language.ltu.lang.ini Maven / Gradle / Ivy
# Language file compatible with Minecraft: Bedrock Edition identifiers=
# A message doesn't need to be there to be shown correctly on the client.=
# Only messages shown in Nukkit itself need to be here=
# Using the language property from PocketMine-MP=
language.selected=Pasirinkote {%0} ({%1}) kaip pagrindinę kalbą
multiplayer.player.joined={%0} prisijungė į žaidimą
multiplayer.player.left={%0} atsijungė nuo žaidimo
chat.type.text=<{%0}> {%1}
chat.type.emote=* {%0} {%1}
chat.type.announcement=[{%0}] {%1}
chat.type.admin=[{%0}: {%1}]
chat.type.achievement={%0} gavo pasiekimą {%1}
disconnectionScreen.outdatedClient=Pasenęs klientas!
disconnectionScreen.outdatedServer=Pasenęs serveris!
disconnectionScreen.serverFull=Serveris pilnas!
disconnectionScreen.noReason=Atjungtas nuo serverio
disconnectionScreen.invalidSkin=Netinkamas skin!
disconnectionScreen.invalidName=Netinkamas vardas!
disconnectionScreen.resourcePack=Encountered a problem while downloading or applying resource pack.
death.fell.accident.generic={%0} nukrito iš aukštai
death.attack.inFire={%0} sudegė
death.attack.onFire={%0} sudegė
death.attack.lava.player={%0} tried to swim in lava to escape {%1}
death.attack.lava={%0} bandė plaukti lavoje
death.attack.magma={%0} discovered floor was lava
death.attack.magma.player={%0} walked on danger zone due to {%1}
death.attack.inWall={%0} buvo suplotas
death.attack.drown={%0} nuskendo
death.attack.cactus={%0} nusidūrė
death.attack.generic={%0} žuvo
death.attack.explosion={%0} sprogo
death.attack.explosion.player={%0} buvo susprogdintas {%1}
death.attack.magic={%0} buvo nužudytas magijos
death.attack.wither={%0} buvo nužudytas vitherio
death.attack.mob={%0} mirė nuo {%1} kirčio
death.attack.player={%0} mirė nuo {%1} kirčio
death.attack.player.item={%0} mirė nuo {%1} kirčio naudojant {%2}
death.attack.arrow={%0} buvo nušautas iš {%1} lanko
death.attack.arrow.item={%0} buvo nušautas iš {%1} lanko naudojant {%2}
death.attack.fall={%0} susiplojo ant žemės
death.attack.outOfWorld={%0} iškrito iš pasaulio
death.attack.starve={%0} starved to death
gameMode.survival=Išgyvenimo rėžimas
gameMode.creative=Kūrybinis rėžimas
gameMode.adventure=Nuotykių rėžimas
gameMode.spectator=Stebėtojo rėžimas
gameMode.changed=Your game mode has been updated to {%1}
potion.digSpeed=Greitas kasimas
potion.digSlowDown=Lėtas kasimas
potion.heal=Momentinė sveikata
potion.harm=Momentinė žala
potion.fireResistance=Atsparumas ugniai
potion.waterBreathing=Kvėpavimas po vandeniu
potion.nightVision=Naktinis matymas
potion.healthBoost=Papildoma sveikata
tile.bed.noSleep=You can only sleep at night
tile.bed.notSafe=You may not rest now, there are monsters nearby
tile.bed.notValid=Your home bed was missing or obstructed
tile.bed.occupied=This bed is occupied
tile.bed.respawnSet=Respawn point set
tile.bed.tooFar=Bed is too far away
tile.bed.obstructed=Bed is obstructed
commands.ability.description=Sets a player's ability.
commands.ability.noability=No ability called '{%0}' is available
commands.ability.granted=The '{%0}' ability has been granted to you
commands.ability.revoked=The '{%0}' ability has been revoked from you
commands.ability.success=Ability has been updated
commands.achievement.alreadyHave=Player {%0} already has achievement {%1}
commands.achievement.description=Gives or removes an achievement from a player.
commands.achievement.dontHave=Player {%0} doesn't have achievement {%1}
commands.achievement.give.success.all=Successfully given all achievements to {%0}
commands.achievement.give.success.one=Successfully given {%0} the stat {%1}
commands.achievement.statTooLow=Player {%0} does not have the stat {%1}
commands.achievement.take.success.all=Successfully taken all achievements from {%0}
commands.achievement.take.success.one=Successfully taken the stat {%0} from {%1}
commands.achievement.unknownAchievement=Unknown achievement or statistic '{%0}'
commands.agent.attack.success=Agent attack successful
commands.agent.attack.failed=Agent failed to attack
commands.agent.collect.success=Agent collect successful
commands.agent.collect.failed=Agent failed to collect
commands.agent.createagent.success=Created Agent
commands.agent.createagent.failed=Unable to create Agent
commands.agent.destroy.success=Agent destroyed a block
commands.agent.destroy.failed=Agent destroy failed
commands.agent.detect.success=Agent detect successful
commands.agent.detect.failed=Agent failed to detect
commands.agent.detectredstone.success=Agent detectredstone successful
commands.agent.detectredstone.failed=Agent failed to detectredstone
commands.agent.drop.success=Agent drop successful
commands.agent.drop.failed=Agent failed to drop
commands.agent.dropall.success=Agent dropall successful
commands.agent.dropall.failed=Agent failed to dropall
commands.agent.getitemcount.success=Agent getitemcount successful
commands.agent.getitemcount.failed=Agent failed to getitemcount
commands.agent.getitemspace.success=Agent getitemspace successful
commands.agent.getitemspace.failed=Agent failed to getitemspace
commands.agent.getitemdetail.success=Agent getitemdetail successful
commands.agent.getitemdetail.failed=Agent failed to getitemdetail
commands.agent.getposition.success=Agent getposition successful
commands.agent.getposition.failed=Agent getposition failed
commands.agent.inspect.success=Agent inspect successful
commands.agent.inspect.failed=Agent failed to inspect
commands.agent.inspectdata.success=Agent inspect data successful
commands.agent.inspectdata.failed=Agent failed to inspect data
commands.agent.move.success=Agent move successful
commands.agent.move.failed=Unable to move Agent
commands.agent.outofrange=Cannot issue command, Agent is out of range
commands.agent.place.success=Agent place successful
commands.agent.place.failed=Agent failed to place
commands.agent.setitem.success=Agent set item successful
commands.agent.setitem.failed=Agent failed to set item
commands.agent.turn.success=Agent turn successful
commands.agent.turn.failed=Unable to turn Agent
commands.agent.till.success=Agent till successful
commands.agent.till.failed=Agent failed to till
commands.agent.tpagent.description=Teleport your Agent.
commands.agent.tpagent.success=Agent teleported
commands.agent.tpagent.failed=Agent failed to teleport
commands.agent.transfer.success=Agent transfer successful
commands.agent.transfer.failed=Agent failed to transfer
commands.always.day=Day-Night cycle {%0}
commands.always.day.locked=Day-Night cycle locked
commands.always.day.unlocked=Day-Night cycle unlocked
commands.ban.description=Adds player to banlist.
commands.autocomplete.a=all players
commands.autocomplete.c=my Agent
commands.autocomplete.e=all entities
commands.autocomplete.p=closest player
commands.autocomplete.r=random player
commands.autocomplete.v=all Agents
commands.ban.failed=Could not ban player {%0}
commands.ban.success=Banned player {%0}
commands.banip.description=Adds IP address to banlist.
commands.banip.invalid=You have entered an invalid IP address or a player that is not online
commands.banip.success=Banned IP address {%0}
commands.banip.success.players=Banned IP address {%0} belonging to {%1}
commands.banlist.ips=There are {%0} total banned IP addresses:
commands.banlist.players=There are {%0} total banned players:
commands.blockdata.description=Modifies the data tag of a block.
commands.blockdata.placeFailed=You cannot place blocks here
commands.blockdata.destroyFailed=You cannot dig here
commands.blockdata.failed=The data tag did not change: {%0}
commands.blockdata.notValid=The target block is not a data holder block
commands.blockdata.outOfWorld=Cannot change block outside of the world
commands.blockdata.success=Block data updated to: {%0}
commands.blockdata.tagError=Data tag parsing failed: {%0}
commands.blockstate.invalidState='{%0}' is not a valid Block State.
commands.blockstate.stateError=Block State: '{%0}' is invalid on Block: '{%1}'.
commands.blockstate.typeError=Invalid value type for Block State: '{%0}'.
commands.blockstate.valueError=Invalid value for Block State: '{%0}'.
commands.bossbar.add.success=Created custom bossbar [{%0}]
commands.bossbar.add.failure.invalid=Invalid bossbar ID. IDs should be of the form namespace:id or id (defaults to minecraft namespace).
commands.bossbar.add.failure.exists=A bossbar already exists with the ID '{%0}'
commands.bossbar.description=Creates and modifies boss bars
commands.bossbar.get.max=Custom bossbar [{%0}] has a maximum of {%1}
commands.bossbar.get.players=Custom bossbar [{%0}] has {%1} players currently online: {%2}
commands.bossbar.get.players.none=Custom bossbar [{%0}] has no players currently online
commands.bossbar.get.players.one=Custom bossbar [{%0}] has 1 player currently online: {%1}
commands.bossbar.get.value=Custom bossbar [{%0}] has a value of {%1}
commands.bossbar.get.visible.true=Custom bossbar [{%0}] is currently shown
commands.bossbar.get.visible.false=Custom bossbar [{%0}] is currently hidden
commands.bossbar.list=There are {%0} custom bossbars active: {%1}
commands.bossbar.list.none=There are no custom bossbars active
commands.bossbar.list.one=There is 1 custom bossbar active: {%0}
commands.bossbar.notFound=No bossbar exists with the ID '{%0}'
commands.bossbar.remove=Removed custom bossbar [{%0}]
commands.change-setting.description=Changes a setting on the dedicated server while it's running.
commands.change-setting.success={%0} has been changed
commands.chunkinfo.compiled=Chunk is compiled.
commands.chunkinfo.data=First 64 vertices are: {%0}
commands.chunkinfo.empty=Chunk is empty.
commands.chunkinfo.hasLayers=Chunk has layers: {%0}
commands.chunkinfo.hasNoRenderableLayers=Chunk has no renderable layers.
commands.chunkinfo.isEmpty=Chunk has empty layers: {%0}
commands.chunkinfo.location=Chunk location: ({%0}, {%1}, {%2})
commands.chunkinfo.noChunk=No chunk found at chunk position {%0}, {%1}, {%2}
commands.chunkinfo.notCompiled=Chunk is not compiled.
commands.chunkinfo.notEmpty=Chunk is not empty.
commands.chunkinfo.vertices={%0} layer's buffer contains {%1} vertices
commands.classroommode.description=Attempt to launch and connect to Classroom Mode.
commands.classroommode.success=Attempting to launch Classroom Mode...
commands.clear.description=Clears items from player inventory.
commands.clear.failure=Could not clear the inventory of {%0}
commands.clear.failure.no.items=Could not clear the inventory of {%0}, no items to remove
commands.clear.success=Cleared the inventory of {%0}, removing {%1} items
commands.clear.tagError=Data tag parsing failed: {%0}
commands.clear.testing={%0} has {%1} items that match the criteria
commands.clearfixedinv.description=Removes all Fixed Inventory Slots.
commands.clearfixedinv.success=Cleared the Fixed Inventory
commands.clone.description=Clones blocks from one region to another.
commands.clone.failed=No blocks cloned
commands.clone.filtered.error=Filtered usage requires a filter block to be specified
commands.clone.noOverlap=Source and destination can not overlap
commands.clone.success={%0} blocks cloned
commands.clone.tooManyBlocks=Too many blocks in the specified area ({%0} > {%1})
commands.closechat.description=Closes the chat window of the local player if it is open.
commands.closechat.success=Chat closed
commands.closechat.failure=Chat was not open
commands.closewebsocket.description=Closes websocket connection if there is one.
commands.code.description=Launches Code Builder.
commands.code.success=Launched Code Builder.
commands.compare.failed=Source and destination are not identical
commands.compare.success={%0} blocks compared
commands.compare.tooManyBlocks=Too many blocks in the specified area ({%0} > {%1})
commands.compactdb.description=Explicitly compacts the levelDB log.
commands.compactdb.success=Successfully compacted levelDB log.
commands.corruptworld.description=Corrupts the world loaded on the server.
commands.corruptworld.success=Successfully corrupted the world.
commands.damage.description=Apply damage to the specified entities.
commands.damage.specify.damage=Please specify a valid damage value.
commands.damage.success=Applied damage to {%0}
commands.damage.failed=Could not apply damage to {%0}
commands.damage.tooManySources=There can only be one source entity. Please adjust your selector to limit selection to one entity.
commands.daylock.description=Locks and unlocks the day-night cycle.
commands.debug.description=Starts or stops a debugging session.
commands.debug.notStarted=Can't stop profiling when we haven't started yet!
commands.debug.start=Started debug profiling
commands.debug.stop=Stopped debug profiling after {%1} seconds ({%0} ticks)
commands.defaultgamemode.description=Sets the default game mode.
commands.defaultgamemode.success=The world's default game mode is now {%0}
commands.deop.description=Revokes operator status from a player.
commands.deop.failed=Could not de-op (permission level too high): {%0}
commands.deop.success=De-opped: {%0}
commands.deop.message=You have been de-opped
commands.dialogue.description=Opens NPC dialogue for a player.
commands.dialogue.changeFailed=Failed to change the scene for the NPC.
commands.dialogue.changeSuccess=Dialogue successfully changed the scene for the NPC globally.
commands.dialogue.changePerPlayerSuccess=Dialogue successfully changed NPC text just for {%0}.
commands.dialogue.invalidScene=Invalid scene was referenced.
commands.dialogue.noNpcComponent=Selected actor did not have an NPC component.
commands.dialogue.npcNotFound=Failed to find an NPC.
commands.dialogue.npcNotInRange=An NPC was found, but was not in the receiving player {%0}'s ticking range.
commands.dialogue.success=Dialogue sent to {%0}.
commands.dialogue.tooManyNPCs=Selector for NPCs was ambiguous and resulted in too many selected. Please select only one NPC.
commands.difficulty.description=Sets the difficulty level.
commands.difficulty.success=Set game difficulty to {%0}
commands.downfall.success=Toggled downfall
commands.effect.description=Add or remove status effects.
commands.effect.failure.notActive=Couldn't take {%0} from {%1} as they do not have the effect
commands.effect.failure.notActive.all=Couldn't take any effects from {%0} as they do not have any
commands.effect.failure.notAMob={%0} cannot have effects
commands.effect.notFound=There is no such mob effect with ID {%0}
commands.effect.success=Gave {%0} * {%1} to {%2} for {%3} seconds
commands.effect.success.removed=Took {%0} from {%1}
commands.effect.success.removed.all=Took all effects from {%0}
commands.enchant.cantCombine={%0} can't be combined with {%1}
commands.enchant.invalidLevel={%0} does not support level {%1}
commands.enchant.cantEnchant=The selected enchantment can't be added to the target item: {%0}
commands.enchant.description=Adds an enchantment to a player's selected item.
commands.enchant.noItem=The target doesn't hold an item: {%0}
commands.enchant.notFound=There is no such enchantment with ID {%0}
commands.enchant.success=Enchanting succeeded for {%0}
commands.entitydata.description=Modifies the data tag of an entity.
commands.entitydata.failed=The data tag did not change: {%0}
commands.entitydata.noPlayers={%0} is a player and cannot be changed
commands.entitydata.success=Entity data updated to: {%0}
commands.entitydata.tagError=Data tag parsing failed: {%0}
commands.event.description=Triggers an event for the specified object(s)
commands.event.error.empty=Event name cannot be empty
commands.event.error.failed={%0} could not be executed on: {%1}
commands.event.success={%0} successfully executed on: {%1}
commands.execute.align.invalidInput=Invalid swizzle, expected combination of 'x', 'y', and 'z'
commands.execute.allInvocationsFailed=All invocations failed: '{%0}'
commands.execute.failed=Failed to execute '{%0}' as {%1}
commands.execute.description=Executes a command on behalf of one or more entities.
commands.execute.outRangedDetectPosition=Detect position: {%0} {%1} {%2} is out of range.
commands.execute.falseCondition=Execute subcommand {%0} {%1} test failed.
commands.execute.falseConditionWithCount=Execute subcommand {%0} {%1} test failed, count: {%2}.
commands.execute.trueCondition=Test passed.
commands.execute.trueConditionWithCount=Test passed, count: {%0}.
commands.execute.ifUnlessBlocks.tooManyBlocks=Checking too many blocks. Max block count: {%0}. Current block count: {%1}.
commands.execute.ifUnlessScore.score.notFound=No {%0} score for {%1} found
commands.execute.ifUnlessScore.targets.tooMany={%0} targets matched the selector. Only 1 target is allowed.
commands.execute.ifUnlessScore.targets.empty=There is no tracked player '{%0}' on the scoreboard
commands.execute.ifUnlessScore.objectiveNotFound=No objective was found by the name '{%0}'
commands.execute.ifUnlessScore.players.compareOperation.invalidOperation=Invalid operation {%0}.
commands.fill.description=Fills all or parts of a region with a specific block.
commands.fill.failed=No blocks filled
commands.fill.outOfWorld=Cannot place blocks outside of the world
commands.fill.success={%0} blocks filled
commands.fill.tagError=Data tag parsing failed: {%0}
commands.fill.tooManyBlocks=Too many blocks in the specified area ({%0} > {%1})
commands.fill.replace.auxvalue.invalid=Invalid replace data value for block {%0}
commands.fog.description=Add or remove fog settings file
commands.fog.invalidFogId=Invalid Fog Setting Id : {%0}
commands.fog.invalidUserId=No fog settings with the id were found for {%0}
commands.fog.limitReached=Size limit reached for fog identifiers for {%0}
commands.fog.success.pop=Last pushed fog setting with id {%1} was successfully removed from {%0}
commands.fog.success.push=Fog setting was successfully added for {%0} with id {%1}
commands.fog.success.remove=Fog settings with id {%1} were successfully removed from {%0}
commands.function.description=Runs commands found in the corresponding function file.
commands.function.functionNameNotFound=Function {%0} not found.
commands.function.invalidCharacters=Function with title '{%0}' is invalid, character '{%1}' is not allowed in function names.
commands.function.noEngineVersionSpecified=Function {%0} could not be run. You must specify a min_engine_version in the behavior pack's manifest.json.
commands.function.success=Successfully executed {%0} function entries.
commands.gamemode.description=Sets a player's game mode.
commands.gamemode.success.other=Set {%1}'s game mode to {%0}
commands.gamemode.success.self=Set own game mode to {%0}
commands.gamemode.fail.invalid=Game mode '{%0}' is invalid
commands.gamerule.description=Sets or queries a game rule value.
commands.gamerule.type.invalid=Invalid type used for game rule '{%0}'
commands.gamerule.type.nocheatsenabled=Game rule '{%0}' can only be used if cheats are enabled in this world.
commands.gamerule.nopermission=Only server owners can change '{%0}'
commands.gamerule.norule=No game rule called '{%0}' is available
commands.gamerule.success=Game rule {%0} has been updated to {%1}
commands.generic.async.initiated='{%0}' command started (async step {%1})
commands.generic.boolean.invalid='{%0}' is not true or false
commands.generic.chunk.notFound=Specified chunk not found
commands.generic.componentError=Component list parsing failed
commands.generic.dimension.notFound=Specified dimension not found
commands.generic.disabled=Cheats aren't enabled in this world.
commands.generic.disabled.editorLocked=The command you entered, {%0}, is not supported in the Editor.
commands.generic.disabled.templateLocked=Settings are currently locked. Unlock Template World Options in the Game Settings menu to change them.
commands.generic.double.tooBig=The number you have entered ({%0}) is too big, it must be at most {%1}
commands.generic.double.tooSmall=The number you have entered ({%0}) is too small, it must be at least {%1}
commands.generic.duplicateType=Duplicate type arguments
commands.generic.duplicateSelectorArgument=Duplicate {%0} selector arguments
commands.generic.encryption.badkey=Bad public key given. Expected 120 byte key after PEM formatting.
commands.generic.encryption.badsalt=Bad salt given. Expected a 16 bytes before base 64 encoding.
commands.generic.encryption.required=Encrypted session required
commands.generic.entity.invalidType=Entity type '{%0}' is invalid
commands.generic.entity.invalidUuid=The entity UUID provided is in an invalid format
commands.generic.entity.notFound=That entity cannot be found
commands.generic.exception=An unknown error occurred while attempting to perform this command
commands.generic.invalidAgentType=Type argument applied to Agent-only selector
commands.generic.invalidcontext=Invalid context provided for given command type
commands.generic.invalidDevice=The command you entered, {%0}, is not supported on this device
commands.generic.invalidPlayerType=Type argument applied to player-only selector
commands.generic.invalidType=Unknown type argument
commands.generic.levelError=Max level has to be larger than min level
commands.generic.malformed.body=Body is missing or malformed
commands.generic.malformed.type=Invalid request type
commands.generic.notimplemented=Not implemented
commands.generic.num.invalid='{%0}' is not a valid number
commands.generic.num.tooBig=The number you have entered ({%0}) is too big, it must be at most {%1}
commands.generic.num.tooSmall=The number you have entered ({%0}) is too small, it must be at least {%1}
commands.generic.outOfWorld=Cannot access blocks outside of the world
commands.generic.parameter.invalid='{%0}' is not a valid parameter
commands.generic.player.notFound=That player cannot be found
commands.generic.protocol.mismatch=Provided protocol version doesn't match Minecraft's protocol version
commands.generic.radiusError=Minimum selector radius must be smaller than maximum
commands.generic.radiusNegative=Radius cannot be negative
commands.generic.rotationError=Rotation out of range
commands.generic.running=The command is already running
commands.generic.step.failed=Command step failed
commands.generic.syntax=Syntax error: Unexpected "{%1}": at "{%0}>>{%1}<<{%2}"
commands.generic.noTargetMatch=No targets matched selector
commands.generic.targetNotPlayer=Selector must be player-type
commands.generic.tooManyNames=Too many target name arguments
commands.generic.tooManyTargets=Too many targets matched selector
commands.generic.too.many.requests=Too many commands have been requested, wait for one to be done
commands.generic.unknown=Unknown command: {%0}. Please check that the command exists and that you have permission to use it.
commands.generic.usage=Usage: {%0}
commands.generic.version.mismatch=The requested version doesn't exist for this command
commands.generic.version.missing=Command calls not from chat should specify the command's version
commands.getchunkdata.description=Gets pixels for a specific chunk.
commands.getchunkdata.success=Chunk data received
commands.getchunks.description=Gets list of chunks that are loaded.
commands.getchunks.success=Chunk list received
commands.getlocalplayername.description=Returns the local player name.
commands.getspawnpoint.description=Gets the spawn position of the specified player(s).
commands.gettopsolidblock.description=Gets the position of the top non-air block below the specified position
commands.gettopsolidblock.notfound=No solid blocks under specified position
commands.give.block.notFound=There is no such block with name {%0}
commands.give.description=Gives an item to a player.
commands.give.item.invalid=Invalid command syntax: no such {%0} exists with that data value
commands.give.item.notFound=There is no such item with name {%0}
commands.give.map.invalidData=Invalid map data provided
commands.give.map.featureNotFound=Could not make exploration map. Feature not found on this dimension
commands.give.success=Gave {%0} * {%1} to {%2}
commands.give.successRecipient=You have been given {%0} * {%1}
commands.give.tagError=Data tag parsing failed: {%0}
commands.hasitem.fail.invalidData="data" has an invalid input, must be an integer.
commands.hasitem.fail.invalidQuantity="quantity" has an invalid input, must be an integer or range of integers.
commands.hasitem.fail.invalidSlot="slot" has an invalid input, must be an integer or range of integers.
commands.hasitem.fail.noItem="item" missing, required for "hasitem" filter.
commands.hasitem.fail.slotNoLocation=Specifying a "slot" is invalid if a "location" is not given.
commands.help.description=Provides help/list of commands.
commands.help.footer=Tip: Use the key while typing a command to auto-complete the command or its arguments
commands.help.header=--- Showing help page {%0} of {%1} (/help ) ---
commands.help.command.aliases={%0} (also {%1}):
commands.immutableworld.description=Sets the immutable state of the world.
commands.immutableworld.info=immutableworld = {%0}
commands.inputpermission.description=Sets whether or not a player's input can affect their character.
commands.inputpermission.set.invalidfilter='{%0}' is an invalid filter argument
commands.inputpermission.set.missingpermission='permission' has an invalid input
commands.inputpermission.set.missingstate='state' has an invalid input
commands.inputpermission.query=<{%0}>: {%1} {%2}
commands.inputpermission.queryverbose=<{%0}>: {%1} enabled | {%2} disabled
commands.itemswithtag.description=Lists all items with the given tag.
commands.itemswithtag.success.single=There is {%0} item with the tag {%1}:
commands.itemswithtag.success.multiple=There are {%0} items with the tag {%1}:
commands.itemswithtag.fail.noitemsfound=No items contain the tag {%0}.
commands.kick.description=Kicks a player from the server.
commands.kick.description.edu=Removes a player from the game.
commands.kick.no.player=Please provide the name of the player you want to kick
commands.kick.not.found=Could not find player {%0}
commands.kick.not.yourself=You may not remove yourself from the game
commands.kick.success=Kicked {%0} from the game
commands.kick.success.reason=Kicked {%0} from the game: '{%1}'
commands.kick.success.reasonedu=Removed {%0} from the game: '{%1}'
commands.kick.no.host=The host may not be kicked from the game.
commands.kick.no.teacher=Teachers may not be removed from the game.
commands.kill.attemptKillPlayerCreative.edu=Players cannot be removed while they are in Creative mode.
commands.kill.attemptKillPlayerCreative=Players cannot be killed while they are in Creative mode.
commands.kill.successful.edu=Removed {%0}
commands.kill.successful=Killed {%0}
commands.kill.description.edu=Removes entities (players, mobs, etc.).
commands.kill.description=Kills entities (players, mobs, etc.).
commands.lesson.description=Handle Educational Lesson reporting.
commands.list.description=Lists players on the server.
commands.locate.description=Displays the coordinates for the closest structure or biome of a given type.
commands.locate.biome.fail=Could not find a biome of type {%0} within a reasonable distance
commands.locate.biome.success=The nearest {%0} is at block {%1}, {%2}, {%3} ({%4} blocks away)
commands.locate.structure.fail.noplayer=The command can only be used by a valid player
commands.locate.structure.fail.nostructurefound=No valid structure found within a reasonable distance
commands.locate.structure.success=The nearest {%0} is at block {%1}, (y?), {%2} ({%3} blocks away)
commands.loot.description=Drops the given loot table into the specified inventory or into the world.
commands.loot.failure.invalidLootTable=Loot table '{%0}' not found
commands.loot.failure.mainhandOffhandOnNonEntity=Mainhand or offhand should not be used on non entity object.
commands.loot.failure.entityNoLootTable=Entity {%0} has no loot table
commands.loot.failure.noContainer=Target position {%0} is not a container
commands.loot.failure.invalidSlotIdForSlotType=Could not replace slot {%0}, slot must be between {%1} and {%2} for {%3}
commands.loot.failure.invalidSlotTypeForEntity=Entity {%0} does not have SlotType {%1}
commands.loot.failure.countExceedsContainerSize=slotId + count exceeds slot container size {%0}
commands.loot.failure.negativeCount=count cannot be negative a negative number
commands.loot.success={%0} items were dropped.
commands.loot.replaceSuccess=Replaced {%0} {%1} of {%2} with {%3} item(s) over {%4} slot(s)
commands.loot.replaceSuccess.block=Replaced {%0} slot {%1} with {%2} item(s) over {%3} slot(s)
commands.selector.error.moreThanOne=Only one entity is allowed, but the provided selector allows more than one
commands.tagsfromitem.description=Lists all tags associated with the given item.
commands.tagsfromitem.success.single=There is {%0} tag on the item {%1}:
commands.tagsfromitem.success.multiple=There are {%0} tags on the item {%1}:
commands.tagsfromitem.fail.notagsfound=No tags found on the item: {%0}.
commands.togglecontentlog.toggle=Enables/Disables the content log command
commands.togglecontentlog.enabled=Content Log Enabled
commands.togglecontentlog.disabled=Content Log Disabled
commands.me.description=Displays a message about yourself.
commands.message.display.incoming={%0} whispers to you: {%1}
commands.message.display.outgoing=You whisper to {%0}: {%1}
commands.message.sameTarget=You can't send a private message to yourself!
commands.mobevent.description=Controls what mob events are allowed to run.
commands.mobevent.eventsEnabledSetToTrue=Mob Events are now enabled. Individual events which are set to false will not run.
commands.mobevent.eventsEnabledSetToFalse=Mob Events are now disabled. Individual events will not run.
commands.mobevent.eventsEnabledIsTrue=Mob Events are enabled. Individual events which are set to false will not run.
commands.mobevent.eventsEnabledIsFalse=Mob Events are disabled. Individual events will not run.
commands.mobevent.eventSetToTrue=Mob Event {%0} (id: {%1}) set to true.
commands.mobevent.eventSetToTrueButEventsDisabled=Mob Event {%0} (id: {%1}) set to true, but Mob Events are disabled.
commands.mobevent.eventSetToFalse=Mob Event {%0} (id: {%1}) set to false.
commands.mobevent.eventIsTrue=Mob Event {%0} (id: {%1}) is set to true.
commands.mobevent.eventIsTrueButEventsDisabled=Mob Event {%0} (id: {%1}) is set to true, but Mob Events are disabled.
commands.mobevent.eventIsFalse=Mob Event {%0} (id: {%1}) is set to false.
commands.music.description=Allows you to control playing music tracks.
commands.music.failure.emptyTrackName=You must provide a non-empty track name.
commands.music.success.queueAction={%0} has been queued and it will start playing when the current track stops.
commands.music.success.playAction={%0} has been queued to start playing.
commands.music.success.stopAction=Custom music will stop now.
commands.music.success.volumeAction=Music volume will be updated to {%0}.
commands.op.description=Grants operator status to a player.
commands.op.failed=Could not op (already op or higher): {%0}
commands.op.success=Opped: {%0}
commands.op.message=You have been opped
commands.operator.invalid=Invalid operation {%0}.
commands.origin.script=Script Engine
commands.ops.description=Reloads and applies Op permissions.
commands.ops.reloaded=Ops reloaded from file.
commands.ops.set.success=Succeeded in setting operator level for player {%0}.
commands.permissions.description=Reloads and applies permissions.
commands.permissions.reloaded=Permissions reloaded from file.
commands.permissions.set.failed=Could not set permission level {%0} for player {%1}.
commands.permissions.set.success=Succeeded in setting permission level {%0} for player {%1}.
commands.permissions.save.failed=Could not save permission level {%0} for player {%1}.
commands.permissions.save.success=Succeeded in saving permission level {%0} for player {%1}.
commands.spawnParticleEmitter.description=Creates a particle emitter
commands.spawnParticleEmitter.success=Request to create {%0} sent to all players.
commands.particle.description=Creates particles.
commands.particle.notFound=Unknown effect name ({%0})
commands.particle.success=Playing effect {%0} for {%1} times
commands.playanimation.description=Makes one or more entities play a one-off animation. Assumes all variables are setup correctly.
commands.playanimation.success=Animation request sent to clients for processing.
commands.players.list=There are {%0}/{%1} players online:
commands.playsound.description=Plays a sound.
commands.playsound.playerTooFar=Player {%0} is too far away to hear the sound
commands.playsound.success=Played sound '{%0}' to {%1}
commands.position.description=Toggles on/off coordinates for player.
commands.publish.failed=Unable to host local game
commands.publish.started=Local game hosted on port {%0}
commands.querytarget.description=Gets transform, name, and id information about the given target entity or entities.
commands.querytarget.success=Target data: {%0}
commands.recipes.description=Unlocks recipe in the recipe book for a player.
commands.recipes.notFound=The recipe could not be found
commands.reload.description=Reloads all function and script files from all behavior packs.
commands.reload.success=Function and script files have been reloaded.
commands.replaceitem.description=Replaces items in inventories.
commands.replaceitem.failed=Could not replace {%0} slot {%1} with {%2} * {%3}
commands.replaceitem.keepFailed=There is already an item occupying {%0} slot {%1}.
commands.replaceitem.noContainer=Block at {%0} is not a container
commands.replaceitem.badSlotNumber=Could not replace slot {%0}, must be a value between {%1} and {%2}.
commands.replaceitem.success=Replaced {%0} slot {%1} with {%2} * {%3}
commands.replaceitem.success.entity=Replaced {%0} slot {%1} of {%2} with {%3} * {%4}
commands.replaceitem.tagError=Data tag parsing failed: {%0}
commands.ride.description=Makes entities ride other entities, stops entities from riding, makes rides evict their riders, or summons rides or riders.
commands.ride.evictRiders.success=Rides that have successfully evicted their riders: {%0}
commands.ride.startRiding.failure=Riders that did not meet ride conditions: {%0}
commands.ride.startRiding.groupDoesntFit=The group of riders does not fit on the ride.
commands.ride.startRiding.notRideable=The selected entity is not rideable.
commands.ride.startRiding.rideFull=This ride is already full.
commands.ride.startRiding.rideFullRidersLeft=The ride is full, so some riders were not added.
commands.ride.startRiding.success=Riders successfully added to ride: {%0}
commands.ride.startRiding.tooManyRiders=Too many riders were specified. Only one is allowed at a time for teleport_ride.
commands.ride.startRiding.tooManyRides=Too many rides were specified. Only one is allowed at a time.
commands.ride.stopRiding.success=Riders that have successfully stopped riding: {%0}
commands.ride.summonRide.failed=Rides were summoned, but these riders could not be added to them: {%0}
commands.ride.summonRide.notRideable=Entity was summoned, but it is not rideable.
commands.ride.summonRide.success=Ride successfully summoned for these riders: {%0}
commands.ride.summonRide.skipped=Rides were not summoned for the following entities that already have rides: {%0}
commands.ride.summonRider.failed=Riders were summoned, but could not be added to rides: {%0}
commands.ride.summonRider.fullRides=Riders could not ride these rides because they are full: {%0}
commands.ride.summonRider.ridesWithNoRideableComp=The following entities are not rideable: {%0}
commands.ride.summonRider.success=Riders successfully summoned for rides: {%0}
commands.save.description=Control or check how the game saves data to disk.
commands.save.disabled=Turned off world auto-saving
commands.save.enabled=Turned on world auto-saving
commands.save.failed=Saving failed: {%0}
commands.save.success=Saved the world
commands.save-all.error=An error occurred when trying to pause the world storage.
commands.save-all.success=Data saved. Files are now ready to be copied.
commands.save-off.alreadyOff=Saving is already turned off.
commands.save-on.alreadyOn=Saving is already turned on.
commands.save-on.notDone=A previous save has not been completed.
commands.save-on.description=Enables automatic server saves.
commands.save-on.success=Changes to the world are resumed.
commands.save-state.description=Checks if a previous save-all has finished and lists the files involved.
commands.say.description=Sends a message in the chat to other players.
commands.schedule.delay.functionQueued=Scheduled function {%0} in {%1} ticks at gametime {%2}.
commands.schedule.delay.negativeTime=Time cannot be negative.
commands.schedule.description=Schedules an action to be executed once an area is loaded, or after a certain amount of time.
commands.schedule.functionQueued=Function has been queued and it will be executed when the specified area is fully loaded.
commands.schedule.functionRan=Successfully executed {%0} function entries in function {%1}.
commands.schedule.invalidOrigin=The origin needed to execute this function was invalid.
commands.schedule.name.empty=Ticking area name cannot be empty.
commands.schedule.too.many.areas=More than one ticking areas were found with the name {%0}. Please use a single area.
commands.scoreboard.description=Tracks and displays scores for various objectives.
commands.scoreboard.allMatchesFailed=All matches failed
commands.scoreboard.noMultiWildcard=Only one user wildcard allowed
commands.scoreboard.objectiveNotFound=No objective was found by the name '{%0}'
commands.scoreboard.objectiveReadOnly=The objective '{%0}' is read-only and cannot be set
commands.scoreboard.objectives.add.alreadyExists=An objective with the name '{%0}' already exists
commands.scoreboard.objectives.add.displayTooLong=The display name '{%0}' is too long for an objective, it can be at most {%1} characters long
commands.scoreboard.objectives.add.success=Added new objective '{%0}' successfully
commands.scoreboard.objectives.add.tooLong=The name '{%0}' is too long for an objective, it can be at most {%1} characters long
commands.scoreboard.objectives.add.wrongType=Invalid objective criteria type '{%0}'
commands.scoreboard.objectives.add.needName=An objective needs a name.
commands.scoreboard.objectives.description=Modify scoreboard objectives.
commands.scoreboard.objectives.list.count=Showing {%0} objective(s) on scoreboard:
commands.scoreboard.objectives.list.empty=There are no objectives on the scoreboard
commands.scoreboard.objectives.list.entry=- {%0}: displays as '{%1}' and is type '{%2}'
commands.scoreboard.objectives.remove.success=Removed objective '{%0}' successfully
commands.scoreboard.objectives.setdisplay.invalidSlot=No such display slot '{%0}'
commands.scoreboard.objectives.setdisplay.successCleared=Cleared objective display slot '{%0}'
commands.scoreboard.objectives.setdisplay.successSet=Set the display objective in slot '{%0}' to '{%1}'
commands.scoreboard.players.add.success=Added {%0} to [{%1}] for {%2} (now {%3})
commands.scoreboard.players.add.multiple.success=Added {%0} to [{%1}] for {%2} entities
commands.scoreboard.players.nameNotFound=A player name must be given.
commands.scoreboard.players.enable.noTrigger=Objective {%0} is not a trigger
commands.scoreboard.players.enable.success=Enabled trigger {%0} for {%1}
commands.scoreboard.players.list.count=Showing {%0} tracked players on the scoreboard:
commands.scoreboard.players.list.empty=There are no tracked players on the scoreboard
commands.scoreboard.players.list.player.count=Showing {%0} tracked objective(s) for {%1}:
commands.scoreboard.players.list.player.empty=Player {%0} has no scores recorded
commands.scoreboard.players.list.player.entry=- {%1}: {%0} ({%2})
commands.scoreboard.players.operation.invalidOperation=Invalid operation {%0}
commands.scoreboard.players.operation.notFound=No {%0} score for {%1} found
commands.scoreboard.players.operation.success=Updated [{%0}] for {%1} entities
commands.scoreboard.players.offlinePlayerName=Player Offline
commands.scoreboard.players.random.invalidRange=Min {%0} is not less than max {%1}
commands.scoreboard.players.remove.success=Removed {%0} from [{%1}] for {%2} (now {%3})
commands.scoreboard.players.remove.multiple.success=Removed {%0} from [{%1}] for {%2} entities
commands.scoreboard.players.reset.success=Reset scores of player {%0}
commands.scoreboard.players.resetscore.success=Reset score {%0} of player {%1}
commands.scoreboard.players.set.success=Set [{%0}] for {%1} to {%2}
commands.scoreboard.players.set.multiple.success=Set [{%0}] for {%1} entities to {%2}
commands.scoreboard.players.set.tagError=Could not parse dataTag, reason: {%0}
commands.scoreboard.players.set.tagMismatch=The dataTag does not match for {%0}
commands.scoreboard.players.score.notFound=No {%0} score for {%1} found
commands.scoreboard.players.test.failed=Score {%0} is NOT in range {%1} to {%2}
commands.scoreboard.players.test.success=Score {%0} is in range {%1} to {%2}
commands.scoreboard.teamNotFound=No team was found by the name '{%0}'
commands.scoreboard.teams.add.alreadyExists=A team with the name '{%0}' already exists
commands.scoreboard.teams.add.displayTooLong=The display name '{%0}' is too long for a team, it can be at most {%1} characters long
commands.scoreboard.teams.add.success=Added new team '{%0}' successfully
commands.scoreboard.teams.add.tooLong=The name '{%0}' is too long for a team, it can be at most {%1} characters long
commands.scoreboard.teams.empty.alreadyEmpty=Team {%0} is already empty, cannot remove nonexistent players
commands.scoreboard.teams.empty.success=Removed all {%0} player(s) from team {%1}
commands.scoreboard.teams.join.failure=Could not add {%0} player(s) to team {%1}: {%2}
commands.scoreboard.teams.join.success=Added {%0} player(s) to team {%1}: {%2}
commands.scoreboard.teams.leave.failure=Could not remove {%0} player(s) from their teams: {%1}
commands.scoreboard.teams.leave.noTeam=You are not in a team
commands.scoreboard.teams.leave.success=Removed {%0} player(s) from their teams: {%1}
commands.scoreboard.teams.list.count=Showing {%0} teams on the scoreboard:
commands.scoreboard.teams.list.empty=There are no teams registered on the scoreboard
commands.scoreboard.teams.list.entry=- {%0}: '{%1}' has {%2} players
commands.scoreboard.teams.list.player.count=Showing {%0} player(s) in team {%1}:
commands.scoreboard.teams.list.player.empty=Team {%0} has no players
commands.scoreboard.teams.list.player.entry=- {%1}: {%0} ({%2})
commands.scoreboard.teams.option.noValue=Valid values for option {%0} are: {%1}
commands.scoreboard.teams.option.success=Set option {%0} for team {%1} to {%2}
commands.scoreboard.teams.remove.success=Removed team {%0}
commands.screenshake.description=Applies shaking to the players' camera with a specified intensity and duration.
commands.screenshake.success=Sent a request to the following players for their camera to shake: {%0}
commands.screenshake.successStop=Stopping camera shake for the following players: {%0}
commands.scriptevent.description=Triggers a script event with an ID and message.
commands.scriptevent.messageSizeExceed=Message length exceeds ({%0}) character limit!
commands.scriptevent.invalidNamespace=Identifier must be present and must not use the Minecraft namespace
commands.seed.success=Seed: {%0}
commands.setblock.description=Changes a block to another block.
commands.setblock.failed=Unable to place block
commands.setblock.noChange=The block couldn't be placed
commands.setblock.notFound=There is no such block with ID/name {%0}
commands.setblock.outOfWorld=Cannot place block outside of the world
commands.setblock.success=Block placed
commands.setblock.tagError=Data tag parsing failed: {%0}
commands.setidletimeout.success=Successfully set the idle timeout to {%0} minutes.
commands.setfixedinvslots.description=Sets the number of fixed inventory slots for the server.
commands.setfixedinvslots.success=Number of Fixed Inventory Slots set to {%0}
commands.setfixedinvslot.description=Sets a fixed slot to a specified item.
commands.setfixedinvslot.success=Fixed Inventory Slot {%0} set to {%1}
commands.globalpause.description=Sets or gets the paused state of the game for all players.
commands.globalpause.success=Set or got pause state
commands.setmaxplayers.description=Sets the maximum number of players for this game session.
commands.setmaxplayers.success=Set max players to {%0}.
commands.setmaxplayers.success.upperbound=(Bound to maximum allowed connections)
commands.setmaxplayers.success.lowerbound=(Bound to current player count)
commands.setworldspawn.description=Sets the world spawn.
commands.setworldspawn.success=Set the world spawn point to ({%0}, {%1}, {%2})
commands.setworldspawn.wrongDimension=The world spawn can not be set in this dimension
commands.setworldspawn.notAllowedInLegacyWorlds=The world spawn can not be set in legacy worlds
commands.spawnpoint.success.single=Set {%0}'s spawn point to ({%1}, {%2}, {%3})
commands.spawnpoint.description=Sets the spawn point for a player.
commands.spawnpoint.success.multiple.specific=Set spawn point for {%0} to ({%1}, {%2}, {%3})
commands.spawnpoint.success.multiple.generic=Set spawn point for {%0}
commands.spawnpoint.wrongDimension=The spawn point cannot be set in this dimension
commands.clearspawnpoint.success.single=Removed {%0}'s spawn point
commands.clearspawnpoint.description=Removes the spawn point for a player.
commands.clearspawnpoint.success.multiple=Removed spawn points for {%0}
commands.spreadplayers.description=Teleports entities to random locations.
commands.spreadplayers.failure.players=Could not spread {%0} players around {%1},{%2} (too many players for space - try using spread of at most {%3})
commands.spreadplayers.failure.players.unsafe=Could not spread {%0} players around {%1},{%2} (no safe locations found after {%3} attempts)
commands.spreadplayers.failure.teams=Could not spread {%0} teams around {%1},{%2} (too many players for space - try using spread of at most {%3})
commands.spreadplayers.info.players=(Average distance between players is {%0} blocks apart after {%1} iterations)
commands.spreadplayers.info.teams=(Average distance between teams is {%0} blocks apart after {%1} iterations)
commands.spreadplayers.spreading.players=Spreading {%0} players {%1} blocks around {%2},{%3} (min {%4} blocks apart)
commands.spreadplayers.spreading.teams=Spreading {%0} teams {%1} blocks around {%2},{%3} (min {%4} blocks apart)
commands.spreadplayers.success.players=Successfully spread {%0} players around {%1},{%2}
commands.spreadplayers.success.teams=Successfully spread {%0} teams around {%1},{%2}
commands.stats.cleared=Cleared {%0} stats
commands.stats.failed=Invalid parameters
commands.stats.noCompatibleBlock=Block at {%0}, {%1}, {%2} can not track stats
commands.stats.success=Storing {%0} stats in {%1} on {%2}
commands.stop.description=Stops the server.
commands.stop.start=Stopping the server
commands.stopsound.description=Stops a sound.
commands.stopsound.success=Stopped sound {%0} for {%1}
commands.stopsound.success.all=Stopped all sounds for {%0}
commands.structure.description=Saves or loads a structure in the world.
commands.structure.empty.load=Can't load a structure with no entities and no blocks
commands.structure.empty.save=Can't save a structure with no entities and no blocks
commands.structure.invalid.animationTime=Animation time must be 0 or higher
commands.structure.invalid.integrity=Integrity must be in the range of 0 to 100
commands.structure.invalid.name=Name should be in the format of "name" or "namespace:name". If not namespace is provided, the default one will be assigned.
commands.structure.load.success=Loaded a structure of name {%0}
commands.structure.load.queued=A placement request has been queued and it will be executed when the specified area is fully loaded.
commands.structure.notFound=The structure {%0} can't be found. Make sure the name was spelled correctly and try again.
commands.structure.save.success=Saved a structure with name {%0}
commands.structure.size.tooBig=A structure's size cannot be larger than ({%0}, {%1}, {%2}), it was ({%3}, {%4}, {%5})
commands.structure.size.tooSmall=A structure's size cannot be smaller than ({%0}, {%1}, {%2}), it was ({%3}, {%4}, {%5})
commands.structure.unknown.action=Unknown structure action provided
commands.structure.unloadedChunks=The feature to load a structure in an unloaded area hasn't been implemented yet
commands.structure.y.tooHigh=Cannot place blocks outside of the world. Try a value of {%0} or lower for the Y component of .
commands.structure.y.tooLow=Cannot place blocks outside of the world. Try a value greater than {%0} for the Y component of .
commands.structure.delete.success=Structure {%0} deleted.
commands.summon.description=Summons an entity.
commands.summon.failed=Unable to summon object
commands.summon.failed.npc=You need Creative + Operator to summon an NPC
commands.summon.outOfWorld=Cannot summon the object out of the world
commands.summon.success=Object successfully summoned
commands.summon.tagError=Data tag parsing failed: {%0}
commands.tag.description=Manages tags stored in entities.
commands.tag.add.failed=Target either already has the tag or has too many tags
commands.tag.add.success.single=Added tag '{%0}' to {%1}
commands.tag.add.success.multiple=Added tag '{%0}' to {%1} entities
commands.tag.list.single.empty={%0} has no tags
commands.tag.list.single.success={%0} has {%1} tags: {%2}
commands.tag.list.multiple.empty=There are no tags on the {%0} entities
commands.tag.list.multiple.success=The {%0} entities have {%1} total tags: {%2}
commands.tag.remove.failed=Target does not have this tag
commands.tag.remove.success.single=Removed tag '{%0}' from {%1}
commands.tag.remove.success.multiple=Removed tag '{%0}' from {%1} entities
commands.tell.description=Sends a private message to one or more players.
commands.tellraw.description=Sends a JSON message to players.
commands.tellraw.jsonException=Invalid json: {%0}
commands.tellraw.jsonStringException=Invalid json string data.
commands.tellraw.error.noData=No data was provided.
commands.tellraw.error.notArray=Rawtext object must contain an array. Example: "rawtext":[{..}]
commands.tellraw.error.textNotString=text field in rawtext must contain a string. Example: "rawtext":[{"text": "text to display"}]
commands.tellraw.error.translateNotString=translate field in rawtext must contain a language key. Example: "rawtext":[{"translate": "gui.ok"}]
commands.tellraw.error.selectorNotString=selector field in rawtext must contain a selector as a string. Example: "rawtext":[{"selector": "@e"}]
commands.tellraw.error.scoreNotObject=score field in rawtext must contain an object. Example "rawtext":[{"score": {"name": "my_name", "objective": "my_objective"}}]
commands.tellraw.error.scoreNameNotString=name field in the score field must be a string. Example "rawtext":[{"score": {"name": "my_name", "objective": "my_objective"}}]
commands.tellraw.error.scoreObjectiveNotString=objective field in the score field must be a string. Example "rawtext":[{"score": {"name": "my_name", "objective": "my_objective"}}]
commands.tellraw.error.withNotArrayOrRawText=with field in rawtext must contain a array or another rawtext object. Example 1: "rawtext":[{"translate": "chat.type.announcement", "with": [ "value1", "value2" ]}] Example 2: "rawtext":[{"translate": "chat.type.announcement", "with":{"rawtext":[{"text": "value1"}, {"text": "value2"}]}}]
commands.tellraw.error.itemIsNotObject=Json value in rawtext array was not an object. Example: "rawtext": [{ "text" : "my text" }]
commands.educlientinfo.description=Get tenant ID and host status. Intended for CM.
commands.testfor.description=Counts entities (players, mobs, items, etc.) matching specified conditions.
commands.testfor.failure={%0} did not match the required data structure
commands.testfor.success=Found {%0}
commands.testfor.tagError=Data tag parsing failed: {%0}
commands.testforblock.description=Tests whether a certain block is in a specific location.
commands.testforblock.failed.data=The block at {%0},{%1},{%2} did not match the expected block state.
commands.testforblock.failed.nbt=The block at {%0},{%1},{%2} did not have the required NBT keys.
commands.testforblock.failed.tile=The block at {%0},{%1},{%2} is {%3} (expected: {%4}).
commands.testforblock.failed.tileEntity=The block at {%0},{%1},{%2} is not a tile entity and cannot support tag matching.
commands.testforblock.outOfWorld=Cannot test for block outside of the world
commands.testforblock.success=Successfully found the block at {%0},{%1},{%2}.
commands.testforblocks.description=Tests whether the blocks in two regions match.
commands.tickingarea.description=Add, remove, or list ticking areas.
commands.tickingarea.inuse={%0}/{%1} ticking areas in use.
commands.tickingarea.entitycount=There are {%0} ticking area(s) from entities with the tick_world component.
commands.tickingarea.noneExist.currentDimension=No ticking areas exist in the current dimension.
commands.tickingarea-add-bounds.success=Added ticking area from {%0} to {%1}.
commands.tickingarea-add-bounds.preload.success=Added ticking area from {%0} to {%1} marked for preload.
commands.tickingarea-add-circle.success=Added ticking area centered at {%0} with a radius of {%1} chunks.
commands.tickingarea-add-circle.preload.success=Added ticking area centered at {%0} with a radius of {%1} chunks marked for preload.
commands.tickingarea-add.failure=Max number of ticking areas ({%0}) has already been reached. Cannot add more ticking areas.
commands.tickingarea-add.conflictingname=A ticking area with the name {%0} already exists.
commands.tickingarea-add.chunkfailure=Ticking area contains more than {%0} chunks, ticking area is too large and cannot be created.
commands.tickingarea-add.radiusfailure=Radius cannot be larger than {%0}, ticking area is too large and cannot be created.
commands.tickingarea-remove.success=Removed ticking area(s)
commands.tickingarea-remove.failure=No ticking areas containing the block position {%0} exist in the current dimension.
commands.tickingarea-remove.byname.failure=No ticking areas named {%0} exist in the current dimension.
commands.tickingarea-remove_all.success=Removed ticking area(s)
commands.tickingarea-remove_all.failure=No ticking areas exist in the current dimension.
commands.tickingarea-preload.success=Updated ticking area(s)
commands.tickingarea-preload.byposition.failure=No ticking areas containing the block position {%0} exist in the current dimension.
commands.tickingarea-preload.byname.failure=No ticking areas named {%0} exist in the current dimension.
commands.tickingarea-preload.count={%0} matching area(s) are marked for preload.
commands.tickingarea-list.success.currentDimension=List of all ticking areas in current dimension
commands.tickingarea-list.success.allDimensions=List of all ticking areas in all dimensions
commands.tickingarea-list.failure.allDimensions=No ticking areas exist in any dimension.
commands.time.added=Added {%0} to the time
commands.time.description=Changes or queries the world's game time.
commands.time.disabled=Always Day is enabled in this world.
commands.time.query.day=Day is {%0}
commands.time.query.daytime=Daytime is {%0}
commands.time.query.gametime=Gametime is {%0}
commands.time.set=Set the time to {%0}
commands.time.stop=Time {%0}
commands.title.description=Controls screen titles.
commands.title.success=Title command successfully executed
commands.titleraw.description=Controls screen titles with JSON messages.
commands.titleraw.success=Titleraw command successfully executed
commands.toggledownfall.description=Toggles the weather.
commands.tp.description=Teleports entities (players, mobs, etc.).
commands.tp.notSameDimension=Unable to teleport because players are not in the same dimension
commands.tp.outOfWorld=Cannot teleport entities outside of the world
commands.tp.permission=You do not have permission to use this slash command.
commands.tp.safeTeleportFail=Unable to teleport {%0} to {%1} because the area wasn't clear of blocks.
commands.tp.far=Unable to teleport {%0} to the unloaded area at {%1}
commands.tp.success=Teleported {%0} to {%1}
commands.tp.successVictim=You have been teleported to {%0}
commands.tp.success.coordinates=Teleported {%0} to {%1}, {%2}, {%3}
commands.transferserver.description=Transfers a player to another server.
commands.transferserver.successful=Transferred player
commands.transferserver.invalid.port=Invalid port (0-65535)
commands.trigger.description=Sets a trigger to be activated.
commands.trigger.disabled=Trigger {%0} is not enabled
commands.trigger.invalidMode=Invalid trigger mode {%0}
commands.trigger.invalidObjective=Invalid trigger name {%0}
commands.trigger.invalidPlayer=Only players can use the /trigger command
commands.trigger.success=Trigger {%0} changed with {%1} {%2}
commands.unban.failed=Could not unban player {%0}
commands.unban.success=Unbanned player {%0}
commands.unbanip.invalid=You have entered an invalid IP address
commands.unbanip.success=Unbanned IP address {%0}
commands.validategamelighting.description=Validate game lighting for a specified region
commands.validategamelighting.checkRegionTooBig=Region to check for lighting is too big! ({%0} > {%1})
commands.validategamelighting.outOfWorld=Cannot check lighting outside of the world
commands.volumearea.description=Add, remove, or list volumes in the current dimension.
commands.volumearea.add.definitionDoesntExist.failure=No volume definition matching identifier "{%0}".
commands.volumearea.add.exceededLimit.failure=Max number of volumes {%0} has already been reached. Cannot add more volumes.
commands.volumearea.add.failure=Failed to create volume.
commands.volumearea.add.success=Added volume "{%0}" from {%1} to {%2}.
commands.volumearea.remove.byName.failure=No volumes named {%0} exist in the current dimension.
commands.volumearea.remove.byPosition.failure=No volumes containing the block position {%0} exist in the current dimension.
commands.volumearea.remove.success=Removed volume(s) in current dimension
commands.volumearea.remove_all.success=Removed volume(s) in current dimension
commands.volumearea.list.success.currentDimension=List of all volumes in current dimension
commands.volumearea.list.success.allDimensions=List of all volumes in all dimensions
commands.volumearea.list.failure.allDimensions=No volumes exist in any dimension.
commands.volumearea.entry.withIdentifier=- {%0}: {%1} from {%2} {%3} {%4} to {%5} {%6} {%7}
commands.volumearea.entry.withoutIdentifier=- {%0}: from {%1} {%2} {%3} to {%4} {%5} {%6}
commands.volumearea.noneExist.currentDimension=No volumes exist in the current dimension.
commands.volumearea.inUse={%0}/{%1} volumes in use.
commands.weather.clear=Changing to clear weather
commands.weather.description=Sets the weather.
commands.weather.disabled=Weather Cycle isn't enabled in this world.
commands.weather.query=Weather state is: {%0}
commands.weather.rain=Changing to rainy weather
commands.weather.thunder=Changing to rain and thunder
commands.allowlist.add.failed=Could not add {%0} to the allowlist
commands.allowlist.add.success=Added {%0} to the allowlist
commands.allowlist.description=Manages the server allowlist.
commands.allowlist.disabled=Turned off the allowlist
commands.allowlist.enabled=Turned on the allowlist
commands.allowlist.list=There are {%0} (out of {%1} seen) allowlisted players:
commands.allowlist.reloaded=Allowlist reloaded from file.
commands.allowlist.remove.failed=Could not remove {%0} from the allowlist
commands.allowlist.remove.success=Removed {%0} from the allowlist
commands.world_age.description=Changes or queries the world's age (time since creation).
commands.world_age.added=Added {%0} to the world's age
commands.world_age.query=World age is {%0}
commands.world_age.set=Set the world's age to {%0}
commands.worldborder.center.success=Set world border center to {%0},{%1}
commands.worldborder.damage.amount.success=Set world border damage amount to {%0} per block (from {%1} per block)
commands.worldborder.damage.buffer.success=Set world border damage buffer to {%0} blocks (from {%1} blocks)
commands.worldborder.get.success=World border is currently {%0} blocks wide
commands.worldborder.set.success=Set world border to {%0} blocks wide (from {%1} blocks)
commands.worldborder.setSlowly.grow.success=Growing world border to {%0} blocks wide (up from {%1} blocks) over {%2} seconds
commands.worldborder.setSlowly.shrink.success=Shrinking world border to {%0} blocks wide (down from {%1} blocks) over {%2} seconds
commands.worldborder.warning.distance.success=Set world border warning to {%0} blocks away (from {%1} blocks)
commands.worldborder.warning.time.success=Set world border warning to {%0} seconds away (from {%1} seconds)
commands.worldbuilder.description=Toggle World Builder status of caller.
commands.worldbuilder.success=World Builder status updated to {%0}
commands.wsserver.description=Attempts to connect to the websocket server on the provided URL.
commands.wsserver.invalid.url=The provided server URL is invalid
commands.wsserver.request.existing=Another connection request is currently running
commands.wsserver.request.failed=Could not connect to server: {%0}
commands.wsserver.success=Connection established to server: {%0}
commands.xp.description=Adds or removes player experience.
commands.xp.failure.widthdrawXp=Cannot give player negative experience points
commands.xp.success=Gave {%0} experience to {%1}
commands.xp.success.levels=Gave {%0} levels to {%1}
commands.xp.success.negative.levels=Taken {%0} levels from {%1}
nukkit.data.playerNotFound=Žaidėjas "{%0}" nerastas, kuriamas naujas profilis
nukkit.data.playerCorrupted=Žaidėjo "{%0}" duomenys sugadinti, kuriamas naujas profilis
nukkit.data.playerOld=Žaidėjo "{%0}" duomenys pasenę, atnaujinamas profilis
nukkit.data.saveError=Neįmanoma išsaugoti žaidėjo "{%0}": {%1}
nukkit.level.notFound=Pasaulis "{%0}" nerastas
nukkit.level.loadError=Neįmanoma įkelti pasaulio "{%0}": {%1}
nukkit.level.generationError=Neįmanoma sugeneruoti pasaulio "{%0}": {%1}
nukkit.level.tickError=Neįmanoma atnaujinti pasaulio "{%0}": {%1}
nukkit.level.chunkUnloadError=Klaida bandant iškrauti pasaulio dalį: {%0}
nukkit.level.backgroundGeneration=Atsiradimo vietovė pasaulyje "{%0}" šiuo metu generuojama fone
nukkit.level.defaultError=Nepakrautas joks įprastinis pasaulis
nukkit.level.preparing=Ruošiamas pasaulis "{%0}"
nukkit.level.unloading=Iškraunamas pasaulis "{%0}"
nukkit.level.updating=Rastas pasenęs pasaulis pavadinimu "{%0}", atnaujinamas formatas
nukkit.server.start=Įjungiamas Minecraft: BE serveris (versija: {%0}) (Vertimas: nogalosa.lt)
nukkit.server.networkError=[Tinklas] Išjungta sąsaja {%0} dėl {%1}
nukkit.server.networkStart=Atidaromas serveris ant {%0}:{%1}
nukkit.server.info=Šis serveris veikia ant {%0} versijos {%1} "{%2}" (API {%3})
nukkit.server.info.extended=Šis serveris veikia ant {%0} {%1} 「{%2}」 implementuodamas API versiją {%3} žaidimui Minecraft: BE {%4} (protokolo versija {%5})
nukkit.server.license={%0} platinama pagal GPL licenciją
nukkit.server.tickOverload=Nespėju atnaujinti! Ar serveris perkrautas?
nukkit.server.startFinished=Baigta ({%0}s)! Jeigu reikia pagalbos, rašykite "help" arba "?"
nukkit.server.defaultGameMode=Įprastinis žaidimo rėžimas: {%0}
nukkit.server.query.start=Įjungiamas GS4 statistikos klausytojas
nukkit.server.query.info=Nustatomas query portas į {%0}
nukkit.server.query.running=Query veikia ant {%0}:{%1}
nukkit.server.rcon.emptyPasswordError=Neįmanoma įjungti RCON: neįrašytas slaptažodis
nukkit.server.rcon.startupError=Neįimanoma įjungti RCON: {%0}
nukkit.server.rcon.running=RCON veikia ant {%0}:{%1}
nukkit.command.alias.illegal=Neįmanoma užregistruoti alternatyvos {%0}, nes ji turi netinkamų simbolių
nukkit.command.alias.notFound=Neįmanoma užregistruoti alternatyvos {%0}, nes ji turi komandų, kurios neegzistuoja: {%1}
nukkit.command.exception=Klaida bandant įvykdyti komandą "{%0}" - {%1}: {%2}
nukkit.command.plugins.description=Įskiepių sąrašas, kurį naudoja serveris
nukkit.command.plugins.success=Įskiepiai ({%0}): {%1}
nukkit.command.reload.description=Perkrauna serverio konfigūraciją ir įskiepius
nukkit.command.reload.reloading=Perkraunamas serveris...
nukkit.command.reload.reloaded=Sėkmingai perkrauta.
nukkit.command.status.description=Informacija apie serverio būseną.
nukkit.command.gc.description=Įjungia programinių šiukšlių valymą
nukkit.command.title.description=Sends a title to the specified player or modifies title settings for that player
nukkit.command.title.usage=/title OR /title OR /title
nukkit.command.title.clear=Successfully cleared {%0}'s screen
nukkit.command.title.reset=Successfully reset title animation settings for {%0}
nukkit.command.title.title=Successfully shown "{%0}" title to {%1}
nukkit.command.title.subtitle=Successfully set subtitle to "{%0}" for {%1}'s next title
nukkit.command.title.actionbar=Successfully shown "{%0}" actionbar title to {%1}
nukkit.command.title.times.success=Successfully set title animation times to {%0}, {%1}, {%2} for {%3}
nukkit.command.title.times.fail=Times of title animations must be numeric values
nukkit.command.version.description=Parodo serverio versiją bei įskiepio informaciją
nukkit.command.version.usage=/version [plugin name]
nukkit.command.version.noSuchPlugin=Šis serveris neturi įskiepio su šiuo vardu. Naudokite /plugins, kad gautumėte įskiepių sąrašą.
nukkit.command.give.description=Duoda pasirinktam žaidėjui tam tikrą skaičių nurodytų daiktų
nukkit.command.give.usage=/give <žaidėjas> [kiekis] [duomenys ...]
nukkit.command.kill.description=Nusižudyti arba nužudyti kitą žaidėją
nukkit.command.kill.usage=/kill [žaidėjas]
nukkit.command.particle.description=Prideda dalelyčių į pasaulį
nukkit.command.particle.usage=/particle [skaičius] [duomenys]
nukkit.command.time.description=Pakeičia pasaulio laiką
nukkit.command.time.usage=/time OR /time
nukkit.command.gamerule.description=Sets or queries a game rule value
nukkit.command.gamerule.usage=/gamerule [value]
nukkit.command.debug.description=Uploads server information to Hastebin
nukkit.command.ban.player.description=Užblokuoja pasirinktą žaidėją
nukkit.command.ban.ip.description=Užblokuoja pasirinktą IP
nukkit.command.banlist.description=Peržiūrėti visus užblokuotus žaidėjus
nukkit.command.defaultgamemode.description=Nustatyti įprastinį žaidimo rėžimą
nukkit.command.deop.description=Atima administravimo teises
nukkit.command.difficulty.description=Nustato žaidimo sunkumą
nukkit.command.enchant.description=Daikto užkerėjimas
nukkit.command.effect.description=Prideda/nuima efektą nuo žaidėjo
nukkit.command.gamemode.description=Pakeičia žaidėjo žaidimo rėžimą
nukkit.command.help.description=Parodo pagalbos meniu
nukkit.command.kick.description=Išspiria žaidėją iš žaidimo
nukkit.command.list.description=Parodo prisijungusius žaidėjus
nukkit.command.me.description=Parodo tam tikrą žaidėjo veiksmą
nukkit.command.op.description=Duoda žaidėjui administratoravimo teises
nukkit.command.unban.player.description=Atblokuoja žaidėją
nukkit.command.unban.ip.description=Atblokuoja IP
nukkit.command.save.description=Išsaugo serverį į diską
nukkit.command.saveoff.description=Išjungia serverio automatinį išsaugojimą
nukkit.command.saveon.description=Įjungia serverio automatinį išsaugojimą
nukkit.command.say.description=Išsiunčiama žinutė visiems žaidėjams
nukkit.command.seed.description=Parodo pasaulio generavimo formulę.
nukkit.command.setworldspawn.description=Nustato pasaulio atsiradimo vietą. Jeigu nepateiktos koordinatės, naudojamos žaidėjo.
nukkit.command.spawnpoint.description=Nustato žaidėjo atsiradimo vietą.
nukkit.command.stop.description=Išjungia serverį
nukkit.command.tp.description=Perkelia nurodytą žaidėją (arba patį žaidėją) pas kitą žaidėją arba į koordinates
nukkit.command.tell.description=Nusiunčiama privati žinutė žaidėjui
nukkit.command.weather.description=Nustatomas pasaulio oras
nukkit.command.xp.description=Duoda nurodytam žaidėjui nurodytą kiekį patirties
nukkit.command.whitelist.description=Nustatoma kas gali įeitį į serverį
nukkit.command.setblock.description=Modifica un blocco in un altro.
nukkit.command.setblock.usage=/setblock [tileData: int] [replace|destroy|keep]
nukkit.command.generic.permission=Jūs neturite teisės naudoti šią komandą
nukkit.command.generic.ingame=Jūs galite naudoti šią komandą tik kaip žaidėjas
nukkit.command.generic.unknown=Nežinoma komanda. Bandykite /help, norėdami gauti pagalbos
nukkit.command.effect.usage=/effect <žaidėjas> [sekundės] [stiprumas] [slėpti-daleles] ARBA /effect <žaidėjas> clear
nukkit.command.enchant.usage=/enchant <žaidėjas> [lygis]
nukkit.command.banlist.usage=/banlist [ips|players]
nukkit.command.op.usage=/op <žaidėjas>
nukkit.command.say.usage=/say <žinutė ...>
nukkit.command.ban.usage=/ban <žaidėjas> [priežastis ...]
nukkit.command.unban.usage=/pardon <žaidėjas>
nukkit.command.banip.usage=/ban-ip [priežastis ...]
nukkit.command.kick.usage=/kick <žaidėjas> [priežastis ...]
nukkit.command.tp.usage=/tp [ką] ARBA /tp [ką] [ ]
nukkit.command.allowlist.add.usage=/whitelist add <žaidėjas>
nukkit.command.allowlist.remove.usage=/whitelist remove <žaidėjas>
nukkit.command.gamemode.usage=/gamemode [žaidėjas]
nukkit.command.help.header=--- Rodomas pagalbos puslapis {%0} iš {%1} (/help ) ---
nukkit.command.help.usage=/help [puslapis|komanda]
nukkit.command.message.usage=/tell <žaidėjui> <žinutę ...>
nukkit.command.spawnpoint.usage=/spawnpoint [žaidėjas] [ ]
nukkit.command.setworldspawn.usage=/setworldspawn [ ]
nukkit.command.weather.usage=/weather [trukmė]
nukkit.command.xp.usage=/xp [žaidėjas] ARBA /xp L [žaidėjas]
nukkit.crash.create=Serveris nulūžo su nepataisoma klaida. Kaupiama nulūžimo informaciją į failą
nukkit.crash.error=Neįmanoma įrašyti nulūžimo informacijos į failą: {%0}
nukkit.crash.submit=Prašome įkelti failą "{%0}" į Crash Archive ir numeskite nuorodą į Bug Reporting puslapį. Pridėkite kuo įmanoma daugiau išsamesnės informacijos.
nukkit.crash.archive="Nulūžimo informacija buvo automatiškai įkelta į Crash Archive. Jūs galite ją pažiūrėti čia {%0} arba naudoti ID #{%1}."
nukkit.debug.enable=LevelDB palaikymas įjungtas
nukkit.bugreport.create=An error has been detected, creating a bug report.
nukkit.bugreport.error=Could not create bug report: {%0}
nukkit.bugreport.archive=A bug report has been created: {%0}
nukkit.player.invalidMove={%0} neteisingai pajudėjo!
nukkit.player.logIn={%0}[/{%1}:{%2}] prisijungė su būtybės id {%3} koordinatėse ({%4}, {%5}, {%6}, {%7})
nukkit.player.logOut={%0}[/{%1}:{%2}] atsijungė dėl {%3}
nukkit.player.invalidEntity={%0} bandė atakuoti klaidingą būtybę
nukkit.plugin.load=Kraunama {%0}
nukkit.plugin.enable=Įjungiama {%0}
nukkit.plugin.disable=Išjungiama {%0}
nukkit.plugin.restrictedName=Uždraustas vardas
nukkit.plugin.incompatibleAPI=Nepalaikoma API versija
nukkit.plugin.unknownDependency=Nežinoma priklausomybė
nukkit.plugin.missingDependency=Missing dependent plugin named "{%0}"
nukkit.plugin.circularDependency=Aptikta skritulinė priklausomybė
nukkit.plugin.genericLoadError=Negalima įkelti įskiepio "{%0}"
nukkit.plugin.spacesDiscouraged=Įskiepis "{%0}" naudoja tarpus savo pavadinime, tai yra nebepalaikoma
nukkit.plugin.loadError=Neįmanoma įkelti įskiepio "{%0}": {%1}
nukkit.plugin.duplicateError=Neįmanoma įkelti įskiepio "{%0}": įskiepis jau egzistuoja
nukkit.plugin.fileError=Neįmanoma įkelti "{%0}" kataloge "{%1}": {%2}
nukkit.plugin.commandError=Neįmanoma įkelti komandos {%0} įskiepiui {%1}
nukkit.plugin.aliasError=Neįmanoma įkelti alternatyvos {%0} įskiepiui {%1}
nukkit.plugin.deprecatedEvent=Įskiepis "{%0}" užregistravo listenerį "{%1}" ant metodo "{%2}", bet eventas jau nebepalaikomas.
nukkit.plugin.eventError=Neįmanoma pereiti per eventą "{%0}" to "{%1}": {%2} on {%3}
nukkit.resources.invalid-path=Resource packs path "{%0}" exists and is not a directory
nukkit.resources.unknown-format=Could not load "{%0}" due to format not recognized
nukkit.resources.fail=Could not load "{%0}": {%1}
nukkit.resources.success=Successfully loaded {%0} resource packs
nukkit.resources.zip.not-found=File "{%0}" is not found
nukkit.resources.zip.no-manifest="\"manifest.json\" is not found"
nukkit.resources.zip.invalid-manifest="\"manifest.json\" is invalid or incomplete"
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