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package {{package}}

import com.twitter.scrooge.{
  TFieldBlob, ThriftException, ThriftStruct, ThriftStructCodec3, ThriftStructFieldInfo, ThriftUtil}
import org.apache.thrift.protocol._
import org.apache.thrift.transport.{TMemoryBuffer, TTransport}
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import java.util.Arrays
import scala.collection.immutable.{Map => immutable$Map}
import scala.collection.mutable.Builder
import scala.collection.mutable.{
  ArrayBuffer => mutable$ArrayBuffer, Buffer => mutable$Buffer,
  HashMap => mutable$HashMap, HashSet => mutable$HashSet}
import scala.collection.{Map, Set}

object {{StructName}} extends ThriftStructCodec3[{{StructName}}] {
  private val NoPassthroughFields = immutable$Map.empty[Short, TFieldBlob]
  val Struct = new TStruct("{{StructNameForWire}}")
  val {{fieldConst}} = new TField("{{fieldNameForWire}}", TType.{{constType}}, {{id}})
  val {{fieldConst}}I32 = new TField("{{fieldNameForWire}}", TType.I32, {{id}})
  val {{fieldConst}}Manifest = implicitly[Manifest[{{fieldType}}]]

   * Field information in declaration order.
  lazy val fieldInfos: scala.List[ThriftStructFieldInfo] = scala.List[ThriftStructFieldInfo](
    new ThriftStructFieldInfo(
        "{{key}}" -> "{{value}}"
      immutable$Map.empty[String, String],
        "{{key}}" -> "{{value}}"
      immutable$Map.empty[String, String]

  lazy val structAnnotations: immutable$Map[String, String] =
    immutable$Map[String, String](
        "{{key}}" -> "{{value}}"
    immutable$Map.empty[String, String]

   * Checks that all required fields are non-null.
  def validate(_item: {{StructName}}) {
    if (_item.{{fieldName}} == null) throw new TProtocolException("Required field {{fieldName}} cannot be null")

  def withoutPassthroughFields(original: {{StructName}}): {{StructName}} =
    new {{InstanceClassName}}(
      {{fieldName}} =
          val field = original.{{fieldName}}

  override def encode(_item: {{StructName}}, _oproto: TProtocol) {

  override def decode(_iprot: TProtocol): {{StructName}} = {
    var {{fieldName}}: Option[{{fieldType}}] = None
    var {{fieldName}}: {{fieldType}} = {{defaultReadValue}}
    var {{gotName}} = false
    var _passthroughFields: Builder[(Short, TFieldBlob), immutable$Map[Short, TFieldBlob]] = null
    var _done = false

    while (!_done) {
      val _field = _iprot.readFieldBegin()
      if (_field.`type` == TType.STOP) {
        _done = true
      } else { match {
          case {{id}} =>
          case _ =>
            if (_passthroughFields == null)
              _passthroughFields = immutable$Map.newBuilder[Short, TFieldBlob]
            _passthroughFields += ( ->, _iprot))

    if (!{{gotName}}) throw new TProtocolException("Required field '{{fieldName}}' was not found in serialized data for struct {{StructName}}")
    new {{InstanceClassName}}(
      if (_passthroughFields == null)

  def apply(
    {{fieldName}}: {{>optionalType}}{{#hasDefaultValue}} = {{defaultFieldValue}}{{/hasDefaultValue}}{{#optional}} = None{{/optional}}
  ): {{StructName}} =
    new {{InstanceClassName}}(

  def unapply(_item: {{StructName}}): Boolean = true
  def unapply(_item: {{StructName}}): Option[{{>optionalType}}] = Some(_item.{{fieldName}})
  def unapply(_item: {{StructName}}): Option[{{product}}] = Some(_item)

  private def {{readFieldValueName}}(_iprot: TProtocol): {{fieldType}} = {

  private def {{writeFieldName}}({{valueVariableName}}: {{fieldType}}, _oprot: TProtocol) {
    {{writeFieldValueName}}({{valueVariableName}}, _oprot)

  private def {{writeFieldValueName}}({{valueVariableName}}: {{fieldType}}, _oprot: TProtocol) {


  private def ttypeToHuman(byte: Byte) = {
    // from
    byte match {
      case TType.STOP   => "STOP"
      case TType.VOID   => "VOID"
      case TType.BOOL   => "BOOL"
      case TType.BYTE   => "BYTE"
      case TType.DOUBLE => "DOUBLE"
      case TType.I16    => "I16"
      case TType.I32    => "I32"
      case TType.I64    => "I64"
      case TType.STRING => "STRING"
      case TType.STRUCT => "STRUCT"
      case TType.MAP    => "MAP"
      case TType.SET    => "SET"
      case TType.LIST   => "LIST"
      case TType.ENUM   => "ENUM"
      case _            => "UNKNOWN"

  object Immutable extends ThriftStructCodec3[{{StructName}}] {
    override def encode(_item: {{StructName}}, _oproto: TProtocol) { _item.write(_oproto) }
    override def decode(_iprot: TProtocol): {{StructName}} = {{StructName}}.decode(_iprot)
    override lazy val metaData = {{StructName}}.metaData

   * The default read-only implementation of {{StructName}}.  You typically should not need to
   * directly reference this class; instead, use the {{StructName}}.apply method to construct
   * new instances.
  class Immutable(
    val {{fieldName}}: {{>optionalType}},
    override val _passthroughFields: immutable$Map[Short, TFieldBlob]
  ) extends {{StructName}} {
    def this(
      {{fieldName}}: {{>optionalType}}{{#hasDefaultValue}} = {{defaultFieldValue}}{{/hasDefaultValue}}{{#optional}} = None{{/optional}}
    ) = this(

   * This Proxy trait allows you to extend the {{StructName}} trait with additional state or
   * behavior and implement the read-only methods from {{StructName}} using an underlying
   * instance.
  trait Proxy extends {{StructName}} {
    protected def {{underlyingStructName}}: {{StructName}}
    override def {{fieldName}}: {{>optionalType}} = {{underlyingStructName}}.{{fieldName}}
    override def _passthroughFields = {{underlyingStructName}}._passthroughFields

trait {{StructName}}
class {{StructName}}(
    val {{fieldName}}: {{>optionalType}},
    val _passthroughFields: immutable$Map[Short, TFieldBlob])
  extends {{parentType}}
  with {{product}}
  import {{StructName}}._
    def this(
      {{fieldName}}: {{>optionalType}}{{#hasDefaultValue}} = {{defaultFieldValue}}{{/hasDefaultValue}}{{#optional}} = None{{/optional}}
    ) = this(

  def {{fieldName}}: {{>optionalType}}

  def _passthroughFields: immutable$Map[Short, TFieldBlob] = immutable$Map.empty

  def _{{indexP1}} = {{fieldName}}

   * Gets a field value encoded as a binary blob using TCompactProtocol.  If the specified field
   * is present in the passthrough map, that value is returend.  Otherwise, if the specified field
   * is known and not optional and set to None, then the field is serialized and returned.
  def getFieldBlob(_fieldId: Short): Option[TFieldBlob] = {
    lazy val _buff = new TMemoryBuffer(32)
    lazy val _oprot = new TCompactProtocol(_buff)
    _passthroughFields.get(_fieldId) orElse {
      val _fieldOpt: Option[TField] =
        _fieldId match {
          case {{id}} =>
            if ({{fieldName}}.isDefined) {
            if ({{fieldName}} ne null) {
            if (true) {
              {{writeFieldValueName}}({{fieldName}}{{#optional}}.get{{/optional}}, _oprot)
            } else {
          case _ => None
      _fieldOpt match {
        case Some(_field) =>
          val _data = Arrays.copyOfRange(_buff.getArray, 0, _buff.length)
          Some(TFieldBlob(_field, _data))
        case None =>

   * Collects TCompactProtocol-encoded field values according to `getFieldBlob` into a map.
  def getFieldBlobs(ids: TraversableOnce[Short]): immutable$Map[Short, TFieldBlob] =
    (ids flatMap { id => getFieldBlob(id) map { id -> _ } }).toMap

   * Sets a field using a TCompactProtocol-encoded binary blob.  If the field is a known
   * field, the blob is decoded and the field is set to the decoded value.  If the field
   * is unknown and passthrough fields are enabled, then the blob will be stored in
   * _passthroughFields.
  def setField(_blob: TFieldBlob): {{StructName}} = {
    var {{fieldName}}: {{>optionalType}} = this.{{fieldName}}
    var _passthroughFields = this._passthroughFields match {
      case {{id}} =>
        {{fieldName}} = Some({{readFieldValueName}}(
        {{fieldName}} = {{readFieldValueName}}(
      case _ => _passthroughFields += ( -> _blob)
    new {{InstanceClassName}}(

   * If the specified field is optional, it is set to None.  Otherwise, if the field is
   * known, it is reverted to its default value; if the field is unknown, it is subtracked
   * from the passthroughFields map, if present.
  def unsetField(_fieldId: Short): {{StructName}} = {
    var {{fieldName}}: {{>optionalType}} = this.{{fieldName}}

    _fieldId match {
      case {{id}} =>
        {{fieldName}} = None
        {{fieldName}} = {{defaultReadValue}}
      case _ =>
    new {{InstanceClassName}}(
      _passthroughFields - _fieldId

   * If the specified field is optional, it is set to None.  Otherwise, if the field is
   * known, it is reverted to its default value; if the field is unknown, it is subtracked
   * from the passthroughFields map, if present.
  def {{unsetName}}: {{StructName}} = unsetField({{id}})


  override def write(_oprot: TProtocol) {
    if ({{fieldName}}.isDefined) {{writeFieldName}}({{fieldName}}.get, _oprot)
    if ({{fieldName}} ne null) {{writeFieldName}}({{fieldName}}, _oprot)
    {{writeFieldName}}({{fieldName}}, _oprot)
    _passthroughFields.values foreach { _.write(_oprot) }

  def copy(
    {{fieldName}}: {{>optionalType}} = this.{{fieldName}},
    _passthroughFields: immutable$Map[Short, TFieldBlob] = this._passthroughFields
  ): {{StructName}} =
    new {{InstanceClassName}}(

  override def canEqual(other: Any): Boolean = other.isInstanceOf[{{StructName}}]

  override def equals(other: Any): Boolean =
    _root_.scala.runtime.ScalaRunTime._equals(this, other) &&
      _passthroughFields == other.asInstanceOf[{{StructName}}]._passthroughFields

  override def hashCode: Int = _root_.scala.runtime.ScalaRunTime._hashCode(this)

  override def toString: String = _root_.scala.runtime.ScalaRunTime._toString(this)

  override def getMessage: String = String.valueOf({{exceptionMessageField}})

  override def productArity: Int = {{arity}}

  override def productElement(n: Int): Any = n match {
    case {{index}} => this.{{fieldName}}
    case _ => throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(n.toString)

  override def productPrefix: String = "{{StructName}}"

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