co.topl.crypto.accumulators.merkle.MerkleTree.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package co.topl.crypto.accumulators.merkle
import co.topl.crypto.accumulators.{LeafData, Side}
import co.topl.crypto.hash.Hash
import co.topl.crypto.hash.digest.Digest
import co.topl.crypto.hash.digest.implicits._
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.mutable
/* Forked from */
/* NOTE: Use of mutable.WrappedArray.ofByte for Scala 2.12 compatibility */
class MerkleTree[H, D: Digest](
topNode: Option[Node[D]],
elementsHashIndex: Map[mutable.WrappedArray.ofByte, Int]
)(implicit h: Hash[H, D]) {
private lazy val emptyRootHash: D = Digest[D].empty
lazy val rootHash: D =
lazy val length: Int = elementsHashIndex.size
def proofByElement(element: Leaf[H, D]): Option[MerkleProof[H, D]] = proofByElementHash(element.hash)
def proofByElementHash(hash: D): Option[MerkleProof[H, D]] =
elementsHashIndex.get(new mutable.WrappedArray.ofByte(hash.bytes)).flatMap(i => proofByIndex(i))
def proofByIndex(index: Int): Option[MerkleProof[H, D]] = if (index >= 0 && index < length) {
def loop(
node: Option[Node[D]],
i: Int,
curLength: Int,
acc: Seq[(Option[D], Side)]
): Option[(Leaf[H, D], Seq[(Option[D], Side)])] =
node match {
case Some(n: InternalNode[H, D]) if i < curLength / 2 =>
n.right match {
case Some(right) => loop(Some(n.left), i, curLength / 2, (Some(right.hash), MerkleProof.LeftSide) +: acc)
case None => loop(Some(n.left), i, curLength / 2, (None, MerkleProof.LeftSide) +: acc)
case Some(n: InternalNode[H, D]) if i < curLength =>
loop(n.right, i - curLength / 2, curLength / 2, (Some(n.left.hash), MerkleProof.RightSide) +: acc)
case Some(n: Leaf[H, D]) =>
Some((n, acc))
case _ =>
val leafWithProofs = loop(topNode, index, lengthWithEmptyLeafs, Seq()) => MerkleProof(, lp._2))
} else {
lazy val lengthWithEmptyLeafs: Int = {
def log2(x: Double): Double = math.log(x) / math.log(2)
Math.max(math.pow(2, math.ceil(log2(length))).toInt, 2)
object MerkleTree {
val LeafPrefix: Byte = 0: Byte
val InternalNodePrefix: Byte = 1: Byte
* Construct Merkle tree from leafs
* @param payload - sequence of leafs data
* @return MerkleTree constructed from current leafs with defined empty node and hash function
def apply[H, D: Digest](payload: Seq[LeafData])(implicit h: Hash[H, D]): MerkleTree[H, D] = {
val leafs = => Leaf[H, D](d))
val elementsToIndex =
.foldLeft(Map[mutable.WrappedArray.ofByte, Int]()) { case (elements, (leaf, leafIndex)) =>
elements + (new mutable.WrappedArray.ofByte(leaf.hash.bytes) -> leafIndex)
val topNode = calcTopNode[H, D](leafs)
new MerkleTree[H, D](topNode, elementsToIndex)
def calcTopNode[H, D: Digest](nodes: Seq[Node[D]])(implicit h: Hash[H, D]): Option[Node[D]] =
if (nodes.isEmpty) {
} else {
val nextNodes = nodes
.map(lr => InternalNode[H, D](lr.head, if (lr.lengthCompare(2) == 0) Some(lr.last) else None))
if (nextNodes.lengthCompare(1) == 0) Some(nextNodes.head) else calcTopNode(nextNodes)