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co.cask.wrangler.executor.TextDirectives Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright © 2016-2017 Cask Data, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
package co.cask.wrangler.executor;
import co.cask.wrangler.api.DirectiveParseException;
import co.cask.wrangler.api.Directives;
import co.cask.wrangler.api.Step;
import co.cask.wrangler.steps.IncrementTransientVariable;
import co.cask.wrangler.steps.SetTransientVariable;
import co.cask.wrangler.steps.column.ChangeColCaseNames;
import co.cask.wrangler.steps.column.CleanseColumnNames;
import co.cask.wrangler.steps.column.Columns;
import co.cask.wrangler.steps.column.ColumnsReplace;
import co.cask.wrangler.steps.column.Copy;
import co.cask.wrangler.steps.column.Drop;
import co.cask.wrangler.steps.column.Keep;
import co.cask.wrangler.steps.column.Merge;
import co.cask.wrangler.steps.column.Rename;
import co.cask.wrangler.steps.column.SplitToColumns;
import co.cask.wrangler.steps.column.Swap;
import co.cask.wrangler.steps.language.SetCharset;
import co.cask.wrangler.steps.nlp.Stemming;
import co.cask.wrangler.steps.parser.CsvParser;
import co.cask.wrangler.steps.parser.FixedLengthParser;
import co.cask.wrangler.steps.parser.HL7Parser;
import co.cask.wrangler.steps.parser.JsParser;
import co.cask.wrangler.steps.parser.JsPath;
import co.cask.wrangler.steps.parser.ParseAvro;
import co.cask.wrangler.steps.parser.ParseAvroFile;
import co.cask.wrangler.steps.parser.ParseDate;
import co.cask.wrangler.steps.parser.ParseExcel;
import co.cask.wrangler.steps.parser.ParseLog;
import co.cask.wrangler.steps.parser.ParseProtobuf;
import co.cask.wrangler.steps.parser.ParseSimpleDate;
import co.cask.wrangler.steps.parser.XmlParser;
import co.cask.wrangler.steps.parser.XmlToJson;
import co.cask.wrangler.steps.row.Fail;
import co.cask.wrangler.steps.row.Flatten;
import co.cask.wrangler.steps.row.RecordConditionFilter;
import co.cask.wrangler.steps.row.RecordMissingOrNullFilter;
import co.cask.wrangler.steps.row.RecordRegexFilter;
import co.cask.wrangler.steps.row.SendToError;
import co.cask.wrangler.steps.row.SetRecordDelimiter;
import co.cask.wrangler.steps.row.SplitToRows;
import co.cask.wrangler.steps.transformation.CatalogLookup;
import co.cask.wrangler.steps.transformation.CharacterCut;
import co.cask.wrangler.steps.transformation.Decode;
import co.cask.wrangler.steps.transformation.Encode;
import co.cask.wrangler.steps.transformation.Expression;
import co.cask.wrangler.steps.transformation.ExtractRegexGroups;
import co.cask.wrangler.steps.transformation.FillNullOrEmpty;
import co.cask.wrangler.steps.transformation.FindAndReplace;
import co.cask.wrangler.steps.transformation.GenerateUUID;
import co.cask.wrangler.steps.transformation.IndexSplit;
import co.cask.wrangler.steps.transformation.InvokeHttp;
import co.cask.wrangler.steps.transformation.Lower;
import co.cask.wrangler.steps.transformation.MaskNumber;
import co.cask.wrangler.steps.transformation.MaskShuffle;
import co.cask.wrangler.steps.transformation.MessageHash;
import co.cask.wrangler.steps.transformation.Quantization;
import co.cask.wrangler.steps.transformation.SetColumn;
import co.cask.wrangler.steps.transformation.Split;
import co.cask.wrangler.steps.transformation.SplitEmail;
import co.cask.wrangler.steps.transformation.SplitURL;
import co.cask.wrangler.steps.transformation.TableLookup;
import co.cask.wrangler.steps.transformation.TextDistanceMeasure;
import co.cask.wrangler.steps.transformation.TextMetricMeasure;
import co.cask.wrangler.steps.transformation.TitleCase;
import co.cask.wrangler.steps.transformation.Upper;
import co.cask.wrangler.steps.transformation.UrlEncode;
import co.cask.wrangler.steps.transformation.XPathArrayElement;
import co.cask.wrangler.steps.transformation.XPathElement;
import co.cask.wrangler.steps.transformation.Trim;
import co.cask.wrangler.steps.transformation.LeftTrim;
import co.cask.wrangler.steps.transformation.RightTrim;
import co.cask.wrangler.steps.writer.WriteAsCSV;
import co.cask.wrangler.steps.writer.WriteAsJsonMap;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
* Parses the DSL into specification containing stepRegistry for wrangling.
* Following are some of the commands and format that {@link TextDirectives}
* will handle.
public class TextDirectives implements Directives {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TextDirectives.class);
// directives for wrangling.
private String[] directives;
// Usage Registry
private final UsageRegistry usageRegistry = new UsageRegistry();
public TextDirectives(String[] directives) {
this.directives = directives;
public TextDirectives(String directives) {
public TextDirectives(List directives) {
this(directives.toArray(new String[directives.size()]));
* Parses the DSL to generate a sequence of stepRegistry to be executed by {@link co.cask.wrangler.api.Pipeline}.
* The transformation parsing here needs a better solution. It has many limitations and having different way would
* allow us to provide much more advanced semantics for directives.
* @return List of stepRegistry to be executed.
* @throws ParseException
private List parse() throws DirectiveParseException {
List steps = new ArrayList<>();
// Split directive by EOL
int lineno = 1;
// Iterate through each directive and create necessary stepRegistry.
for (String directive : directives) {
directive = directive.trim();
if (directive.isEmpty() || directive.startsWith("//") || directive.startsWith("#")) {
StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(directive, " ");
String command = tokenizer.nextToken();
switch (command) {
case "set": {
switch (tokenizer.nextToken()) {
// set format [csv|json]
case "format": {
String format = getNextToken(tokenizer, "set format", "[csv|json]", lineno);
if (format.equalsIgnoreCase("csv")) {
String delimStr = getNextToken(tokenizer, "set format", "delimiter", lineno);
char delimiter = delimStr.charAt(0);
if (delimStr.startsWith("\\")) {
String unescapedStr = StringEscapeUtils.unescapeJava(delimStr);
if (unescapedStr == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid delimiter for CSV Parser: " + delimStr);
delimiter = unescapedStr.charAt(0);
boolean ignoreEmptyLines =
getNextToken(tokenizer, "set format", "true|false", lineno).equalsIgnoreCase("true");
CsvParser.Options opt = new CsvParser.Options(delimiter, ignoreEmptyLines);
steps.add(new CsvParser(lineno, directive, opt, STARTING_COLUMN, false));
steps.add(new Drop(lineno, directive, STARTING_COLUMN));
} else {
throw new DirectiveParseException(
String.format("Unknown format '%s' specified at line %d", format, lineno)
// set column
case "column": {
String column = getNextToken(tokenizer, "set column", "column-name", lineno);
String expr = getNextToken(tokenizer, "\n", "set column", "jexl-expression", lineno);
steps.add(new Expression(lineno, directive, column, expr));
// set columns
case "columns": {
String columns = getNextToken(tokenizer, "\n", "set columns", "name1, name2, ...", lineno);
String cols[] = columns.split(",");
steps.add(new Columns(lineno, directive, Arrays.asList(cols)));
// rename
case "rename": {
String oldcol = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "old", lineno);
String newcol = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "new", lineno);
steps.add(new Rename(lineno, directive, oldcol, newcol));
// drop [,]
case "drop": {
String colums = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "column", lineno);
steps.add(new Drop(lineno, directive, Arrays.asList(colums.split(","))));
// merge
case "merge": {
String col1 = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "first", lineno);
String col2 = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "second", lineno);
String dest = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "new-column", lineno);
String delimiter = getNextToken(tokenizer, "\n", command, "delimiter", lineno);
int start = delimiter.indexOf('\'');
if (start != -1) {
int end = delimiter.lastIndexOf('\'');
if (end == -1 || start == end) {
throw new DirectiveParseException(
String.format("One of the quote is missing when specifying the delimiter.")
delimiter = StringEscapeUtils.unescapeJava(delimiter.substring(start + 1, end));
steps.add(new Merge(lineno, directive, col1, col2, dest, delimiter));
// uppercase
case "uppercase": {
String col = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "col", lineno);
steps.add(new Upper(lineno, directive, col));
// lowercase
case "lowercase": {
String col = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "col", lineno);
steps.add(new Lower(lineno, directive, col));
// titlecase
case "titlecase": {
String col = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "col", lineno);
steps.add(new TitleCase(lineno, directive, col));
// indexsplit
case "indexsplit": {
String source = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "source", lineno);
String startStr = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "start", lineno);
String endStr = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "end", lineno);
int start = Integer.parseInt(startStr);
int end = Integer.parseInt(endStr);
String destination = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "destination", lineno);
steps.add(new IndexSplit(lineno, directive, source, start, end, destination));
// split
case "split": {
String source = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "source-column-name", lineno);
String delimiter = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "delimiter", lineno);
String firstCol = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "new-column-1", lineno);
String secondCol = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "new-column-2", lineno);
steps.add(new Split(lineno, directive, source, delimiter, firstCol, secondCol));
// filter-row-if-matched
case "filter-row-if-matched": {
String column = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "column", lineno);
String pattern = getNextToken(tokenizer, "\n", command, "regex", lineno);
steps.add(new RecordRegexFilter(lineno, directive, column, pattern, true));
// filter-row-if-not-matched
case "filter-row-if-not-matched": {
String column = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "column", lineno);
String pattern = getNextToken(tokenizer, "\n", command, "regex", lineno);
steps.add(new RecordRegexFilter(lineno, directive, column, pattern, false));
// filter-row-if-true
case "filter-row-if-true": {
String condition = getNextToken(tokenizer, "\n", command, "condition", lineno);
steps.add(new RecordConditionFilter(lineno, directive, condition, true));
// filter-row-if-false
case "filter-row-if-false": {
String condition = getNextToken(tokenizer, "\n", command, "condition", lineno);
steps.add(new RecordConditionFilter(lineno, directive, condition, false));
// set-variable
case "set-variable": {
String column = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "column", lineno);
String expression = getNextToken(tokenizer, "\n", command, "expression", lineno);
steps.add(new SetTransientVariable(lineno, directive, column, expression));
// increment-variable
case "increment-variable": {
String column = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "column", lineno);
String value = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "value", lineno);
String expression = getNextToken(tokenizer, "\n", command, "expression", lineno);
steps.add(new IncrementTransientVariable(lineno, directive, column, value, expression));
// mask-number
case "mask-number": {
String column = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "column", lineno);
String mask = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "pattern", lineno);
steps.add(new MaskNumber(lineno, directive, column, mask));
// mask-shuffle
case "mask-shuffle": {
String column = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "column", lineno);
steps.add(new MaskShuffle(lineno, directive, column));
// format-date
case "format-date": {
String column = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "column", 1);
String format = getNextToken(tokenizer, "\n", command, "format", lineno);
steps.add(new FormatDate(lineno, directive, column, format));
// format-unix-timestamp
case "format-unix-timestamp": {
String column = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "column", lineno);
String dstDatePattern = getNextToken(tokenizer, "\n", command, "destination-format", lineno);
steps.add(new FormatDate(lineno, directive, column, dstDatePattern));
// quantize <[range1:range2)=value>,[]*
case "quantize": {
String column1 = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "source-column", lineno);
String column2 = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "destination-column", lineno);
String ranges = getNextToken(tokenizer, "\n", command, "destination-column", lineno);
steps.add(new Quantization(lineno, directive, column1, column2, ranges));
// find-and-replace
case "find-and-replace" : {
String column = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "column", lineno);
String expression = getNextToken(tokenizer, "\n", command, "sed-script", lineno);
steps.add(new FindAndReplace(lineno, directive, column, expression));
// parse-as-csv []
case "parse-as-csv" : {
String column = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "column", lineno);
String delimStr = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "delimiter", lineno);
char delimiter = delimStr.charAt(0);
if (delimStr.startsWith("\\")) {
String unescapedStr = StringEscapeUtils.unescapeJava(delimStr);
if (unescapedStr == null) {
throw new DirectiveParseException("Invalid delimiter for CSV Parser: " + delimStr);
delimiter = unescapedStr.charAt(0);
boolean hasHeader;
String hasHeaderLinesOpt = getNextToken(tokenizer, "\n", command, "true|false", lineno, true);
if (hasHeaderLinesOpt == null || hasHeaderLinesOpt.equalsIgnoreCase("false")) {
hasHeader = false;
} else {
hasHeader = true;
CsvParser.Options opt = new CsvParser.Options(delimiter, true);
steps.add(new CsvParser(lineno, directive, opt, column, hasHeader));
// parse-as-json [depth]
case "parse-as-json" : {
String column = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "column", lineno);
String depthOpt = getNextToken(tokenizer, "\n", command, "depth", lineno, true);
int depth = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
if (depthOpt != null && !depthOpt.isEmpty()) {
try {
depth = Integer.parseInt(depthOpt);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new DirectiveParseException(
String.format("Depth '%s' specified is not a valid number.", depthOpt)
steps.add(new JsParser(lineno, directive, column, depth));
// parse-as-avro [version]
case "parse-as-avro" : {
String column = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "column", lineno);
String schemaId = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "schema-id", lineno);
String type = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "type", lineno);
if (!"json".equalsIgnoreCase(type) && !"binary".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) {
throw new DirectiveParseException(
String.format("Parsing AVRO can be either of type 'json' or 'binary'")
String versionOpt = getNextToken(tokenizer, "\n", command, "depth", lineno, true);
int version = -1;
if (versionOpt != null && !versionOpt.isEmpty()) {
try {
version = Integer.parseInt(versionOpt);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new DirectiveParseException(
String.format("Version '%s' specified is not a valid number.", versionOpt)
steps.add(new ParseAvro(lineno, directive, column, schemaId, type, version));
// parse-as-protobuf [version]
case "parse-as-protobuf" : {
String column = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "column", lineno);
String schemaId = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "schema-id", lineno);
String recordName = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "record-name", lineno);
String versionOpt = getNextToken(tokenizer, "\n", command, "depth", lineno, true);
int version = -1;
if (versionOpt != null && !versionOpt.isEmpty()) {
try {
version = Integer.parseInt(versionOpt);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new DirectiveParseException(
String.format("Version '%s' specified is not a valid number.", versionOpt)
steps.add(new ParseProtobuf(lineno, directive, column, schemaId, recordName, version));
// json-path
case "json-path" : {
String src = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "source", lineno);
String dest = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "dest", lineno);
String path = getNextToken(tokenizer, "\n", command, "json-path", lineno);
steps.add(new JsPath(lineno, directive, src, dest, path));
// set-charset
case "set-charset" : {
String column = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "column", lineno);
String charset = getNextToken(tokenizer, "\n", command, "charset", lineno, true);
steps.add(new SetCharset(lineno, directive, column, charset));
// invoke-http [,] [,]
case "invoke-http" : {
String url = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "url", lineno);
String columnsOpt = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "columns", lineno);
List columns = new ArrayList<>();
for (String column : columnsOpt.split(",")) {
String headers = getNextToken(tokenizer, "\n", command, "headers", lineno, true);
steps.add(new InvokeHttp(lineno, directive, url, columns, headers));
// set-record-delim []
case "set-record-delim" : {
String column = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "column", lineno);
String delimiter = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "delimiter", lineno);
String limitStr = getNextToken(tokenizer, "\n", column, "limit", lineno, true);
if (limitStr == null || limitStr.isEmpty()) {
limitStr = "1";
try {
int limit = Integer.parseInt(limitStr);
steps.add(new SetRecordDelimiter(lineno, directive, column, delimiter, limit));
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new DirectiveParseException(
String.format("Limit '%s' specified is not a number.", limitStr)
// parse-as-fixed-length []
case "parse-as-fixed-length" : {
String column = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "column", lineno);
String widthStr = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "widths", lineno);
String padding = getNextToken(tokenizer, "\n", column, "padding", lineno, true);
if (padding == null || padding.isEmpty()) {
padding = null; // Add space as padding.
} else {
padding = StringUtils.substringBetween(padding, "'", "'");
String[] widthsStr = widthStr.split(",");
int[] widths = new int[widthsStr.length];
int i = 0;
for (String w : widthsStr) {
try {
widths[i] = Integer.parseInt(StringUtils.deleteWhitespace(w));
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new DirectiveParseException(
String.format("Width specified '%s' at location %d is not a number.", w, i)
steps.add(new FixedLengthParser(lineno, directive, column, widths, padding));
// split-to-rows
case "split-to-rows" : {
String column = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "column", lineno);
String regex = getNextToken(tokenizer, "\n", "separator", lineno);
steps.add(new SplitToRows(lineno, directive, column, regex));
// split-to-columns
case "split-to-columns" : {
String column = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "column", lineno);
String regex = getNextToken(tokenizer, "\n", "regex", lineno);
steps.add(new SplitToColumns(lineno, directive, column, regex));
// parse-xml-to-json []
case "parse-xml-to-json" : {
String column = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "column", lineno);
String depthOpt = getNextToken(tokenizer, "\n", command, "depth", lineno, true);
int depth = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
try {
if(depthOpt != null && !depthOpt.isEmpty()) {
depth = Integer.parseInt(depthOpt);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new DirectiveParseException(e.getMessage());
steps.add(new XmlToJson(lineno, directive, column, depth));
// parse-as-xml
case "parse-as-xml" : {
String column = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "column", lineno);
steps.add(new XmlParser(lineno, directive, column));
// parse-as-excel
case "parse-as-excel" : {
String column = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "column", lineno);
String sheet = getNextToken(tokenizer, "\n", command, "sheet", lineno, true);
steps.add(new ParseExcel(lineno, directive, column, sheet));
// xpath
case "xpath" : {
String column = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "column", lineno);
String destination = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "destination", lineno);
String xpath = getNextToken(tokenizer, "\n", command, "xpath", lineno);
steps.add(new XPathElement(lineno, directive, column, destination, xpath));
// xpath-array
case "xpath-array" : {
String column = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "column", lineno);
String destination = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "destination", lineno);
String xpath = getNextToken(tokenizer, "\n", command, "xpath", lineno);
steps.add(new XPathArrayElement(lineno, directive, column, destination, xpath));
// flatten [,,,...]
case "flatten" : {
String cols = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "columns", lineno);
if (cols.equalsIgnoreCase("*")) {
throw new DirectiveParseException(
"Flatten does not support wildcard ('*') flattening. Please specify column names"
String[] columns = cols.split(",");
for (String column : columns) {
if (column.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("*")) {
throw new DirectiveParseException(
"Flatten does not support wildcard ('*') flattening. Please specify column names"
steps.add(new Flatten(lineno, directive, columns));
// copy [force]
case "copy" : {
String source = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "source", lineno);
String destination = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "destination", lineno);
String forceOpt = getNextToken(tokenizer, "\n", command, "force", lineno, true);
boolean force = false;
if (forceOpt != null && forceOpt.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) {
force = true;
steps.add(new Copy(lineno, directive, source, destination, force));
// fill-null-or-empty
case "fill-null-or-empty" : {
String column = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "column", lineno);
String value = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "fixed-value", lineno);
if (value != null && value.isEmpty()) {
throw new DirectiveParseException(
"Fixed value cannot be a empty string"
steps.add(new FillNullOrEmpty(lineno, directive, column, value));
// cut-character
case "cut-character" : {
String source = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "source", lineno);
String destination = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "destination", lineno);
String range = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "range", lineno);
steps.add(new CharacterCut(lineno, directive, source, destination, range));
// generate-uuid
case "generate-uuid" : {
String column = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "column", lineno);
steps.add(new GenerateUUID(lineno, directive, column));
// url-encode
case "url-encode" : {
String column = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "column", lineno);
steps.add(new UrlEncode(lineno, directive, column));
// url-decode
case "url-decode" : {
String column = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "column", lineno);
steps.add(new UrlEncode(lineno, directive, column));
// parse-as-log
case "parse-as-log" : {
String column = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "column", lineno);
String format = getNextToken(tokenizer, "\n", command, "format", lineno);
steps.add(new ParseLog(lineno, directive, column, format));
// parse-as-date []
case "parse-as-date" : {
String column = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "column", lineno);
String timezone = getNextToken(tokenizer, "\n", command, "timezone", lineno, true);
steps.add(new ParseDate(lineno, directive, column, timezone));
// parse-as-simple-date
case "parse-as-simple-date" : {
String column = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "column", lineno);
String pattern = getNextToken(tokenizer, "\n", command, "format", lineno);
steps.add(new ParseSimpleDate(lineno, directive, column, pattern));
// diff-date
case "diff-date" : {
String column1 = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "column1", lineno);
String column2 = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "column2", lineno);
String destColumn = getNextToken(tokenizer, "\n", command, "destColumn", lineno);
steps.add(new DiffDate(lineno, directive, column1, column2, destColumn));
// keep [,]*
case "keep" : {
String columns = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "columns", lineno);
steps.add(new Keep(lineno, directive, columns.split(",")));
// parse-as-hl7 []
case "parse-as-hl7" : {
String column = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "column", lineno);
String depthOpt = getNextToken(tokenizer, "\n", command, "depth", lineno, true);
int depth = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
try {
if (depthOpt != null && !depthOpt.isEmpty()) {
depth = Integer.parseInt(depthOpt);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new DirectiveParseException(e.getMessage());
steps.add(new HL7Parser(lineno, directive, column, depth));
// split-email
case "split-email" : {
String column = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "column", lineno);
steps.add(new SplitEmail(lineno, directive, column));
// swap
case "swap" : {
String column1 = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "column1", lineno);
String column2 = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "column2", lineno);
steps.add(new Swap(lineno, directive, column1, column2));
// hash [encode]
case "hash" : {
String column = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "column", lineno);
String algorithm = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "algorithm", lineno);
String encodeOpt = getNextToken(tokenizer, "\n", command, "encode", lineno, true);
if (!MessageHash.isValid(algorithm)) {
throw new DirectiveParseException(
String.format("Algorithm '%s' specified in directive '%s' at line %d is not supported", algorithm,
command, lineno)
boolean encode = true;
if (encodeOpt.equalsIgnoreCase("false")) {
encode = false;
try {
MessageDigest digest = MessageDigest.getInstance(algorithm);
steps.add(new MessageHash(lineno, directive, column, digest, encode));
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
throw new DirectiveParseException(
String.format("Unable to find algorithm specified '%s' in directive '%s' at line %d.",
algorithm, command, lineno)
// write-as-json
case "write-as-json-map" : {
String column = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "column", lineno);
steps.add(new WriteAsJsonMap(lineno, directive, column));
// write-as-csv
case "write-as-csv" : {
String column = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "column", lineno);
steps.add(new WriteAsCSV(lineno, directive, column));
// filter-rows-on condition-false
// filter-rows-on condition-true
// filter-rows-on empty-or-null-columns [,*]
// filter-rows-on regex-match
// filter-rows-on regex-not-match
case "filter-rows-on" : {
String cmd = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "command", lineno);
if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("condition-false")) {
String condition = getNextToken(tokenizer, "\n", command, "condition", lineno);
steps.add(new RecordConditionFilter(lineno, directive, condition, false));
} else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("condition-true")) {
String condition = getNextToken(tokenizer, "\n", command, "condition", lineno);
steps.add(new RecordConditionFilter(lineno, directive, condition, true));
} else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("empty-or-null-columns")) {
String columns = getNextToken(tokenizer, "\n", command, "columns", lineno);
steps.add(new RecordMissingOrNullFilter(lineno, directive, columns.split(",")));
} else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("regex-match")) {
String column = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "column", lineno);
String pattern = getNextToken(tokenizer, "\n", command, "regex", lineno);
steps.add(new RecordRegexFilter(lineno, directive, column, pattern, true));
} else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("regex-not-match")) {
String column = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "column", lineno);
String pattern = getNextToken(tokenizer, "\n", command, "regex", lineno);
steps.add(new RecordRegexFilter(lineno, directive, column, pattern, false));
} else {
throw new DirectiveParseException(
String.format("Unknown option '%s' specified for filter-rows-on directive at line no %s", cmd, lineno)
// parse-as-avro-file
case "parse-as-avro-file": {
String column = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "column", lineno);
steps.add(new ParseAvroFile(lineno, directive, column));
// send-to-error
case "send-to-error": {
String condition = getNextToken(tokenizer, "\n", command, "condition", lineno);
steps.add(new SendToError(lineno, directive, condition));
// fail
case "fail": {
String condition = getNextToken(tokenizer, "\n", command, "condition", lineno);
steps.add(new Fail(lineno, directive, condition));
// text-distance
case "text-distance" : {
String method = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "method", lineno);
String column1 = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "column1", lineno);
String column2 = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "column2", lineno);
String destination = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "destination", lineno);
steps.add(new TextDistanceMeasure(lineno, directive, method, column1, column2, destination));
// text-metric
case "text-metric" : {
String method = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "method", lineno);
String column1 = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "column1", lineno);
String column2 = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "column2", lineno);
String destination = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "destination", lineno);
steps.add(new TextMetricMeasure(lineno, directive, method, column1, column2, destination));
// catalog-lookup ICD-9|ICD-10
case "catalog-lookup" : {
String type = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "type", lineno);
String column = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "column", lineno);
if (!type.equalsIgnoreCase("ICD-9") && !type.equalsIgnoreCase("ICD-10-2016") &&
!type.equalsIgnoreCase("ICD-10-2017")) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid ICD type - should be 9 (ICD-9) or 10 (ICD-10-2016 " +
"or ICD-10-2017).");
} else {
ICDCatalog catalog = new ICDCatalog(type.toLowerCase());
if (!catalog.configure()) {
throw new DirectiveParseException(
String.format("Failed to configure ICD StaticCatalog. Check with your administrator")
steps.add(new CatalogLookup(lineno, directive, catalog, column));
// table-lookup
case "table-lookup" : {
String column = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "column", lineno);
String table = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "table", lineno);
steps.add(new TableLookup(lineno, directive, column, table));
// stemming
case "stemming" : {
String column = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "column", lineno);
steps.add(new Stemming(lineno, directive, column));
// columns
case "columns-replace" : {
String sed = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "sed-expression", lineno);
steps.add(new ColumnsReplace(lineno, directive, sed));
// extract-regex-groups
case "extract-regex-groups" : {
String column = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "column", lineno);
String regex = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "regex", lineno);
steps.add(new ExtractRegexGroups(lineno, directive, column, regex));
// split-url
case "split-url" : {
String column = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "column", lineno);
steps.add(new SplitURL(lineno, directive, column));
// cleanse-column-names
case "cleanse-column-names" : {
steps.add(new CleanseColumnNames(lineno, directive));
// change-column-case
case "change-column-case" : {
String casing = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "case", lineno);
boolean toLower = false;
if (casing == null || casing.isEmpty() || casing.equalsIgnoreCase("lower")
|| casing.equalsIgnoreCase("lowercase")) {
toLower = true;
steps.add(new ChangeColCaseNames(lineno, directive, toLower));
// set-column
case "set-column" : {
String column = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "column", lineno);
String expr = getNextToken(tokenizer, "\n", command, "expression", lineno);
steps.add(new SetColumn(lineno, directive, column, expr));
// encode
case "encode" : {
String type = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "type", lineno);
String column = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "column", lineno);
type = type.toUpperCase();
if (!type.equals("BASE64") && !type.equals("BASE32") && !type.equals("HEX")) {
throw new DirectiveParseException(
String.format("Type of encoding specified '%s' is not supported. Supports base64, base32 & hex.",
steps.add(new Encode(lineno, directive, Encode.Type.valueOf(type), column));
// decode
case "decode" : {
String type = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "type", lineno);
String column = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "column", lineno);
type = type.toUpperCase();
if (!type.equals("BASE64") && !type.equals("BASE32") && !type.equals("HEX")) {
throw new DirectiveParseException(
String.format("Type of decoding specified '%s' is not supported. Supports base64, base32 & hex.",
steps.add(new Decode(lineno, directive, Decode.Type.valueOf(type), column));
case "trim": {
String col = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "col", lineno);
steps.add(new Trim(lineno, directive, col));
case "ltrim": {
String col = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "col", lineno);
steps.add(new LeftTrim(lineno, directive, col));
case "rtrim": {
String col = getNextToken(tokenizer, command, "col", lineno);
steps.add(new RightTrim(lineno, directive, col));
throw new DirectiveParseException(
String.format("Unknown directive '%s' found in the directive at line %d", command, lineno)
return steps;
// If there are more tokens, then it proceeds with parsing, else throws exception.
private String getNextToken(StringTokenizer tokenizer, String directive,
String field, int lineno) throws DirectiveParseException {
return getNextToken(tokenizer, null, directive, field, lineno, false);
private String getNextToken(StringTokenizer tokenizer, String delimiter,
String directive, String field, int lineno) throws DirectiveParseException {
return getNextToken(tokenizer, delimiter, directive, field, lineno, false);
private String getNextToken(StringTokenizer tokenizer, String delimiter,
String directive, String field, int lineno, boolean optional)
throws DirectiveParseException {
String value = null;
if (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
if (delimiter == null) {
value = tokenizer.nextToken().trim();
} else {
value = tokenizer.nextToken(delimiter).trim();
} else {
if (!optional) {
String usage = usageRegistry.getUsage(directive);
throw new DirectiveParseException(
String.format("Missing field '%s' at line number %d for directive <%s> (usage: %s)",
field, lineno, directive, usage)
return value;
* @return List of steps to executed in the order they are specified.
* @throws ParseException throw in case of parsing exception of specification.
public List getSteps() throws DirectiveParseException {
return parse();