throws NullPointerException if the specified value is null
public TypeV put(long key, TypeV val) {
return putIfMatch(key, val, NO_MATCH_OLD);
* Atomically, do a {@link #put} if-and-only-if the key is not mapped.
* Useful to ensure that only a single mapping for the key exists, even if
* many threads are trying to create the mapping in parallel.
* @return the previous value associated with the specified key,
* or null if there was no mapping for the key
* @throws NullPointerException if the specified is value is null
public TypeV putIfAbsent(long key, TypeV val) {
return putIfMatch(key, val, TOMBSTONE);
* Removes the key (and its corresponding value) from this map.
* This method does nothing if the key is not in the map.
* @return the previous value associated with key, or
* null if there was no mapping for key
public TypeV remove(long key) {
return putIfMatch(key, TOMBSTONE, NO_MATCH_OLD);
* Atomically do a {@link #remove(long)} if-and-only-if the key is mapped
* to a value which is equals
to the given value.
* @throws NullPointerException if the specified value is null
public boolean remove(long key, Object val) {
return putIfMatch(key, TOMBSTONE, val) == val;
* Atomically do a put(key,val)
if-and-only-if the key is
* mapped to some value already.
* @throws NullPointerException if the specified value is null
public TypeV replace(long key, TypeV val) {
return putIfMatch(key, val, MATCH_ANY);
* Atomically do a put(key,newValue)
if-and-only-if the key is
* mapped a value which is equals
to oldValue
* @throws NullPointerException if the specified value is null
public boolean replace(long key, TypeV oldValue, TypeV newValue) {
return putIfMatch(key, newValue, oldValue) == oldValue;
private TypeV putIfMatch(long key, Object newVal, Object oldVal) {
if (oldVal == null || newVal == null) throw new NullPointerException();
if (key == NO_KEY) {
Object curVal = _val_1;
if (oldVal == NO_MATCH_OLD || // Do we care about expected-Value at all?
curVal == oldVal || // No instant match already?
(oldVal == MATCH_ANY && curVal != TOMBSTONE) ||
oldVal.equals(curVal)) { // Expensive equals check
if (!CAS(_val_1_handler, curVal, newVal)) // One shot CAS update attempt
curVal = _val_1; // Failed; get failing witness
return curVal == TOMBSTONE ? null : (TypeV) curVal; // Return the last value present
final Object res = _chm.putIfMatch(key, newVal, oldVal);
assert !(res instanceof Prime);
assert res != null;
return res == TOMBSTONE ? null : (TypeV) res;
* Removes all of the mappings from this map.
public void clear() { // Smack a new empty table down
CHM newchm = new CHM(this, new ConcurrentAutoLongTable(), MIN_SIZE_LOG);
while (!CAS(_chm_handler, _chm, newchm)) { /*Spin until the clear works*/}
CAS(_val_1_handler, _val_1, TOMBSTONE);
// Non-atomic clear, preserving existing large arrays
public void clear(boolean large) { // Smack a new empty table down
CAS(_val_1_handler, _val_1, TOMBSTONE);
* Returns true if this Map maps one or more keys to the specified
* value. Note: This method requires a full internal traversal of the
* hash table and is much slower than {@link #containsKey}.
* @param val value whose presence in this map is to be tested
* @return true if this Map maps one or more keys to the specified value
* @throws NullPointerException if the specified value is null
public boolean containsValue(Object val) {
if (val == null) return false;
if (val == _val_1) return true; // Key 0
for (TypeV V : values())
if (V == val || V.equals(val))
return true;
return false;
// --- get -----------------------------------------------------------------
* Returns the value to which the specified key is mapped, or {@code null}
* if this map contains no mapping for the key.
More formally, if this map contains a mapping from a key {@code k} to
* a value {@code v} such that {@code key==k}, then this method
* returns {@code v}; otherwise it returns {@code null}. (There can be at
* most one such mapping.)
* @throws NullPointerException if the specified key is null
// Never returns a Prime nor a Tombstone.
public final TypeV get(long key) {
if (key == NO_KEY) {
final Object V = _val_1;
return V == TOMBSTONE ? null : (TypeV) V;
final Object V = _chm.get_impl(key);
assert !(V instanceof Prime); // Never return a Prime
assert V != TOMBSTONE;
return (TypeV) V;
* Auto-boxing version of {@link #get(long)}.
public TypeV get(Object key) {
return (key instanceof Long) ? get(((Long) key).longValue()) : null;
* Auto-boxing version of {@link #remove(long)}.
public TypeV remove(Object key) {
return (key instanceof Long) ? remove(((Long) key).longValue()) : null;
* Auto-boxing version of {@link #remove(long, Object)}.
public boolean remove(Object key, Object Val) {
return (key instanceof Long) && remove(((Long) key).longValue(), Val);
* Auto-boxing version of {@link #containsKey(long)}.
public boolean containsKey(Object key) {
return (key instanceof Long) && containsKey(((Long) key).longValue());
* Auto-boxing version of {@link #putIfAbsent}.
public TypeV putIfAbsent(Long key, TypeV val) {
return putIfAbsent(key.longValue(), val);
* Auto-boxing version of {@link #replace}.
public TypeV replace(Long key, TypeV Val) {
return replace(key.longValue(), Val);
* Auto-boxing version of {@link #put}.
public TypeV put(Long key, TypeV val) {
return put(key.longValue(), val);
* Auto-boxing version of {@link #replace}.
public boolean replace(Long key, TypeV oldValue, TypeV newValue) {
return replace(key.longValue(), oldValue, newValue);
// --- help_copy -----------------------------------------------------------
// Help along an existing resize operation. This is just a fast cut-out
// wrapper, to encourage inlining for the fast no-copy-in-progress case. We
// always help the top-most table copy, even if there are nested table
// copies in progress.
private void help_copy() {
// Read the top-level CHM only once. We'll try to help this copy along,
// even if it gets promoted out from under us (i.e., the copy completes
// and another KVS becomes the top-level copy).
CHM topchm = _chm;
if (topchm._newchm == null) return; // No copy in-progress
// --- hash ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Helper function to spread lousy hashCodes Throws NPE for null Key, on
// purpose - as the first place to conveniently toss the required NPE for a
// null Key.
private static int hash(long h) {
h ^= (h >>> 20) ^ (h >>> 12);
h ^= (h >>> 7) ^ (h >>> 4);
h += h << 7; // smear low bits up high, for hashcodes that only differ by 1
return (int) h;
// --- CHM -----------------------------------------------------------------
// The control structure for the Long2ObjectNonBlockingMap
private static final class CHM implements Serializable {
// Back-pointer to top-level structure
final Long2ObjectNonBlockingMap _nbhml;
// Size in active K,V pairs
private ConcurrentAutoLongTable _size;
public int size() {
return (int) _size.get();
// ---
// These next 2 fields are used in the resizing heuristics, to judge when
// it is time to resize or copy the table. Slots is a count of used-up
// key slots, and when it nears a large fraction of the table we probably
// end up reprobing too much. Last-resize-milli is the time since the
// last resize; if we are running back-to-back resizes without growing
// (because there are only a few live keys but many slots full of dead
// keys) then we need a larger table to cut down on the churn.
// Count of used slots, to tell when table is full of dead unusable slots
private ConcurrentAutoLongTable _slots;
public int slots() {
return (int) _slots.get();
// ---
// New mappings, used during resizing.
// The 'next' CHM - created during a resize operation. This represents
// the new table being copied from the old one. It's the volatile
// variable that is read as we cross from one table to the next, to get
// the required memory orderings. It monotonically transits from null to
// set (once).
volatile CHM _newchm;
private static final AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater _newchmUpdater =
AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater.newUpdater(CHM.class, CHM.class, "_newchm");
// Set the _newchm field if we can. AtomicUpdaters do not fail spuriously.
boolean CAS_newchm(CHM newchm) {
return _newchmUpdater.compareAndSet(this, null, newchm);
// Sometimes many threads race to create a new very large table. Only 1
// wins the race, but the losers all allocate a junk large table with
// hefty allocation costs. Attempt to control the overkill here by
// throttling attempts to create a new table. I cannot really block here
// (lest I lose the non-blocking property) but late-arriving threads can
// give the initial resizing thread a little time to allocate the initial
// new table. The Right Long Term Fix here is to use array-lets and
// incrementally create the new very large array. In C I'd make the array
// with malloc (which would mmap under the hood) which would only eat
// virtual-address and not real memory - and after Somebody wins then we
// could in parallel initialize the array. Java does not allow
// un-initialized array creation (especially of ref arrays!).
volatile long _resizers; // count of threads attempting an initial resize
private static final AtomicLongFieldUpdater _resizerUpdater =
AtomicLongFieldUpdater.newUpdater(CHM.class, "_resizers");
// --- key,val -------------------------------------------------------------
// Access K,V for a given idx
private boolean CAS_key(int idx, long old, long key) {
// return UNSAFE.compareAndSwapLong(_keys, rawIndex(_keys, idx), old, key);
return _LHandler.compareAndSet(_keys, idx, old, key);
private boolean CAS_val(int idx, Object old, Object val) {
// return UNSAFE.compareAndSwapObject(_vals, rawIndex(_vals, idx), old, val);
return _OHandler.compareAndSet(_vals, idx, old, val);
final long[] _keys;
final Object[] _vals;
// Simple constructor
CHM(final Long2ObjectNonBlockingMap nbhml, ConcurrentAutoLongTable size, final int logsize) {
_nbhml = nbhml;
_size = size;
_slots = new ConcurrentAutoLongTable();
_keys = new long[1 << logsize];
_vals = new Object[1 << logsize];
// Non-atomic clear
void clear() {
_size = new ConcurrentAutoLongTable();
_slots = new ConcurrentAutoLongTable();
Arrays.fill(_keys, 0);
Arrays.fill(_vals, null);
// --- get_impl ----------------------------------------------------------
// Never returns a Prime nor a Tombstone.
private Object get_impl(final long key) {
final int hash = hash(key);
final int len = _keys.length;
int idx = (hash & (len - 1)); // First key hash
// Main spin/reprobe loop, looking for a Key hit
int reprobe_cnt = 0;
while (true) {
final long K = _keys[idx]; // Get key before volatile read, could be NO_KEY
final Object V = _vals[idx]; // Get value before volatile read, could be null or Tombstone or Prime
if (K == NO_KEY) return null; // A clear miss
// Key-compare
if (key == K) {
// Key hit! Check for no table-copy-in-progress
if (!(V instanceof Prime)) { // No copy?
if (V == TOMBSTONE) return null;
// We need a volatile-read between reading a newly inserted Value
// and returning the Value (so the user might end up reading the
// stale Value contents).
@SuppressWarnings("unused") final CHM newchm = _newchm; // VOLATILE READ before returning V
return V;
// Key hit - but slot is (possibly partially) copied to the new table.
// Finish the copy & retry in the new table.
return copy_slot_and_check(idx, key).get_impl(key); // Retry in the new table
// get and put must have the same key lookup logic! But only 'put'
// needs to force a table-resize for a too-long key-reprobe sequence.
// Check for too-many-reprobes on get.
if (++reprobe_cnt >= reprobe_limit(len)) // too many probes
return _newchm == null // Table copy in progress?
? null // Nope! A clear miss
: copy_slot_and_check(idx, key).get_impl(key); // Retry in the new table
idx = (idx + 1) & (len - 1); // Reprobe by 1! (could now prefetch)
// --- putIfMatch ---------------------------------------------------------
// Put, Remove, PutIfAbsent, etc. Return the old value. If the returned
// value is equal to expVal (or expVal is NO_MATCH_OLD) then the put can
// be assumed to work (although might have been immediately overwritten).
// Only the path through copy_slot passes in an expected value of null,
// and putIfMatch only returns a null if passed in an expected null.
private Object putIfMatch(final long key, final Object putval, final Object expVal) {
final int hash = hash(key);
assert putval != null;
assert !(putval instanceof Prime);
assert !(expVal instanceof Prime);
final int len = _keys.length;
int idx = (hash & (len - 1)); // The first key
// ---
// Key-Claim stanza: spin till we can claim a Key (or force a resizing).
int reprobe_cnt = 0;
long K;
Object V;
while (true) { // Spin till we get a Key slot
V = _vals[idx]; // Get old value
K = _keys[idx]; // Get current key
if (K == NO_KEY) { // Slot is free?
// Found an empty Key slot - which means this Key has never been in
// this table. No need to put a Tombstone - the Key is not here!
if (putval == TOMBSTONE) return TOMBSTONE; // Not-now & never-been in this table
if (expVal == MATCH_ANY) return TOMBSTONE; // Will not match, even after K inserts
// Claim the zero key-slot
if (CAS_key(idx, NO_KEY, key)) { // Claim slot for Key
_slots.add(1); // Raise key-slots-used count
break; // Got it!
// CAS to claim the key-slot failed.
// This re-read of the Key points out an annoying short-coming of Java
// CAS. Most hardware CAS's report back the existing value - so that
// if you fail you have a *witness* - the value which caused the CAS
// to fail. The Java API turns this into a boolean destroying the
// witness. Re-reading does not recover the witness because another
// thread can write over the memory after the CAS. Hence we can be in
// the unfortunate situation of having a CAS fail *for cause* but
// having that cause removed by a later store. This turns a
// non-spurious-failure CAS (such as Azul has) into one that can
// apparently spuriously fail - and we avoid apparent spurious failure
// by not allowing Keys to ever change.
K = _keys[idx]; // CAS failed, get updated value
assert K != NO_KEY; // If keys[idx] is NO_KEY, CAS shoulda worked
// Key slot was not null, there exists a Key here
if (K == key)
break; // Got it!
// get and put must have the same key lookup logic! Lest 'get' give
// up looking too soon.
if (++reprobe_cnt >= reprobe_limit(len)) {
// We simply must have a new table to do a 'put'. At this point a
// 'get' will also go to the new table (if any). We do not need
// to claim a key slot (indeed, we cannot find a free one to claim!).
final CHM newchm = resize();
if (expVal != null) _nbhml.help_copy(); // help along an existing copy
return newchm.putIfMatch(key, putval, expVal);
idx = (idx + 1) & (len - 1); // Reprobe!
} // End of spinning till we get a Key slot
while (true) { // Spin till we insert a value
// ---
// Found the proper Key slot, now update the matching Value slot. We
// never put a null, so Value slots monotonically move from null to
// not-null (deleted Values use Tombstone). Thus if 'V' is null we
// fail this fast cutout and fall into the check for table-full.
if (putval == V) return V; // Fast cutout for no-change
// See if we want to move to a new table (to avoid high average re-probe
// counts). We only check on the initial set of a Value from null to
// not-null (i.e., once per key-insert).
if ((V == null && tableFull(reprobe_cnt, len)) ||
// Or we found a Prime: resize is already in progress. The resize
// call below will do a CAS on _newchm forcing the read.
V instanceof Prime) {
resize(); // Force the new table copy to start
return copy_slot_and_check(idx, expVal).putIfMatch(key, putval, expVal);
// ---
// We are finally prepared to update the existing table
//assert !(V instanceof Prime); // always true, so IDE warnings if uncommented
// Must match old, and we do not? Then bail out now. Note that either V
// or expVal might be TOMBSTONE. Also V can be null, if we've never
// inserted a value before. expVal can be null if we are called from
// copy_slot.
if (expVal != NO_MATCH_OLD && // Do we care about expected-Value at all?
V != expVal && // No instant match already?
(expVal != MATCH_ANY || V == TOMBSTONE || V == null) &&
!(V == null && expVal == TOMBSTONE) && // Match on null/TOMBSTONE combo
(expVal == null || !expVal.equals(V))) // Expensive equals check at the last
return (V == null) ? TOMBSTONE : V; // Do not update!
// Actually change the Value in the Key,Value pair
if (CAS_val(idx, V, putval)) break;
// CAS failed
// Because we have no witness, we do not know why it failed.
// Indeed, by the time we look again the value under test might have flipped
// a thousand times and now be the expected value (despite the CAS failing).
// Check for the never-succeed condition of a Prime value and jump to any
// nested table, or else just re-run.
// We would not need this load at all if CAS returned the value on which
// the CAS failed (AKA witness). The new CAS semantics are supported via
// VarHandle in JDK9.
V = _vals[idx]; // Get new value
// If a Prime'd value got installed, we need to re-run the put on the
// new table. Otherwise we lost the CAS to another racing put.
// Simply retry from the start.
if (V instanceof Prime)
return copy_slot_and_check(idx, expVal).putIfMatch(key, putval, expVal);
// Simply retry from the start.
// NOTE: need the fence, since otherwise '_vals[idx]' load could be hoisted
// out of loop.
// CAS succeeded - we did the update!
// Both normal put's and table-copy calls putIfMatch, but table-copy
// does not (effectively) increase the number of live k/v pairs.
if (expVal != null) {
// Adjust sizes - a striped counter
if ((V == null || V == TOMBSTONE) && putval != TOMBSTONE) _size.add(1);
if (!(V == null || V == TOMBSTONE) && putval == TOMBSTONE) _size.add(-1);
// We won; we know the update happened as expected.
return (V == null && expVal != null) ? TOMBSTONE : V;
// --- tableFull ---------------------------------------------------------
// Heuristic to decide if this table is too full, and we should start a
// new table. Note that if a 'get' call has reprobed too many times and
// decided the table must be full, then always the estimate_sum must be
// high and we must report the table is full. If we do not, then we might
// end up deciding that the table is not full and inserting into the
// current table, while a 'get' has decided the same key cannot be in this
// table because of too many reprobes. The invariant is:
// slots.estimate_sum >= max_reprobe_cnt >= reprobe_limit(len)
private boolean tableFull(int reprobe_cnt, int len) {
// Do the cheap check first: we allow some number of reprobes always
reprobe_cnt >= REPROBE_LIMIT &&
(reprobe_cnt >= reprobe_limit(len) ||
// More expensive check: see if the table is > 1/2 full.
_slots.estimate_get() >= (len >> 1));
// --- resize ------------------------------------------------------------
// Resizing after too many probes. "How Big???" heuristics are here.
// Callers will (not this routine) will 'help_copy' any in-progress copy.
// Since this routine has a fast cutout for copy-already-started, callers
// MUST 'help_copy' lest we have a path which forever runs through
// 'resize' only to discover a copy-in-progress which never progresses.
private CHM resize() {
// Check for resize already in progress, probably triggered by another thread
CHM newchm = _newchm; // VOLATILE READ
if (newchm != null) // See if resize is already in progress
return newchm; // Use the new table already
// No copy in-progress, so start one. First up: compute new table size.
int oldlen = _keys.length; // Old count of K,V pairs allowed
int sz = size(); // Get current table count of active K,V pairs
int newsz = sz; // First size estimate
// Heuristic to determine new size. We expect plenty of dead-slots-with-keys
// and we need some decent padding to avoid endless reprobing.
if (_nbhml._opt_for_space) {
// This heuristic leads to a much denser table with a higher reprobe rate
if (sz >= (oldlen >> 1)) // If we are >50% full of keys then...
newsz = oldlen << 1; // Double size
} else {
if (sz >= (oldlen >> 2)) { // If we are >25% full of keys then...
newsz = oldlen << 1; // Double size
if (sz >= (oldlen >> 1)) // If we are >50% full of keys then...
newsz = oldlen << 2; // Double double size
// Last (re)size operation was very recent? Then double again
// despite having few live keys; slows down resize operations
// for tables subject to a high key churn rate - but do not
// forever grow the table. If there is a high key churn rate
// the table needs a steady state of rare same-size resize
// operations to clean out the dead keys.
long tm = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (newsz <= oldlen && // New table would shrink or hold steady?
tm <= _nbhml._last_resize_milli + 10000) // Recent resize (less than 10 sec ago)
newsz = oldlen << 1; // Double the existing size
// Do not shrink, ever. If we hit this size once, assume we
// will again.
if (newsz < oldlen) newsz = oldlen;
// Convert to power-of-2
int log2;
for (log2 = MIN_SIZE_LOG; (1 << log2) < newsz; log2++) ; // Compute log2 of size
long len = ((1L << log2) << 1) + 2;
// prevent integer overflow - limit of 2^31 elements in a Java array
// so here, 2^30 + 2 is the largest number of elements in the hash table
if ((int) len != len) {
log2 = 30;
len = (1L << log2) + 2;
if (sz > ((len >> 2) + (len >> 1))) throw new RuntimeException("Table is full.");
// Now limit the number of threads actually allocating memory to a
// handful - lest we have 750 threads all trying to allocate a giant
// resized array.
long r = _resizers;
while (!_resizerUpdater.compareAndSet(this, r, r + 1))
r = _resizers;
// Size calculation: 2 words (K+V) per table entry, plus a handful. We
// guess at 64-bit pointers; 32-bit pointers screws up the size calc by
// 2x but does not screw up the heuristic very much.
long megs = ((((1L << log2) << 1) + 8) << 3/*word to bytes*/) >> 20/*megs*/;
if (r >= 2 && megs > 0) { // Already 2 guys trying; wait and see
newchm = _newchm; // Between dorking around, another thread did it
if (newchm != null) // See if resize is already in progress
return newchm; // Use the new table already
// We could use a wait with timeout, so we'll wakeup as soon as the new table
// is ready, or after the timeout in any case.
//synchronized( this ) { wait(8*megs); } // Timeout - we always wakeup
// For now, sleep a tad and see if the 2 guys already trying to make
// the table actually get around to making it happen.
try {
} catch (Exception e) { /*empty*/}
// Last check, since the 'new' below is expensive and there is a chance
// that another thread slipped in a new thread while we ran the heuristic.
newchm = _newchm;
if (newchm != null) // See if resize is already in progress
return newchm; // Use the new table already
// New CHM - actually allocate the big arrays
newchm = new CHM(_nbhml, _size, log2);
// Another check after the slow allocation
if (_newchm != null) // See if resize is already in progress
return _newchm; // Use the new table already
// The new table must be CAS'd in so only 1 winner amongst duplicate
// racing resizing threads. Extra CHM's will be GC'd.
if (CAS_newchm(newchm)) { // NOW a resize-is-in-progress!
//notifyAll(); // Wake up any sleepers
//long nano = System.nanoTime();
//System.out.println(" "+nano+" Resize from "+oldlen+" to "+(1< _copyIdxUpdater =
AtomicLongFieldUpdater.newUpdater(CHM.class, "_copyIdx");
// Work-done reporting. Used to efficiently signal when we can move to
// the new table. From 0 to len(oldkvs) refers to copying from the old
// table to the new.
volatile long _copyDone = 0;
static private final AtomicLongFieldUpdater _copyDoneUpdater =
AtomicLongFieldUpdater.newUpdater(CHM.class, "_copyDone");
// --- help_copy_impl ----------------------------------------------------
// Help along an existing resize operation. We hope its the top-level
// copy (it was when we started) but this CHM might have been promoted out
// of the top position.
private void help_copy_impl(final boolean copy_all) {
final CHM newchm = _newchm;
assert newchm != null; // Already checked by caller
int oldlen = _keys.length; // Total amount to copy
final int MIN_COPY_WORK = Math.min(oldlen, 1024); // Limit per-thread work
// ---
int panic_start = -1;
int copyidx = -9999; // Fool javac to think it's initialized
while (_copyDone < oldlen) { // Still needing to copy?
// Carve out a chunk of work. The counter wraps around so every
// thread eventually tries to copy every slot repeatedly.
// We "panic" if we have tried TWICE to copy every slot - and it still
// has not happened. i.e., twice some thread somewhere claimed they
// would copy 'slot X' (by bumping _copyIdx) but they never claimed to
// have finished (by bumping _copyDone). Our choices become limited:
// we can wait for the work-claimers to finish (and become a blocking
// algorithm) or do the copy work ourselves. Tiny tables with huge
// thread counts trying to copy the table often 'panic'.
if (panic_start == -1) { // No panic?
copyidx = (int) _copyIdx;
while (copyidx < (oldlen << 1) && // 'panic' check
!_copyIdxUpdater.compareAndSet(this, copyidx, copyidx + MIN_COPY_WORK))
copyidx = (int) _copyIdx; // Re-read
if (!(copyidx < (oldlen << 1))) // Panic!
panic_start = copyidx; // Record where we started to panic-copy
// We now know what to copy. Try to copy.
int workdone = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < MIN_COPY_WORK; i++)
if (copy_slot((copyidx + i) & (oldlen - 1))) // Made an oldtable slot go dead?
workdone++; // Yes!
if (workdone > 0) // Report work-done occasionally
copy_check_and_promote(workdone);// See if we can promote
//for( int i=0; i 0) {
while (!_copyDoneUpdater.compareAndSet(this, copyDone, nowDone)) {
copyDone = _copyDone; // Reload, retry
nowDone = copyDone + workdone;
assert nowDone <= oldlen;
// Check for copy being ALL done, and promote. Note that we might have
// nested in-progress copies and manage to finish a nested copy before
// finishing the top-level copy. We only promote top-level copies.
if (nowDone == oldlen && // Ready to promote this table?
_nbhml._chm == this && // Looking at the top-level table?
// Attempt to promote
_nbhml.CAS(_chm_handler, this, _newchm)) {
_nbhml._last_resize_milli = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Record resize time for next check
// --- copy_slot ---------------------------------------------------------
// Copy one K/V pair from oldkvs[i] to newkvs. Returns true if we can
// confirm that we set an old-table slot to TOMBPRIME, and only returns after
// updating the new table. We need an accurate confirmed-copy count so
// that we know when we can promote (if we promote the new table too soon,
// other threads may 'miss' on values not-yet-copied from the old table).
// We don't allow any direct updates on the new table, unless they first
// happened to the old table - so that any transition in the new table from
// null to not-null must have been from a copy_slot (or other old-table
// overwrite) and not from a thread directly writing in the new table.
private boolean copy_slot(int idx) {
// Blindly set the key slot from NO_KEY to some key which hashes here,
// to eagerly stop fresh put's from inserting new values in the old
// table when the old table is mid-resize. We don't need to act on the
// results here, because our correctness stems from box'ing the Value
// field. Slamming the Key field is a minor speed optimization.
long key;
while ((key = _keys[idx]) == NO_KEY)
CAS_key(idx, NO_KEY, (idx + _keys.length)/*a non-zero key which hashes here*/);
// ---
// Prevent new values from appearing in the old table.
// Box what we see in the old table, to prevent further updates.
Object oldval = _vals[idx]; // Read OLD table
while (!(oldval instanceof Prime)) {
final Prime box = (oldval == null || oldval == TOMBSTONE) ? TOMBPRIME : new Prime(oldval);
if (CAS_val(idx, oldval, box)) { // CAS down a box'd version of oldval
// If we made the Value slot hold a TOMBPRIME, then we both
// prevented further updates here but also the (absent) oldval is
// vaccuously available in the new table. We return with true here:
// any thread looking for a value for this key can correctly go
// straight to the new table and skip looking in the old table.
if (box == TOMBPRIME)
return true;
// Otherwise we boxed something, but it still needs to be
// copied into the new table.
oldval = box; // Record updated oldval
break; // Break loop; oldval is now boxed by us
oldval = _vals[idx]; // Else try, try again
if (oldval == TOMBPRIME) return false; // Copy already complete here!
// ---
// Copy the value into the new table, but only if we overwrite a null.
// If another value is already in the new table, then somebody else
// wrote something there and that write is happens-after any value that
// appears in the old table.
Object old_unboxed = ((Prime) oldval)._V;
assert old_unboxed != TOMBSTONE;
boolean copied_into_new = (_newchm.putIfMatch(key, old_unboxed, null) == null);
// ---
// Finally, now that any old value is exposed in the new table, we can
// forever hide the old-table value by slapping a TOMBPRIME down. This
// will stop other threads from uselessly attempting to copy this slot
// (i.e., it's a speed optimization not a correctness issue).
while (oldval != TOMBPRIME && !CAS_val(idx, oldval, TOMBPRIME))
oldval = _vals[idx];
return copied_into_new;
} // end copy_slot
} // End of CHM
// --- Snapshot ------------------------------------------------------------
// The main class for iterating over the NBHM. It "snapshots" a clean
// view of the K/V array.
private class SnapshotV implements Iterator, Enumeration {
final CHM _sschm;
public SnapshotV() {
CHM topchm;
while (true) { // Verify no table-copy-in-progress
topchm = _chm;
if (topchm._newchm == null) // No table-copy-in-progress
// Table copy in-progress - so we cannot get a clean iteration. We
// must help finish the table copy before we can start iterating.
// The "linearization point" for the iteration. Every key in this table
// will be visited, but keys added later might be skipped or even be
// added to a following table (also not iterated over).
_sschm = topchm;
// Warm-up the iterator
_idx = -1;
int length() {
return _sschm._keys.length;
long key(final int idx) {
return _sschm._keys[idx];
private int _idx; // -2 for NO_KEY, -1 for CHECK_NEW_TABLE_LONG, 0-keys.length
private long _nextK, _prevK; // Last 2 keys found
private TypeV _nextV, _prevV; // Last 2 values found
public boolean hasNext() {
return _nextV != null;
public TypeV next() {
// 'next' actually knows what the next value will be - it had to
// figure that out last go 'round lest 'hasNext' report true and
// some other thread deleted the last value. Instead, 'next'
// spends all its effort finding the key that comes after the
// 'next' key.
if (_idx != -1 && _nextV == null) throw new NoSuchElementException();
_prevK = _nextK; // This will become the previous key
_prevV = _nextV; // This will become the previous value
_nextV = null; // We have no more next-key
// Attempt to set <_nextK,_nextV> to the next K,V pair.
// _nextV is the trigger: stop searching when it is != null
if (_idx == -1) { // Check for NO_KEY
_idx = 0; // Setup for next phase of search
_nextK = NO_KEY;
if ((_nextV = get(_nextK)) != null) return _prevV;
while (_idx < length()) { // Scan array
_nextK = key(_idx++); // Get a key that definitely is in the set (for the moment!)
if (_nextK != NO_KEY && // Found something?
(_nextV = get(_nextK)) != null)
break; // Got it! _nextK is a valid Key
} // Else keep scanning
return _prevV; // Return current value.
public void removeKey() {
if (_prevV == null) throw new IllegalStateException();
Long2ObjectNonBlockingMap.this.putIfMatch(_prevK, TOMBSTONE, NO_MATCH_OLD);
_prevV = null;
public void remove() {
// NOTE: it would seem logical that value removal will semantically mean
// removing the matching value for the mapping , but the JDK always
// removes by key, even when the value has changed.
public TypeV nextElement() {
return next();
public boolean hasMoreElements() {
return hasNext();
* Returns an enumeration of the values in this table.
* @return an enumeration of the values in this table
* @see #values()
public Enumeration elements() {
return new SnapshotV();
// --- values --------------------------------------------------------------
* Returns a {@link Collection} view of the values contained in this map.
* The collection is backed by the map, so changes to the map are reflected
* in the collection, and vice-versa. The collection supports element
* removal, which removes the corresponding mapping from this map, via the
* Iterator.remove, Collection.remove,
* removeAll, retainAll, and clear operations.
* It does not support the add or addAll operations.
* The view's iterator is a "weakly consistent" iterator that
* will never throw {@link ConcurrentModificationException}, and guarantees
* to traverse elements as they existed upon construction of the iterator,
* and may (but is not guaranteed to) reflect any modifications subsequent
* to construction.
public Collection values() {
return new AbstractCollection<>() {
public void clear() {
public int size() {
return Long2ObjectNonBlockingMap.this.size();
public boolean contains(Object v) {
return Long2ObjectNonBlockingMap.this.containsValue(v);
public Iterator iterator() {
return new SnapshotV();
// --- keySet --------------------------------------------------------------
* A class which implements the {@link Iterator} and {@link Enumeration}
* interfaces, generified to the {@link Long} class and supporting a
* non-auto-boxing {@link #nextLong} function.
public class IteratorLong implements Iterator, Enumeration, LongIterator {
private final SnapshotV _ss;
* A new IteratorLong
public IteratorLong() {
_ss = new SnapshotV();
* Remove last key returned by {@link #next} or {@link #nextLong}.
public void remove() {
* Auto-box and return the next key.
public Long next() {
return _ss._prevK;
* Return the next key as a primitive {@code long}.
public long nextLong() {
return _ss._prevK;
* True if there are more keys to iterate over.
public boolean hasNext() {
return _ss.hasNext();
* Auto-box and return the next key.
public Long nextElement() {
return next();
* True if there are more keys to iterate over.
public boolean hasMoreElements() {
return hasNext();
* Returns an enumeration of the auto-boxed keys in this table.
* Warning: this version will auto-box all returned keys.
* @return an enumeration of the auto-boxed keys in this table
* @see #keySet()
public Enumeration keys() {
return new IteratorLong();
public IteratorLong fastKeyIterator() {
return new IteratorLong();
* Returns a {@link Set} view of the keys contained in this map; with care
* the keys may be iterated over without auto-boxing. The
* set is backed by the map, so changes to the map are reflected in the
* set, and vice-versa. The set supports element removal, which removes
* the corresponding mapping from this map, via the
* Iterator.remove, Set.remove, removeAll,
* retainAll, and clear operations. It does not support
* the add or addAll operations.
* The view's iterator is a "weakly consistent" iterator that
* will never throw {@link ConcurrentModificationException}, and guarantees
* to traverse elements as they existed upon construction of the iterator,
* and may (but is not guaranteed to) reflect any modifications subsequent
* to construction.
public LongSet keySet() {
return new AbstractLongSet() {
public LongIterator iterator() {
return new IteratorLong();
public void clear() {
public int size() {
return Long2ObjectNonBlockingMap.this.size();
public boolean contains(long k) {
return Long2ObjectNonBlockingMap.this.containsKey(k);
public boolean remove(long k) {
return Long2ObjectNonBlockingMap.this.remove(k) != null;
* Keys as a long array. Array may be zero-padded if keys are concurrently deleted.
public long[] keySetLong() {
long[] dom = new long[size()];
IteratorLong i = (IteratorLong) keySet().iterator();
int j = 0;
while (j < dom.length && i.hasNext())
dom[j++] = i.nextLong();
return dom;
// --- entrySet ------------------------------------------------------------
// Warning: Each call to 'next' in this iterator constructs a new Long and a
// new NBHMLEntry.
private class NBHMLEntry implements LongObjectEntry, Entry {
private final long k;
private TypeV v;
NBHMLEntry(final long k, final TypeV v) {
this.k = k;
this.v = v;
public TypeV getValue() {
return v;
public TypeV setValue(final TypeV val) {
if (val == null) throw new NullPointerException();
v = val;
return put(k, val);
public long getLongKey() {
return k;
private class SnapshotE implements Iterator> {
final SnapshotV _ss;
public SnapshotE() {
_ss = new SnapshotV();
public void remove() {
// NOTE: it would seem logical that entry removal will semantically mean
// removing the matching pair , but the JDK always removes by key,
// even when the value has changed.
public LongObjectEntry next() {
return new NBHMLEntry(_ss._prevK, _ss._prevV);
public boolean hasNext() {
return _ss.hasNext();
private class SnapshotESlow implements Iterator> {
final SnapshotV _ss;
public SnapshotESlow() {
_ss = new SnapshotV();
public void remove() {
// NOTE: it would seem logical that entry removal will semantically mean
// removing the matching pair , but the JDK always removes by key,
// even when the value has changed.
public Entry next() {
return new NBHMLEntry(_ss._prevK, _ss._prevV);
public boolean hasNext() {
return _ss.hasNext();
* Returns a {@link Set} view of the mappings contained in this map. The
* set is backed by the map, so changes to the map are reflected in the
* set, and vice-versa. The set supports element removal, which removes
* the corresponding mapping from the map, via the
* Iterator.remove, Set.remove, removeAll,
* retainAll, and clear operations. It does not support
* the add or addAll operations.
* The view's iterator is a "weakly consistent" iterator
* that will never throw {@link ConcurrentModificationException},
* and guarantees to traverse elements as they existed upon
* construction of the iterator, and may (but is not guaranteed to)
* reflect any modifications subsequent to construction.
Warning: the iterator associated with this Set
* requires the creation of {@link Entry} objects with each
* iteration. The {@link cn.nukkit.utils.collection.nb.Long2ObjectNonBlockingMap}
* does not normally create or using {@link Entry} objects so
* they will be created soley to support this iteration. Iterating using
* {@link Map#keySet} or {@link Map#values} will be more efficient. In addition,
* this version requires auto-boxing the keys.
public Set> entrySet() {
return new AbstractSet<>() {
public void clear() {
public int size() {
return Long2ObjectNonBlockingMap.this.size();
public boolean remove(final Object o) {
if (!(o instanceof final Map.Entry, ?> e)) return false;
return Long2ObjectNonBlockingMap.this.remove(e.getKey(), e.getValue());
public boolean contains(final Object o) {
if (!(o instanceof final Map.Entry, ?> e)) return false;
TypeV v = get(e.getKey());
return v != null && v.equals(e.getValue());
public Iterator> iterator() {
return new SnapshotESlow();
public Set> fastEntrySet() {
return new AbstractSet<>() {
public void clear() {
public int size() {
return Long2ObjectNonBlockingMap.this.size();
public boolean remove(final Object o) {
if (!(o instanceof final Map.Entry, ?> e)) return false;
return Long2ObjectNonBlockingMap.this.remove(e.getKey(), e.getValue());
public boolean contains(final Object o) {
if (!(o instanceof final Map.Entry, ?> e)) return false;
TypeV v = get(e.getKey());
return v != null && v.equals(e.getValue());
public Iterator> iterator() {
return new SnapshotE();
// --- writeObject -------------------------------------------------------
// Write a NBHML to a stream
private void writeObject(java.io.ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException {
s.defaultWriteObject(); // Write nothing
for (long K : keySet()) {
final Object V = get(K); // Do an official 'get'
s.writeLong(K); // Write the pair
s.writeLong(NO_KEY); // Sentinel to indicate end-of-data
// --- readObject --------------------------------------------------------
// Read a NBHML from a stream
private void readObject(java.io.ObjectInputStream s) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
s.defaultReadObject(); // Read nothing
for (; ; ) {
final long K = s.readLong();
final TypeV V = (TypeV) s.readObject();
if (K == NO_KEY && V == null) break;
put(K, V); // Insert with an offical put
* Creates a shallow copy of this hashtable. All the structure of the
* hashtable itself is copied, but the keys and values are not cloned.
* This is a relatively expensive operation.
* @return a clone of the hashtable.
public Long2ObjectNonBlockingMap clone() {
try {
// Must clone, to get the class right; NBHML might have been
// extended so it would be wrong to just make a new NBHML.
Long2ObjectNonBlockingMap t = (Long2ObjectNonBlockingMap) super.clone();
// But I don't have an atomic clone operation - the underlying _kvs
// structure is undergoing rapid change. If I just clone the _kvs
// field, the CHM in _kvs[0] won't be in sync.
// Wipe out the cloned array (it was shallow anyways).
// Now copy sanely
for (long K : keySetLong())
t.put(K, get(K));
return t;
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
// this shouldn't happen, since we are Cloneable
throw new InternalError();
* It is not possible to atomically compute a value in a ConcurrentMap without locks.
public TypeV computeIfAbsent(Long key, Function super Long, ? extends TypeV> mappingFunction) {
return ConcurrentMap.super.computeIfAbsent(key, mappingFunction);
* It is not possible to atomically compute a value in a ConcurrentMap without locks.
public TypeV computeIfPresent(Long key, BiFunction super Long, ? super TypeV, ? extends TypeV> remappingFunction) {
return ConcurrentMap.super.computeIfPresent(key, remappingFunction);
* It is not possible to atomically compute a value in a ConcurrentMap without locks.
public TypeV compute(Long key, BiFunction super Long, ? super TypeV, ? extends TypeV> remappingFunction) {
return ConcurrentMap.super.compute(key, remappingFunction);
* It is not possible to atomically compute a value in a ConcurrentMap without locks.
public TypeV merge(Long key, TypeV value, BiFunction super TypeV, ? super TypeV, ? extends TypeV> remappingFunction) {
return ConcurrentMap.super.merge(key, value, remappingFunction);
} // End Long2ObjectNonBlockingMap class