com.twitter.scrooge.AST.Identifier.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package com.twitter.scrooge.ast
import scala.collection.mutable
import com.twitter.scrooge.frontend.ScroogeInternalException
sealed abstract class Identifier extends IdNode {
// It was intentional not to override toString. Instead, use
// "fullName" to indicate its purpose.
def fullName: String
def toCamelCase: Identifier
def toTitleCase: Identifier
def toUpperCase: Identifier
def toLowerCase: Identifier
// to prevent accidental use of Identifier as String
private[scrooge] def +(str: String): String =
throw new ScroogeInternalException("do not use \"+\" operation on Identifiers")
object Identifier {
// constructor
def apply(str: String): Identifier = {
val ids = str.split("\\.")
if (ids.size == 1)
def toTitleCase(str: String): String = toCamelCase(str, true)
* convert string to camel case, with the following fine print:
* - leading underscores are preserved
* - internal underscores are removed. Character following an underscore
* is converted to upper case.
* - first character (non underscore char) is upper case if
* firstCharUp is true, lower case if false
* - first character of the second and following parts (text between underscores)
* is always in upper case
* - if a part is all upper case it is converted to lower case (except for first character),
* in other cases case is preserved
* Examples: (original, camel case, title case)
* (gen_html_report, genHtmlReport, GenHtmlReport)
* (GEN_HTML_REPORT, genHtmlReport, GenHtmlReport)
* (Gen_HTMLReport, genHTMLReport, GenHTMLReport)
* (Gen_HTML_Report, genHtmlReport, GenHtmlReport)
* (GENHTMLREPORT, genhtmlreport, Genhtmlreport)
* (genhtmlreport, genhtmlreport, Genhtmlreport)
* (genHtmlReport, genHtmlReport, GenHtmlReport)
* (genHTMLReport, genHTMLReport, GenHtmlReport)
* (_genHtmlReport, _genHtmlReport, _GenHtmlReport)
def toCamelCase(str: String, firstCharUp: Boolean = false): String = {
str.takeWhile(_ == '_') + str.
filterNot(_.isEmpty). { case (part, ind) =>
val first = if (ind == 0 && !firstCharUp) part(0).toLower else part(0).toUpper
val isAllUpperCase = part.forall { c => c.isUpper || !c.isLetter }
val rest = if (isAllUpperCase) part.drop(1).toLowerCase else part.drop(1)
new mutable.StringBuilder(part.size).append(first).append(rest)
case class SimpleID(name: String, origName: Option[String] = None) extends Identifier {
assert(!name.contains(".") && !name.isEmpty) // name is a simple string
val fullName: String = name
val originalName = origName.getOrElse(fullName)
def toCamelCase = SimpleID(Identifier.toCamelCase(name), origName = Some(originalName))
def toTitleCase = SimpleID(Identifier.toTitleCase(name), origName = Some(originalName))
def toUpperCase = SimpleID(name.toUpperCase, origName = Some(originalName))
def toLowerCase = SimpleID(name.toLowerCase, origName = Some(originalName))
// append and prepend only available for SimpleID
// To encourage correct usage of SimpleID, we intentionally don't use implicit
// string conversions
def append(other: String): SimpleID = {
assert(!other.isEmpty && !other.contains("."))
SimpleID(name + other)
def prepend(other: String): SimpleID = {
assert(!other.isEmpty && !other.contains("."))
SimpleID(other + name)
def addScope(scope: Identifier): QualifiedID =
QualifiedID(scope match {
case SimpleID(s, _) => Seq(s,
case QualifiedID(names) => names :+ name
case class QualifiedID(names: Seq[String]) extends Identifier {
assert(names.size >= 2) // at least a scope and a name
val fullName: String = names.mkString(".")
// case conversion only happens on the last id
def toCamelCase =
QualifiedID(names.dropRight(1) :+ Identifier.toCamelCase(names.last))
def toTitleCase =
QualifiedID(names.dropRight(1) :+ Identifier.toTitleCase(names.last))
def toUpperCase =
QualifiedID(names.dropRight(1) :+ names.last.toUpperCase)
def toLowerCase =
QualifiedID(names.dropRight(1) :+ names.last.toLowerCase)
def head: SimpleID = SimpleID(names.head)
def tail: Identifier = Identifier(names.tail.mkString("."))
def qualifier: Identifier = Identifier(names.dropRight(1).mkString("."))
def name: SimpleID = SimpleID(names.last)