com.accelad.math.DoubleDouble Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.accelad.math;
public strictfp class DoubleDouble implements Serializable, Comparable, Cloneable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public static final DoubleDouble ZERO = new DoubleDouble();
public static final DoubleDouble PI = new DoubleDouble(3.141592653589793116e+00,
public static final DoubleDouble TWO_PI = new DoubleDouble(6.283185307179586232e+00,
public static final DoubleDouble PI_2 = new DoubleDouble(1.570796326794896558e+00,
public static final DoubleDouble E = new DoubleDouble(2.718281828459045091e+00,
public static final DoubleDouble NaN = new DoubleDouble(Double.NaN, Double.NaN);
public static final DoubleDouble POSITIVE_INFINITY = new DoubleDouble(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY,
public static final DoubleDouble NEGATIVE_INFINITY = new DoubleDouble(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY,
public static final double EPS = 1.23259516440783e-32; /* = 2^-106 */
private static final double SPLIT = 134217729.0D; // 2^27+1, for IEEE double
private static final int MAX_PRINT_DIGITS = 32;
private static final DoubleDouble TEN = new DoubleDouble(10.0);
public static final DoubleDouble ONE = new DoubleDouble(1.0);
private static final String SCI_NOT_EXPONENT_CHAR = "E";
private static final String SCI_NOT_ZERO = "0.0E0";
private static int magnitude(double x) {
final double xAbs = Math.abs(x);
final double xLog10 = Math.log(xAbs) / Math.log(10);
int xMag = (int) Math.floor(xLog10);
final double xApprox = Math.pow(10, xMag);
if (xApprox * 10 <= xAbs) {
xMag += 1;
return xMag;
public static DoubleDouble parse(String str) {
int i = 0;
final int strlen = str.length();
// skip leading whitespace
while (Character.isWhitespace(str.charAt(i))) {
// check for sign
boolean isNegative = false;
if (i < strlen) {
final char signCh = str.charAt(i);
if (signCh == '-' || signCh == '+') {
if (signCh == '-') {
isNegative = true;
// scan all digits and accumulate into an integral value
// Keep track of the location of the decimal point (if any) to allow
// scaling later
final DoubleDouble val = new DoubleDouble();
int numDigits = 0;
int numBeforeDec = 0;
int exp = 0;
while (true) {
if (i >= strlen) {
final char ch = str.charAt(i);
if (Character.isDigit(ch)) {
final double d = ch - '0';
// MD: need to optimize this
val.selfAdd(new DoubleDouble(d));
if (ch == '.') {
numBeforeDec = numDigits;
if (ch == 'e' || ch == 'E') {
final String expStr = str.substring(i);
// this should catch any format problems with the exponent
try {
exp = Integer.parseInt(expStr);
} catch (final NumberFormatException ex) {
throw new NumberFormatException(
"Invalid exponent " + expStr + " in string " + str);
throw new NumberFormatException(
"Unexpected character '" + ch + "' at position " + i + " in string " + str);
if (numBeforeDec == 0) {
numBeforeDec = numDigits;
DoubleDouble val2;
// scale the number correctly
final int numDecPlaces = numDigits - numBeforeDec - exp;
if (numDecPlaces == 0) {
val2 = val;
} else if (numDecPlaces > 0) {
final DoubleDouble scale = TEN.pow(numDecPlaces);
val2 = val.divide(scale);
} else {
final DoubleDouble scale = TEN.pow(-numDecPlaces);
val2 = val.multiply(scale);
// apply leading sign, if any
if (isNegative) {
return val2.negate();
return val2;
private static String stringOfChar(char ch, int len) {
final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
return buf.toString();
public static DoubleDouble valueOf(double x) {
return new DoubleDouble(x);
public static DoubleDouble valueOf(String str) {
return parse(str);
private double hi = 0.0;
private double lo = 0.0;
public DoubleDouble() {
public DoubleDouble(double x) {
public DoubleDouble(double hi, double lo) {
init(hi, lo);
public DoubleDouble(DoubleDouble dd) {
public DoubleDouble(String str) {
public DoubleDouble abs() {
if (isNaN()) {
return NaN;
if (isNegative()) {
return negate();
return new DoubleDouble(this);
public DoubleDouble acos() {
if (isNaN()) {
return NaN;
if ((this.abs()).gt(DoubleDouble.valueOf(1.0))) {
return NaN;
final DoubleDouble s = PI_2.subtract(this.asin());
return s;
* // experimental private DoubleDouble selfAdd(double yhi, double ylo) {
* double H, h, T, t, S, s, e, f; S = hi + yhi; T = lo + ylo; e = S - hi; f
* = T - lo; s = S-e; t = T-f; s = (yhi-e)+(hi-s); t = (ylo-f)+(lo-t); e =
* s+T; H = S+e; h = e+(S-H); e = t+h;
* double zhi = H + e; double zlo = e + (H - zhi); hi = zhi; lo = zlo;
* return this; }
public DoubleDouble add(DoubleDouble y) {
if (isNaN()) {
return this;
return new DoubleDouble(this).selfAdd(y);
public DoubleDouble asin() {
// Return the arcsine of a DoubleDouble number
if (isNaN()) {
return NaN;
if ((this.abs()).gt(DoubleDouble.valueOf(1.0))) {
return NaN;
if (this.equals(DoubleDouble.valueOf(1.0))) {
return PI_2;
if (this.equals(DoubleDouble.valueOf(-1.0))) {
return PI_2.negate();
final DoubleDouble square = this.multiply(this);
DoubleDouble s = new DoubleDouble(this);
DoubleDouble sOld;
DoubleDouble t = new DoubleDouble(this);
DoubleDouble w;
double n = 1.0;
double numn;
double denomn;
do {
n += 2.0;
numn = n - 2.0;
denomn = n - 1.0;
t = t.divide(DoubleDouble.valueOf(denomn));
t = t.multiply(DoubleDouble.valueOf(numn));
t = t.multiply(square);
w = t.divide(DoubleDouble.valueOf(n));
sOld = s;
s = s.add(w);
} while (;
return s;
public DoubleDouble atan() {
if (isNaN()) {
return NaN;
DoubleDouble s;
DoubleDouble sOld;
if (this.equals(DoubleDouble.valueOf(1.0))) {
s = PI_2.divide(DoubleDouble.valueOf(2.0));
} else if (this.equals(DoubleDouble.valueOf(-1.0))) {
s = PI_2.divide(DoubleDouble.valueOf(-2.0));
} else if (this.abs().lt(DoubleDouble.valueOf(1.0))) {
final DoubleDouble msquare = (this.multiply(this)).negate();
s = new DoubleDouble(this);
DoubleDouble t = new DoubleDouble(this);
DoubleDouble w;
double n = 1.0;
do {
n += 2.0;
t = t.multiply(msquare);
w = t.divide(DoubleDouble.valueOf(n));
sOld = s;
s = s.add(w);
} while (;
} else {
final DoubleDouble msquare = (this.multiply(this)).negate();
s = this.reciprocal().negate();
DoubleDouble t = new DoubleDouble(s);
DoubleDouble w;
double n = 1.0;
do {
n += 2.0;
t = t.divide(msquare);
w = t.divide(DoubleDouble.valueOf(n));
sOld = s;
s = s.add(w);
} while (;
if (isPositive()) {
s = s.add(PI_2);
} else {
s = s.subtract(PI_2);
return s;
public DoubleDouble BernoulliA(int n) {
// For PI/2 < x < PI, sum from k = 1 to infinity of
// ((-1)**(k-1))*sin(kx)/(k**2) =
// x*ln(2) - sum from k = 1 to infinity of
// ((-1)**(k-1))*(2**(2k) - 1)*B2k*(x**(2*k+1))/(((2*k)!)*(2*k)*(2*k+1))
// Compute the DoubleDouble Bernoulli number Bn
// Ported from subroutine BERNOA in
// Computation of Special Functions by Shanjie Zhang and Jianming Jin
// I thought of creating a version with all the Bernoulli numbers from
// B0 to Bn-1 passed in as an input to calculate Bn. However, according
// Zhang and Jin using the correct zero values for B3, B5, B7 actually
// gives
// a much worse result than using the incorrect intermediate B3, B5, B7
// values caluclated by this algorithm.
int m;
int k;
int j;
DoubleDouble s;
DoubleDouble r;
DoubleDouble temp;
if (n < 0) {
return NaN;
} else if ((n >= 3) && (((n - 1) % 2) == 0)) {
// B2*n+1 = 0 for n = 1,2,3
return DoubleDouble.valueOf(0.0);
final DoubleDouble BN[] = new DoubleDouble[n + 1];
BN[0] = DoubleDouble.valueOf(1.0);
if (n == 0) {
return BN[0];
BN[1] = DoubleDouble.valueOf(-0.5);
if (n == 1) {
return BN[1];
for (m = 2; m <= n; m++) {
s = (DoubleDouble.valueOf(m)).add(DoubleDouble.valueOf(1.0));
s = s.reciprocal();
s = (DoubleDouble.valueOf(0.5)).subtract(s);
for (k = 2; k <= m - 1; k++) {
r = DoubleDouble.valueOf(1.0);
for (j = 2; j <= k; j++) {
temp = (DoubleDouble.valueOf(j)).add(DoubleDouble.valueOf(m));
temp = temp.subtract(DoubleDouble.valueOf(k));
temp = temp.divide(DoubleDouble.valueOf(j));
r = r.multiply(temp);
} // for (j = 2; j <= k; j++)
temp = r.multiply(BN[k]);
s = s.subtract(temp);
} // for (k = 2; k <= m-1; k++)
BN[m] = s;
} // for (m = 2; m <= n; m++)
return BN[n];
public DoubleDouble BernoulliB(int n) {
// B2n = ((-1)**(n-1))*2*((2*n)!)*(1 + 1/(2**(2*n)) + 1/(3**(2*n)) +
// ...)/((2*PI)**(2*n))
// = ((-1)**(n-1))*2*(1 + 1/(2**(2*n)) + 1/(3**(2*n)) + ...) * product
// from m = 1 to 2n of m/(2*PI)
// for n = 1, 2, 3, ...
// Compute the DoubleDouble Bernoulli number Bn
// More efficient than BernoulliA
// Ported from subroutine BERNOB in
// Computation of Special Functions by Shanjie Zhang and Jianming Jin
int k;
DoubleDouble r1;
DoubleDouble twoPISqr;
DoubleDouble r2;
DoubleDouble s;
DoubleDouble sOld;
DoubleDouble temp;
if (n < 0) {
return NaN;
} else if ((n >= 3) && (((n - 1) % 2) == 0)) {
// B2*n+1 = 0 for n = 1,2,3
return DoubleDouble.valueOf(0.0);
final DoubleDouble bn[] = new DoubleDouble[n + 1];
bn[0] = DoubleDouble.valueOf(1.0);
if (n == 0) {
return bn[0];
bn[1] = DoubleDouble.valueOf(-0.5);
if (n == 1) {
return bn[1];
bn[2] = (DoubleDouble.valueOf(1.0)).divide(DoubleDouble.valueOf(6.0));
if (n == 2) {
return bn[2];
r1 = ((DoubleDouble.valueOf(1.0)).divide(PI)).sqr();
twoPISqr = TWO_PI.multiply(TWO_PI);
for (int m = 4; m <= n; m += 2) {
temp = (DoubleDouble.valueOf(m)).divide(twoPISqr);
temp = (DoubleDouble.valueOf(m - 1d)).multiply(temp);
r1 = (r1.multiply(temp)).negate();
r2 = DoubleDouble.valueOf(1.0);
s = DoubleDouble.valueOf(1.0);
k = 2;
do {
sOld = s;
s = (DoubleDouble.valueOf(1.0)).divide(valueOf(k++));
s = s.pow(m);
r2 = r2.add(s);
} while (;
bn[m] = r1.multiply(r2);
} // for (m = 4; m <= n; m+=2)
return bn[n];
* // experimental public DoubleDouble selfDivide(DoubleDouble y) { double
* hc, tc, hy, ty, C, c, U, u; C = hi/y.hi; c = SPLIT*C; hc =c-C; u =
* SPLIT*y.hi; hc = c-hc; tc = C-hc; hy = u-y.hi; U = C * y.hi; hy = u-hy;
* ty = y.hi-hy; u = (((hc*hy-U)+hc*ty)+tc*hy)+tc*ty; c =
* ((((hi-U)-u)+lo)-C*y.lo)/y.hi; u = C+c;
* hi = u; lo = (C-u)+c; return this; }
public DoubleDouble ceil() {
if (isNaN()) {
return NaN;
final double fhi = Math.ceil(hi);
double flo = 0.0;
// Hi is already integral. Ceil the low word
if (fhi == hi) {
flo = Math.ceil(lo);
// do we need to renormalize here?
return new DoubleDouble(fhi, flo);
public DoubleDouble Ci() {
final DoubleDouble x = new DoubleDouble(this);
final DoubleDouble Ci = DoubleDouble.valueOf(0.0);
final DoubleDouble Si = DoubleDouble.valueOf(0.0);
cisia(x, Ci, Si);
return Ci;
public void cisia(DoubleDouble x, DoubleDouble Ci, DoubleDouble Si) {
// Purpose: Compute cosine and sine integrals Si(x) and
// Ci(x) (x >= 0)
// Input x: Argument of Ci(x) and Si(x)
// Output: Ci(x), Si(x)
final DoubleDouble bj[] = new DoubleDouble[101];
// Euler's constant
final DoubleDouble el = DoubleDouble
DoubleDouble x2;
DoubleDouble xr;
int k;
int m;
DoubleDouble xa1;
DoubleDouble xa0;
DoubleDouble xa;
DoubleDouble xs;
DoubleDouble xg1;
DoubleDouble xg2;
DoubleDouble xcs;
DoubleDouble xss;
DoubleDouble xf;
DoubleDouble xg;
int i1;
int i2;
DoubleDouble var1;
DoubleDouble var2;
x2 = x.multiply(x);
if (x.isZero()) {
Ci = DoubleDouble.valueOf(-1.0E300);
Si = DoubleDouble.valueOf(0.0);
} else if (x.le(DoubleDouble.valueOf(16.0))) {
xr = (DoubleDouble.valueOf(-0.25)).multiply(x2);
Ci = (el.add(x.log())).add(xr);
for (k = 2; k <= 40; k++) {
xr = ((((DoubleDouble.valueOf(-0.5)).multiply(xr))
.multiply(DoubleDouble.valueOf(k - 1)))
.divide(DoubleDouble.valueOf(k * k * (2 * k - 1)))).multiply(x2);
Ci = Ci.add(xr);
if ((xr.abs()).lt((Ci.abs()).multiply(DoubleDouble.valueOf(DoubleDouble.EPS)))) {
} // for (k = 2; k <= 40; k++)
xr = new DoubleDouble(x);
Si = new DoubleDouble(x);
for (k = 1; k <= 40; k++) {
xr = (((((DoubleDouble.valueOf(-0.5)).multiply(xr))
.multiply(DoubleDouble.valueOf(2 * k - 1))).divide(DoubleDouble.valueOf(k)))
.divide(DoubleDouble.valueOf(4 * k * k + 4 * k + 1))).multiply(x2);
Si = Si.add(xr);
if ((xr.abs()).lt((Si.abs()).multiply(DoubleDouble.valueOf(DoubleDouble.EPS)))) {
} // for (k = 1; k <= 40; k++)
} // else if x <= 16
else if (x.le(DoubleDouble.valueOf(32.0))) {
m = (((DoubleDouble.valueOf(47.2)).add((DoubleDouble.valueOf(0.82)).multiply(x)))
xa1 = DoubleDouble.valueOf(0.0);
xa0 = DoubleDouble.valueOf(1.0E-100);
for (k = m; k >= 1; k--) {
xa = ((((DoubleDouble.valueOf(4.0)).multiply(DoubleDouble.valueOf(k)))
bj[k - 1] = new DoubleDouble(xa);
xa1 = new DoubleDouble(xa0);
xa0 = new DoubleDouble(xa);
} // for (k = m; k >= 1; k--)
xs = new DoubleDouble(bj[0]);
for (k = 2; k <= m; k += 2) {
xs = xs.add((DoubleDouble.valueOf(2.0)).multiply(bj[k]));
bj[0] = bj[0].divide(xs);
for (k = 1; k <= m; k++) {
bj[k] = bj[k].divide(xs);
xr = DoubleDouble.valueOf(1.0);
xg1 = new DoubleDouble(bj[0]);
for (k = 1; k <= m; k++) {
i1 = (2 * k - 1) * (2 * k - 1);
var1 = DoubleDouble.valueOf(i1);
i2 = k * (2 * k + 1) * (2 * k + 1);
var2 = DoubleDouble.valueOf(i2);
xr = ((((DoubleDouble.valueOf(0.25)).multiply(xr)).multiply(var1)).divide(var2))
xg1 = xg1.add(bj[k].multiply(xr));
xr = DoubleDouble.valueOf(1.0);
xg2 = new DoubleDouble(bj[0]);
for (k = 1; k <= m; k++) {
i1 = (2 * k - 3) * (2 * k - 3);
var1 = DoubleDouble.valueOf(i1);
i2 = k * (2 * k - 1) * (2 * k - 1);
var2 = DoubleDouble.valueOf(i2);
xr = ((((DoubleDouble.valueOf(0.25)).multiply(xr)).multiply(var1)).divide(var2))
xg2 = xg2.add(bj[k].multiply(xr));
xcs = ((DoubleDouble.valueOf(0.5)).multiply(x)).cos();
xss = ((DoubleDouble.valueOf(0.5)).multiply(x)).sin();
Ci = (((el.add(x.log())).subtract((x.multiply(xss)).multiply(xg1)))
Si = (((x.multiply(xcs)).multiply(xg1))
} // else if x <= 32
else {
xr = DoubleDouble.valueOf(1.0);
xf = DoubleDouble.valueOf(1.0);
for (k = 1; k <= 9; k++) {
i1 = k * (2 * k - 1);
var1 = DoubleDouble.valueOf(i1);
xr = (((DoubleDouble.valueOf(-2.0)).multiply(xr)).multiply(var1)).divide(x2);
xf = xf.add(xr);
xr = x.reciprocal();
xg = new DoubleDouble(xr);
for (k = 1; k <= 8; k++) {
i1 = (2 * k + 1) * k;
var1 = DoubleDouble.valueOf(i1);
xr = (((DoubleDouble.valueOf(-2.0)).multiply(xr)).multiply(var1)).divide(x2);
xg = xg.add(xr);
Ci = ((xf.multiply(x.sin())).divide(x)).subtract((xg.multiply(x.cos())).divide(x));
Si = (DoubleDouble.PI_2.subtract((xf.multiply(x.cos())).divide(x)))
public int compareTo(DoubleDouble other) {
if (hi < other.hi) {
return -1;
if (hi > other.hi) {
return 1;
if (lo < other.lo) {
return -1;
if (lo > other.lo) {
return 1;
return 0;
public DoubleDouble cos() {
boolean negate = false;
// Return the cosine of a DoubleDouble number
if (isNaN()) {
return NaN;
DoubleDouble twoPIFullTimes;
DoubleDouble twoPIremainder;
if ((this.abs()).gt(TWO_PI)) {
twoPIFullTimes = (this.divide(TWO_PI)).trunc();
twoPIremainder = this.subtract(TWO_PI.multiply(twoPIFullTimes));
} else {
twoPIremainder = this;
if ( {
twoPIremainder = twoPIremainder.subtract(PI);
negate = true;
} else if ( {
twoPIremainder = twoPIremainder.add(PI);
negate = true;
final DoubleDouble msquare = (twoPIremainder.multiply(twoPIremainder)).negate();
DoubleDouble s = DoubleDouble.valueOf(1.0);
DoubleDouble sOld;
DoubleDouble t = DoubleDouble.valueOf(1.0);
double n = 0.0;
do {
n += 1.0;
t = t.divide(DoubleDouble.valueOf(n));
n += 1.0;
t = t.divide(DoubleDouble.valueOf(n));
t = t.multiply(msquare);
sOld = s;
s = s.add(t);
} while (;
if (negate) {
s = s.negate();
return s;
public DoubleDouble cosh() {
// Return the cosh of a DoubleDouble number
if (isNaN()) {
return NaN;
final DoubleDouble square = this.multiply(this);
DoubleDouble s = DoubleDouble.valueOf(1.0);
DoubleDouble sOld;
DoubleDouble t = DoubleDouble.valueOf(1.0);
double n = 0.0;
do {
n += 1.0;
t = t.divide(DoubleDouble.valueOf(n));
n += 1.0;
t = t.divide(DoubleDouble.valueOf(n));
t = t.multiply(square);
sOld = s;
s = s.add(t);
} while (;
return s;
public DoubleDouble divide(DoubleDouble y) {
double hc, tc, hy, ty, C, c, U, u;
C = hi / y.hi;
c = SPLIT * C;
hc = c - C;
u = SPLIT * y.hi;
hc = c - hc;
tc = C - hc;
hy = u - y.hi;
U = C * y.hi;
hy = u - hy;
ty = y.hi - hy;
u = (((hc * hy - U) + hc * ty) + tc * hy) + tc * ty;
c = ((((hi - U) - u) + lo) - C * y.lo) / y.hi;
u = C + c;
final double zhi = u;
final double zlo = (C - u) + c;
return new DoubleDouble(zhi, zlo);
public double doubleValue() {
return hi + lo;
public String dump() {
return "DD<" + hi + ", " + lo + ">";
public DoubleDouble exp() {
boolean invert = false;
// Return the exponential of a DoubleDouble number
if (isNaN()) {
return NaN;
if (doubleValue() > 690) {
return DoubleDouble.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
if (doubleValue() < -690) {
return DoubleDouble.ZERO;
DoubleDouble x = this;
if ( {
// Much greater precision if all numbers in the series have the same
// sign.
x = x.negate();
invert = true;
DoubleDouble s = (DoubleDouble.valueOf(1.0)).add(x);
DoubleDouble sOld;
DoubleDouble t = new DoubleDouble(x);
double n = 1.0;
do {
n += 1.0;
t = t.divide(DoubleDouble.valueOf(n));
t = t.multiply(x);
sOld = s;
s = s.add(t);
} while (;
if (invert) {
s = s.reciprocal();
return s;
private String extractSignificantDigits(boolean insertDecimalPoint, int[] magnitude) {
DoubleDouble y = this.abs();
// compute *correct* magnitude of y
int mag = magnitude(y.hi);
final DoubleDouble scale = TEN.pow(mag);
y = y.divide(scale);
// fix magnitude if off by one
if ( {
y = y.divide(TEN);
mag += 1;
} else if ( {
y = y.multiply(TEN);
mag -= 1;
final int decimalPointPos = mag + 1;
final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
final int numDigits = MAX_PRINT_DIGITS - 1;
for (int i = 0; i <= numDigits; i++) {
if (insertDecimalPoint && i == decimalPointPos) {
final int digit = (int) y.hi;
if (digit < 0) {
boolean rebiasBy10 = false;
char digitChar;
if (digit > 9) {
// set flag to re-bias after next 10-shift
rebiasBy10 = true;
// output digit will end up being '9'
digitChar = '9';
} else {
digitChar = (char) ('0' + digit);
y = y.subtract(DoubleDouble.valueOf(digit).multiply(TEN));
if (rebiasBy10) {
boolean continueExtractingDigits = true;
final int remMag = magnitude(y.hi);
if (remMag < 0 && Math.abs(remMag) >= (numDigits - i)) {
continueExtractingDigits = false;
if (!continueExtractingDigits) {
magnitude[0] = mag;
return buf.toString();
public DoubleDouble factorial(int fac) {
DoubleDouble prod;
if (fac < 0) {
return NaN;
if ((fac >= 0) && (fac <= 1)) {
return DoubleDouble.valueOf(1.0);
prod = DoubleDouble.valueOf(fac--);
while (fac > 1) {
prod = prod.multiply(DoubleDouble.valueOf(fac--));
return prod;
public DoubleDouble floor() {
if (isNaN()) {
return NaN;
final double fhi = Math.floor(hi);
double flo = 0.0;
// Hi is already integral. Floor the low word
if (fhi == hi) {
flo = Math.floor(lo);
// do we need to renormalize here?
return new DoubleDouble(fhi, flo);
public boolean ge(DoubleDouble y) {
return (hi > y.hi) || (hi == y.hi && lo >= y.lo);
double getHighComponent() {
return hi;
double getLowComponent() {
return lo;
private String getSpecialNumberString() {
if (isZero()) {
return "0.0";
if (isNaN()) {
return "NaN ";
return null;
public boolean gt(DoubleDouble y) {
return (hi > y.hi) || (hi == y.hi && lo > y.lo);
private void init(double x) {
init(x, 0.0);
private void init(double hi, double lo) {
this.hi = hi;
this.lo = lo;
private void init(DoubleDouble dd) {
init(dd.hi, dd.lo);
public int intValue() {
return (int) hi;
public boolean isInfinite() {
return Double.isInfinite(hi);
public boolean isNaN() {
return Double.isNaN(hi);
public boolean isNegative() {
return hi < 0.0 || (hi == 0.0 && lo < 0.0);
public boolean isPositive() {
return hi > 0.0 || (hi == 0.0 && lo > 0.0);
public boolean isZero() {
return hi == 0.0 && lo == 0.0;
* Conversion Functions
public boolean le(DoubleDouble y) {
return (hi < y.hi) || (hi == y.hi && lo <= y.lo);
public DoubleDouble log() {
// Return the natural log of a DoubleDouble number
if (isNaN()) {
return NaN;
if (isZero()) {
if (isNegative()) {
return NaN;
DoubleDouble number = this;
int intPart = 0;
while ( {
number = number.divide(E);
while ( {
number = number.multiply(E);
final DoubleDouble num = number.subtract(DoubleDouble.valueOf(1.0));
final DoubleDouble denom = number.add(DoubleDouble.valueOf(1.0));
final DoubleDouble ratio = num.divide(denom);
final DoubleDouble ratioSquare = ratio.multiply(ratio);
DoubleDouble s = DoubleDouble.valueOf(2.0).multiply(ratio);
DoubleDouble sOld;
DoubleDouble t = new DoubleDouble(s);
DoubleDouble w;
double n = 1.0;
do {
n += 2.0;
t = t.multiply(ratioSquare);
w = t.divide(DoubleDouble.valueOf(n));
sOld = s;
s = s.add(w);
} while (;
return s.add(DoubleDouble.valueOf(intPart));
* Predicates
public boolean lt(DoubleDouble y) {
return (hi < y.hi) || (hi == y.hi && lo < y.lo);
public DoubleDouble max(DoubleDouble x) {
if ( {
return this;
} else {
return x;
public DoubleDouble min(DoubleDouble x) {
if (this.le(x)) {
return this;
} else {
return x;
public DoubleDouble multiply(DoubleDouble y) {
if (isNaN()) {
return this;
if (y.isNaN()) {
return y;
return (new DoubleDouble(this)).selfMultiply(y);
public boolean ne(DoubleDouble y) {
return hi != y.hi || lo != y.lo;
public DoubleDouble negate() {
if (isNaN()) {
return this;
return new DoubleDouble(-hi, -lo);
public DoubleDouble pow(double x) {
boolean invert = false;
if (Double.isNaN(x)) {
return NaN;
if (Double.isInfinite(x)) {
return NaN;
if (isNaN()) {
return NaN;
if (x == 0.0) {
return valueOf(1.0);
if (isZero()) {
return NaN;
if (isNegative()) {
return NaN;
final DoubleDouble loga = this.log();
DoubleDouble base = DoubleDouble.valueOf(x).multiply(loga);
if ( {
// Much greater precision if all numbers in the series have the same
// sign.
base = base.negate();
invert = true;
DoubleDouble s = DoubleDouble.valueOf(1.0).add(base);
DoubleDouble sOld;
DoubleDouble t = new DoubleDouble(base);
double n = 1.0;
do {
n += 1.0;
t = t.divide(DoubleDouble.valueOf(n));
t = t.multiply(base);
sOld = s;
s = s.add(t);
} while (;
if (invert) {
s = s.reciprocal();
return s;
public DoubleDouble pow(DoubleDouble x) {
boolean invert = false;
if (x.isNaN()) {
return NaN;
if (x.isInfinite()) {
return NaN;
if (isNaN()) {
return NaN;
if (x.isZero()) {
return valueOf(1.0);
if (isZero()) {
return NaN;
if (isNegative()) {
return NaN;
final DoubleDouble loga = this.log();
DoubleDouble base = x.multiply(loga);
if ( {
// Much greater precision if all numbers in the series have the same
// sign.
base = base.negate();
invert = true;
DoubleDouble s = DoubleDouble.valueOf(1.0).add(base);
DoubleDouble sOld;
DoubleDouble t = new DoubleDouble(base);
double n = 1.0;
do {
n += 1.0;
t = t.divide(DoubleDouble.valueOf(n));
t = t.multiply(base);
sOld = s;
s = s.add(t);
} while (;
if (invert) {
s = s.reciprocal();
return s;
public DoubleDouble pow(int exp) {
if (exp == 0.0) {
return valueOf(1.0);
DoubleDouble r = new DoubleDouble(this);
DoubleDouble s = valueOf(1.0);
int n = Math.abs(exp);
if (n > 1) {
/* Use binary exponentiation */
while (n > 0) {
if (n % 2 == 1) {
n /= 2;
if (n > 0) {
r = r.sqr();
} else {
s = r;
/* Compute the reciprocal if n is negative. */
if (exp < 0) {
return s.reciprocal();
return s;
public DoubleDouble reciprocal() {
double hc, tc, hy, ty, bigC, c, bigU, u;
bigC = 1.0 / hi;
c = SPLIT * bigC;
hc = c - bigC;
u = SPLIT * hi;
hc = c - hc;
tc = bigC - hc;
hy = u - hi;
bigU = bigC * hi;
hy = u - hy;
ty = hi - hy;
u = (((hc * hy - bigU) + hc * ty) + tc * hy) + tc * ty;
c = (((1.0 - bigU) - u) - bigC * lo) / hi;
final double zhi = bigC + c;
final double zlo = (bigC - zhi) + c;
return new DoubleDouble(zhi, zlo);
public DoubleDouble rint() {
if (isNaN()) {
return this;
// may not be 100% correct
final DoubleDouble plus5 = this.add(new DoubleDouble(0.5));
return plus5.floor();
private DoubleDouble selfAdd(DoubleDouble y) {
double bigH, h, bigT, t, bigS, s, e, f;
bigS = hi + y.hi;
bigT = lo + y.lo;
e = bigS - hi;
f = bigT - lo;
s = bigS - e;
t = bigT - f;
s = (y.hi - e) + (hi - s);
t = (y.lo - f) + (lo - t);
e = s + bigT;
bigH = bigS + e;
h = e + (bigS - bigH);
e = t + h;
final double zhi = bigH + e;
final double zlo = e + (bigH - zhi);
hi = zhi;
lo = zlo;
return this;
* Output
private DoubleDouble selfMultiply(DoubleDouble y) {
double hx, tx, hy, ty, bigC, c;
bigC = SPLIT * hi;
hx = bigC - hi;
c = SPLIT * y.hi;
hx = bigC - hx;
tx = hi - hx;
hy = c - y.hi;
bigC = hi * y.hi;
hy = c - hy;
ty = y.hi - hy;
c = ((((hx * hy - bigC) + hx * ty) + tx * hy) + tx * ty) + (hi * y.lo + lo * y.hi);
final double zhi = bigC + c;
hx = bigC - zhi;
final double zlo = c + hx;
hi = zhi;
lo = zlo;
return this;
public DoubleDouble si() {
final DoubleDouble x = new DoubleDouble(this);
final DoubleDouble ci = DoubleDouble.valueOf(0.0);
final DoubleDouble si = DoubleDouble.valueOf(0.0);
cisia(x, ci, si);
return si;
public int signum() {
if (isPositive()) {
return 1;
if (isNegative()) {
return -1;
return 0;
public DoubleDouble sin() {
boolean negate = false;
// Return the sine of a DoubleDouble number
if (isNaN()) {
return NaN;
DoubleDouble twoPIFullTimes;
DoubleDouble twoPIremainder;
if ((this.abs()).gt(TWO_PI)) {
twoPIFullTimes = (this.divide(TWO_PI)).trunc();
twoPIremainder = this.subtract(TWO_PI.multiply(twoPIFullTimes));
} else {
twoPIremainder = this;
if ( {
twoPIremainder = twoPIremainder.subtract(PI);
negate = true;
} else if ( {
twoPIremainder = twoPIremainder.add(PI);
negate = true;
final DoubleDouble msquare = (twoPIremainder.multiply(twoPIremainder)).negate();
DoubleDouble s = new DoubleDouble(twoPIremainder);
DoubleDouble sOld;
DoubleDouble t = new DoubleDouble(twoPIremainder);
double n = 1.0;
do {
n += 1.0;
t = t.divide(DoubleDouble.valueOf(n));
n += 1.0;
t = t.divide(DoubleDouble.valueOf(n));
t = t.multiply(msquare);
sOld = s;
s = s.add(t);
} while (;
if (negate) {
s = s.negate();
return s;
public DoubleDouble sinh() {
// Return the sinh of a DoubleDouble number
if (isNaN()) {
return NaN;
final DoubleDouble square = this.multiply(this);
DoubleDouble s = new DoubleDouble(this);
DoubleDouble sOld;
DoubleDouble t = new DoubleDouble(this);
double n = 1.0;
do {
n += 1.0;
t = t.divide(DoubleDouble.valueOf(n));
n += 1.0;
t = t.divide(DoubleDouble.valueOf(n));
t = t.multiply(square);
sOld = s;
s = s.add(t);
} while (;
return s;
public DoubleDouble sqr() {
return this.multiply(this);
public DoubleDouble sqrt() {
* Strategy: Use Karp's trick: if x is an approximation to sqrt(a), then
* sqrt(a) = a*x + [a - (a*x)^2] * x / 2 (approx)
* The approximation is accurate to twice the accuracy of x. Also, the
* multiplication (a*x) and [-]*x can be done with only half the
* precision.
if (isZero()) {
return new DoubleDouble(0.0);
if (isNegative()) {
return NaN;
final double x = 1.0 / Math.sqrt(hi);
final double ax = hi * x;
final DoubleDouble axdd = new DoubleDouble(ax);
final DoubleDouble diffSq = this.subtract(axdd.sqr());
final double d2 = diffSq.hi * (x * 0.5);
return axdd.add(new DoubleDouble(d2));
public DoubleDouble subtract(DoubleDouble y) {
if (isNaN()) {
return this;
return add(y.negate());
public DoubleDouble tan() {
// Return the tangent of a DoubleDouble number
if (isNaN()) {
return NaN;
DoubleDouble piFullTimes;
DoubleDouble piRemainder;
if ((this.abs()).gt(PI)) {
piFullTimes = (this.divide(PI)).trunc();
piRemainder = this.subtract(PI.multiply(piFullTimes));
} else {
piRemainder = this;
if ( {
piRemainder = piRemainder.subtract(PI);
} else if ( {
piRemainder = piRemainder.add(PI);
if (piRemainder.equals(PI_2)) {
} else if (piRemainder.equals(PI_2.negate())) {
int twon;
DoubleDouble twotwon;
DoubleDouble twotwonm1;
final DoubleDouble square = piRemainder.multiply(piRemainder);
DoubleDouble s = new DoubleDouble(piRemainder);
DoubleDouble sOld;
DoubleDouble t = new DoubleDouble(piRemainder);
int n = 1;
do {
twon = 2 * n;
t = t.divide(factorial(twon));
twotwon = (DoubleDouble.valueOf(2.0)).pow(twon);
twotwonm1 = twotwon.subtract(DoubleDouble.valueOf(1.0));
t = t.multiply(twotwon);
t = t.multiply(twotwonm1);
t = t.multiply(BernoulliB(n));
t = t.multiply(square);
sOld = s;
s = s.add(t);
} while (;
return s;
public String toSciNotation() {
// special case zero, to allow as
if (isZero()) {
return SCI_NOT_ZERO;
final String specialStr = getSpecialNumberString();
if (specialStr != null) {
return specialStr;
final int[] magnitude = new int[1];
final String digits = extractSignificantDigits(false, magnitude);
final String expStr = SCI_NOT_EXPONENT_CHAR + magnitude[0];
// should never have leading zeroes
// MD - is this correct? Or should we simply strip them if they are
// present?
if (digits.charAt(0) == '0') {
throw new IllegalStateException("Found leading zero: " + digits);
// add decimal point
String trailingDigits = "";
if (digits.length() > 1) {
trailingDigits = digits.substring(1);
final String digitsWithDecimal = digits.charAt(0) + "." + trailingDigits;
if (this.isNegative()) {
return "-" + digitsWithDecimal + expStr;
return digitsWithDecimal + expStr;
* Input
public String toStandardNotation() {
final String specialStr = getSpecialNumberString();
if (specialStr != null) {
return specialStr;
final int[] magnitude = new int[1];
final String sigDigits = extractSignificantDigits(true, magnitude);
final int decimalPointPos = magnitude[0] + 1;
String num = sigDigits;
// add a leading 0 if the decimal point is the first char
if (sigDigits.charAt(0) == '.') {
num = "0" + sigDigits;
} else if (decimalPointPos < 0) {
num = "0." + stringOfChar('0', -decimalPointPos) + sigDigits;
} else if (sigDigits.indexOf('.') == -1) {
// no point inserted - sig digits must be smaller than magnitude of
// number
// add zeroes to end to make number the correct size
final int numZeroes = decimalPointPos - sigDigits.length();
final String zeroes = stringOfChar('0', numZeroes);
num = sigDigits + zeroes + ".0";
if (this.isNegative()) {
return "-" + num;
return num;
public String toString() {
// final int mag = magnitude(hi);
// if (mag >= -3 && mag <= 20) {
// return toStandardNotation();
// } else if ((mag <= -301) || (mag >= 301)) {
// return String.valueOf(hi);
// }
// return toSciNotation();
return Double.toString(doubleValue());
public DoubleDouble trunc() {
if (isNaN()) {
return NaN;
if (isPositive()) {
return floor();
} else {
return ceil();
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hashCode(hi, lo);
public boolean equals(Object object) {
if (object instanceof DoubleDouble) {
DoubleDouble that = (DoubleDouble) object;
return DoubleMath.fuzzyEquals(hi, that.hi, 1E-12) && DoubleMath
.fuzzyEquals(lo, that.lo, 1E-12);
return false;
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