Download all versions of memeid4s-tapir_3 JAR files with all dependencies
memeid4s-tapir_3 from group com.47deg (version 0.8.0)
Tapir type-classes instances to enable using memeid's UUID as path/query param or headers in tapir's endpoints as well as richer documentation
Artifact memeid4s-tapir_3
Group com.47deg
Version 0.8.0
Last update 10. February 2023
Tags: headers using endpoints instances classes query documentation memeid type uuid path param enable richer well tapir
Organization 47 Degrees Open Source
License Apache-2.0
Dependencies amount 3
Dependencies memeid4s_3, scala3-library_3, tapir-core_3,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group com.47deg
Version 0.8.0
Last update 10. February 2023
Tags: headers using endpoints instances classes query documentation memeid type uuid path param enable richer well tapir
Organization 47 Degrees Open Source
License Apache-2.0
Dependencies amount 3
Dependencies memeid4s_3, scala3-library_3, tapir-core_3,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
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