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io.vertx.up.uca.jooq.JqAnalyzer Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package io.vertx.up.uca.jooq;
import io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject;
import io.vertx.up.atom.pojo.Mirror;
import io.vertx.up.atom.pojo.Mojo;
import io.vertx.up.eon.Strings;
import io.vertx.up.eon.Values;
import io.vertx.up.fn.Fn;
import io.vertx.up.log.Annal;
import io.vertx.up.util.Ut;
import org.jooq.*;
import org.jooq.impl.DSL;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import static org.jooq.impl.DSL.row;
public class JqAnalyzer {
private static final Annal LOGGER = Annal.get(JqAnalyzer.class);
private static final ConcurrentMap DAO_POOL =
new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private transient final JooqDsl dsl;
/* Field to Column */
private transient final ConcurrentMap mapping =
new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
/* Column to Field */
private transient final ConcurrentMap revert =
new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private transient Mojo pojo;
private transient Table> table;
* sigma -> zSigma -> Z_SIGMA
* fieldMap
* zSigma -> Field ( Jooq )
* typeMap
* sigma -> Type
private transient ConcurrentMap fieldMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private transient ConcurrentMap> typeMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private transient Class> entityCls;
private JqAnalyzer(final JooqDsl dsl) {
this.dsl = Fn.pool(DAO_POOL, dsl.hashCode(), () -> dsl);
// Mapping initializing
this.table = Ut.field(dsl.dao(), "table");
final Class> typeCls = Ut.field(dsl.dao(), "type");
this.entityCls = typeCls;
final java.lang.reflect.Field[] fields = Ut.fields(typeCls);
// Analyze Type and definition sequence, columns hitted.
final Field[] columns = this.table.fields();
// Mapping building
for (int idx = Values.IDX; idx < columns.length; idx++) {
final Field column = columns[idx];
final java.lang.reflect.Field field = fields[idx];
* Help for join & jooq
* 1) tableFields:
* pojo field = column ( Field )
* 2) mapping:
* pojo field = column name
* 3) revert:
* column name = pojo field
this.fieldMap.put(field.getName(), column);
this.mapping.put(field.getName(), column.getName());
this.revert.put(column.getName(), field.getName());
public static JqAnalyzer create(final JooqDsl dsl) {
return new JqAnalyzer(dsl);
public JooqDsl dsl() {
return this.dsl;
/* public Vertx vertx() {
return Objects.isNull(this.vertxDAO) ? null : vertxDAO.vertx();
public Table> table() {
return this.table;
public Class> type() {
return this.entityCls;
public TreeSet primarySet() {
TreeSet primary = this.keySet(this.table.getPrimaryKey());
return primary.isEmpty() ? new TreeSet<>() : primary;
public String primary() {
TreeSet primary = this.keySet(this.table.getPrimaryKey());
return primary.isEmpty() ? null : primary.iterator().next();
* Primary key value collect
* 1) Object
* 2) List
public Object primaryValue(final T input) {
final String primaryField = this.primary();
if (Objects.isNull(primaryField)) {
* null returned
return null;
} else {
* extract primary
return Ut.field(input, primaryField);
public List primaryValue(final List list) {
final List values = new ArrayList<>();;
return values;
public List> uniqueKey() {
* keys include
* - PrimaryKey
* - UniqueKey
final List> keys = new ArrayList<>();
this.table.getKeys().forEach(ukey -> {
* UniqueKey
final TreeSet keySet = this.keySet(ukey);
if (!keySet.isEmpty()) {
return keys;
public TreeSet fieldSet() {
return new TreeSet<>(this.mapping.keySet());
private TreeSet keySet(final UniqueKey> uk) {
final TreeSet keySet = new TreeSet<>();
uk.getFields().forEach(column -> {
* Column to Field converting
final String field = this.revert.getOrDefault(column.getName(), null);
if (Objects.nonNull(field)) {
return keySet;
private String columnName(final String field) {
String targetField;
if (null == this.pojo) {
* The mapping is
* field = column here
if (this.mapping.values().contains(field)) {
* it means that you could get `Column` information here
* Situation 1:
* Input `field` is column field name directly, it means that the
* mapping contains `field` in value. hit target column directly here, in this kind of
* situation, the `field` is COLUMN
* COLUMN is `Jooq` needed
targetField = field;
} else {
* The field is not in `COLUMN` value set
* it means that `field` is field, not column here,
* Situation 2:
* Input `field` is not column field, and we must convert field to column
* instead of `field` here.
targetField = this.mapping.get(field);
} else {
* The argument `field` is input field.
* key = input field
* This key is before `pojo file` here, it could let you convert field
* value = pojo actual field here
* This value is after `pojo file` here, it could let you get actula pojo field
final ConcurrentMap inColumnMapping = this.pojo.getInColumn();
final ConcurrentMap inMapping = this.pojo.getIn();
if (inMapping.containsKey(field)) {
* field = actualField = column
final String actualField = inMapping.get(field);
* The system must get column by outMapping here
final String columnName = inColumnMapping.get(actualField);
if (Objects.isNull(columnName)) {
* Not column
targetField = field;
} else {
* Found correct column here.
targetField = columnName;
} else {
* field ( actualField ) = column
* The system must get column by outMapping here
final String columnName = inColumnMapping.get(field);
if (Objects.isNull(columnName)) {
* Found correct column here.
targetField = columnName;
} else {
* Lookup continue here.
targetField = field;
return targetField;
public ConcurrentMap columns() {
return this.fieldMap;
public ConcurrentMap> types() {
if (this.typeMap.isEmpty()) {
// Here are no pojo defined
if (Objects.isNull(this.pojo)) {
this.fieldMap.forEach((name, field) -> this.typeMap.put(name, field.getType()));
} else {
this.fieldMap.forEach((name, field) -> {
final String fieldName = this.pojo.getOut(name);
if (Ut.notNil(fieldName)) {
this.typeMap.put(fieldName, field.getType());
return this.typeMap;
public Field column(final String field) {
String columnField = columnName(field);
Fn.outUp(null == columnField, LOGGER,
JooqFieldMissingException.class, UxJooq.class, field, this.entityCls);
LOGGER.debug(Info.JOOQ_FIELD, field, columnField);
* Old code for field construct, following code will caurse Type/DataType missing
* DSL.field(;
* 1) Extract from tableFields first
* 2) Extract by construct ( Type / DataType ) will missing
Field found;
if (field.equals(columnField)) {
found = this.fieldMap.get(field);
} else {
final String actualField = this.revert.get(columnField);
found = this.fieldMap.get(actualField);
if (Objects.isNull(found)) {
found = DSL.field(;
return found;
* Pick all columns that match input String[] field
* This operation could be used in different aggr
public Field[] column(final String... fields) {
* List building
final List columnList = new ArrayList<>();
Arrays.asList(fields).forEach(field -> {
* Column field
final Field columnField = this.column(field);
if (Objects.nonNull(columnField)) {
// The style is for Jooq
return columnList.toArray(new Field[]{});
public void on(final String pojo, final Class> clazz) {
if (Ut.isNil(pojo)) {
this.pojo = null;
} else {
LOGGER.debug(Info.JOOQ_BIND, pojo, clazz);
this.pojo = Mirror.create(UxJooq.class).mount(pojo)
// When bind pojo, the system will analyze columns
LOGGER.debug(Info.JOOQ_MOJO, this.pojo.getIn(), this.pojo.getInColumn());
public T copyEntity(final T target, final T updated) {
Fn.outUp(null == updated, LOGGER, JooqMergeException.class,
UxJooq.class, null == target ? null : target.getClass(), Ut.serialize(target));
return Fn.getSemi(null == target && null == updated, LOGGER, () -> null, () -> {
final JsonObject targetJson = null == target ? new JsonObject() : Ut.serializeJson(target);
* Skip Primary Key
final Table> tableField = this.table();
final UniqueKey key = tableField.getPrimaryKey();
key.getFields().stream().map(item -> ((TableField) item).getName())
.forEach(item -> Ut.field(updated, item.toString(), null));
* Deserialization
final JsonObject sourceJson = Ut.serializeJson(updated);
targetJson.mergeIn(sourceJson, true);
final Class> type = null == target ? updated.getClass() : target.getClass();
return (T) Ut.deserialize(targetJson, type);
public String pojoFile() {
return this.pojoFile(null);
public String pojoFile(final String pojoExternal) {
if (Objects.isNull(pojoExternal)) {
if (Objects.isNull(this.pojo)) {
* If current analyzer is null pojo
* return "" instead of other pojo file
return Strings.EMPTY;
} else {
return this.pojo.getPojoFile();
} else {
* External is high priority
* -- !!!! Do not replace the pojo file that bind to analyzer
return pojoExternal;
public Mojo pojo() {
return this.pojo;
// -------------------------------- Condition Building
public Condition condition(final JsonObject criteria) {
return Ut.isNil(criteria) ? DSL.trueCondition() : JooqCond.transform(criteria, this::column);
public Condition conditionId(ID id) {
UniqueKey> uk = this.table.getPrimaryKey();
Objects.requireNonNull(uk, () -> "[ Jq ] No primary key");
* Copied from jOOQs DAOImpl#equal-method
TableField extends Record, ?>[] pk = uk.getFieldsArray();
Condition condition;
if (pk.length == 1) {
condition = ((Field) pk[0]).equal(pk[0].getDataType().convert(id));
} else {
condition = row(pk).equal((Record) id);
return condition;
public Condition conditionUk(T pojo) {
Record record = this.dsl.context().newRecord(this.table, pojo);
Condition where = DSL.trueCondition();
UniqueKey> pk = this.table.getPrimaryKey();
for (TableField, ?> tableField : pk.getFields()) {
//exclude primary keys from update
where = where.and(((TableField) tableField).eq(record.get(tableField)));
return where;
public Condition conditionField(final String field, final Object value) {
final Field column = this.column(field);
if (value instanceof Collection) {
// IN
} else {
// =
return column.eq(value);