co.actioniq.ivy.s3.S3URLUtil Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package co.actioniq.ivy.s3;
import com.amazonaws.AmazonClientException;
import com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration;
import com.amazonaws.auth.AWSCredentials;
import com.amazonaws.auth.AWSCredentialsProvider;
import com.amazonaws.auth.AWSCredentialsProviderChain;
import com.amazonaws.auth.EnvironmentVariableCredentialsProvider;
import com.amazonaws.auth.InstanceProfileCredentialsProvider;
import com.amazonaws.auth.SystemPropertiesCredentialsProvider;
import com.amazonaws.auth.profile.ProfileCredentialsProvider;
import com.amazonaws.regions.Region;
import com.amazonaws.regions.RegionUtils;
import com.amazonaws.regions.Regions;
import org.apache.ivy.util.Message;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
class S3URLUtil {
// This is for matching region names in URLs or host names
private static final Pattern RegionMatcher = makeRegionMatcher();
private static final Map credentialsCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private final String profile;
S3URLUtil(String profile) {
this.profile = profile;
ClientBucketKey getClientBucketAndKey(URL url) {
BucketAndKey bk = getBucketAndKey(url);
AmazonS3Client client = new AmazonS3Client(getCredentials(bk.bucket), getProxyConfiguration());
Optional region = getRegion(url, bk.bucket, client);
return new ClientBucketKey(client, bk);
private static Pattern makeRegionMatcher() {
Comparator ReverseLengthComparator = Comparator.comparingInt(String::length).reversed();
String pattern =
.collect(Collectors.joining("|", "(", ")"));
return Pattern.compile(pattern);
// Try to get the region of the S3 URL so we can set it on the S3Client
private Optional getRegion(URL url, String bucket, AmazonS3Client client) {
Optional region = Optionals.first(
() -> getRegionNameFromURL(url),
() -> getRegionNameFromDNS(bucket),
() -> getRegionNameFromService(bucket, client));
return region.flatMap(r -> Optional.ofNullable(RegionUtils.getRegion(r)));
private Optional getRegionNameFromURL(URL url) {
// We'll try the AmazonS3URI parsing first then fallback to our RegionMatcher
return Optionals.first(
() -> getAmazonS3URI(url).flatMap(u -> Optional.ofNullable(u.getRegion())),
() -> findFirstInRegionMatcher(url.toString()));
private Optional getRegionNameFromDNS(String bucket) {
try {
// This gives us something like which must have changed
// at some point because the region from that hostname is no longer parsed by AmazonS3URI
String canonicalHostName = InetAddress.getByName(bucket + "").getCanonicalHostName();
// So we use our regex based RegionMatcher to try and extract the region since AmazonS3URI doesn't work
return findFirstInRegionMatcher(canonicalHostName);
} catch (UnknownHostException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
// TODO: cache the result of this so we aren't always making the call
private Optional getRegionNameFromService(String bucket, AmazonS3Client client) {
try {
// This might fail if the current credentials don't have access to the getBucketLocation call
return Optional.ofNullable(client.getBucketLocation(bucket));
} catch (Exception e) {
return Optional.empty();
private static Optional findFirstInRegionMatcher(String str) {
try {
return Optional.ofNullable(RegionMatcher.matcher(str).group(1));
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
return Optional.empty();
private Optional getAmazonS3URI(URL url) {
try {
return getAmazonS3URI(url.toURI());
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
return Optional.empty();
private BucketAndKey getBucketAndKey(URL url) {
// The AmazonS3URI constructor should work for standard S3 urls. But if a custom domain is being used
// (e.g. then we treat the hostname as the bucket and the path as the key
return getAmazonS3URI(url)
.map(amzn -> new BucketAndKey(amzn.getBucket(), amzn.getKey()))
.orElseGet(() -> new BucketAndKey(url.getHost(), Strings.stripPrefix(url.getPath(), "/")));
private Optional getAmazonS3URI(URI uri) {
URI httpsURI;
try {
// If there is no scheme (e.g. new URI(""))
// then we need to re-create the URI to add one and to also make sure the host is set
if (uri.getScheme() == null) {
httpsURI = new URI("https://" + uri);
} else {
// AmazonS3URI can't parse the region from s3:// URLs so we rewrite the scheme to https://
httpsURI = new URI("https", uri.getUserInfo(), uri.getHost(), uri.getPort(),
uri.getPath(), uri.getQuery(), uri.getFragment());
return Optional.of(new AmazonS3URI(httpsURI));
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
return Optional.empty();
private AWSCredentials getCredentials(String bucket) {
AWSCredentials credentials = credentialsCache.computeIfAbsent(bucket, this::computeCredentials);
Log.print("S3URLHandler - Using AWS Access Key Id: "+credentials.getAWSAccessKeyId()+" for bucket: "+bucket);
return credentials;
private ClientConfiguration getProxyConfiguration() {
ClientConfiguration configuration = new ClientConfiguration();
Optional host = Optional.ofNullable(System.getProperty("https.proxyHost"));
Optional port = Optional.ofNullable(System.getProperty("https.proxyPort")).map(Integer::parseInt);
if (host.isPresent() && port.isPresent()) {
return configuration;
private AWSCredentials computeCredentials(String bucket) {
try {
return Credentials.makeCredentialsProvider(profile, bucket).getCredentials();
} catch (AmazonClientException e) {
Message.error("Unable to find AWS Credentials.");
throw e;
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