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cn.woodwhales.common.util.excel.ExcelTool Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package cn.woodwhales.common.util.excel;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.time.DateFormatUtils;
import org.apache.poi.openxml4j.exceptions.InvalidFormatException;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import static java.util.Objects.isNull;
import static;
* @author woodwhales on 2021-01-29 15:32
* excel 数据解析工具
public class ExcelTool {
* 解析 excel 中的内容为 list 集合数据
* 默认解析:
* 第一个 sheet
* 跳过第一行数据
* @param filePath 文件路径
* @param function 解析接口
* @param 返回数据泛型
* @return list
public static List parseData(String filePath, BiFunction function) {
return parseData(filePath, 0, 1, function);
* 解析 excel 中的内容为 list 集合数据
* 默认解析:
* 第一个 sheet
* 跳过第一行数据
* @param inputStream 文件输入流
* @param function 解析接口
* @param 返回数据泛型
* @return list
public static List parseData(InputStream inputStream, BiFunction function) {
return parseData(buildWorkbook(inputStream), 0, 1, function, null);
public static List parseData(InputStream inputStream, Class clazz) {
Field[] declaredFields = clazz.getDeclaredFields();
Map excelFieldConfigMap =
toMapForSaveNew(DataTool.toList(declaredFields, ExcelFieldConfig::new), ExcelFieldConfig::getExcelFieldName);
AtomicReference> excelFieldConfigMap2 = new AtomicReference<>();
return parseData(buildWorkbook(inputStream), 0, 1, (index, row) -> {
int physicalNumberOfCells = row.getPhysicalNumberOfCells();
T target = null;
Cell cell = null;
try {
target = clazz.newInstance();
for (int cellIndex = 0; cellIndex < physicalNumberOfCells; cellIndex++) {
cell = row.getCell(cellIndex);
ExcelFieldConfig excelFieldConfig = excelFieldConfigMap2.get()
fillFieldValue(target, row, cell, excelFieldConfig);
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("cell value = " + cell);
return target;
}, (cellIndex, row) -> {
Cell cell = row.getCell(cellIndex);
if(Objects.nonNull(cell)) {
String cellName = cell.getStringCellValue();
if (excelFieldConfigMap.containsKey(cellName)) {
excelFieldConfigMap.get(cellName).cellIndex = cellIndex;
if(cellIndex.equals(row.getPhysicalNumberOfCells() - 1)) {
excelFieldConfigMap2.set(toMapForSaveNew(excelFieldConfigMap.values(), ExcelFieldConfig::getCellIndex));
private static void fillFieldValue(T target, Row row, Cell cell, ExcelFieldConfig excelFieldConfig) throws IllegalAccessException {
if(isNull(cell) || isNull(excelFieldConfig)) {
excelFieldConfig.fillField(target, row, cell);
* 解析 excel 中的内容为 list 集合数据
* @param filePath 文件路径
* @param sheetIndex sheet索引
* @param skipLineNumbers 跳过第几行(物理行数)
* @param function 解析接口
* @param 返回数据泛型
* @return list
public static List parseData(String filePath,
int sheetIndex,
int skipLineNumbers,
BiFunction function) {
File file = new File(filePath);
if(!file.exists()) {
throw new RuntimeException(filePath + " 文件不存在");
Workbook workbook = buildWorkbook(file);
return parseData(workbook, sheetIndex, skipLineNumbers, function, null);
private static List parseData(Workbook workbook,
int sheetIndex,
int skipLineNumbers,
BiFunction function,
BiConsumer skipConsumer) {
Objects.requireNonNull(function, "function不允许为空");
if(isNull(sheetIndex)) {
sheetIndex = 0;
if(isNull(skipLineNumbers)) {
skipLineNumbers = 0;
Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(sheetIndex);
if(isNull(sheet)) {
throw new RuntimeException("sheetIndex = " + sheetIndex + " 不存在");
List dataList = new ArrayList<>(sheet.getLastRowNum());
int rowIndex = 0;
while (rowIndex <= sheet.getLastRowNum()) {
Row row = sheet.getRow(rowIndex);
if (Objects.isNull(row)) {
// 跳过行数
if (row.getRowNum() < skipLineNumbers) {
if(Objects.nonNull(skipConsumer)) {
int physicalNumberOfCells = row.getPhysicalNumberOfCells();
for (int cellIndex = 0; cellIndex < physicalNumberOfCells; cellIndex++) {
skipConsumer.accept(cellIndex, row);
Integer tmpRowIndex = rowIndex;
T data = function.apply(tmpRowIndex, row);
return dataList;
public static String getStringValue(Row row, int cellIndex) {
Cell cell = row.getCell(cellIndex);
if(isNull(cell)) {
return StringUtils.EMPTY;
if(!Objects.equals(CellType.STRING, cell.getCellTypeEnum())) {
return cell.getStringCellValue();
public static Byte getByteValue(Row row, int cellIndex) {
Cell cell = row.getCell(cellIndex);
if(isNull(cell)) {
return null;
if(Objects.equals(CellType.NUMERIC, cell.getCellTypeEnum())) {
Double numericCellValue = cell.getNumericCellValue();
if(isNull(numericCellValue)) {
return null;
return numericCellValue.byteValue();
} else if(Objects.equals(CellType.STRING, cell.getCellTypeEnum())) {
String stringCellValue = cell.getStringCellValue();
if(StringUtils.isBlank(stringCellValue)) {
return null;
return Byte.parseByte(stringCellValue);
throw new RuntimeException("cellIndex=[" + cellIndex + "]不是数值单元格");
public static Long getLongValue(Row row, int cellIndex) {
Cell cell = row.getCell(cellIndex);
if(isNull(cell)) {
return null;
if(Objects.equals(CellType.NUMERIC, cell.getCellTypeEnum())) {
Double numericCellValue = cell.getNumericCellValue();
if(isNull(numericCellValue)) {
return null;
return Long.parseLong(formatNumeric(numericCellValue));
} else if(Objects.equals(CellType.STRING, cell.getCellTypeEnum())) {
String stringCellValue = cell.getStringCellValue();
if(StringUtils.isBlank(stringCellValue)) {
return null;
return Long.parseLong(stringCellValue);
throw new RuntimeException("cellIndex=[" + cellIndex + "]不是数值单元格");
public static Double getDoubleValue(Row row, int cellIndex) {
Cell cell = row.getCell(cellIndex);
if(isNull(cell)) {
return null;
if(Objects.equals(CellType.NUMERIC, cell.getCellTypeEnum())) {
Double numericCellValue = cell.getNumericCellValue();
if(isNull(numericCellValue)) {
return null;
return Double.parseDouble(formatNumeric(numericCellValue));
} else if(Objects.equals(CellType.STRING, cell.getCellTypeEnum())) {
String stringCellValue = cell.getStringCellValue();
if(StringUtils.isBlank(stringCellValue)) {
return null;
return Double.parseDouble(stringCellValue);
throw new RuntimeException("cellIndex=[" + cellIndex + "]不是数值单元格");
private static String formatNumeric(Double numericCellValue) {
DecimalFormat decimalFormat = new DecimalFormat("0");
if(Objects.isNull(numericCellValue)) {
return null;
return decimalFormat.format(numericCellValue);
public static Integer getIntegerValue(Row row, int cellIndex) {
Cell cell = row.getCell(cellIndex);
if(isNull(cell)) {
return null;
if(Objects.equals(CellType.NUMERIC, cell.getCellTypeEnum())) {
Double numericCellValue = cell.getNumericCellValue();
if(isNull(numericCellValue)) {
return null;
return Integer.parseInt(formatNumeric(numericCellValue));
} else if(Objects.equals(CellType.STRING, cell.getCellTypeEnum())) {
String stringCellValue = cell.getStringCellValue();
if(StringUtils.isBlank(stringCellValue)) {
return null;
return Integer.parseInt(stringCellValue);
throw new RuntimeException("cellIndex=[" + cellIndex + "]不是数值单元格");
public static Date getDateValue(Row row, int cellIndex) {
Cell cell = row.getCell(cellIndex);
if(isNull(cell)) {
return null;
if(DateUtil.isCellDateFormatted(cell)) {
Date date = cell.getDateCellValue();
return date;
return null;
public static String getFormatDateValue(Row row, int cellIndex) {
return getFormatDateValue(row, cellIndex, DatePattern.NORM_DATETIME_PATTERN);
public static String getFormatDateValue(Row row, int cellIndex, String pattern) {
Date dateValue = getDateValue(row, cellIndex);
if(isNull(dateValue)) {
return StringUtils.EMPTY;
return DateFormatUtils.format(dateValue, pattern);
private static Workbook buildWorkbook(InputStream inputStream) {
Objects.requireNonNull(inputStream, "inputStream不允许为空");
Workbook workbook = null;
try {
workbook = WorkbookFactory.create(inputStream);
} catch (InvalidFormatException | IOException e) {
return workbook;
private static Workbook buildWorkbook(File file) {
Workbook workbook = null;
try (InputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(file)) {
workbook = buildWorkbook(inputStream);
} catch (IOException e) {
return workbook;
private ExcelTool() {
private static class ExcelFieldConfig {
public ExcelFieldType excelFieldType;
public Field field;
public Integer cellIndex;
public Class> clazz;
public String excelFieldName;
public String pattern;
private ExcelFieldConfig() {}
ExcelFieldConfig(Field field) {
this.field = field;
ExcelField excelField = field.getAnnotation(ExcelField.class);
if(Objects.nonNull(excelField)) {
this.excelFieldType = ExcelFieldType.NORMAL;
this.clazz = excelField.type();
this.excelFieldName = excelField.value();
ExcelDateField excelDateField = field.getAnnotation(ExcelDateField.class);
if(Objects.nonNull(excelDateField)) {
this.excelFieldType = ExcelFieldType.DATE_STR;
this.clazz = String.class;
this.excelFieldName = excelDateField.value();
this.pattern = excelDateField.pattern();
if(isNull(excelField) && isNull(excelDateField)) {
this.excelFieldType = ExcelFieldType.DEFAULT;
this.clazz = field.getType();
this.excelFieldName = field.getName();
public String getExcelFieldName() {
return this.excelFieldName;
public Integer getCellIndex() {
return this.cellIndex;
public void fillField(Object target, Row row, Cell cell) throws IllegalAccessException {
boolean accessible = this.field.isAccessible();
String typeName = this.clazz.getName();
if(String.class.getName().equals(typeName)) {
if(ExcelFieldType.DATE_STR.equals(this.excelFieldType)) {
this.field.set(target, DateFormatUtils.format(getDateValue(row, this.cellIndex), this.pattern));
} else {
this.field.set(target, cell.getStringCellValue());
} else if(Integer.class.getName().equals(typeName)) {
this.field.set(target, getIntegerValue(row, this.cellIndex));
} else if(Double.class.getName().equals(typeName)) {
this.field.set(target, getDoubleValue(row, this.cellIndex));
} else if(Date.class.getName().equals(typeName)) {
this.field.set(target, getDateValue(row, this.cellIndex));
} else if (Byte.class.getName().equals(typeName)) {
this.field.set(target, getByteValue(row, this.cellIndex));