co.paralleluniverse.fibers.io.FiberSocketChannel Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Quasar: lightweight threads and actors for the JVM.
* Copyright (c) 2013-2015, Parallel Universe Software Co. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are dual-licensed under
* either the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 as published by
* the Eclipse Foundation
* or (per the licensee's choosing)
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3.0
* as published by the Free Software Foundation.
package co.paralleluniverse.fibers.io;
import co.paralleluniverse.fibers.SuspendExecution;
import co.paralleluniverse.fibers.Suspendable;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.SocketAddress;
import java.net.SocketOption;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.ByteChannel;
import java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException;
import java.nio.channels.GatheringByteChannel;
import java.nio.channels.InterruptedByTimeoutException;
import java.nio.channels.NetworkChannel;
import java.nio.channels.ScatteringByteChannel;
import java.nio.channels.SocketChannel;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;
* A fiber-blocking version of {@link SocketChannel}.
* @author pron
public abstract class FiberSocketChannel implements ByteChannel, ScatteringByteChannel, GatheringByteChannel, NetworkChannel {
* Opens a socket channel.
* If the group parameter is {@code null} then the resulting channel is bound to the default group.
* @param group The group to which the newly constructed channel should be bound, or {@code null} for the default group
* @return A new socket channel
* @throws ShutdownChannelGroupException If the channel group is shutdown
* @throws IOException If an I/O error occurs
public static FiberSocketChannel open(ChannelGroup group) throws IOException, SuspendExecution {
if (group == null)
group = ChannelGroup.defaultGroup();
return group.newFiberSocketChannel();
* Opens a socket channel.
* Same as {@link #open(java.nio.channels.AsynchronousChannelGroup) open((AsynchronousChannelGroup) null)}.
* @return A new socket channel
* @throws IOException If an I/O error occurs
public static FiberSocketChannel open() throws IOException, SuspendExecution {
return open((ChannelGroup) null);
* Opens a socket channel and connects it to a remote address.
* This convenience method works as if by invoking the {@link #open()}
* method, invoking the {@link #connect(SocketAddress) connect} method upon
* the resulting socket channel, passing it remote, and then
* returning that channel.
* @param remote The remote address to which the new channel is to be connected
* @return A new socket channel
* @throws AsynchronousCloseException If another thread closes this channel
* while the connect operation is in progress
* @throws ClosedByInterruptException If another thread interrupts the current thread
* while the connect operation is in progress, thereby
* closing the channel and setting the current thread's
* interrupt status
* @throws UnresolvedAddressException If the given remote address is not fully resolved
* @throws UnsupportedAddressTypeException If the type of the given remote address is not supported
* @throws SecurityException If a security manager has been installed
* and it does not permit access to the given remote endpoint
* @throws IOException If some other I/O error occurs
public static FiberSocketChannel open(SocketAddress remote) throws IOException, SuspendExecution {
final FiberSocketChannel channel = open();
return channel;
* Opens a socket channel and connects it to a remote address.
* This convenience method works as if by invoking the {@link #open()}
* method, invoking the {@link #connect(SocketAddress) connect} method upon
* the resulting socket channel, passing it remote, and then
* returning that channel.
* @param group The group to which the newly constructed channel should be bound, or {@code null} for the default group
* @param remote The remote address to which the new channel is to be connected
* @return A new socket channel
* @throws AsynchronousCloseException If another thread closes this channel
* while the connect operation is in progress
* @throws ClosedByInterruptException If another thread interrupts the current thread
* while the connect operation is in progress, thereby
* closing the channel and setting the current thread's
* interrupt status
* @throws UnresolvedAddressException If the given remote address is not fully resolved
* @throws UnsupportedAddressTypeException If the type of the given remote address is not supported
* @throws SecurityException If a security manager has been installed
* and it does not permit access to the given remote endpoint
* @throws IOException If some other I/O error occurs
public static FiberSocketChannel open(ChannelGroup group, SocketAddress remote) throws IOException, SuspendExecution {
final FiberSocketChannel channel = open(group);
return channel;
* Connects this channel.
* This method initiates an operation to connect this channel. it blocks
* until the connection is successfully established or connection cannot be
* established. If the connection cannot be established then the channel is
* closed.
* This method performs exactly the same security checks as the {@link
* java.net.Socket} class. That is, if a security manager has been
* installed then this method verifies that its {@link
* java.lang.SecurityManager#checkConnect checkConnect} method permits
* connecting to the address and port number of the given remote endpoint.
* @param remote The remote address to which this channel is to be connected
* @throws UnresolvedAddressException If the given remote address is not fully resolved
* @throws UnsupportedAddressTypeException If the type of the given remote address is not supported
* @throws AlreadyConnectedException If this channel is already connected
* @throws ConnectionPendingException If a connection operation is already in progress on this channel
* @throws ShutdownChannelGroupException If the channel group has terminated
* @throws SecurityException If a security manager has been installed and it does not permit access to the given remote endpoint
* @see #getRemoteAddress
public abstract void connect(final SocketAddress remote) throws IOException, SuspendExecution;
* Connects this channel.
* This method initiates an operation to connect this channel. it blocks
* until the connection is successfully established or connection cannot be
* established or a timeout occurs while attempting to establish it. If the
* connection cannot be established then the channel is closed but not so if
* a timeout occurs (see {@link http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20752756/how-to-set-java-nio-asynchronoussocketchannel-connect-timeout}).
* This method performs exactly the same security checks as the {@link
* java.net.Socket} class. That is, if a security manager has been
* installed then this method verifies that its {@link
* java.lang.SecurityManager#checkConnect checkConnect} method permits
* connecting to the address and port number of the given remote endpoint.
* @param remote The remote address to which this channel is to be connected
* @param timeout The timeout for the connection attempt
* @param timeUnit The time unit for the connection attempt timeout
* @throws UnresolvedAddressException If the given remote address is not fully resolved
* @throws UnsupportedAddressTypeException If the type of the given remote address is not supported
* @throws AlreadyConnectedException If this channel is already connected
* @throws ConnectionPendingException If a connection operation is already in progress on this channel
* @throws ShutdownChannelGroupException If the channel group has terminated
* @throws SecurityException If a security manager has been installed and it does not permit access to the given remote endpoint
* @see #getRemoteAddress
public abstract void connect(final SocketAddress remote, final long timeout, final TimeUnit timeUnit) throws IOException, SuspendExecution, TimeoutException;
* Reads a sequence of bytes from this channel into a subsequence of the
* given buffers. This operation, sometimes called a scattering read,
* is often useful when implementing network protocols that group data into
* segments consisting of one or more fixed-length headers followed by a
* variable-length body. This method blocks until the read operation completes or fails.
* The returned result is the number of bytes read or
* {@code -1} if no bytes could be read because the channel has reached
* end-of-stream.
* This method initiates a read of up to r bytes from this channel,
* where r is the total number of bytes remaining in the specified
* subsequence of the given buffer array, that is,
* dsts[offset].remaining()
* + dsts[offset+1].remaining()
* + ... + dsts[offset+length-1].remaining()
* at the moment that the read is attempted.
* Suppose that a byte sequence of length n is read, where
* 0 < n <= r.
* Up to the first dsts[offset].remaining() bytes of this sequence
* are transferred into buffer dsts[offset], up to the next
* dsts[offset+1].remaining() bytes are transferred into buffer
* dsts[offset+1], and so forth, until the entire byte sequence
* is transferred into the given buffers. As many bytes as possible are
* transferred into each buffer, hence the final position of each updated
* buffer, except the last updated buffer, is guaranteed to be equal to
* that buffer's limit. The underlying operating system may impose a limit
* on the number of buffers that may be used in an I/O operation. Where the
* number of buffers (with bytes remaining), exceeds this limit, then the
* I/O operation is performed with the maximum number of buffers allowed by
* the operating system.
* If a timeout is specified and the timeout elapses before the operation
* completes then the method throws exception {@link
* InterruptedByTimeoutException}. Where a timeout occurs, and the
* implementation cannot guarantee that bytes have not been read, or will not
* be read from the channel into the given buffers, then further attempts to
* read from the channel will cause an unspecific runtime exception to be
* thrown.
* @param dsts The buffers into which bytes are to be transferred
* @param offset The offset within the buffer array of the first buffer into which
* bytes are to be transferred; must be non-negative and no larger than
* {@code dsts.length}
* @param length The maximum number of buffers to be accessed; must be non-negative
* and no larger than {@code dsts.length - offset}
* @param timeout The maximum time for the I/O operation to complete
* @param unit The time unit of the {@code timeout} argument
* @return the number of bytes read or {@code -1} if no bytes could be read because the channel has reached end-of-stream.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException If the pre-conditions for the {@code offset} and {@code length} parameter aren't met
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the buffer is read-only
* @throws ReadPendingException If a read operation is already in progress on this channel
* @throws NotYetConnectedException If this channel is not yet connected
* @throws ShutdownChannelGroupException If the channel group has terminated
* @throws InterruptedByTimeoutException If a timeout is specified and the timeout elapses before the operation completes
public abstract long read(final ByteBuffer[] dsts, final int offset, final int length, final long timeout, final TimeUnit unit) throws IOException, SuspendExecution;
* Reads a sequence of bytes from this channel into the given buffer.
* This method reads a sequence of bytes from this channel into the given buffer.
* The returned result is the number of bytes read or
* {@code -1} if no bytes could be read because the channel has reached
* end-of-stream.
* If a timeout is specified and the timeout elapses before the method throws {@link
* InterruptedByTimeoutException}. Where a timeout occurs, and the
* implementation cannot guarantee that bytes have not been read, or will not
* be read from the channel into the given buffer, then further attempts to
* read from the channel will cause an unspecific runtime exception to be
* thrown.
* Otherwise this method works in the same manner as the {@link #read(ByteBuffer)}.
* method.
* @param dst The buffer into which bytes are to be transferred
* @param timeout The maximum time for the I/O operation to complete
* @param unit The time unit of the {@code timeout} argument
* @return the number of bytes read or {@code -1} if no bytes could be read because the channel has reached end-of-stream.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the buffer is read-only
* @throws ReadPendingException If a read operation is already in progress on this channel
* @throws NotYetConnectedException If this channel is not yet connected
* @throws ShutdownChannelGroupException If the channel group has terminated
* @throws InterruptedByTimeoutException If a timeout is specified and the timeout elapses before the operation completes
public abstract int read(final ByteBuffer dst, final long timeout, final TimeUnit unit) throws IOException, SuspendExecution;
* Writes a sequence of bytes to this channel from a subsequence of the given
* buffers. This operation, sometimes called a gathering write, is
* often useful when implementing network protocols that group data into
* segments consisting of one or more fixed-length headers followed by a
* variable-length body.
* The returned result is the number of bytes written.
* This method writes of up to r bytes to this channel,
* where r is the total number of bytes remaining in the specified
* subsequence of the given buffer array, that is,
* srcs[offset].remaining()
* + srcs[offset+1].remaining()
* + ... + srcs[offset+length-1].remaining()
* at the moment that the write is attempted.
* Suppose that a byte sequence of length n is written, where
* 0 < n <= r.
* Up to the first srcs[offset].remaining() bytes of this sequence
* are written from buffer srcs[offset], up to the next
* srcs[offset+1].remaining() bytes are written from buffer
* srcs[offset+1], and so forth, until the entire byte sequence is
* written. As many bytes as possible are written from each buffer, hence
* the final position of each updated buffer, except the last updated
* buffer, is guaranteed to be equal to that buffer's limit. The underlying
* operating system may impose a limit on the number of buffers that may be
* used in an I/O operation. Where the number of buffers (with bytes
* remaining), exceeds this limit, then the I/O operation is performed with
* the maximum number of buffers allowed by the operating system.
* If a timeout is specified and the timeout elapses before the operation
* completes then the method throws the exception {@link
* InterruptedByTimeoutException}. Where a timeout occurs, and the
* implementation cannot guarantee that bytes have not been written, or will
* not be written to the channel from the given buffers, then further attempts
* to write to the channel will cause an unspecific runtime exception to be
* thrown.
* @param srcs The buffers from which bytes are to be retrieved
* @param offset The offset within the buffer array of the first buffer from which
* bytes are to be retrieved; must be non-negative and no larger than {@code srcs.length}
* @param length The maximum number of buffers to be accessed; must be non-negative and no larger than {@code srcs.length - offset}
* @param timeout The maximum time for the I/O operation to complete
* @param unit The time unit of the {@code timeout} argument
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException If the pre-conditions for the {@code offset} and {@code length} parameter aren't met
* @throws WritePendingException If a write operation is already in progress on this channel
* @throws NotYetConnectedException If this channel is not yet connected
* @throws ShutdownChannelGroupException If the channel group has terminated
* @throws InterruptedByTimeoutException If a timeout is specified and the timeout elapses before the operation completes
public abstract long write(final ByteBuffer[] srcs, final int offset, final int length, final long timeout, final TimeUnit unit) throws IOException, SuspendExecution;
* Writes a sequence of bytes to this channel from the given buffer.
* This writes a
* sequence of bytes to this channel from the given buffer.
* The returned result is the number of bytes written.
* If a timeout is specified and the timeout elapses before the operation
* completes then the method throws the exception {@link
* InterruptedByTimeoutException}. Where a timeout occurs, and the
* implementation cannot guarantee that bytes have not been written, or will
* not be written to the channel from the given buffer, then further attempts
* to write to the channel will cause an unspecific runtime exception to be
* thrown.
* Otherwise this method works in the same manner as the {@link #write(ByteBuffer)} method.
* @param src The buffer from which bytes are to be retrieved
* @param timeout The maximum time for the I/O operation to complete
* @param unit The time unit of the {@code timeout} argument
* @throws WritePendingException If a write operation is already in progress on this channel
* @throws NotYetConnectedException If this channel is not yet connected
* @throws ShutdownChannelGroupException If the channel group has terminated
* @throws InterruptedByTimeoutException If a timeout is specified and the timeout elapses before the operation completes
public abstract int write(final ByteBuffer src, final long timeout, final TimeUnit unit) throws IOException, SuspendExecution;
* @throws NotYetConnectedException If this channel is not yet connected
public abstract long read(ByteBuffer[] dsts, int offset, int length) throws IOException;
* @throws NotYetConnectedException If this channel is not yet connected
public abstract long read(ByteBuffer[] dsts) throws IOException;
* @throws NotYetConnectedException If this channel is not yet connected
public abstract int read(ByteBuffer dst) throws IOException;
* @throws NotYetConnectedException If this channel is not yet connected
public abstract long write(ByteBuffer[] srcs, int offset, int length) throws IOException;
* @throws NotYetConnectedException If this channel is not yet connected
public abstract long write(ByteBuffer[] srcs) throws IOException;
* @throws NotYetConnectedException If this channel is not yet connected
public abstract int write(final ByteBuffer src) throws IOException;
public abstract boolean isOpen();
public abstract void close() throws IOException;
* Shutdown the connection for reading without closing the channel.
* Once shutdown for reading then further reads on the channel will
* return {@code -1}, the end-of-stream indication. If the input side of the
* connection is already shutdown then invoking this method has no effect.
* The effect on an outstanding read operation is system dependent and
* therefore not specified. The effect, if any, when there is data in the
* socket receive buffer that has not been read, or data arrives subsequently,
* is also system dependent.
* @return The channel
* @throws NotYetConnectedException If this channel is not yet connected
* @throws ClosedChannelException If this channel is closed
* @throws IOException If some other I/O error occurs
public abstract FiberSocketChannel shutdownInput() throws IOException;
* Shutdown the connection for writing without closing the channel.
* Once shutdown for writing then further attempts to write to the
* channel will throw {@link ClosedChannelException}. If the output side of
* the connection is already shutdown then invoking this method has no
* effect. The effect on an outstanding write operation is system dependent
* and therefore not specified.
* @return The channel
* @throws NotYetConnectedException If this channel is not yet connected
* @throws ClosedChannelException If this channel is closed
* @throws IOException If some other I/O error occurs
public abstract FiberSocketChannel shutdownOutput() throws IOException;
* Returns the remote address to which this channel's socket is connected.
* Where the channel is bound and connected to an Internet Protocol
* socket address then the return value from this method is of type {@link
* java.net.InetSocketAddress}.
* @return The remote address; {@code null} if the channel's socket is not connected
* @throws ClosedChannelException If the channel is closed
* @throws IOException If an I/O error occurs
public abstract SocketAddress getRemoteAddress() throws IOException;
* @throws ConnectionPendingException
* If a connection operation is already in progress on this channel
* @throws AlreadyBoundException {@inheritDoc}
* @throws UnsupportedAddressTypeException {@inheritDoc}
* @throws ClosedChannelException {@inheritDoc}
* @throws IOException {@inheritDoc}
public abstract FiberSocketChannel bind(SocketAddress local) throws IOException;
* @throws IllegalArgumentException {@inheritDoc}
* @throws ClosedChannelException {@inheritDoc}
* @throws IOException {@inheritDoc}
public abstract FiberSocketChannel setOption(SocketOption name, T value) throws IOException;
public abstract SocketAddress getLocalAddress() throws IOException;
public abstract T getOption(SocketOption name) throws IOException;
public abstract Set> supportedOptions();
* Returns the IO provider that created this channel.
* The type of the returned value is implementation dependent, and may be {@code null}.
public abstract Object provider();