aggregations() {
return this.aggregations;
* Whether to ignore if a wildcard indices expression resolves into no concrete
* indices. (This includes _all
string or when no indices have been
* specified)
* API name: {@code allow_no_indices}
public final Boolean allowNoIndices() {
return this.allowNoIndices;
* Indicate if an error should be returned if there is a partial search failure
* or timeout
* API name: {@code allow_partial_search_results}
public final Boolean allowPartialSearchResults() {
return this.allowPartialSearchResults;
* Specify whether wildcard and prefix queries should be analyzed (default:
* false)
* API name: {@code analyze_wildcard}
public final Boolean analyzeWildcard() {
return this.analyzeWildcard;
* The analyzer to use for the query string
* API name: {@code analyzer}
public final String analyzer() {
return this.analyzer;
* The number of shard results that should be reduced at once on the
* coordinating node. This value should be used as a protection mechanism to
* reduce the memory overhead per search request if the potential number of
* shards in the request can be large.
* API name: {@code batched_reduce_size}
public final Long batchedReduceSize() {
return this.batchedReduceSize;
* Indicates whether network round-trips should be minimized as part of
* cross-cluster search requests execution
* API name: {@code ccs_minimize_roundtrips}
public final Boolean ccsMinimizeRoundtrips() {
return this.ccsMinimizeRoundtrips;
* API name: {@code collapse}
public final FieldCollapse collapse() {
return this.collapse;
* The default operator for query string query (AND or OR)
* API name: {@code default_operator}
public final Operator defaultOperator() {
return this.defaultOperator;
* The field to use as default where no field prefix is given in the query
* string
* API name: {@code df}
public final String df() {
return this.df;
* Array of wildcard (*) patterns. The request returns doc values for field
* names matching these patterns in the hits.fields property of the response.
* API name: {@code docvalue_fields}
public final List docvalueFields() {
return this.docvalueFields;
* Whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open,
* closed or both.
* API name: {@code expand_wildcards}
public final List expandWildcards() {
return this.expandWildcards;
* If true, returns detailed information about score computation as part of a
* hit.
* API name: {@code explain}
public final Boolean explain() {
return this.explain;
* Array of wildcard (*) patterns. The request returns values for field names
* matching these patterns in the hits.fields property of the response.
* API name: {@code fields}
public final List fields() {
return this.fields;
* Starting document offset. By default, you cannot page through more than
* 10,000 hits using the from and size parameters. To page through more hits,
* use the search_after parameter.
* API name: {@code from}
public final Integer from() {
return this.from;
* API name: {@code highlight}
public final Highlight highlight() {
return this.highlight;
* Whether specified concrete, expanded or aliased indices should be ignored
* when throttled
* API name: {@code ignore_throttled}
public final Boolean ignoreThrottled() {
return this.ignoreThrottled;
* Whether specified concrete indices should be ignored when unavailable
* (missing or closed)
* API name: {@code ignore_unavailable}
public final Boolean ignoreUnavailable() {
return this.ignoreUnavailable;
* A comma-separated list of index names to search; use _all
* empty string to perform the operation on all indices
* API name: {@code index}
public final List index() {
return this.index;
* Boosts the _score of documents from specified indices.
* API name: {@code indices_boost}
public final List