co.elastic.clients.elasticsearch.transform.PreviewTransformRequest Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one or more contributor
* license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. Elasticsearch B.V. licenses this file to you under
* the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
* not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package co.elastic.clients.elasticsearch.transform;
import co.elastic.clients.elasticsearch._types.ErrorResponse;
import co.elastic.clients.elasticsearch._types.RequestBase;
import co.elastic.clients.elasticsearch._types.Time;
import co.elastic.clients.json.JsonpDeserializable;
import co.elastic.clients.json.JsonpDeserializer;
import co.elastic.clients.json.JsonpMapper;
import co.elastic.clients.json.JsonpSerializable;
import co.elastic.clients.json.ObjectBuilderDeserializer;
import co.elastic.clients.json.ObjectDeserializer;
import co.elastic.clients.transport.Endpoint;
import co.elastic.clients.transport.endpoints.SimpleEndpoint;
import co.elastic.clients.util.ObjectBuilder;
import java.lang.String;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.function.Function;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
// This code is generated from the Elasticsearch API specification
// at
// Manual updates to this file will be lost when the code is
// re-generated.
// If you find a property that is missing or wrongly typed, please
// open an issue or a PR on the API specification repository.
// typedef: transform.preview_transform.Request
* Preview a transform. Generates a preview of the results that you will get
* when you create a transform with the same configuration.
* It returns a maximum of 100 results. The calculations are based on all the
* current data in the source index. It also generates a list of mappings and
* settings for the destination index. These values are determined based on the
* field types of the source index and the transform aggregations.
* @see API
* specification
public class PreviewTransformRequest extends RequestBase implements JsonpSerializable {
private final String description;
private final Destination dest;
private final Time frequency;
private final Latest latest;
private final Pivot pivot;
private final RetentionPolicy retentionPolicy;
private final Settings settings;
private final Source source;
private final Sync sync;
private final Time timeout;
private final String transformId;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
private PreviewTransformRequest(Builder builder) {
this.description = builder.description;
this.dest = builder.dest;
this.frequency = builder.frequency;
this.latest = builder.latest;
this.pivot = builder.pivot;
this.retentionPolicy = builder.retentionPolicy;
this.settings = builder.settings;
this.source = builder.source;
this.sync = builder.sync;
this.timeout = builder.timeout;
this.transformId = builder.transformId;
public static PreviewTransformRequest of(Function> fn) {
return fn.apply(new Builder()).build();
* Free text description of the transform.
* API name: {@code description}
public final String description() {
return this.description;
* The destination for the transform.
* API name: {@code dest}
public final Destination dest() {
return this.dest;
* The interval between checks for changes in the source indices when the
* transform is running continuously. Also determines the retry interval in the
* event of transient failures while the transform is searching or indexing. The
* minimum value is 1s and the maximum is 1h.
* API name: {@code frequency}
public final Time frequency() {
return this.frequency;
* The latest method transforms the data by finding the latest document for each
* unique key.
* API name: {@code latest}
public final Latest latest() {
return this.latest;
* The pivot method transforms the data by aggregating and grouping it. These
* objects define the group by fields and the aggregation to reduce the data.
* API name: {@code pivot}
public final Pivot pivot() {
return this.pivot;
* Defines a retention policy for the transform. Data that meets the defined
* criteria is deleted from the destination index.
* API name: {@code retention_policy}
public final RetentionPolicy retentionPolicy() {
return this.retentionPolicy;
* Defines optional transform settings.
* API name: {@code settings}
public final Settings settings() {
return this.settings;
* The source of the data for the transform.
* API name: {@code source}
public final Source source() {
return this.source;
* Defines the properties transforms require to run continuously.
* API name: {@code sync}
public final Sync sync() {
return this.sync;
* Period to wait for a response. If no response is received before the timeout
* expires, the request fails and returns an error.
* API name: {@code timeout}
public final Time timeout() {
return this.timeout;
* Identifier for the transform to preview. If you specify this path parameter,
* you cannot provide transform configuration details in the request body.
* API name: {@code transform_id}
public final String transformId() {
return this.transformId;
* Serialize this object to JSON.
public void serialize(JsonGenerator generator, JsonpMapper mapper) {
serializeInternal(generator, mapper);
protected void serializeInternal(JsonGenerator generator, JsonpMapper mapper) {
if (this.description != null) {
if (this.dest != null) {
this.dest.serialize(generator, mapper);
if (this.frequency != null) {
this.frequency.serialize(generator, mapper);
if (this.latest != null) {
this.latest.serialize(generator, mapper);
if (this.pivot != null) {
this.pivot.serialize(generator, mapper);
if (this.retentionPolicy != null) {
this.retentionPolicy.serialize(generator, mapper);
if (this.settings != null) {
this.settings.serialize(generator, mapper);
if (this.source != null) {
this.source.serialize(generator, mapper);
if (this.sync != null) {
this.sync.serialize(generator, mapper);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Builder for {@link PreviewTransformRequest}.
public static class Builder extends RequestBase.AbstractBuilder
ObjectBuilder {
private String description;
private Destination dest;
private Time frequency;
private Latest latest;
private Pivot pivot;
private RetentionPolicy retentionPolicy;
private Settings settings;
private Source source;
private Sync sync;
private Time timeout;
private String transformId;
* Free text description of the transform.
* API name: {@code description}
public final Builder description(@Nullable String value) {
this.description = value;
return this;
* The destination for the transform.
* API name: {@code dest}
public final Builder dest(@Nullable Destination value) {
this.dest = value;
return this;
* The destination for the transform.
* API name: {@code dest}
public final Builder dest(Function> fn) {
return this.dest(fn.apply(new Destination.Builder()).build());
* The interval between checks for changes in the source indices when the
* transform is running continuously. Also determines the retry interval in the
* event of transient failures while the transform is searching or indexing. The
* minimum value is 1s and the maximum is 1h.
* API name: {@code frequency}
public final Builder frequency(@Nullable Time value) {
this.frequency = value;
return this;
* The interval between checks for changes in the source indices when the
* transform is running continuously. Also determines the retry interval in the
* event of transient failures while the transform is searching or indexing. The
* minimum value is 1s and the maximum is 1h.
* API name: {@code frequency}
public final Builder frequency(Function> fn) {
return this.frequency(fn.apply(new Time.Builder()).build());
* The latest method transforms the data by finding the latest document for each
* unique key.
* API name: {@code latest}
public final Builder latest(@Nullable Latest value) {
this.latest = value;
return this;
* The latest method transforms the data by finding the latest document for each
* unique key.
* API name: {@code latest}
public final Builder latest(Function> fn) {
return this.latest(fn.apply(new Latest.Builder()).build());
* The pivot method transforms the data by aggregating and grouping it. These
* objects define the group by fields and the aggregation to reduce the data.
* API name: {@code pivot}
public final Builder pivot(@Nullable Pivot value) {
this.pivot = value;
return this;
* The pivot method transforms the data by aggregating and grouping it. These
* objects define the group by fields and the aggregation to reduce the data.
* API name: {@code pivot}
public final Builder pivot(Function> fn) {
return this.pivot(fn.apply(new Pivot.Builder()).build());
* Defines a retention policy for the transform. Data that meets the defined
* criteria is deleted from the destination index.
* API name: {@code retention_policy}
public final Builder retentionPolicy(@Nullable RetentionPolicy value) {
this.retentionPolicy = value;
return this;
* Defines a retention policy for the transform. Data that meets the defined
* criteria is deleted from the destination index.
* API name: {@code retention_policy}
public final Builder retentionPolicy(Function> fn) {
return this.retentionPolicy(fn.apply(new RetentionPolicy.Builder()).build());
* Defines optional transform settings.
* API name: {@code settings}
public final Builder settings(@Nullable Settings value) {
this.settings = value;
return this;
* Defines optional transform settings.
* API name: {@code settings}
public final Builder settings(Function> fn) {
return this.settings(fn.apply(new Settings.Builder()).build());
* The source of the data for the transform.
* API name: {@code source}
public final Builder source(@Nullable Source value) {
this.source = value;
return this;
* The source of the data for the transform.
* API name: {@code source}
public final Builder source(Function> fn) {
return this.source(fn.apply(new Source.Builder()).build());
* Defines the properties transforms require to run continuously.
* API name: {@code sync}
public final Builder sync(@Nullable Sync value) {
this.sync = value;
return this;
* Defines the properties transforms require to run continuously.
* API name: {@code sync}
public final Builder sync(Function> fn) {
return this.sync(fn.apply(new Sync.Builder()).build());
* Period to wait for a response. If no response is received before the timeout
* expires, the request fails and returns an error.
* API name: {@code timeout}
public final Builder timeout(@Nullable Time value) {
this.timeout = value;
return this;
* Period to wait for a response. If no response is received before the timeout
* expires, the request fails and returns an error.
* API name: {@code timeout}
public final Builder timeout(Function> fn) {
return this.timeout(fn.apply(new Time.Builder()).build());
* Identifier for the transform to preview. If you specify this path parameter,
* you cannot provide transform configuration details in the request body.
* API name: {@code transform_id}
public final Builder transformId(@Nullable String value) {
this.transformId = value;
return this;
protected Builder self() {
return this;
* Builds a {@link PreviewTransformRequest}.
* @throws NullPointerException
* if some of the required fields are null.
public PreviewTransformRequest build() {
return new PreviewTransformRequest(this);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Json deserializer for {@link PreviewTransformRequest}
public static final JsonpDeserializer _DESERIALIZER = ObjectBuilderDeserializer
.lazy(Builder::new, PreviewTransformRequest::setupPreviewTransformRequestDeserializer);
protected static void setupPreviewTransformRequestDeserializer(
ObjectDeserializer op) {
op.add(Builder::description, JsonpDeserializer.stringDeserializer(), "description");
op.add(Builder::dest, Destination._DESERIALIZER, "dest");
op.add(Builder::frequency, Time._DESERIALIZER, "frequency");
op.add(Builder::latest, Latest._DESERIALIZER, "latest");
op.add(Builder::pivot, Pivot._DESERIALIZER, "pivot");
op.add(Builder::retentionPolicy, RetentionPolicy._DESERIALIZER, "retention_policy");
op.add(Builder::settings, Settings._DESERIALIZER, "settings");
op.add(Builder::source, Source._DESERIALIZER, "source");
op.add(Builder::sync, Sync._DESERIALIZER, "sync");
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Endpoint "{@code transform.preview_transform}".
public static final SimpleEndpoint _ENDPOINT = new SimpleEndpoint<>(
// Request method
request -> {
return "POST";
// Request path
request -> {
final int _transformId = 1 << 0;
int propsSet = 0;
if (request.transformId() != null)
propsSet |= _transformId;
if (propsSet == (_transformId)) {
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
SimpleEndpoint.pathEncode(request.transformId, buf);
return buf.toString();
if (propsSet == 0) {
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
return buf.toString();
throw SimpleEndpoint.noPathTemplateFound("path");
// Path parameters
request -> {
Map params = new HashMap<>();
final int _transformId = 1 << 0;
int propsSet = 0;
if (request.transformId() != null)
propsSet |= _transformId;
if (propsSet == (_transformId)) {
params.put("transformId", request.transformId);
if (propsSet == 0) {
return params;
// Request parameters
request -> {
Map params = new HashMap<>();
if (request.timeout != null) {
params.put("timeout", request.timeout._toJsonString());
return params;
}, SimpleEndpoint.emptyMap(), true, PreviewTransformResponse._DESERIALIZER);
* Create an "{@code transform.preview_transform}" endpoint.
public static Endpoint, ErrorResponse> createPreviewTransformEndpoint(
JsonpDeserializer tTransformDeserializer) {
return _ENDPOINT.withResponseDeserializer(