cn.taketoday.buildpack.platform.docker.DockerApi Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2017 - 2024 the original author or authors.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see []
package cn.taketoday.buildpack.platform.docker;
import org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.tar.TarArchiveEntry;
import org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.tar.TarArchiveInputStream;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import cn.taketoday.buildpack.platform.docker.configuration.DockerConfiguration.DockerHostConfiguration;
import cn.taketoday.buildpack.platform.docker.transport.HttpTransport;
import cn.taketoday.buildpack.platform.docker.transport.HttpTransport.Response;
import cn.taketoday.buildpack.platform.docker.type.ContainerConfig;
import cn.taketoday.buildpack.platform.docker.type.ContainerContent;
import cn.taketoday.buildpack.platform.docker.type.ContainerReference;
import cn.taketoday.buildpack.platform.docker.type.ContainerStatus;
import cn.taketoday.buildpack.platform.docker.type.Image;
import cn.taketoday.buildpack.platform.docker.type.ImageArchive;
import cn.taketoday.buildpack.platform.docker.type.ImageArchiveManifest;
import cn.taketoday.buildpack.platform.docker.type.ImageReference;
import cn.taketoday.buildpack.platform.docker.type.VolumeName;
import cn.taketoday.buildpack.platform.json.JsonStream;
import cn.taketoday.buildpack.platform.json.SharedObjectMapper;
import cn.taketoday.lang.Assert;
import cn.taketoday.lang.Nullable;
import cn.taketoday.util.StreamUtils;
import cn.taketoday.util.StringUtils;
* Provides access to the limited set of Docker APIs needed by pack.
* @author Phillip Webb
* @author Scott Frederick
* @author Rafael Ceccone
* @author Moritz Halbritter
* @author Harry Yang
* @since 4.0
public class DockerApi {
private static final List FORCE_PARAMS = List.of("force", "1");
static final String API_VERSION = "v1.24";
private final HttpTransport http;
private final JsonStream jsonStream;
private final ImageApi image;
private final ContainerApi container;
private final VolumeApi volume;
* Create a new {@link DockerApi} instance.
public DockerApi() {
* Create a new {@link DockerApi} instance.
* @param dockerHost the Docker daemon host information
public DockerApi(DockerHostConfiguration dockerHost) {
* Create a new {@link DockerApi} instance backed by a specific {@link HttpTransport}
* implementation.
* @param http the http implementation
DockerApi(HttpTransport http) {
this.http = http;
this.jsonStream = new JsonStream(SharedObjectMapper.get());
this.image = new ImageApi();
this.container = new ContainerApi();
this.volume = new VolumeApi();
private HttpTransport http() {
return this.http;
private JsonStream jsonStream() {
return this.jsonStream;
private URI buildUrl(String path, Collection> params) {
return buildUrl(path, (params != null) ? params.toArray() : null);
private URI buildUrl(String path, @Nullable Object... params) {
try {
URIBuilder builder = new URIBuilder("/" + API_VERSION + path);
if (params != null) {
int param = 0;
while (param < params.length) {
builder.addParameter(Objects.toString(params[param++]), Objects.toString(params[param++]));
catch (URISyntaxException ex) {
throw new IllegalStateException(ex);
* Return the Docker API for image operations.
* @return the image API
public ImageApi image() {
return this.image;
* Return the Docker API for container operations.
* @return the container API
public ContainerApi container() {
return this.container;
public VolumeApi volume() {
return this.volume;
* Docker API for image operations.
public class ImageApi {
ImageApi() {
* Pull an image from a registry.
* @param reference the image reference to pull
* @param listener a pull listener to receive update events
* @return the {@link ImageApi pulled image} instance
* @throws IOException on IO error
public Image pull(ImageReference reference, UpdateListener listener) throws IOException {
return pull(reference, listener, null);
* Pull an image from a registry.
* @param reference the image reference to pull
* @param listener a pull listener to receive update events
* @param registryAuth registry authentication credentials
* @return the {@link ImageApi pulled image} instance
* @throws IOException on IO error
public Image pull(ImageReference reference, UpdateListener listener, String registryAuth)
throws IOException {
Assert.notNull(reference, "Reference is required");
Assert.notNull(listener, "Listener is required");
URI createUri = buildUrl("/images/create", "fromImage", reference);
DigestCaptureUpdateListener digestCapture = new DigestCaptureUpdateListener();
try {
try (Response response = http().post(createUri, registryAuth)) {
jsonStream().get(response.getContent(), PullImageUpdateEvent.class, (event) -> {
return inspect(reference);
finally {
* Push an image to a registry.
* @param reference the image reference to push
* @param listener a push listener to receive update events
* @param registryAuth registry authentication credentials
* @throws IOException on IO error
public void push(ImageReference reference, UpdateListener listener, String registryAuth)
throws IOException {
Assert.notNull(reference, "Reference is required");
Assert.notNull(listener, "Listener is required");
URI pushUri = buildUrl("/images/" + reference + "/push");
ErrorCaptureUpdateListener errorListener = new ErrorCaptureUpdateListener();
try {
try (Response response = http().post(pushUri, registryAuth)) {
jsonStream().get(response.getContent(), PushImageUpdateEvent.class, (event) -> {
finally {
* Load an {@link ImageArchive} into Docker.
* @param archive the archive to load
* @param listener a pull listener to receive update events
* @throws IOException on IO error
public void load(ImageArchive archive, UpdateListener listener) throws IOException {
Assert.notNull(archive, "Archive is required");
Assert.notNull(listener, "Listener is required");
URI loadUri = buildUrl("/images/load");
StreamCaptureUpdateListener streamListener = new StreamCaptureUpdateListener();
try {
try (Response response = http().post(loadUri, "application/x-tar", archive::writeTo)) {
jsonStream().get(response.getContent(), LoadImageUpdateEvent.class, (event) -> {
"Invalid response received when loading image "
+ ((archive.getTag() != null) ? "\"" + archive.getTag() + "\"" : ""));
finally {
* Export the layers of an image as {@link TarArchive}s.
* @param reference the reference to export
* @param exports a consumer to receive the layers (contents can only be accessed
* during the callback)
* @throws IOException on IO error
public void exportLayers(ImageReference reference, IOBiConsumer exports)
throws IOException {
exportLayerFiles(reference, (name, path) -> {
try (InputStream in = Files.newInputStream(path)) {
TarArchive archive = (out) -> StreamUtils.copy(in, out);
exports.accept(name, archive);
* Export the layers of an image as paths to layer tar files.
* @param reference the reference to export
* @param exports a consumer to receive the layer tar file paths (file can only be
* accessed during the callback)
* @throws IOException on IO error
public void exportLayerFiles(ImageReference reference, IOBiConsumer exports) throws IOException {
Assert.notNull(reference, "Reference is required");
Assert.notNull(exports, "Exports is required");
URI saveUri = buildUrl("/images/" + reference + "/get");
Response response = http().get(saveUri);
Path exportFile = copyToTemp(response.getContent());
ImageArchiveManifest manifest = getManifest(reference, exportFile);
try (TarArchiveInputStream tar = new TarArchiveInputStream(new FileInputStream(exportFile.toFile()))) {
TarArchiveEntry entry = tar.getNextEntry();
while (entry != null) {
if (manifestContainsLayerEntry(manifest, entry.getName())) {
Path layerFile = copyToTemp(tar);
exports.accept(entry.getName(), layerFile);
entry = tar.getNextEntry();
* Remove a specific image.
* @param reference the reference the remove
* @param force if removal should be forced
* @throws IOException on IO error
public void remove(ImageReference reference, boolean force) throws IOException {
Assert.notNull(reference, "Reference is required");
Collection params = force ? FORCE_PARAMS : Collections.emptySet();
URI uri = buildUrl("/images/" + reference, params);
* Inspect an image.
* @param reference the image reference
* @return the image from the local repository
* @throws IOException on IO error
public Image inspect(ImageReference reference) throws IOException {
Assert.notNull(reference, "Reference is required");
URI imageUri = buildUrl("/images/" + reference + "/json");
try (Response response = http().get(imageUri)) {
return Image.of(response.getContent());
public void tag(ImageReference sourceReference, ImageReference targetReference) throws IOException {
Assert.notNull(sourceReference, "SourceReference is required");
Assert.notNull(targetReference, "TargetReference is required");
String tag = targetReference.getTag();
String path = "/images/" + sourceReference + "/tag";
URI uri = (tag != null) ? buildUrl(path, "repo", targetReference.inTaglessForm(), "tag", tag)
: buildUrl(path, "repo", targetReference);
private ImageArchiveManifest getManifest(ImageReference reference, Path exportFile) throws IOException {
try (TarArchiveInputStream tar = new TarArchiveInputStream(new FileInputStream(exportFile.toFile()))) {
TarArchiveEntry entry = tar.getNextEntry();
while (entry != null) {
if (entry.getName().equals("manifest.json")) {
return readManifest(tar);
entry = tar.getNextEntry();
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Manifest not found in image " + reference);
private ImageArchiveManifest readManifest(TarArchiveInputStream tar) throws IOException {
String manifestContent = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(tar, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)).lines()
return ImageArchiveManifest.of(new ByteArrayInputStream(manifestContent.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)));
private Path copyToTemp(InputStream in) throws IOException {
Path path = Files.createTempFile("create-builder-scratch-", null);
try (OutputStream out = Files.newOutputStream(path)) {
StreamUtils.copy(in, out);
return path;
private boolean manifestContainsLayerEntry(ImageArchiveManifest manifest, String layerId) {
return manifest.getEntries().stream().anyMatch((content) -> content.getLayers().contains(layerId));
* Docker API for container operations.
public class ContainerApi {
ContainerApi() { }
* Create a new container a {@link ContainerConfig}.
* @param config the container config
* @param contents additional contents to include
* @return a {@link ContainerReference} for the newly created container
* @throws IOException on IO error
public ContainerReference create(ContainerConfig config, ContainerContent... contents) throws IOException {
Assert.notNull(config, "Config is required");
Assert.noNullElements(contents, "Contents must not contain null elements");
ContainerReference containerReference = createContainer(config);
for (ContainerContent content : contents) {
uploadContainerContent(containerReference, content);
return containerReference;
private ContainerReference createContainer(ContainerConfig config) throws IOException {
URI createUri = buildUrl("/containers/create");
try (Response response = http().post(createUri, "application/json", config::writeTo)) {
return ContainerReference
private void uploadContainerContent(ContainerReference reference, ContainerContent content) throws IOException {
URI uri = buildUrl("/containers/" + reference + "/archive", "path", content.getDestinationPath());
http().put(uri, "application/x-tar", content.getArchive()::writeTo).close();
* Start a specific container.
* @param reference the container reference to start
* @throws IOException on IO error
public void start(ContainerReference reference) throws IOException {
Assert.notNull(reference, "Reference is required");
URI uri = buildUrl("/containers/" + reference + "/start");
* Return and follow logs for a specific container.
* @param reference the container reference
* @param listener a listener to receive log update events
* @throws IOException on IO error
public void logs(ContainerReference reference, UpdateListener listener) throws IOException {
Assert.notNull(reference, "Reference is required");
Assert.notNull(listener, "Listener is required");
Object[] params = { "stdout", "1", "stderr", "1", "follow", "1" };
URI uri = buildUrl("/containers/" + reference + "/logs", params);
try {
try (Response response = http().get(uri)) {
LogUpdateEvent.readAll(response.getContent(), listener::onUpdate);
finally {
* Wait for a container to stop and retrieve the status.
* @param reference the container reference
* @return a {@link ContainerStatus} indicating the exit status of the container
* @throws IOException on IO error
public ContainerStatus wait(ContainerReference reference) throws IOException {
Assert.notNull(reference, "Reference is required");
URI uri = buildUrl("/containers/" + reference + "/wait");
Response response = http().post(uri);
return ContainerStatus.of(response.getContent());
* Remove a specific container.
* @param reference the container to remove
* @param force if removal should be forced
* @throws IOException on IO error
public void remove(ContainerReference reference, boolean force) throws IOException {
Assert.notNull(reference, "Reference is required");
Collection params = force ? FORCE_PARAMS : Collections.emptySet();
URI uri = buildUrl("/containers/" + reference, params);
* Docker API for volume operations.
public class VolumeApi {
VolumeApi() {
* Delete a volume.
* @param name the name of the volume to delete
* @param force if the deletion should be forced
* @throws IOException on IO error
public void delete(VolumeName name, boolean force) throws IOException {
Assert.notNull(name, "Name is required");
Collection params = force ? FORCE_PARAMS : Collections.emptySet();
URI uri = buildUrl("/volumes/" + name, params);
* {@link UpdateListener} used to capture the image digest.
private static final class DigestCaptureUpdateListener implements UpdateListener {
private static final String PREFIX = "Digest:";
private String digest;
public void onUpdate(ProgressUpdateEvent event) {
String status = event.getStatus();
if (status != null && status.startsWith(PREFIX)) {
String digest = status.substring(PREFIX.length()).trim();
Assert.state(this.digest == null || this.digest.equals(digest), "Different digests IDs provided");
this.digest = digest;
* {@link UpdateListener} used to ensure an image load response stream.
private static final class StreamCaptureUpdateListener implements UpdateListener {
private String stream;
public void onUpdate(LoadImageUpdateEvent event) { = event.getStream();
String getCapturedStream() {
* {@link UpdateListener} used to capture the details of an error in a response
* stream.
private static final class ErrorCaptureUpdateListener implements UpdateListener {
public void onUpdate(PushImageUpdateEvent event) {
Assert.state(event.getErrorDetail() == null,
() -> "Error response received when pushing image: " + event.getErrorDetail().getMessage());
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