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com.dslplatform.json.DslJson Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.dslplatform.json;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import java.lang.reflect.*;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.*;
* Main DSL-JSON class.
* Easiest way to use the library is to create an DslJson<Object> instance and reuse it within application.
* DslJson has optional constructor for specifying default readers/writers.
* During initialization DslJson will use ServiceLoader API to load registered services.
* This is done through `META-INF/services/com.dslplatform.json.CompiledJson` file.
* DslJson can fallback to another serializer in case when it doesn't know how to handle specific type.
* This can be specified by Fallback interface during initialization.
* If you wish to use compile time databinding @CompiledJson annotation must be specified on the target class
* or implicit reference to target class must exists from a class with @CompiledJson annotation.
* Usage example:
* DslJson<Object> dsl = new DslJson<>();
* dsl.serialize(instance, OutputStream);
* POJO pojo = dsl.deserialize(POJO.class, InputStream);
* For best performance use serialization API with JsonWriter and byte[] as target.
* JsonWriter is reused via thread local variable. When custom JsonWriter's are used, reusing them will yield maximum performance.
* JsonWriter can be reused via reset methods.
* For best deserialization performance prefer byte[] API instead of InputStream API.
* JsonReader is reused via thread local variable. When custom JsonReaders are used, reusing them will yield maximum performance.
* JsonReader can be reused via process methods.
* During deserialization TContext can be used to pass data into deserialized classes.
* This is useful when deserializing domain objects which require state or service provider.
* For example DSL Platform entities require service locator to be able to perform lazy load.
* DslJson doesn't have a String or Reader API since it's optimized for processing bytes and streams.
* If you wish to process String, use String.getBytes("UTF-8") as argument for DslJson.
* Only UTF-8 is supported for encoding and decoding JSON.
* DslJson<Object> dsl = new DslJson<>();
* JsonWriter writer = dsl.newWriter();
* dsl.serialize(writer, instance);
* String json = writer.toString(); //JSON as string - avoid using JSON as Strings whenever possible
* byte[] input = json.getBytes("UTF-8");
* POJO pojo = dsl.deserialize(POJO.class, input, input.length);
* @param used for library specialization. If unsure, use Object
public class DslJson implements UnknownSerializer, TypeLookup {
private static final Charset UTF8 = Charset.forName("UTF-8");
private static final Object unknownValue = new Object();
* The context of this instance.
* Can be used for library specialization
public final TContext context;
protected final Fallback fallback;
* Should properties with default values be omitted from the resulting JSON?
* This will leave out nulls, empty collections, zeros and other attributes with default values
* which can be reconstructed from schema information
public final boolean omitDefaults;
* When object supports array format, eg. [prop1, prop2, prop3] this value must be enabled before
* object will be serialized in such a way. Regardless of this value deserialization will support all formats.
public final boolean allowArrayFormat;
protected final StringCache keyCache;
protected final StringCache valuesCache;
protected final List> writerFactories = new CopyOnWriteArrayList>();
private final int settingsWriters;
protected final List> readerFactories = new CopyOnWriteArrayList>();
private final int settingsReaders;
protected final List> binderFactories = new CopyOnWriteArrayList>();
private final int settingsBinders;
private final JsonReader.ErrorInfo errorInfo;
private final JsonReader.DoublePrecision doublePrecision;
private final JsonReader.UnknownNumberParsing unknownNumbers;
private final int maxNumberDigits;
private final int maxStringSize;
protected final ThreadLocal localWriter;
protected final ThreadLocal localReader;
private final ExternalConverterAnalyzer externalConverterAnalyzer;
public interface Fallback {
void serialize(@Nullable Object instance, OutputStream stream) throws IOException;
Object deserialize(@Nullable TContext context, Type manifest, byte[] body, int size) throws IOException;
Object deserialize(@Nullable TContext context, Type manifest, InputStream stream) throws IOException;
public interface ConverterFactory {
T tryCreate(Type manifest, DslJson dslJson);
* Configuration for DslJson options.
* By default key cache is enabled. Everything else is not configured.
* To load `META-INF/services` call `includeServiceLoader()`
* @param DslJson context
public static class Settings {
private TContext context;
private boolean javaSpecifics;
private Fallback fallback;
private boolean omitDefaults;
private boolean allowArrayFormat;
private StringCache keyCache = new SimpleStringCache();
private StringCache valuesCache;
private int fromServiceLoader;
private JsonReader.ErrorInfo errorInfo = JsonReader.ErrorInfo.WITH_STACK_TRACE;
private JsonReader.DoublePrecision doublePrecision = JsonReader.DoublePrecision.DEFAULT;
private JsonReader.UnknownNumberParsing unknownNumbers = JsonReader.UnknownNumberParsing.LONG_AND_BIGDECIMAL;
private int maxNumberDigits = 512;
private int maxStringBuffer = 128 * 1024 * 1024;
private final List configurations = new ArrayList();
private final List> writerFactories = new ArrayList>();
private final List> readerFactories = new ArrayList>();
private final List> binderFactories = new ArrayList>();
private final Set classLoaders = new HashSet();
* Pass in context for DslJson.
* Context will be available in JsonReader for objects which needs it.
* @param context context propagated to JsonReaders
* @return itself
public Settings withContext(@Nullable TContext context) {
this.context = context;
return this;
* Enable converters for Java specific types (Graphics API) not available on Android.
* @param javaSpecifics should register Java specific converters
* @return itself
public Settings withJavaConverters(boolean javaSpecifics) {
this.javaSpecifics = javaSpecifics;
return this;
* Will be eventually replaced with writer/reader factories.
* Used by DslJson to call into when trying to serialize/deserialize object which is not supported.
* @param fallback how to handle unsupported type
* @return which fallback to use in case of unsupported type
public Settings fallbackTo(@Nullable Fallback fallback) {
this.fallback = fallback;
return this;
* DslJson can exclude some properties from resulting JSON which it can reconstruct fully from schema information.
* Eg. int with value 0 can be omitted since that is default value for the type.
* Null values can be excluded since they are handled the same way as missing property.
* @param omitDefaults should exclude default values from resulting JSON
* @return itself
public Settings skipDefaultValues(boolean omitDefaults) {
this.omitDefaults = omitDefaults;
return this;
* Some encoders/decoders support writing objects in array format.
* For encoder to write objects in such format, Array format must be defined before the Default and minified formats
* and array format must be allowed via this setting.
* If objects support multiple formats decoding will work regardless of this setting.
* @param allowArrayFormat allow serialization via array format
* @return itself
public Settings allowArrayFormat(boolean allowArrayFormat) {
this.allowArrayFormat = allowArrayFormat;
return this;
* Use specific key cache implementation.
* Key cache is enabled by default and it's used when deserializing unstructured objects such as Map<String, Object>
* to avoid allocating new String key instance. Instead StringCache will provide a new or an old instance.
* This improves memory usage and performance since there is usually small number of keys.
* It does have some performance overhead, but this is dependant on the implementation.
* To disable key cache, provide null for it.
* @param keyCache which key cache to use
* @return itself
public Settings useKeyCache(@Nullable StringCache keyCache) {
this.keyCache = keyCache;
return this;
* Use specific string values cache implementation.
* By default string values cache is disabled.
* To support memory restricted scenarios where there is limited number of string values,
* values cache can be used.
* Not every "JSON string" will use this cache... eg UUID, LocalDate don't create an instance of string
* and therefore don't use this cache.
* @param valuesCache which values cache to use
* @return itself
public Settings useStringValuesCache(@Nullable StringCache valuesCache) {
this.valuesCache = valuesCache;
return this;
* DslJson will iterate over converter factories when requested type is unknown.
* Registering writer converter factory allows for constructing JSON converter lazily.
* @param writer registered writer factory
* @return itself
public Settings resolveWriter(ConverterFactory extends JsonWriter.WriteObject> writer) {
if (writer == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("writer can't be null");
if (writerFactories.contains(writer)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("writer already registered");
writerFactories.add((ConverterFactory) writer);
return this;
* DslJson will iterate over converter factories when requested type is unknown.
* Registering reader converter factory allows for constructing JSON converter lazily.
* @param reader registered reader factory
* @return itself
public Settings resolveReader(ConverterFactory extends JsonReader.ReadObject> reader) {
if (reader == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("reader can't be null");
if (readerFactories.contains(reader)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("reader already registered");
readerFactories.add((ConverterFactory) reader);
return this;
* DslJson will iterate over converter factories when requested type is unknown.
* Registering binder converter factory allows for constructing JSON converter lazily.
* @param binder registered binder factory
* @return itself
public Settings resolveBinder(ConverterFactory extends JsonReader.BindObject> binder) {
if (binder == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("binder can't be null");
if (binderFactories.contains(binder)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("binder already registered");
binderFactories.add((ConverterFactory) binder);
return this;
* Load converters using thread local ClassLoader.
* Will scan through `META-INF/services/com.dslplatform.json.Configuration` file and register implementation during startup.
* This will pick up compile time databindings if they are available in specific folder.
* Note that gradle on Android has issues with preserving that file, in which case it can be provided manually.
* DslJson will fall back to "expected" class name if it doesn't find anything during scanning.
* @return itself
public Settings includeServiceLoader() {
return includeServiceLoader(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader());
* Load converters using provided `ClassLoader` instance
* Will scan through `META-INF/services/com.dslplatform.json.Configuration` file and register implementation during startup.
* This will pick up compile time databindings if they are available in specific folder.
* Note that gradle on Android has issues with preserving that file, in which case it can be provided manually.
* DslJson will fall back to "expected" class name if it doesn't find anything during scanning.
* @param loader ClassLoader to use
* @return itself
public Settings includeServiceLoader(ClassLoader loader) {
if (loader == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("loader can't be null");
for (Configuration c : ServiceLoader.load(Configuration.class, loader)) {
boolean hasConfiguration = false;
Class> manifest = c.getClass();
for (Configuration cur : configurations) {
if (cur.getClass() == manifest) {
hasConfiguration = true;
if (!hasConfiguration) {
return this;
* By default doubles are not deserialized into an exact value in some rare edge cases.
* @param errorInfo information about error in parsing exception
* @return itself
public Settings errorInfo(JsonReader.ErrorInfo errorInfo) {
if (errorInfo == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("errorInfo can't be null");
this.errorInfo = errorInfo;
return this;
* By default doubles are not deserialized into an exact value in some rare edge cases.
* @param precision type of double deserialization
* @return itself
public Settings doublePrecision(JsonReader.DoublePrecision precision) {
if (precision == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("precision can't be null");
this.doublePrecision = precision;
return this;
* When processing JSON without a schema numbers can be deserialized in various ways:
* - as longs and decimals
* - as longs and doubles
* - as decimals only
* - as doubles only
* Default is as long and BigDecimal
* @param unknownNumbers how to deserialize numbers without a schema
* @return itself
public Settings unknownNumbers(JsonReader.UnknownNumberParsing unknownNumbers) {
if (unknownNumbers == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknownNumbers can't be null");
this.unknownNumbers = unknownNumbers;
return this;
* Specify maximum allowed size for digits buffer. Default is 512.
* Digits buffer is used when processing strange/large input numbers.
* @param size maximum allowed size for digit buffer
* @return itself
public Settings limitDigitsBuffer(int size) {
if (size < 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("size can't be smaller than 1");
this.maxNumberDigits = size;
return this;
* Specify maximum allowed size for string buffer. Default is 128MB
* To protect against malicious inputs, maximum allowed string buffer can be reduced.
* @param size maximum size of buffer in bytes
* @return itself
public Settings limitStringBuffer(int size) {
if (size < 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("size can't be smaller than 1");
this.maxStringBuffer = size;
return this;
* Configure DslJson with custom Configuration during startup.
* Configurations are extension points for setting up readers/writers during DslJson initialization.
* @param conf custom extensibility point
* @return itself
public Settings with(Configuration conf) {
if (conf == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("conf can't be null");
return this;
private Settings with(Iterable confs) {
if (confs != null) {
for (Configuration c : confs)
return this;
* Simple initialization entry point.
* Will provide null for TContext
* Java graphics readers/writers will not be registered.
* Fallback will not be configured.
* Key cache will be enables, values cache will be disabled.
* Default ServiceLoader.load method will be used to setup services from META-INF
public DslJson() {
this(new Settings().includeServiceLoader());
* Will be removed. Use DslJson(Settings) instead.
* Fully configurable entry point.
* @param context context instance which can be provided to deserialized objects. Use null if not sure
* @param javaSpecifics register Java graphics specific classes such as java.awt.Point, Image, ...
* @param fallback in case of unsupported type, try serialization/deserialization through external API
* @param omitDefaults should serialization produce minified JSON (omit nulls and default values)
* @param keyCache parsed keys can be cached (this is only used in small subset of parsing)
* @param serializers additional serializers/deserializers which will be immediately registered into readers/writers
public DslJson(
@Nullable final TContext context,
final boolean javaSpecifics,
@Nullable final Fallback fallback,
final boolean omitDefaults,
@Nullable final StringCache keyCache,
final Iterable serializers) {
this(new Settings()
* Fully configurable entry point.
* Provide settings for DSL-JSON initialization.
* @param settings DSL-JSON configuration
public DslJson(final Settings settings) {
if (settings == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("settings can't be null");
final DslJson self = this;
this.localWriter = new ThreadLocal() {
protected JsonWriter initialValue() {
return new JsonWriter(4096, self);
this.localReader = new ThreadLocal() {
protected JsonReader initialValue() {
return new JsonReader(new byte[4096], 4096, self.context, new char[64], self.keyCache, self.valuesCache, self, self.errorInfo, self.doublePrecision, self.unknownNumbers, self.maxNumberDigits, self.maxStringSize);
this.context = settings.context;
this.fallback = settings.fallback;
this.omitDefaults = settings.omitDefaults;
this.allowArrayFormat = settings.allowArrayFormat;
this.keyCache = settings.keyCache;
this.valuesCache = settings.valuesCache;
this.unknownNumbers = settings.unknownNumbers;
this.errorInfo = settings.errorInfo;
this.doublePrecision = settings.doublePrecision;
this.maxNumberDigits = settings.maxNumberDigits;
this.maxStringSize = settings.maxStringBuffer;
this.settingsWriters = settings.writerFactories.size();
this.settingsReaders = settings.readerFactories.size();
this.settingsBinders = settings.binderFactories.size();
this.externalConverterAnalyzer = new ExternalConverterAnalyzer(settings.classLoaders);
registerReader(byte[].class, BinaryConverter.Base64Reader);
registerWriter(byte[].class, BinaryConverter.Base64Writer);
registerReader(boolean.class, BoolConverter.READER);
registerWriter(boolean.class, BoolConverter.WRITER);
registerDefault(boolean.class, false);
registerReader(boolean[].class, BoolConverter.ARRAY_READER);
registerWriter(boolean[].class, BoolConverter.ARRAY_WRITER);
registerReader(Boolean.class, BoolConverter.NULLABLE_READER);
registerWriter(Boolean.class, BoolConverter.WRITER);
if (settings.javaSpecifics) {
registerReader(LinkedHashMap.class, ObjectConverter.MapReader);
registerReader(HashMap.class, ObjectConverter.MapReader);
registerReader(Map.class, ObjectConverter.MapReader);
registerWriter(Map.class, new JsonWriter.WriteObject() {
public void write(JsonWriter writer, @Nullable Map value) {
if (value == null) {
} else {
try {
serializeMap(value, writer);
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new SerializationException(ex);
registerReader(URI.class, NetConverter.UriReader);
registerWriter(URI.class, NetConverter.UriWriter);
registerReader(InetAddress.class, NetConverter.AddressReader);
registerWriter(InetAddress.class, NetConverter.AddressWriter);
registerReader(double.class, NumberConverter.DOUBLE_READER);
registerWriter(double.class, NumberConverter.DOUBLE_WRITER);
registerDefault(double.class, 0.0);
registerReader(double[].class, NumberConverter.DOUBLE_ARRAY_READER);
registerWriter(double[].class, NumberConverter.DOUBLE_ARRAY_WRITER);
registerReader(Double.class, NumberConverter.NULLABLE_DOUBLE_READER);
registerWriter(Double.class, NumberConverter.DOUBLE_WRITER);
registerReader(float.class, NumberConverter.FLOAT_READER);
registerWriter(float.class, NumberConverter.FLOAT_WRITER);
registerDefault(float.class, 0.0f);
registerReader(float[].class, NumberConverter.FLOAT_ARRAY_READER);
registerWriter(float[].class, NumberConverter.FLOAT_ARRAY_WRITER);
registerReader(Float.class, NumberConverter.NULLABLE_FLOAT_READER);
registerWriter(Float.class, NumberConverter.FLOAT_WRITER);
registerReader(int.class, NumberConverter.INT_READER);
registerWriter(int.class, NumberConverter.INT_WRITER);
registerDefault(int.class, 0);
registerReader(int[].class, NumberConverter.INT_ARRAY_READER);
registerWriter(int[].class, NumberConverter.INT_ARRAY_WRITER);
registerReader(Integer.class, NumberConverter.NULLABLE_INT_READER);
registerWriter(Integer.class, NumberConverter.INT_WRITER);
registerReader(short.class, NumberConverter.SHORT_READER);
registerWriter(short.class, NumberConverter.SHORT_WRITER);
registerDefault(short.class, (short)0);
registerReader(short[].class, NumberConverter.SHORT_ARRAY_READER);
registerWriter(short[].class, NumberConverter.SHORT_ARRAY_WRITER);
registerReader(Short.class, NumberConverter.NULLABLE_SHORT_READER);
registerWriter(Short.class, NumberConverter.SHORT_WRITER);
registerReader(long.class, NumberConverter.LONG_READER);
registerWriter(long.class, NumberConverter.LONG_WRITER);
registerDefault(long.class, 0L);
registerReader(long[].class, NumberConverter.LONG_ARRAY_READER);
registerWriter(long[].class, NumberConverter.LONG_ARRAY_WRITER);
registerReader(Long.class, NumberConverter.NULLABLE_LONG_READER);
registerWriter(Long.class, NumberConverter.LONG_WRITER);
registerReader(BigDecimal.class, NumberConverter.DecimalReader);
registerWriter(BigDecimal.class, NumberConverter.DecimalWriter);
registerReader(String.class, StringConverter.READER);
registerWriter(String.class, StringConverter.WRITER);
registerReader(UUID.class, UUIDConverter.READER);
registerWriter(UUID.class, UUIDConverter.WRITER);
registerReader(Number.class, NumberConverter.NumberReader);
registerWriter(CharSequence.class, StringConverter.WRITER_CHARS);
registerReader(StringBuilder.class, StringConverter.READER_BUILDER);
registerReader(StringBuffer.class, StringConverter.READER_BUFFER);
for (Configuration serializer : settings.configurations) {
if (!settings.classLoaders.isEmpty() && settings.fromServiceLoader == 0) {
//TODO: workaround common issue with failed services registration. try to load common external name if exists
loadDefaultConverters(this, settings.classLoaders, "dsl_json_Annotation_Processor_External_Serialization");
loadDefaultConverters(this, settings.classLoaders, "dsl_json.json.ExternalSerialization");
loadDefaultConverters(this, settings.classLoaders, "dsl_json_ExternalSerialization");
* Simplistic string cache implementation.
* It uses a fixed String[] structure in which it caches string value based on it's hash.
* Eg, hash & mask provide index into the structure. Different string with same hash will overwrite the previous one.
public static class SimpleStringCache implements StringCache {
private final int mask;
private final String[] cache;
* Will use String[] with 1024 elements.
public SimpleStringCache() {
public SimpleStringCache(int log2Size) {
int size = 2;
for (int i = 1; i < log2Size; i++) {
size *= 2;
mask = size - 1;
cache = new String[size];
* Calculates hash of the provided "string" and looks it up from the String[]
* It it doesn't exists of a different string is already there a new String instance is created
* and saved into the String[]
* @param chars buffer into which string was parsed
* @param len the string length inside the buffer
* @return String instance matching the char[]/int pair
public String get(char[] chars, int len) {
long hash = 0x811c9dc5;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
hash ^= (byte) chars[i];
hash *= 0x1000193;
final int index = (int) hash & mask;
final String value = cache[index];
if (value == null) return createAndPut(index, chars, len);
if (value.length() != len) return createAndPut(index, chars, len);
for (int i = 0; i < value.length(); i++) {
if (value.charAt(i) != chars[i]) return createAndPut(index, chars, len);
return value;
private String createAndPut(int index, char[] chars, int len) {
final String value = new String(chars, 0, len);
cache[index] = value;
return value;
* Create a writer bound to this DSL-JSON.
* Ideally it should be reused.
* Bound writer can use lookups to find custom writers.
* This can be used to serialize unknown types such as Object.class
* @return bound writer
public JsonWriter newWriter() {
return new JsonWriter(this);
* Create a writer bound to this DSL-JSON.
* Ideally it should be reused.
* Bound writer can use lookups to find custom writers.
* This can be used to serialize unknown types such as Object.class
* @param size initial buffer size
* @return bound writer
public JsonWriter newWriter(int size) {
return new JsonWriter(size, this);
* Create a writer bound to this DSL-JSON.
* Ideally it should be reused.
* Bound writer can use lookups to find custom writers.
* This can be used to serialize unknown types such as Object.class
* @param buffer initial buffer
* @return bound writer
public JsonWriter newWriter(byte[] buffer) {
if (buffer == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("null value provided for buffer");
return new JsonWriter(buffer, this);
* Create a reader bound to this DSL-JSON.
* Bound reader can reuse key cache (which is used during Map deserialization)
* This reader can be reused via process method.
* @return bound reader
public JsonReader newReader() {
return new JsonReader(new byte[4096], 4096, context, new char[64], keyCache, valuesCache, this, errorInfo, doublePrecision, unknownNumbers, maxNumberDigits, maxStringSize);
* Create a reader bound to this DSL-JSON.
* Bound reader can reuse key cache (which is used during Map deserialization)
* This reader can be reused via process method.
* @param bytes input bytes
* @return bound reader
public JsonReader newReader(byte[] bytes) {
return new JsonReader(bytes, bytes.length, context, new char[64], keyCache, valuesCache, this, errorInfo, doublePrecision, unknownNumbers, maxNumberDigits, maxStringSize);
* Create a reader bound to this DSL-JSON.
* Bound reader can reuse key cache (which is used during Map deserialization)
* This reader can be reused via process method.
* @param bytes input bytes
* @param length use input bytes up to specified length
* @return bound reader
public JsonReader newReader(byte[] bytes, int length) {
return new JsonReader(bytes, length, context, new char[64], keyCache, valuesCache, this, errorInfo, doublePrecision, unknownNumbers, maxNumberDigits, maxStringSize);
* Create a reader bound to this DSL-JSON.
* Bound reader can reuse key cache (which is used during Map deserialization)
* Pass in initial string buffer.
* This reader can be reused via process method.
* @param bytes input bytes
* @param length use input bytes up to specified length
* @param tmp string parsing buffer
* @return bound reader
public JsonReader newReader(byte[] bytes, int length, char[] tmp) {
return new JsonReader(bytes, length, context, tmp, keyCache, valuesCache, this, errorInfo, doublePrecision, unknownNumbers, maxNumberDigits, maxStringSize);
* Create a reader bound to this DSL-JSON.
* Bound reader can reuse key cache (which is used during Map deserialization)
* Created reader can be reused (using process method).
* This is convenience method for creating a new reader and binding it to stream.
* @param stream input stream
* @param buffer temporary buffer
* @return bound reader
* @throws unable to read from stream
public JsonReader newReader(InputStream stream, byte[] buffer) throws IOException {
final JsonReader reader = newReader(buffer);
return reader;
* Create a reader bound to this DSL-JSON.
* Bound reader can reuse key cache (which is used during Map deserialization)
* This method id Deprecated since it should be avoided.
* It's better to use byte[] or InputStream based readers
* @param input JSON string
* @return bound reader
public JsonReader newReader(String input) {
final byte[] bytes = input.getBytes(UTF8);
return new JsonReader(bytes, bytes.length, context, new char[64], keyCache, valuesCache, this, errorInfo, doublePrecision, unknownNumbers, maxNumberDigits, maxStringSize);
private static void loadDefaultConverters(final DslJson json, Set loaders, final String name) {
for (ClassLoader loader : loaders) {
try {
Class> external = loader.loadClass(name);
Configuration instance = (Configuration) external.newInstance();
} catch (NoClassDefFoundError ignore) {
} catch (Exception ignore) {
static void registerJavaSpecifics(final DslJson json) {
json.registerReader(java.awt.geom.Point2D.Double.class, JavaGeomConverter.LocationReader);
json.registerReader(java.awt.geom.Point2D.class, JavaGeomConverter.LocationReader);
json.registerWriter(java.awt.geom.Point2D.class, JavaGeomConverter.LocationWriter);
json.registerReader(java.awt.Point.class, JavaGeomConverter.PointReader);
json.registerWriter(java.awt.Point.class, JavaGeomConverter.PointWriter);
json.registerReader(java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D.Double.class, JavaGeomConverter.RectangleReader);
json.registerReader(java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D.class, JavaGeomConverter.RectangleReader);
json.registerWriter(java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D.class, JavaGeomConverter.RectangleWriter);
json.registerReader(java.awt.image.BufferedImage.class, JavaGeomConverter.ImageReader);
json.registerReader(java.awt.Image.class, JavaGeomConverter.ImageReader);
json.registerWriter(java.awt.Image.class, JavaGeomConverter.ImageWriter);
json.registerReader(Element.class, XmlConverter.Reader);
json.registerWriter(Element.class, XmlConverter.Writer);
private final Map defaults = new ConcurrentHashMap();
public void registerDefault(Class manifest, T instance) {
defaults.put(manifest, instance);
public boolean registerWriterFactory(ConverterFactory extends JsonWriter.WriteObject> factory) {
if (factory == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("factory can't be null");
if (writerFactories.contains(factory)) return false;
writerFactories.add(writerFactories.size() - settingsWriters, (ConverterFactory) factory);
return true;
public boolean registerReaderFactory(ConverterFactory extends JsonReader.ReadObject> factory) {
if (factory == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("factory can't be null");
if (readerFactories.contains(factory)) return false;
readerFactories.add(readerFactories.size() - settingsReaders, (ConverterFactory) factory);
return true;
public boolean registerBinderFactory(ConverterFactory extends JsonReader.BindObject> factory) {
if (factory == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("factory can't be null");
if (binderFactories.contains(factory)) return false;
binderFactories.add(binderFactories.size() - settingsBinders, (ConverterFactory) factory);
return true;
public final Object getDefault(@Nullable Type manifest) {
if (manifest == null) return null;
Object instance = defaults.get(manifest);
if (instance != null) return instance;
final Class> rawType;
if (manifest instanceof Class>) {
rawType = (Class>) manifest;
} else if (manifest instanceof ParameterizedType) {
ParameterizedType pt = (ParameterizedType) manifest;
rawType = (Class>) pt.getRawType();
} else return null;
if (rawType.isPrimitive()) {
return Array.get(Array.newInstance(rawType, 1), 0);
return defaults.get(rawType);
private final ConcurrentMap, JsonReader.ReadJsonObject> objectReaders =
new ConcurrentHashMap, JsonReader.ReadJsonObject>();
private final ConcurrentMap readers = new ConcurrentHashMap();
private final ConcurrentMap binders = new ConcurrentHashMap();
private final ConcurrentMap writers = new ConcurrentHashMap();
public final Set getRegisteredDecoders() {
return readers.keySet();
public final Set getRegisteredBinders() {
return binders.keySet();
public final Set getRegisteredEncoders() {
return writers.keySet();
* Register custom reader for specific type (JSON -> instance conversion).
* Reader is used for conversion from input byte[] -> target object instance
* Types registered through @CompiledJson annotation should be registered automatically through
* ServiceLoader.load method and you should not be registering them manually.
* If null is registered for a reader this will disable deserialization of specified type
* @param manifest specified type
* @param reader provide custom implementation for reading JSON into an object instance
* @param type
* @param type or subtype
public void registerReader(final Class manifest, @Nullable final JsonReader.ReadObject reader) {
if (reader == null) readers.remove(manifest);
else readers.put(manifest, reader);
* Register custom reader for specific type (JSON -> instance conversion).
* Reader is used for conversion from input byte[] -> target object instance
* Types registered through @CompiledJson annotation should be registered automatically through
* ServiceLoader.load method and you should not be registering them manually.
* If null is registered for a reader this will disable deserialization of specified type
* @param manifest specified type
* @param reader provide custom implementation for reading JSON into an object instance
* @return old registered value
public JsonReader.ReadObject registerReader(final Type manifest, @Nullable final JsonReader.ReadObject> reader) {
if (reader == null) return readers.remove(manifest);
try {
return readers.get(manifest);
} finally {
readers.put(manifest, reader);
* Register custom binder for specific type (JSON -> instance conversion).
* Binder is used for conversion from input byte[] -> existing target object instance.
* It's similar to reader, with the difference that it accepts target instance.
* Types registered through @CompiledJson annotation should be registered automatically through
* ServiceLoader.load method and you should not be registering them manually.
* If null is registered for a binder this will disable binding of specified type
* @param manifest specified type
* @param binder provide custom implementation for binding JSON to an object instance
* @param type
* @param type or subtype
public void registerBinder(final Class manifest, @Nullable final JsonReader.BindObject binder) {
if (binder == null) binders.remove(manifest);
else binders.put(manifest, binder);
* Register custom binder for specific type (JSON -> instance conversion).
* Binder is used for conversion from input byte[] -> existing target object instance.
* It's similar to reader, with the difference that it accepts target instance.
* Types registered through @CompiledJson annotation should be registered automatically through
* ServiceLoader.load method and you should not be registering them manually.
* If null is registered for a binder this will disable binding of specified type
* @param manifest specified type
* @param binder provide custom implementation for binding JSON to an object instance
public void registerBinder(final Type manifest, @Nullable final JsonReader.BindObject> binder) {
if (binder == null) binders.remove(manifest);
else binders.put(manifest, binder);
* Register custom writer for specific type (instance -> JSON conversion).
* Writer is used for conversion from object instance -> output byte[]
* Types registered through @CompiledJson annotation should be registered automatically through
* ServiceLoader.load method and you should not be registering them manually.
* If null is registered for a writer this will disable serialization of specified type
* @param manifest specified type
* @param writer provide custom implementation for writing JSON from object instance
* @param type
public void registerWriter(final Class manifest, @Nullable final JsonWriter.WriteObject writer) {
if (writer == null) {
} else {
writerMap.put(manifest, manifest);
writers.put(manifest, writer);
* Register custom writer for specific type (instance -> JSON conversion).
* Writer is used for conversion from object instance -> output byte[]
* Types registered through @CompiledJson annotation should be registered automatically through
* ServiceLoader.load method and you should not be registering them manually.
* If null is registered for a writer this will disable serialization of specified type
* @param manifest specified type
* @param writer provide custom implementation for writing JSON from object instance
* @return old registered value
public JsonWriter.WriteObject registerWriter(final Type manifest, @Nullable final JsonWriter.WriteObject> writer) {
if (writer == null) return writers.remove(manifest);
try {
return writers.get(manifest);
} finally {
writers.put(manifest, writer);
private final ConcurrentMap, Class>> writerMap = new ConcurrentHashMap, Class>>();
* Try to find registered writer for provided type.
* If writer is not found, null will be returned.
* If writer for exact type is not found, type hierarchy will be scanned for base writer.
* Writer is used for conversion from object instance into JSON representation.
* @param manifest specified type
* @return writer for specified type if found
public JsonWriter.WriteObject> tryFindWriter(final Type manifest) {
JsonWriter.WriteObject writer = writers.get(manifest);
if (writer != null) return writer;
final Type actualType = extractActualType(manifest);
if (actualType != manifest) {
writer = writers.get(actualType);
if (writer != null) {
writers.putIfAbsent(manifest, writer);
return writer;
if (actualType instanceof Class>) {
final Class> signature = (Class>) actualType;
if (JsonObject.class.isAssignableFrom(signature)) {
writers.putIfAbsent(manifest, OBJECT_WRITER);
writer = lookupFromFactories(manifest, actualType, writerFactories, writers);
if (writer != null) return writer;
if (!(actualType instanceof Class>)) return null;
Class> found = writerMap.get(actualType);
if (found != null) {
return writers.get(found);
Class> container = (Class>) actualType;
final ArrayList> signatures = new ArrayList>();
findAllSignatures(container, signatures);
for (final Class> sig : signatures) {
writer = writers.get(sig);
if (writer == null) {
writer = lookupFromFactories(manifest, sig, writerFactories, writers);
if (writer != null) {
writerMap.putIfAbsent(container, sig);
return writer;
return null;
private static Type extractActualType(final Type manifest) {
if (manifest instanceof WildcardType) {
WildcardType wt = (WildcardType) manifest;
if (wt.getUpperBounds().length == 1 && wt.getLowerBounds().length == 0) {
return wt.getUpperBounds()[0];
return manifest;
private void checkExternal(final Type manifest, final ConcurrentMap cache) {
if (manifest instanceof Class>) {
externalConverterAnalyzer.tryFindConverter((Class>) manifest, this);
} else if (manifest instanceof ParameterizedType) {
ParameterizedType pt = (ParameterizedType) manifest;
Type container = pt.getRawType();
externalConverterAnalyzer.tryFindConverter((Class>) container, this);
for (Type arg : pt.getActualTypeArguments()) {
if (!cache.containsKey(arg)) {
Type actualType = extractActualType(arg);
if (actualType != arg && !cache.containsKey(actualType)) {
checkExternal(actualType, cache);
private T lookupFromFactories(
final Type signature,
final Type manifest,
final List> factories,
final ConcurrentMap cache) {
if (manifest instanceof Class>) {
externalConverterAnalyzer.tryFindConverter((Class>) manifest, this);
T found = cache.get(manifest);
if (found != null) return found;
} else if (manifest instanceof ParameterizedType) {
checkExternal(manifest, cache);
for (ConverterFactory wrt : factories) {
final T converter = wrt.tryCreate(manifest, this);
if (converter != null) {
cache.putIfAbsent(signature, converter);
return converter;
return null;
* Try to find registered reader for provided type.
* If reader is not found, null will be returned.
* Exact match must be found, type hierarchy will not be scanned for alternative readers.
* If you wish to use alternative reader for specific type, register it manually with something along the lines of
* DslJson dslJson = ...
* dslJson.registerReader(Interface.class, dslJson.tryFindReader(Implementation.class));
* @param manifest specified type
* @return found reader for specified type
public JsonReader.ReadObject> tryFindReader(final Type manifest) {
JsonReader.ReadObject found = readers.get(manifest);
if (found != null) return found;
final Type actualType = extractActualType(manifest);
if (actualType != manifest) {
found = readers.get(actualType);
if (found != null) {
readers.putIfAbsent(manifest, found);
return found;
if (actualType instanceof Class>) {
final Class> signature = (Class>) actualType;
if (JsonObject.class.isAssignableFrom(signature)) {
final JsonReader.ReadJsonObject> decoder = getObjectReader(signature);
if (decoder != null) {
found = convertToReader(decoder);
readers.putIfAbsent(manifest, found);
return found;
return lookupFromFactories(manifest, actualType, readerFactories, readers);
* Try to find registered binder for provided type.
* If binder is not found, null will be returned.
* Exact match must be found, type hierarchy will not be scanned for alternative binders.
* If you wish to use alternative binder for specific type, register it manually with something along the lines of
* DslJson dslJson = ...
* dslJson.registerBinder(Interface.class, dslJson.tryFindBinder(Implementation.class));
* @param manifest specified type
* @return found reader for specified type
public JsonReader.BindObject> tryFindBinder(final Type manifest) {
JsonReader.BindObject found = binders.get(manifest);
if (found != null) return found;
final Type actualType = extractActualType(manifest);
if (actualType != manifest) {
found = binders.get(actualType);
if (found != null) {
binders.putIfAbsent(manifest, found);
return found;
return lookupFromFactories(manifest, actualType, binderFactories, binders);
* Try to find registered writer for provided type.
* If writer is not found, null will be returned.
* If writer for exact type is not found, type hierarchy will be scanned for base writer.
* Writer is used for conversion from object instance into JSON representation.
* @param manifest specified class
* @param specified type
* @return found writer for specified class or null
public JsonWriter.WriteObject tryFindWriter(final Class manifest) {
return (JsonWriter.WriteObject) tryFindWriter((Type) manifest);
* Try to find registered reader for provided type.
* If reader is not found, null will be returned.
* Exact match must be found, type hierarchy will not be scanned for alternative reader.
* If you wish to use alternative reader for specific type, register it manually with something along the lines of
* DslJson dslJson = ...
* dslJson.registerReader(Interface.class, dslJson.tryFindReader(Implementation.class));
* @param manifest specified class
* @param specified type
* @return found reader for specified class or null
public JsonReader.ReadObject tryFindReader(final Class manifest) {
return (JsonReader.ReadObject) tryFindReader((Type) manifest);
* Try to find registered binder for provided type.
* If binder is not found, null will be returned.
* Exact match must be found, type hierarchy will not be scanned for alternative binder.
* If you wish to use alternative binder for specific type, register it manually with something along the lines of
* DslJson dslJson = ...
* dslJson.registerBinder(Interface.class, dslJson.tryFindBinder(Implementation.class));
* @param manifest specified class
* @param specified type
* @return found reader for specified class or null
public JsonReader.BindObject tryFindBinder(final Class manifest) {
return (JsonReader.BindObject) tryFindBinder((Type) manifest);
private static void findAllSignatures(final Class> manifest, final ArrayList> found) {
if (found.contains(manifest)) {
final Class> superClass = manifest.getSuperclass();
if (superClass != null && superClass != Object.class) {
findAllSignatures(superClass, found);
for (final Class> iface : manifest.getInterfaces()) {
findAllSignatures(iface, found);
private JsonReader.ReadJsonObject probeForObjectReader(Class> manifest, Object instance) {
Object found;
try {
found = manifest.getField("JSON_READER").get(instance);
} catch (Exception ignore) {
try {
found = manifest.getMethod("JSON_READER").invoke(instance);
} catch (Exception ignore2) {
try {
found = manifest.getMethod("getJSON_READER").invoke(instance);
} catch (Exception ignore3) {
return null;
return found instanceof JsonReader.ReadJsonObject
? (JsonReader.ReadJsonObject)found
: null;
protected final JsonReader.ReadJsonObject getObjectReader(final Class> manifest) {
try {
JsonReader.ReadJsonObject reader = objectReaders.get(manifest);
if (reader == null) {
reader = probeForObjectReader(manifest, null);
if (reader == null) {
//probe in few special places
try {
Object companion = manifest.getField("Companion").get(null);
reader = probeForObjectReader(companion.getClass(), companion);
} catch (Exception ignore) {
return null;
if (reader != null) {
objectReaders.putIfAbsent(manifest, reader);
return reader;
} catch (final Exception ignore) {
return null;
public void serializeMap(final Map value, final JsonWriter sw) throws IOException {
final int size = value.size();
if (size > 0) {
final Iterator> iterator = value.entrySet().iterator();
Map.Entry kv =;
serialize(sw, kv.getValue());
for (int i = 1; i < size; i++) {
kv =;
serialize(sw, kv.getValue());
public static Object deserializeObject(final JsonReader reader) throws IOException {
return ObjectConverter.deserializeObject(reader);
* Will be removed
* @param reader JSON reader
* @return deseralized list
* @throws IOException error during parsing
public static ArrayList deserializeList(final JsonReader reader) throws IOException {
return ObjectConverter.deserializeList(reader);
* Will be removed
* @param reader JSON reader
* @return deserialized map
* @throws IOException error during parsing
public static LinkedHashMap deserializeMap(final JsonReader reader) throws IOException {
return ObjectConverter.deserializeMap(reader);
private static Object convertResultToArray(Class> elementType, List> result) {
if (elementType.isPrimitive()) {
if (boolean.class.equals(elementType)) {
boolean[] array = new boolean[result.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) {
array[i] = (Boolean) result.get(i);
return array;
} else if (int.class.equals(elementType)) {
int[] array = new int[result.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) {
array[i] = (Integer) result.get(i);
return array;
} else if (long.class.equals(elementType)) {
long[] array = new long[result.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) {
array[i] = (Long) result.get(i);
return array;
} else if (short.class.equals(elementType)) {
short[] array = new short[result.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) {
array[i] = (Short) result.get(i);
return array;
} else if (byte.class.equals(elementType)) {
byte[] array = new byte[result.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) {
array[i] = (Byte) result.get(i);
return array;
} else if (float.class.equals(elementType)) {
float[] array = new float[result.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) {
array[i] = (Float) result.get(i);
return array;
} else if (double.class.equals(elementType)) {
double[] array = new double[result.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) {
array[i] = (Double) result.get(i);
return array;
} else if (char.class.equals(elementType)) {
char[] array = new char[result.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) {
array[i] = (Character) result.get(i);
return array;
return result.toArray((Object[]) Array.newInstance(elementType, 0));
* Check if DslJson knows how to serialize a type.
* It will check if a writer for such type exists or can be used.
* @param manifest type to check
* @return can serialize this type into JSON
public final boolean canSerialize(final Type manifest) {
JsonWriter.WriteObject writer = writers.get(manifest);
if (writer != null) return true;
if (manifest instanceof Class>) {
final Class> content = (Class>) manifest;
if (JsonObject.class.isAssignableFrom(content)) {
return true;
if (JsonObject[].class.isAssignableFrom(content)) {
return true;
if (tryFindWriter(manifest) != null) {
return true;
if (content.isArray()) {
return !content.getComponentType().isArray()
&& !Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(content.getComponentType())
&& canSerialize(content.getComponentType());
if (manifest instanceof ParameterizedType) {
final ParameterizedType pt = (ParameterizedType) manifest;
if (pt.getActualTypeArguments().length == 1) {
final Class> container = (Class>) pt.getRawType();
if (container.isArray() || Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(container)) {
final Type content = pt.getActualTypeArguments()[0];
return content instanceof Class> && JsonObject.class.isAssignableFrom((Class>) content)
|| tryFindWriter(content) != null;
} else if (manifest instanceof GenericArrayType) {
final GenericArrayType gat = (GenericArrayType) manifest;
return gat.getGenericComponentType() instanceof Class>
&& JsonObject.class.isAssignableFrom((Class>) gat.getGenericComponentType())
|| tryFindWriter(gat.getGenericComponentType()) != null;
for (ConverterFactory wrt : writerFactories) {
if (wrt.tryCreate(manifest, this) != null) {
return true;
return false;
* Check if DslJson knows how to deserialize a type.
* It will check if a reader for such type exists or can be used.
* @param manifest type to check
* @return can read this type from JSON
public final boolean canDeserialize(final Type manifest) {
if (tryFindReader(manifest) != null) {
return true;
if (manifest instanceof Class>) {
final Class> objectType = (Class>) manifest;
if (objectType.isArray()) {
return !objectType.getComponentType().isArray()
&& !Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(objectType.getComponentType())
&& canDeserialize(objectType.getComponentType());
if (manifest instanceof ParameterizedType) {
final ParameterizedType pt = (ParameterizedType) manifest;
if (pt.getActualTypeArguments().length == 1) {
final Class> container = (Class>) pt.getRawType();
if (container.isArray() || Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(container)) {
final Type content = pt.getActualTypeArguments()[0];
if (tryFindReader(content) != null) {
return true;
} else if (manifest instanceof GenericArrayType) {
final Type content = ((GenericArrayType) manifest).getGenericComponentType();
return tryFindReader(content) != null;
return false;
* Reusable deserialize API.
* For maximum performance `JsonReader` should be reused (otherwise small buffer will be allocated for processing)
* and `JsonReader.ReadObject` should be prepared (otherwise a lookup will be required).
* This is mostly convenience API since it starts the processing of the JSON by calling getNextToken on JsonReader,
* checks for null and calls
* @param specified type
* @param converter target reader
* @param input input JSON
* @return deserialized instance
* @throws IOException error during deserialization
public T deserialize(
final JsonReader.ReadObject converter,
final JsonReader input) throws IOException {
if (converter == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("converter can't be null");
if (input == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("input can't be null");
* Convenient deserialize API for working with bytes.
* Deserialize provided byte input into target object.
* Since JSON is often though of as a series of char,
* most libraries will convert inputs into a sequence of chars and do processing on them.
* DslJson will treat input as a sequence of bytes which allows for various optimizations.
* @param manifest target type
* @param body input JSON
* @param size length
* @param target type
* @return deserialized instance
* @throws IOException error during deserialization
public TResult deserialize(
final Class manifest,
final byte[] body,
final int size) throws IOException {
if (manifest == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("manifest can't be null");
if (body == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("body can't be null");
final JsonReader json = localReader.get().process(body, size);
try {
final JsonReader.ReadObject> simpleReader = tryFindReader(manifest);
if (simpleReader != null) {
return (TResult);
if (manifest.isArray()) {
if (json.wasNull()) {
return null;
} else if (json.last() != '[') {
throw json.newParseError("Expecting '[' for array start");
final Class> elementManifest = manifest.getComponentType();
final List> list = deserializeList(elementManifest, body, size);
if (list == null) {
return null;
return (TResult) convertResultToArray(elementManifest, list);
if (fallback != null) {
return (TResult) fallback.deserialize(context, manifest, body, size);
throw createErrorMessage(manifest);
} finally {
* Deserialize API for working with bytes.
* Deserialize provided byte input into target object.
* Since JSON is often though of as a series of char,
* most libraries will convert inputs into a sequence of chars and do processing on them.
* DslJson will treat input as a sequence of bytes which allows for various optimizations.
* @param manifest target type
* @param body input JSON
* @param size length
* @return deserialized instance
* @throws IOException error during deserialization
public Object deserialize(
final Type manifest,
final byte[] body,
final int size) throws IOException {
if (manifest instanceof Class>) {
return deserialize((Class>) manifest, body, size);
if (manifest == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("manifest can't be null");
if (body == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("body can't be null");
final JsonReader json = localReader.get().process(body, size);
try {
final Object result = deserializeWith(manifest, json);
if (result != unknownValue) return result;
if (fallback != null) {
return fallback.deserialize(context, manifest, body, size);
throw new ConfigurationException("Unable to find reader for provided type: " + manifest + " and fallback serialization is not registered.\n" +
"Try initializing DslJson with custom fallback in case of unsupported objects or register specified type using registerReader into " + getClass());
} finally {
private Object deserializeWith(Type manifest, JsonReader json) throws IOException {
final JsonReader.ReadObject> simpleReader = tryFindReader(manifest);
if (simpleReader != null) {
if (manifest instanceof ParameterizedType) {
final ParameterizedType pt = (ParameterizedType) manifest;
if (pt.getActualTypeArguments().length == 1) {
final Type content = pt.getActualTypeArguments()[0];
final Class> container = (Class>) pt.getRawType();
if (container.isArray() || Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(container)) {
if (json.wasNull()) {
return null;
} else if (json.last() != '[') {
throw json.newParseError("Expecting '[' for array start");
if (json.getNextToken() == ']') {
if (container.isArray()) {
return new ArrayList(0);
final JsonReader.ReadObject> contentReader = tryFindReader(content);
if (contentReader != null) {
final ArrayList> result = json.deserializeNullableCollection(contentReader);
if (container.isArray()) {
return returnAsArray(content, result);
return result;
} else if (manifest instanceof GenericArrayType) {
if (json.wasNull()) {
return null;
} else if (json.last() != '[') {
throw json.newParseError("Expecting '[' for array start");
final Type content = ((GenericArrayType) manifest).getGenericComponentType();
if (json.getNextToken() == ']') {
return returnEmptyArray(content);
final JsonReader.ReadObject> contentReader = tryFindReader(content);
if (contentReader != null) {
final ArrayList> result = json.deserializeNullableCollection(contentReader);
return returnAsArray(content, result);
return unknownValue;
private static Object returnAsArray(final Type content, final ArrayList> result) {
if (content instanceof Class>) {
return convertResultToArray((Class>) content, result);
if (content instanceof ParameterizedType) {
final ParameterizedType cpt = (ParameterizedType) content;
return result.toArray((Object[]) Array.newInstance((Class>) cpt.getRawType(), 0));
return result.toArray();
private static Object returnEmptyArray(Type content) {
if (content instanceof Class>) {
return Array.newInstance((Class>) content, 0);
if (content instanceof ParameterizedType) {
final ParameterizedType pt = (ParameterizedType) content;
return Array.newInstance((Class>) pt.getRawType(), 0);
return new Object[0];
private IOException createErrorMessage(final Class> manifest) {
final ArrayList> signatures = new ArrayList>();
findAllSignatures(manifest, signatures);
for (final Class> sig : signatures) {
if (readers.containsKey(sig)) {
if (sig.equals(manifest)) {
return new IOException("Reader for provided type: " + manifest + " is disabled and fallback serialization is not registered (converter is registered as null).\n" +
"Try initializing system with custom fallback or don't register null for " + manifest);
return new IOException("Unable to find reader for provided type: " + manifest + " and fallback serialization is not registered.\n" +
"Found reader for: " + sig + " so try deserializing into that instead?\n" +
"Alternatively, try initializing system with custom fallback or register specified type using registerReader into " + getClass());
return new IOException("Unable to find reader for provided type: " + manifest + " and fallback serialization is not registered.\n" +
"Try initializing DslJson with custom fallback in case of unsupported objects or register specified type using registerReader into " + getClass());
* Convenient deserialize list API for working with bytes.
* Deserialize provided byte input into target object.
* Since JSON is often though of as a series of char,
* most libraries will convert inputs into a sequence of chars and do processing on them.
* DslJson will treat input as a sequence of bytes which allows for various optimizations.
* @param manifest target type
* @param body input JSON
* @param size length
* @param target element type
* @return deserialized list instance
* @throws IOException error during deserialization
public List deserializeList(
final Class manifest,
final byte[] body,
final int size) throws IOException {
if (manifest == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("manifest can't be null");
if (body == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("body can't be null");
if (size == 4 && body[0] == 'n' && body[1] == 'u' && body[2] == 'l' && body[3] == 'l') {
return null;
} else if (size == 2 && body[0] == '[' && body[1] == ']') {
return new ArrayList(0);
final JsonReader json = localReader.get().process(body, size);
try {
if (json.getNextToken() != '[') {
if (json.wasNull()) {
return null;
throw json.newParseError("Expecting '[' for list start");
if (json.getNextToken() == ']') {
return new ArrayList(0);
//leave for now in to avoid overhead of going through redirection via generic tryFindReader
if (JsonObject.class.isAssignableFrom(manifest)) {
final JsonReader.ReadJsonObject reader = getObjectReader(manifest);
if (reader != null) {
return (List) json.deserializeNullableCollection(reader);
final JsonReader.ReadObject> simpleReader = tryFindReader(manifest);
if (simpleReader != null) {
return json.deserializeNullableCollection(simpleReader);
if (fallback != null) {
final Object array = Array.newInstance(manifest, 0);
final TResult[] result = (TResult[]) fallback.deserialize(context, array.getClass(), body, size);
if (result == null) {
return null;
final ArrayList list = new ArrayList(result.length);
for (TResult aResult : result) {
return list;
throw createErrorMessage(manifest);
} finally {
* This is deprecated to avoid using it.
* Use deserializeList method without the buffer argument instead.
* Convenient deserialize list API for working with streams.
* Deserialize provided stream input into target object.
* Use buffer for internal conversion from stream into byte[] for partial processing.
* This method creates a new instance of JsonReader.
* There is also deserializeList without the buffer which reuses thread local reader.
* Since JSON is often though of as a series of char,
* most libraries will convert inputs into a sequence of chars and do processing on them.
* DslJson will treat input as a sequence of bytes which allows for various optimizations.
* When working on InputStream DslJson will process JSON in chunks of byte[] inputs.
* Provided buffer will be used as input for partial processing.
* For best performance buffer should be reused.
* @param manifest target type
* @param stream input JSON
* @param buffer buffer used for InputStream -> byte[] conversion
* @param target element type
* @return deserialized list
* @throws IOException error during deserialization
public List deserializeList(
final Class manifest,
final InputStream stream,
final byte[] buffer) throws IOException {
if (manifest == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("manifest can't be null");
if (stream == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("stream can't be null");
if (buffer == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("buffer can't be null");
return deserializeList(manifest, newReader(stream, buffer), stream);
* Convenient deserialize list API for working with streams.
* Deserialize provided stream input into target object.
* Since JSON is often though of as a series of char,
* most libraries will convert inputs into a sequence of chars and do processing on them.
* DslJson will treat input as a sequence of bytes which allows for various optimizations.
* When working on InputStream DslJson will process JSON in chunks of byte[] inputs.
* @param manifest target type
* @param stream input JSON
* @param target element type
* @return deserialized list
* @throws IOException error during deserialization
public List deserializeList(
final Class manifest,
final InputStream stream) throws IOException {
if (manifest == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("manifest can't be null");
if (stream == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("stream can't be null");
final JsonReader json = localReader.get().process(stream);
try {
return deserializeList(manifest, json, stream);
} finally {
private List deserializeList(
final Class manifest,
JsonReader json,
InputStream stream) throws IOException {
if (json.getNextToken() != '[') {
if (json.wasNull()) {
return null;
throw json.newParseError("Expecting '[' for list start");
if (json.getNextToken() == ']') {
return new ArrayList(0);
//leave for now in to avoid overhead of going through redirection via generic tryFindReader
if (JsonObject.class.isAssignableFrom(manifest)) {
final JsonReader.ReadJsonObject reader = getObjectReader(manifest);
if (reader != null) {
return (List) json.deserializeNullableCollection(reader);
final JsonReader.ReadObject simpleReader = tryFindReader(manifest);
if (simpleReader != null) {
return json.deserializeNullableCollection(simpleReader);
if (fallback != null) {
final Object array = Array.newInstance(manifest, 0);
final TResult[] result = (TResult[]) fallback.deserialize(context, array.getClass(), new RereadStream(json.buffer, stream));
if (result == null) {
return null;
final ArrayList list = new ArrayList(result.length);
for (TResult aResult : result) {
return list;
throw createErrorMessage(manifest);
* Convenient deserialize API for working with streams.
* Deserialize provided stream input into target object.
* This method accepts a buffer and will create a new reader using provided buffer.
* This buffer is used for internal conversion from stream into byte[] for partial processing.
* There is also method without the buffer which reuses local thread reader for processing.
* Since JSON is often though of as a series of char,
* most libraries will convert inputs into a sequence of chars and do processing on them.
* DslJson will treat input as a sequence of bytes which allows for various optimizations.
* When working on InputStream DslJson will process JSON in chunks of byte[] inputs.
* Provided buffer will be used as input for partial processing.
* For best performance buffer should be reused.
* @param manifest target type
* @param stream input JSON
* @param buffer buffer used for InputStream -> byte[] conversion
* @param target type
* @return deserialized instance
* @throws IOException error during deserialization
public TResult deserialize(
final Class manifest,
final InputStream stream,
final byte[] buffer) throws IOException {
if (manifest == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("manifest can't be null");
if (stream == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("stream can't be null");
if (buffer == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("buffer can't be null");
return deserialize(manifest, newReader(stream, buffer), stream);
* Convenient deserialize API for working with streams.
* Deserialize provided stream input into target object.
* This method reuses thread local reader for processing input stream.
* Since JSON is often though of as a series of char,
* most libraries will convert inputs into a sequence of chars and do processing on them.
* DslJson will treat input as a sequence of bytes which allows for various optimizations.
* When working on InputStream DslJson will process JSON in chunks of byte[] inputs.
* @param manifest target type
* @param stream input JSON
* @param target type
* @return deserialized instance
* @throws IOException error during deserialization
public TResult deserialize(
final Class manifest,
final InputStream stream) throws IOException {
if (manifest == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("manifest can't be null");
if (stream == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("stream can't be null");
final JsonReader json = localReader.get().process(stream);
try {
return deserialize(manifest, json, stream);
} finally {
private TResult deserialize(
final Class manifest,
final JsonReader json,
final InputStream stream) throws IOException {
final JsonReader.ReadObject> simpleReader = tryFindReader(manifest);
if (simpleReader != null) {
return (TResult);
if (manifest.isArray()) {
if (json.wasNull()) {
return null;
} else if (json.last() != '[') {
throw json.newParseError("Expecting '[' for array start");
final Class> elementManifest = manifest.getComponentType();
if (json.getNextToken() == ']') {
return (TResult) Array.newInstance(elementManifest, 0);
//leave for now in to avoid overhead of going through redirection via generic tryFindReader
if (JsonObject.class.isAssignableFrom(elementManifest)) {
final JsonReader.ReadJsonObject objectReader = getObjectReader(elementManifest);
if (objectReader != null) {
List> list = json.deserializeNullableCollection(objectReader);
return (TResult) convertResultToArray(elementManifest, list);
final JsonReader.ReadObject> simpleElementReader = tryFindReader(elementManifest);
if (simpleElementReader != null) {
List> list = json.deserializeNullableCollection(simpleElementReader);
return (TResult) convertResultToArray(elementManifest, list);
if (fallback != null) {
return (TResult) fallback.deserialize(context, manifest, new RereadStream(json.buffer, stream));
throw createErrorMessage(manifest);
* Deserialize API for working with streams.
* Deserialize provided stream input into target object.
* Use buffer for internal conversion from stream into byte[] for partial processing.
* This method creates a new instance of JsonReader for processing the stream.
* There is also a method without the byte[] buffer which reuses thread local reader.
* Since JSON is often though of as a series of char,
* most libraries will convert inputs into a sequence of chars and do processing on them.
* DslJson will treat input as a sequence of bytes which allows for various optimizations.
* When working on InputStream DslJson will process JSON in chunks of byte[] inputs.
* Provided buffer will be used as input for partial processing.
* For best performance buffer should be reused.
* @param manifest target type
* @param stream input JSON
* @param buffer buffer used for InputStream -> byte[] conversion
* @return deserialized instance
* @throws IOException error during deserialization
public Object deserialize(
final Type manifest,
final InputStream stream,
final byte[] buffer) throws IOException {
if (manifest instanceof Class>) {
return deserialize((Class>) manifest, stream, buffer);
if (manifest == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("manifest can't be null");
if (stream == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("stream can't be null");
if (buffer == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("buffer can't be null");
final JsonReader json = newReader(stream, buffer);
final Object result = deserializeWith(manifest, json);
if (result != unknownValue) return result;
if (fallback != null) {
return fallback.deserialize(context, manifest, new RereadStream(buffer, stream));
throw new ConfigurationException("Unable to find reader for provided type: " + manifest + " and fallback serialization is not registered.\n" +
"Try initializing DslJson with custom fallback in case of unsupported objects or register specified type using registerReader into " + getClass());
* Deserialize API for working with streams.
* Deserialize provided stream input into target object.
* This method reuses thread local reader for processing JSON input.
* Since JSON is often though of as a series of char,
* most libraries will convert inputs into a sequence of chars and do processing on them.
* When working on InputStream DslJson will process JSON in chunks of byte[] inputs.
* @param manifest target type
* @param stream input JSON
* @return deserialized instance
* @throws IOException error during deserialization
public Object deserialize(
final Type manifest,
final InputStream stream) throws IOException {
if (manifest instanceof Class>) {
return deserialize((Class>) manifest, stream);
if (manifest == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("manifest can't be null");
if (stream == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("stream can't be null");
final JsonReader json = localReader.get().process(stream);
try {
final Object result = deserializeWith(manifest, json);
if (result != unknownValue) return result;
if (fallback != null) {
return fallback.deserialize(context, manifest, new RereadStream(json.buffer, stream));
throw new ConfigurationException("Unable to find reader for provided type: " + manifest + " and fallback serialization is not registered.\n" +
"Try initializing DslJson with custom fallback in case of unsupported objects or register specified type using registerReader into " + getClass());
} finally {
static class RereadStream extends InputStream {
private final byte[] buffer;
private final InputStream stream;
private boolean usingBuffer;
private int position;
RereadStream(byte[] buffer, InputStream stream) {
this.buffer = buffer; = stream;
usingBuffer = true;
public int read() throws IOException {
if (usingBuffer) {
if (position < buffer.length) {
return buffer[position++];
} else usingBuffer = false;
public int read(byte[] buf) throws IOException {
if (usingBuffer) {
public int read(byte[] buf, int off, int len) throws IOException {
if (usingBuffer) {
return, off, len);
return, off, len);
private static final Iterator EMPTY_ITERATOR = new Iterator() {
public boolean hasNext() {
return false;
public void remove() {
public Object next() {
return null;
* Streaming API for collection deserialization.
* DslJson will create iterator based on provided manifest info.
* It will attempt to deserialize from stream on each next() invocation.
* This method requires buffer instance for partial stream processing.
* It will create a new instance of JsonReader.
* There is also a method without the buffer which will reuse thread local reader.
* Useful for processing very large streams if only one instance from collection is required at once.
* Stream will be processed in chunks of specified buffer byte[].
* It will block on reading until buffer is full or end of stream is detected.
* @param manifest type info
* @param stream JSON data stream
* @param type info
* @return Iterator to instances deserialized from input JSON
* @throws IOException if reader is not found or there is an error processing input stream
public Iterator iterateOver(
final Class manifest,
final InputStream stream) throws IOException {
if (manifest == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("manifest can't be null");
if (stream == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("stream can't be null");
final JsonReader json = localReader.get();
return iterateOver(manifest, json, stream);
* Streaming API for collection deserialization.
* DslJson will create iterator based on provided manifest info.
* It will attempt to deserialize from stream on each next() invocation.
* This method requires buffer instance for partial stream processing.
* It will create a new instance of JsonReader.
* There is also a method without the buffer which will reuse thread local reader.
* Useful for processing very large streams if only one instance from collection is required at once.
* Stream will be processed in chunks of specified buffer byte[].
* It will block on reading until buffer is full or end of stream is detected.
* @param manifest type info
* @param stream JSON data stream
* @param buffer size of processing chunk
* @param type info
* @return Iterator to instances deserialized from input JSON
* @throws IOException if reader is not found or there is an error processing input stream
public Iterator iterateOver(
final Class manifest,
final InputStream stream,
final byte[] buffer) throws IOException {
if (manifest == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("manifest can't be null");
if (stream == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("stream can't be null");
if (buffer == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("buffer can't be null");
return iterateOver(manifest, newReader(stream, buffer), stream);
private Iterator iterateOver(
final Class manifest,
final JsonReader json,
final InputStream stream) throws IOException {
if (json.getNextToken() != '[') {
if (json.wasNull()) {
return null;
throw json.newParseError("Expecting '[' for iterator start");
if (json.getNextToken() == ']') {
//leave for now in to avoid overhead of going through redirection via generic tryFindReader
if (JsonObject.class.isAssignableFrom(manifest)) {
final JsonReader.ReadJsonObject reader = getObjectReader(manifest);
if (reader != null) {
return json.iterateOver(reader);
final JsonReader.ReadObject> simpleReader = tryFindReader(manifest);
if (simpleReader != null) {
return json.iterateOver(simpleReader);
if (fallback != null) {
final Object array = Array.newInstance(manifest, 0);
final TResult[] result = (TResult[]) fallback.deserialize(context, array.getClass(), new RereadStream(json.buffer, stream));
if (result == null) {
return null;
final ArrayList list = new ArrayList(result.length);
for (TResult aResult : result) {
return list.iterator();
throw createErrorMessage(manifest);
private final JsonWriter.WriteObject OBJECT_WRITER = new JsonWriter.WriteObject() {
public void write(JsonWriter writer, @Nullable JsonObject value) {
if (value == null) writer.writeNull();
else value.serialize(writer, omitDefaults);
private JsonReader.ReadObject convertToReader(final JsonReader.ReadJsonObject decoder) {
return new JsonReader.ReadObject() {
public T read(JsonReader reader) throws IOException {
if (reader.wasNull()) return null;
else if (reader.last() != '{') throw reader.newParseError("Expecting '{' for object start");
return decoder.deserialize(reader);
private final JsonWriter.WriteObject OBJECT_ARRAY_WRITER = new JsonWriter.WriteObject() {
public void write(JsonWriter writer, @Nullable Object value) {
serialize(writer, (JsonObject[]) value);
private static final JsonWriter.WriteObject CHAR_ARRAY_WRITER = new JsonWriter.WriteObject() {
public void write(JsonWriter writer, @Nullable Object value) {
StringConverter.serialize(new String((char[]) value), writer);
private final JsonWriter.WriteObject NULL_WRITER = new JsonWriter.WriteObject() {
public void write(JsonWriter writer, @Nullable Object value) {
private JsonWriter.WriteObject getOrCreateWriter(@Nullable final Object instance, final Class> instanceManifest) throws IOException {
if (instance instanceof JsonObject) {
if (instance instanceof JsonObject[]) {
final Class> manifest = instanceManifest != null ? instanceManifest : instance.getClass();
if (instanceManifest != null) {
if (JsonObject.class.isAssignableFrom(manifest)) {
final JsonWriter.WriteObject simpleWriter = tryFindWriter(manifest);
if (simpleWriter != null) {
return simpleWriter;
if (manifest.isArray()) {
final Class> elementManifest = manifest.getComponentType();
if (char.class == elementManifest) {
} else {
final JsonWriter.WriteObject elementWriter = tryFindWriter(elementManifest);
if (elementWriter != null) {
//TODO: cache writer for next lookup
return new JsonWriter.WriteObject() {
public void write(JsonWriter writer, @Nullable Object value) {
writer.serialize((Object[]) value, elementWriter);
if (instance instanceof Collection || Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(manifest)) {
return new JsonWriter.WriteObject() {
public void write(JsonWriter writer, @Nullable final Object value) {
final Collection items = (Collection) value;
Class> baseType = null;
final Iterator iterator = items.iterator();
//TODO: pick lowest common denominator!?
do {
final Object item =;
if (item != null) {
Class> elementType = item.getClass();
if (elementType != baseType) {
if (baseType == null || elementType.isAssignableFrom(baseType)) {
baseType = elementType;
} while (iterator.hasNext());
if (baseType == null) {
for (int i = 1; i < items.size(); i++) {
} else if (JsonObject.class.isAssignableFrom(baseType)) {
serialize(writer, (Collection) items);
} else {
final JsonWriter.WriteObject elementWriter = tryFindWriter(baseType);
if (elementWriter != null) {
writer.serialize(items, elementWriter);
} else if (fallback != null) {
final ByteArrayOutputStream stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try {
fallback.serialize(value, stream);
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new SerializationException(ex);
} else {
throw new ConfigurationException("Unable to serialize provided object. Failed to find serializer for: " + items.getClass());
throw new ConfigurationException("Unable to serialize provided object. Failed to find serializer for: " + manifest);
* Streaming API for collection serialization.
* It will iterate over entire iterator and serialize each instance into target output stream.
* After each instance serialization it will copy JSON into target output stream.
* During each serialization reader will be looked up based on next() instance which allows
* serializing collection with different types.
* If collection contains all instances of the same type, prefer the other streaming API.
* If reader is not found an IOException will be thrown
* If JsonWriter is provided it will be used, otherwise a new instance will be internally created.
* @param iterator input data
* @param stream target JSON stream
* @param writer temporary buffer for serializing a single item. Can be null
* @param input data type
* @throws IOException reader is not found, there is an error during serialization or problem with writing to target stream
public void iterateOver(
final Iterator iterator,
final OutputStream stream,
@Nullable final JsonWriter writer) throws IOException {
if (iterator == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("iterator can't be null");
if (stream == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("stream can't be null");
if (!iterator.hasNext()) {
final JsonWriter buffer = writer == null ? new JsonWriter(this) : writer;
T item =;
Class> lastManifest = null;
JsonWriter.WriteObject lastWriter = null;
if (item != null) {
lastManifest = item.getClass();
lastWriter = getOrCreateWriter(item, lastManifest);
try {
lastWriter.write(buffer, item);
} catch (ConfigurationException e) {
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IOException(e);
} else {
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
item =;
if (item != null) {
final Class> currentManifest = item.getClass();
if (lastWriter == null || lastManifest == null || !lastManifest.equals(currentManifest)) {
lastManifest = currentManifest;
lastWriter = getOrCreateWriter(item, lastManifest);
try {
lastWriter.write(buffer, item);
} catch (ConfigurationException e) {
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IOException(e);
} else {
* Streaming API for collection serialization.
* It will iterate over entire iterator and serialize each instance into target output stream.
* After each instance serialization it will copy JSON into target output stream.
* If reader is not found an IOException will be thrown
* If JsonWriter is provided it will be used, otherwise a new instance will be internally created.
* @param iterator input data
* @param manifest type of elements in collection
* @param stream target JSON stream
* @param writer temporary buffer for serializing a single item. Can be null
* @param input data type
* @throws IOException reader is not found, there is an error during serialization or problem with writing to target stream
public void iterateOver(
final Iterator iterator,
final Class manifest,
final OutputStream stream,
@Nullable final JsonWriter writer) throws IOException {
if (iterator == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("iterator can't be null");
if (manifest == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("manifest can't be null");
if (stream == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("stream can't be null");
final JsonWriter buffer = writer == null ? new JsonWriter(this) : writer;
final JsonWriter.WriteObject instanceWriter = getOrCreateWriter(null, manifest);
T item =;
if (item != null) {
try {
instanceWriter.write(buffer, item);
} catch (ConfigurationException e) {
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IOException(e);
} else {
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
item =;
if (item != null) {
try {
instanceWriter.write(buffer, item);
} catch (ConfigurationException e) {
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IOException(e);
} else {
* Use writer.serialize instead
* @param writer writer
* @param array items
* @param type
public void serialize(final JsonWriter writer, @Nullable final T[] array) {
if (array == null) {
if (array.length != 0) {
T item = array[0];
if (item != null) {
item.serialize(writer, omitDefaults);
} else {
for (int i = 1; i < array.length; i++) {
item = array[i];
if (item != null) {
item.serialize(writer, omitDefaults);
} else {
* Use writer.serialize instead
* @param writer writer
* @param array items
* @param len part of array
* @param type
public void serialize(final JsonWriter writer, final T[] array, final int len) {
if (writer == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("writer can't be null");
if (array == null) {
if (len != 0) {
T item = array[0];
if (item != null) {
item.serialize(writer, omitDefaults);
} else {
for (int i = 1; i < len; i++) {
item = array[i];
if (item != null) {
item.serialize(writer, omitDefaults);
} else {
* Use writer.serialize instead
* @param writer writer
* @param list items
* @param type
public void serialize(final JsonWriter writer, @Nullable final List list) {
if (writer == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("writer can't be null");
if (list == null) {
if (list.size() != 0) {
T item = list.get(0);
if (item != null) {
item.serialize(writer, omitDefaults);
} else {
for (int i = 1; i < list.size(); i++) {
item = list.get(i);
if (item != null) {
item.serialize(writer, omitDefaults);
} else {
* Use writer.serialize instead
* @param writer writer
* @param collection items
* @param type
public void serialize(final JsonWriter writer, @Nullable final Collection collection) {
if (writer == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("writer can't be null");
if (collection == null) {
if (!collection.isEmpty()) {
final Iterator it = collection.iterator();
T item =;
if (item != null) {
item.serialize(writer, omitDefaults);
} else {
while (it.hasNext()) {
item =;
if (item != null) {
item.serialize(writer, omitDefaults);
} else {
* Generic serialize API.
* Based on provided type manifest converter will be chosen.
* If converter is not found method will return false.
* Resulting JSON will be written into provided writer argument.
* In case of successful serialization true will be returned.
* For best performance writer argument should be reused.
* @param writer where to write resulting JSON
* @param manifest type manifest
* @param value instance to serialize
* @return successful serialization
public boolean serialize(final JsonWriter writer, final Type manifest, @Nullable final Object value) {
if (writer == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("writer can't be null");
if (value == null) {
return true;
} else if (value instanceof JsonObject) {
((JsonObject) value).serialize(writer, omitDefaults);
return true;
} else if (value instanceof JsonObject[]) {
serialize(writer, (JsonObject[]) value);
return true;
final JsonWriter.WriteObject simpleWriter = tryFindWriter(manifest);
if (simpleWriter != null) {
simpleWriter.write(writer, value);
return true;
Class> container = null;
if (manifest instanceof Class>) {
container = (Class>) manifest;
if (container != null && container.isArray()) {
if (Array.getLength(value) == 0) {
return true;
final Class> elementManifest = container.getComponentType();
if (char.class == elementManifest) {
//TODO? char[] !?
StringConverter.serialize(new String((char[]) value), writer);
return true;
} else {
final JsonWriter.WriteObject elementWriter = (JsonWriter.WriteObject